def compare_csv(filename, kind): """Assert analogs's to_csv method.""" idx = [0, 1, 2, 3] out = Path(".") / "temp.csv" if kind == "markers": header = 2 arr_ref, arr = Markers3d(), Markers3d() else: header = 3 arr_ref, arr = Analogs3d(), Analogs3d() # read a csv arr_ref = arr_ref.from_csv(filename, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=header, prefix=":", idx=idx) # write a csv arr_ref.to_csv(out, header=False) # read the generated csv arr = arr.from_csv(out, first_row=0, first_column=0, header=0, prefix=":", idx=idx) out.unlink() a = arr_ref[:, :, 1:100] b = arr[:, :, 1:100] np.testing.assert_equal(a.shape, b.shape) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(a, b, decimal=1)
def transpose(self): """ Returns ------- Rt_t : RotoTrans Transposed RotoTrans matrix ([R.T -R.T*t],[0 0 0 1]) """ # Create a matrix with the transposed rotation part rt_t = RotoTrans(rt=np.ndarray((4, 4, self.get_num_frames()))) rt_t[0:3, 0:3, :] = np.transpose(self[0:3, 0:3, :], (1, 0, 2)) # Fill the last column and row with 0 and bottom corner with 1 rt_t[3, 0:3, :] = 0 rt_t[0:3, 3, :] = 0 rt_t[3, 3, :] = 1 # Transpose the translation part t = Markers3d( data=np.reshape(self[0:3, 3, :], (3, 1, self.get_num_frames()))) rt_t[0:3, 3, :] = t.rotate(-rt_t)[0:3, :].reshape( (3, self.get_num_frames())) # Return transposed matrix return rt_t
def test_markers(idx, names, expected_shape, expected_values, extension): """Assert markers shape.""" if extension == "csv": arr = Markers3d.from_csv( MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, prefix=":", idx=idx, names=names, ) elif extension == "xlsx": arr = Markers3d.from_excel( MARKERS_XLSX, sheet_name=0, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, prefix=":", idx=idx, names=names, ) elif extension == "c3d": arr = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, prefix=":", idx=idx, names=names) else: raise ValueError( f'extension should be "csv", "c3d" or "xlsx". You provided {extension}' ) # test shape np.testing.assert_equal(arr.shape, expected_shape) # test values d = arr[:, 0, int(arr.shape[2] / 2)] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(d, expected_values, decimal=2)
def __init__(self, parent, markers_size=5, markers_color=(1, 1, 1), markers_opacity=1.0, rt_size=25): """ Creates a model that will holds things to plot Parameters ---------- parent Parent of the Model window markers_size : float Size the markers should be drawn markers_color : Tuple(int) Color the markers should be drawn (1 is max brightness) markers_opacity : float Opacity of the markers (0.0 is completely transparent, 1.0 completely opaque) rt_size : int Length of the axes of the system of axes """ QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent_window = parent palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), QColor(255, 255, 255)) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setPalette(palette) self.markers = Markers3d() self.markers_size = markers_size self.markers_color = markers_color self.markers_opacity = markers_opacity self.markers_actors = list() self.all_rt = RotoTransCollection() self.n_rt = 0 self.rt_size = rt_size self.rt_actors = list() self.parent_window.should_reset_camera = True self.all_meshes = MeshCollection() self.mesh_actors = list()
def __init__(self, parent, markers_size=0.010, markers_color=(1, 1, 1), markers_opacity=1.0, global_ref_frame_length=0.15, global_ref_frame_width=5, global_center_of_mass_size=0.0075, global_center_of_mass_color=(0, 0, 0), global_center_of_mass_opacity=1.0, segments_center_of_mass_size=0.005, segments_center_of_mass_color=(0, 0, 0), segments_center_of_mass_opacity=1.0, mesh_color=(0, 0, 0), mesh_opacity=1.0, muscle_color=(150 / 255, 15 / 255, 15 / 255), muscle_opacity=1.0, rt_length=0.1, rt_width=2): """ Creates a model that will holds things to plot Parameters ---------- parent Parent of the Model window markers_size : float Size the markers should be drawn markers_color : Tuple(int) Color the markers should be drawn (1 is max brightness) markers_opacity : float Opacity of the markers (0.0 is completely transparent, 1.0 completely opaque) rt_length : int Length of the axes of the system of axes """ QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.parent_window = parent palette = QPalette() palette.setColor(self.backgroundRole(), QColor(255, 255, 255)) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.setPalette(palette) self.markers = Markers3d() self.markers_size = markers_size self.markers_color = markers_color self.markers_opacity = markers_opacity self.markers_actors = list() self.has_global_ref_frame = False self.global_ref_frame_length = global_ref_frame_length self.global_ref_frame_width = global_ref_frame_width self.global_center_of_mass = Markers3d() self.global_center_of_mass_size = global_center_of_mass_size self.global_center_of_mass_color = global_center_of_mass_color self.global_center_of_mass_opacity = global_center_of_mass_opacity self.global_center_of_mass_actors = list() self.segments_center_of_mass = Markers3d() self.segments_center_of_mass_size = segments_center_of_mass_size self.segments_center_of_mass_color = segments_center_of_mass_color self.segments_center_of_mass_opacity = segments_center_of_mass_opacity self.segments_center_of_mass_actors = list() self.all_rt = RotoTransCollection() self.n_rt = 0 self.rt_length = rt_length self.rt_width = rt_width self.rt_actors = list() self.parent_window.should_reset_camera = True self.all_meshes = MeshCollection() self.mesh_color = mesh_color self.mesh_opacity = mesh_opacity self.mesh_actors = list() self.all_muscles = MeshCollection() self.muscle_color = muscle_color self.muscle_opacity = muscle_opacity self.muscle_actors = list()
def __init__(self, model_path=None, loaded_model=None, show_meshes=True, show_global_center_of_mass=True, show_segments_center_of_mass=True, show_global_ref_frame=True, show_local_ref_frame=True, show_markers=True, markers_size=0.010, show_muscles=True, show_analyses_panel=True, **kwargs): """ Class that easily shows a biorbd model Args: loaded_model: reference to a biorbd loaded model (if both loaded_model and model_path, load_model is selected model_path: path of the model to load """ # Load and store the model if loaded_model is not None: if not isinstance(loaded_model, biorbd.Model): raise TypeError( "loaded_model should be of a biorbd.Model type") self.model = loaded_model elif model_path is not None: self.model = biorbd.Model(model_path) else: raise ValueError("loaded_model or model_path must be provided") # Create the plot self.vtk_window = VtkWindow(background_color=(.5, .5, .5)) self.vtk_model = VtkModel(self.vtk_window, markers_color=(0, 0, 1), markers_size=markers_size) self.is_executing = False self.animation_warning_already_shown = False # Set Z vertical cam = cam.SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 0) cam.SetPosition(5, 0, 0) cam.SetRoll(-90) # Get the options self.show_markers = show_markers self.show_global_ref_frame = show_global_ref_frame self.show_global_center_of_mass = show_global_center_of_mass self.show_segments_center_of_mass = show_segments_center_of_mass self.show_local_ref_frame = show_local_ref_frame if self.model.nbMuscles() > 0: self.show_muscles = show_muscles else: self.show_muscles = False if sum([ len(i) for i in self.model.meshPoints(np.zeros(self.model.nbQ())) ]) > 0: self.show_meshes = show_meshes else: self.show_meshes = 0 # Create all the reference to the things to plot self.nQ = self.model.nbQ() self.Q = np.zeros(self.nQ) self.markers = Markers3d(np.ndarray((3, self.model.nbMarkers(), 1))) if self.show_markers: self.Markers = InterfacesCollections.Markers(self.model) self.global_center_of_mass = Markers3d(np.ndarray((3, 1, 1))) if self.show_global_center_of_mass: self.CoM = InterfacesCollections.CoM(self.model) self.segments_center_of_mass = Markers3d( np.ndarray((3, self.model.nbSegment(), 1))) if self.show_segments_center_of_mass: self.CoMbySegment = InterfacesCollections.CoMbySegment(self.model) if self.show_meshes: self.mesh = MeshCollection() self.meshPointsInMatrix = InterfacesCollections.MeshPointsInMatrix( self.model) for i, vertices in enumerate( self.meshPointsInMatrix.get_data(Q=self.Q, compute_kin=False)): triangles = np.ndarray((len(self.model.meshFaces()[i]), 3), dtype="int32") for k, patch in enumerate(self.model.meshFaces()[i]): triangles[k, :] = patch.face() self.mesh.append(Mesh(vertex=vertices, triangles=triangles.T)) self.model.updateMuscles(self.Q, True) self.muscles = MeshCollection() for group_idx in range(self.model.nbMuscleGroups()): for muscle_idx in range( self.model.muscleGroup(group_idx).nbMuscles()): musc = self.model.muscleGroup(group_idx).muscle(muscle_idx) tp = np.zeros( (3, len(musc.position().musclesPointsInGlobal()), 1)) self.muscles.append(Mesh(vertex=tp)) self.musclesPointsInGlobal = InterfacesCollections.MusclesPointsInGlobal( self.model) self.rt = RotoTransCollection() self.allGlobalJCS = InterfacesCollections.AllGlobalJCS(self.model) for rt in self.allGlobalJCS.get_data(Q=self.Q, compute_kin=False): self.rt.append(RotoTrans(rt)) if self.show_global_ref_frame: self.vtk_model.create_global_ref_frame() self.show_analyses_panel = show_analyses_panel if self.show_analyses_panel: self.muscle_analyses = [] self.palette_active = QPalette() self.palette_inactive = QPalette() self.set_viz_palette() self.animated_Q = [] self.play_stop_push_button = [] self.is_animating = False self.is_recording = False self.start_icon = QIcon( QPixmap(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/ressources/start.png")) self.pause_icon = QIcon( QPixmap(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/ressources/pause.png")) self.record_icon = QIcon( QPixmap(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/ressources/record.png")) self.add_icon = QIcon( QPixmap(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/ressources/add.png")) self.stop_icon = QIcon( QPixmap(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/ressources/stop.png")) self.double_factor = 10000 self.sliders = list() self.movement_slider = [] self.active_analyses_widget = None self.analyses_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.analyses_muscle_widget = QWidget() self.add_options_panel() # Update everything at the position Q=0 self.set_q(self.Q)
def __init__(self, model_path=None, loaded_model=None, show_global_ref_frame=True, show_markers=True, show_global_center_of_mass=True, show_segments_center_of_mass=True, show_rt=True, show_muscles=True, show_meshes=True, show_options=True): """ Class that easily shows a biorbd model Args: loaded_model: reference to a biorbd loaded model (if both loaded_model and model_path, load_model is selected model_path: path of the model to load """ # Load and store the model if loaded_model is not None: if not isinstance(loaded_model, biorbd.Model): raise TypeError( "loaded_model should be of a biorbd.Model type") self.model = loaded_model elif model_path is not None: self.model = biorbd.Model(model_path) else: raise ValueError("loaded_model or model_path must be provided") # Create the plot self.vtk_window = VtkWindow(background_color=(.5, .5, .5)) self.vtk_model = VtkModel(self.vtk_window, markers_color=(0, 0, 1)) self.is_executing = False self.animation_warning_already_shown = False # Set Z vertical cam = cam.SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 0) cam.SetPosition(5, 0, 0) cam.SetRoll(-90) # Get the options self.show_markers = show_markers self.show_global_ref_frame = show_global_ref_frame self.show_global_center_of_mass = show_global_center_of_mass self.show_segments_center_of_mass = show_segments_center_of_mass self.show_rt = show_rt if self.model.nbMuscleTotal() > 0: self.show_muscles = show_muscles else: self.show_muscles = False if sum([ len(i) for i in self.model.meshPoints(np.zeros(self.model.nbQ())) ]) > 0: self.show_meshes = show_meshes else: self.show_meshes = 0 # Create all the reference to the things to plot self.nQ = self.model.nbQ() self.Q = np.zeros(self.nQ) self.markers = Markers3d(np.ndarray((3, self.model.nTags(), 1))) self.global_center_of_mass = Markers3d(np.ndarray((3, 1, 1))) self.segments_center_of_mass = Markers3d( np.ndarray((3, self.model.nbBone(), 1))) self.mesh = MeshCollection() for l, meshes in enumerate(self.model.meshPoints(self.Q)): tp = np.ndarray((3, len(meshes), 1)) for k, mesh in enumerate(meshes): tp[:, k, 0] = mesh.get_array() self.mesh.append(Mesh(vertex=tp)) self.model.updateMuscles(self.model, self.Q, True) self.muscles = MeshCollection() for group_idx in range(self.model.nbMuscleGroups()): for muscle_idx in range( self.model.muscleGroup(group_idx).nbMuscles()): musc_tp = self.model.muscleGroup(group_idx).muscle(muscle_idx) muscle_type = biorbd.Model.getMuscleType(musc_tp).getString() if muscle_type == "Hill": musc = biorbd.HillType(musc_tp) elif muscle_type == "HillThelen": musc = biorbd.HillTypeThelen(musc_tp) elif muscle_type == "HillSimple": musc = biorbd.HillTypeSimple(musc_tp) tp = np.ndarray( (3, len(musc.position().musclesPointsInGlobal()), 1)) for k, pts in enumerate( musc.position().musclesPointsInGlobal()): tp[:, k, 0] = pts.get_array() self.muscles.append(Mesh(vertex=tp)) self.rt = RotoTransCollection() for rt in self.model.globalJCS(self.Q): self.rt.append(RotoTrans(rt.get_array())) if self.show_global_ref_frame: self.vtk_model.create_global_ref_frame() self.show_options = show_options if self.show_options: self.muscle_analyses = [] self.palette_active = QPalette() self.palette_inactive = QPalette() self.set_viz_palette() self.animated_Q = [] self.play_stop_push_button = [] self.is_animating = False self.start_icon = QIcon( QPixmap(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/ressources/start.png")) self.stop_icon = QIcon( QPixmap(f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/ressources/pause.png")) self.double_factor = 10000 self.sliders = list() self.movement_slider = [] self.active_analyses_widget = None self.analyses_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.analyses_muscle_widget = QWidget() self.add_options_panel() # Update everything at the position Q=0 self.set_q(self.Q)
""" Example script for file IO """ from pathlib import Path from pyomeca import Markers3d, Analogs3d # Path to data DATA_FOLDER = Path('..') / 'tests' / 'data' MARKERS_CSV = DATA_FOLDER / 'markers.csv' MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D = DATA_FOLDER / 'markers_analogs.c3d' ANALOGS_CSV = DATA_FOLDER / 'analogs.csv' # read 11 first markers of a csv file markers_1 = Markers3d.from_csv(MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, idx=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], prefix=':') # mean of 1st and 4th markers of a csv file markers_2 = Markers3d.from_csv(MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, idx=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 4, 2]], prefix=':') # get markers by names in a csv file markers_3 = Markers3d.from_csv(MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, names=['CLAV_post', 'PSISl', 'STERr', 'CLAV_post'], prefix=':') # write a csv file from a Markers3d types markers_3.to_csv('../Misc/mtest.csv', header=False) # read 4 first markers of a c3d file markers_4 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[0, 1, 2, 3])
] nTriPod = 6 nMarkOnInsole = 55 forceRetrainingModel = False rtm = [ 6, 7, 8 ] # idx of the markers in training file of the Tripod at the back of the insole [left, top, right] show_in_global = False calculate_error = True new_marker_tripod_names = False show_animation = True show_individual_plots = True # load dataSet dataSet = Markers3d.from_c3d(trainingFileName, names=name_markers).low_pass(freq=100, order=4, cutoff=10) # Get markers in a known reference frame # rt = RotoTrans.define_axes(dataSet, [rtm[2], rtm[0]], [[rtm[0], rtm[1]], [rtm[2], rtm[1]]], "xz", "z", rtm) rt = RotoTrans.define_axes(dataSet, [0, 4 * 3], [[0, 5 * 3], [2 * 3 + 1, 2 * 3 + 1]], "xz", "z", [0, 2 * 3 + 1, 5 * 3]) dataSet = dataSet.rotate(rt.transpose()) # split into input (X) and output (Y) variables X = dataSet[:, 0:nTriPod * 3, :].to_2d() Y = dataSet[:, nTriPod * 3:nTriPod * 3 + nMarkOnInsole, :].to_2d() # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, Y, test_size=0.2, train_size=0.8) X_train = X y_train = Y
import numpy as np from pyomeca import FrameDependentNpArray, Markers3d, RotoTrans, RotoTransCollection from BiorbdViz.biorbd_vtk import VtkModel, VtkWindow, Mesh, MeshCollection # Path to data DATA_FOLDER = Path( '/home/pariterre/Programmation/biorbd-viz') / 'tests' / 'data' MARKERS_CSV = DATA_FOLDER / 'markers.csv' MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D = DATA_FOLDER / 'markers_analogs.c3d' # Load data # all markers d = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], prefix=':') # mean of 1st and 4th d2 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 4, 2]], prefix=':') # mean of first 3 markers d3 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[[0], [1], [2]], prefix=':') d4 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, names=['CLAV_post', 'PSISl', 'STERr', 'CLAV_post'], prefix=':') # mean of first 3 markers in c3d file d5 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[[0], [1], [2]], prefix=':')
from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from pyomeca import FrameDependentNpArray, Markers3d, RotoTrans, RotoTransCollection from BiorbdViz.biorbd_vtk import VtkModel, VtkWindow, Mesh, MeshCollection # Path to data DATA_FOLDER = Path("/home/pariterre/Programmation/biorbd-viz") / "tests" / "data" MARKERS_CSV = DATA_FOLDER / "markers.csv" MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D = DATA_FOLDER / "markers_analogs.c3d" # Load data # all markers d = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], prefix=":") # mean of 1st and 4th d2 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 4, 2]], prefix=":") # mean of first 3 markers d3 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[[0], [1], [2]], prefix=":") d4 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, names=["CLAV_post", "PSISl", "STERr", "CLAV_post"], prefix=":") # mean of first 3 markers in c3d file d5 = Markers3d.from_c3d(MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D, idx=[[0], [1], [2]], prefix=":") # Create a windows with a nice gray background vtkWindow = VtkWindow(background_color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # Add marker holders to the window vtkModelReal = VtkModel(vtkWindow, markers_color=(1, 0, 0), markers_size=10.0, markers_opacity=1)
from pathlib import Path from pyomeca import Markers3d, Analogs3d # Path to data DATA_FOLDER = Path("..") / "tests" / "data" MARKERS_CSV = DATA_FOLDER / "markers.csv" MARKERS_ANALOGS_C3D = DATA_FOLDER / "markers_analogs.c3d" ANALOGS_CSV = DATA_FOLDER / "analogs.csv" # read 11 first markers of a csv file markers_1 = Markers3d.from_csv( MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, idx=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], prefix=":", ) # mean of 1st and 4th markers of a csv file markers_2 = Markers3d.from_csv( MARKERS_CSV, first_row=5, first_column=2, header=2, idx=[[0, 1, 2], [0, 4, 2]], prefix=":", ) # get markers by names in a csv file