Ejemplo n.º 1
def mosek_options(overrides=None, ppopt=None):
    """Sets options for MOSEK.

    Inputs are all optional, second argument must be either a string
    (C{fname}) or a dict (C{ppopt}):

        - C{overrides}
            - dict containing values to override the defaults
            - C{fname} name of user-supplied function called after default
            options are set to modify them. Calling syntax is::
                modified_opt = fname(default_opt)
        - C{ppopt} PYPOWER options vector, uses the following entries:
            - C{OPF_VIOLATION} used to set opt.MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS
            - C{VERBOSE} not currently used here
            - C{MOSEK_LP_ALG} - used to set opt.MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER
            - C{MOSEK_MAX_IT} used to set opt.MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS
            - C{MOSEK_GAP_TOL} used to set opt.MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_REL_GAP
            - C{MOSEK_MAX_TIME} used to set opt.MSK_DPAR_OPTIMIZER_MAX_TIME
            - C{MOSEK_NUM_THREADS} used to set opt.MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_NUM_THREADS
            - C{MOSEK_OPT} user option file, if ppopt['MOSEK_OPT'] is non-zero
            it is appended to 'mosek_user_options_' to form
            the name of a user-supplied function used as C{fname}
            described above, except with calling syntax::
                modified_opt = fname(default_opt, ppopt)

    Output is a param dict to pass to MOSEKOPT.


    If PPOPT['MOSEK_OPT'] = 3, then after setting the default MOSEK options,
    L{mosek_options} will execute the following user-defined function
    to allow option overrides::

        opt = mosek_user_options_3(opt, ppopt)

    The contents of mosek_user_options_3.py, could be something like::

        def mosek_user_options_3(opt, ppopt):
            opt = {}
            opt.MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_DFEAS   = 1e-9
            opt.MSK_IPAR_SIM_MAX_ITERATIONS = 5000000
            return opt

    See the Parameters reference in Appix E of "The MOSEK
    optimization toolbox for MATLAB manaul" for
    details on the available options.


    @see: C{mosekopt}, L{ppoption}.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ##-----  initialization and arg handling  -----
    ## defaults
    verbose = 2
    gaptol  = 0
    fname   = ''

    ## get symbolic constant names
    r, res = mosekopt('symbcon echo(0)')
    sc = res['symbcon']

    ## second argument
    if ppopt == None:
        if isinstance(ppopt, basestring):        ## 2nd arg is FNAME (string)
            fname = ppopt
            have_ppopt = False
        else:                    ## 2nd arg is ppopt (MATPOWER options vector)
            have_ppopt = True
            verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']
            if ppopt['MOSEK_OPT']:
                fname = 'mosek_user_options_#d' # ppopt['MOSEK_OPT']
        have_ppopt = False

    opt = {}
    ##-----  set default options for MOSEK  -----
    ## solution algorithm
    if have_ppopt:
        alg = ppopt['MOSEK_LP_ALG']
        if alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_FREE'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_INTPNT'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_PRIMAL_SIMPLEX'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_DUAL_SIMPLEX'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_PRIMAL_DUAL_SIMPLEX'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_FREE_SIMPLEX'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_CONCURRENT']:
                opt['MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER'] = alg
            opt['MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER'] = sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_FREE'];

        ## (make default OPF_VIOLATION correspond to default MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS)
        opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS'] = ppopt['OPF_VIOLATION'] / 500
        if ppopt['MOSEK_MAX_IT']:
            opt['MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS'] = ppopt['MOSEK_MAX_IT']

        if ppopt['MOSEK_GAP_TOL']:
            opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_REL_GAP'] = ppopt['MOSEK_GAP_TOL']

        if ppopt['MOSEK_MAX_TIME']:
            opt['MSK_DPAR_OPTIMIZER_MAX_TIME'] = ppopt['MOSEK_MAX_TIME']

        if ppopt['MOSEK_NUM_THREADS']:

    # opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS'] = 1e-8       ## primal feasibility tol
    # opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_DFEAS'] = 1e-8       ## dual feasibility tol
    # opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_MU_RED'] = 1e-16     ## relative complementarity gap tol
    # opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_REL_GAP'] = 1e-8     ## relative gap termination tol
    # opt['MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS'] = 400   ## max iterations for int point
    # opt['MSK_IPAR_SIM_MAX_ITERATIONS'] = 10000000 ## max iterations for simplex
    # opt['MSK_DPAR_OPTIMIZER_MAX_TIME'] = -1       ## max time allowed (< 0 --> Inf)
    # opt['MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_NUM_THREADS'] = 1        ## number of threads

    # if verbose == 0:
    #     opt['MSK_IPAR_LOG'] = 0

    ##-----  call user function to modify defaults  -----
    if len(fname) > 0:
        if have_ppopt:
            opt = feval(fname, opt, ppopt)
            opt = feval(fname, opt)

    ##-----  apply overrides  -----
    if overrides is not None:
        names = overrides.keys()
        for k in range(len(names)):
            opt[names[k]] = overrides[names[k]]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def qps_mosek(H, c=None, A=None, l=None, u=None, xmin=None, xmax=None,
              x0=None, opt=None):
    """Quadratic Program Solver based on MOSEK.

    A wrapper function providing a PYPOWER standardized interface for using
    MOSEKOPT to solve the following QP (quadratic programming) problem::

        min 1/2 x'*H*x + c'*x

    subject to::

        l <= A*x <= u       (linear constraints)
        xmin <= x <= xmax   (variable bounds)

    Inputs (all optional except C{H}, C{C}, C{A} and C{L}):
        - C{H} : matrix (possibly sparse) of quadratic cost coefficients
        - C{C} : vector of linear cost coefficients
        - C{A, l, u} : define the optional linear constraints. Default
        values for the elements of L and U are -Inf and Inf, respectively.
        - xmin, xmax : optional lower and upper bounds on the
        C{x} variables, defaults are -Inf and Inf, respectively.
        - C{x0} : optional starting value of optimization vector C{x}
        - C{opt} : optional options structure with the following fields,
        all of which are also optional (default values shown in parentheses)
            - C{verbose} (0) - controls level of progress output displayed
                - 0 = no progress output
                - 1 = some progress output
                - 2 = verbose progress output
            - C{max_it} (0) - maximum number of iterations allowed
                - 0 = use algorithm default
            - C{mosek_opt} - options struct for MOSEK, values in
            C{verbose} and C{max_it} override these options
        - C{problem} : The inputs can alternatively be supplied in a single
        C{problem} struct with fields corresponding to the input arguments
        described above: C{H, c, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, x0, opt}

        - C{x} : solution vector
        - C{f} : final objective function value
        - C{exitflag} : exit flag
              - 1 = success
              - 0 = terminated at maximum number of iterations
              - -1 = primal or dual infeasible
              < 0 = the negative of the MOSEK return code
        - C{output} : output dict with the following fields:
            - C{r} - MOSEK return code
            - C{res} - MOSEK result dict
        - C{lmbda} : dict containing the Langrange and Kuhn-Tucker
        multipliers on the constraints, with fields:
            - C{mu_l} - lower (left-hand) limit on linear constraints
            - C{mu_u} - upper (right-hand) limit on linear constraints
            - C{lower} - lower bound on optimization variables
            - C{upper} - upper bound on optimization variables

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ##----- input argument handling  -----
    ## gather inputs
    if isinstance(H, dict):       ## problem struct
        p = H
    else:                                ## individual args
        p = {'H': H, 'c': c, 'A': A, 'l': l, 'u': u}
        if xmin is not None:
            p['xmin'] = xmin
        if xmax is not None:
            p['xmax'] = xmax
        if x0 is not None:
            p['x0'] = x0
        if opt is not None:
            p['opt'] = opt

    ## define nx, set default values for H and c
    if 'H' not in p or len(p['H']) or not any(any(p['H'])):
        if ('A' not in p) | len(p['A']) == 0 & \
                ('xmin' not in p) | len(p['xmin']) == 0 & \
                ('xmax' not in p) | len(p['xmax']) == 0:
            stderr.write('qps_mosek: LP problem must include constraints or variable bounds\n')
            if 'A' in p & len(p['A']) > 0:
                nx = shape(p['A'])[1]
            elif 'xmin' in p & len(p['xmin']) > 0:
                nx = len(p['xmin'])
            else:    # if isfield(p, 'xmax') && ~isempty(p.xmax)
                nx = len(p['xmax'])
        p['H'] = sparse((nx, nx))
        qp = 0
        nx = shape(p['H'])[0]
        qp = 1

    if 'c' not in p | len(p['c']) == 0:
        p['c'] = zeros(nx)

    if 'x0' not in p | len(p['x0']) == 0:
        p['x0'] = zeros(nx)

    ## default options
    if 'opt' not in p:
        p['opt'] = []

    if 'verbose' in p['opt']:
        verbose = p['opt']['verbose']
        verbose = 0

    if 'max_it' in p['opt']:
        max_it = p['opt']['max_it']
        max_it = 0

    if 'mosek_opt' in p['opt']:
        mosek_opt = mosek_options(p['opt']['mosek_opt'])
        mosek_opt = mosek_options()

    if max_it:
        mosek_opt['MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS'] = max_it

    if qp:
        mosek_opt['MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER'] = 0   ## default solver only for QP

    ## set up problem struct for MOSEK
    prob = {}
    prob['c'] = p['c']
    if qp:
        prob['qosubi'], prob['qosubj'], prob['qoval'] = find(tril(sparse(p['H'])))

    if 'A' in p & len(p['A']) > 0:
        prob['a'] = sparse(p['A'])

    if 'l' in p & len(p['A']) > 0:
        prob['blc'] = p['l']

    if 'u' in p & len(p['A']) > 0:
        prob['buc'] = p['u']

    if 'xmin' in p & len(p['xmin']) > 0:
        prob['blx'] = p['xmin']

    if 'xmax' in p & len(p['xmax']) > 0:
        prob['bux'] = p['xmax']

    ## A is not allowed to be empty
    if 'a' not in prob | len(prob['a']) == 0:
        unconstrained = True
        prob['a'] = sparse((1, (1, 1)), (1, nx))
        prob.blc = -Inf
        prob.buc =  Inf
        unconstrained = False

    ##-----  run optimization  -----
    if verbose:
        methods = [
            'interior point',
            'primal simplex',
            'dual simplex',
            'primal dual simplex',
            'automatic simplex',
        if len(H) == 0 or not any(any(H)):
            lpqp = 'LP'
            lpqp = 'QP'

        # (this code is also in mpver.m)
        # MOSEK Version (Build date: 2010-10-26 13:03:27)
        # MOSEK Version (Build date: 2011-3-17 10:46:54)
#        pat = 'Version (\.*\d)+.*Build date: (\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)';
        pat = 'Version (\.*\d)+.*Build date: (\d+-\d+-\d+)'
        s, e, tE, m, t = re.compile(eval('mosekopt'), pat)
        if len(t) == 0:
            vn = '<unknown>'
            vn = t[0][0]

        print('MOSEK Version %s -- %s %s solver\n' %
              (vn, methods[mosek_opt['MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER'] + 1], lpqp))

    cmd = 'minimize echo(%d)' % verbose
    r, res = mosekopt(cmd, prob, mosek_opt)

    ##-----  repackage results  -----
    if 'sol' in res:
        if 'bas' in res['sol']:
            sol = res['sol.bas']
            sol = res['sol.itr']
        x = sol['xx']
        sol = array([])
        x = array([])

    ##-----  process return codes  -----
    if 'symbcon' in res:
        sc = res['symbcon']
        r2, res2 = mosekopt('symbcon echo(0)')
        sc = res2['symbcon']

    eflag = -r
    msg = ''
    if r == sc.MSK_RES_OK:
        if len(sol) > 0:
#            if sol['solsta'] == sc.MSK_SOL_STA_OPTIMAL:
            if sol['solsta'] == 'OPTIMAL':
                msg = 'The solution is optimal.'
                eflag = 1
                eflag = -1
#                if sol['prosta'] == sc['MSK_PRO_STA_PRIM_INFEAS']:
                if sol['prosta'] == 'PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE':
                    msg = 'The problem is primal infeasible.'
#                elif sol['prosta'] == sc['MSK_PRO_STA_DUAL_INFEAS']:
                elif sol['prosta'] == 'DUAL_INFEASIBLE':
                    msg = 'The problem is dual infeasible.'
                    msg = sol['solsta']

    elif r == sc['MSK_RES_TRM_MAX_ITERATIONS']:
        eflag = 0
        msg = 'The optimizer terminated at the maximum number of iterations.'
        if 'rmsg' in res and 'rcodestr' in res:
            msg = '%s : %s' % (res['rcodestr'], res['rmsg'])
            msg = 'MOSEK return code = %d' % r

    ## always alert user if license is expired
    if (verbose or r == 1001) and len(msg) < 0:
        stdout.write('%s\n' % msg)

    ##-----  repackage results  -----
    if r == 0:
        f = p['c'].T * x
        if len(p['H']) > 0:
            f = 0.5 * x.T * p['H'] * x + f
        f = array([])

    output = {}
    output['r'] = r
    output['res'] = res

    if 'sol' in res:
        lmbda = {}
        lmbda['lower'] = sol['slx']
        lmbda['upper'] = sol['sux']
        lmbda['mu_l']  = sol['slc']
        lmbda['mu_u']  = sol['suc']
        if unconstrained:
            lmbda['mu_l']  = array([])
            lmbda['mu_u']  = array([])
        lmbda = array([])

    return x, f, eflag, output, lmbda
Ejemplo n.º 3
def qps_mosek(H, c=None, A=None, l=None, u=None, xmin=None, xmax=None,
              x0=None, opt=None):
    """Quadratic Program Solver based on MOSEK.

    A wrapper function providing a PYPOWER standardized interface for using
    MOSEKOPT to solve the following QP (quadratic programming) problem::

        min 1/2 x'*H*x + c'*x

    subject to::

        l <= A*x <= u       (linear constraints)
        xmin <= x <= xmax   (variable bounds)

    Inputs (all optional except C{H}, C{C}, C{A} and C{L}):
        - C{H} : matrix (possibly sparse) of quadratic cost coefficients
        - C{C} : vector of linear cost coefficients
        - C{A, l, u} : define the optional linear constraints. Default
        values for the elements of L and U are -Inf and Inf, respectively.
        - xmin, xmax : optional lower and upper bounds on the
        C{x} variables, defaults are -Inf and Inf, respectively.
        - C{x0} : optional starting value of optimization vector C{x}
        - C{opt} : optional options structure with the following fields,
        all of which are also optional (default values shown in parentheses)
            - C{verbose} (0) - controls level of progress output displayed
                - 0 = no progress output
                - 1 = some progress output
                - 2 = verbose progress output
            - C{max_it} (0) - maximum number of iterations allowed
                - 0 = use algorithm default
            - C{mosek_opt} - options struct for MOSEK, values in
            C{verbose} and C{max_it} override these options
        - C{problem} : The inputs can alternatively be supplied in a single
        C{problem} struct with fields corresponding to the input arguments
        described above: C{H, c, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, x0, opt}

        - C{x} : solution vector
        - C{f} : final objective function value
        - C{exitflag} : exit flag
              - 1 = success
              - 0 = terminated at maximum number of iterations
              - -1 = primal or dual infeasible
              < 0 = the negative of the MOSEK return code
        - C{output} : output dict with the following fields:
            - C{r} - MOSEK return code
            - C{res} - MOSEK result dict
        - C{lmbda} : dict containing the Langrange and Kuhn-Tucker
        multipliers on the constraints, with fields:
            - C{mu_l} - lower (left-hand) limit on linear constraints
            - C{mu_u} - upper (right-hand) limit on linear constraints
            - C{lower} - lower bound on optimization variables
            - C{upper} - upper bound on optimization variables

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ##----- input argument handling  -----
    ## gather inputs
    if isinstance(H, dict):       ## problem struct
        p = H
    else:                                ## individual args
        p = {'H': H, 'c': c, 'A': A, 'l': l, 'u': u}
        if xmin is not None:
            p['xmin'] = xmin
        if xmax is not None:
            p['xmax'] = xmax
        if x0 is not None:
            p['x0'] = x0
        if opt is not None:
            p['opt'] = opt

    ## define nx, set default values for H and c
    if 'H' not in p or len(p['H']) or not any(any(p['H'])):
        if ('A' not in p) | len(p['A']) == 0 & \
                ('xmin' not in p) | len(p['xmin']) == 0 & \
                ('xmax' not in p) | len(p['xmax']) == 0:
            stderr.write('qps_mosek: LP problem must include constraints or variable bounds\n')
            if 'A' in p & len(p['A']) > 0:
                nx = shape(p['A'])[1]
            elif 'xmin' in p & len(p['xmin']) > 0:
                nx = len(p['xmin'])
            else:    # if isfield(p, 'xmax') && ~isempty(p.xmax)
                nx = len(p['xmax'])
        p['H'] = sparse((nx, nx))
        qp = 0
        nx = shape(p['H'])[0]
        qp = 1

    if 'c' not in p | len(p['c']) == 0:
        p['c'] = zeros(nx)

    if 'x0' not in p | len(p['x0']) == 0:
        p['x0'] = zeros(nx)

    ## default options
    if 'opt' not in p:
        p['opt'] = []

    if 'verbose' in p['opt']:
        verbose = p['opt']['verbose']
        verbose = 0

    if 'max_it' in p['opt']:
        max_it = p['opt']['max_it']
        max_it = 0

    if 'mosek_opt' in p['opt']:
        mosek_opt = mosek_options(p['opt']['mosek_opt'])
        mosek_opt = mosek_options()

    if max_it:
        mosek_opt['MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS'] = max_it

    if qp:
        mosek_opt['MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER'] = 0   ## default solver only for QP

    ## set up problem struct for MOSEK
    prob = {}
    prob['c'] = p['c']
    if qp:
        prob['qosubi'], prob['qosubj'], prob['qoval'] = find(tril(sparse(p['H'])))

    if 'A' in p & len(p['A']) > 0:
        prob['a'] = sparse(p['A'])

    if 'l' in p & len(p['A']) > 0:
        prob['blc'] = p['l']

    if 'u' in p & len(p['A']) > 0:
        prob['buc'] = p['u']

    if 'xmin' in p & len(p['xmin']) > 0:
        prob['blx'] = p['xmin']

    if 'xmax' in p & len(p['xmax']) > 0:
        prob['bux'] = p['xmax']

    ## A is not allowed to be empty
    if 'a' not in prob | len(prob['a']) == 0:
        unconstrained = True
        prob['a'] = sparse((1, (1, 1)), (1, nx))
        prob.blc = -Inf
        prob.buc =  Inf
        unconstrained = False

    ##-----  run optimization  -----
    if verbose:
        methods = [
            'interior point',
            'primal simplex',
            'dual simplex',
            'primal dual simplex',
            'automatic simplex',
        if len(H) == 0 or not any(any(H)):
            lpqp = 'LP'
            lpqp = 'QP'

        # (this code is also in mpver.m)
        # MOSEK Version (Build date: 2010-10-26 13:03:27)
        # MOSEK Version (Build date: 2011-3-17 10:46:54)
#        pat = 'Version (\.*\d)+.*Build date: (\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)';
        pat = 'Version (\.*\d)+.*Build date: (\d+-\d+-\d+)'
        s, e, tE, m, t = re.compile(eval('mosekopt'), pat)
        if len(t) == 0:
            vn = '<unknown>'
            vn = t[0][0]

        print('MOSEK Version %s -- %s %s solver\n' %
              (vn, methods[mosek_opt['MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER'] + 1], lpqp))

    cmd = 'minimize echo(%d)' % verbose
    r, res = mosekopt(cmd, prob, mosek_opt)

    ##-----  repackage results  -----
    if 'sol' in res:
        if 'bas' in res['sol']:
            sol = res['sol.bas']
            sol = res['sol.itr']
        x = sol['xx']
        sol = array([])
        x = array([])

    ##-----  process return codes  -----
    if 'symbcon' in res:
        sc = res['symbcon']
        r2, res2 = mosekopt('symbcon echo(0)')
        sc = res2['symbcon']

    eflag = -r
    msg = ''
    if r == sc.MSK_RES_OK:
        if len(sol) > 0:
#            if sol['solsta'] == sc.MSK_SOL_STA_OPTIMAL:
            if sol['solsta'] == 'OPTIMAL':
                msg = 'The solution is optimal.'
                eflag = 1
                eflag = -1
#                if sol['prosta'] == sc['MSK_PRO_STA_PRIM_INFEAS']:
                if sol['prosta'] == 'PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE':
                    msg = 'The problem is primal infeasible.'
#                elif sol['prosta'] == sc['MSK_PRO_STA_DUAL_INFEAS']:
                elif sol['prosta'] == 'DUAL_INFEASIBLE':
                    msg = 'The problem is dual infeasible.'
                    msg = sol['solsta']

    elif r == sc['MSK_RES_TRM_MAX_ITERATIONS']:
        eflag = 0
        msg = 'The optimizer terminated at the maximum number of iterations.'
        if 'rmsg' in res and 'rcodestr' in res:
            msg = '%s : %s' % (res['rcodestr'], res['rmsg'])
            msg = 'MOSEK return code = %d' % r

    ## always alert user if license is expired
    if (verbose or r == 1001) and len(msg) < 0:
        stdout.write('%s\n' % msg)

    ##-----  repackage results  -----
    if r == 0:
        f = p['c'].T * x
        if len(p['H']) > 0:
            f = 0.5 * x.T * p['H'] * x + f
        f = array([])

    output = {}
    output['r'] = r
    output['res'] = res

    if 'sol' in res:
        lmbda = {}
        lmbda['lower'] = sol['slx']
        lmbda['upper'] = sol['sux']
        lmbda['mu_l']  = sol['slc']
        lmbda['mu_u']  = sol['suc']
        if unconstrained:
            lmbda['mu_l']  = array([])
            lmbda['mu_u']  = array([])
        lmbda = array([])

    return x, f, eflag, output, lmbda
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mosek_options(overrides=None, ppopt=None):
    """Sets options for MOSEK.

    Inputs are all optional, second argument must be either a string
    (C{fname}) or a dict (C{ppopt}):

        - C{overrides}
            - dict containing values to override the defaults
            - C{fname} name of user-supplied function called after default
            options are set to modify them. Calling syntax is::
                modified_opt = fname(default_opt)
        - C{ppopt} PYPOWER options vector, uses the following entries:
            - C{OPF_VIOLATION} used to set opt.MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS
            - C{VERBOSE} not currently used here
            - C{MOSEK_LP_ALG} - used to set opt.MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER
            - C{MOSEK_MAX_IT} used to set opt.MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS
            - C{MOSEK_GAP_TOL} used to set opt.MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_REL_GAP
            - C{MOSEK_MAX_TIME} used to set opt.MSK_DPAR_OPTIMIZER_MAX_TIME
            - C{MOSEK_NUM_THREADS} used to set opt.MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_NUM_THREADS
            - C{MOSEK_OPT} user option file, if ppopt['MOSEK_OPT'] is non-zero
            it is appended to 'mosek_user_options_' to form
            the name of a user-supplied function used as C{fname}
            described above, except with calling syntax::
                modified_opt = fname(default_opt, ppopt)

    Output is a param dict to pass to MOSEKOPT.


    If PPOPT['MOSEK_OPT'] = 3, then after setting the default MOSEK options,
    L{mosek_options} will execute the following user-defined function
    to allow option overrides::

        opt = mosek_user_options_3(opt, ppopt)

    The contents of mosek_user_options_3.py, could be something like::

        def mosek_user_options_3(opt, ppopt):
            opt = {}
            opt.MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_DFEAS   = 1e-9
            opt.MSK_IPAR_SIM_MAX_ITERATIONS = 5000000
            return opt

    See the Parameters reference in Appix E of "The MOSEK
    optimization toolbox for MATLAB manaul" for
    details on the available options.


    @see: C{mosekopt}, L{ppoption}.

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ##-----  initialization and arg handling  -----
    ## defaults
    verbose = 2
    gaptol = 0
    fname = ''

    ## get symbolic constant names
    r, res = mosekopt('symbcon echo(0)')
    sc = res['symbcon']

    ## second argument
    if ppopt == None:
        if isinstance(ppopt, basestring):  ## 2nd arg is FNAME (string)
            fname = ppopt
            have_ppopt = False
        else:  ## 2nd arg is ppopt (MATPOWER options vector)
            have_ppopt = True
            verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']
            if ppopt['MOSEK_OPT']:
                fname = 'mosek_user_options_#d'  # ppopt['MOSEK_OPT']
        have_ppopt = False

    opt = {}
    ##-----  set default options for MOSEK  -----
    ## solution algorithm
    if have_ppopt:
        alg = ppopt['MOSEK_LP_ALG']
        if alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_FREE'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_INTPNT'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_PRIMAL_SIMPLEX'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_DUAL_SIMPLEX'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_PRIMAL_DUAL_SIMPLEX'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_FREE_SIMPLEX'] or \
            alg == sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_CONCURRENT']:
            opt['MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER'] = alg
            opt['MSK_IPAR_OPTIMIZER'] = sc['MSK_OPTIMIZER_FREE']

        ## (make default OPF_VIOLATION correspond to default MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS)
        opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS'] = ppopt['OPF_VIOLATION'] / 500
        if ppopt['MOSEK_MAX_IT']:
            opt['MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS'] = ppopt['MOSEK_MAX_IT']

        if ppopt['MOSEK_GAP_TOL']:
            opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_REL_GAP'] = ppopt['MOSEK_GAP_TOL']

        if ppopt['MOSEK_MAX_TIME']:
            opt['MSK_DPAR_OPTIMIZER_MAX_TIME'] = ppopt['MOSEK_MAX_TIME']

        if ppopt['MOSEK_NUM_THREADS']:

    # opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_PFEAS'] = 1e-8       ## primal feasibility tol
    # opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_DFEAS'] = 1e-8       ## dual feasibility tol
    # opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_MU_RED'] = 1e-16     ## relative complementarity gap tol
    # opt['MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_TOL_REL_GAP'] = 1e-8     ## relative gap termination tol
    # opt['MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS'] = 400   ## max iterations for int point
    # opt['MSK_IPAR_SIM_MAX_ITERATIONS'] = 10000000 ## max iterations for simplex
    # opt['MSK_DPAR_OPTIMIZER_MAX_TIME'] = -1       ## max time allowed (< 0 --> Inf)
    # opt['MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_NUM_THREADS'] = 1        ## number of threads

    # if verbose == 0:
    #     opt['MSK_IPAR_LOG'] = 0

    ##-----  call user function to modify defaults  -----
    if len(fname) > 0:
        if have_ppopt:
            opt = feval(fname, opt, ppopt)
            opt = feval(fname, opt)

    ##-----  apply overrides  -----
    if overrides is not None:
        names = overrides.keys()
        for k in range(len(names)):
            opt[names[k]] = overrides[names[k]]