Ejemplo n.º 1
 def parseInt(self, text, base):
     Extracts an integer from a string. Parses a string to find the first set of characters, in a specified base, that can be converted to an integer, and returns that integer, or NaN if it does not encounter characters that it can convert to a number. 
     :param text: The string from which to extract an integer.
     :param base: The base of the string to parse (from base 2 to base 36). If not supplied, base is determined by the format of string.
     :type text: str
     :type base: float
         text, str, 'arg "text" of function "StartVars.parseInt"')
         base, float, 'arg "base" of function "StartVars.parseInt"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("parseInt({}, {})".format(
         _format_object_to_es(text), _format_object_to_es(base)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setDefaultXMLNamespace(self, ns):
     Defines the default XML namespace. This is a replacement function for the standard JavaScript statement set default xml namespace. 
     :param namespace: The namespace to use. Omit this parameter to return to the empty namespace. This is either a Namespace object or a string.
     :type ns: Namespace
     return _eval_on_global_object("setDefaultXMLNamespace({})".format(_format_object_to_es(ns)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def decodeURIComponent(self, uri):
     Decodes a string created with encodeURIComponent(). 
     :param uri: The text to decode.
     :type uri: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(uri, str, 'arg "uri" of function "StartVars.decodeURIComponent"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("decodeURIComponent({})".format(_format_object_to_es(uri)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def isXMLName(self, name):
     Returns true if the supplied string is a valid XML name. 
     :param name: The XML name to test.
     :type name: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(name, str, 'arg "name" of function "StartVars.isXMLName"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("isXMLName({})".format(_format_object_to_es(name)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def unescape(self, uri):
     Translates URL-encoded string into a regular string, and returns that string. Use the escape() global function to URL-encode strings. 
     :param stringExpression: The URL-encoded string to convert.
     :type uri: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(uri, str, 'arg "uri" of function "StartVars.unescape"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("unescape({})".format(_format_object_to_es(uri)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def parseFloat(self, txt):
     Extracts a floating-point number from a string. Parses a string to find the first set of characters that can be converted to a floating point number, and returns that number, or NaN if it does not encounter characters that it can converted to a number.The function supports exponential notation. 
     :param text: The string from which to extract a floating point number.
     :type txt: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(txt, str, 'arg "txt" of function "StartVars.parseFloat"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("parseFloat({})".format(_format_object_to_es(txt)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def isNaN(self, what):
     Evaluates an expression and reports whether the result is "Not-a-Number" (NaN). Returns true if the result of evaluation is not a number (NaN), false if the value is a number. 
     :param expression: Any valid JavaScript expression.
     :type what: float
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(what, float, 'arg "what" of function "StartVars.isNaN"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("isNaN({})".format(_format_object_to_es(what)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def isFinite(self, what):
     Evaluates an expression and reports whether the result is a finite number. Returns true if the expression is a finite number, false otherwise. False if the value is infinity or negative infinity. 
     :param expression: Any valid JavaScript expression.
     :type what: float
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(what, float, 'arg "what" of function "StartVars.isFinite"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("isFinite({})".format(_format_object_to_es(what)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def uneval(self, what):
     Creates a source code representation of the supplied argument, and returns it as a string. 
     :param what: The object to uneval.
     :type what: any
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(what, any, 'arg "what" of function "StartVars.uneval"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("uneval({})".format(_format_object_to_es(what)))
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def eval(self, source):
     Evaluates its argument as a JavaScript script, and returns the result of evaluation. You can pass the result of an object's toSource() method to reconstruct that object. 
     :param stringExpression: The string to evaluate.
     :type source: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(source, str, 'arg "source" of function "StartVars.eval"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("eval({})".format(_format_object_to_es(source)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def escape(self, text):
     Creates a URL-encoded string from aString. In the new string, characters of aString that require URL encoding are replaced with the format %xx, where xx is the hexadecimal value of the character code in the Unicode character set.This format is used to transmit information appended to a URL during, for example, execution of the GET method.Use the unescape() global function to translate the string back into its original format. Returns a string which is aString URL-encoded. 
     :param aString: The string to be encoded.
     :type text: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(text, str, 'arg "text" of function "StartVars.escape"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("escape({})".format(_format_object_to_es(text)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def encodeURIComponent(self, text):
     Encodes a string after RFC2396. Create an UTF-8 ASCII encoded version of this string. The string is converted into UTF-8. Every non-alphanumeric character is encoded as a percent escape character of the form %xx, where xx is the hex value of the character. After the conversion to UTF-8 encoding and escaping, it is guaranteed that the string does not contain characters codes greater than 127. The list of characters not to be encoded is -_.!~'(). The method returns false on errors. 
     :param text: The text to encode.
     :type text: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(text, str, 'arg "text" of function "StartVars.encodeURIComponent"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("encodeURIComponent({})".format(_format_object_to_es(text)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def localize(self, what):
     Localizes a ZString-encoded string and merges additional arguments into the string. 
     :param what: The string to localize. A ZString-encoded string that can contain placeholder for additional arguments in the form %1 to %n.
     :param arguments: Optional argument(s) to be merged into the string. There may be more than one argument.
     :type what: any
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(what, any, 'arg "what" of function "StartVars.localize"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("localize({})".format(_format_object_to_es(what)))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def prompt(self, prompt):
     Displays a dialog allowing the user to enter text Returns null if the user cancelled the dialog, the text otherwise 
     :param prompt: The text to display
     :param default_: The default text to preset the edit field with
     :param title: The title of the dialog;
     :type prompt: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(prompt, str, 'arg "prompt" of function "StartVars.prompt"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("prompt({})".format(_format_object_to_es(prompt)))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def confirm(self, prompt):
     Displays an alert box with Yes and No buttons; returns true for Yes 
     :param message: The text to display
     :param noAsDefault: Set to true to set the No button as the default button
     :param title: The title of the alert; ignored on the Macintosh
     :type prompt: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(prompt, str, 'arg "prompt" of function "StartVars.confirm"')
     return _eval_on_global_object("confirm({})".format(_format_object_to_es(prompt)))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def alert(self, prompt):
     Displays an alert box 
     :param message: The text to display
     :param title: The title of the alert; ignored on the Macintosh
     :param errorIcon: Display an Error icon; ignored on the Macintosh
     :type prompt: str
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(prompt, str, 'arg "prompt" of function "StartVars.alert"')
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def NaN(self, NaN):
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(NaN, float, 'StartVars.NaN')
     _eval_on_global_object("NaN = {}".format(_format_object_to_es(NaN)))
     self.__NaN = NaN
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def Infinity(self, Infinity):
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(Infinity, float, 'StartVars.Infinity')
     _eval_on_global_object("Infinity = {}".format(
     self.__Infinity = Infinity
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def JSON(self, JSON):
     _eval_on_global_object("JSON = {}".format(_format_object_to_es(JSON)))
     self.__JSON = JSON
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def undefined(self, undefined):
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(undefined, None, 'StartVars.undefined')
     _eval_on_global_object("undefined = {}".format(
     self.__undefined = undefined
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def f(self, f):
     PymiereBaseObject._check_type(f, File, 'StartVars.f')
     _eval_on_global_object("f = {}".format(_format_object_to_es(f)))
     self.__f = f
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def CCXHostBridge(self, CCXHostBridge):
     _eval_on_global_object("CCXHostBridge = {}".format(
     self.__CCXHostBridge = CCXHostBridge
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def PHXSBridge(self, PHXSBridge):
     _eval_on_global_object("PHXSBridge = {}".format(
     self.__PHXSBridge = PHXSBridge
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def AEFTBridge(self, AEFTBridge):
     _eval_on_global_object("AEFTBridge = {}".format(
     self.__AEFTBridge = AEFTBridge
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def premierepro13(self, premierepro13):
     _eval_on_global_object("premierepro13 = {}".format(
     self.__premierepro13 = premierepro13