Ejemplo n.º 1
def maximum_cl(a, b=None):

    """ Maximum values of two GPUArrays.

    a : gpuarray
        First GPUArray.
    b : gpuarray
        Second GPUArray.

        Maximum values from both GPArrays, or single value if one GPUarray.

    >>> a = maximum_cl(give_cl(queue, [1, 2, 3]), give_cl(queue, [3, 2, 1]))
    [3, 2, 3]

    >>> type(a)
    <class 'pyopencl.array.Array'>


    if b is not None:
        return cl_array.maximum(a, b)
    return cl_array.max(a)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def maximum(t: Tensor, uts: Union[Tensor, Scalar]) -> Tensor:
        """Returns the maximum of a tensor."""

        if t.gpu:
            if not isinstance(uts, Tensor):
                ot: cl.array.Array = clarray.empty(QUEUE,
                return Tensor(clarray.maximum(t._data, ot), gpu=True)

            return Tensor(clarray.maximum(t._data, uts._data), gpu=True)

        if not isinstance(uts, Tensor):
            return Tensor(np.maximum(t._data, uts))

        return Tensor(np.maximum(t._data, uts._data))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_if_positive(ctx_getter):
    context = ctx_getter()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    from pyopencl.clrandom import rand as clrand

    l = 20000
    a_gpu = clrand(context, queue, (l,), numpy.float32)
    b_gpu = clrand(context, queue, (l,), numpy.float32)
    a = a_gpu.get()
    b = b_gpu.get()

    max_a_b_gpu = cl_array.maximum(a_gpu, b_gpu)
    min_a_b_gpu = cl_array.minimum(a_gpu, b_gpu)

    print(numpy.maximum(a, b))

    assert la.norm(max_a_b_gpu.get()- numpy.maximum(a, b)) == 0
    assert la.norm(min_a_b_gpu.get()- numpy.minimum(a, b)) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_if_positive(ctx_factory):
    context = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    from pyopencl.clrandom import rand as clrand

    ary_len = 20000
    a_gpu = clrand(queue, (ary_len,), np.float32)
    b_gpu = clrand(queue, (ary_len,), np.float32)
    a = a_gpu.get()
    b = b_gpu.get()

    max_a_b_gpu = cl_array.maximum(a_gpu, b_gpu)
    min_a_b_gpu = cl_array.minimum(a_gpu, b_gpu)

    print(np.maximum(a, b))

    assert la.norm(max_a_b_gpu.get() - np.maximum(a, b)) == 0
    assert la.norm(min_a_b_gpu.get() - np.minimum(a, b)) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_if_positive(ctx_getter):
    context = ctx_getter()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    from pyopencl.clrandom import rand as clrand

    l = 20000
    a_gpu = clrand(context, queue, (l, ), numpy.float32)
    b_gpu = clrand(context, queue, (l, ), numpy.float32)
    a = a_gpu.get()
    b = b_gpu.get()

    max_a_b_gpu = cl_array.maximum(a_gpu, b_gpu)
    min_a_b_gpu = cl_array.minimum(a_gpu, b_gpu)

    print max_a_b_gpu
    print numpy.maximum(a, b)

    assert la.norm(max_a_b_gpu.get() - numpy.maximum(a, b)) == 0
    assert la.norm(min_a_b_gpu.get() - numpy.minimum(a, b)) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_if_positive(ctx_factory):
    context = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(context)

    from pyopencl.clrandom import rand as clrand

    ary_len = 20000
    a_gpu = clrand(queue, (ary_len,), np.float32)
    b_gpu = clrand(queue, (ary_len,), np.float32)
    a = a_gpu.get()
    b = b_gpu.get()

    max_a_b_gpu = cl_array.maximum(a_gpu, b_gpu)
    min_a_b_gpu = cl_array.minimum(a_gpu, b_gpu)

    print(np.maximum(a, b))

    assert la.norm(max_a_b_gpu.get() - np.maximum(a, b)) == 0
    assert la.norm(min_a_b_gpu.get() - np.minimum(a, b)) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def maximum(self, x, y):
     import pyopencl.array as cl_array
     return cl_array.maximum(x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _gpu_search(self):
        """Method that actually performs the exhaustive search on the GPU"""

        # make shortcuts
        d = self.data
        g = self.gpu_data
        q = self.queue
        k = g['k']

        # initalize the total number of sampled complexes
        tot_complexes = cl_array.sum(g['interspace'], dtype=np.float32)

        # initialize time
        time0 = _time()

        # loop over all rotations
        for n in xrange(g['nrot']):

            # rotate the scanning chain object
            k.rotate_image3d(q, g['sampler'], g['im_lsurf'], self.rotations[n],
                             g['lsurf'], d['im_center'])

            # perform the FFTs and calculate the clashing and interaction volume
            k.rfftn(q, g['lsurf'], g['ft_lsurf'])
            k.c_conj_multiply(q, g['ft_lsurf'], g['ft_rcore'],
            k.irfftn(q, g['ft_clashvol'], g['clashvol'])

            k.c_conj_multiply(q, g['ft_lsurf'], g['ft_rsurf'],
            k.irfftn(q, g['ft_intervol'], g['intervol'])

            # determine at every position if the conformation is a proper complex
            k.touch(q, g['clashvol'], g['max_clash'], g['intervol'],
                    g['min_interaction'], g['interspace'])

            if self.distance_restraints:
                k.fill(q, g['restspace'], 0)

                # determine the space that is consistent with a number of
                # distance restraints
                k.distance_restraint(q, g['restraints'], self.rotations[n],

                # get the accessible interaction space also consistent with a
                # certain number of distance restraints
                k.multiply(q, g['restspace'], g['interspace'],

            # calculate the total number of complexes, while taking into
            # account orientational/rotational bias
            tot_complexes += cl_array.sum(g['interspace'],
                                          dtype=np.float32) * np.float32(

            # take at every position in space the maximum number of consistent
            # restraints for later visualization

            # calculate the number of accessable complexes consistent with
            # EXACTLY N distance restraints
            k.histogram(q, g['access_interspace'], g['subhists'],
                        self.weights[n], d['nrestraints'])

            # Count the violations of each restraint for all complexes
            # consistent with EXACTLY N restraints
            k.count_violations(q, g['restraints'], self.rotations[n],
                               g['access_interspace'], g['viol_counter'],

            # inform user
            if _stdout.isatty():
                self._print_progress(n, g['nrot'], time0)

        # wait for calculations to finish

        # transfer the data from GPU to CPU
        # get the number of accessible complexes and reduce the subhistograms
        # to the final histogram
        access_complexes = g['subhists'].get().sum(axis=0)
        # account for the fact that we are counting the number of accessible
        # complexes consistent with EXACTLY N restraints
        access_complexes[0] = tot_complexes.get() - sum(access_complexes[1:])
        d['accessible_complexes'] = access_complexes
        d['accessible_interaction_space'] = g['best_access_interspace'].get()

        # get the violation submatrices and reduce it to the final violation
        # matrix
        d['violations'] = g['viol_counter'].get().sum(axis=0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _cl_get_access_interspace(self):
     cl_array.maximum(self._cl_red_interspace, self._cl_access_interspace,
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _gpu_search(self):
        """Method that actually performs the exhaustive search on the GPU"""

        # make shortcuts
        d = self.data
        g = self.gpu_data
        q = self.queue
        k = g['k']

        # initalize the total number of sampled complexes
        tot_complexes = cl_array.sum(g['interspace'], dtype=np.float32)

        # initialize time
        time0 = _time()

        # loop over all rotations
        for n in xrange(g['nrot']):

            # rotate the scanning chain object
            k.rotate_image3d(q, g['sampler'], g['im_lsurf'],
                    self.rotations[n], g['lsurf'], d['im_center'])

            # perform the FFTs and calculate the clashing and interaction volume
            k.rfftn(q, g['lsurf'], g['ft_lsurf'])
            k.c_conj_multiply(q, g['ft_lsurf'], g['ft_rcore'], g['ft_clashvol'])
            k.irfftn(q, g['ft_clashvol'], g['clashvol'])

            k.c_conj_multiply(q, g['ft_lsurf'], g['ft_rsurf'], g['ft_intervol'])
            k.irfftn(q, g['ft_intervol'], g['intervol'])

            # determine at every position if the conformation is a proper complex
            k.touch(q, g['clashvol'], g['max_clash'],
                    g['intervol'], g['min_interaction'],

            if self.distance_restraints:
                k.fill(q, g['restspace'], 0)

                # determine the space that is consistent with a number of
                # distance restraints
                k.distance_restraint(q, g['restraints'],
                        self.rotations[n], g['restspace'])

                # get the accessible interaction space also consistent with a
                # certain number of distance restraints
                k.multiply(q, g['restspace'], g['interspace'], g['access_interspace'])

            # calculate the total number of complexes, while taking into
            # account orientational/rotational bias
            tot_complexes += cl_array.sum(g['interspace'], dtype=np.float32)*np.float32(self.weights[n])

            # take at every position in space the maximum number of consistent
            # restraints for later visualization
            cl_array.maximum(g['best_access_interspace'], g['access_interspace'], g['best_access_interspace'])

            # calculate the number of accessable complexes consistent with
            # EXACTLY N distance restraints
            k.histogram(q, g['access_interspace'], g['subhists'], self.weights[n], d['nrestraints'])

            # Count the violations of each restraint for all complexes
            # consistent with EXACTLY N restraints
            k.count_violations(q, g['restraints'], self.rotations[n], 
                    g['access_interspace'], g['viol_counter'], self.weights[n])

            # inform user
            if _stdout.isatty():
                self._print_progress(n, g['nrot'], time0)

        # wait for calculations to finish

        # transfer the data from GPU to CPU
        # get the number of accessible complexes and reduce the subhistograms
        # to the final histogram
        access_complexes = g['subhists'].get().sum(axis=0)
        # account for the fact that we are counting the number of accessible
        # complexes consistent with EXACTLY N restraints
        access_complexes[0] = tot_complexes.get() - sum(access_complexes[1:])
        d['accessible_complexes'] = access_complexes
        d['accessible_interaction_space'] = g['best_access_interspace'].get()

        # get the violation submatrices and reduce it to the final violation
        # matrix
        d['violations'] = g['viol_counter'].get().sum(axis=0)