Ejemplo n.º 1
def store_fundamentals(data, collection: pymongo.collection.Collection):
    if not data:

    for datum in data:
        if not datum:

        instrument_id = parse_instrument_url(datum["instrument"])
        doc = {**omit("instrument", datum), "instrument_id": instrument_id}

            collection.replace_one({"instrument_id": instrument_id}, doc, True)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error storing fundamentals: {e}")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_item(collection: pymongo.collection.Collection,
                model: Union[Type[BaseModel], Type[dict]],
                old_item_id: Union[UUID, str],
                new_item_obj: BaseModel,
                id_key: str = "id_",
                projection: dict = None,
                raise_exc: bool = True) -> BaseModelClass:
    Update an item in the collection

    :param collection: Collection to query
    :param model: Class which the JSON in the collection represents
    :param old_item_id: UUID or name of item to replace
    :param new_item_obj: Object to place in collection
    :param id_key: If the UUID is stored outside of id_, specify here
    :param projection: Filter to exclude from mongo query result
    :param raise_exc: Whether to raise exception if item is not found.
    :return: Updated object in collection
    old_item_obj = get_item(collection, model, old_item_id, projection=projection, id_key=id_key, raise_exc=False)
    if old_item_obj is None and raise_exc:
        raise problems.DoesNotExistException("update", model.__name__, old_item_id)

        setattr(new_item_obj, id_key, getattr(old_item_obj, id_key))

        r = collection.replace_one(mongo_filter(model, old_item_id, id_key=id_key), dict(new_item_obj))

        if r.acknowledged:
            return get_item(collection, model, getattr(old_item_obj, id_key), id_key=id_key, projection=projection,
    except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
        if raise_exc:
            id_name = f"{id_and_name(model, old_item_obj, id_key=id_key)} -> " \
                      f"{id_and_name(model, new_item_obj, id_key=id_key)}"
            raise problems.UniquenessException("update", model.__name__, id_name)