Ejemplo n.º 1
 def plotContours(self, to_eval, low_level=None, high_level=None, n_levels=20,
                   linestyles='-', clabels=True, log_levels=True, title=None, ax=None, **kwargs):
     Plot a contour map of the diagnostic defined by to_eval.
         to_eval:                   algebraic definition of the line ratio to contour-plot
         low_levels: limit levels for the contour. If not set, the limit of the ratio values are used.
         high_levels: limit levels for the contour. If not set, the limit of the ratio values are used.
         n_levels:                  number of levels (20 is the default)
         linestyles:                used for the contour lines (default: solid line)
         clabels:                   Boolean. Controls if line labels are printed (default: True)
         log_levels:                Boolean. If True (default), the log of the line ratio is used.
         title:                     plot title
         **kwargs:                  sent to plt.contour
     if not config.INSTALLED['plt']:
         log_.error('Matplotlib not available', calling=self.calling)
         return None
     X = np.log10(self.den2D)
     Y = self.tem2D
     L = lambda lam: self.getGrid(wave=lam)
     I = lambda i, j: self.getGrid(i, j)
     S = lambda label: self.getGrid(label=label)
         diag_map = eval(to_eval)
         self.log_.warn('diag %s not found' % to_eval, calling=self.calling)
         return None
     if low_level is None:
         low_level = np.min(np.log10(diag_map))
     if high_level is None:
         high_level = np.max(np.log10(diag_map))
     if log_levels:
         Z = np.log10(diag_map)
         levels = np.linspace(low_level, high_level, n_levels)
         if title is None:
             title = '[%s%s]: log(%s)' % (self.elem, int_to_roman(int(self.spec)), to_eval)
         Z = diag_map
         levels = 10. ** (np.linspace(low_level, high_level, n_levels))
         if title is None:
             title = '[%s%s]: %s' % (self.elem, int_to_roman(int(self.spec)), to_eval)
     if ax is None:
         f, ax = plt.subplots()
         f = plt.gcf()
     CS = ax.contour(X, Y, Z, levels=levels, linestyles=linestyles, **kwargs)
     if clabels:
         ax.clabel(CS, CS.levels[::3], inline=True, fontsize=12, colors='black')
     ax.set_xlabel(r'log(n$_{\rm e}$) [cm$^{-3}$]')
     ax.set_ylabel(r'T$_{\rm e}$ [K]')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def plotImage(self,
        Draw a contour plot of a line ratio. The contour is obtained by a horizontal cut in a temden-emissivity array.
        More elaborated plots can be obtained with the Diagnostic object.
            O3map.plotImage(wave1=4363, wave2=5007)
            - to_eval                         algebraic expression of the line combination to draw. May combine L(lambda) and I(i,j).
            - lev_i1, lev_i2, lev_j1, lev_j2  levels of the a lines in case of simple line ratio plot.
            - wave1, wave2                    wavelengths of the two lines in case of simple line ratio plot.
            - cblabel                         a title for the colorbar
            - **kwargs                        any other parameter will be sent to contourf and pcolor

        if not config.INSTALLED['plt']:
            log_.error('Matplotlib not available', calling=self.calling)
            return None
        L = lambda lam: self.getGrid(wave=lam)
        I = lambda i, j: self.getGrid(i, j)
        S = lambda label: self.getGrid(label)
        if to_eval is None:
            if wave1 != -1:
                lev_i1, lev_j1 = self.atom.getTransition(wave1)
            if wave2 != -1:
                lev_i2, lev_j2 = self.atom.getTransition(wave2)
            to_eval = 'I(' + str(lev_i1) + ',' + str(lev_j1) + ') / I(' + str(
                lev_i2) + ',' + str(lev_j2) + ')'
        X = np.log10(self.den2D)
        Y = self.tem2D / 1e4
        Z = self.getGrid(to_eval=to_eval)
        plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, **kwargs)
        emap = plt.pcolor(X, Y, Z, **kwargs)
        cbar = plt.colorbar(emap)
        # plt.clabel(contour, inline=1)
        plt.xlabel(r'log Electron density (cm$^{-3}$)')
        plt.ylabel(r'Electron temperature ($10^4$K)')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getEmisGridDict(elem_list=None, spec_list=None, atom_list=None, restore=True, pypic_path=None,
            n_tem=100, n_den=100, tem_min=5000., tem_max=20000., den_min=10., den_max=1e8, save=True,
            atomDict=None, createPypicsDir=True, computeIfAbsent=True):
    Return a dictionary of EmisGrid objects referred to by their atom string (e.g. 'O3').
        elem_list:         list of elements
        spec_list:         list of spectrum values (integers)
        atom_list:         list of atoms (e.g. ['N2', 'O3'])
        restore:           Boolean. If True (default), the program will search for a previously computed grid.
                            If not found, it will compute the EmisGrid (unless computeIfAbsent is set to False)
        pypic_path:        directory where to look for the pypic emissivity files. It defaults to pn.config.pypic_path, 
                            which is defined when the PyNeb session begins and corresponds to $HOME/.pypics if
                            the ENVIRONMENT variable HOME is accessible or to /tmp/pypics otherwise
        n_tem:      number of points in the Te  samples resp. 
        n_den:      number of points in the Ne samples resp. 
        tem_min: minimum Te value
        tem_max: maximum Te value
        den_min: minimum Ne value
        den_max: maximum Ne value
        save (bool): If True (default), the emissivity grid will be saved. It has no effect if the 
                            EmisGrid has just been restored.
        atomDict:          dictionary of Atom objects
        computeIfAbsent (bool):   If the file to restore is absent and this parameter is True, the EmisGrid is computed
        emisgrids = pn.getEmisGridDict(['C', 'N', 'O'], [2, 3], save=True)
        emisgrids = pn.getEmisGridDict(atom_list=['N2', 'O2', 'O3'], pypic_path='/tmp/pypics/',
                        den_max = 1e6)
        emisgrids = pn.getEmisGridDict(atomDict=diags.atomDict)

    if pypic_path is None:
        pypic_path = config.pypic_path
        config.pypic_path = pypic_path
    calling = 'getEmisGridDict'
    if pypic_path is None:
        return None
    emis_grids = {}
    atoms = []
    if atomDict is not None:
        atoms = atomDict.keys()
        if atom_list is not None:
            atoms = atom_list
# VL Removed 13 March 2015 because it made the code ignore the elem keyword             
#            atoms = atomicData.getAllAtoms()
            if (elem_list is None) and (spec_list is None):
                atoms = atomicData.getAllAtoms()
                for elem in elem_list:
                    for spec in spec_list:
                        atoms.append(elem + str(spec)) 
    for atom in atoms:
        elem, spec, rec = parseAtom2(atom)
        if atomDict is not None:
            atomObj = atomDict[atom]
            atomObj = None
        file_ = '{0}/emis_{1}{2}{3}.pypic'.format(pypic_path, elem, spec, rec)
        if restore:
            if os.path.exists(file_):
                    emis_grids[elem + spec] = EmisGrid(restore_file=file_, n_tem=n_tem, n_den=n_den, 
                                                       tem_min=tem_min, tem_max=tem_max,
                                                       den_min=den_min, den_max=den_max, atomObj=atomObj)
                    log_.message('Read %s' % file_, calling=calling)
                    compute_this = False
                    if computeIfAbsent:
                        log_.warn('Wrong emission map: {0}, creating it'.format(file_), calling=calling)
                        compute_this = True
                        log_.error('Wrong emission map: {0}'.format(file_), calling=calling)
                        compute_this = False
                log_.warn('Emission map not found: {0}'.format(file_), calling=calling)
                if computeIfAbsent:
                    compute_this = True
            compute_this = True
        if compute_this:
                emis_grids[atom] = EmisGrid(elem, spec, n_tem=n_tem, n_den=n_den, tem_min=tem_min, tem_max=tem_max,
                                              den_min=den_min, den_max=den_max, atomObj=atomObj)
                if save:
                    log_.message('%s saved to %s' % ((atom), file_), calling=calling)
                log_.warn('No %s EmisGrid' % (atom), calling=calling)
    return emis_grids
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def plotLineRatio(self, to_eval, par=None, par_low=None, par_high=None, n_par=10,
                      linestyles='-', title=None, legend=True, loc=2, **kwargs):
        Plot the diagnostic defined by to_eval as a function of either Ne or Te, with the other
        variable as a parameter.
            to_eval:      algebraic definition of the line ratio to contour-plot
            par:          quantity to be used as a parameter (either 'den' or 'tem')
            par_low:      lowest limit of the parameter range
            par_high:     highest limit of the parameter range
            n_par:        number of parameter's values (default: 10)
            linestyles:   used for the contour lines (default: solid)
            title:        plot title
            legend:       Boolean. If True, write legend title (default: True) 
            **kwargs:     sent to plt.contour
            o3grid.plotLineRatio('L(4363)/L(5007)', par='den')
            s2grid.plotLineRatio('I(2,1)/I(3,1)', par='tem', par_low=5000, par_high=20000, n_par=4)
        if not config.INSTALLED['plt']:
            log_.error('Matplotlib not available', calling=self.calling)
            return None

        L = lambda wav: self.getGrid(wave=wav)
        I = lambda i, j: self.getGrid(i, j)
        if par == 'tem':
            X = np.log10(self.den2D)
            Z = self.tem2D
            leg_format = "{0:.0f} K"
            leg_title = r'Temperature'
            xlabel = r'Log(N$_{\rm e}$) [cm$^{-3}$]'
        elif par == 'den':
            X = self.tem2D
            Z = np.log10(self.den2D)
            leg_format = "{0:.2f}"
            leg_title = r'Log(N$_{\rm e}$)'
            xlabel = r'T$_{\rm e}$ [K]'
            self.log_.error('The parameter must be either den or tem (%s given)' % par, calling=self.calling)

            Y = eval(to_eval)
            self.log_.warn('Diagnostic %s not found' % to_eval, calling=self.calling)            
            return None

        if par_low is None:
            par_low = np.min(Z)
        if par_high is None:
            par_high = np.max(Z)
        levels = np.linspace(par_low, par_high, n_par)

        CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, levels=levels, linestyles=linestyles, **kwargs)
        if legend:
            for i_level in range(len(levels)):
                plt.legend(title=leg_title, loc=loc)

        if title is None:
            title = '[%s%s]' % (self.elem, int_to_roman(int(self.spec)))
