def disassemble_field_j_imm(bits):
    imm = Bits(21, 0)
    imm[1:11] = bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm0]
    imm[11:12] = bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm1]
    imm[12:20] = bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm2]
    imm[20:21] = bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm3]
    return "0x{:0>6x}".format(imm.uint())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def gen_random_test():

  # Generate some random data

  data = []
  for i in xrange(128):
    data.append( random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )

  # Generate random accesses to this data

  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):

    a = random.randint(0,127)
    b = random.randint(0,127)

    base   = Bits( 32, 0x2000 + (4*b) )
    offset = Bits( 16, (4*(a - b)) )
    result = data[a]

    asm_code.append( gen_st_value_test( "sw", result,, base.uint(), result ) )

  # Generate some random data to initialize memory

  initial_data = []
  for i in xrange(128):
    initial_data.append( random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )

  # Add the data to the end of the assembly code

  asm_code.append( gen_word_data( initial_data ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gen_random_test():
    asm_code = []
    for i in xrange(25):
        src = Bits(32, random.randint(0, 0xffffffff))
        taken = ( >= 0)
        asm_code.append(gen_br1_value_test("bgez", src.uint(), taken))
    return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(25):
    src   = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    taken = ( > 0 )
    asm_code.append( gen_br1_value_test( "bgtz", src.uint(), taken ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 5
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):
    imm  = Bits( 16, random.randint(0,0xffff) )
    dest = zext(imm,32) << 16
    asm_code.append( gen_imm_value_test( "lui", imm.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gen_random_test():

    # Generate some random data

    data = []
    for i in xrange(128):
        data.append(random.randint(0, 0xFFFF))

    # Generate random accesses to this data

    asm_code = []
    for i in xrange(100):

        a = random.randint(0, 127)
        b = random.randint(0, 127)

        base = Bits(32, 0x2000 + (2 * b))
        offset = Bits(16, (2 * (a - b)))
        result = sext(Bits(16, data[a]), 32)

        asm_code.append(gen_ld_value_test("lh",, base.uint(), result.uint()))

    # Add the data to the end of the assembly code

    return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 7
def gen_random_test():

  # Generate some random data

  data = []
  for i in xrange(128):
    data.append( random.randint(0,0xff) )

  # Generate random accesses to this data

  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):

    a = random.randint(0,127)
    b = random.randint(0,127)

    base   = Bits( 32, 0x2000 + b )
    offset = Bits( 16, a - b )
    result = data[a]

    asm_code.append( gen_ld_value_test( "lbu",, base.uint(), result ) )

  # Add the data to the end of the assembly code

  asm_code.append( gen_byte_data( data ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 8
def gen_random_test():
    asm_code = []
    for i in xrange(100):
        imm = Bits(16, random.randint(0, 0xffff))
        dest = zext(imm, 32) << 16
        asm_code.append(gen_imm_value_test("lui", imm.uint(), dest.uint()))
    return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def load(self, mem_image):

        # Iterate over the sections

        sections = mem_image.get_sections()
        for section in sections:

            # For .mngr2proc sections, copy section into mngr2proc queue

            if == ".mngr2proc":
                for i in xrange(0, len(, 4):
                    bits = struct.unpack_from("<I", buffer(, i,
                    self.mngr2proc_queue.append(Bits(32, bits))

            # For .proc2mngr sections, copy section into proc2mngr_ref queue

            elif == ".proc2mngr":
                for i in xrange(0, len(, 4):
                    bits = struct.unpack_from("<I", buffer(, i,
                    self.proc2mngr_ref_queue.append(Bits(32, bits))

            # For all other sections, simply copy them into the memory

                start_addr = section.addr
                stop_addr = section.addr + len(
                self.mem[start_addr:stop_addr] =
Ejemplo n.º 10
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):
    src  = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    imm  = Bits( 16, random.randint(0,0xffff) )
    dest = src ^ zext(imm,32)
    asm_code.append( gen_rimm_value_test( "xori", src.uint(), imm.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 11
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(25):
    src0  = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    src1  = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    taken = ( src0 != src1 )
    asm_code.append( gen_br2_value_test( "bne", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), taken ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 12
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):
    src0 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    src1 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    dest = src0 - src1
    asm_code.append( gen_rr_value_test( "subu", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 13
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):
    src  = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    imm  = Bits( 16, random.randint(0,0xffff) )
    dest = Bits( 32, < sext(imm,32).int() )
    asm_code.append( gen_rimm_value_test( "slti", src.uint(), imm.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
def disassemble_field_b_imm(bits):

    imm = Bits(13, 0)
    imm[1:5] = bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_b_imm0]
    imm[5:11] = bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_b_imm1]
    imm[11:12] = bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_b_imm2]
    imm[12:13] = bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_b_imm3]

    return "0x{:0>4x}".format(imm.uint())
Ejemplo n.º 15
def gen_random_test():

  # Generate some random data

  data = []
  for i in xrange(128):
    data.append( random.randint(0,0xffff) )

  # Generate random accesses to this data

  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):

    a = random.randint(0,127)
    b = random.randint(0,127)

    base   = Bits( 32, 0x2000 + (2*b) )
    offset = Bits( 16, (2*(a - b)) )
    result = Bits( 32, data[a] )

    asm_code.append( gen_st_random_test( "sh", "lhu", result.uint(),, base.uint() ) )

  # Generate some random data to initialize memory

  initial_data = []
  for i in xrange(128):
    initial_data.append( random.randint(0,0xffff) )

  # Add the data to the end of the assembly code

  asm_code.append( gen_hword_data( initial_data ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 16
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):
    src0 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    src1 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    dest = Bits( 32, src0 / src1 )
    asm_code.append( gen_rr_value_test( "divu", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 17
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):

    src0 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    src1 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )

    # Python rounds to negative infinity even for negative values, so we
    # need to do something a little more complicated. This was inspired
    # from this post:

    a =
    b =

    A = -a if (a < 0) else a
    B = -b if (b < 0) else b
    c = -(A // B) if (a < 0) ^ (b < 0) else (A // B)

    dest = Bits( 32, c )

    asm_code.append( gen_rr_value_test( "div", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 18
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):
    src0 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    src1 = Bits(  5, random.randint(0,31) )
    dest = Bits( 32, >> src1.uint() )
    asm_code.append( gen_rr_value_test( "srav", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
 def j_imm(self):
     imm = Bits(21, 0)
     imm[1:11] = self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm0]
     imm[11:12] = self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm1]
     imm[12:20] = self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm2]
     imm[20:21] = self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm3]
     return imm
 def b_imm(self):
     imm = Bits(13, 0)
     imm[1:5] = self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_b_imm0]
     imm[5:11] = self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_b_imm1]
     imm[11:12] = self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_b_imm2]
     imm[12:13] = self.bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_b_imm3]
     return imm
    def assemble_inst(self, sym, pc, inst_str):

        # Extract instruction name from asm string

        (inst_name, sep, inst_str) = inst_str.partition(' ')

        # Use the instruction name to get the opcode match which we can
        # the use to initialize the instruction bits

        inst_bits = Bits(self.nbits, self.opcode_match_dict[inst_name])

        # Split the remainder of the asm string into field strings. First
        # we translate non-whitespace deliminters into whitespace so that
        # we can use split.

        translation_table = maketrans(",()", "   ")
        asm_field_strs = translate(inst_str, translation_table).split()

        # Retrieve the list of asm field functions for this instruction

        asm_field_funcs = self.asm_field_funcs_dict[inst_name]

        # Apply these asm field functions to the asm field strings

        for asm_field_str, asm_field_func in zip(asm_field_strs,
            asm_field_func(inst_bits, sym, pc, asm_field_str)

        # Return the assembled instruction

        return inst_bits
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __setitem__(s, idx, value):

        if idx >= s.size:
            raise StopIteration

        addr = s.base_addr + 4 * idx
        s.mem[addr:addr + 4] = Bits(32, value)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, memory, mngr2proc_queue, proc2mngr_queue):

        self.PC = Bits(XLEN)
        self.R = RegisterFile()
        self.CSR = CsrRegisterFile(mngr2proc_queue, proc2mngr_queue)
        self.M = memory

        self.isa = rv64g.isa
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def reset(self):

        self.isa.PC = Bits(32, 0x0000400)
        self.isa.status = 0

        self.status = 0
        self.num_total_inst = 0
        self.num_inst = 0
Ejemplo n.º 25
  def __getitem__( self, key ):

    if isinstance( key, slice ):

      start_addr = int(key.start)
      num_bytes = int(key.stop) - int(key.start)
      bits = Bits( 8*num_bytes )

      for i in range(num_bytes):
        bits[i*8:i*8+8] = \

      return bits

      idx = int(key)
      return Bits( 8, struct.unpack_from("<B",buffer(self.mem,idx,1))[0] )
Ejemplo n.º 26
def gen_random_test():

    # Generate some random data

    data = []
    for i in xrange(128):
        data.append(random.randint(0, 0xffff))

    # Generate random accesses to this data

    asm_code = []
    for i in xrange(100):

        a = random.randint(0, 127)
        b = random.randint(0, 127)

        base = Bits(32, 0x2000 + (2 * b))
        offset = Bits(16, (2 * (a - b)))
        result = sext(Bits(16, data[a]), 32)

            gen_ld_value_test("lh",, base.uint(), result.uint()))

    # Add the data to the end of the assembly code

    return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 27
        def __init__(self):

            self.regs = [Bits(32, 0) for i in xrange(32)]

            self.trace_str = ""
            self.trace_regs = False
            self.src0 = ""
            self.src1 = ""
            self.dest = ""
Ejemplo n.º 28
        def __setitem__(self, idx, value):

            trunc_value = Bits(32, value, trunc=True)

            if self.trace_regs:
                self.dest = "X[{:2d}]={:0>8}".format(int(idx), trunc_value)

            if idx != 0:
                self.regs[idx] = trunc_value
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def assemble_inst(self, sym, pc, inst_str):
        name, args = split_instr(inst_str)
        arg_list = simplify_args(args)

        result = Bits(self.ilen, self.encoding[name].opcode)

        for asm_field_str, field_name in zip(arg_list,
            self.fields[field_name].translate(result, sym, pc, asm_field_str)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def disassemble(self, source):
 Computes the value by extracting and concatenating the individual parts from the source
 Returns: a Bits object of size width with the extracted value
     result = Bits(self.width, 0)
     for target_slice, field_slice in
         if isinstance(target_slice, slice):
             result[field_slice] = source[target_slice]
             result[field_slice] = target_slice
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_writing_bits():

    mem = Bytes(8)

    # Write first four bytes

    mem[0:4] = Bits(32, 0x04030201)
    assert mem.mem == bytearray("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00")

    # Write second four bytes

    mem[4:8] = Bits(32, 0x04030201)
    assert mem.mem == bytearray("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x01\x02\x03\x04")

    # Write middle four bytes

    mem[2:6] = Bits(32, 0xefbeadde)
    assert mem.mem == bytearray("\x01\x02\xde\xad\xbe\xef\x03\x04")

    # Write two bytes

    mem[2:4] = Bits(16, 0xcdab)
    assert mem.mem == bytearray("\x01\x02\xab\xcd\xbe\xef\x03\x04")

    # Write one byte

    mem[3] = Bits(8, 0x69)
    assert mem.mem == bytearray("\x01\x02\xab\x69\xbe\xef\x03\x04")

    # Write entire memory

    mem[0:8] = Bits(64, 0xfecafecaefbeadde)
    assert mem.mem == bytearray("\xde\xad\xbe\xef\xca\xfe\xca\xfe")
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def assemble(self, target, value):
 Effect: copies the value into the appropriate positions in the target
     value = Bits(self.width, value)
     for target_slice, field_slice in
         if isinstance(target_slice, slice):
             target[target_slice] = value[field_slice]
         elif value[field_slice] != target_slice:
             raise ValueError(
                 "Incorrect value in slice {} of field {}: found: {} expected: {}"
                 .format(field_slice, value, value[field_slice],
Ejemplo n.º 33
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):
    src  = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    imm  = Bits(  5, random.randint(0,31) )
    dest = src >> imm
    asm_code.append( gen_rimm_value_test( "srl", src.uint(), imm.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 34
def gen_random_test():
    asm_code = []
    for i in xrange(100):
        src0 = Bits(32, random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFFFF))
        src1 = Bits(32, random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFFFF))
        dest = Bits(32, src0 * src1, trunc=True)
        asm_code.append(gen_rr_value_test("mul", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), dest.uint()))
    return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 35
def gen_random_test():
    asm_code = []
    for i in xrange(100):
        src0 = Bits(32, random.randint(0, 0xffffffff))
        src1 = Bits(5, random.randint(0, 31))
        dest = src0 >> src1
            gen_rr_value_test("srlv", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), dest.uint()))
    return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 36
def gen_random_test():
    asm_code = []
    for i in xrange(25):
        src0 = Bits(32, random.randint(0, 0xffffffff))
        src1 = Bits(32, random.randint(0, 0xffffffff))
        taken = (src0 != src1)
            gen_br2_value_test("bne", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), taken))
    return asm_code
def assemble_field_j_imm(bits, sym, pc, field_str):

    if sym.has_key(field_str):
        # notice that we encode the branch target address (a lable) relative
        # to current PC
        jtarg_byte_addr = sym[field_str] - pc
        jtarg_byte_addr = int(field_str, 0)

    imm = Bits(21, jtarg_byte_addr)

    bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm0] = imm[1:11]
    bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm1] = imm[11:12]
    bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm2] = imm[12:20]
    bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_j_imm3] = imm[20:21]
Ejemplo n.º 38
def test_basic():

  data = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ]
  mem = Bytes(18*4)
  for i in range(18):
    mem[i*4:i*4+1] = Bits( 32, data[i] )

  src0 = ListBytesProxy( mem, 0*4, 4 )
  src1 = ListBytesProxy( mem, 4*4, 4 )
  dest = ListBytesProxy( mem, 8*4, 4 )

  vvadd( dest, src0, src1 )

  data_ref = [  0,  1,  2,  3,
                4,  5,  6,  7,
                4,  6,  8, 10,
               12, 13, 14, 15,
               16, 17 ]

  data_ref_bytes = Bytes(18*4)
  for i in range(18):
    data_ref_bytes[i*4:i*4+1] = Bits( 32, data_ref[i] )

  assert mem == data_ref_bytes
def assemble_field_u_imm(bits, sym, pc, field_str):

    # Check to see if the immediate field derives from a label
    if field_str[0] == "%":
        label_addr = Bits(32, sym[field_str[4:-1]])
        if field_str.startswith("%hi["):
            imm = label_addr[12:32]
        elif field_str.startswith("%lo["):
            imm = label_addr[0:12]
            assert False
        imm = int(field_str, 0)

    assert imm < (1 << 20)
    bits[tinyrv2_field_slice_u_imm] = imm
Ejemplo n.º 40
def gen_random_test():
  asm_code = []
  for i in xrange(100):

    src0 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )
    src1 = Bits( 32, random.randint(0,0xffffffff) )

    a =
    b =

    A = -a if (a < 0) else a
    B = -b if (b < 0) else b
    c = -(A % B) if (a < 0) else (A % B)

    dest = Bits( 32, c )

    asm_code.append( gen_rr_value_test( "rem", src0.uint(), src1.uint(), dest.uint() ) )
  return asm_code
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self,

        self.M = memory

        self.mngr2proc_queue = mngr2proc_queue
        self.proc2mngr_queue = proc2mngr_queue

        self.R = PisaSemantics.RegisterFile()

        # Accelerator registers

        self.xregs = [Bits(32, 0) for i in xrange(32)]

Ejemplo n.º 42
    def handle_exception(s, instr, packet):
        s.CSR[CsrRegisters.mtval] = instr
        s.CSR[CsrRegisters.mcause] = packet.mcause
        s.CSR[CsrRegisters.mepc] = s.PC

        mtvec = s.CSR[CsrRegisters.mtvec]
        mode = mtvec[0:2]
        base = concat(mtvec[2:XLEN], Bits(2, 0))
        if mode ==
            target = base
        elif mode == MtvecMode.vectored:
            target = base + (packet.mcause << 2)
            # this is a bad state. mtvec is curcial to handling
            # exceptions, and there is no way to handle and exception
            # related to mtvec.
            # In a real processor, this would probably just halt or reset
            # the entire processor
            assert False
        s.PC = target
Ejemplo n.º 43
def assemble(asm_code):

    # If asm_code is a single string, then put it in a list to simplify the
    # rest of the logic.

    asm_code_list = asm_code
    if isinstance(asm_code, str):
        asm_code_list = [asm_code]

    # Create a single list of lines

    asm_list = []
    for asm_seq in asm_code_list:

    # First pass to create symbol table. This is obviously very simplistic.
    # We can maybe make it more robust in the future.

    addr = 0x00000400
    sym = {}
    for line in asm_list:
        line = line.partition("#")[0]
        line = line.strip()

        if line == "":

        if line.startswith(".offset"):
            (cmd, sep, addr_str) = line.partition(" ")
            addr = int(addr_str, 0)

        elif line.startswith(".data"):

            (label, sep, rest) = line.partition(":")
            if sep != "":
                sym[label.strip()] = addr
                addr += 4

    # Second pass to assemble text section

    asm_list_idx = 0
    addr = 0x00000400
    text_bytes = bytearray()
    mngr2proc_bytes = bytearray()
    proc2mngr_bytes = bytearray()

    for line in asm_list:
        asm_list_idx += 1
        line = line.partition("#")[0]
        line = line.strip()

        if line == "":

        if line.startswith(".offset"):
            (cmd, sep, addr_str) = line.partition(" ")
            addr = int(addr_str, 0)

        elif line.startswith(".data"):

            if ":" not in line:
                inst_str = line

                # First see if we have either a < or a >

                if "<" in line:
                    (temp, sep, value) = line.partition("<")
                    bits = Bits(32, int(value, 0))
                    mngr2proc_bytes.extend(struct.pack("<I", bits))
                    inst_str = temp

                elif ">" in line:
                    (temp, sep, value) = line.partition(">")
                    bits = Bits(32, int(value, 0))
                    proc2mngr_bytes.extend(struct.pack("<I", bits))
                    inst_str = temp

                bits = assemble_inst(sym, addr, inst_str)
                text_bytes.extend(struct.pack("<I", bits.uint()))
                addr += 4

    # Assemble data section

    data_bytes = bytearray()
    for line in asm_list[asm_list_idx:]:
        line = line.partition("#")[0]
        line = line.strip()

        if line == "":

        if line.startswith(".offset"):
            (cmd, sep, addr_str) = line.partition(" ")
            addr = int(addr_str, 0)

        elif line.startswith(".word"):
            (cmd, sep, value) = line.partition(" ")
            data_bytes.extend(struct.pack("<I", int(value, 0)))
            addr += 4

        elif line.startswith(".hword"):
            (cmd, sep, value) = line.partition(" ")
            data_bytes.extend(struct.pack("<H", int(value, 0)))
            addr += 2

        elif line.startswith(".byte"):
            (cmd, sep, value) = line.partition(" ")
            data_bytes.extend(struct.pack("<B", int(value, 0)))
            addr += 1

    # Construct the corresponding section objects

    text_section = SparseMemoryImage.Section(".text", 0x0400, text_bytes)

    data_section = SparseMemoryImage.Section(".data", 0x2000, data_bytes)

    mngr2proc_section = SparseMemoryImage.Section(".mngr2proc", 0x3000, mngr2proc_bytes)

    proc2mngr_section = SparseMemoryImage.Section(".proc2mngr", 0x4000, proc2mngr_bytes)

    # Build a sparse memory image

    mem_image = SparseMemoryImage()

    if len( > 0:

    if len( > 0:

    if len( > 0:

    return mem_image