Ejemplo n.º 1
def _bilinear_expressions(model):
    # TODO for now, we look for only expressions where the bilinearities are
    # exposed on the root level SumExpression, and thus accessible via
    # generate_standard_repn. This will not detect exp(x*y). We require a
    # factorization transformation to be applied beforehand in order to pick
    # these constraints up.
    # Bilinear map will be stored in the format:
    # x --> (y --> [constr1, constr2, ...], z --> [constr2, constr3])
    bilinear_map = ComponentMap()
    for constr in model.component_data_objects(Constraint,
                                               descend_into=(Block, Disjunct)):
        if constr.body.polynomial_degree() in (1, 0):
            continue  # Skip trivial and linear constraints
        repn = generate_standard_repn(constr.body)
        for pair in repn.quadratic_vars:
            v1, v2 = pair
            v1_pairs = bilinear_map.get(v1, ComponentMap())
            if v2 in v1_pairs:
                # bilinear term has been found before. Simply add constraint to
                # the set associated with the bilinear term.
                # We encounter the bilinear term for the first time.
                bilinear_map[v1] = v1_pairs
                bilinear_map[v2] = bilinear_map.get(v2, ComponentMap())
                constraints_with_bilinear_pair = ComponentSet([constr])
                bilinear_map[v1][v2] = constraints_with_bilinear_pair
                bilinear_map[v2][v1] = constraints_with_bilinear_pair
    return bilinear_map
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _build_equality_set(model):
    """Construct an equality set map.

    Maps all variables to the set of variables that are linked to them by
    equality. Mapping takes place using id(). That is, if you have x = y, then
    you would have id(x) -> ComponentSet([x, y]) and id(y) -> ComponentSet([x,
    y]) in the mapping.

    # Map of variables to their equality set (ComponentSet)
    eq_var_map = ComponentMap()

    # Loop through all the active constraints in the model
    for constraint in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint,
        eq_linked_vars = _get_equality_linked_variables(constraint)
        if not eq_linked_vars:
            continue  # if we get an empty tuple, skip to next constraint.
        v1, v2 = eq_linked_vars
        set1 = eq_var_map.get(v1, ComponentSet((v1, v2)))
        set2 = eq_var_map.get(v2, (v2, ))

        # if set1 and set2 are equivalent, skip to next constraint.
        if set1 is set2:

        # add all elements of set2 to set 1
        # Update all elements to point to set 1
        for v in set1:
            eq_var_map[v] = set1

    return eq_var_map
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_getsetdelitem(self):
     cmap = ComponentMap()
     for c, val in self._components:
         self.assertTrue(c not in cmap)
     for c, val in self._components:
         cmap[c] = val
         self.assertEqual(cmap[c], val)
         self.assertEqual(cmap.get(c), val)
         del cmap[c]
         with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
             del cmap[c]
         self.assertEqual(cmap.get(c), None)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _build_equality_set(m):
    """Construct an equality set map.

    Maps all variables to the set of variables that are linked to them by
    equality. Mapping takes place using id(). That is, if you have x = y, then
    you would have id(x) -> ComponentSet([x, y]) and id(y) -> ComponentSet([x,
    y]) in the mapping.

    #: dict: map of var UID to the set of all equality-linked var UIDs
    eq_var_map = ComponentMap()
    relevant_vars = ComponentSet()
    for constr in m.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint,
        # Check to make sure the constraint is of form v1 - v2 == 0
        if (value(constr.lower) == 0 and value(constr.upper) == 0 and
                constr.body.polynomial_degree() == 1):
            repn = generate_standard_repn(constr.body)
            # only take the variables with nonzero coefficients
            vars_ = [v for i, v in enumerate(repn.linear_vars)
                     if repn.linear_coefs[i]]
            if (len(vars_) == 2 and repn.constant == 0 and
                sorted(l for l in repn.linear_coefs if l) == [-1, 1]):
                # this is an a == b constraint.
                v1 = vars_[0]
                v2 = vars_[1]
                set1 = eq_var_map.get(v1, ComponentSet([v1]))
                set2 = eq_var_map.get(v2, ComponentSet([v2]))
                relevant_vars.update([v1, v2])
                set1.update(set2)  # set1 is now the union
                for v in set1:
                    eq_var_map[v] = set1

    return eq_var_map, relevant_vars
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _map_variable_stages(model):

    variable_stage_annotation = locate_annotations(model,
    if len(variable_stage_annotation) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Reference model is missing variable stage "
                         "annotation: %s" % (VariableStageAnnotation.__name__))
        assert len(variable_stage_annotation) == 1
        variable_stage_annotation = variable_stage_annotation[0][1]

    variable_stage_assignments = ComponentMap(
    if len(variable_stage_assignments) == 0:
        raise ValueError("At least one variable stage assignment "
                         "is required.")

    min_stagenumber = min(variable_stage_assignments.values(),
                          key=lambda x: x[0])[0]
    max_stagenumber = max(variable_stage_assignments.values(),
                          key=lambda x: x[0])[0]
    if max_stagenumber > 2:
        for var, (stagenum, derived) in \
            if stagenum > 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Embedded stochastic programs must be two-stage "
                    "(for now), but variable with name '%s' has been "
                    "annotated with stage number: %s" % (var.name, stagenum))

    stage_to_variables_map = {}
    stage_to_variables_map[1] = []
    stage_to_variables_map[2] = []
    for var in model.component_data_objects(
        stagenumber, derived = \
            variable_stage_assignments.get(var, (2, False))
        if (stagenumber != 1) and (stagenumber != 2):
            raise ValueError("Invalid stage annotation for variable with "
                             "name '%s'. Stage assignment must be 1 or 2. "
                             "Current value: %s" % (var.name, stagenumber))
        if (stagenumber == 1):
            stage_to_variables_map[1].append((var, derived))
            assert stagenumber == 2
            stage_to_variables_map[2].append((var, derived))

    variable_to_stage_map = ComponentMap()
    for stagenum, stagevars in stage_to_variables_map.items():
        for var, derived in stagevars:
            variable_to_stage_map[var] = (stagenum, derived)

    return (stage_to_variables_map, variable_to_stage_map,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def determine_valid_values(block, discr_var_to_constrs_map, config):
    """Calculate valid values for each effectively discrete variable.

    We need the set of possible values for the effectively discrete variable in
    order to do the reformulations.

    Right now, we select a naive approach where we look for variables in the
    discreteness-inducing constraints. We then adjust their values and see if
    things are stil feasible. Based on their coefficient values, we can infer a
    set of allowable values for the effectively discrete variable.

        block: The model or a disjunct on the model.

    possible_values = ComponentMap()

    for eff_discr_var, constrs in discr_var_to_constrs_map.items():
        # get the superset of possible values by looking through the
        # constraints
        for constr in constrs:
            repn = generate_standard_repn(constr.body)
            var_coef = sum(coef for i, coef in enumerate(repn.linear_coefs)
                           if repn.linear_vars[i] is eff_discr_var)
            const = -(repn.constant - constr.upper) / var_coef
            possible_vals = set((const, ))
            for i, var in enumerate(repn.linear_vars):
                if var is eff_discr_var:
                coef = -repn.linear_coefs[i] / var_coef
                if var.is_binary():
                    var_values = (0, coef)
                elif var.is_integer():
                    var_values = [v * coef for v in range(var.lb, var.ub + 1)]
                    raise ValueError(
                        '%s has unacceptable variable domain: %s' %
                        (var.name, var.domain))
                possible_vals = set(
                    (v1 + v2 for v1 in possible_vals for v2 in var_values))
            old_possible_vals = possible_values.get(eff_discr_var, None)
            if old_possible_vals is not None:
                    eff_discr_var] = old_possible_vals & possible_vals
                possible_values[eff_discr_var] = possible_vals

    possible_values = prune_possible_values(block, possible_values, config)

    return possible_values
Ejemplo n.º 7
def detect_effectively_discrete_vars(block, equality_tolerance):
    """Detect effectively discrete variables.

    These continuous variables are the sum of discrete variables.

    # Map of effectively_discrete var --> inducing constraints
    effectively_discrete = ComponentMap()

    for constr in block.component_data_objects(Constraint, active=True):
        if constr.lower is None or constr.upper is None:
            continue  # skip inequality constraints
        if fabs(value(constr.lower) -
                value(constr.upper)) > equality_tolerance:
            continue  # not equality constriant. Skip.
        if constr.body.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0):
            continue  # skip nonlinear expressions
        repn = generate_standard_repn(constr.body)
        if len(repn.linear_vars) < 2:
            # TODO should this be < 2 or < 1?
            # TODO we should make sure that trivial equality relations are
            # preprocessed before this, or we will end up reformulating
            # expressions that we do not need to here.
        non_discrete_vars = list(v for v in repn.linear_vars
                                 if v.is_continuous())
        if len(non_discrete_vars) == 1:
            # We know that this is an effectively discrete continuous
            # variable. Add it to our identified variable list.
            var = non_discrete_vars[0]
            inducing_constraints = effectively_discrete.get(var, [])
            effectively_discrete[var] = inducing_constraints
        # TODO we should eventually also look at cases where all other
        # non_discrete_vars are effectively_discrete_vars

    return effectively_discrete
Ejemplo n.º 8
class _PortData(ComponentData):
    This class defines the data for a single Port

            A dictionary mapping added names to variables

    __slots__ = ('vars', '_arcs', '_sources', '_dests', '_rules',

    def __init__(self, component=None):
        # These lines represent in-lining of the
        # following constructors:
        #   - ComponentData
        #   - NumericValue
        self._component = weakref_ref(component) if (component is not None) \
                          else None

        self.vars = {}
        self._arcs = []
        self._sources = []
        self._dests = []
        self._rules = {}
        self._splitfracs = ComponentMap()

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = super(_PortData, self).__getstate__()
        for i in _PortData.__slots__:
            state[i] = getattr(self, i)

        # Remove/resolve weak references
        for i in ('_arcs', '_sources', '_dests'):
            state[i] = [ref() for ref in state[i]]
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        state['_arcs'] = [weakref_ref(i) for i in state['_arcs']]
        state['_sources'] = [weakref_ref(i) for i in state['_sources']]
        state['_dests'] = [weakref_ref(i) for i in state['_dests']]
        super(_PortData, self).__setstate__(state)

    # Note: None of the slots on this class need to be edited, so we
    # don't need to implement a specialized __setstate__ method, and
    # can quietly rely on the super() class's implementation.

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Returns `self.vars[name]` if it exists"""
        if name in self.vars:
            return self.vars[name]
        # Since the base classes don't support getattr, we can just
        # throw the "normal" AttributeError
        raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" %
                             (self.__class__.__name__, name))

    def arcs(self, active=None):
        """A list of Arcs in which this Port is a member"""
        return self._collect_ports(active, self._arcs)

    def sources(self, active=None):
        """A list of Arcs in which this Port is a destination"""
        return self._collect_ports(active, self._sources)

    def dests(self, active=None):
        """A list of Arcs in which this Port is a source"""
        return self._collect_ports(active, self._dests)

    def _collect_ports(self, active, port_list):
        # need to call the weakrefs
        if active is None:
            return [_a() for _a in port_list]
        tmp = []
        for _a in port_list:
            a = _a()
            if a.active == active:
        return tmp

    def set_value(self, value):
        """Cannot specify the value of a port"""
        raise ValueError("Cannot specify the value of a port: '%s'" %

    def polynomial_degree(self):
        """Returns the maximum polynomial degree of all port members"""
        ans = 0
        for v in self.iter_vars():
            tmp = v.polynomial_degree()
            if tmp is None:
                return None
            ans = max(ans, tmp)
        return ans

    def is_fixed(self):
        """Return True if all vars/expressions in the Port are fixed"""
        return all(v.is_fixed() for v in self.iter_vars())

    def is_potentially_variable(self):
        """Return True as ports may (should!) contain variables"""
        return True

    def is_binary(self):
        """Return True if all variables in the Port are binary"""
        return len(self) and all(v.is_binary()
                                 for v in self.iter_vars(expr_vars=True))

    def is_integer(self):
        """Return True if all variables in the Port are integer"""
        return len(self) and all(v.is_integer()
                                 for v in self.iter_vars(expr_vars=True))

    def is_continuous(self):
        """Return True if all variables in the Port are continuous"""
        return len(self) and all(v.is_continuous()
                                 for v in self.iter_vars(expr_vars=True))

    def add(self, var, name=None, rule=None, **kwds):
        Add `var` to this Port, casting it to a Pyomo numeric if necessary

                A variable or some `NumericValue` like an expression
            name: `str`
                Name to associate with this member of the Port
            rule: `function`
                Function implementing the desired expansion procedure
                for this member. `Port.Equality` by default, other
                options include `Port.Extensive`. Customs are allowed.
                Keyword arguments that will be passed to rule
        if var is not None:
                # indexed components are ok, but as_numeric will error on them
                # make sure they have this attribute
            except AttributeError:
                var = as_numeric(var)
        if name is None:
            name = var.local_name
        if name in self.vars and self.vars[name] is not None:
            # don't throw warning if replacing an implicit (None) var
            logger.warning("Implicitly replacing variable '%s' in Port '%s'.\n"
                           "To avoid this warning, use Port.remove() first." %
                           (name, self.name))
        self.vars[name] = var
        if rule is None:
            rule = Port.Equality
        if rule is Port.Extensive:
            # avoid name collisions
            if (name.endswith("_split") or name.endswith("_equality")
                    or name == "splitfrac"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Extensive variable '%s' on Port '%s' may not end "
                    "with '_split' or '_equality'" % (name, self.name))
        self._rules[name] = (rule, kwds)

    def remove(self, name):
        """Remove this member from the port"""
        if name not in self.vars:
            raise ValueError("Cannot remove member '%s' not in Port '%s'" %
                             (name, self.name))

    def rule_for(self, name):
        """Return the rule associated with the given port member"""
        return self._rules[name][0]

    def is_equality(self, name):
        """Return True if the rule for this port member is Port.Equality"""
        return self.rule_for(name) is Port.Equality

    def is_extensive(self, name):
        """Return True if the rule for this port member is Port.Extensive"""
        return self.rule_for(name) is Port.Extensive

    def fix(self):
        Fix all variables in the port at their current values.
        For expressions, fix every variable in the expression.
        for v in self.iter_vars(expr_vars=True, fixed=False):

    def unfix(self):
        Unfix all variables in the port.
        For expressions, unfix every variable in the expression.
        for v in self.iter_vars(expr_vars=True, fixed=True):

    free = unfix

    def iter_vars(self, expr_vars=False, fixed=None, names=False):
        Iterate through every member of the port, going through
        the indices of indexed members.

            expr_vars: `bool`
                If True, call `identify_variables` on expression type members
            fixed: `bool`
                Only include variables/expressions with this type of fixed
            names: `bool`
                If True, yield (name, index, var/expr) tuples
        for name, mem in self.vars.items():
            if not mem.is_indexed():
                itr = {None: mem}
                itr = mem
            for idx, v in itr.items():
                if fixed is not None and v.is_fixed() != fixed:
                if expr_vars and v.is_expression_type():
                    for var in identify_variables(v):
                        if fixed is not None and var.is_fixed() != fixed:
                        if names:
                            yield name, idx, var
                            yield var
                    if names:
                        yield name, idx, v
                        yield v

    def set_split_fraction(self, arc, val, fix=True):
        Set the split fraction value to be used for an arc during
        arc expansion when using `Port.Extensive`.
        if arc not in self.dests():
            raise ValueError("Port '%s' is not a source of Arc '%s', cannot "
                             "set split fraction" % (self.name, arc.name))
        self._splitfracs[arc] = (val, fix)

    def get_split_fraction(self, arc):
        Returns a tuple (val, fix) for the split fraction of this arc that
        was set via `set_split_fraction` if it exists, and otherwise None.
        res = self._splitfracs.get(arc, None)
        if res is None:
            return None
            return res
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _transform_disjunctionData(self, obj, index, transBlock=None):
        if not obj.active:
        # Hull reformulation doesn't work if this is an OR constraint. So if
        # xor is false, give up
        if not obj.xor:
            raise GDP_Error("Cannot do hull reformulation for "
                            "Disjunction '%s' with OR constraint.  "
                            "Must be an XOR!" % obj.name)

        if transBlock is None:
            # It's possible that we have already created a transformation block
            # for another disjunctionData from this same container. If that's
            # the case, let's use the same transformation block. (Else it will
            # be really confusing that the XOR constraint goes to that old block
            # but we create a new one here.)
            if obj.parent_component()._algebraic_constraint is not None:
                transBlock = obj.parent_component()._algebraic_constraint().\
                transBlock = self._add_transformation_block(obj.parent_block())

        parent_component = obj.parent_component()

        orConstraint = self._add_xor_constraint(parent_component, transBlock)
        disaggregationConstraint = transBlock.disaggregationConstraints
        disaggregationConstraintMap = transBlock._disaggregationConstraintMap

        # Just because it's unlikely this is what someone meant to do...
        if len(obj.disjuncts) == 0:
            raise GDP_Error(
                "Disjunction '%s' is empty. This is "
                "likely indicative of a modeling error." %
                obj.getname(fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))

        # We first go through and collect all the variables that we
        # are going to disaggregate.
        varOrder_set = ComponentSet()
        varOrder = []
        varsByDisjunct = ComponentMap()
        localVarsByDisjunct = ComponentMap()
        include_fixed_vars = not self._config.assume_fixed_vars_permanent
        for disjunct in obj.disjuncts:
            disjunctVars = varsByDisjunct[disjunct] = ComponentSet()
            for cons in disjunct.component_data_objects(
                # [ESJ 02/14/2020] By default, we disaggregate fixed variables
                # on the philosophy that fixing is not a promise for the future
                # and we are mathematically wrong if we don't transform these
                # correctly and someone later unfixes them and keeps playing
                # with their transformed model. However, the user may have set
                # assume_fixed_vars_permanent to True in which case we will skip
                # them
                for var in EXPR.identify_variables(
                        cons.body, include_fixed=include_fixed_vars):
                    # Note the use of a list so that we will
                    # eventually disaggregate the vars in a
                    # deterministic order (the order that we found
                    # them)
                    if not var in varOrder_set:

            # check for LocalVars Suffix
            localVarsByDisjunct = self._get_local_var_suffixes(
                disjunct, localVarsByDisjunct)

        # We will disaggregate all variables which are not explicitly declared
        # as being local. Note however, that we do declare our own disaggregated
        # variables as local, so they will not be re-disaggregated.
        varSet = []
        # Note that variables are local with respect to a Disjunct. We deal with
        # them here to do some error checking (if something is obviously not
        # local since it is used in multiple Disjuncts in this Disjunction) and
        # also to get a deterministic order in which to process them when we
        # transform the Disjuncts: Values of localVarsByDisjunct are
        # ComponentSets, so we need this for determinism (we iterate through the
        # localVars of a Disjunct later)
        localVars = ComponentMap()
        for var in varOrder:
            disjuncts = [d for d in varsByDisjunct if var in varsByDisjunct[d]]
            # clearly not local if used in more than one disjunct
            if len(disjuncts) > 1:
                if self._generate_debug_messages:
                    logger.debug("Assuming '%s' is not a local var since it is"
                                 "used in multiple disjuncts." %
            # disjuncts is a list of length 1
            elif localVarsByDisjunct.get(disjuncts[0]) is not None:
                if var in localVarsByDisjunct[disjuncts[0]]:
                    localVars_thisDisjunct = localVars.get(disjuncts[0])
                    if localVars_thisDisjunct is not None:
                        localVars[disjuncts[0]] = [var]
                    # It's not local to this Disjunct
                # We don't even have have any local vars for this Disjunct.

        # Now that we know who we need to disaggregate, we will do it
        # while we also transform the disjuncts.
        or_expr = 0
        for disjunct in obj.disjuncts:
            or_expr += disjunct.indicator_var
            self._transform_disjunct(disjunct, transBlock, varSet,
                                     localVars.get(disjunct, []))
        orConstraint.add(index, (or_expr, 1))
        # map the DisjunctionData to its XOR constraint to mark it as
        # transformed
        obj._algebraic_constraint = weakref_ref(orConstraint[index])

        # add the reaggregation constraints
        for i, var in enumerate(varSet):
            disaggregatedExpr = 0
            for disjunct in obj.disjuncts:
                if disjunct._transformation_block is None:
                    # Because we called _transform_disjunct in the loop above,
                    # we know that if this isn't transformed it is because it
                    # was cleanly deactivated, and we can just skip it.

                disaggregatedVar = disjunct._transformation_block().\
                disaggregatedExpr += disaggregatedVar

            disaggregationConstraint.add((i, index), var == disaggregatedExpr)
            # and update the map so that we can find this later. We index by
            # variable and the particular disjunction because there is a
            # different one for each disjunction
            if disaggregationConstraintMap.get(var) is not None:
                    obj] = disaggregationConstraint[(i, index)]
                thismap = disaggregationConstraintMap[var] = ComponentMap()
                thismap[obj] = disaggregationConstraint[(i, index)]

        # deactivate for the writers