Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_channelinfo(channel_bytes):
	return -- [channel_mhz, channel_flags]
    return [
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def _dissect(self, buf):
		# Needed by _parse_flags()
		self.present_flags = unpack_I(buf[4:8])[0]
		#logger.debug("Flags: 0x%X" % flags)
		pos_end = len(buf)

		# Check for FSC, needs to be skipped for upper layers
		if self.present_flags & FLAGS_MASK == FLAGS_MASK:
			#logger.debug("Flags mask matched")
			flags_off = 8
			# TSFT present -> Flags values are after TSFT value
			if self.present_flags & TSFT_MASK == TSFT_MASK:
				flags_off = 8 + 8
			if buf[flags_off] & 0x10 != 0:
				#logger.debug("FCS found")
				self._fcs = buf[-4:]
				pos_end = -4

		hdr_len = unpack_H_le(buf[2:4])[0]
		#logger.debug("Bytes for flags (%d): %s" % (hdr_len, buf[8: hdr_len]))
		self._init_triggerlist("flags", buf[8: hdr_len], self._parse_flags)
		#logger.debug("rtap bytes:=%r" % buf[:hdr_len])
		# now we got the correct header length
		self._init_handler(RTAP_TYPE_80211, buf[hdr_len: pos_end])
		#logger.debug("Adding %d flags" % len(self.flags))
		return hdr_len
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _dissect(self, buf):
        typeinfo_be = unpack_H_le(buf[1:3])[0]
        hlen = 5

        # VS_PL_LNK_STATUS does not have frag
        if typeinfo_be in {0xA0B8, 0xA0B9}:
            # logger.debug("disabling frag")
            self.frag_info = None
            self.frag_seq = None
            hlen = 3
        # logger.debug("Got type %X", typeinfo_be)
        self._init_handler(typeinfo_be, buf[hlen:])
        return hlen
Ejemplo n.º 4
def in_cksum_add(s, buf):
    """Add checksum value to the given value s. Adds 0x0 padding if not multiple of 2."""
    n = len(buf)
    # logger.debug("buflen for checksum: %d" % n)
    # len=123 -> len=122
    a = array_call("H", buf[:n & (~0x1)])

    if ENDIANNES != "little":

    if n & 0x1 == 0x1:
        # not multiple of 2: add padding
        a.append(unpack_H_le(buf[-1:] + b"\x00")[0])

    return s + sum(a)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def in_cksum_add(s, buf):
	"""return -- s + checksum value of buf. Adds 0x0 padding to buf if not multiple of 2."""
	buflen = len(buf)
	# logger.debug("buflen for checksum: %d" % n)
	#a = [unpack_H_le(buf[off: off+2])[0] for off in range(0, buflen & ~0x1, 2)] # seems to be slower
	a = array_call("H", buf[:buflen & ~0x1])


	if buflen & 0x1 == 0x1:
		# not multiple of 2: add padding
		a.append(unpack_H_le(buf[-1:] + b"\x00")[0])

	return s + sum(a)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _dissect(self, buf):
        flags = self._present_flags = unpack_I(buf[4:8])[0]
        pos_end = len(buf)

        if flags & FLAGS_MASK == FLAGS_MASK:
            off = 0

            if flags & TSFT_MASK == TSFT_MASK:
                off = 8
            if buf[off] & 0x10 != 0:
                #logger.debug("fcs found")
                self._fcs = buf[-4:]
                pos_end = -4

        hdr_len = unpack_H_le(buf[2:4])[0]
        #logger.debug("hdr length is: %d" % hdr_len)
        self._init_triggerlist("flags", buf[8:hdr_len], self._parse_flags)
        #logger.debug("rtap bytes:=%r" % buf[:hdr_len])
        # now we got the correct header length
        self._init_handler(RTAP_TYPE_80211, buf[hdr_len:pos_end])
        #logger.debug(adding %d flags" % len(self.flags))
        return hdr_len