def makeDocstrings(BUILD, repo_paths, skip_folders, skip): docstr_file = '' docstr_path = BUILD / docstr_file title = 'Command line programs and libraries' authors = ['various'] date = TODAY() # FIXME midnight issues docstr_kwargs = (docstr_path, docstr_path, { 'authors': authors, 'date': date, 'title': title, 'org': '', 'repo': '', 'branch': 'master', 'crumbs': _crumbs, }) docstrings = get__doc__s(repo_paths, skip_folders, skip) done = [] dslist = [] for type, module, docstring in docstrings: if type not in done: done.append(type) dslist.append(f'* {type}') if docstring is not None: dslist.append(f'** {module}\n#+BEGIN_SRC\n{docstring}\n#+END_SRC') docstrings_org = '\n'.join(dslist) with open(docstr_path.as_posix(), 'wt') as f: f.write(docstrings_org) return docstr_kwargs
def docstrings(theme=theme): docstr_file = '' docstr_path = working_dir / docstr_file title = 'Command line programs and libraries' authors = 'various' date = TODAY() docstr_kwargs = (working_dir, docstr_path, { 'authors': authors, 'date': date, 'title': title }) docstrings = get__doc__s() header = makeOrgHeader(title, authors, date, theme) done = [] dslist = [] for type, module, docstring in docstrings: if type not in done: done.append(type) dslist.append(f'* {type}') if docstring is not None: dslist.append(f'** {module}\n#+BEGIN_SRC\n{docstring}\n#+END_SRC') docstrings_org = header + '\n'.join(dslist) with open(docstr_path.as_posix(), 'wt') as f: f.write(docstrings_org) return docstr_kwargs
class CoCoMac(genericPScheme): ont = OntMeta( '', 'cocomacslim', 'CoCoMac terminology', 'CoCoMac', ('This file is automatically generated from the CoCoMac ' 'database on the terms from BrainMaps_BrainSiteAcronyms.' + '**FIXME**'), TODAY()) concept = PScheme(ilx['cocomac/uris/readable/BrainSiteAcronym'], 'CoCoMac terminology parcellation concept', 'NCBITaxon:9544', 'ilxtr:various') atlas = PSArtifact( ilx['cocomac/uris/readable/BrainSiteAcronymTable'], 'CoCoMac terminology', None, #'no version info', None, #'no date', '', 'scholarly things', tuple(), tuple()) PREFIXES = makePrefixes('NIFRID') PREFIXES[ 'cocomac'] = '*%20from%20BrainMaps_BrainSiteAcronyms%20where%20ID=' # looking for better options @classmethod def datagetter(cls): url = ' * from BrainMaps_BrainSiteAcronyms;&format=json' table = requests.get(url).json() fields = table['fields'] data = [fields] + list(table['data'].values()) return data @classmethod def dataproc(cls, graph, data): class cocomac(rowParse): def ID(self, value): self.identifier = 'cocomac:' + value # safe because reset every row (ish) graph.add_class(self.identifier, cls.concept.curie) def Key(self, value): pass def Summary(self, value): pass def Acronym(self, value): graph.add_trip(self.identifier, ACRONYM, value) def FullName(self, value): graph.add_trip(self.identifier, rdfs.label, '(%s) ' % cls.ont.shortname + value) graph.add_trip(self.identifier, PARCLAB, value) def LegacyID(self, value): graph.add_trip(self.identifier, ACRONYM, value) def BrainInfoID(self, value): pass cocomac(data)
def zip_name(wild=False): return (repo_name + '-' + branch + '-services' + '-' + ('*' if wild else TODAY()) + '-' + scigraph_commit_short + '.zip')
def folder_name(scigraph_commit, wild=False): return (repo_name + '-' + branch + '-graph' + '-' + ('*' if wild else TODAY()) + '-' + scigraph_commit[:COMMIT_HASH_HEAD_LEN] + '-' + ontology_commit)
def parcellation_schemes(ontids_atlases): ont = OntMeta( GENERATED, 'parcellation', 'NIF collected parcellation schemes ontology', 'NIF Parcellations', 'Brain parcellation schemes as represented by root concepts.', TODAY()) ontid = ont.path + ont.filename + '.ttl' PREFIXES = makePrefixes('ilxtr', 'owl', 'skos', 'NIFRID') graph = makeGraph(ont.filename, PREFIXES, writeloc='/tmp/') graph.add_ont(ontid, *ont[2:]) for import_id, atlas in sorted(ontids_atlases): graph.add_trip(ontid, owl.imports, import_id) add_triples(graph, atlas, make_atlas) graph.add_class(ATLAS_SUPER, label=atname) graph.add_class(PARC_SUPER, label=psname) graph.write()
def make_graphload_config(graphload_config_template, graphload_ontologies, graph_path, remote_base, local_base, zip_location, config_path=None): config_n = 'graphload-' + TODAY() + '.yaml' config_raw = config_n + '.raw' if graphload_ontologies is not None: with open(graphload_config_template, 'rt') as f1, open(graphload_ontologies, 'rt') as f2, open(zip_location / config_raw, 'wt') as out: # LOL PYTHON out.write( out.write( else: # nothing will load, but that's ok with open(graphload_config_template, 'rt') as f1, open(zip_location / config_raw, 'wt') as out: # LOL PYTHON out.write( # config graphload.yaml from template with open(zip_location / config_raw, 'rt') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) if 'ontologies' not in config: # FIXME log a warning? config['ontologies'] = [] config['graphConfiguration']['location'] = graph_path.as_posix() if isinstance(local_base, Path): lbasposix = local_base.as_posix() else: lbasposix = local_base config['ontologies'] = [{k:v.replace(remote_base, lbasposix) if k == 'url' else v for k, v in ont.items()} for ont in config['ontologies']] if config_path is None: config_path = zip_location / config_n with open(config_path, 'wt') as f: yaml.dump(config, f, default_flow_style=False) ontologies = [ont['url'] for ont in config['ontologies']] return config, config_path, ontologies
def make_graphload_config(graphload_config, graph_path, remote_base, local_base, zip_location, config_path=None): # config graphload.yaml from template graphload_config_template = graphload_config + '.template' with open(graphload_config_template, 'rt') as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) config['graphConfiguration']['location'] = graph_path config['ontologies'] = [{ k: v.replace(remote_base, local_base) if k == 'url' else v for k, v in ont.items() } for ont in config['ontologies']] if config_path is None: config_path = jpth(zip_location, 'graphload-' + TODAY() + '.yaml') with open(config_path, 'wt') as f: yaml.dump(config, f, default_flow_style=False) ontologies = [ont['url'] for ont in config['ontologies']] return config, config_path, ontologies
def do_deprecation(replaced_by, g, additional_edges, conflated): bmeta = OntMeta( '', 'uberon-bridge', 'NIFSTD Uberon Bridge', 'UBERON Bridge', ('This is the bridge file that holds local NIFSTD additions to uberon. ' 'This is also staging for any changes that we want to push upstream.' ), TODAY()) ontid = bmeta.path + bmeta.filename + '.ttl' bridge = makeGraph('uberon-bridge', PREFIXES) bridge.add_ont(ontid, *bmeta[2:]) graph = makeGraph('NIF-GrossAnatomy', NIFPREFIXES, graph=g) #graph.g.namespace_manager._NamespaceManager__cache = {} #g.namespace_manager.bind('UBERON','') # this has to go in again because we reset g FIXME udone = set('NOREP') uedges = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) def inner(nifga, uberon): # check neuronames id TODO udepr = sgv.findById( uberon)['deprecated'] if uberon != 'NOREP' else False if udepr: # add xref to the now deprecated uberon term graph.add_trip(nifga, 'oboInOwl:hasDbXref', uberon) #print('Replacement is deprecated, not replacing:', uberon) graph.add_trip( nifga, RDFS.comment, 'xref %s is deprecated, so not using replacedBy:' % uberon) else: # add replaced by -> uberon graph.add_trip(nifga, 'replacedBy:', uberon) # add deprecated true (ok to do twice...) graph.add_trip(nifga, OWL.deprecated, True) # review nifga relations, specifically has_proper_part, proper_part_of # put those relations on the uberon term in the # if there is no uberon term raise an error so we can look into it #if uberon not in uedges: #uedges[uberon] = defaultdict(set) resp = sgg.getNeighbors(nifga) edges = resp['edges'] if nifga in additional_edges: edges.append(additional_edges[nifga]) include = False # set this to True when running anns for edge in edges: # FIXME TODO hierarchy extraction and porting #print(edge) if udepr: # skip everything if uberon is deprecated include = False hier = False break sub = edge['sub'] obj = edge['obj'] pred = edge['pred'] hier = False if pred == 'subClassOf': pred = RDFS.subClassOf continue elif pred == 'equivalentClass': pred = OWL.equivalentClass continue elif pred == 'isDefinedBy': pred = RDFS.isDefinedBy continue elif pred == '': hier = True include = True elif pred == '': hier = True include = True elif pred == 'ilx:partOf': hier = True include = True if sub == nifga: try: obj = replaced_by[obj] if obj == 'NOREP': hier = False except KeyError: print('not in replaced_by', obj) if type(obj) == tuple: continue # TODO if hier: if uberon not in uedges[obj][pred]: uedges[obj][pred].add(uberon) bridge.add_hierarchy(obj, pred, uberon) else: #bridge.add_trip(uberon, pred, obj) pass elif obj == nifga: try: sub = replaced_by[sub] if sub == 'NOREP': hier = False except KeyError: print('not in replaced_by', sub) if type(sub) == tuple: continue # TODO if hier: if sub not in uedges[uberon][pred]: uedges[uberon][pred].add(sub) bridge.add_hierarchy(uberon, pred, sub) else: #bridge.add_trip(sub, pred, uberon) pass if False and uberon not in udone and include: # skip porting annotations and labels for now #udone.add(uberon) try: label = sgv.findById(uberon)['labels'][0] except IndexError: WAT = sgv.findById(uberon) embed() bridge.add_class(uberon, label=label) # annotations to port for p in anns_to_port: os_ = list(graph.g.objects(graph.expand(nifga), p)) for o in os_: if label.lower() != o.lower( ): # we can simply capitalize labels print(label.lower()) print(o.lower()) print() bridge.add_trip(uberon, p, o) if p == SKOS.prefLabel and not os_: if uberon not in conflated or (uberon in conflated and nifga in preflabs): l = list( graph.g.objects(graph.expand(nifga), RDFS.label))[0] bridge.add_trip( uberon, SKOS.prefLabel, l) # port label to prefLabel if no prefLabel for nifga, uberon in replaced_by.items(): if type(uberon) == tuple: print(uberon) for ub in uberon: print(ub) inner(nifga, ub) elif uberon == 'NOREP': graph.add_trip(nifga, OWL.deprecated, True) # TODO check for missing edges? elif uberon is None: continue # BUT TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY! else: inner(nifga, uberon) return graph, bridge, uedges
def run(args): # modes graph = args['graph'] scigraph = args['scigraph'] config = args['config'] imports = args['imports'] chain = args['chain'] extra = args['extra'] # required repo_name = args['<repo>'] remote_base = args['<remote_base>'] ontologies = args['<ontologies>'] # options git_remote = args['--git-remote'] git_local = Path(args['--git-local']).resolve() zip_location = Path(args['--zip-location']).resolve() graphload_config = Path(args['--graphload-config']).resolve() graphload_config_template = graphload_config # NOTE XXX if args['--graphload-ontologies'] is not None: graphload_ontologies = Path(args['--graphload-ontologies']).resolve() else: graphload_ontologies = None org = args['--org'] branch = args['--branch'] commit = args['--commit'] scp = args['--scp-loc'] sorg = args['--scigraph-org'] sbranch = args['--scigraph-branch'] scommit = args['--scigraph-commit'] sscp = args['--scigraph-scp-loc'] scigraph_quiet = args['--scigraph-quiet'] patch_config = args['--patch-config'] curies_location = args['--curies'] patch = args['--patch'] check_built = args['--check-built'] debug = args['--debug'] log = args['--logfile'] # TODO fix_imports_only = args['--fix-imports-only'] load_base = 'scigraph-load -c {config_path}' # now _this_ is easier if args['--view-defaults']: for k, v in defaults.items(): print(f'{k:<22} {v}') return # post parse mods if remote_base == 'NIF': remote_base = '' itrips = None if repo_name is not None: local_base = jpth(git_local, repo_name) if graph: if args['--path-build-scigraph']: # path-build-scigraph path_build_scigraph = Path(args['--path-build-scigraph']) (scigraph_commit, services_zip, scigraph_reset_state) = scigraph_build(path_build_scigraph, git_remote, sorg, path_build_scigraph, sbranch, scommit, check_built=check_built, cleanup_later=True, quiet=scigraph_quiet) else: scigraph_commit = 'dev-9999' services_zip = 'None' scigraph_reset_state = lambda: None with execute_regardless(scigraph_reset_state): rl = ReproLoader( zip_location, git_remote, org, git_local, repo_name, branch, commit, remote_base, load_base, graphload_config_template, graphload_ontologies, patch_config, patch, scigraph_commit, fix_imports_only=fix_imports_only, check_built=check_built, ) if not fix_imports_only: FILE_NAME_ZIP = Path(rl.zip_path).name LATEST = Path(zip_location) / 'LATEST' if LATEST.exists() and LATEST.is_symlink(): LATEST.unlink() LATEST.symlink_to(FILE_NAME_ZIP) itrips, config = rl.itrips, rl.config if not ontologies: ontologies = rl.ontologies print(services_zip) print(rl.zip_path) if '--local' in args: return elif scigraph: (scigraph_commit, services_zip, _) = scigraph_build(zip_location, git_remote, sorg, git_local, sbranch, scommit, check_built=check_built, quiet=scigraph_quiet) print(services_zip) if '--local' in args: return elif config: #graph_path = Path(args['<graph_path>']).resolve() config_path = Path(args['--graph-config-out']).resolve() #local_base = Path(git_local, repo_name).resolve() date_today = TODAY() ReproLoader.make_graphload_config(graphload_config_template, graphload_ontologies, zip_location, date_today, config_path) elif imports: # TODO mismatch between import name and file name needs a better fix itrips = local_imports(remote_base, local_base, ontologies) elif chain: itrips = local_imports(remote_base, local_base, ontologies, readonly=True) elif extra: from nifstd_tools.utils import memoryCheck curies = getCuries(curies_location) curie_prefixes = set(curies.values()) memoryCheck(2665488384) graph = loadall(git_local, repo_name) new_graph = normalize_prefixes(graph, curies) for_burak(new_graph) debug = True elif patch: local_base = jpth(git_local, repo_name) local_versions = tuple(do_patch(patch_config, local_base)) else: raise BaseException('How did we possibly get here docopt?') if itrips: import_graph = OntGraph() [import_graph.add(t) for t in itrips] for tree, extra in import_tree(import_graph, ontologies): name = Path(next(iter(tree.keys()))).name with open(jpth(zip_location, f'{name}-import-closure.html'), 'wt') as f: f.write(extra.html.replace('NIFTTL:', '')) # much more readable if debug: breakpoint()
def __init__(self, zip_location, git_remote, org, git_local, repo_name, branch, commit, remote_base, load_base, graphload_config_template, graphload_ontologies, patch_config, patch, scigraph_commit, post_clone=lambda: None, fix_imports_only=False, check_built=False): date_today = TODAY() load_from_repo = True local_base = jpth(git_local, repo_name) if load_from_repo: repo, nob = self._set_up_repo_state(local_base, git_remote, org, git_local, repo_name, branch, commit, post_clone) ontology_commit = repo.head.object.hexsha[:COMMIT_HASH_HEAD_LEN] else: ontology_commit = 'NONE' config_path, config = self.make_graphload_config( graphload_config_template, graphload_ontologies, zip_location, date_today) config_hash = identity_json(config, sort_lists=True).hex() (graph_path, zip_path, zip_command, wild_zip_path) = self._set_up_paths(zip_location, repo_name, branch, scigraph_commit, ontology_commit, config_hash, date_today) # NOTE config is modified in place ontologies = self.configure_config(config, graph_path, remote_base, local_base, config_path) load_command = load_base.format( config_path=config_path) # 'exit 1' to test if load_from_repo: # replace raw github imports with ontology.neuinfor iris to simplify import chain # FIXME this is hardcoded and will not generalize ... fix_imports = ("find " + local_base + ( " -name '*.ttl' -exec sed -i" " 's,<http.\+/ttl/,<,' {} \;" )) os.system(fix_imports) if load_from_repo and not fix_imports_only: def reset_state(original_branch=nob): repo.git.checkout('--', local_base) original_branch.checkout() else: reset_state = lambda: None with execute_regardless( reset_state ): # FIXME start this immediately after we obtain nob? # main if load_from_repo: if patch: # FIXME TODO XXX does scigraph load from the catalog!??!?? # because it seems like doid loads correctly without using local_versions # which would be cool, if confusing local_versions = tuple(do_patch(patch_config, local_base)) else: local_versions = tuple() itrips = local_imports( remote_base, local_base, ontologies, local_versions=local_versions, dobig=True) # SciGraph doesn't support catalog.xml catalog = make_catalog(itrips) with open(Path(local_base, 'catalog.xml'), 'wt') as f: f.write(catalog) else: itrips = [] pass maybe_zip_path = glob(wild_zip_path) if fix_imports_only: pass elif not maybe_zip_path: if check_built: print('The graph has not been loaded.') raise NotBuiltError('The graph has not been loaded.') #breakpoint() failure = os.system(load_command) if failure: if os.path.exists(graph_path): shutil.rmtree(graph_path) else: os.rename( config_path, # save the config for eaiser debugging graph_path / cpr = config_path.with_suffix(config_path.suffix + '.raw') os.rename(cpr, graph_path / failure = os.system(zip_command) # graphload zip else: zip_path = maybe_zip_path[0] # this way we get the actual date print('Graph already loaded at', zip_path) # this needs to be run when the branch is checked out # FIXME might be worth adding this to the load config? self.ontologies = [ get_iri(load_header(rec['url'])) for rec in config['ontologies'] ] self.zip_path = zip_path self.itrips = itrips self.config = config
def zip_name(wild=False): return (repo_name + '-' + branch + '-services' + '-' + ('*' if wild else TODAY()) + '-' + scigraph_commit[:COMMIT_HASH_HEAD_LEN] + '.zip')