Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_runner_args_only_when_set(runner):
    """runner_args should only be in the metadata when they're non-default."""

    conf = Config(test_runner=runner)
    assert "runner_args" not in conf._metadata

    conf2 = Config(test_runner=runner, runner_args=["-vv", "--pdb"])
    assert conf2._metadata.get("runner_args") == ["-vv", "--pdb"]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_invalid__feedback(capfd):
    """The user should receive some feedback when the value doesn't coerce."""
    class TestObject(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.str_count = 0

        def __str__(self):
            self.str_count += 1
            if self.str_count == 1:
                raise IOError
                return "test object"

    conf = Config(name="foo")
    coerce_patch = mock.patch.object(

    with mock.patch.object(configure, "ask_for_value"):
        with coerce_patch:
            configure.set_value_in_config("name", conf, conf._KEYS)

    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert "name as test object failed to verify. should be str" in err
    assert "name set to: 'test object'\n" == out
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_perform_guesswork__ignore(capfd, reset_sys_argv, move_home_pypackage):
    """If the user responds with 'all', ignore all guesses."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.name = "previously existing"
    sys.argv = ["py-build", "-i"]
    guesses = OrderedDict([
        ("name", "some name"),
        ("py_modules", "some_thing"),
        ("scripts", ["bin/something"]),
        ("package_data", {
            "some name": ["thing/data/file_1"]

    with mock.patch.object(guessing, "_guess_at_things", return_value=guesses):
        with mock.patch.object(guessing, "INPUT", return_value="all"):
            guessing.perform_guesswork(conf, get_options())

    assert conf.name == "previously existing"
    assert not hasattr(conf, "py_modules")
    assert not hasattr(conf, "package_data")
    assert not hasattr(conf, "scripts")

    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert "ignoring all guesses" in out
    assert not err
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_verify_key__list_object():
    """If an attribute should be a list, it should be listed."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.foo = "not a list"
    conf._verify_key("foo", list)
    assert conf.foo == ["not a list"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_verify_key__failure_coerce():
    """Should try to coerce values into their types when not list or dict."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.foo = 3.14
    conf._verify_key("foo", str)
    assert conf.foo == "3.14"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_verify_key__str_list_values():
    """If the type is list, the items inside should be strings."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.foo = ["bar", 3.14, "baz"]
    conf._verify_key("foo", list)
    assert conf.foo == ["bar", "3.14", "baz"]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_verify_key__dict_types():
    """If a dict is provided with types, the key/values should be coerced."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.foo = {3.14: "500.123"}
    conf._verify_key("foo", {str: float})
    assert conf.foo == {"3.14": 500.123}
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_perform_guesswork(capfd, reset_sys_argv, move_home_pypackage):
    """Ensure the user can deselect guesses when using interactive."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.name = "previously existing"
    sys.argv = ["py-build", "-i"]
    guesses = OrderedDict([
        ("name", "some name"),
        ("py_modules", "some_thing"),
        ("scripts", ["bin/something"]),
        ("package_data", ["thing/data/file_1"]),

    with mock.patch.object(guessing, "_guess_at_things", return_value=guesses):
        with mock.patch.object(guessing,
                               side_effect=iter(["1", "-3", "2", ""])):
            guessing.perform_guesswork(conf, get_options())

    assert conf.name == "previously existing"
    assert not hasattr(conf, "py_modules")
    assert conf.package_data == {"previously existing": ["thing/data/file_1"]}
    assert conf.scripts == ["bin/something"]

    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert "name will not be guessed" in out
    assert "py_modules will not be guessed" in out

    assert not err
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_site_defaults_mixin(move_home_pypackage):
    """Ensure the site defaults are mixed in if available."""

    with open(move_home_pypackage, "w") as opensite:
        opensite.write(json.dumps({"author": "you!"}))
    conf = Config()
    assert conf.author == "you!"
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_verify_key__dict_failure():
    """Do not try to coerce something that should be a dict into one."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.foo = "not a dict"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as error:
        conf._verify_key("foo", {})
    assert error.value.args[0] == "foo should be a dict, not str!"
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_cmdclass_string():
    """Ensure the cmdclass string outputting is correct."""

    conf = Config(cmdclass={"foo": "MyFooClass", "test": "gets overridden"})
    cmdcls_str = conf._cmdclass_string()
    assert cmdcls_str.startswith("cmdclass={")
    assert "'foo': MyFooClass" in cmdcls_str
    assert "'test': PyPackageTest" in cmdcls_str
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_standard_attributes__re_classify(reset_sys_argv):
    """If reclassify is set, classifiers should be in the unconfigured set."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.classifiers = ["fake things"]
    sys.argv = ["py-build", "-R"]
    attrs = configure.standard_attributes(conf, get_options())
    assert "classifiers" in attrs
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_verify_key__failure():
    """If unable to coerce into the expected type, raise TypeError."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.foo = "something"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as error:
        conf._verify_key("foo", float)
    assert error.value.args[0] == "foo should be a float, not str!"
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_extras_require_mixin():
    """Ensure you can provide both extras_require and X_requires."""

    conf = Config(
        extras_require={"my_thing": ["foo"]},
    assert conf.extras_require == {"my_thing": ["foo"], "feature_x": ["bar"]}
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_runner_args_with_tests_dir(runner):
    """If pytest or nose is used, the tests dir should be the last runner arg.

    When unittest is used, the tests_dir is injected into UNITTEST_TEMPLATE.

    conf = Config(test_runner=runner, tests_dir="somewhere")
    assert conf.runner_args[-1] == "somewhere"
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_malformed_packages_fallback():
    """Invalid values using find_packages should fallback to their string."""

    garbage = "find_packages(!@!^%&)%*_!()$*!*^!%&*(!)$@_!*)"
    conf = Config(packages=[garbage])
    assert conf.packages == [garbage]
    assert conf._as_kwargs.get("packages") == [garbage]
    assert conf._packages_string() == ("packages={}".format(garbage), True)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_feature_attributes(reset_sys_argv, move_home_pypackage):
    """If we have default runner args they should appear unconfigured."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.runner_args = ["fake", "args"]
    conf._configured_runner_args = False
    attrs = configure.feature_attributes(conf, get_options())
    expected = list(conf._PYPACKAGE_KEYS.keys())
    assert attrs == expected
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_feature_attributes__re_config(reset_sys_argv):
    """When --rebuild is used, all features should appear unconfigured."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.test_runner = "pytest"
    sys.argv = ["py-build", "--rebuild"]
    attrs = configure.feature_attributes(conf, get_options())
    expected = list(conf._PYPACKAGE_KEYS.keys())
    assert attrs == expected
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_extended_attributes(reset_sys_argv, move_home_pypackage):
    """Extended attributes should return any unset keys past 17."""

    conf = Config()
    expected = list(conf._KEYS.keys())[17:]
    conf.use_2to3 = True
    attrs = configure.extended_attributes(conf, get_options())
    assert attrs == expected
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_extended_attributes__re_config(reset_sys_argv):
    """If --rebuild is used, all extended attributes should be unconfigured."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.use_2to3 = True
    sys.argv = ["py-build", "-r"]
    attrs = configure.extended_attributes(conf, get_options())
    expected = list(conf._KEYS.keys())[17:]
    assert attrs == expected
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_value_in_config__classifiers(capfd):
    """The key 'classifiers' should be handled."""

    conf = Config()
    with mock.patch.object(configure, "handle_classifiers", return_value="ok"):
        configure.set_value_in_config("classifiers", conf, conf._KEYS)
    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert out == "classifiers set to: ['ok']\n"
    assert not err
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_value_in_config__not_classifiers(capfd):
    """Any other key should be the same."""

    conf = Config()
    with mock.patch.object(configure, "ask_for_value", return_value="Frank"):
        configure.set_value_in_config("author", conf, conf._KEYS)
    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert out == "author set to: 'Frank'\n"
    assert not err
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_verify_key__multiple__fallthrough():
    """If the first coerce fails, try the second."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.bar = mock.MagicMock(spec=False)
    conf.bar.__float__ = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError)
    conf.bar.__str__ = mock.Mock(return_value="mock str")
    conf._verify_key("bar", (float, str))
    assert conf.bar == "mock str"
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_as_kwargs_finds_packages():
    """The _as_kwargs property should use find_packages."""

    conf = Config()
    with mock.patch.object(config, "find_packages", return_value=4) as patched:
        conf_args = conf._as_kwargs

    assert conf_args["packages"] == 4
    patched.assert_called_once_with(exclude=["test", "tests"])
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_standard_attributes__re_config(reset_sys_argv):
    """If reconfig is set, all standard attributes should be unconfigured."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.name = "something"
    sys.argv = ["py-build", "-r"]
    attrs = configure.standard_attributes(conf, get_options())
    expected = list(conf._KEYS.keys())[:17]
    assert attrs == expected
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_verify_key__multiple__failure():
    """When unable to coerce to any type, raise TypeError."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.foo = mock.MagicMock(spec=False)
    conf.foo.__float__ = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError)
    conf.foo.__str__ = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
        conf._verify_key("foo", (float, str))
    assert err.value.args[0] == "foo should be a float or str, not MagicMock!"
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_runner_string__unittest():
    """Ensure the correct template and formatting is used for unittest."""

    conf = Config(
        test_runner="unittest is the default when provided nonsense",
    template_str = conf._test_runner_string()

    assert "import unittest" in template_str
    assert "my_non_std_tests" in template_str
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_requires_into_extras():
    """Any x_requires param should be converted to an extras_require param."""

    conf = Config(foo_requires=["bar"],
    assert conf.extras_require == {
        "foo": ["bar"],
        "bar": ["foo"],
        "baz": ["foobar"],
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_verify_key__multiple__allowed():
    """There are some keys where multiple types are allowed."""

    conf = Config()
    conf.foo = 3.14
    conf._verify_key("foo", (list, str))
    assert conf.foo == [3.14]

    conf.foo = 3.14
    conf._verify_key("foo", (str, list))  # assert order matters
    assert conf.foo == "3.14"
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_metadata_excludes_set_once():
    """Ensure you can only add to _metadata_excludes once."""

    conf = Config()
    assert conf._metadata_exclusions == ["foo", "bar"]