Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(MTTabs, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.topbar = MTBoxLayout(orientation='horizontal')
     self.layout = MTBoxLayout(orientation='vertical', invert_y=True)
     super(MTTabs, self).add_widget(self.layout)
     self.current = None
     self.tabs = dict()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     super(MTTabs, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     self.topbar = MTBoxLayout(orientation='horizontal')
     self.layout = MTBoxLayout(orientation='vertical', invert_y=True)
     super(MTTabs, self).add_widget(self.layout)
     self.current = None
     self.tabs = dict()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('show_tabs', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('duration', 1.)
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.screens = SafeList()
        self.screen = None
        self.previous_screen = None
        self._switch_t = 1.1
        self.duration = kwargs.get('duration')

        self.container = MTBoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).add_widget(self.container)

        self.tabs = self.new_tab_layout()
        self._show_tabs = False
        self.show_tabs = kwargs.get('show_tabs', False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('show_tabs', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('duration', 1.)
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.screens = SafeList()
        self.screen = None
        self.previous_screen = None
        self._switch_t = 1.1
        self.duration = kwargs.get('duration')

        self.container = MTBoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).add_widget(self.container)

        self.tabs = self.new_tab_layout()
        self._show_tabs  = False
        self.show_tabs = kwargs.get('show_tabs', False)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class MTTabs(MTWidget):
    '''Class that implement a tabbed notebook.
    When you add a widget into tabs, make sure
    they are at least one tab information ::

		tabs = MTTabs()
		w = MTWidget()
		w.tab = 'Title of tab'

    or ::

		tabs = MTTabs()
		w = MTWidget()
		tabs.add_widget(w, tab='Title of tab')

    If you want to select a tab, use select() ::

		tabs = MTTabs()
		tabs.add_widget(MTButton(label="Hello"), tab='Tab1')
		tabs.add_widget(MTButton(label="World"), tab='Tab2')

    .. warning::
        The position of this widget is the upper-left of the widget.
        The reason is if they are multiple tabs with multiple height,
        tabs will always moving when switching from one to another.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(MTTabs, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.topbar = MTBoxLayout(orientation='horizontal')
        self.layout = MTBoxLayout(orientation='vertical', invert_y=True)
        super(MTTabs, self).add_widget(self.layout)
        self.current = None
        self.tabs = dict()

    def reposition(self):
        self.layout.pos = (self.x, self.y - self.layout.height)

    def on_layout_resize(self, w, h):

    def on_move(self, x, y):

    def add_widget(self, widget, tab=None):
        if tab is None:
            if not hasattr(widget, 'tab'):
                raise Exception('Widget added without tab information')
                tab = widget.tab
        button = MTButton(label=tab, size=(120, 40))
        button.tab_container = self
        button.connect('on_release', curry(self.select, tab))
        self.tabs[tab] = (button, widget)

    def select(self, tab, *l):
        if tab not in self.tabs:
        button, widget = self.tabs[tab]
        if self.current:
            self.layout.remove_widget(self.current, do_layout=False)
        self.layout.add_widget(widget, do_layout=False)
        self.current = widget
Ejemplo n.º 6
class MTTabs(MTWidget):
    '''Class that implement a tabbed notebook.
    When you add a widget into tabs, make sure
    they are at least one tab information ::

		tabs = MTTabs()
		w = MTWidget()
		w.tab = 'Title of tab'

    or ::

		tabs = MTTabs()
		w = MTWidget()
		tabs.add_widget(w, tab='Title of tab')

    If you want to select a tab, use select() ::

		tabs = MTTabs()
		tabs.add_widget(MTButton(label="Hello"), tab='Tab1')
		tabs.add_widget(MTButton(label="World"), tab='Tab2')

    .. warning::
        The position of this widget is the upper-left of the widget.
        The reason is if they are multiple tabs with multiple height,
        tabs will always moving when switching from one to another.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(MTTabs, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.topbar = MTBoxLayout(orientation='horizontal')
        self.layout = MTBoxLayout(orientation='vertical', invert_y=True)
        super(MTTabs, self).add_widget(self.layout)
        self.current = None
        self.tabs = dict()

    def reposition(self):
        self.layout.pos = (self.x, self.y - self.layout.height)

    def on_layout_resize(self, w, h):

    def on_move(self, x, y):

    def add_widget(self, widget, tab=None):
        if tab is None:
            if not hasattr(widget, 'tab'):
                raise Exception('Widget added without tab information')
                tab = widget.tab
        button = MTButton(label=tab, size=(120, 40))
        button.tab_container = self
        button.connect('on_release', curry(self.select, tab))
        self.tabs[tab] = (button, widget)

    def select(self, tab, *l):
        if tab not in self.tabs:
        button, widget = self.tabs[tab]
        if self.current:
            self.layout.remove_widget(self.current, do_layout=False)
        self.layout.add_widget(widget, do_layout=False)
        self.current = widget
Ejemplo n.º 7
class MTScreenLayout(MTAbstractLayout):
    '''Base class to handle a list of screen (widgets).
    One child widget is shown at a time.

        `show_tabs`: bool, default to False
            If True, show tabs (useful for debugging)
        `duration`: float, default to 1.
            Duration to switch between screen


    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('show_tabs', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('duration', 1.)
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.screens = SafeList()
        self.screen = None
        self.previous_screen = None
        self._switch_t = 1.1
        self.duration = kwargs.get('duration')

        self.container = MTBoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).add_widget(self.container)

        self.tabs = self.new_tab_layout()
        self._show_tabs  = False
        self.show_tabs = kwargs.get('show_tabs', False)

    def _get_show_tabs(self):
        return self._show_tabs
    def _set_show_tabs(self, x):
        if self._show_tabs and x is False:
        if x and self._show_tabs is False:
        self._show_tabs = x
    show_tabs = property(_get_show_tabs, _set_show_tabs)

    def new_tab_layout(self):
        '''called in init, to create teh layout in which all teh tabs are put.  overwrite to create custom tab layout
        (default is box layout, vertical, height=50, with horizontal stretch.)'''
        return MTBoxLayout(size_hint=(1.0, None), height=50)

    def new_tab(self, label):
        '''fucntion that returns a new tab.  return value must be of type MTButton or derive from it (must have on_press handler) if you overwrite the method.
        A Screenlayuot subclasses can overwrite this to create tabs based with own look and feel or do other custom things when a new tab is created'''
        return MTButton(label=label, size_hint=(1, 1), height=30)

    def add_widget(self, widget, tab_name=None):
        if tab_name:
            tab_btn = self.new_tab(tab_name)
            tab_btn.push_handlers(on_press=curry(self.select, widget))
            if widget.id is None:
                widget.id = tab_name

    def remove_widget(self, widget):
        for btn in self.tabs.children[:]:
            if isinstance(widget, basestring):
                if btn.label == widget:
            elif btn.label == widget.id or (
                hasattr(widget, 'title') and btn.label == widget.title):
        if widget in self.screens:

    def select(self, wid, *args):
        Select which screen is to be the current one.
        pass either a widget that has been added to this layout, or its id

        This function return True if the screen is selected, of False if we
        can't select the screen (non existant)
        if self.screen is not None:
            self.previous_screen = self.screen
            self._switch_t = -1.0
        for screen in self.screens:
            if screen.id == wid or screen == wid:
                self.screen = screen
                self.container.add_widget(self.screen, do_layout=True)
                self.screen.parent = self
                return True
        return False

    def draw_transition(self, t):
        Function is called each frame while switching screens and
        responsible for drawing transition state.
        t will go from -1.0 (previous screen), to 0 (rigth in middle),
        until 1.0 (last time called before giving new screen full controll)
        set_color(*self.style['bg-color']) #from 1 to zero
        drawRectangle(pos=self.container.pos, size=self.container.size)
        r, g, b = self.style['bg-color'][0:3]
        if t < 0:
            if self.previous_screen is not None:
            set_color(r, g, b, 1+t) #from 1 to zero
            drawRectangle(pos=self.container.pos, size=self.container.size)
            if self.previous_screen is not None:
            set_color(r, g, b, 1-t) #from 0 to one
            drawRectangle(pos=self.container.pos, size=self.container.size)

    def on_update(self):
        if not self.screen and len(self.screens):
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).on_update()

    def on_draw(self):
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).on_draw()
        if self._switch_t < 1.0:
            if self.duration == 0:
                self._switch_t = 1.
                self._switch_t += getFrameDt() / self.duration
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def new_tab_layout(self):
     '''called in init, to create teh layout in which all teh tabs are put.  overwrite to create custom tab layout
     (default is box layout, vertical, height=50, with horizontal stretch.)'''
     return MTBoxLayout(size_hint=(1.0, None), height=50)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class MTScreenLayout(MTAbstractLayout):
    '''Base class to handle a list of screen (widgets).
    One child widget is shown at a time.

        `show_tabs`: bool, default to False
            If True, show tabs (useful for debugging)
        `duration`: float, default to 1.
            Duration to switch between screen

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('show_tabs', False)
        kwargs.setdefault('duration', 1.)
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.screens = SafeList()
        self.screen = None
        self.previous_screen = None
        self._switch_t = 1.1
        self.duration = kwargs.get('duration')

        self.container = MTBoxLayout(orientation='vertical')
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).add_widget(self.container)

        self.tabs = self.new_tab_layout()
        self._show_tabs = False
        self.show_tabs = kwargs.get('show_tabs', False)

    def _get_show_tabs(self):
        return self._show_tabs

    def _set_show_tabs(self, x):
        if self._show_tabs and x is False:
        if x and self._show_tabs is False:
        self._show_tabs = x

    show_tabs = property(_get_show_tabs, _set_show_tabs)

    def new_tab_layout(self):
        '''called in init, to create teh layout in which all teh tabs are put.  overwrite to create custom tab layout
        (default is box layout, vertical, height=50, with horizontal stretch.)'''
        return MTBoxLayout(size_hint=(1.0, None), height=50)

    def new_tab(self, label):
        '''fucntion that returns a new tab.  return value must be of type MTButton or derive from it (must have on_press handler) if you overwrite the method.
        A Screenlayuot subclasses can overwrite this to create tabs based with own look and feel or do other custom things when a new tab is created'''
        return MTButton(label=label, size_hint=(1, 1), height=30)

    def add_widget(self, widget, tab_name=None):
        if tab_name:
            tab_btn = self.new_tab(tab_name)
            tab_btn.push_handlers(on_press=curry(self.select, widget))
            if widget.id is None:
                widget.id = tab_name

    def remove_widget(self, widget):
        for btn in self.tabs.children[:]:
            if isinstance(widget, basestring):
                if btn.label == widget:
            elif btn.label == widget.id or (hasattr(widget, 'title')
                                            and btn.label == widget.title):
        if widget in self.screens:

    def select(self, wid, *args):
        Select which screen is to be the current one.
        pass either a widget that has been added to this layout, or its id

        This function return True if the screen is selected, of False if we
        can't select the screen (non existant)
        if self.screen is not None:
            self.previous_screen = self.screen
            self._switch_t = -1.0
        for screen in self.screens:
            if screen.id == wid or screen == wid:
                self.screen = screen
                self.container.add_widget(self.screen, do_layout=True)
                self.screen.parent = self
                return True
        return False

    def draw_transition(self, t):
        Function is called each frame while switching screens and
        responsible for drawing transition state.
        t will go from -1.0 (previous screen), to 0 (rigth in middle),
        until 1.0 (last time called before giving new screen full controll)
        set_color(*self.style['bg-color'])  #from 1 to zero
        drawRectangle(pos=self.container.pos, size=self.container.size)
        r, g, b = self.style['bg-color'][0:3]
        if t < 0:
            if self.previous_screen is not None:
            set_color(r, g, b, 1 + t)  #from 1 to zero
            drawRectangle(pos=self.container.pos, size=self.container.size)
            if self.previous_screen is not None:
            set_color(r, g, b, 1 - t)  #from 0 to one
            drawRectangle(pos=self.container.pos, size=self.container.size)

    def on_update(self):
        if not self.screen and len(self.screens):
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).on_update()

    def on_draw(self):
        super(MTScreenLayout, self).on_draw()
        if self._switch_t < 1.0:
            if self.duration == 0:
                self._switch_t = 1.
                self._switch_t += getFrameDt() / self.duration