Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _compute_missing_lonlat(self, missed_utcs):
        """compute lon lat values using pyorbital"""
        tic = datetime.datetime.now()

        scan_rate = datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=1/self.scan_freq).total_seconds()
        sgeom = avhrr_gac(missed_utcs.astype(datetime.datetime),
                          self.scan_points, frequency=scan_rate)
        t0 = missed_utcs[0].astype(datetime.datetime)
        s_times = sgeom.times(t0)
        tle1, tle2 = self.get_tle_lines()

        rpy = self.get_attitude_coeffs()
        pixels_pos = compute_pixels((tle1, tle2), sgeom, s_times, rpy)
        pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)

        missed_lons, missed_lats = pos_time[:2]

        pixels_per_line = self.lats.shape[1]
        missed_lons = missed_lons.reshape(-1, pixels_per_line)
        missed_lats = missed_lats.reshape(-1, pixels_per_line)

        toc = datetime.datetime.now()
        LOG.warning("Computation of geolocation: %s", str(toc - tic))

        return missed_lons, missed_lats
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_lonlats(self):
        """Get the lonlats."""
        if self.lons is not None and self.lats is not None:
            return self.lons, self.lats
        from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
        from pyorbital.geoloc import compute_pixels, get_lonlatalt
        from pyorbital.geoloc_instrument_definitions import avhrr

        if self.times is None:
            self.times = time_seconds(self._data["timecode"], self.year)
        scanline_nb = len(self.times)
        scan_points = np.arange(0, 2048, 32)
        # scan_points = np.arange(2048)

        sgeom = avhrr(scanline_nb, scan_points, apply_offset=False)
        # no attitude error
        rpy = [0, 0, 0]
        s_times = sgeom.times(self.times[:, np.newaxis]).ravel()
        # s_times = (np.tile(sgeom._times[0, :], (scanline_nb, 1)).astype(
        #    'timedelta64[s]') + self.times[:, np.newaxis]).ravel()

        orb = Orbital(self.platform_name)

        pixels_pos = compute_pixels(orb, sgeom, s_times, rpy)
        lons, lats, alts = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)
        self.lons, self.lats = geo_interpolate(lons.reshape((scanline_nb, -1)),
                                               lats.reshape((scanline_nb, -1)))

        return self.lons, self.lats
Ejemplo n.º 3
def navigate(timecodes, satellite):
    orb = Orbital(satellite)

    first_time = timecode(timecodes[0])
    first_time = datetime(first_time.year, first_time.month, first_time.day)

    hrpttimes = [timecode(x) - first_time for x in timecodes]
    hrpttimes = np.array([x.seconds + x.microseconds / 1000000.0
                          for x in hrpttimes])
    scan_points = np.arange(2048)
    if satellite == "noaa 16":
        scan_angle = 55.25
        scan_angle = 55.37
    scans_nb = len(hrpttimes)
    avhrr_inst = np.vstack(((scan_points / 1023.5 - 1)
                            * np.deg2rad(-scan_angle),
    avhrr_inst = np.tile(avhrr_inst, [scans_nb, 1])

    offset = hrpttimes

    times = (np.tile(scan_points * 0.000025, [scans_nb, 1])
             + np.expand_dims(offset, 1))

    sgeom = ScanGeometry(avhrr_inst, times.ravel())

    s_times = sgeom.times(first_time)

    rpy = (0, 0, 0)
    pixels_pos = compute_pixels((orb.tle._line1, orb.tle._line2), sgeom, s_times, rpy)
    pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)
    return pos_time
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_lonlats(self):
        if self.lons is not None and self.lats is not None:
            return self.lons, self.lats
        from pyorbital.orbital import Orbital
        from pyorbital.geoloc import compute_pixels, get_lonlatalt
        from pyorbital.geoloc_instrument_definitions import avhrr

        if self.times is None:
            self.times = time_seconds(self._data["timecode"], self.year)
        scanline_nb = len(self.times)
        scan_points = np.arange(0, 2048, 32)
        # scan_points = np.arange(2048)

        sgeom = avhrr(scanline_nb, scan_points, apply_offset=False)
        # no attitude error
        rpy = [0, 0, 0]
        s_times = sgeom.times(
            self.times[:, np.newaxis]).ravel()
        # s_times = (np.tile(sgeom._times[0, :], (scanline_nb, 1)).astype(
        #    'timedelta64[s]') + self.times[:, np.newaxis]).ravel()

        orb = Orbital(self.platform_name)

        pixels_pos = compute_pixels(orb, sgeom, s_times, rpy)
        lons, lats, alts = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)
        self.lons, self.lats = geo_interpolate(
            lons.reshape((scanline_nb, -1)), lats.reshape((scanline_nb, -1)))

        return self.lons, self.lats
Ejemplo n.º 5
def navigate(timecodes, satellite):
    orb = Orbital(satellite)

    first_time = timecode(timecodes[0])
    first_time = datetime(first_time.year, first_time.month, first_time.day)

    hrpttimes = [timecode(x) - first_time for x in timecodes]
    hrpttimes = np.array(
        [x.seconds + x.microseconds / 1000000.0 for x in hrpttimes])

    scan_points = np.arange(2048)
    if satellite == "noaa 16":
        scan_angle = 55.25
        scan_angle = 55.37
    scans_nb = len(hrpttimes)
    avhrr_inst = np.vstack(
        ((scan_points / 1023.5 - 1) * np.deg2rad(-scan_angle),
         np.zeros((len(scan_points), )))).T
    avhrr_inst = np.tile(avhrr_inst, [scans_nb, 1])

    offset = hrpttimes

    times = (np.tile(scan_points * 0.000025, [scans_nb, 1]) +
             np.expand_dims(offset, 1))

    sgeom = ScanGeometry(avhrr_inst, times.ravel())

    s_times = sgeom.times(first_time)

    rpy = (0, 0, 0)
    pixels_pos = compute_pixels((orb.tle._line1, orb.tle._line2), sgeom,
                                s_times, rpy)
    pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)
    return pos_time
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def compute_lonlat(self, width, utcs=None, clock_drift_adjust=True):
        """Compute lat/lon coordinates.

            width: Number of coordinates per scanlines
            utcs: Scanline timestamps
            clock_drift_adjust: If True, adjust clock drift.
        tle1, tle2 = self.get_tle_lines()

        scan_points = np.arange(3.5, 2048, 5)

        if utcs is None:
            utcs = self.get_times()

        # adjusting clock for drift
        tic = datetime.datetime.now()
        if clock_drift_adjust:
            from pygac.clock_offsets_converter import get_offsets
                offset_times, clock_error = get_offsets(self.spacecraft_name)
            except KeyError:
                LOG.info("No clock drift info available for %s",
                offset_times = np.array(offset_times, dtype='datetime64[ms]')
                offsets = np.interp(utcs.astype(np.uint64),
                utcs -= (offsets * 1000).astype('timedelta64[ms]')

        t = utcs[0].astype(datetime.datetime)

        if "constant_yaw_attitude_error" in self.head.dtype.fields:
            rpy = np.deg2rad([
                self.head["constant_roll_attitude_error"] / 1e3,
                self.head["constant_pitch_attitude_error"] / 1e3,
                self.head["constant_yaw_attitude_error"] / 1e3
            rpy = [0, 0, 0]

        LOG.info("Using rpy: %s", str(rpy))

        from pyorbital.geoloc_instrument_definitions import avhrr_gac
        from pyorbital.geoloc import compute_pixels, get_lonlatalt
        sgeom = avhrr_gac(utcs.astype(datetime.datetime), scan_points, 55.385)
        s_times = sgeom.times(t)

        pixels_pos = compute_pixels((tle1, tle2), sgeom, s_times, rpy)
        pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)

        toc = datetime.datetime.now()

        LOG.warning("Computation of geolocation: %s", str(toc - tic))

        lons, lats = pos_time[:2]

        return lons.reshape(-1, width), lats.reshape(-1, width)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _get_avhrr_tiepoints(self, scan_points, scanline_nb):
     sgeom = avhrr(scanline_nb, scan_points, apply_offset=False)
     # no attitude error
     rpy = [0, 0, 0]
     s_times = sgeom.times(self.times[:, np.newaxis])
     orb = Orbital(self.platform_name)
     pixels_pos = compute_pixels(orb, sgeom, s_times, rpy)
     lons, lats, alts = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)
     return lons, lats
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def scan_line_lonlats(self, t):
     Returns a single instrument scan line starting at datetime t
     s_times = self.scan_geom.times(t)
     pixels_pos = compute_pixels((self.orbital.tle.line1, self.orbital.tle.line2), 
                                 self.scan_geom, s_times)
     pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)
     return np.array((pos_time[0],pos_time[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def scan_line_lonlats(self, t):
     Returns a single instrument scan line starting at datetime t
     s_times = self.scan_geom.times(t)
     pixels_pos = compute_pixels(
         (self.orbital.tle.line1, self.orbital.tle.line2), self.scan_geom,
     pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)
     return np.array((pos_time[0], pos_time[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get_instrument_points(self, overpass, utctime,
                              scans_nb, scanpoints, scan_step=1):
        """Get the boundary points for a given overpass.
        instrument = overpass.instrument
        # logger.debug("Instrument: %s", str(instrument))
        # cheating at the moment.
        # scan_angle = 55.37
        if instrument == "modis":
            scan_angle = 55.0
            instrument = "avhrr"
        elif instrument == "viirs":
            scan_angle = 55.84
            instrument = "viirs"
        elif instrument == "iasi":
            scan_angle = 48.3
            instrument = "avhrr"
        elif overpass.satellite == "noaa 16":
            scan_angle = 55.25
            instrument = "avhrr"
        elif instrument == "mersi2":
            scan_angle = 55.4
            instrument = "avhrr"
            scan_angle = 55.25

        instrument_fun = getattr(geoloc_instrument_definitions,
                                 INSTRUMENT.get(instrument, instrument))

        if instrument.startswith("avhrr"):
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints, scan_angle=scan_angle, frequency=100)
        elif instrument in ["ascat", ]:
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints)
        elif instrument in ["olci", ]:
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints)
        elif instrument == 'viirs':
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints, scan_step=scan_step)
            logger.warning("Instrument not tested: %s", instrument)
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb)

        times = sgeom.times(utctime)

        pixel_pos = geoloc.compute_pixels((self.orb.tle._line1,
                                          sgeom, times)
        lons, lats, alts = geoloc.get_lonlatalt(pixel_pos, times)

        del alts
        return (lons.reshape(-1, len(scanpoints)),
                lats.reshape(-1, len(scanpoints)))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_instrument_points(self, overpass, utctime, scans_nb, scanpoints, frequency=1):
        """Get the boundary points for a given overpass.
        instrument = overpass.instrument
        # cheating at the moment.
        scan_angle = 55.37
        if instrument == "modis":
            scan_angle = 55.0
        elif instrument == "viirs":
            scan_angle = 55.84
        elif overpass.satellite == "noaa 16":
            scan_angle = 55.25
        instrument = "avhrr"
        instrument_fun = getattr(geoloc_instrument_definitions, instrument)
        sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints, scan_angle=scan_angle, frequency=frequency)
        times = sgeom.times(utctime)

        pixel_pos = geoloc.compute_pixels((self.orb.tle._line1, self.orb.tle._line2), sgeom, times)
        lons, lats, alts = geoloc.get_lonlatalt(pixel_pos, times)

        del alts
        return (lons.reshape(-1, len(scanpoints)), lats.reshape(-1, len(scanpoints)))
Ejemplo n.º 12
	# build the scan geometry object
    return ScanGeometry(samples, times.ravel())

# build the scan geometry object
sgeom = amsua(scanline_nb, edges_only=False)

#sgeom = ScanGeometry(amsua, amsua_times.ravel())
# roll, pitch, yaw in radians
rpy = (0, 0, 0)

# print the lonlats for the pixel positions
s_times = sgeom.times(t)
pixels_pos = compute_pixels((tle1, tle2), sgeom, s_times, rpy)
pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)

m = Basemap(projection='stere', llcrnrlat=24, urcrnrlat=70, llcrnrlon=-25, urcrnrlon=120, lat_ts=58, lat_0=58, lon_0=14, resolution='l')
#m = Basemap(projection='ortho',lat_0=45,lon_0=20,resolution='l')

# convert and plot the predicted pixels in red
x, y = m(pos_time[0], pos_time[1])
p1 = m.plot(x,y, marker='+', color='red', markerfacecolor='red', markeredgecolor='red', markersize=1, markevery=1, zorder=4, linewidth=0.0)
m.fillcontinents(color='0.85', lake_color=None, zorder=3)
m.drawparallels(np.arange(-90.,90.,5.), labels=[1,0,1,0],fontsize=10, dashes=[1, 0], color=[0.8,0.8,0.8], zorder=1)
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-180.,180.,5.), labels=[0,1,0,1],fontsize=10, dashes=[1, 0], color=[0.8,0.8,0.8], zorder=2)

Ejemplo n.º 13
    def get_instrument_points(self,
        """Get the boundary points for a given overpass.
        instrument = overpass.instrument
        # logger.debug("Instrument: %s", str(instrument))
        # cheating at the moment.
        # scan_angle = 55.37
        if instrument == "modis":
            scan_angle = 55.0
            instrument = "avhrr"
        elif instrument == "viirs":
            scan_angle = 55.84
            instrument = "viirs"
        elif instrument == "iasi":
            scan_angle = 48.3
            instrument = "avhrr"
        elif overpass.satellite == "noaa 16":
            scan_angle = 55.25
            instrument = "avhrr"
        elif instrument == "mersi":
            scan_angle = 55.4
            instrument = "avhrr"
        elif instrument == "mersi2":
            scan_angle = 55.4
            instrument = "avhrr"
            scan_angle = 55.25

        instrument_fun = getattr(geoloc_instrument_definitions,
                                 INSTRUMENT.get(instrument, instrument))

        if instrument.startswith("avhrr"):
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb,
        elif instrument in [
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints)
        elif instrument in [
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints)
        elif instrument == 'viirs':
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints, scan_step=scan_step)
        elif instrument in ['mhs', 'atms', 'mwhs-2']:
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb, scanpoints)
            logger.warning("Instrument not tested: %s", instrument)
            sgeom = instrument_fun(scans_nb)

        times = sgeom.times(utctime)

        pixel_pos = geoloc.compute_pixels(
            (self.orb.tle._line1, self.orb.tle._line2), sgeom, times)
        lons, lats, alts = geoloc.get_lonlatalt(pixel_pos, times)

        del alts
        return (lons.reshape(-1, len(scanpoints)),
                lats.reshape(-1, len(scanpoints)))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def compute_lonlat(self, width, utcs=None, clock_drift_adjust=True):
        """Compute lat/lon coordinates.

            width: Number of coordinates per scanlines
            utcs: Scanline timestamps
            clock_drift_adjust: If True, adjust clock drift.

        if utcs is None:
            utcs = self.get_times()

        # adjusting clock for drift
        tic = datetime.datetime.now()
        if clock_drift_adjust:
            from pygac.clock_offsets_converter import get_offsets
                offset_times, clock_error = get_offsets(self.spacecraft_name)
            except KeyError:
                LOG.info("No clock drift info available for %s",
                offset_times = np.array(offset_times, dtype='datetime64[ms]')
                offsets = np.interp(utcs.astype(np.uint64),
                utcs = utcs - (offsets * 1000).astype('timedelta64[ms]')

        t = utcs[0].astype(datetime.datetime)

        if "constant_yaw_attitude_error" in self.head.dtype.fields:
            rpy = np.deg2rad([
                self.head["constant_roll_attitude_error"] / 1e3,
                self.head["constant_pitch_attitude_error"] / 1e3,
                self.head["constant_yaw_attitude_error"] / 1e3
                # This needs to be checked thoroughly first
                # rpy_spacecraft = rpy_coeffs[self.spacecraft_name]
                # rpy = [rpy_spacecraft['roll'],
                #        rpy_spacecraft['pitch'],
                #        rpy_spacecraft['yaw']]
                # LOG.debug("Using static attitude correction")
                raise KeyError
            except KeyError:
                LOG.debug("Not applying attitude correction")
                rpy = [0, 0, 0]

        LOG.info("Using rpy: %s", str(rpy))

        from pyorbital.geoloc_instrument_definitions import avhrr_gac
        from pyorbital.geoloc import compute_pixels, get_lonlatalt
        # TODO: Are we sure all satellites have this scan width in degrees ?
        sgeom = avhrr_gac(utcs.astype(datetime.datetime), self.scan_points,
        s_times = sgeom.times(t)
        tle1, tle2 = self.get_tle_lines()

        pixels_pos = compute_pixels((tle1, tle2), sgeom, s_times, rpy)
        pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)

        toc = datetime.datetime.now()

        LOG.warning("Computation of geolocation: %s", str(toc - tic))

        lons, lats = pos_time[:2]

        return lons.reshape(-1, width), lats.reshape(-1, width)
Ejemplo n.º 15
# building the corresponding times array
offset = np.arange(scanline_nb) * 0.1666667
times = (np.tile(scan_points * 0.000025 + 0.0025415, [scanline_nb, 1])
         + np.expand_dims(offset, 1))

# build the scan geometry object
sgeom = ScanGeometry(avhrr, times.ravel())

# roll, pitch, yaw in radians
rpy = (0, 0, 0)

# print the lonlats for the pixel positions
s_times = sgeom.times(t)
pixels_pos = compute_pixels((tle1, tle2), sgeom, s_times, rpy)
pos_time = get_lonlatalt(pixels_pos, s_times)

print pos_time

# Plot the result
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

m = Basemap(projection='stere', llcrnrlat=24, urcrnrlat=70, llcrnrlon=-25, urcrnrlon=120, lat_ts=58, lat_0=58, lon_0=14, resolution='l')

# convert and plot the predicted pixels in red
x, y = m(pos_time[0], pos_time[1])
p1 = m.plot(x,y, marker='+', color='red', markerfacecolor='red', markeredgecolor='red', markersize=1, markevery=1, zorder=4, linewidth=0.0)
m.fillcontinents(color='0.85', lake_color=None, zorder=3)