Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setup_default_configs(s, m, irepr):
        if not hasattr(m, 'config_placeholder'):
            m.config_placeholder = VerilogPlaceholderConfigs()

        cfg = m.config_placeholder

        if cfg.is_valid:
            # If top_module is unspecified, infer it from the component and its
            # parameters. Note we need to make sure the infered top_module matches
            # the default translation result.
            if not cfg.top_module:
                cfg.top_module = irepr.get_name()
                cfg.unique_top_module = get_component_unique_name(irepr)
                # if m.get_parent_object() is None:
                #   # This is a top level module -- use the module name without the
                #   # parameters because we will generate a different wrapper for top!
                #   cfg.top_module = irepr.get_name()
                # else:
                #   # Otherwise use the full name
                #   cfg.top_module = get_component_unique_name( irepr )
                cfg.unique_top_module = cfg.top_module

            # Only try to infer the name of Verilog source file if both
            # flist and the source file are not specified.
            if not cfg.src_file and not cfg.v_flist:
                cfg.src_file = f"{cfg.top_module}.v"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def pickle(s, m, cfg, irepr):
        # In the namespace cfg:
        #   pickled_dependency_file: path to the pickled Verilog dependency file
        #   pickled_wrapper_file: path to the pickled Verilog wrapper file
        #   pickled_top_module:  name of the top module in the pickled Verilog

        pickled_dependency_file = f'{cfg.unique_top_module}_pickled_dependency.v'
        pickled_wrapper_file = f'{cfg.unique_top_module}_pickled_wrapper.v'
        pickled_top_module = f'{cfg.unique_top_module}_wrapper'

        orig_comp_name = get_component_unique_name(irepr)
        pickle_dependency = s._get_dependent_verilog_modules(m, cfg, irepr)
        pickle_wrapper, tplt = s._gen_verilog_wrapper(m, cfg, irepr,
        def_symbol = pickled_top_module.upper()

        # The directives are there to prevent potential duplicated definitions
        # pickle_template = dedent(
        #     '''\
        #         // This is a wrapper module that wraps PyMTL placeholder {orig_comp_name}
        #         // This file was generated by PyMTL VerilogPlaceholderPass
        #         `ifndef {def_symbol}
        #         `define {def_symbol}

        #         {pickle_dependency}
        #         {pickle_wrapper}

        #         `endif /* {def_symbol} */
        #     '''
        # )

        cfg.pickled_dependency_file = pickled_dependency_file
        cfg.pickled_wrapper_file = pickled_wrapper_file
        cfg.pickled_top_module = pickled_top_module
        cfg.pickled_wrapper_template = tplt
        cfg.pickled_orig_file = cfg.src_file
        cfg.def_symbol = def_symbol
        cfg.orig_comp_name = orig_comp_name
        cfg.pickle_dependency = pickle_dependency

        with open(pickled_dependency_file, 'w') as fd:

        with open(pickled_wrapper_file, 'w') as fd:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setup_default_configs(s, m, irepr):
        c = s.__class__
        cfg = m.get_metadata(c.placeholder_config)

        if cfg.enable:
            # If top_module is unspecified, infer it from the component and its
            # parameters. Note we need to make sure the infered top_module matches
            # the default translation result.
            if not cfg.top_module:
                cfg.top_module = irepr.get_name()

            # If the placeholder has parameters, use the mangled unique component
            # name. Otherwise use {class_name}_noparam to avoid duplicated defs.
            has_params = bool(irepr.get_params()) or bool(cfg.params)
            if has_params:
                cfg.pickled_top_module = get_component_unique_name(irepr)
                cfg.pickled_top_module = f"{irepr.get_name()}_noparam"

            # Only try to infer the name of Verilog source file if both
            # flist and the source file are not specified.
            if not cfg.src_file and not cfg.v_flist:
                parent_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(m.__class__))
                cfg.src_file = f"{parent_dir}{os.sep}{cfg.top_module}.v"

            # Pickled file name should always be the same as the top level
            # module name.
            cfg.pickled_source_file = f"{cfg.pickled_top_module}__pickled.v"

            # What is the original file/flist of the pickled source file?
            if cfg.src_file:
                cfg.pickled_orig_file = cfg.src_file
                cfg.pickled_orig_file = cfg.v_flist

            # The unique placeholder name
            cfg.orig_comp_name = get_component_unique_name(irepr)

            # The `ifdef dependency guard is a function of the placeholder
            # class name
            cfg.dependency_guard_symbol = m.__class__.__name__.upper()

            # The `ifdef placeholder guard is a function of the placeholder
            # wrapper name
            cfg.wrapper_guard_symbol = cfg.pickled_top_module.upper()

            # Scan through src_file to check for clk and reset
            if cfg.is_default('has_clk'):
                cfg.has_clk = s._has_pin(cfg.src_file, 'input', 1, 'clk')

            if cfg.is_default('has_reset'):
                cfg.has_reset = s._has_pin(cfg.src_file, 'input', 1, 'reset')

            # By default, the separator of placeholders is single underscore
            cfg.separator = '_'

            # Look for pymtl.ini starting from the directory that includes the def
            # of class m.__class__
            auto_prefix = s._get_auto_prefix(m)

            # Apply auto_prefix to top_module
            cfg.top_module = auto_prefix + cfg.top_module