Ejemplo n.º 1
 def find(self, *args, **kwargs):
     #if it's a single argument and a string, convert it to an objectid
     if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], basestring):
         args = ({u'_id': ObjectId(args[0])},)
     result = Collection.find(self, *args, **kwargs)
     return CSCursor(result)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def review_diff(self, new_list: List[JsonType],
                    old_mongo_collection: pymongo_collection.Collection,
                    has_error: bool) -> bool:
        """Review the difference between an old and new dataset."""

        if len(new_list) > 1000:
            return True

        old_list = list(old_mongo_collection.find())

        diff = _compute_diff(old_list, new_list)
        if not diff:
            self._print_in_report('The data is already up to date.')
            return not has_error

        if not has_error and self.flag_values.always_accept_diff:
            return True

        self._print(json.dumps(diff, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))
        if has_error:
            return True
        while True:
            # Needed as input() prompts to stderr and stderr might be captured,
            # e.g. by import_status subprocess.run(...).
            self._print('Do you approve this diff? Y/N ')
            answer = input('Do you approve this diff? Y/N ').upper()
            if answer == 'Y':
                return True
            if answer == 'N':
                return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _print_diff(
        self, new_list: list[JsonType],
        old_mongo_collection: pymongo_collection.Collection
    ) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
        """Print the difference between an old and new dataset.

        Returns: whether there is a diff to approve, and whether there is a diff to import.

        new_list_len = len(new_list)
        if new_list_len > 1000:
                f'Too many entries to diff ({new_list_len}).')
            return False, True

        old_list = list(old_mongo_collection.find())

        diff = _compute_diff(old_list, new_list)
        if not diff:
            self._print_in_report('The data is already up to date.')
            return False, False

        if not self.flag_values.always_accept_diff:
            self._print(json.dumps(diff, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))

        return True, True
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def  GetChangesByName(self, strName):
		dResult = dict()
			oChangesCollection = PymongoCollection(self.m_oDatabaseMongodb, "changes", False)
			dResult = oChangesCollection.find({'name': strName}, {'active':1, 'passive':1, '_id':0})[0]
		except Exception, exc:
			strErrorMsg = '%s.%s Error: %s - Line: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(exc), stack()[0][3], sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno) # give a error message
			Utilities.WriteErrorLog(strErrorMsg, self.m_oConfig)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def  SwitchChangesActive(self, strName, strActive, strPassive):
		bResult = False;

			oChangesCollection = PymongoCollection(self.m_oDatabaseMongodb, "changes", False)
			if oChangesCollection.find({'name': strName}).count() == 1:
				oChangesCollection.update({ 'name': strName },
										  { '$set': {'active': strPassive, 'passive': strActive} })
				bResult = True
		except Exception, exc:
			strErrorMsg = '%s.%s Error: %s - Line: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(exc), stack()[0][3], sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno) # give a error message
			Utilities.WriteErrorLog(strErrorMsg, self.m_oConfig)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_vm_by_vm_name_in_range(orch_vm_collection: collection.Collection, names: List, last_seen: datetime.datetime):
    Checks whether an agent is installed on which one of the VMs with the given names.
    example of last_seen = datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 1, 00, 00, 00)

    :param orch_vm_collection: orchestration_vm collection
    :param names: List of names of VMs to check
    :param last_seen: Datetime object representing the earliest time for the checked vm to be last seen
    :return: List of Cursors to records in the orchestration_vm collection that match the given criteria

    vm_agent = []

    for name in names:
        res = orch_vm_collection.find(
            {"name": name,
             "last_seen": {"$gt": last_seen}})

    return vm_agent
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def UpdatePhysicalServerInterface(self):
            dServerInfo = dict()
            # Connect to CMDBv2
            if self.IsConnectedToCMDBv2() is False:
                return 0

            oServerCollection = PymongoCollection(self.m_oDatabaseMongodb, CLT_SERVER, False)
            if oServerCollection is None:
                strErrorMsg = "Cannot connect to %s " % self.m_oConfig.CMDBv2Host
                Utilities.WriteErrorLog(strErrorMsg, self.m_oConfig)
                return 0

            dServerInfo = self.GetPhysicalServerInterfaceFromMDR()

            if len(dServerInfo) > 0:
                for strServerKey, dInterfaceInfo in dServerInfo.items():
                    oDataResult = oServerCollection.find({"code": strServerKey})

                    if Utilities.CheckExistence(oDataResult) is not False:
                            {"code": strServerKey},
                                "$set": {
                                    "private_interface": dInterfaceInfo["private"],
                                    "public_interface": dInterfaceInfo["public"],

        except Exception, exc:
            strErrorMsg = "%s.%s Error: %s - Line: %s" % (
            )  # give a error message
            Utilities.WriteErrorLog(strErrorMsg, self.m_oConfig)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def find_one(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return _Collection.find(self, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def loadStrategy(col: collection.Collection):
    records = list(col.find({"strategyId": {"$exists": 1}}, projection={"strategyId": 1, "_id": 0}))
    return [record["strategyId"] for record in records]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def find_one(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return _Collection.find(self, *args, **kwargs)