def convert_and_send_as_nmea(out, data, gps_vel): # # tws = -1.0 twd = -1.0 vmg = -1.0 try: out.write( pynmea2.MWV('II', 'MWV', (str(float(data["m_wind.apparentAngle"])), "R", data["m_wind.apparentSpeed"], "K", "A")).render( True, True, True)) out.write( pynmea2.HDM('II', 'HDM', (data["yaw"], "M")).render(True, True, True)) out.write( pynmea2.DPT('II', 'DPT', (data["m_depth.depthBelowTransductor"], "0.5", "70.0")).render(True, True, True)) out.write( pynmea2.MTW('II', 'MTW', (data["m_speed.waterTemp"], "C")).render( True, True, True)) #out.write(pynmea2.VTG('II', 'VTG', ("0.0", "T", "0.0", "M", data["m_speed"], "N", str(float(data["m_speed"]) * 1.8), "K")).render(True, True, True)) out.write( pynmea2.VHW('II', 'VHW', ("0.0", "T", "0.0", "M", data["m_speed"], "N", str(float(data["m_speed"]) * 1.8), "K")).render( True, True, True)) out.write( pynmea2.XDR('II', 'XDR', ("A", str(-float(data["roll"])), "", "ROLL")).render( True, True, True)) out.write( pynmea2.XDR('II', 'XDR', ("A", data["pitch"], "", "PITCH")).render( True, True, True)) angle = str(float(data["m_currentPosition"]) / 5) out.write( pynmea2.RSA('II', 'RSA', (angle, "A", "0.0", "V")).render(True, True, True)) position_information = data["Position"].split("##") if len(position_information) > 0: for p in position_information: out.write(p) if DEBUG: print("roll:" + data["roll"]) print("pitch:" + data["pitch"]) print("yaw:" + data["yaw"]) print("freq:" + data["freq"]) except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print("Exception during conversion1") print(data) print(e) # try: wind_direction = float(data["m_wind.apparentAngle"]) / 180.0 * math.pi wind_speed = float(data["m_wind.apparentSpeed"]) boat_speed = float(data["m_speed"]) boat_speed = abs(float(gps_vel)) # print((boat_speed, wind_speed)) boat_direction = 0.0 u = boat_speed * math.sin(boat_direction) - wind_speed * math.sin( wind_direction) v = boat_speed * math.cos(boat_direction) - wind_speed * math.cos( wind_direction) tws = str(math.sqrt(u * u + v * v)) twd = 180.0 + math.atan2(u, v) * 180.0 / math.pi if twd < 0.0: twd += 360.0 vmg = str(boat_speed * math.cos(twd / 180.0 * math.pi)) twd = str(twd) out.write( pynmea2.MWV('II', 'MWV', (twd, "T", tws, "N", "A")).render(True, True, True)) except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError, KeyError) as e: if DEBUG: print(e) return (tws, twd, vmg)
def work_pypilot(): #init compass mode = conf.get('PYPILOT', 'mode') if mode == 'disabled': print 'pypilot disabled ' return headingSK = conf.get('PYPILOT', 'translation_magnetic_h') attitudeSK = conf.get('PYPILOT', 'translation_attitude') SETTINGS_FILE = "RTIMULib" s = RTIMU.Settings(SETTINGS_FILE) imu = RTIMU.RTIMU(s) imuName = imu.IMUName() del imu del s if mode == 'imu': cmd = ['pypilot_boatimu', '-q'] elif mode == 'basic autopilot': # ensure no serial getty running os.system('sudo systemctl stop [email protected]') os.system('sudo systemctl stop [email protected]') cmd = ['pypilot'] try: translation_rate = float(conf.get('PYPILOT', 'translation_rate')) except: translation_rate = 1 conf.set('PYPILOT', 'translation_rate', '1') pid = os.fork() try: if pid == 0: os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd) print 'failed to launch', cmd exit(1) except: print 'exception launching pypilot' exit(1) print 'launched pypilot pid', pid time.sleep(3) # wait 3 seconds to launch client def on_con(client): print 'connected' if headingSK == '1':'imu.heading') if attitudeSK == '1':'imu.pitch')'imu.roll') client = False tick1 = time.time() while read_sensors: ret = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) if ret[0] == pid: # should we respawn pypilot if it crashes? print 'pypilot exited' break # connect to pypilot if not connected try: if not client: client = SignalKClient(on_con, 'localhost') except: time.sleep(1) continue # not much to do without connection try: result = client.receive() except: print 'disconnected from pypilot' client = False continue Erg = Translate(result) SignalK='{"updates":[{"$source":"OPsensors.I2C.'+imuName+'","values":[' SignalK+=Erg[0:-1]+'}]}]}\n' sock.sendto(SignalK, ('', 55557)) if mode == 'imu': if 'imu.heading' in result: value = result['imu.heading']['value'] hdm = str(pynmea2.HDM('AP', 'HDM', (str(value),'M')))+'\r\n' sock.sendto(hdm, ('', 10110)) if 'imu.roll' in result: value = result['imu.roll']['value'] xdr_r = str(pynmea2.XDR('AP', 'XDR', ('A',str(value),'D','ROLL')))+'\r\n' sock.sendto(xdr_r, ('', 10110)) if 'imu.pitch' in result: value = result['imu.pitch']['value'] xdr_p = str(pynmea2.XDR('AP', 'XDR', ('A',str(value),'D','PTCH')))+'\r\n' sock.sendto(xdr_p, ('', 10110)) while True: dt = translation_rate - time.time() + tick1 if dt <= 0: break time.sleep(dt) tick1 = time.time() # cleanup print 'stopping pypilot pid:', pid try: os.kill(pid, 15) time.sleep(1) # wait one second to shut down pypilot except Exception, e: print 'exception stopping pypilot', e
list_tmp1.append('I2CH') if nmea_heel_b and heel: heel = round(heel, 1) list_tmp2.append('A') list_tmp2.append(str(heel)) list_tmp2.append('D') list_tmp2.append('I2CX') if nmea_pitch_b and pitch: pitch = round(pitch, 1) list_tmp2.append('A') list_tmp2.append(str(pitch)) list_tmp2.append('D') list_tmp2.append('I2CY') if list_tmp1: xdr = pynmea2.XDR('OS', 'XDR', (list_tmp1)) xdr1 = str(xdr) xdr2 = xdr1 + "\r\n" sock.sendto(xdr2, ('', 10110)) if list_tmp2: xdr = pynmea2.XDR('OS', 'XDR', (list_tmp2)) xdr1 = str(xdr) xdr2 = xdr1 + "\r\n" sock.sendto(xdr2, ('', 10110)) heel = '' pitch = '' temperature = '' if nmea_temp_p_b: temperature = temperature_p if nmea_temp_h_b: temperature = temperature_h