Ejemplo n.º 1
def rotate(coords, angle, out=None):
    Rotate one or more points around the origin.

    coords : array-like, last dimension is 2
        The (X, Y) coordinates of the points.
    angle : float
        Angle of counter-clockwise rotation in degrees.
    out : ndarray, optional
        If provided, the calculation is done into this array.

    from pyoperators.utils import isalias
    coords = _np.asarray(coords)
    if out is None:
        out = _np.empty_like(coords)
    if coords.dtype.char == 'd' and coords.flags.c_contiguous and \
        if isalias(coords, out):
            _flib.geometry.rotate_2d_inplace(out.reshape((-1, 2)).T, angle)
            _flib.geometry.rotate_2d(coords.reshape((-1, 2)).T,
                                     out.reshape((-1, 2)).T, angle)
        return out
    if coords.dtype.itemsize > 8:
        angle = _np.asarray(angle, coords.dtype)
    angle = _np.radians(angle)
    m = _np.asarray([[_np.cos(angle), -_np.sin(angle)],
                     [_np.sin(angle),  _np.cos(angle)]], coords.dtype)
    if isalias(coords, out):
        coords = coords.copy()
    return _np.dot(coords, m.T, out)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def func(s, v):
     if s is setattr_unpacked:
         assert_raises(TypeError, s, layout, 'key', v)
     s(layout, 'key', v)
     assert isalias(layout.key, val)
     assert isalias(layout.all.key, val)
     assert_same(layout.key, val)
     assert_same(layout.all.key, val.reshape(shape))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def func(s, v):
     layout = PackedTable(shape, key=np.ones(shape, int))
     s(layout, 'key', v)
     assert_same(layout.key, val.ravel())
     assert_equal(layout.key.dtype, float)
     assert_same(layout.all.key, val)
     assert_equal(layout.all.key.dtype, float)
     if s is setattr:
         assert isalias(layout.key, val)
         assert isalias(layout.all.key, val)
         assert not isalias(layout.key, val)
         assert not isalias(layout.all.key, val)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def distance(shape, center=None, scale=1, dtype=float, out=None):
    Returns an array whose values are the distances to a given center.

    shape : tuple of integer
        dimensions of the output array. For a 2d array, the first integer
        is for the Y-axis and the second one for the X-axis.
    center : array-like, optional
        The coordinates (x0, y0, ...) of the point from which the distance is
        calculated, assuming a zero-based coordinate indexing. Default value
        is the array center.
    scale : float or array-like, optional
        Inter-pixel distance (dx, dy, ...). If scale is a Quantity, its
        unit will be carried over to the returned distance array
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
        The output data type.

    nx, ny = 3, 3
    [[ 1.41421356  1.          1.41421356]
     [ 1.          0.          1.        ]
     [ 1.41421356  1.          1.41421356]]

    shape = tointtuple(shape)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    unit = getattr(scale, '_unit', None)
    if out is None:
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype)
    ndim = out.ndim
    dtype = float_intrinsic_dtype(out.dtype)

    if ndim in (1, 2) and dtype != out.dtype:
        out_ = np.empty(shape, dtype)
        out_ = out
    if center is None:
        center = (np.array(shape[::-1]) - 1) / 2
        center = np.ascontiguousarray(center, dtype)
    if isscalarlike(scale):
        scale = np.resize(scale, out.ndim)
    scale = np.ascontiguousarray(scale, dtype)

    if ndim in (1, 2):
        fname = 'distance_{0}d_r{1}'.format(ndim, dtype.itemsize)
        func = getattr(flib.datautils, fname)
        if ndim == 1:
            func(out_, center[0], scale[0])
            func(out_.T, center, scale)
        if not isalias(out, out_):
            out[...] = out_
        _distance_slow(shape, center, scale, dtype, out)
    return Map(out, copy=False, unit=unit)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def distance(shape, center=None, scale=1, dtype=float, out=None):
    Returns an array whose values are the distances to a given center.

    shape : tuple of integer
        dimensions of the output array. For a 2d array, the first integer
        is for the Y-axis and the second one for the X-axis.
    center : array-like, optional
        The coordinates (x0, y0, ...) of the point from which the distance is
        calculated, assuming a zero-based coordinate indexing. Default value
        is the array center.
    scale : float or array-like, optional
        Inter-pixel distance (dx, dy, ...). If scale is a Quantity, its
        unit will be carried over to the returned distance array
    dtype : np.dtype, optional
        The output data type.

    nx, ny = 3, 3
    [[ 1.41421356  1.          1.41421356]
     [ 1.          0.          1.        ]
     [ 1.41421356  1.          1.41421356]]

    shape = tointtuple(shape)
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
    unit = getattr(scale, '_unit', None)
    if out is None:
        out = np.empty(shape, dtype)
    ndim = out.ndim
    dtype = float_intrinsic_dtype(out.dtype)

    if ndim in (1, 2) and dtype != out.dtype:
        out_ = np.empty(shape, dtype)
        out_ = out
    if center is None:
        center = (np.array(shape[::-1]) - 1) / 2
        center = np.ascontiguousarray(center, dtype)
    if isscalarlike(scale):
        scale = np.resize(scale, out.ndim)
    scale = np.ascontiguousarray(scale, dtype)

    if ndim in (1, 2):
        fname = 'distance_{0}d_r{1}'.format(ndim, dtype.itemsize)
        func = getattr(flib.datautils, fname)
        if ndim == 1:
            func(out_, center[0], scale[0])
            func(out_.T, center, scale)
        if not isalias(out, out_):
            out[...] = out_
        _distance_slow(shape, center, scale, dtype, out)
    return Map(out, copy=False, unit=unit)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def direct(self, input, output):
     input_, ishape, istride = _ravel_strided(input)
     if isalias(input, output):
         tmf.fft_plan_inplace(input_, ishape[0], ishape[1], istride,
     output_, oshape, ostride = _ravel_strided(output)
     tmf.fft_plan_outplace(input_, ishape[0], ishape[1], istride, output_,
                  oshape[1], ostride, self.fplan._get_parameter())
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def direct(self, input, output):
     input_, ishape, istride = _ravel_strided(input)
     if isalias(input, output):
         tmf.fft_plan_inplace(input_, ishape[0], ishape[1], istride,
     output_, oshape, ostride = _ravel_strided(output)
     tmf.fft_plan_outplace(input_, ishape[0], ishape[1], istride, output_,
                           oshape[1], ostride, self.fplan._get_parameter())
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def transpose(self, input, output):
     input_, ishape, istride = _ravel_strided(input)
     if isalias(input, output):
         tmf.fft_plan_inplace(input_, ishape[0], ishape[1], istride,
         output_, oshape, ostride = _ravel_strided(output)
         tmf.fft_plan_outplace(input_, ishape[0], ishape[1], istride,
             output_, oshape[1], ostride, self.bplan._get_parameter())
     output /= self.size
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def direct(self, input, output):
     input_, ishape, istride = _ravel_strided(input)
     if isalias(input, output):
         tmf.operators.invntt_uncorrelated_inplace(input_, ishape[1],
             istride, self.fft_filter.T, self.fplan._get_parameter(),
             self.bplan._get_parameter(), self.left, self.right)
     output_, oshape, ostride = _ravel_strided(output)
     tmf.operators.invntt_uncorrelated_outplace(input_, ishape[1], istride,
         output_, ostride, self.fft_filter.T, self.fplan._get_parameter(),
         self.bplan._get_parameter(), self.left, self.right)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def transpose(self, input, output):
     input_, ishape, istride = _ravel_strided(input)
     if isalias(input, output):
         tmf.fft_plan_inplace(input_, ishape[0], ishape[1], istride,
         output_, oshape, ostride = _ravel_strided(output)
         tmf.fft_plan_outplace(input_, ishape[0], ishape[1], istride,
                               output_, oshape[1], ostride,
     output /= self.size
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def direct(self, input, output):
     input_, ishape, istride = _ravel_strided(input)
     if isalias(input, output):
             input_, ishape[1], istride, self.fft_filter.T,
             self.fplan._get_parameter(), self.bplan._get_parameter(),
             self.left, self.right)
     output_, oshape, ostride = _ravel_strided(output)
     tmf.operators.invntt_uncorrelated_outplace(input_, ishape[1], istride,
                                                output_, ostride,
                                                self.left, self.right)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def direct(self, input, output):
     mask = self.mask.view(np.int8).ravel()
     if isalias(input, output):
         tmf.operators.unpack_inplace(output.ravel(), mask, input.size)
         tmf.operators.unpack_outplace(input, mask, output.ravel())
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def direct(self, input, output):
     mask = self.mask.view(np.int8).ravel()
     if isalias(input, output):
         tmf.operators.unpack_inplace(output.ravel(), mask, input.size)
         tmf.operators.unpack_outplace(input, mask, output.ravel())
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def unpack(self, x, out=None, missing_value=None, copy=False):
        Convert a 1-dimensional array into a multi-dimensional array which
        includes the non-selected components, mimicking the multi-dimensional

        x : ndarray
            Array to be unpacked, whose first dimension is the number of
            selected components.
        out : ndarray, optional
            Placeholder for the unpacked array.
        missing_value : any, optional
            The value to be used for non-selected components.
        copy : boolean, optional
            Setting this keyword to True ensures that the output is not a view
            of the input x.

        output : ndarray
            Unpacked array, whose first dimensions are equal to those of the
            table attributes.

        See Also
        pack : inverse method.

        Unless the 'copy' keyword is set to True, this method does not make
        a copy if it simply does a reshape (when all components are selected
        and no ordering is specified).

        if x is None:
            return None
        x = np.array(x, copy=False, ndmin=1, subok=True)
        if x.shape[0] not in (1, len(self)):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid input packed shape '{0}'. The expected first dimensio"
                "n is '{1}'.".format(x.shape, len(self)))
        index = self._indexable

        unpacked_shape = self._shape_actual + x.shape[1:]
        flat_shape = (self._size_actual,) + x.shape[1:]
        has_out = out is not None
        if has_out:
            if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray):
                raise TypeError('The output array is not an ndarray.')
            if out.shape != unpacked_shape:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The output array shape '{0}' is invalid. The expected sha"
                    "pe is '{1}'.".format(out.shape, unpacked_shape))
            if index is Ellipsis and not copy and \
               x.shape[0] == len(self) and self.comm.size == 1:
                return x.reshape(unpacked_shape)
            out = np.empty(unpacked_shape, dtype=x.dtype).view(type(x))
            if out.__array_finalize__ is not None:
        if self._size_actual > len(self):
            if missing_value is None:
                missing_value = self._get_default_missing_value(x.dtype)
            out[...] = missing_value
        elif index is Ellipsis and x.shape[0] == len(self) and \
             self.comm.size == 1:
            out[...] = x.reshape(unpacked_shape)
            return out
        out_ = out.reshape(flat_shape)
        if self.comm.size == 1:
            out_[index] = x
            ix = self.comm.allgather((index, x))
            for i_, x_ in ix:
                out_[i_] = x_
        if has_out and not isalias(out, out_):
            out[...] = out_.reshape(out.shape)
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def unpack(self, x, out=None, missing_value=None, copy=False):
        Convert a 1-dimensional array into a multi-dimensional array which
        includes the non-selected components, mimicking the multi-dimensional

        x : ndarray
            Array to be unpacked, whose first dimension is the number of
            selected components.
        out : ndarray, optional
            Placeholder for the unpacked array.
        missing_value : any, optional
            The value to be used for non-selected components.
        copy : boolean, optional
            Setting this keyword to True ensures that the output is not a view
            of the input x.

        output : ndarray
            Unpacked array, whose first dimensions are equal to those of the
            table attributes.

        See Also
        pack : inverse method.

        Unless the 'copy' keyword is set to True, this method does not make
        a copy if it simply does a reshape (when all components are selected
        and no ordering is specified).

        if x is None:
            return None
        x = np.array(x, copy=False, ndmin=1, subok=True)
        if x.shape[0] not in (1, len(self)):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid input packed shape '{0}'. The expected first dimensio"
                "n is '{1}'.".format(x.shape, len(self)))
        index = self._indexable

        unpacked_shape = self._shape_actual + x.shape[1:]
        flat_shape = (self._size_actual, ) + x.shape[1:]
        has_out = out is not None
        if has_out:
            if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray):
                raise TypeError('The output array is not an ndarray.')
            if out.shape != unpacked_shape:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The output array shape '{0}' is invalid. The expected sha"
                    "pe is '{1}'.".format(out.shape, unpacked_shape))
            if index is Ellipsis and not copy and \
               x.shape[0] == len(self) and self.comm.size == 1:
                return x.reshape(unpacked_shape)
            out = np.empty(unpacked_shape, dtype=x.dtype).view(type(x))
            if out.__array_finalize__ is not None:
        if self._size_actual > len(self):
            if missing_value is None:
                missing_value = self._get_default_missing_value(x.dtype)
            out[...] = missing_value
        elif index is Ellipsis and x.shape[0] == len(self) and \
             self.comm.size == 1:
            out[...] = x.reshape(unpacked_shape)
            return out
        out_ = out.reshape(flat_shape)
        if self.comm.size == 1:
            out_[index] = x
            ix = self.comm.allgather((index, x))
            for i_, x_ in ix:
                out_[i_] = x_
        if has_out and not isalias(out, out_):
            out[...] = out_.reshape(out.shape)
        return out