Ejemplo n.º 1
    def shaking(self, par: Any, result: Result):
        """Scheduler method that performs shaking by randomly assigning a different color
        to 'par' many random vertices that are involved in conflicts.

        under_conflict = []
        result.changed = False

        for u in range(len(self.x)):
            for v in self.inst.graph.adj[u]:
                if self.x[u] == self.x[v]:
                    # Conflict found

        for _ in range(par):
            if len(under_conflict) == 0:

            u = np.random.choice(under_conflict)
            # Pick random color (different from current)
            rand_col = np.random.randint(0, self.inst.colors - 1)

            if rand_col >= self.x[u]:
                rand_col += 1

            self.x[u] = rand_col
            result.changed = True

            # Prevent this vertex from getting changed again
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def local_improve(self, _par: Any, result: Result):
     """Scheduler method that performs one iteration of a local search following a first improvement strategy.
     The neighborhood used is defined by all solutions that can be created by changing the color
     of a vertex involved in a conflict.
     n = len(self.x)
     order = np.arange(n)
     for p in order:
         nbh_col = {}
         for col in range(self.inst.colors):
             nbh_col[col] = 0
         for adj in self.inst.graph.adj[p]:
             nbh_col[self.x[adj]] += 1
         old_col = self.x[p]
         if nbh_col[old_col] > 0:
             # violation found
             for new_col in range(self.inst.colors):
                 if nbh_col[new_col] < nbh_col[old_col]:
                     # Possible improvement found
                     self.x[p] = new_col
                     self.obj_val -= nbh_col[old_col]
                     self.obj_val += nbh_col[new_col]
                     result.changed = True
     result.changed = False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __new__(cls,
                sol: Solution,
                meths_ch: List[Method],
                own_settings: dict = None):
        """Create population of mh_pop_size solutions using the list of construction heuristics if given.

        If sol is None or no constructors are given, the population is initialized empty.
        sol itself is just used as template for obtaining further solutions.
        own_settings = OwnSettings(own_settings) if own_settings else settings
        size = own_settings.mh_pop_size
        obj = super(Population, cls).__new__(cls, size, Solution)
        obj.own_settings = own_settings
        if sol is not None and meths_ch:
            # cycle through construction heuristics to generate population
            # perform all construction heuristics, take best solution
            meths_cycle = cycle(meths_ch)
            idx = 0
            while idx < size:
                m = next(meths_cycle)
                sol = sol.copy()
                res = Result()
                m.func(sol, m.par, res)
                if own_settings.mh_pop_dupelim and obj.duplicates_of(
                        sol) != []:
                    continue  # do not add this duplicate
                obj[idx] = sol
                if res.terminate:
                idx += 1
        return obj
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def perform_method_pair_in_worker(params: Tuple[Method, Method, Solution])\
         -> Tuple[Method, Method, Solution, Result, TObj, float, float]:
     """Performs the given destroy and repair operator pair on the given solution in a worker process."""
     destroy, repair, sol = params
     res = Result()
     obj_old = sol.obj()
     t_start = time.process_time()
     destroy.func(sol, destroy.par, res)
     t_destroyed = time.process_time()
     repair.func(sol, repair.par, res)
     t_end = time.process_time()
     return destroy, repair, sol, res, obj_old, t_destroyed - t_start, t_end - t_destroyed
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def local_improve(self, _par: Any, result: Result):
     """Scheduler method that performs one iteration of the exchange neighborhood."""
     if not self.two_exchange_random_fill_neighborhood_search(False):
         result.changed = False