Ejemplo n.º 1
def setup_solver_environment(model, config):
    solve_data = GDPoptSolveData()  # data object for storing solver state
    solve_data.config = config
    solve_data.results = SolverResults()
    solve_data.timing = Container()
    min_logging_level = logging.INFO if config.tee else None
    with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total', is_main_timer=True), \
            lower_logger_level_to(config.logger, min_logging_level), \
            create_utility_block(model, 'GDPopt_utils', solve_data):

        # Create a working copy of the original model
        solve_data.original_model = model
        solve_data.working_model = model.clone()
        setup_results_object(solve_data, config)
        solve_data.active_strategy = config.strategy
        util_block = solve_data.working_model.GDPopt_utils

        # Save model initial values.
        # These can be used later to initialize NLP subproblems.
        solve_data.initial_var_values = list(v.value
                                             for v in util_block.variable_list)
        solve_data.best_solution_found = None

        # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
        util_block.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')

        # Set up iteration counters
        solve_data.master_iteration = 0
        solve_data.mip_iteration = 0
        solve_data.nlp_iteration = 0

        # set up bounds
        solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
        solve_data.UB = float('inf')
        solve_data.iteration_log = {}

        # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
        # iteration or not
        solve_data.feasible_solution_improved = False

        yield solve_data  # yield setup solver environment

        if (solve_data.best_solution_found is not None
                and solve_data.best_solution_found
                is not solve_data.original_model):
            # Update values on the original model

    # Finalize results object
    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB
    solve_data.results.solver.iterations = solve_data.master_iteration
    solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
    solve_data.results.solver.user_time = solve_data.timing.total
    solve_data.results.solver.wallclock_time = solve_data.timing.total
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_solve_linear_GDP_unbounded(self):
     m = ConcreteModel()
     m.GDPopt_utils = Block()
     m.x = Var(bounds=(-1, 10))
     m.y = Var(bounds=(2, 3))
     m.z = Var()
     m.d = Disjunction(expr=[
         [m.x + m.y >= 5], [m.x - m.y <= 3]
     m.o = Objective(expr=m.z)
     m.GDPopt_utils.variable_list = [m.x, m.y, m.z]
     m.GDPopt_utils.disjunct_list = [m.d._autodisjuncts[0], m.d._autodisjuncts[1]]
     output = StringIO()
     with LoggingIntercept(output, 'pyomo.contrib.gdpopt', logging.WARNING):
         solver_data = GDPoptSolveData()
         solver_data.timing = Bunch()
         with time_code(solver_data.timing, 'main', is_main_timer=True):
             solve_linear_GDP(m, solver_data, GDPoptSolver.CONFIG(dict(mip_solver=mip_solver, strategy='LOA')))
         self.assertIn("Linear GDP was unbounded. Resolving with arbitrary bound values",
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        """Solve the model.

        Warning: this solver is still in beta. Keyword arguments subject to
        change. Undocumented keyword arguments definitely subject to change.

        This function performs all of the GDPopt solver setup and problem
        validation. It then calls upon helper functions to construct the
        initial master approximation and iteration loop.

            model (Block): a Pyomo model or block to be solved

        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        solve_data = GDPoptSolveData()
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()
        solve_data.timing = Container()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total'), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPopt_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
                "Starting GDPopt version %s using %s algorithm"
                % (".".join(map(str, self.version())), config.strategy)
If you use this software, you may cite the following:
- Implementation:
    Chen, Q; Johnson, ES; Siirola, JD; Grossmann, IE.
    Pyomo.GDP: Disjunctive Models in Python. 
    Proc. of the 13th Intl. Symposium on Process Systems Eng.
    San Diego, 2018.
- LOA algorithm:
    Türkay, M; Grossmann, IE.
    Logic-based MINLP algorithms for the optimal synthesis of process networks.
    Comp. and Chem. Eng. 1996, 20(8), 959–978.
    DOI: 10.1016/0098-1354(95)00219-7.
- GLOA algorithm:
    Lee, S; Grossmann, IE.
    A Global Optimization Algorithm for Nonconvex Generalized Disjunctive Programming and Applications to Process Systems
    Comp. and Chem. Eng. 2001, 25, 1675-1697.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0098-1354(01)00732-3
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPopt %s - %s' % (
                str(self.version()), config.strategy)

            solve_data.original_model = model
            solve_data.working_model = model.clone()
            GDPopt = solve_data.working_model.GDPopt_utils
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)

            solve_data.current_strategy = config.strategy

            # Verify that objective has correct form
            process_objective(solve_data, config)

            # Save model initial values. These are used later to initialize NLP
            # subproblems.
            solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
                v.value for v in GDPopt.variable_list)
            solve_data.best_solution_found = None

            # Validate the model to ensure that GDPopt is able to solve it.
            if not model_is_valid(solve_data, config):

            # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
            GDPopt.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')

            # Feasible integer cuts exclude discrete realizations that have
            # been explored via an NLP subproblem. Depending on model
            # characteristics, the user may wish to revisit NLP subproblems
            # (with a different initialization, for example). Therefore, these
            # cuts are not enabled by default, unless the initial model has no
            # discrete decisions.

            # Note: these cuts will only exclude integer realizations that are
            # not already in the primary GDPopt_integer_cuts ConstraintList.
            GDPopt.no_backtracking = ConstraintList(
                doc='explored integer cuts')

            # Set up iteration counters
            solve_data.master_iteration = 0
            solve_data.mip_iteration = 0
            solve_data.nlp_iteration = 0

            # set up bounds
            solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
            solve_data.UB = float('inf')
            solve_data.iteration_log = {}

            # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
            # iteration or not
            solve_data.feasible_solution_improved = False

            # Initialize the master problem
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'initialization'):
                GDPopt_initialize_master(solve_data, config)

            # Algorithm main loop
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'main loop'):
                GDPopt_iteration_loop(solve_data, config)

            if solve_data.best_solution_found is not None:
                # Update values in working model
                # Update values in original model

            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB

        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
        solve_data.results.solver.user_time = solve_data.timing.total
        solve_data.results.solver.wallclock_time = solve_data.timing.total

        solve_data.results.solver.iterations = solve_data.master_iteration

        return solve_data.results
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        """Solve the model.

        Warning: this solver is still in beta. Keyword arguments subject to
        change. Undocumented keyword arguments definitely subject to change.

        This function performs all of the GDPopt solver setup and problem
        validation. It then calls upon helper functions to construct the
        initial master approximation and iteration loop.

            model (Block): a Pyomo model or block to be solved

        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        solve_data = GDPoptSolveData()
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()
        solve_data.timing = Container()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total'), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPopt_utils'):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
            config.logger.info("---Starting GDPopt---")

            solve_data.original_model = model

            solve_data.working_model = clone_orig_model_with_lists(model)
            GDPopt = solve_data.working_model.GDPopt_utils
            record_original_model_statistics(solve_data, config)

            solve_data.current_strategy = config.strategy

            # Reformulate integer variables to binary
            reformulate_integer_variables(solve_data.working_model, config)
            process_objective(solve_data, config)

            # Save ordered lists of main modeling components, so that data can
            # be easily transferred between future model clones.
            record_working_model_statistics(solve_data, config)
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPopt ' + str(self.version())

            # Save model initial values. These are used later to initialize NLP
            # subproblems.
            solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
                v.value for v in GDPopt.working_var_list)

            # Store the initial model state as the best solution found. If we
            # find no better solution, then we will restore from this copy.
            solve_data.best_solution_found = solve_data.initial_var_values

            # Validate the model to ensure that GDPopt is able to solve it.
            if not model_is_valid(solve_data, config):

            # Maps in order to keep track of certain generated constraints
            GDPopt.oa_cut_map = ComponentMap()

            # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
            GDPopt.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')

            # Feasible integer cuts exclude discrete realizations that have
            # been explored via an NLP subproblem. Depending on model
            # characteristics, the user may wish to revisit NLP subproblems
            # (with a different initialization, for example). Therefore, these
            # cuts are not enabled by default, unless the initial model has no
            # discrete decisions.

            # Note: these cuts will only exclude integer realizations that are
            # not already in the primary GDPopt_integer_cuts ConstraintList.
            GDPopt.no_backtracking = ConstraintList(
                doc='explored integer cuts')

            # Set up iteration counters
            solve_data.master_iteration = 0
            solve_data.mip_iteration = 0
            solve_data.nlp_iteration = 0

            # set up bounds
            solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
            solve_data.UB = float('inf')
            solve_data.iteration_log = {}

            # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
            # iteration or not
            solve_data.feasible_solution_improved = False

            # Initialize the master problem
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'initialization'):
                GDPopt_initialize_master(solve_data, config)

            # Algorithm main loop
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'main loop'):
                GDPopt_iteration_loop(solve_data, config)

            # Update values in working model
                value(solve_data.working_objective_expr, exception=False))

            # Update values in original model
                solve_data.original_model.GDPopt_utils.orig_var_list, config)

            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB

        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing

        return solve_data.results
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        """Solve the model.

        Warning: this solver is still in beta. Keyword arguments subject to
        change. Undocumented keyword arguments definitely subject to change.

        This function performs all of the GDPopt solver setup and problem
        validation. It then calls upon helper functions to construct the
        initial master approximation and iteration loop.

            model (Block): a Pyomo model or block to be solved

        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        solve_data = GDPoptSolveData()
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()
        solve_data.timing = Container()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total', is_main_timer=True), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPopt_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
                "Starting GDPopt version %s using %s algorithm"
                % (".".join(map(str, self.version())), config.strategy)
If you use this software, you may cite the following:
- Implementation:
    Chen, Q; Johnson, ES; Siirola, JD; Grossmann, IE.
    Pyomo.GDP: Disjunctive Models in Python. 
    Proc. of the 13th Intl. Symposium on Process Systems Eng.
    San Diego, 2018.
- LOA algorithm:
    Türkay, M; Grossmann, IE.
    Logic-based MINLP algorithms for the optimal synthesis of process networks.
    Comp. and Chem. Eng. 1996, 20(8), 959–978.
    DOI: 10.1016/0098-1354(95)00219-7.
- GLOA algorithm:
    Lee, S; Grossmann, IE.
    A Global Optimization Algorithm for Nonconvex Generalized Disjunctive Programming and Applications to Process Systems
    Comp. and Chem. Eng. 2001, 25, 1675-1697.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0098-1354(01)00732-3
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPopt %s - %s' % (
                str(self.version()), config.strategy)

            solve_data.original_model = model
            solve_data.working_model = model.clone()
            GDPopt = solve_data.working_model.GDPopt_utils
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)

            solve_data.current_strategy = config.strategy

            # Verify that objective has correct form
            process_objective(solve_data, config)

            # Save model initial values. These are used later to initialize NLP
            # subproblems.
            solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
                v.value for v in GDPopt.variable_list)
            solve_data.best_solution_found = None

            # Validate the model to ensure that GDPopt is able to solve it.
            if not model_is_valid(solve_data, config):

            # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
            GDPopt.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')

            # Feasible integer cuts exclude discrete realizations that have
            # been explored via an NLP subproblem. Depending on model
            # characteristics, the user may wish to revisit NLP subproblems
            # (with a different initialization, for example). Therefore, these
            # cuts are not enabled by default, unless the initial model has no
            # discrete decisions.

            # Note: these cuts will only exclude integer realizations that are
            # not already in the primary GDPopt_integer_cuts ConstraintList.
            GDPopt.no_backtracking = ConstraintList(
                doc='explored integer cuts')

            # Set up iteration counters
            solve_data.master_iteration = 0
            solve_data.mip_iteration = 0
            solve_data.nlp_iteration = 0

            # set up bounds
            solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
            solve_data.UB = float('inf')
            solve_data.iteration_log = {}

            # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
            # iteration or not
            solve_data.feasible_solution_improved = False

            # Initialize the master problem
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'initialization'):
                GDPopt_initialize_master(solve_data, config)

            # Algorithm main loop
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'main loop'):
                GDPopt_iteration_loop(solve_data, config)

            if solve_data.best_solution_found is not None:
                # Update values in working model
                # Update values in original model

            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB

        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
        solve_data.results.solver.user_time = solve_data.timing.total
        solve_data.results.solver.wallclock_time = solve_data.timing.total

        solve_data.results.solver.iterations = solve_data.master_iteration

        return solve_data.results