Ejemplo n.º 1
def sigma(halo, sim, grps=[1],nbins=50, nangles=10,j_disk_min = 0.8, j_disk_max=1.1, E_cut = None, j_circ_from_r=False, vcen=None, log_interp=False, angmom_size="3 kpc"):
	sigma = np.zeros(np.size(grps))
	cen = np.zeros(np.size(grps))
	cnt = 0
	for grp in grps:
		print "calculating sigma for halo number ",grp 
		cen[cnt] = halo.shrink_sphere_center(h[grp])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def BH_Disp_v_BHMass(halos,nhalos=10):
	for i in range(10):
		cen = halo.shrink_sphere_center(halos[i+1])
                halos[i+1]['pos'] -= cen
                bhind = np.where(halos[i+1].stars['tform'] < 0)
		if not np.size(bhind): continue
                bhdist = halos[i+1].stars[bhind]['r'].in_units('kpc')
		massbh = halos[i+1].stars[bhind]['mass'].in_units('Msol')
	plt.ylabel("Displacement from Halo Center (kpc)")
	plt.xlabel("BH Mass (Msun)")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def plotOccFrac(sim, centrals=True, rlim=1, cum=True, bins=10):
	plot the black hole occupation fraction of halos as a function of mass

	sim = name of the snapshot you wish to analyze
	centrals = whether or not you only want to count black holes within rlim from center of halo
	rlim = the maximum radius from the halo center that you would define a black hole to be "central"
	cum = whether you want a cumulative distribution
	bins = number of log bins in halo mass you want
	array[occupation fraction]
	array[mass bins]
	also a nice plot!
    stat = readcol.readcol(sim + '.amiga.stat', skipline=1)
    Mvir = stat[:, 5].astype('float')
    s = pynbody.load(sim)
    h = s.halos()
    bhgrps = s.stars['amiga.grp'][(s.stars['tform'] < 0)]
    print "calculating Min and Max halo masses..."
    MvirMin = h[int(bhgrps.max())]['mass'].in_units('Msol').sum()
    MvirMax = h[1]['mass'].in_units('Msol').sum()
    print "Min: ", MvirMin, " Max: ", MvirMax
    dLogM = (np.log10(MvirMax) - np.log10(MvirMin)) / bins
    BHFlag = np.zeros(bhgrps.max())
    ugrps = np.unique(bhgrps)
    print "there are ", len(ugrps), "halos with BHs"
    print "determining existence of central BHs..."
    for i in ugrps:
        if i == 0: continue
        print "halo ", i
        cen = halo.shrink_sphere_center(h[i])
        h[i].stars['pos'] -= cen
        if len(h[i].stars[((h[i].stars['tform'] < 0) &
                           (h[i].stars['r'].in_units('kpc') < rlim))]) > 0:
            BHFlag[i - 1] = 1
        h[i].stars['pos'] += cen

    occNum, Mbins = np.histogram(np.log10(Mvir[np.arange(bhgrps.max())]),
    HNum, Mbins2 = np.histogram(np.log10(Mvir[np.arange(bhgrps.max())]),
    if cum == True:
        occFrac = np.cumsum(occNum) / np.cumsum(HNum).astype('float')
        occFrac = occNum / HNum.astype('float')
    return Mbins, occFrac
Ejemplo n.º 4
def plotOccFrac(sim,centrals=True,rlim=1,cum=True,bins=10):
	plot the black hole occupation fraction of halos as a function of mass

	sim = name of the snapshot you wish to analyze
	centrals = whether or not you only want to count black holes within rlim from center of halo
	rlim = the maximum radius from the halo center that you would define a black hole to be "central"
	cum = whether you want a cumulative distribution
	bins = number of log bins in halo mass you want
	array[occupation fraction]
	array[mass bins]
	also a nice plot!
	stat = readcol.readcol(sim+'.amiga.stat',skipline=1)
	Mvir = stat[:,5].astype('float')
	s = pynbody.load(sim)
	h = s.halos()
	bhgrps = s.stars['amiga.grp'][(s.stars['tform']<0)]
	print "calculating Min and Max halo masses..."
	MvirMin = h[bhgrps.max()]['mass'].in_units('Msol').sum()
	MvirMax = h[1]['mass'].in_units('Msol').sum()
	print "Min: ", MvirMin, " Max: ", MvirMax
	dLogM = (np.log10(MvirMax) - np.log10(MvirMin))/bins
	BHFlag = np.zeros(bhgrps.max())
	ugrps = np.unique(bhgrps)
	print "there are ", len(ugrps), "halos with BHs"
	print "determining existence of central BHs..."
	for i in ugrps:
		if i == 0: continue
		print "halo ", i
		cen = halo.shrink_sphere_center(h[i])
		h[i].stars['pos'] -= cen
		if len(h[i].stars[((h[i].stars['tform']<0)&(h[i].stars['r'].in_units('kpc')<rlim))])>0: BHFlag[i-1] = 1
		h[i].stars['pos'] += cen

	occNum, Mbins = np.histogram(np.log10(Mvir[np.arange(bhgrps.max())]),bins=bins,weights = BHFlag)
	HNum, Mbins2 = np.histogram(np.log10(Mvir[np.arange(bhgrps.max())]),bins=bins)
	if cum==True:
		occFrac = np.cumsum(occNum)/np.cumsum(HNum).astype('float')
		occFrac = occNum/HNum.astype('float')
	return Mbins,occFrac
Ejemplo n.º 5
def BHHM_relation(halos,nhalos=10,center=True,massive=False):
	counter = 1
	while counter<=nhalos:
		print counter
		bhind = np.where(halos[counter].stars['tform'] < 0)
		if not np.size(bhind): continue
		Mhalo = halos[counter]['mass'].in_units('Msol').sum()
		Mbh = halos[counter].stars[bhind]['mass'].in_units('Msol')
		if massive:
			MassBH = Mbh[np.where(Mbh == Mbh.max())]
		if center:
			cen = halo.shrink_sphere_center(halos[counter])
			halos[counter]['pos'] -= cen
			bhdist = halos[counter].stars[bhind]['r'].in_units('kpc')
			MassBH = Mbh[np.where(bhdist == bhdist.min())]
		counter += 1
	plt.ylabel("BH Mass (Msun)")
	plt.xlabel("Halo Mass (Msun)")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def BH_Disp(halos,nhalos=10,massive=False,title=False):
	for i in range(10):
		cen = halo.shrink_sphere_center(halos[i+1])
		halos[i+1]['pos'] -= cen
		bhind = np.where(halos[i+1].stars['tform'] < 0)
		print np.size(bhind)
		if not np.size(bhind): continue
		bhdist = halos[i+1].stars[bhind]['r'].in_units('kpc')
		Mhalo = halos[i+1]['mass'].in_units('Msol').sum()
		if (not massive):
			for ii in range(np.size(bhind)):
			if massive:
				mass = halos[i+1].stars[bhind]['mass']
				MassDist = bhdist[np.where(mass == mass.max())]
				print MassDist
				if title:
					plt.title("Most Massive BHs")
	plt.ylabel("Distance from Halo Center (kpc)")
	plt.xlabel("Halo Mass (Msun)")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getBHhalo(simname,findcenter='mass',filename=None, initFile=None):
	if not os.path.exists("grpfiles.list"):
		simname_split = simname.split('.')
        	num = len(simname_split)
		os.system('ls '+simname+'.00*.grp | cut -d "." -f1-'+str(num+1)+ '> grpfiles.list' )
	if filename:
		if os.path.exists(filename):
			print "file", filename, "already exists! reading it in and appending it with new data"
			f = open(filename,'rb')
			BHhaloOLD = pickle.load(f)
			startStep = len(BHhaloOLD['haloID'][0])
			os.system('rm '+filename)
			print "old file has", startStep, "halos already completed"
			startStep = 0
	if initFile:
		if os.path.exists(initFile):
			print "found file ", initFile, "reading it in now"
			f = open(initFile,'rb')
                        BHhaloOLD = pickle.load(f)
                        startStep = len(BHhaloOLD['haloID'][0])
                        print "given file has", startStep, "halos already completed"
			if initFile==filename:
				print "given file has same name as target file... deleting old file to replace with new file"
				os.system('rm '+filename)

	if initFile==None: startStep = 0

	f= open("grpfiles.list")
	munits = 'Msol'
	vunits = 'km s**-1'
	posunits = 'kpc'

	if findcenter != 'mass' and findcenter != 'pot':
		print 'Warning: findcenter = mass or pot. Cannot understand given input, reverting to shrink_sphere_center for halo center calculation.'
		findcenter = 'mass'

	print "finding BH iords..."
	bhorbitdata = readcol.readcol(simname+'.orbit')
        bhiords = np.unique(bhorbitdata[:,0])
	files = f.readlines()
	nsteps = len(files) - startStep
	nbh = len(bhiords)
	print "cleaning up... and initializing arrays"

	bhmass = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),munits)
	haloid = np.zeros((nbh,nsteps))
	mhalo = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),munits)
	mdark = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),munits)
	mstar = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),munits)
	mgas = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),munits)
	vhalo = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps,3)),vunits)
	dist = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),posunits)
	bhpos = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps,3)),posunits)
	bhvel = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps,3)),vunits)
	halocen = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps,3)),posunits)
	halorad = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),posunits)
	scaleFac = np.zeros((nbh,nsteps))
	rho = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),'g cm**-3')
	cs = array.SimArray(np.zeros((nbh,nsteps)),'cm s**-1')

	for stepcnt in range(nsteps):
		line = files[stepcnt+startStep].strip()
		print "getting halo information for ", line
		s = pynbody.load(line)
		h = s.halos()
		if not np.size(s.star[(s.star['tform']<0)]):
			print "no BHs in this step! moving on..."
		else: print "there are ", np.size(s.star[(s.star['tform']<0)]), "BHs in the step"
		print "finding halo centers..."
		allHaloID = np.unique(s.star['amiga.grp'][(s.star['tform']<0)])
		centers = np.zeros((len(allHaloID),3))
		velocities = np.zeros((len(allHaloID),3))
		radius = np.zeros(len(allHaloID))
		for cnt in range(len(allHaloID)):
			if findcenter=='mass': cen = halo.shrink_sphere_center(h[allHaloID[cnt]])
			if findcenter=='phi': cen = h[allHaloID[cnt]]['pos'][(h[allHaloID[cnt]]['phi']==float(h[allHaloID[cnt]]['phi'].min()))]
			vel = halo.center_of_mass_velocity(h[allHaloID[cnt]])
			h[allHaloID[cnt]]['pos'] -= cen
			rad = h[allHaloID[cnt]]['r'].max()
			centers[cnt,:] = cen.in_units(posunits,a=s.properties['a'])
			velocities[cnt,:] = vel.in_units(vunits,a=s.properties['a'])
			radius[cnt] = rad.in_units(posunits,a=s.properties['a'])
			h[allHaloID[cnt]]['pos'] += cen	

		print "getting BH data for this step..."
		for cnt in range(nbh):
			curbh, = np.where(s.star['iord']==bhiords[cnt])
			if len(curbh)==0: continue
			bhmass[cnt,stepcnt] = s.star['mass'].in_units('Msol')[curbh[0]]

			haloid[cnt,stepcnt] = s.star['amiga.grp'][curbh]
			mhalo[cnt,stepcnt] = h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]]['mass'].sum().in_units(munits)
			mstar[cnt,stepcnt] = h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]].star['mass'].sum().in_units(munits)
			mgas[cnt,stepcnt] = h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]].gas['mass'].sum().in_units(munits)

			vhalo[cnt,stepcnt,:] = velocities[(allHaloID==haloid[cnt,stepcnt]),:]
			bhvel[cnt,stepcnt,:] = s.star['vel'].in_units(vunits)[curbh[0]] - vhalo[cnt,stepcnt,:]
			halocen[cnt,stepcnt,:] = centers[(allHaloID==haloid[cnt,stepcnt]),:]
			halorad[cnt,stepcnt] = radius[(allHaloID==haloid[cnt,stepcnt])]
			bhpos[cnt,stepcnt,:] = s.star['pos'].in_units(posunits)[curbh[0]]-halocen[cnt,stepcnt,:] 
			dist[cnt,stepcnt] = np.sqrt((bhpos[cnt,stepcnt,:]**2).sum())

			if len(h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]].gas) > 0:
				h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]].gas['pos'] -= s.star['pos'][curbh[0]]
				o = np.argsort(h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]].gas['r'])
				rho[cnt,stepcnt] = h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]].gas['rho'][o[0:32]].in_units('g cm**-3').mean()	
				cs[cnt,stepcnt] = h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]].gas['cs'][o[0:32]].in_units('cm s**-1').mean()		
				h[haloid[cnt,stepcnt]].gas['pos'] += s.star['pos'][curbh[0]]

				rho[cnt,stepcnt] = 0
				cs[cnt,stepcnt] = 0

			scaleFac[cnt,stepcnt] = s.properties['a']	

		print "deleting stuff"
	if startStep == 0:
		bhhalo = {'iord':bhiords,'mass':bhmass,'pos':bhpos,'vel':bhvel,'haloID':haloid,'halomass': mhalo,'haloradius':halorad,'halostarmass':mstar,'halodarkmass':mdark,'halogasmass':mgas,'halocen':halocen,'halovel':vhalo,'dist':dist,'scaleFac':scaleFac,'rho':rho,'cs':cs}
		bhhalo = {'iord':bhiords,'mass':bhmass,'pos':bhpos,'vel':bhvel,'haloID':haloid,'halomass': mhalo,'haloradius':halorad,'halostarmass':mstar,'halodarkmass':mdark,'halogasmass':mgas,'halocen':halocen,'halovel':vhalo,'dist':dist,'scaleFac':scaleFac,'rho':rho,'cs':cs}
		bhhalo['mass'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['mass'], bhhalo['mass'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['pos'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['pos'], bhhalo['pos'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['vel'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['vel'], bhhalo['vel'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['haloID'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['haloID'], bhhalo['haloID'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['halomass'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['halomass'], bhhalo['halomass'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['haloradius'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['haloradius'], bhhalo['haloradius'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['halostarmass'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['halostarmass'], bhhalo['halostarmass'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['halodarkmass'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['halodarkmass'], bhhalo['halodarkmass'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['halogasmass'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['halogasmass'], bhhalo['halogasmass'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['halocen'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['halocen'], bhhalo['halocen'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['halovel'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['halovel'], bhhalo['halovel'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['dist'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['dist'], bhhalo['dist'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['scaleFac'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['scaleFac'], bhhalo['scaleFac'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['rho'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['rho'], bhhalo['rho'],axis=1)
		bhhalo['cs'] = np.append(BHhaloOLD['cs'], bhhalo['cs'],axis=1)
	if filename:
                f = open(str(filename),'wb')
	return bhhalo