Ejemplo n.º 1
    def expressInterest(
      self, interestOrName, arg2, arg3 = None, arg4 = None, arg5 = None):
        Send the Interest through the transport, read the entire response and 
        call onData(interest, data).  There are two forms of expressInterest.  
        The first form takes the exact interest (including lifetime):
        expressInterest(interest, onData [, onTimeout] [, wireFormat]).  
        The second form creates the interest from a name and optional 
        interest template:
        expressInterest(name [, interestTemplate], onData [, onTimeout] 
        [, wireFormat]).
        :param Interest interest: The Interest (if the first form is used). This 
          copies the Interest.
        :param Name name: A name for the Interest (if the second form is used).
        :param Interest interestTemplate: (optional) if not None, copy interest 
          selectors from the template (if the second form is used).  If omitted, 
          use a default interest lifetime.
        :param onData: When a matching data packet is received, this calls 
          onData(interest, data) where interest is the interest given to 
          expressInterest and data is the received Data object. NOTE: You must
          not change the interest object - if you need to change it then make a
        :type onData: function object
        :param onTimeout: (optional) If the interest times out according to the 
          interest lifetime, this calls onTimeout(interest) where interest is 
          the interest given to expressInterest. However, if onTimeout is None 
          or omitted, this does not use it.
        :type onTimeout: function object
        :param wireFormat: (optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the 
           message. If omitted, use WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat().
        :type wireFormat: A subclass of WireFormat
        :return:  The pending interest ID which can be used with 
        :rtype: int
        # expressInterest(interest, onData)
        # expressInterest(interest, onData, wireFormat)
        # expressInterest(interest, onData, onTimeout)
        # expressInterest(interest, onData, onTimeout, wireFormat)
        if type(interestOrName) is Interest:
            # Node.expressInterest requires a copy of the interest.
            interest = Interest(interestOrName)
            onData = arg2
            if isinstance(arg3, WireFormat):
                onTimeout = None
                wireFormat = arg3
                onTimeout = arg3
                wireFormat = arg4
            # The first argument is a name. Make the interest from the name and 
            #   possible template.
            interest = Interest(interestOrName)
            # expressInterest(name, interestTemplate, onData) 
            # expressInterest(name, interestTemplate, onData, wireFormat) 
            # expressInterest(name, interestTemplate, onData, onTimeout) 
            # expressInterest(name, interestTemplate, onData, onTimeout, wireFormat) 
            if type(arg2) is Interest:
                template = arg2
                # Don't copy the nonce.

                onData = arg3
                if isinstance(arg4, WireFormat):
                    onTimeout = None
                    wireFormat = arg4
                    onTimeout = arg4
                    wireFormat = arg5
            # expressInterest(name, onData) 
            # expressInterest(name, onData, wireFormat)
            # expressInterest(name, onData, onTimeout)
            # expressInterest(name, onData, onTimeout, wireFormat)
                # Set a default interest lifetime.
                onData = arg2
                if isinstance(arg3, WireFormat):
                    onTimeout = None
                    wireFormat = arg3
                    onTimeout = arg3
                    wireFormat = arg4
        if wireFormat == None:
            # Don't use a default argument since getDefaultWireFormat can change.
            wireFormat = WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat()

        return self._node.expressInterest(
          interest, onData, onTimeout, wireFormat)