Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_session_trials(animal_name, session_filename):
    Returns a time-ordered list of dicts, where each dict is info about a trial.
    e.g. [{"trial_num": 1,
           "behavior_outcome": "failure",
           "stm_size": 40.0,
          {"trial_num": 2,
           "behavior_outcome": "success",
           "stm_size": 35.0

    :param animal_name: name of the animal string
    :param session_filename: filename for the session (string)

    #TODO: unfuck this: hard coded paths not ideal for code reuse
    # path = 'input/' + animal_name + '/' + session_filename
    path = os.path.join(input_dir, animal_name, session_filename)

    df = pymworks.open_file(path)
    events = df.get_events([

    trials = []
    trial_num = 1
    for index, event in enumerate(events):
        if (event.name == "Announce_TrialStart" and
        event.value == 1):
            trial = {
                "trial_num": trial_num,
                "stm_size": None,
                "behavior_outcome": None

                if events[index - 1].name == "stm_size":
                    trial["stm_size"] = events[index - 1].value
            except IndexError:
                print "stm_size out of range for session", session_filename, \
                if events[index + 1].name in ["success", "failure", "ignore"]:
                    trial["behavior_outcome"] = events[index + 1].name
            except IndexError:
                print "beh_outcome out of range for session", session_filename,\
            if (trial["stm_size"] is not None and
            trial["behavior_outcome"] is not None):
                trial_num += 1
    return trials
def get_session_statistics(animal_name, session_filename):
    Returns a time-ordered list of dicts, where each dict is info about a trial.
    e.g. [{"trial_num": 1,
           "behavior_outcome": "failure",
           "stm_pos_x": 7.5,
          {"trial_num": 2,
           "behavior_outcome": "success",
           "stm_pos_x": -7.5
    NOTE: trial_num: 1 corresponds to the FIRST trial in the session,
    and trials occur when Announce_TrialStart and Announce_TrialEnd
    events have success, failure, or ignore events between them with

    :param animal_name: name of the animal string
    :param session_filename: filename for the session (string)

    #TODO: unfuck this: hard coded paths not ideal for code reuse
    #path = 'input/' + animal_name + '/' + session_filename
    path = os.path.join(data_dir, animal_name, session_filename)

    df = pymworks.open_file(path)
    events = df.get_events(["Announce_TrialStart", "Announce_TrialEnd",
                            "success", "failure", "ignore", "stm_pos_x"])

    result = []
    index = 0
    temp_events = []
    last_announce = None
    trial_num = 0
    while index < len(events):
        if events[index].name == "Announce_TrialStart":
            temp_events = []
            last_announce = "Announce_TrialStart"

        elif events[index].name == "Announce_TrialEnd":
            if last_announce == "Announce_TrialStart":
                trial_result = {}
                for ev in temp_events:
                    if ev.name == "success" and ev.value == 1:
                        trial_result["behavior_outcome"] = "success"
                    elif ev.name == "failure" and ev.value == 1:
                        trial_result["behavior_outcome"] = "failure"
                    elif ev.name == "ignore" and ev.value == 1:
                        trial_result["behavior_outcome"] = "ignore"
                    elif ev.name == "stm_pos_x":
                        trial_result["stm_pos_x"] = ev.value
                if "behavior_outcome" in trial_result:
                    trial_num += 1
                    trial_result["trial_num"] = trial_num

            last_announce = "Announce_TrialEnd"

        index += 1
    #FYI, testing showed some good filtering of weird events here...
    #blah = df.get_events(["success", "failure", "ignore"])
    #print "EVENTS EQUAL? ", len(result) == len(blah) - 6, session_filename
    #subtract 6 because session initialization emits 2 behavior outcomes per
    #outcome type
    #print len(result), len(blah) - 6
    #lines above unequal in 6/77 sessions for AB3&7 because of random behavior
    #outcome events firing in rapid succession. They happens within a couple
    #microseconds of one another so filtering these out is probably good

    # save each animal's analyzed session info:
    out_dir_by_animal = os.path.join(out_dir, '%s' % animal_name)
    if not os.path.exists(out_dir_by_animal):

    fname = os.path.join(out_dir_by_animal, '%s.pkl' % session_filename)
    with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
        pkl.dump(result, f, protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) #protocol=pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) 

    # make_a_figure(data_for_animal)

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
import pymworks

input = 'grat10_ephys_160202_1622.mwk/grat10_ephys_160202_1622.mwk'

file = pymworks.open_file(input)
events = file.get_events('#announceStimulus')

# find all unique stimulus names so we know what we're dealing with:
stimuli_names = set([ev.value['name'] for ev in events if hasattr(ev.value, '__iter__')])

# take the name and times of a particular stimulus:
def get_stim_times(stim_name):
    stim_times = [ev.time for ev in events if hasattr(ev.value, '__iter__') and ev.value['name'] == stim_name]
    kwik_times = [tb.mworks_to_audio(x/1e6) for x in stim_times] #mworks times are in microseconds - convert to seconds
    return kwik_times

# make dictionary of stimulus name and its times:
stimuli_kwik_times = {stimulus_name : get_stim_times(stimulus_name) for stimulus_name in stimuli_names}    

# give kwik times to..... .raw.kwd file....
	# 1. determine which .raw.kwd file(s) we'll need - compare stimulus times with .kwik files' stamps.

# collect the raw.kwd files:
def get_kwd_files():
    input_file_path = os.getcwd()
    kwd_files = []
    for file in os.listdir(input_file_path):
Ejemplo n.º 4
import flask

import pymworks

#MAXEVENTS = 10000000

fn = '/home/graham/Repositories/braingram/pymworks/test/error.mwk'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    fn = sys.argv[1]
debug = False
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    debug = True

datafile = pymworks.open_file(fn)

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def events_to_json(events):
    if (MAXEVENTS is not None) and (len(events) > MAXEVENTS):
        s = slice(0, len(events), len(events) / MAXEVENTS + 1)
        s = slice(len(events))

    return json.dumps([{'code': e.code, 'time': e.time / float(1E6), \
            'value': e.value, 'name': datafile.to_name(e.code)} \
            for e in events[s]])

def get_session_statistics(animal_name, session_filename):
    Returns a time-ordered list of dicts, where each dict is info about a trial.
    e.g. [{"trial_num": 1,
           "behavior_outcome": "failure",
           "stm_pos_x": 7.5,
          {"trial_num": 2,
           "behavior_outcome": "success",
           "stm_pos_x": -7.5
    NOTE: trial_num: 1 corresponds to the FIRST trial in the session,
    and trials occur when Announce_TrialStart and Announce_TrialEnd
    events have success, failure, or ignore events between them with
    value = 1.

    :param animal_name: name of the animal string
    :param session_filename: filename for the session (string)

    #TODO: unfuck this: hard coded paths not ideal for code reuse
    path = 'input/' + 'phase1/' + animal_name + '/' + session_filename
    # events_we_want = ['#stimDisplayUpdate','Announce_TrialStart', 'Announce_TrialEnd','success', 'failure', 'ignore']

    df = pymworks.open_file(path)

    # Start by getting the pixel clock / bit code data
    stimulus_announces = df.get_events['#announceStimulus']

    # bit_codes is a list of (time, code) tuples
    bit_codes = [(e.time, e.value['bit_code']) for e in stimuli if 'bit_code' in e.value]

    # ok, now let's grab the pixel clock events out of the open-ephys file


    result = []
    index = 0
    temp_events = []
    last_announce = None
    trial_num = 0
    while index < len(events):
        if events[index].name == 'Announce_TrialStart':
            temp_events = []
            last_announce = 'Announce_TrialStart'

        elif events[index].name == 'Announce_TrialEnd': 
            if last_announce == 'Announce_TrialStart':
                trial_result = {}
                for ev in temp_events:
                    ### ANIMAL RESPONSE ###
                    if ev.name == 'success' and ev.value == 1:
                        trial_result['behavior_outcome'] = 'success'
                        trial_result['time_trial_response'] = ev.time
                    elif ev.name == 'failure' and ev.value == 1:
                        trial_result['behavior_outcome'] = 'failure'
                        trial_result['time_trial_response'] = ev.time
                    elif ev.name == 'ignore' and ev.value == 1:
                        trial_result['behavior_outcome'] = 'ignore'
                        trial_result['time_trial_response'] = ev.time

                    ### SCREEN INFORMATION ###
                    #elif ev.name == '#stimDisplayUpdate':
                     # print ev.value[0]['name']
                    elif ev.name == '#stimDisplayUpdate' and len(ev.value) == 1: # this won't actually happen
                    elif ev.name == '#stimDisplayUpdate' and len(ev.value) == 2: # if blank screen with pixel clock on.
                        trial_result['bit_code'] = ev.value[1]['bit_code'] # this is the actual bit code on this screen
                        trial_result['stim_name'] = ev.value[0]['name'] # this should be BlankScreen
                      #  print 'stim: ', trial_result['stim_name'], ' and bit code: ', trial_result['bit_code']
                    elif ev.name == 'get_#stimDisplayUpdate' and len(ev.value) == 3: 
                      # two options here: 1)blank screen, stimulus, and pixel clock
                      # or 2) blank, pixel, grayscreen (error trial)

                      # if [2] element of ev.value is bit code, do this:
                      if ev.value[2]['name'] == 'pixel clock':
                        trial_result['time_trial_start'] = ev.time
                        trial_result['stim_name'] = ev.value[1]['name']
                        trial_result['bit_code'] = ev.value[2]['bit_code']
                        #print "bit code as ev.value[2]['name']"    

                      # elif [2] value of ev.value is gray screen (i.e. this is an error trial),
                      elif ev.value[2]['name'] == 'BlankScreenGray':
                        # bit code is under ev.value[1] 
                        trial_result['bit_code'] = ev.value[1]['bit_code']
                        trial_result['stim_name'] = ev.value[2]['name']
                        #print "gray screen as ev.value[2]['name']"

                        #print ev.value[2]['name']

                   ### STIMULUS PROPERTIES ###
                   # elif ev.name == 'stm_size':
                   #     trial_result['stm_size'] = ev.value
                   # elif ev.name == 'stm_rotation':
                   #     trial_result['stm_rotation'] = ev.value
                   # elif ev.name == 'stm_rotation_in_depth':
                   #     trial_result['stm_rotation_in_depth'] = ev.value
                   # elif ev.name == 'stm_pos_x':
                    #    if trial_result['stm_pos_x'] == -0.0:     #weird MWorks protocol thing where some of the 0.0s come out negative, so just correcting that
                     #       trial_result['stm_pos_x'] = abs(ev.value)
                      #  else:
                       #     trial_result['stm_pos_x'] = ev.value
                   # elif ev.name == 'stm_pos_y':
                   #     trial_result['stm_pos_y'] = ev.value
                    print 'bit code was: ', trial_result['bit_code'], 'and stim was: ', trial_result['stim_name']

                if 'behavior_outcome' in trial_result:
                    trial_num += 1
                    trial_result['trial_num'] = trial_num

            last_announce = 'Announce_TrialEnd'

        index += 1
    #FYI, testing showed some good filtering of weird events here...
    #blah = df.get_events(["success", "failure", "ignore"])
    #print "EVENTS EQUAL? ", len(result) == len(blah) - 6, session_filename
    #subtract 6 because session initialization emits 2 behavior outcomes per
    #outcome type
    #print len(result), len(blah) - 6
    #lines above unequal in 6/77 sessions for AB3&7 because of random behavior
    #outcome events firing in rapid succession. They happen within a couple
    #microseconds of one another so filtering these out is probably good
    return result
    print result
def get_bitcode_simple(animal_name, session_filename):

    path = '/Volumes/Mac HD/Dropbox (coxlab)/Behavior/3-port-analysis-master/' + 'input/' + 'phase1/' + animal_name + '/' + session_filename

    display_events = ['#stimDisplayUpdate']

    df = pymworks.open_file(path)
    events = df.get_events(display_events)

    temp_events = []
    last_announce = None
    trial_num = 0

    result = {'bit_code': [], 'stim_name': [], 'time': []}

    index = 0
    while index < len(events):
        #    result['bit_code'].append()
        trial_result = {'bit_code': [], 'stim_name': [], 'time': []}

        if events[index].name == '#stimDisplayUpdate' and len(
                events[index].value) == 1:  # this won't actually happen
        elif events[index].name == '#stimDisplayUpdate' and len(
                events[index].value) == 2:

            trial_result['bit_code'] = events[index].value[1][
                'bit_code']  # this is the actual bit code on this screen
            trial_result['stim_name'] = events[index].value[0][
                'name']  # this should be BlankScreen
            trial_result['time'] = events[index].time

        elif events[index].name == '#stimDisplayUpdate' and len(
                events[index].value) == 3:

            if events[index].value[2]['name'] == 'pixel clock':

                trial_result['stim_name'] = events[index].value[1]['name']
                trial_result['bit_code'] = events[index].value[2]['bit_code']
                trial_result['time'] = events[index].time

            # elif [2] value of ev.value is gray screen (i.e. this is an error trial),
            elif events[index].value[2]['name'] == 'BlankScreenGray':
                # bit code is under ev.value[1]
                trial_result['bit_code'] = events[index].value[1]['bit_code']
                trial_result['stim_name'] = events[index].value[2]['name']
                trial_result['time'] = events[index].time

                #print ev.value[2]['name']


        index += 1

    #print result

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
def load_mworks(filename):
    pyfilename = "%s/%s" % (filename, os.path.basename(filename))

    mf = MworksFile(filename)
    pf = pymworks.open_file(pyfilename)
    return mf, pf
Ejemplo n.º 8
def load_h5(filename):
    h5filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.h5'

    mf = TableFile(h5filename)
    pf = pymworks.open_file(filename)
    return mf, pf
Ejemplo n.º 9
#!/usr/bin/env python

import datautils.grouping

import pymworks
import pymworks.events

import gaze.io.mworks
import gaze.ops.check.check
import gaze.ops.check.trials
import gaze.opts.clean.constrain

fn = "test.mwk"

# open file
df = pymworks.open_file(fn)

# read gaze data & info (g = 2 tuple)
g = gaze.io.mworks.read(df)

# find valid gaze data
c = gaze.ops.check.check.check_validity(*g)
# min_error_mask = gaze.ops.check.check.find_minimum_error_mask(*g)

# remove invalid data
cg = g[0][c == 0]

# remove data outside of 'reasonable' bounds
ccg = gaze.ops.clean.constrain.constrain(cg)

# read trial data