Ejemplo n.º 1
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        return SolverFactory('gdpopt').solve(

        # Validate model to be used with gdpbb
        # Set solver as an MINLP
        solve_data = GDPbbSolveData()
        solve_data.timing = Container()
        solve_data.original_model = model
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total', is_main_timer=True), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPbb_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
                "Starting GDPbb version %s using %s as subsolver" %
                (".".join(map(str, self.version())), config.solver))

            # Setup results
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPbb - %s' % (str(
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)

            # clone original model for root node of branch and bound
            root = solve_data.working_model = solve_data.original_model.clone()

            # get objective sense
            process_objective(solve_data, config)
            objectives = solve_data.original_model.component_data_objects(
                Objective, active=True)
            obj = next(objectives, None)
            solve_data.results.problem.sense = obj.sense

            # set up lists to keep track of which disjunctions have been covered.

            # this list keeps track of the relaxed disjunctions
            root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions = list(
                for disjunction in root.GDPbb_utils.disjunction_list
                if disjunction.active)

            root.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints = ComponentSet([
                for disjunction in root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions
                for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts
                for constr in disjunct.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint,
                if constr.body.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0)
            # Deactivate nonlinear constraints in unenforced disjunctions
            for constr in root.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints:

            # Add the BigM suffix if it does not already exist. Used later during nonlinear constraint activation.
            if not hasattr(root, 'BigM'):
                root.BigM = Suffix()

            # Pre-screen that none of the disjunctions are already predetermined due to the disjuncts being fixed
            # to True/False values.
            # TODO this should also be done within the loop, but we aren't handling it right now.
            # Should affect efficiency, but not correctness.
            root.GDPbb_utils.disjuncts_fixed_True = ComponentSet()
            # Only find top-level (non-nested) disjunctions
            for disjunction in root.component_data_objects(Disjunction,
                fixed_true_disjuncts = [
                    disjunct for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts
                    if disjunct.indicator_var.fixed
                    and disjunct.indicator_var.value == 1
                fixed_false_disjuncts = [
                    disjunct for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts
                    if disjunct.indicator_var.fixed
                    and disjunct.indicator_var.value == 0
                for disjunct in fixed_false_disjuncts:
                if len(fixed_false_disjuncts) == len(
                        disjunction.disjuncts) - 1:
                    # all but one disjunct in the disjunction is fixed to False. Remaining one must be true.
                    if not fixed_true_disjuncts:
                        fixed_true_disjuncts = [
                            disjunct for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts
                            if disjunct not in fixed_false_disjuncts
                # Reactivate the fixed-true disjuncts
                for disjunct in fixed_true_disjuncts:
                    newly_activated = ComponentSet()
                    for constr in disjunct.component_data_objects(Constraint):
                        if constr in root.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints:
                            # Set the big M value for the constraint
                            root.BigM[constr] = 1
                            # Note: we use a default big M value of 1
                            # because all non-selected disjuncts should be deactivated.
                            # Therefore, none of the big M transformed nonlinear constraints will need to be relaxed.
                            # The default M value should therefore be irrelevant.
                    root.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints -= newly_activated

                if fixed_true_disjuncts:
                    assert disjunction.xor, "GDPbb only handles disjunctions in which one term can be selected. " \
                        "%s violates this assumption." % (disjunction.name, )

            # Check satisfiability
            if config.check_sat and satisfiable(root, config.logger) is False:
                # Problem is not satisfiable. Problem is infeasible.
                obj_value = obj_sign * float('inf')
                # solve the root node
                config.logger.info("Solving the root node.")
                obj_value, result, var_values = self.subproblem_solve(
                    root, config)

            if obj_sign * obj_value == float('inf'):
                    "Model was found to be infeasible at the root node. Elapsed %.2f seconds."
                    % get_main_elapsed_time(solve_data.timing))
                if solve_data.results.problem.sense == minimize:
                    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = float('inf')
                    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = None
                    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = None
                    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = float('-inf')
                solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
                solve_data.results.solver.iterations = 0
                solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.infeasible
                return solve_data.results

            # initialize minheap for Branch and Bound algorithm
            # Heap structure: (ordering tuple, model)
            # Ordering tuple: (objective value, disjunctions_left, -total_nodes_counter)
            #  - select solutions with lower objective value,
            #    then fewer disjunctions left to explore (depth first),
            #    then more recently encountered (tiebreaker)
            heap = []
            total_nodes_counter = 0
            disjunctions_left = len(root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions)
                           ((obj_sign * obj_value, disjunctions_left,
                             -total_nodes_counter), root, result, var_values))

            # loop to branch through the tree
            while len(heap) > 0:
                # pop best model off of heap
                sort_tuple, incumbent_model, incumbent_results, incumbent_var_values = heapq.heappop(
                incumbent_obj_value, disjunctions_left, _ = sort_tuple

                    "Exploring node with LB %.10g and %s inactive disjunctions."
                    % (incumbent_obj_value, disjunctions_left))

                # if all the originally active disjunctions are active, solve and
                # return solution
                if disjunctions_left == 0:
                    config.logger.info("Model solved.")
                    # Model is solved. Copy over solution values.
                    original_model = solve_data.original_model
                    for orig_var, val in zip(
                        orig_var.value = val

                    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = incumbent_results.problem.lower_bound
                    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = incumbent_results.problem.upper_bound
                    solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
                    solve_data.results.solver.iterations = total_nodes_counter
                    solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = incumbent_results.solver.termination_condition
                    return solve_data.results

                # Pick the next disjunction to branch on
                next_disjunction = incumbent_model.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions[
                config.logger.info("Branching on disjunction %s" %
                assert next_disjunction.xor, "GDPbb only handles disjunctions in which one term can be selected. " \
                    "%s violates this assumption." % (next_disjunction.name, )

                new_nodes_counter = 0

                for i, disjunct in enumerate(next_disjunction.disjuncts):
                    # Create one branch for each of the disjuncts on the disjunction

                    if any(disj.indicator_var.fixed
                           and disj.indicator_var.value == 1
                           for disj in next_disjunction.disjuncts
                           if disj is not disjunct):
                        # If any other disjunct is fixed to 1 and an xor relationship applies,
                        # then this disjunct cannot be activated.

                    # Check time limit
                    if get_main_elapsed_time(
                            solve_data.timing) >= config.time_limit:
                        if solve_data.results.problem.sense == minimize:
                            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = incumbent_obj_value
                            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = float(
                            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = float(
                            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = incumbent_obj_value
                        config.logger.info('GDPopt unable to converge bounds '
                                           'before time limit of {} seconds. '
                                           'Elapsed: {} seconds'.format(
                            'Final bound values: LB: {}  UB: {}'.format(
                        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
                        solve_data.results.solver.iterations = total_nodes_counter
                        solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.maxTimeLimit
                        return solve_data.results

                    # Branch on the disjunct
                    child = incumbent_model.clone()
                    # TODO I am leaving the old branching system in place, but there should be
                    # something better, ideally that deals with nested disjunctions as well.
                    disjunction_to_branch = child.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions.pop(
                    child_disjunct = disjunction_to_branch.disjuncts[i]
                    # Deactivate (and fix to 0) other disjuncts on the disjunction
                    for disj in disjunction_to_branch.disjuncts:
                        if disj is not child_disjunct:
                    # Activate nonlinear constraints on the newly fixed child disjunct
                    newly_activated = ComponentSet()
                    for constr in child_disjunct.component_data_objects(
                        if constr in child.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints:
                            # Set the big M value for the constraint
                            child.BigM[constr] = 1
                            # Note: we use a default big M value of 1
                            # because all non-selected disjuncts should be deactivated.
                            # Therefore, none of the big M transformed nonlinear constraints will need to be relaxed.
                            # The default M value should therefore be irrelevant.
                    child.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints -= newly_activated

                    if disjunct in incumbent_model.GDPbb_utils.disjuncts_fixed_True:
                        # If the disjunct was already branched to True from a parent disjunct branching, just pass
                        # through the incumbent value without resolving. The solution should be the same as the parent.
                        total_nodes_counter += 1
                        ordering_tuple = (obj_sign * incumbent_obj_value,
                                          disjunctions_left - 1,
                        heapq.heappush(heap, (ordering_tuple, child, result,
                        new_nodes_counter += 1

                    if config.check_sat and satisfiable(
                            child, config.logger) is False:
                        # Problem is not satisfiable. Skip this disjunct.

                    obj_value, result, var_values = self.subproblem_solve(
                        child, config)
                    total_nodes_counter += 1
                    ordering_tuple = (obj_sign * obj_value,
                                      disjunctions_left - 1,
                                   (ordering_tuple, child, result, var_values))
                    new_nodes_counter += 1

                    "Added %s new nodes with %s relaxed disjunctions to the heap. Size now %s."
                    % (new_nodes_counter, disjunctions_left - 1, len(heap)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: GDPbb.py Proyecto: Pyomo/pyomo
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))

        # Validate model to be used with gdpbb
        # Set solver as an MINLP
        solver = SolverFactory(config.solver)
        solve_data = GDPbbSolveData()
        solve_data.timing = Container()
        solve_data.original_model = model
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total'), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPbb_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
                "Starting GDPbb version %s using %s as subsolver"
                % (".".join(map(str, self.version())), config.solver)

            # Setup results
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPbb - %s' % (str(config.solver))
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)
            # Initialize list containing indicator vars for reupdating model after solving
            indicator_list_name = unique_component_name(model, "_indicator_list")
            indicator_vars = []
            for disjunction in model.component_data_objects(
                    ctype=Disjunction, active=True):
                for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts:
            setattr(model, indicator_list_name, indicator_vars)

            # get objective sense
            objectives = model.component_data_objects(Objective, active=True)
            obj = next(objectives, None)
            obj_sign = 1 if obj.sense == minimize else -1
            solve_data.results.problem.sense = obj.sense
            # clone original model for root node of branch and bound
            root = model.clone()

            # set up lists to keep track of which disjunctions have been covered.

            # this list keeps track of the original disjunctions that were active and are soon to be inactive
            root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions = list(
                disjunction for disjunction in root.GDPbb_utils.disjunction_list if disjunction.active

            # this list keeps track of the disjunctions that have been activated by the branch and bound
            root.GDPbb_utils.curr_active_disjunctions = []

            # deactivate all disjunctions in the model
            # self.indicate(root)
            for djn in root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions:
            # Deactivate all disjuncts in model. To be reactivated when disjunction
            # is reactivated.
            for disj in root.component_data_objects(Disjunct, active=True):

            # Satisfiability check would go here

            # solve the root node
            config.logger.info("Solving the root node.")
            obj_value, result, _ = self.subproblem_solve(root, solver, config)

            # initialize minheap for Branch and Bound algorithm
            # Heap structure: (ordering tuple, model)
            # Ordering tuple: (objective value, disjunctions_left, -counter)
            #  - select solutions with lower objective value,
            #    then fewer disjunctions left to explore (depth first),
            #    then more recently encountered (tiebreaker)
            heap = []
            counter = 0
            disjunctions_left = len(root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions)
                           ((obj_sign * obj_value, disjunctions_left, -counter), root,
                            result, root.GDPbb_utils.variable_list))
            # loop to branch through the tree
            while len(heap) > 0:
                # pop best model off of heap
                sort_tup, mdl, mdl_results, vars = heapq.heappop(heap)
                old_obj_val, disjunctions_left, _ = sort_tup
                config.logger.info("Exploring node with LB %.10g and %s inactive disjunctions." % (
                    old_obj_val, disjunctions_left

                # if all the originally active disjunctions are active, solve and
                # return solution
                if disjunctions_left == 0:
                    config.logger.info("Model solved.")
                    # Model is solved. Copy over solution values.
                    for orig_var, soln_var in zip(model.GDPbb_utils.variable_list, vars):
                        orig_var.value = soln_var.value

                    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = mdl_results.problem.lower_bound
                    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = mdl_results.problem.upper_bound
                    solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
                    solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = mdl_results.solver.termination_condition
                    return solve_data.results

                next_disjunction = mdl.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions.pop(0)
                config.logger.info("Activating disjunction %s" % next_disjunction.name)
                djn_left = len(mdl.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions)
                for disj in next_disjunction.disjuncts:
                    if not disj.indicator_var.fixed:
                        disj.indicator_var = 0  # initially set all indicator vars to zero
                added_disj_counter = 0
                for disj in next_disjunction.disjuncts:
                    if not disj.indicator_var.fixed:
                        disj.indicator_var = 1
                    mnew = mdl.clone()
                    if not disj.indicator_var.fixed:
                        disj.indicator_var = 0

                    # Check feasibility
                    if config.check_sat and satisfiable(mnew, config.logger) is False:
                        # problem is not satisfiable. Skip this disjunct.

                    obj_value, result, vars = self.subproblem_solve(mnew, solver, config)
                    counter += 1
                    ordering_tuple = (obj_sign * obj_value, djn_left, -counter)
                    heapq.heappush(heap, (ordering_tuple, mnew, result, vars))
                    added_disj_counter = added_disj_counter + 1
                config.logger.info("Added %s new nodes with %s relaxed disjunctions to the heap. Size now %s." % (
                    added_disj_counter, djn_left, len(heap)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        """Solve the model.
        Warning: this solver is still in beta. Keyword arguments subject to
        change. Undocumented keyword arguments definitely subject to change.
        Warning: at this point in time, if you try to use PSC or GBD with
        anything other than IPOPT as the NLP solver, bad things will happen.
        This is because the suffixes are not in place to extract dual values
        from the variable bounds for any other solver.
        TODO: fix needed with the GBD implementation.
            model (Block): a Pyomo model or block to be solved
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        solve_data = MindtPySolveData()
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()
        solve_data.timing = Container()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total'), \
             restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
             create_utility_block(model, 'MindtPy_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
            config.logger.info("---Starting MindtPy---")

            solve_data.original_model = model
            solve_data.working_model = model.clone()
            MindtPy = solve_data.working_model.MindtPy_utils
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)
            process_objective(solve_data, config)

            # Save model initial values.
            solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
                v.value for v in MindtPy.variable_list)

            # Store the initial model state as the best solution found. If we
            # find no better solution, then we will restore from this copy.
            solve_data.best_solution_found = None

            # Record solver name
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'MindtPy' + str(config.strategy)

            # Validate the model to ensure that MindtPy is able to solve it.
            if not model_is_valid(solve_data, config):

            # Create a model block in which to store the generated feasibility
            # slack constraints. Do not leave the constraints on by default.
            feas = MindtPy.MindtPy_feas = Block()
            feas.feas_constraints = ConstraintList(
                doc='Feasibility Problem Constraints')

            # Create a model block in which to store the generated linear
            # constraints. Do not leave the constraints on by default.
            lin = MindtPy.MindtPy_linear_cuts = Block()

            # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
            lin.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')
            # Feasible integer cuts exclude discrete realizations that have
            # been explored via an NLP subproblem. Depending on model
            # characteristics, the user may wish to revisit NLP subproblems
            # (with a different initialization, for example). Therefore, these
            # cuts are not enabled by default.
            # Note: these cuts will only exclude integer realizations that are
            # not already in the primary integer_cuts ConstraintList.
            lin.feasible_integer_cuts = ConstraintList(
                doc='explored integer cuts')

            # Set up iteration counters
            solve_data.nlp_iter = 0
            solve_data.mip_iter = 0
            solve_data.mip_subiter = 0

            # set up bounds
            solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
            solve_data.UB = float('inf')
            solve_data.LB_progress = [solve_data.LB]
            solve_data.UB_progress = [solve_data.UB]

            # Set of NLP iterations for which cuts were generated
            lin.nlp_iters = Set(dimen=1)

            # Set of MIP iterations for which cuts were generated in ECP
            lin.mip_iters = Set(dimen=1)

            nonlinear_constraints = [c for c in MindtPy.constraint_list if
                                     c.body.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0)]
            lin.nl_constraint_set = RangeSet(
                doc="Integer index set over the nonlinear constraints")
            feas.constraint_set = RangeSet(
                doc="integer index set over the constraints")

            # # Mapping Constraint -> integer index
            # MindtPy.feas_map = {}
            # # Mapping integer index -> Constraint
            # MindtPy.feas_inverse_map = {}
            # # Generate the two maps. These maps may be helpful for later
            # # interpreting indices on the slack variables or generated cuts.
            # for c, n in zip(MindtPy.constraint_list, feas.constraint_set):
            #     MindtPy.feas_map[c] = n
            #     MindtPy.feas_inverse_map[n] = c

            # Create slack variables for OA cuts
            lin.slack_vars = VarList(bounds=(0, config.max_slack), initialize=0, domain=NonNegativeReals)
            # Create slack variables for feasibility problem
            feas.slack_var = Var(feas.constraint_set,
                                 domain=NonNegativeReals, initialize=1)

            # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
            # iteration or not
            solve_data.solution_improved = False

            if not hasattr(solve_data.working_model, 'ipopt_zL_out'):
                solve_data.working_model.ipopt_zL_out = Suffix(
            if not hasattr(solve_data.working_model, 'ipopt_zU_out'):
                solve_data.working_model.ipopt_zU_out = Suffix(

            # Initialize the master problem
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'initialization'):
                MindtPy_initialize_master(solve_data, config)

            # Algorithm main loop
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'main loop'):
                MindtPy_iteration_loop(solve_data, config)

            if solve_data.best_solution_found is not None:
                # Update values in original model
                # MindtPy.objective_value.set_value(
                #     value(solve_data.working_objective_expr, exception=False))

            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))

        # Validate model to be used with gdpbb
        # Set solver as an MINLP
        solve_data = GDPbbSolveData()
        solve_data.timing = Container()
        solve_data.original_model = model
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total', is_main_timer=True), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPbb_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
                "Starting GDPbb version %s using %s as subsolver"
                % (".".join(map(str, self.version())), config.solver)

            # Setup results
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPbb - %s' % (str(config.solver))
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)

            # clone original model for root node of branch and bound
            root = solve_data.working_model = solve_data.original_model.clone()

            # get objective sense
            process_objective(solve_data, config)
            objectives = solve_data.original_model.component_data_objects(Objective, active=True)
            obj = next(objectives, None)
            obj_sign = 1 if obj.sense == minimize else -1
            solve_data.results.problem.sense = obj.sense

            # set up lists to keep track of which disjunctions have been covered.

            # this list keeps track of the relaxed disjunctions
            root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions = list(
                disjunction for disjunction in root.GDPbb_utils.disjunction_list if disjunction.active

            root.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints = ComponentSet([
                constr for disjunction in root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions
                for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts
                for constr in disjunct.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint, active=True)
                if constr.body.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0)
            # Deactivate nonlinear constraints in unenforced disjunctions
            for constr in root.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints:

            # Add the BigM suffix if it does not already exist. Used later during nonlinear constraint activation.
            if not hasattr(root, 'BigM'):
                root.BigM = Suffix()

            # Pre-screen that none of the disjunctions are already predetermined due to the disjuncts being fixed
            # to True/False values.
            # TODO this should also be done within the loop, but we aren't handling it right now.
            # Should affect efficiency, but not correctness.
            root.GDPbb_utils.disjuncts_fixed_True = ComponentSet()
            # Only find top-level (non-nested) disjunctions
            for disjunction in root.component_data_objects(Disjunction, active=True):
                fixed_true_disjuncts = [disjunct for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts
                                        if disjunct.indicator_var.fixed
                                        and disjunct.indicator_var.value == 1]
                fixed_false_disjuncts = [disjunct for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts
                                         if disjunct.indicator_var.fixed
                                         and disjunct.indicator_var.value == 0]
                for disjunct in fixed_false_disjuncts:
                if len(fixed_false_disjuncts) == len(disjunction.disjuncts) - 1:
                    # all but one disjunct in the disjunction is fixed to False. Remaining one must be true.
                    if not fixed_true_disjuncts:
                        fixed_true_disjuncts = [disjunct for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts
                                                if disjunct not in fixed_false_disjuncts]
                # Reactivate the fixed-true disjuncts
                for disjunct in fixed_true_disjuncts:
                    newly_activated = ComponentSet()
                    for constr in disjunct.component_data_objects(Constraint):
                        if constr in root.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints:
                            # Set the big M value for the constraint
                            root.BigM[constr] = 1
                            # Note: we use a default big M value of 1
                            # because all non-selected disjuncts should be deactivated.
                            # Therefore, none of the big M transformed nonlinear constraints will need to be relaxed.
                            # The default M value should therefore be irrelevant.
                    root.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints -= newly_activated

                if fixed_true_disjuncts:
                    assert disjunction.xor, "GDPbb only handles disjunctions in which one term can be selected. " \
                        "%s violates this assumption." % (disjunction.name, )

            # Check satisfiability
            if config.check_sat and satisfiable(root, config.logger) is False:
                # Problem is not satisfiable. Problem is infeasible.
                obj_value = obj_sign * float('inf')
                # solve the root node
                config.logger.info("Solving the root node.")
                obj_value, result, var_values = self.subproblem_solve(root, config)

            if obj_sign * obj_value == float('inf'):
                config.logger.info("Model was found to be infeasible at the root node. Elapsed %.2f seconds."
                                   % get_main_elapsed_time(solve_data.timing))
                if solve_data.results.problem.sense == minimize:
                    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = float('inf')
                    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = None
                    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = None
                    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = float('-inf')
                solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
                solve_data.results.solver.iterations = 0
                solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.infeasible
                return solve_data.results

            # initialize minheap for Branch and Bound algorithm
            # Heap structure: (ordering tuple, model)
            # Ordering tuple: (objective value, disjunctions_left, -total_nodes_counter)
            #  - select solutions with lower objective value,
            #    then fewer disjunctions left to explore (depth first),
            #    then more recently encountered (tiebreaker)
            heap = []
            total_nodes_counter = 0
            disjunctions_left = len(root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions)
                heap, (
                    (obj_sign * obj_value, disjunctions_left, -total_nodes_counter),
                    root, result, var_values))

            # loop to branch through the tree
            while len(heap) > 0:
                # pop best model off of heap
                sort_tuple, incumbent_model, incumbent_results, incumbent_var_values = heapq.heappop(heap)
                incumbent_obj_value, disjunctions_left, _ = sort_tuple

                config.logger.info("Exploring node with LB %.10g and %s inactive disjunctions." % (
                    incumbent_obj_value, disjunctions_left

                # if all the originally active disjunctions are active, solve and
                # return solution
                if disjunctions_left == 0:
                    config.logger.info("Model solved.")
                    # Model is solved. Copy over solution values.
                    original_model = solve_data.original_model
                    for orig_var, val in zip(original_model.GDPbb_utils.variable_list, incumbent_var_values):
                        orig_var.value = val

                    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = incumbent_results.problem.lower_bound
                    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = incumbent_results.problem.upper_bound
                    solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
                    solve_data.results.solver.iterations = total_nodes_counter
                    solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = incumbent_results.solver.termination_condition
                    return solve_data.results

                # Pick the next disjunction to branch on
                next_disjunction = incumbent_model.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions[0]
                config.logger.info("Branching on disjunction %s" % next_disjunction.name)
                assert next_disjunction.xor, "GDPbb only handles disjunctions in which one term can be selected. " \
                    "%s violates this assumption." % (next_disjunction.name, )

                new_nodes_counter = 0

                for i, disjunct in enumerate(next_disjunction.disjuncts):
                    # Create one branch for each of the disjuncts on the disjunction

                    if any(disj.indicator_var.fixed and disj.indicator_var.value == 1
                           for disj in next_disjunction.disjuncts if disj is not disjunct):
                        # If any other disjunct is fixed to 1 and an xor relationship applies,
                        # then this disjunct cannot be activated.

                    # Check time limit
                    if get_main_elapsed_time(solve_data.timing) >= config.time_limit:
                        if solve_data.results.problem.sense == minimize:
                            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = incumbent_obj_value
                            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = float('inf')
                            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = float('-inf')
                            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = incumbent_obj_value
                            'GDPopt unable to converge bounds '
                            'before time limit of {} seconds. '
                            'Elapsed: {} seconds'
                            .format(config.time_limit, get_main_elapsed_time(solve_data.timing)))
                            'Final bound values: LB: {}  UB: {}'.
                            format(solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound, solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound))
                        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
                        solve_data.results.solver.iterations = total_nodes_counter
                        solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.maxTimeLimit
                        return solve_data.results

                    # Branch on the disjunct
                    child = incumbent_model.clone()
                    # TODO I am leaving the old branching system in place, but there should be
                    # something better, ideally that deals with nested disjunctions as well.
                    disjunction_to_branch = child.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions.pop(0)
                    child_disjunct = disjunction_to_branch.disjuncts[i]
                    # Deactivate (and fix to 0) other disjuncts on the disjunction
                    for disj in disjunction_to_branch.disjuncts:
                        if disj is not child_disjunct:
                    # Activate nonlinear constraints on the newly fixed child disjunct
                    newly_activated = ComponentSet()
                    for constr in child_disjunct.component_data_objects(Constraint):
                        if constr in child.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints:
                            # Set the big M value for the constraint
                            child.BigM[constr] = 1
                            # Note: we use a default big M value of 1
                            # because all non-selected disjuncts should be deactivated.
                            # Therefore, none of the big M transformed nonlinear constraints will need to be relaxed.
                            # The default M value should therefore be irrelevant.
                    child.GDPbb_utils.deactivated_constraints -= newly_activated

                    if disjunct in incumbent_model.GDPbb_utils.disjuncts_fixed_True:
                        # If the disjunct was already branched to True from a parent disjunct branching, just pass
                        # through the incumbent value without resolving. The solution should be the same as the parent.
                        total_nodes_counter += 1
                        ordering_tuple = (obj_sign * incumbent_obj_value, disjunctions_left - 1, -total_nodes_counter)
                        heapq.heappush(heap, (ordering_tuple, child, result, incumbent_var_values))
                        new_nodes_counter += 1

                    if config.check_sat and satisfiable(child, config.logger) is False:
                        # Problem is not satisfiable. Skip this disjunct.

                    obj_value, result, var_values = self.subproblem_solve(child, config)
                    total_nodes_counter += 1
                    ordering_tuple = (obj_sign * obj_value, disjunctions_left - 1, -total_nodes_counter)
                    heapq.heappush(heap, (ordering_tuple, child, result, var_values))
                    new_nodes_counter += 1

                config.logger.info("Added %s new nodes with %s relaxed disjunctions to the heap. Size now %s." % (
                    new_nodes_counter, disjunctions_left - 1, len(heap)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))

        # Validate model to be used with gdpbb
        # Set solver as an MINLP
        solver = SolverFactory(config.solver)
        solve_data = GDPbbSolveData()
        solve_data.timing = Container()
        solve_data.original_model = model
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total'), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPbb_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
                "Starting GDPbb version %s using %s as subsolver" %
                (".".join(map(str, self.version())), config.solver))

            # Setup results
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPbb - %s' % (str(
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)
            # Initialize list containing indicator vars for reupdating model after solving
            indicator_list_name = unique_component_name(
                model, "_indicator_list")
            indicator_vars = []
            for disjunction in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Disjunction,
                for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts:
            setattr(model, indicator_list_name, indicator_vars)

            # get objective sense
            objectives = model.component_data_objects(Objective, active=True)
            obj = next(objectives, None)
            obj_sign = 1 if obj.sense == minimize else -1
            solve_data.results.problem.sense = obj.sense
            # clone original model for root node of branch and bound
            root = model.clone()

            # set up lists to keep track of which disjunctions have been covered.

            # this list keeps track of the original disjunctions that were active and are soon to be inactive
            root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions = list(
                for disjunction in root.GDPbb_utils.disjunction_list
                if disjunction.active)

            # this list keeps track of the disjunctions that have been activated by the branch and bound
            root.GDPbb_utils.curr_active_disjunctions = []

            # deactivate all disjunctions in the model
            # self.indicate(root)
            for djn in root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions:
            # Deactivate all disjuncts in model. To be reactivated when disjunction
            # is reactivated.
            for disj in root.component_data_objects(Disjunct, active=True):

            # Satisfiability check would go here

            # solve the root node
            config.logger.info("Solving the root node.")
            obj_value, result, _ = self.subproblem_solve(root, solver, config)

            # initialize minheap for Branch and Bound algorithm
            # Heap structure: (ordering tuple, model)
            # Ordering tuple: (objective value, disjunctions_left, -counter)
            #  - select solutions with lower objective value,
            #    then fewer disjunctions left to explore (depth first),
            #    then more recently encountered (tiebreaker)
            heap = []
            counter = 0
            disjunctions_left = len(root.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions)
                heap, ((obj_sign * obj_value, disjunctions_left, -counter),
                       root, result, root.GDPbb_utils.variable_list))
            # loop to branch through the tree
            while len(heap) > 0:
                # pop best model off of heap
                sort_tup, mdl, mdl_results, vars = heapq.heappop(heap)
                old_obj_val, disjunctions_left, _ = sort_tup
                    "Exploring node with LB %.10g and %s inactive disjunctions."
                    % (old_obj_val, disjunctions_left))

                # if all the originally active disjunctions are active, solve and
                # return solution
                if disjunctions_left == 0:
                    config.logger.info("Model solved.")
                    # Model is solved. Copy over solution values.
                    for orig_var, soln_var in zip(
                            model.GDPbb_utils.variable_list, vars):
                        orig_var.value = soln_var.value

                    solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = mdl_results.problem.lower_bound
                    solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = mdl_results.problem.upper_bound
                    solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
                    solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = mdl_results.solver.termination_condition
                    return solve_data.results

                next_disjunction = mdl.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions.pop(
                config.logger.info("Activating disjunction %s" %
                djn_left = len(mdl.GDPbb_utils.unenforced_disjunctions)
                for disj in next_disjunction.disjuncts:
                    if not disj.indicator_var.fixed:
                        disj.indicator_var = 0  # initially set all indicator vars to zero
                added_disj_counter = 0
                for disj in next_disjunction.disjuncts:
                    if not disj.indicator_var.fixed:
                        disj.indicator_var = 1
                    mnew = mdl.clone()
                    if not disj.indicator_var.fixed:
                        disj.indicator_var = 0

                    # Check feasibility
                    if config.check_sat and satisfiable(
                            mnew, config.logger) is False:
                        # problem is not satisfiable. Skip this disjunct.

                    obj_value, result, vars = self.subproblem_solve(
                        mnew, solver, config)
                    counter += 1
                    ordering_tuple = (obj_sign * obj_value, djn_left, -counter)
                    heapq.heappush(heap, (ordering_tuple, mnew, result, vars))
                    added_disj_counter = added_disj_counter + 1
                    "Added %s new nodes with %s relaxed disjunctions to the heap. Size now %s."
                    % (added_disj_counter, djn_left, len(heap)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        """Solve the model.

        Warning: this solver is still in beta. Keyword arguments subject to
        change. Undocumented keyword arguments definitely subject to change.

        This function performs all of the GDPopt solver setup and problem
        validation. It then calls upon helper functions to construct the
        initial master approximation and iteration loop.

            model (Block): a Pyomo model or block to be solved

        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        solve_data = GDPoptSolveData()
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()
        solve_data.timing = Container()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total'), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPopt_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
                "Starting GDPopt version %s using %s algorithm"
                % (".".join(map(str, self.version())), config.strategy)
If you use this software, you may cite the following:
- Implementation:
    Chen, Q; Johnson, ES; Siirola, JD; Grossmann, IE.
    Pyomo.GDP: Disjunctive Models in Python. 
    Proc. of the 13th Intl. Symposium on Process Systems Eng.
    San Diego, 2018.
- LOA algorithm:
    Türkay, M; Grossmann, IE.
    Logic-based MINLP algorithms for the optimal synthesis of process networks.
    Comp. and Chem. Eng. 1996, 20(8), 959–978.
    DOI: 10.1016/0098-1354(95)00219-7.
- GLOA algorithm:
    Lee, S; Grossmann, IE.
    A Global Optimization Algorithm for Nonconvex Generalized Disjunctive Programming and Applications to Process Systems
    Comp. and Chem. Eng. 2001, 25, 1675-1697.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0098-1354(01)00732-3
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPopt %s - %s' % (
                str(self.version()), config.strategy)

            solve_data.original_model = model
            solve_data.working_model = model.clone()
            GDPopt = solve_data.working_model.GDPopt_utils
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)

            solve_data.current_strategy = config.strategy

            # Verify that objective has correct form
            process_objective(solve_data, config)

            # Save model initial values. These are used later to initialize NLP
            # subproblems.
            solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
                v.value for v in GDPopt.variable_list)
            solve_data.best_solution_found = None

            # Validate the model to ensure that GDPopt is able to solve it.
            if not model_is_valid(solve_data, config):

            # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
            GDPopt.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')

            # Feasible integer cuts exclude discrete realizations that have
            # been explored via an NLP subproblem. Depending on model
            # characteristics, the user may wish to revisit NLP subproblems
            # (with a different initialization, for example). Therefore, these
            # cuts are not enabled by default, unless the initial model has no
            # discrete decisions.

            # Note: these cuts will only exclude integer realizations that are
            # not already in the primary GDPopt_integer_cuts ConstraintList.
            GDPopt.no_backtracking = ConstraintList(
                doc='explored integer cuts')

            # Set up iteration counters
            solve_data.master_iteration = 0
            solve_data.mip_iteration = 0
            solve_data.nlp_iteration = 0

            # set up bounds
            solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
            solve_data.UB = float('inf')
            solve_data.iteration_log = {}

            # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
            # iteration or not
            solve_data.feasible_solution_improved = False

            # Initialize the master problem
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'initialization'):
                GDPopt_initialize_master(solve_data, config)

            # Algorithm main loop
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'main loop'):
                GDPopt_iteration_loop(solve_data, config)

            if solve_data.best_solution_found is not None:
                # Update values in working model
                # Update values in original model

            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB

        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
        solve_data.results.solver.user_time = solve_data.timing.total
        solve_data.results.solver.wallclock_time = solve_data.timing.total

        solve_data.results.solver.iterations = solve_data.master_iteration

        return solve_data.results
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        """Solve the model.

        Warning: this solver is still in beta. Keyword arguments subject to
        change. Undocumented keyword arguments definitely subject to change.

        This function performs all of the GDPopt solver setup and problem
        validation. It then calls upon helper functions to construct the
        initial master approximation and iteration loop.

            model (Block): a Pyomo model or block to be solved

        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        solve_data = GDPoptSolveData()
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()
        solve_data.timing = Container()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total'), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPopt_utils'):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
            config.logger.info("---Starting GDPopt---")

            solve_data.original_model = model

            solve_data.working_model = clone_orig_model_with_lists(model)
            GDPopt = solve_data.working_model.GDPopt_utils
            record_original_model_statistics(solve_data, config)

            solve_data.current_strategy = config.strategy

            # Reformulate integer variables to binary
            reformulate_integer_variables(solve_data.working_model, config)
            process_objective(solve_data, config)

            # Save ordered lists of main modeling components, so that data can
            # be easily transferred between future model clones.
            record_working_model_statistics(solve_data, config)
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPopt ' + str(self.version())

            # Save model initial values. These are used later to initialize NLP
            # subproblems.
            solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
                v.value for v in GDPopt.working_var_list)

            # Store the initial model state as the best solution found. If we
            # find no better solution, then we will restore from this copy.
            solve_data.best_solution_found = solve_data.initial_var_values

            # Validate the model to ensure that GDPopt is able to solve it.
            if not model_is_valid(solve_data, config):

            # Maps in order to keep track of certain generated constraints
            GDPopt.oa_cut_map = ComponentMap()

            # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
            GDPopt.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')

            # Feasible integer cuts exclude discrete realizations that have
            # been explored via an NLP subproblem. Depending on model
            # characteristics, the user may wish to revisit NLP subproblems
            # (with a different initialization, for example). Therefore, these
            # cuts are not enabled by default, unless the initial model has no
            # discrete decisions.

            # Note: these cuts will only exclude integer realizations that are
            # not already in the primary GDPopt_integer_cuts ConstraintList.
            GDPopt.no_backtracking = ConstraintList(
                doc='explored integer cuts')

            # Set up iteration counters
            solve_data.master_iteration = 0
            solve_data.mip_iteration = 0
            solve_data.nlp_iteration = 0

            # set up bounds
            solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
            solve_data.UB = float('inf')
            solve_data.iteration_log = {}

            # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
            # iteration or not
            solve_data.feasible_solution_improved = False

            # Initialize the master problem
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'initialization'):
                GDPopt_initialize_master(solve_data, config)

            # Algorithm main loop
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'main loop'):
                GDPopt_iteration_loop(solve_data, config)

            # Update values in working model
                value(solve_data.working_objective_expr, exception=False))

            # Update values in original model
                solve_data.original_model.GDPopt_utils.orig_var_list, config)

            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB

        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing

        return solve_data.results
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        """Solve the model.
        Warning: this solver is still in beta. Keyword arguments subject to
        change. Undocumented keyword arguments definitely subject to change.
        Warning: at this point in time, if you try to use PSC or GBD with
        anything other than IPOPT as the NLP solver, bad things will happen.
        This is because the suffixes are not in place to extract dual values
        from the variable bounds for any other solver.
        TODO: fix needed with the GBD implementation.
            model (Block): a Pyomo model or block to be solved
        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        solve_data = MindtPySolveData()
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()
        solve_data.timing = Container()

        solve_data.original_model = model
        solve_data.working_model = model.clone()
        if config.integer_to_binary:
            TransformationFactory('contrib.integer_to_binary'). \

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total', is_main_timer=True), \
             restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
             create_utility_block(solve_data.working_model, 'MindtPy_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
            config.logger.info("---Starting MindtPy---")

            MindtPy = solve_data.working_model.MindtPy_utils
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)
            process_objective(solve_data, config)

            # Save model initial values.
            solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
                v.value for v in MindtPy.variable_list)

            # Store the initial model state as the best solution found. If we
            # find no better solution, then we will restore from this copy.
            solve_data.best_solution_found = None

            # Record solver name
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'MindtPy' + str(config.strategy)

            # Validate the model to ensure that MindtPy is able to solve it.
            if not model_is_valid(solve_data, config):

            # Create a model block in which to store the generated feasibility
            # slack constraints. Do not leave the constraints on by default.
            feas = MindtPy.MindtPy_feas = Block()
            feas.feas_constraints = ConstraintList(
                doc='Feasibility Problem Constraints')

            # Create a model block in which to store the generated linear
            # constraints. Do not leave the constraints on by default.
            lin = MindtPy.MindtPy_linear_cuts = Block()

            # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
            lin.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')
            # Feasible integer cuts exclude discrete realizations that have
            # been explored via an NLP subproblem. Depending on model
            # characteristics, the user may wish to revisit NLP subproblems
            # (with a different initialization, for example). Therefore, these
            # cuts are not enabled by default.
            # Note: these cuts will only exclude integer realizations that are
            # not already in the primary integer_cuts ConstraintList.
            lin.feasible_integer_cuts = ConstraintList(
                doc='explored integer cuts')

            # Set up iteration counters
            solve_data.nlp_iter = 0
            solve_data.mip_iter = 0
            solve_data.mip_subiter = 0

            # set up bounds
            solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
            solve_data.UB = float('inf')
            solve_data.LB_progress = [solve_data.LB]
            solve_data.UB_progress = [solve_data.UB]

            # Set of NLP iterations for which cuts were generated
            lin.nlp_iters = Set(dimen=1)

            # Set of MIP iterations for which cuts were generated in ECP
            lin.mip_iters = Set(dimen=1)

            nonlinear_constraints = [
                c for c in MindtPy.constraint_list
                if c.body.polynomial_degree() not in (1, 0)
            lin.nl_constraint_set = RangeSet(
                doc="Integer index set over the nonlinear constraints")
            feas.constraint_set = RangeSet(
                doc="integer index set over the constraints")

            # # Mapping Constraint -> integer index
            # MindtPy.feas_map = {}
            # # Mapping integer index -> Constraint
            # MindtPy.feas_inverse_map = {}
            # # Generate the two maps. These maps may be helpful for later
            # # interpreting indices on the slack variables or generated cuts.
            # for c, n in zip(MindtPy.constraint_list, feas.constraint_set):
            #     MindtPy.feas_map[c] = n
            #     MindtPy.feas_inverse_map[n] = c

            # Create slack variables for OA cuts
            lin.slack_vars = VarList(bounds=(0, config.max_slack),
            # Create slack variables for feasibility problem
            feas.slack_var = Var(feas.constraint_set,

            # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
            # iteration or not
            solve_data.solution_improved = False

            if not hasattr(solve_data.working_model, 'ipopt_zL_out'):
                solve_data.working_model.ipopt_zL_out = Suffix(
            if not hasattr(solve_data.working_model, 'ipopt_zU_out'):
                solve_data.working_model.ipopt_zU_out = Suffix(

            # Initialize the master problem
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'initialization'):
                MindtPy_initialize_master(solve_data, config)

            # Algorithm main loop
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'main loop'):
                MindtPy_iteration_loop(solve_data, config)

            if solve_data.best_solution_found is not None:
                # Update values in original model
                # MindtPy.objective_value.set_value(
                #     value(solve_data.working_objective_expr, exception=False))

            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB

        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
        solve_data.results.solver.user_time = solve_data.timing.total
        solve_data.results.solver.wallclock_time = solve_data.timing.total

        solve_data.results.solver.iterations = solve_data.mip_iter

        return solve_data.results
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def solve(self, model, **kwds):
        """Solve the model.

        Warning: this solver is still in beta. Keyword arguments subject to
        change. Undocumented keyword arguments definitely subject to change.

        This function performs all of the GDPopt solver setup and problem
        validation. It then calls upon helper functions to construct the
        initial master approximation and iteration loop.

            model (Block): a Pyomo model or block to be solved

        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
        solve_data = GDPoptSolveData()
        solve_data.results = SolverResults()
        solve_data.timing = Container()

        old_logger_level = config.logger.getEffectiveLevel()
        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'total', is_main_timer=True), \
                restore_logger_level(config.logger), \
                create_utility_block(model, 'GDPopt_utils', solve_data):
            if config.tee and old_logger_level > logging.INFO:
                # If the logger does not already include INFO, include it.
                "Starting GDPopt version %s using %s algorithm"
                % (".".join(map(str, self.version())), config.strategy)
If you use this software, you may cite the following:
- Implementation:
    Chen, Q; Johnson, ES; Siirola, JD; Grossmann, IE.
    Pyomo.GDP: Disjunctive Models in Python. 
    Proc. of the 13th Intl. Symposium on Process Systems Eng.
    San Diego, 2018.
- LOA algorithm:
    Türkay, M; Grossmann, IE.
    Logic-based MINLP algorithms for the optimal synthesis of process networks.
    Comp. and Chem. Eng. 1996, 20(8), 959–978.
    DOI: 10.1016/0098-1354(95)00219-7.
- GLOA algorithm:
    Lee, S; Grossmann, IE.
    A Global Optimization Algorithm for Nonconvex Generalized Disjunctive Programming and Applications to Process Systems
    Comp. and Chem. Eng. 2001, 25, 1675-1697.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0098-1354(01)00732-3
            solve_data.results.solver.name = 'GDPopt %s - %s' % (
                str(self.version()), config.strategy)

            solve_data.original_model = model
            solve_data.working_model = model.clone()
            GDPopt = solve_data.working_model.GDPopt_utils
            setup_results_object(solve_data, config)

            solve_data.current_strategy = config.strategy

            # Verify that objective has correct form
            process_objective(solve_data, config)

            # Save model initial values. These are used later to initialize NLP
            # subproblems.
            solve_data.initial_var_values = list(
                v.value for v in GDPopt.variable_list)
            solve_data.best_solution_found = None

            # Validate the model to ensure that GDPopt is able to solve it.
            if not model_is_valid(solve_data, config):

            # Integer cuts exclude particular discrete decisions
            GDPopt.integer_cuts = ConstraintList(doc='integer cuts')

            # Feasible integer cuts exclude discrete realizations that have
            # been explored via an NLP subproblem. Depending on model
            # characteristics, the user may wish to revisit NLP subproblems
            # (with a different initialization, for example). Therefore, these
            # cuts are not enabled by default, unless the initial model has no
            # discrete decisions.

            # Note: these cuts will only exclude integer realizations that are
            # not already in the primary GDPopt_integer_cuts ConstraintList.
            GDPopt.no_backtracking = ConstraintList(
                doc='explored integer cuts')

            # Set up iteration counters
            solve_data.master_iteration = 0
            solve_data.mip_iteration = 0
            solve_data.nlp_iteration = 0

            # set up bounds
            solve_data.LB = float('-inf')
            solve_data.UB = float('inf')
            solve_data.iteration_log = {}

            # Flag indicating whether the solution improved in the past
            # iteration or not
            solve_data.feasible_solution_improved = False

            # Initialize the master problem
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'initialization'):
                GDPopt_initialize_master(solve_data, config)

            # Algorithm main loop
            with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'main loop'):
                GDPopt_iteration_loop(solve_data, config)

            if solve_data.best_solution_found is not None:
                # Update values in working model
                # Update values in original model

            solve_data.results.problem.lower_bound = solve_data.LB
            solve_data.results.problem.upper_bound = solve_data.UB

        solve_data.results.solver.timing = solve_data.timing
        solve_data.results.solver.user_time = solve_data.timing.total
        solve_data.results.solver.wallclock_time = solve_data.timing.total

        solve_data.results.solver.iterations = solve_data.master_iteration

        return solve_data.results