Ejemplo n.º 1
def TSP(C):
    # Number of places
    n, n = C.shape
    # Create concrete model
    model = ConcreteModel()

    # Set of indices
    model.I = RangeSet(1, n)
    model.J = RangeSet(1, n)

    # Variables
    model.X = Var(model.I, model.J, within=Binary)

    model.U = Var(model.I, within=PositiveReals)

    # Objective Function
    model.obj = Objective(expr=sum(C[i - 1, j - 1] * model.X[i, j]
                                   for i, j in model.X))

    # Constraints on the marginals
    model.InDegree = Constraint(model.I,
                                rule=lambda m, i: sum(m.X[i, j]
                                                      for j in m.J) == 1)

    model.OutDegree = Constraint(model.J,
                                 rule=lambda m, j: sum(m.X[i, j]
                                                       for i in m.I) == 1)

    model.onedir = ConstraintList()
    for i in model.I:
        for j in model.J:
            model.onedir.add(expr=model.X[i, j] + model.X[j, i] <= 1)

    # # Subtour
    model.subtour = ConstraintList()
    for i in model.I:
        for j in model.J:
            if i > 1 and j > 1 and i != j:
                    model.U[i] - model.U[j] + n * model.X[i, j] <= n - 1)

    model.fix = Constraint(expr=model.U[1] == 1)

    # Solve the model
    sol = SolverFactory('gurobi').solve(model, tee=True)


    # Get a JSON representation of the solution
    sol_json = sol.json_repn()
    # Check solution status
    if sol_json['Solver'][0]['Status'] != 'ok':
        return None
    if sol_json['Solver'][0]['Termination condition'] != 'optimal':
        return None

    return [(i - 1, j - 1) for i, j in model.X if model.X[i, j]() > 0.5]
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def build(self, lower, expr, upper):
     # Collect uncertain parameter and uncertainty set
     self.lower = lower
     self.upper = upper
     self._uncparam = _collect_uncparam(expr)
     self._uncset = [self._uncparam[0]._uncset]
     self._rule = self.construct_rule(expr)
     self._bounds = (lower, upper)
     # Generate nominal constraint
     nominal_expr = self.nominal_constraint_expr()
     self._constraints = ConstraintList()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_rule_option3(self):
     model = self.create_model()
     model.y = Var(initialize=2)
     def f(model):
         yield model.y <= 0
         yield 2*model.y <= 0
         yield 2*model.y <= 0
         yield ConstraintList.End
     model.c = ConstraintList(rule=f)
     self.assertEqual(len(model.c), 3)
     self.assertEqual(model.c[1](), 2)
     model.d = ConstraintList(rule=f(model))
     self.assertEqual(len(model.d), 3)
     self.assertEqual(model.d[1](), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def coefsFonRiProblem(Z, R, t, h):
    def objfun(m):
        s = 0
        for i in range(1, len(R) + 1):
            s += m.nu[i]
        return 1 / 4 * integrate_onRi(m.nu, R, Z,
                                      h) + m.nu[0] * t + 1 / len(R) * (s)

    model = ConcreteModel()
    if len(R) != len(Z):
        raise Exception()

    model.I = RangeSet(0, len(R))
    model.nu = Var(model.I, within=NonNegativeReals)

    # Vincoli
    model.nonNegDen = ConstraintList()
    for i in range(len(R)):
        for point in R[i]:
                expr=model.nu[0] * norm(point - Z[i]) + model.nu[i + 1] >= 0)

    model.obj = Objective(rule=objfun)

    opt = SolverFactory('ipopt')
    return model
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_rule_option4(self):
     model = self.create_model()
     model.y = Var(initialize=2)
     model.c = ConstraintList(rule=((i + 1) * model.y >= 0
                                    for i in range(3)))
     self.assertEqual(len(model.c), 3)
     self.assertEqual(model.c[1](), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_stats3(self):
        model = ConcreteModel()
        model.x = Var([1, 2])

        def obj_rule(model, i):
            return sum_product(model.x)

        model.obj = Objective([1, 2], rule=obj_rule)

        def c_rule(model, i):
            expr = 0
            for j in [1, 2]:
                expr += j * model.x[j]
            return expr == 0

        model.c = Constraint([1, 2], rule=c_rule)
        model.B = Block()
        model.B.x = Var([1, 2])
        model.B.o = ObjectiveList()
        model.B.c = ConstraintList()
        model.B.c.add(model.x[1] == 0)
        model.B.c.add(model.x[2] == 0)
        self.assertEqual(model.nvariables(), 4)
        self.assertEqual(model.nobjectives(), 4)
        self.assertEqual(model.nconstraints(), 4)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def construct_separation_problem(self, sense=maximize):
        m = ConcreteModel()
        uncparam = self._uncparam[0]
        index = uncparam.index_set()
        # Create inner problem variables
        # TODO: use setattr to give uncparam same name as in model
        m.uncparam = Var(index)
        # collect current coefficient values
        expr = self._rule(m.uncparam, compute_values=True)
        # construct objective with current coefficient values
        m.obj = Objective(expr=expr, sense=sense)

        # construct constraints from uncertainty set
        uncset = self._uncset[0]
        m.cons = ConstraintList()
        substitution_map = {id(uncparam[i]): m.uncparam[i] for i in index}
        if not uncset.is_lib():
            for c in uncset.component_data_objects(Constraint):
                    (c.lower, replace_expressions(c.body,
                                                  substitution_map), c.upper))
            for cons in uncset.generate_cons_from_lib(m.uncparam):
        return m
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_induced_linearity_case2(self):
     m = ConcreteModel()
     m.x = Var([0], bounds=(-3, 8))
     m.y = Var(RangeSet(4), domain=Binary)
     m.z = Var(domain=Integers, bounds=(-1, 2))
     m.constr = Constraint(
         expr=m.x[0] == m.y[1] + 2 * m.y[2] + m.y[3] + 2 * m.y[4] + m.z)
     m.logical = ConstraintList()
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[1] + m.y[2] == 1)
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[3] + m.y[4] == 1)
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[2] + m.y[4] <= 1)
     m.b = Var(bounds=(-2, 7))
     m.c = Var()
     m.bilinear = Constraint(
         expr=(m.x[0] - 3) * (m.b + 2) - (m.c + 4) * m.b +
         exp(m.b ** 2) * m.x[0] <= m.c)
     xfrmed_blk = m._induced_linearity_info.x0_b_bilinear
         set(xfrmed_blk.valid_values), set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
     select_one_repn = generate_standard_repn(
         ComponentSet(xfrmed_blk.x_active[i] for i in xfrmed_blk.valid_values))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_bilinear_in_disjuncts(self):
     m = ConcreteModel()
     m.x = Var([0], bounds=(-3, 8))
     m.y = Var(RangeSet(4), domain=Binary)
     m.z = Var(domain=Integers, bounds=(-1, 2))
     m.constr = Constraint(expr=m.x[0] == m.y[1] + 2 * m.y[2] + m.y[3] +
                           2 * m.y[4] + m.z)
     m.logical = ConstraintList()
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[1] + m.y[2] == 1)
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[3] + m.y[4] == 1)
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[2] + m.y[4] <= 1)
     m.v = Var([1, 2])
     m.bilinear = Constraint(
         expr=(m.x[0] - 3) * (m.v[1] + 2) -
         (m.v[2] + 4) * m.v[1] + exp(m.v[1]**2) * m.x[0] <= m.v[2])
     m.disjctn = Disjunction(
         expr=[[m.x[0] * m.v[1] <= 4], [m.x[0] * m.v[2] >= 6]])
         m.disjctn.disjuncts[0].constraint[1].body.polynomial_degree(), 1)
         m.disjctn.disjuncts[1].constraint[1].body.polynomial_degree(), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_expr5(self):
        model = ConcreteModel()
        model.A = Set(initialize=[1, 2, 3], doc='set A')
        model.B = Param(model.A,
                            1: 100,
                            2: 200,
                            3: 300
                        doc='param B',
        model.C = Param(initialize=3, doc='param C', mutable=True)
        model.x = Var(model.A, doc='var x')
        model.y = Var(doc='var y')
        model.o = Objective(expr=model.y, doc='obj o')
        model.c1 = Constraint(expr=model.x[1] >= 0, doc='con c1')

        def c2_rule(model, a):
            return model.B[a] * model.x[a] <= 1

        model.c2 = Constraint(model.A, doc='con c2', rule=c2_rule)
        model.c3 = ConstraintList(doc='con c3')
        model.c3.add(model.y <= 0)
        OUTPUT = open(join(currdir, "test_expr5.out"), "w")
        _out, _txt = join(currdir,
                          "test_expr5.out"), join(currdir, "test_expr5.txt")
        self.assertTrue(cmp(_out, _txt),
                        msg="Files %s and %s differ" % (_out, _txt))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def build_mip(self):
     """Get an Abstract model and create a Concrete model with input data."""
     self.model = self.create_abstract_model()
     build_info, indices = self._get_mip_build_info()
     if not self._apriori_infeasible:
         self._mip_indices = indices
         self._mip = self.model.create_instance(build_info)
         self._mip.extra_c = ConstraintList()
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_fixed_var_out_of_bounds_ub(self):
     m = ConcreteModel()
     m.s = RangeSet(2)
     m.v = Var(m.s, bounds=(0, 5))
     m.c = ConstraintList()
     m.c.add(expr=m.v[1] == m.v[2])
     m.c.add(expr=m.v[1] == 6)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _add_data_block(self, existing_block=None):
        # If a sensitivity block already exists, and we have not done
        # any expression replacement, we delete the old block, re-fix the
        # sensitivity variables, and start again.
        # Don't do this in the constructor as we could want to call
        # the constructor once, then perform multiple sensitivity
        # calculations with the same model instance.
        if existing_block is not None:
            if (hasattr(existing_block, '_has_replaced_expressions') and
                    not existing_block._has_replaced_expressions):
                for var, _, _, _ in existing_block._sens_data_list:
                    # Re-fix variables that the previous block was
                    # treating as parameters.
                msg = ("Re-using sensitivity interface is not supported "
                        "when calculating sensitivity for mutable parameters. "
                        "Used fixed vars instead if you want to do this."
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Add a block to keep track of model components necessary for this
        # sensitivity calculation.
        block = Block()
        self.model_instance.add_component(self.get_default_block_name(), block)
        self.block = block

        # If the user tells us they will perturb a set of parameters, we will
        # need to replace these parameters in the user's model's constraints.
        # This affects what we can do with the model later, so we add a flag.
        block._has_replaced_expressions = False

        # This is the main data structure for keeping track of "sensitivity
        # vars" and their associated params. It will be a list of tuples of
        # (vardata, paramdata, list_index, comp_index)
        # where:
        #     vardata is the "sensitivity variable" data object,
        #     paramdata is the associated parameter,
        #     list_index is its index in the user-provided list, and
        #     comp_index is its index in the component provided by the user.
        block._sens_data_list = []

        # This will hold the user-provided list of
        # variables and/or parameters to perturb
        block._paramList = None

        # This will hold any constraints where we have replaced
        # parameters with vairables.
        block.constList = ConstraintList()

        return block
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def setup_sensitivity(self, paramList):
        instance = self.model_instance
        paramList = self._process_param_list(paramList)

        existing_block = instance.component(self.get_default_block_name())
        block = self._add_data_block(existing_block=existing_block)
        block._sens_data_list = []
        block._paramList = paramList

        sens_data_list = block._sens_data_list

        for var, _, _, _ in sens_data_list:
            # This unfixes all variables, not just those the user added.

        # Map used to replace user-provided parameters.
        variableSubMap = dict((id(param), var)
                              for var, param, list_idx, _ in sens_data_list
                              if paramList[list_idx].ctype is Param)

        if variableSubMap:
            # We now replace the provided parameters in the user's
            # expressions. Only do this if we have to, i.e. the
            # user provided some parameters rather than all vars.
            block._replaced_map = \

            # Assume that we just replaced some params
            block._has_replaced_expressions = True

        block.paramConst = ConstraintList()
        for var, param, _, _ in sens_data_list:
            #block.paramConst.add(param - var == 0)
            block.paramConst.add(var - param == 0)

        # Declare Suffixes

        for i, (var, _, _, _) in enumerate(sens_data_list):
            idx = i + 1
            con = block.paramConst[idx]

            # sipopt
            instance.sens_state_0[var] = idx
            instance.sens_state_1[var] = idx
            instance.sens_init_constr[con] = idx

            # k_aug
            instance.dcdp[con] = idx
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_conlist_skip(self):
     model = ConcreteModel()
     model.x = Var()
     model.c = ConstraintList()
     self.assertTrue(1 not in model.c)
     self.assertEqual(len(model.c), 0)
     self.assertTrue(1 not in model.c)
     self.assertEqual(len(model.c), 0)
     model.c.add(model.x >= 1)
     self.assertTrue(1 not in model.c)
     self.assertTrue(2 in model.c)
     self.assertEqual(len(model.c), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def Knapsack():
    tools = ['hammer', 'wrench', 'screwdriver', 'towel']
    v = {'hammer': 8, 'wrench': 3, 'screwdriver': 6, 'towel': 11}
    w = {'hammer': 5, 'wrench': 7, 'screwdriver': 4, 'towel': 3}

    limit = 14

    M = ConcreteModel()

    M.ITEMS = Set(initialize=v.keys())
    M.x = Var(M.ITEMS, within=Binary)

    # Define Uncertainty set & uncertain parameters
    mu = [w[t] for t in tools]
    A = [[0.1, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0], [0.01, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0],
         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1]]
    Sig = np.linalg.inv(A).tolist()
    perm = itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=len(tools))
    P = [i for i in perm]
    rhs = [sum(p[i] * w[t] for i, t in enumerate(tools)) + 5.5 for p in P]

    M.E = UncSet()
    M.w = UncParam(M.ITEMS, uncset=M.E, nominal=w)
    w = M.w

    # Ellipsoidal set
    # direct
    lhs = 0
    for i, ti in enumerate(tools):
        for j, tj in enumerate(tools):
            lhs += (w[ti] - mu[i]) * A[i][j] * (w[tj] - mu[j])
    M.E.cons = Constraint(expr=lhs <= 1)
    # library
    # An ellipsoidal constraint has the form (w - mu)^T Sig^-1 (w - mu)
    # EllipsoidalSet takes mu and Sig as arguments (inverse of A above)
    M.Elib = EllipsoidalSet(mu, Sig)

    # Polyhedral set
    # direct
    M.P = UncSet()
    M.P.cons = ConstraintList()
    for i, p in enumerate(P):
        M.P.cons.add(sum(M.w[t] * p[i] for i, t in enumerate(tools)) <= rhs[i])
    # library
    M.Plib = PolyhedralSet(P, rhs)

    M.value = Objective(expr=sum(v[i] * M.x[i] for i in M.ITEMS),
    M.weight = Constraint(expr=sum(w[i] * M.x[i] for i in M.ITEMS) <= limit)

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 17
def Knapsack():
    v = {'hammer': 8, 'wrench': 3, 'screwdriver': 6, 'towel': 11}
    w = {'hammer': 5, 'wrench': 7, 'screwdriver': 4, 'towel': 3}

    limit = 14

    M = ConcreteModel()

    M.ITEMS = Set(initialize=v.keys())
    M.x = Var(M.ITEMS, within=Binary)

    # Define Uncertainty set & uncertain parameters
    mu = w
    A = [[0.1, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0], [0.01, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0],
         [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1]]
    tools = ['hammer', 'wrench', 'screwdriver', 'towel']
    Adict = {(ti, tj): A[i][j]
             for i, ti in enumerate(tools) for j, tj in enumerate(tools)}
    perm = itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=len(tools))
    P = [dict(zip(tools, i)) for i in perm]
    rhs = [sum(p[t] * w[t] for t in tools) + 5.5 for p in P]

    M.E = UncSet()
    M.w = UncParam(M.ITEMS, uncset=M.E, nominal=w)
    w = M.w

    # Ellipsoidal set
    # direct
    lhs = 0
    for i in M.ITEMS:
        for j in M.ITEMS:
            lhs += (w[i] - mu[i]) * Adict[i, j] * (w[j] - mu[j])
    M.E.cons = Constraint(expr=lhs <= 1)
    # library
    M.Elib = EllipsoidalSet(mu, Adict)

    # Polyhedral set
    # direct
    M.P = UncSet()
    M.P.cons = ConstraintList()
    for i, p in enumerate(P):
        M.P.cons.add(sum(M.w[t] * p[t] for t in tools) <= rhs[i])
    # library
    M.Plib = PolyhedralSet(P, rhs)

    M.value = Objective(expr=sum(v[i] * M.x[i] for i in M.ITEMS),
    M.weight = Constraint(expr=sum(w[i] * M.x[i] for i in M.ITEMS) <= limit)

    return M
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_determine_valid_values(self):
     m = ConcreteModel()
     m.x = Var()
     m.y = Var(RangeSet(4), domain=Binary)
     m.z = Var(domain=Integers, bounds=(-1, 2))
     m.constr = Constraint(expr=m.x == m.y[1] + 2 * m.y[2] + m.y[3] +
                           2 * m.y[4] + m.z)
     m.logical = ConstraintList()
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[1] + m.y[2] == 1)
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[3] + m.y[4] == 1)
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[2] + m.y[4] <= 1)
     var_to_values_map = determine_valid_values(
         m, detect_effectively_discrete_vars(m, 1E-6),
         Bunch(equality_tolerance=1E-6, pruning_solver='glpk'))
     valid_values = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     self.assertEqual(set(var_to_values_map[m.x]), valid_values)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def CuttingPlane(C, Subtours):
    # Number of places
    n, n = C.shape
    # Create concrete model
    model = ConcreteModel()

    # Set of indices
    model.I = RangeSet(1, n)
    model.J = RangeSet(1, n)

    # Variables
    model.X = Var(model.I, model.J, within=Binary)

    # Objective Function
    model.obj = Objective(expr=sum(C[i - 1, j - 1] * model.X[i, j]
                                   for i, j in model.X))

    # Constraints on the marginals
    model.InDegree = Constraint(model.I,
                                rule=lambda m, i: sum(m.X[i, j]
                                                      for j in m.J) == 1)

    model.OutDegree = Constraint(model.J,
                                 rule=lambda m, j: sum(m.X[i, j]
                                                       for i in m.I) == 1)

    model.subtours = ConstraintList()
    for S in Subtours:
        P = [(i + 1, j + 1) for i in S for j in S if i != j]
        model.subtours.add(expr=sum(model.X[i, j] for i, j in P) <= len(S) - 1)

    solver = SolverFactory('gurobi')
    sol = solver.solve(model, tee=False)

    # Get a JSON representation of the solution
    sol_json = sol.json_repn()
    # Check solution status
    if sol_json['Solver'][0]['Status'] != 'ok':
        return None
    if sol_json['Solver'][0]['Termination condition'] != 'optimal':
        return None

    return [(i - 1, j - 1) for i, j in model.X if model.X[i, j]() > 0.5]
Ejemplo n.º 20
def fixedLambdaProblem(L, X, Z, t):
    model = ConcreteModel()
    model.nu0 = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)
    model.nu1 = Var(within=NonNegativeReals)

    # Vincoli
    model.denGeqZero = ConstraintList()
    for row in X:
        for point in row:
                expr=model.nu0 * minimum_closest(point, L, Z) + model.nu1 >= 0)

    model.obj = Objective(
        expr=integrate_LambdaFixed_UB(model.nu0, model.nu1, L, X, Z) +
        model.nu0 * t + model.nu1)

    opt = SolverFactory('ipopt')
    return model
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_induced_linear_in_disjunct(self):
     m = ConcreteModel()
     m.x = Var([0], bounds=(-3, 8))
     m.y = Var(RangeSet(2), domain=Binary)
     m.logical = ConstraintList()
     m.logical.add(expr=m.y[1] + m.y[2] == 1)
     m.v = Var([1])
     m.bilinear_outside = Constraint(expr=m.x[0] * m.v[1] >= 2)
     m.disjctn = Disjunction(
         expr=[[m.x[0] * m.v[1] == 3, 2 * m.x[0] == m.y[1] +
                m.y[2]], [m.x[0] * m.v[1] == 4]])
         m.disjctn.disjuncts[0].constraint[1].body.polynomial_degree(), 1)
     self.assertEqual(m.bilinear_outside.body.polynomial_degree(), 2)
         m.disjctn.disjuncts[1].constraint[1].body.polynomial_degree(), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_stats4(self):
        model = ConcreteModel()
        model.x = Var([1])

        model.B = Block()
        model.B.x = Var([1, 2, 3])
        model.B.o = ObjectiveList()
        model.B.c = ConstraintList()
        model.B.c.add(model.B.x[1] == 0)
        model.B.c.add(model.B.x[2] == 0)
        model.B.c.add(model.B.x[3] == 0)
        self.assertEqual(model.nvariables(), 4)
        self.assertEqual(model.nobjectives(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(model.nconstraints(), 3)
        self.assertEqual(model.nvariables(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(model.nobjectives(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(model.nconstraints(), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_rule_option2(self):
        model = self.create_model()
        model.B = RangeSet(1,4)
        def f(model, i):
            if i > 2:
                return ConstraintList.End
            i = 2*i - 1
            for j in model.B:
                ans = ans + model.x[j]
            ans *= i
            ans = ans <= 0
            ans = ans >= 0
            return ans
        model.x = Var(model.B, initialize=2)
        model.c = ConstraintList(rule=f)

        self.assertEqual(model.c[1](), 8)
        self.assertEqual(len(model.c), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_rule_option1a(self):
        model = self.create_model()
        model.B = RangeSet(1,4)
        def f(model, i):
            if i > 4:
                return None
            for j in model.B:
                ans = ans + model.x[j]
            ans *= i
            ans = ans <= 0
            ans = ans >= 0
            return ans
        model.x = Var(model.B, initialize=2)
        model.c = ConstraintList(rule=f)

        self.assertEqual(model.c[1](), 8)
        self.assertEqual(model.c[2](), 16)
        self.assertEqual(len(model.c), 4)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def create_linear_dual(self, c, b, P, d):
        Robust constraint:
            c^T*w <= b for all P*w <= d
        blk = Block()
        n, m = len(P), len(P[0])
        # Add dual variables
        blk.var = Var(range(n), within=NonNegativeReals)
        # Dual objective
        blk.obj = Constraint(expr=quicksum(d[j]*blk.var[j]
                                           for j in range(n)) <= b)
        # Dual constraints
        blk.cons = ConstraintList()
        for i in range(m):
            lhs = quicksum(P[j][i]*blk.var[j] for j in range(n))
            if lhs.__class__ not in native_numeric_types or lhs != 0:
                blk.cons.add(lhs == c[i])

        return blk
Ejemplo n.º 26
class RobustConstraintData(_BlockData):
    """ RobustConstraint contains:
            - attribute _cons: constraint
            - _uncset: uncertainty set
            - _uncparam: uncertain parameter
            - _vars: variables the constraint contains
    def __init__(self, component, cons=None):
        self._cons = None
        self._uncparam = None
        self._uncset = None
        self._vars = []
        self._sep = None

    def build(self, lower, expr, upper):
        # Collect uncertain parameter and uncertainty set
        self.lower = lower
        self.upper = upper
        self._uncparam = _collect_uncparam(expr)
        self._uncset = [self._uncparam[0]._uncset]
        self._rule = self.construct_rule(expr)
        self._bounds = (lower, upper)
        # Generate nominal constraint
        nominal_expr = self.nominal_constraint_expr()
        self._constraints = ConstraintList()

    def add_cut(self):
        """ Solve separation problem and add cut. """
        sep = self.construct_separation_problem()
        # TODO: pass option
        opt = SolverFactory('gurobi')
        opt.options['NonConvex'] = 2
        res = opt.solve(sep)
        # Check results are okay

        # Check feasibility?

        # Generate cut expression:
        # uncparam = self._uncparam[0]
        uncparam = sep.uncparam
        expr = self._rule({i: uncparam[i].value for i in uncparam})

        self._constraints.add((self.lower, expr, self.upper))
        self.feasible = value(sep.obj <= self.upper)

        return self.feasible

    def construct_separation_problem(self):
        m = ConcreteModel()
        uncparam = self._uncparam[0]
        index = uncparam.index_set()
        # Create inner problem variables
        # TODO: use setattr to give uncparam same name as in model
        m.uncparam = Var(index)
        # collect current coefficient values
        expr = self._rule(m.uncparam, compute_values=True)
        # construct objective with current coefficient values
        m.obj = Objective(expr=expr, sense=maximize)

        # construct constraints from uncertainty set
        uncset = self._uncset[0]
        m.cons = ConstraintList()
        substitution_map = {id(uncparam[i]): m.uncparam[i] for i in index}
        for c in uncset.component_data_objects(Constraint):
                (c.lower, replace_expressions(c.body,
                                              substitution_map), c.upper))
        return m
        # What should we do with the constraints? Replace UncParams by the
        # Vars? Or restructure UncParam so that we can solve directly.k

    # !!!
    def nominal_constraint_expr(self):
        """ Generate the nominal constraint. """
        # TODO: replace p.value by p.nominal
        uncparam = self._uncparam[0]
        expr = self._rule({i: uncparam[i].nominal for i in uncparam})
        return (self._bounds[0], expr, self._bounds[1])

    # !!!
    def is_feasible(self):
        return False

    def construct_rule(self, expr):
        repn = generate_linear_repn(expr)
        linear_vars = repn.linear_vars
        linear_coefs = repn.linear_coefs
        constant = repn.constant
        id_coef_dict = {id(v): c for v, c in zip(linear_vars, linear_coefs)}
        param = self._uncparam[0]
        index_coef_dict = {i: id_coef_dict.get(id(param[i]), 0) for i in param}

        def rule(x, compute_values=False):
            if compute_values:
                return (quicksum(value(index_coef_dict[i]) * x[i]
                                 for i in x) + value(constant))
                return quicksum(index_coef_dict[i] * x[i]
                                for i in x) + constant

        return rule
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def no_unit(disj, unit):
     disj.no_flow = ConstraintList()
     for stream in no_unit_zero_flows[unit]:
         disj.no_flow.add(expr=m.flow[stream] == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def use_unit(disj, unit):
     disj.impose_fixed_cost = Constraint(expr=m.yCF[unit] == m.CF[unit])
     disj.io_relation = ConstraintList(doc="Input-Output relationship")
Ejemplo n.º 29
    elif model.nucleot[i] == 1 and model.nucleot[j] == 3:
        return model.P[i, j] <= 0
    elif model.nucleot[i] == 3 and model.nucleot[j] == 1:
        return model.P[i, j] <= 0
    elif model.nucleot[i] == 2 and model.nucleot[j] == 4:
        return model.P[i, j] <= 0
    elif model.nucleot[i] == 4 and model.nucleot[j] == 2:
        return model.P[i, j] <= 0
    elif model.nucleot[i] == 3 and model.nucleot[j] == 4:
        return model.P[i, j] <= 0
    elif model.nucleot[i] == 4 and model.nucleot[j] == 3:
        return model.P[i, j] <= 0
    return model.P[i, j] <= 1

model.bond_exprs = ConstraintList()
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    for j in range(1, n + 1):
        model.bond_exprs.add(paired_expr(model, i, j))

def no_cross_rule(model, i, j, h, k):
    return model.P[i, j] + model.P[h, k] <= 1

model.no_cross_pair = ConstraintList()
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    for j in range(i, n + 1):
        for h in range(1, i):
            for k in range(i + 1, j):
                model.no_cross_pair.add(no_cross_rule(model, i, j, h, k))
Ejemplo n.º 30
def TSPSYM(G):
    n = G.number_of_nodes()

    m = ConcreteModel()

    m.N = RangeSet(n)

    m.A = Set(initialize=((i, j) for i, j in G.edges()), dimen=2)

    m.x = Var(m.A, domain=NonNegativeReals, bounds=lambda m: (0, 1))

    m.obj = Objective(expr=sum(G[i][j]['weight'] * m.x[i, j]
                               for i, j in G.edges()))

    m.degree = ConstraintList()
    for i in m.N:
        Es = []
        for v, w in G.edges(i):
            if v > w:
                v, w = w, v
            Es.append((v, w))
        m.degree.add(sum(m.x[v, w] for v, w in Es) == 2)

    m.subtour = ConstraintList()

    solver = SolverFactory('gurobi')

    it = 0
    Cold = []
    while it <= 100:
        it += 1
        sol = solver.solve(m, tee=False, load_solutions=False)

        sol_json = sol.json_repn()
        if sol_json['Solver'][0]['Status'] != 'ok':
            return None, []


        print(it, 'LP:', m.obj())

        selected = []
        values = []
        for i, j in m.A:
            if i < j:
                if m.x[i, j]() > 0.0001:
                    selected.append((i - 1, j - 1))
                    values.append(m.x[i, j]())

        PlotTour(Ls, selected, values)

        # Costruiamo un grafo supporto
        H = nx.Graph()
        for i, j in m.A:
            H.add_edge(i, j, weight=m.x[i, j]())

        cut_value, S = nx.stoer_wagner(H)  # Taglio di peso minimo

        if cut_value >= 2:

        Es = []
        for i in S[0]:
            for j in S[1]:
                if i < j:
                    Es.append((i, j))
                    Es.append((j, i))

        m.subtour.add(sum(m.x[i, j] for i, j in Es) >= 2)

    return m.obj(), selected