def __init__(self, master, slaves=[], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False):
        """Create a new Master-Slave connection.

        The resultant connection should be interacted with using the same
        mechanisms as a regular `MongoClient`. The `MongoClient` instances used
        to create this `MasterSlaveConnection` can themselves make use of
        connection pooling, etc. `MongoClient` instances used as slaves should
        be created with the read_preference option set to
        :attr:`~pymongo.read_preferences.ReadPreference.SECONDARY`. Write
        concerns are inherited from `master` and can be changed in this

        Raises TypeError if `master` is not an instance of `MongoClient` or
        slaves is not a list of at least one `MongoClient` instances.

          - `master`: `MongoClient` instance for the writable Master
          - `slaves`: list of `MongoClient` instances for the
            read-only slaves
          - `document_class` (optional): default class to use for
            documents returned from queries on this connection
          - `tz_aware` (optional): if ``True``,
            :class:`~datetime.datetime` instances returned as values
            in a document by this :class:`MasterSlaveConnection` will be timezone
            aware (otherwise they will be naive)
        if not isinstance(master, MongoClient):
            raise TypeError("master must be a MongoClient instance")
        if not isinstance(slaves, list) or len(slaves) == 0:
            raise TypeError("slaves must be a list of length >= 1")

        for slave in slaves:
            if not isinstance(slave, MongoClient):
                raise TypeError("slave %r is not an instance of MongoClient" %

            "MasterSlaveConnection is deprecated, and will be"
            " removed in PyMongo 3.0.",

        validate_boolean('tz_aware', tz_aware)
        codec_options = CodecOptions(document_class, tz_aware)

        self.__master = master
        self.__slaves = slaves
        self.__request_counter = thread_util.Counter(master.use_greenlets)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _test_counter(self, use_greenlets):
        counter = thread_util.Counter(use_greenlets)

        self.assertEqual(0, counter.dec())
        self.assertEqual(0, counter.get())
        self.assertEqual(0, counter.dec())
        self.assertEqual(0, counter.get())

        done = set()

        def f(n):
            for i in xrange(n):
                self.assertEqual(i, counter.get())
                self.assertEqual(i + 1,

            for i in xrange(n, 0, -1):
                self.assertEqual(i, counter.get())
                self.assertEqual(i - 1, counter.dec())

            self.assertEqual(0, counter.get())

            # Extra decrements have no effect
            self.assertEqual(0, counter.dec())
            self.assertEqual(0, counter.get())
            self.assertEqual(0, counter.dec())
            self.assertEqual(0, counter.get())


        if use_greenlets:
            greenlets = [
                greenlet.greenlet(my_partial(f, i)) for i in xrange(10)
            threads = [
                threading.Thread(target=my_partial(f, i)) for i in xrange(10)
            for t in threads:
            for t in threads:

        self.assertEqual(10, len(done))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,
          - `pair`: a (hostname, port) tuple
          - `max_size`: The maximum number of open sockets. Calls to
            `get_socket` will block if this is set, this pool has opened
            `max_size` sockets, and there are none idle. Set to `None` to
          - `net_timeout`: timeout in seconds for operations on open connection
          - `conn_timeout`: timeout in seconds for establishing connection
          - `use_ssl`: bool, if True use an encrypted connection
          - `use_greenlets`: bool, if True then start_request() assigns a
              socket to the current greenlet - otherwise it is assigned to the
              current thread
          - `ssl_keyfile`: The private keyfile used to identify the local
            connection against mongod.  If included with the ``certfile` then
            only the ``ssl_certfile`` is needed.  Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_certfile`: The certificate file used to identify the local
            connection against mongod. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_cert_reqs`: Specifies whether a certificate is required from
            the other side of the connection, and whether it will be validated
            if provided. It must be one of the three values ``ssl.CERT_NONE``
            (certificates ignored), ``ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL``
            (not required, but validated if provided), or ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED``
            (required and validated). If the value of this parameter is not
            ``ssl.CERT_NONE``, then the ``ssl_ca_certs`` parameter must point
            to a file of CA certificates. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_ca_certs`: The ca_certs file contains a set of concatenated
            "certification authority" certificates, which are used to validate
            certificates passed from the other end of the connection.
            Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `wait_queue_timeout`: (integer) How long (in seconds) a
            thread will wait for a socket from the pool if the pool has no
            free sockets.
          - `wait_queue_multiple`: (integer) Multiplied by max_pool_size to give
            the number of threads allowed to wait for a socket at one time.
        # Only check a socket's health with _closed() every once in a while.
        # Can override for testing: 0 to always check, None to never check.
        self._check_interval_seconds = 1

        self.sockets = set()
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

        # Keep track of resets, so we notice sockets created before the most
        # recent reset and close them.
        self.pool_id = 0 = os.getpid()
        self.pair = pair
        self.max_size = max_size
        self.net_timeout = net_timeout
        self.conn_timeout = conn_timeout
        self.wait_queue_timeout = wait_queue_timeout
        self.wait_queue_multiple = wait_queue_multiple
        self.use_ssl = use_ssl
        self.ssl_keyfile = ssl_keyfile
        self.ssl_certfile = ssl_certfile
        self.ssl_cert_reqs = ssl_cert_reqs
        self.ssl_ca_certs = ssl_ca_certs

        if HAS_SSL and use_ssl and not ssl_cert_reqs:
            self.ssl_cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE

        # Map self._ident.get() -> request socket
        self._tid_to_sock = {}

        if use_greenlets and not thread_util.have_gevent:
            raise ConfigurationError("The Gevent module is not available. "
                                     "Install the gevent package from PyPI.")

        self._ident = thread_util.create_ident(use_greenlets)

        # Count the number of calls to start_request() per thread or greenlet
        self._request_counter = thread_util.Counter(use_greenlets)

        if self.wait_queue_multiple is None or self.max_size is None:
            max_waiters = None
            max_waiters = self.max_size * self.wait_queue_multiple

        self._socket_semaphore = thread_util.create_semaphore(
            self.max_size, max_waiters, use_greenlets)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,
          - `pair`: a (hostname, port) tuple
          - `max_size`: The maximum number of open sockets. Calls to
            `get_socket` will block if this is set, this pool has opened
            `max_size` sockets, and there are none idle. Set to `None` to
          - `net_timeout`: timeout in seconds for operations on open connection
          - `conn_timeout`: timeout in seconds for establishing connection
          - `use_ssl`: bool, if True use an encrypted connection
          - `use_greenlets`: bool, if True then start_request() assigns a
              socket to the current greenlet - otherwise it is assigned to the
              current thread
          - `ssl_keyfile`: The private keyfile used to identify the local
            connection against mongod.  If included with the ``certfile` then
            only the ``ssl_certfile`` is needed.  Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_certfile`: The certificate file used to identify the local
            connection against mongod. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_cert_reqs`: Specifies whether a certificate is required from
            the other side of the connection, and whether it will be validated
            if provided. It must be one of the three values ``ssl.CERT_NONE``
            (certificates ignored), ``ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL``
            (not required, but validated if provided), or ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED``
            (required and validated). If the value of this parameter is not
            ``ssl.CERT_NONE``, then the ``ssl_ca_certs`` parameter must point
            to a file of CA certificates. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_ca_certs`: The ca_certs file contains a set of concatenated
            "certification authority" certificates, which are used to validate
            certificates passed from the other end of the connection.
            Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `wait_queue_timeout`: (integer) How long (in seconds) a
            thread will wait for a socket from the pool if the pool has no
            free sockets.
          - `wait_queue_multiple`: (integer) Multiplied by max_pool_size to give
            the number of threads allowed to wait for a socket at one time.
          - `socket_keepalive`: (boolean) Whether to send periodic keep-alive
            packets on connected sockets. Defaults to ``False`` (do not send
            keep-alive packets).
          - `ssl_match_hostname`: If ``True`` (the default), and
            `ssl_cert_reqs` is not ``ssl.CERT_NONE``, enables hostname
            verification using the :func:`~ssl.match_hostname` function from
            python's :mod:`~ssl` module. Think very carefully before setting
            this to ``False`` as that could make your application vulnerable to
            man-in-the-middle attacks.
        # Only check a socket's health with _closed() every once in a while.
        # Can override for testing: 0 to always check, None to never check.
        self._check_interval_seconds = 1

        self.sockets = set()
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

        # Keep track of resets, so we notice sockets created before the most
        # recent reset and close them.
        self.pool_id = 0 = os.getpid()
        self.pair = pair
        self.max_size = max_size
        self.net_timeout = net_timeout
        self.conn_timeout = conn_timeout
        self.wait_queue_timeout = wait_queue_timeout
        self.wait_queue_multiple = wait_queue_multiple
        self.socket_keepalive = socket_keepalive
        self.ssl_ctx = None
        self.ssl_match_hostname = ssl_match_hostname

        if HAS_SSL and use_ssl:
            # PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT added and PROTOCOL_SSLv23
            # deprecated in CPython 3.6
            self.ssl_ctx = _SSLContext(
                getattr(ssl, 'PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT', ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23))
            # SSLContext.check_hostname was added in 2.7.9 and 3.4. Using it
            # forces the use of SNI, which PyMongo 2.x doesn't support.
            # PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT enables this by default. Since we call
            # match_hostname directly disable this explicitly.
            if hasattr(self.ssl_ctx, "check_hostname"):
                self.ssl_ctx.check_hostname = False
            # load_cert_chain and load_verify_locations can fail
            # if the file contents are invalid.
            if ssl_certfile is not None:
                    self.ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain(ssl_certfile, ssl_keyfile)
                except ssl.SSLError:
            if ssl_ca_certs is not None:
                except ssl.SSLError:
            # PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT sets verify_mode to CERT_REQUIRED so
            # we always have to set this explicitly.
            if ssl_cert_reqs is not None:
                self.ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl_cert_reqs
                self.ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE

        # Map self._ident.get() -> request socket
        self._tid_to_sock = {}

        if use_greenlets and not thread_util.have_gevent:
            raise ConfigurationError("The Gevent module is not available. "
                                     "Install the gevent package from PyPI.")

        self._ident = thread_util.create_ident(use_greenlets)

        # Count the number of calls to start_request() per thread or greenlet
        self._request_counter = thread_util.Counter(use_greenlets)

        if self.wait_queue_multiple is None or self.max_size is None:
            max_waiters = None
            max_waiters = self.max_size * self.wait_queue_multiple

        self._socket_semaphore = thread_util.create_semaphore(
            self.max_size, max_waiters, use_greenlets)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, pair, max_size, net_timeout, conn_timeout, use_ssl,
                 use_greenlets, ssl_keyfile=None, ssl_certfile=None,
                 ssl_cert_reqs=None, ssl_ca_certs=None):
          - `pair`: a (hostname, port) tuple
          - `max_size`: approximate number of idle connections to keep open
          - `net_timeout`: timeout in seconds for operations on open connection
          - `conn_timeout`: timeout in seconds for establishing connection
          - `use_ssl`: bool, if True use an encrypted connection
          - `use_greenlets`: bool, if True then start_request() assigns a
              socket to the current greenlet - otherwise it is assigned to the
              current thread
          - `ssl_keyfile`: The private keyfile used to identify the local
            connection against mongod.  If included with the ``certfile` then
            only the ``ssl_certfile`` is needed.  Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_certfile`: The certificate file used to identify the local
            connection against mongod. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_cert_reqs`: Specifies whether a certificate is required from
            the other side of the connection, and whether it will be validated
            if provided. It must be one of the three values ``ssl.CERT_NONE``
            (certificates ignored), ``ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL``
            (not required, but validated if provided), or ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED``
            (required and validated). If the value of this parameter is not
            ``ssl.CERT_NONE``, then the ``ssl_ca_certs`` parameter must point
            to a file of CA certificates. Implies ``ssl=True``.
          - `ssl_ca_certs`: The ca_certs file contains a set of concatenated
            "certification authority" certificates, which are used to validate
            certificates passed from the other end of the connection.
            Implies ``ssl=True``.
        if use_greenlets and not thread_util.have_greenlet:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                "The greenlet module is not available. "
                "Install the greenlet package from PyPI."

        self.sockets = set()
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

        # Keep track of resets, so we notice sockets created before the most
        # recent reset and close them.
        self.pool_id = 0 = os.getpid()
        self.pair = pair
        self.max_size = max_size
        self.net_timeout = net_timeout
        self.conn_timeout = conn_timeout
        self.use_ssl = use_ssl
        self.ssl_keyfile = ssl_keyfile
        self.ssl_certfile = ssl_certfile
        self.ssl_cert_reqs = ssl_cert_reqs
        self.ssl_ca_certs = ssl_ca_certs

        if HAS_SSL and use_ssl and not ssl_cert_reqs:
            self.ssl_cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE

        self._ident = thread_util.create_ident(use_greenlets)

        # Map self._ident.get() -> request socket
        self._tid_to_sock = {}

        # Count the number of calls to start_request() per thread or greenlet
        self._request_counter = thread_util.Counter(use_greenlets)