Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __call__(self, P):
     spikes = array(self._threshold(P), dtype=int)
     nspikes = array([len(spikes)])
     pypar.broadcast(nspikes, self.owner)
     nspikes = nspikes[0]
     if nspikes > 0:
         pypar.broadcast(spikes, self.owner)
     return spikes
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __call__(self, P):
     spikes = array(self._threshold(P), dtype=int)
     nspikes = array([len(spikes)])
     pypar.broadcast(nspikes, self.owner)
     nspikes = nspikes[0]
     if nspikes > 0:
         pypar.broadcast(spikes, self.owner)
     return spikes
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __call__(self, P):
     nspikes = array([0])
     pypar.broadcast(nspikes, self.owner)
     nspikes = nspikes[0]
     spikes = zeros(nspikes, dtype=int)
     if nspikes > 0:
         pypar.broadcast(spikes, self.owner)
     return spikes
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __call__(self, P):
     nspikes = array([0])
     pypar.broadcast(nspikes, self.owner)
     nspikes = nspikes[0]
     spikes = zeros(nspikes, dtype=int)
     if nspikes > 0:
         pypar.broadcast(spikes, self.owner)
     return spikes
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime):

        # moved the calculation so that it is done after timestep
        # has been broadcast

        #        # Calculate local timestep
        #        Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime)

        import time
        t0 = time.time()

        # For some reason it looks like pypar only reduces numeric arrays
        # hence we need to create some dummy arrays for communication
        ltimestep = num.ones(1, num.float)
        ltimestep[0] = self.flux_timestep
        gtimestep = num.zeros(1, num.float)  # Buffer for results

        #ltimestep = self.flux_timeste

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        gtimestep = pypar.reduce(ltimestep, pypar.MIN, 0, buffer=gtimestep)

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        pypar.broadcast(gtimestep, 0)

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        self.flux_timestep = gtimestep[0]

        self.communication_reduce_time += time.time() - t0

        # LINDA:
        # Now update time stats

        # Calculate local timestep
        Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime)
    def update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime):

        # moved the calculation so that it is done after timestep
        # has been broadcast
#        # Calculate local timestep
#        Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime)

        import time
        t0 = time.time()

        # For some reason it looks like pypar only reduces numeric arrays
        # hence we need to create some dummy arrays for communication
        ltimestep = num.ones( 1, num.float )
        ltimestep[0] = self.flux_timestep
        gtimestep = num.zeros( 1, num.float ) # Buffer for results

        #ltimestep = self.flux_timeste

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep
        gtimestep = pypar.reduce(ltimestep, pypar.MIN, 0, buffer=gtimestep)

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        #print self.processor, ltimestep, gtimestep

        self.flux_timestep = gtimestep[0]
        self.communication_reduce_time += time.time()-t0

        # LINDA:
        # Now update time stats
        # Calculate local timestep
        Domain.update_timestep(self, yieldstep, finaltime)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test():
	xmax = 2.
	N = 5
	bands = 3 
	dx = 2 * xmax / N

	#Create original matrix
	A = zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
	for i in range(N):
		x = -xmax + i*dx
		for j in range(-bands, bands+1):
			if 0 <= j+i < N:
				A[i,j+i] = x**2 / (abs(j)+1)

	#Create packed matrix
	PackedA = zeros((N, 2*bands+1), complex)
	for i in range(N):
		for j in range(-bands, bands+1):
			if 0 <= j+i < N:
				row = i
				col = i+j
				packedRow, packedCol = MapRowColToPacked(row, col, N, bands)
				PackedA[packedRow, packedCol] = A[row, col]

	imshow(A, interpolation="nearest")
	imshow(PackedA, interpolation="nearest")

	#Create in-vector
	psi = rand(N) + 0.0j
	#send psi from proc0 to everyone
	pypar.broadcast(psi, 0)

	refOutput = dot(A, psi)

	#Create local vectors and matrices
	localSize = GetDistributedShape(N, ProcCount, ProcId)
	globalStartIndex = GetGlobalStartIndex(N, ProcCount, ProcId)
	globalEndIndex = globalStartIndex+localSize

	localPackedA = PackedA[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex, :]
	localPsi = psi[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex]
	localRefOutput = refOutput[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex]

	localTestOutput = zeros(localSize, dtype=complex)
	for i in range(ProcCount):
		if i == ProcId:
			print "ProcId == %i" % (i)
			print localSize
			print globalStartIndex, " -> ", globalEndIndex
			print ""
	#BandedMatrixVectorMultiply(localPackedA, N, bands, localPsi, localTestOutput, ProcCount, ProcId)
	#BandedMatrixMultiply_Wrapper(localPackedA.reshape(localPackedA.size), 1.0, localPsi, localTestOutput, N, bands)
	TensorPotentialMultiply_BandedDistributed(localPackedA.reshape(localPackedA.size), 1.0, localPsi, localTestOutput, N, bands)

	#the verdict
	for i in range(ProcCount):
		if i == ProcId:
			if i == 0:
				print ""
				print refOutput
				print ""
			print "ProcId == %i" % (i)
			print sqrt(sum(abs(localRefOutput)**2))
			print sqrt(sum(abs(localTestOutput)**2))
			print sqrt(sum(abs(localRefOutput - localTestOutput)**2))
			#print localTestOutput
			#print localRefOutput
			print ""
    def dpsi_dt(self, psi, t):
	dp_dt = dpsi_dt(psi, t)

	Method that serves as input to the odeint() function.
	Calculates dpsi/dt = -i S**-1 H(t) psi.

	psi : 1D complex array. Wavefunction.
	t : float. Time.

	dp_dt : 1D complex array. Derivative of the wavefunction.
#	#To avoid doing anything twice. (odeint tends to do that.)
#	#---------------------------------------------------------
#	novel, result = self.check_novelty(t,psi)
#	if not novel:
#	    if self.my_id == 0:
#		print "Time: %2.2f / %2.2f au. Runtime: %2.2f---"%(
#		    t, self.total_duration, (time.time() - self.t_0)/60.)
#		self.debug_norm(t, psi, result)	
#	    return result
#	##########################################################

	#Making a complex array. 
	psi_complex = psi[:len(psi)/2] + 1j * psi[len(psi)/2:] 
	dp_dt_complex = zeros(psi_complex.shape, dtype = complex)
	dp_dt_buffer= zeros(psi_complex.shape, dtype = complex)

	#Do operations.
	mat_vec = self.mat_vec_product(psi_complex, t)

	dp_dt_complex[self.my_slice] = self.solve_overlap(-1j * mat_vec)

	#Add and redistribute.
	dp_dt_complex = pypar.reduce(dp_dt_complex, pypar.SUM, 0, buffer = dp_dt_buffer)
	dp_dt_buffer = dp_dt_complex.copy()
	dp_dt_complex = pypar.broadcast(dp_dt_buffer, 0)

	#Making a float array.
	dp_dt = r_[real(dp_dt_buffer), imag(dp_dt_buffer)] 
	if self.my_id == 0:
	    print "Time: %2.2f / %2.2f au. Runtime: %2.2f"%(
		t, self.total_duration, (time.time() - self.t_0)/60.)
	    self.debug_norm(t, psi, dp_dt)	
	#Store latest result. ----------------------------------
	self.prev_out = dp_dt
	return dp_dt
Ejemplo n.º 9
    # 5D double arrays
    pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc)

    # 5D complex arrays
    pypar.send(X, (myid+1)%numproc)

  # Test broadcast  - with buffers (arrays, strings and general)
  testString = ('test' + str(myid)).ljust(10)  #Buffers must have the same length on all procs!
  pypar.broadcast(testString, 0)
  assert testString.strip() == 'test0'
  testString = ('test' + str(myid)).ljust(10)  #Buffers must have the same length on all procs!
  pypar.broadcast(testString, numproc-1)
  assert testString.strip() == 'test' + str(numproc-1)
  if myid == 0:
    print "Broadcast communication of strings OK"

  N = 17 #Number of elements
  testArray = myid * numpy.array(range(N))
  pypar.broadcast(testArray, 1)
  assert numpy.allclose(testArray, 1 * testArray)
      send_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc, p)

    # Build the local mesh for processor 0
    points, vertices, boundary, quantities, ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict = \
              extract_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc)

# read in the mesh partition that belongs to this
# processor (note that the information is in the
# correct form for the GA data structure

    [points, vertices, boundary, quantities, ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict] = \


domain = Parallel_Domain(points, vertices, boundary,
                                   full_send_dict  = full_send_dict,
                                   ghost_recv_dict = ghost_recv_dict,
                                   velocity = [0.1,0.0])

# Make a notes of which triangles are full and which are ghost

tri_full_flag = build_full_flag(domain, ghost_recv_dict)



T = Transmissive_boundary(domain)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def Propagate(**args):
	#args['imtime'] = False
	#args['additional_potentials'] = ["LaserPotential"]
	#args['config'] = "propagation.ini"
	numOutput = args.get("numOutput", 50)

	#get propagation tasks
	propTasks = args.get("propagationTasks", [])
	#Setup problem
	prop = SetupProblem(**args)

	#Get initial state
	#filename = "%s/groundstate_%s.h5" % (groundstateDir, GetGridPrefix(**args))
	filename = GetGroundstateFilename(**args)
	if not os.path.exists(filename):
		raise Exception("Ground state file not found, please run FindGroundstate() (%s)" % filename)
	pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(filename, "/wavefunction", prop.psi)

	initPsi = prop.psi.Copy()
	xGrid = prop.psi.GetRepresentation().GetLocalGrid(0)

	normList = []
	corrList = []
	timeList = []

	#handle restarting
	if args.get("restart", False):
		pyprop.PrintOut("Restarting propagation...")
		restartFile = args["restartFile"]

		#Get original propagation end time
		T = prop.Config.Propagation.duration
		#load checkpoint wavefunction
		pyprop.serialization.LoadWavefunctionHDF(restartFile, "/wavefunction", prop.psi)

		#get restart time
		restartTime = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=numpy.double)
		if pyprop.ProcId == 0:
			h5file = tables.openFile(restartFile)
				restartTime[0] = h5file.root.wavefunction._v_attrs.Time

		#distribute restart time to all procs
		pypar.broadcast(restartTime, 0)

		#restart all propagators with correct time
		prop.RestartPropagation(prop.TimeStep, restartTime[0], T)

	for t in prop.Advance(numOutput):
		N = prop.psi.GetNorm()
		C = abs(prop.psi.InnerProduct(initPsi))**2
		pyprop.PrintOut("t = %f, norm = %f, corr = %f" % (t, N, C))

		normList += [N]
		corrList += [C]
		timeList += [t]

		#other propagation tasks
		for task in propTasks:
			task(t, prop)
	prop.NormList = normList
	prop.CorrList = corrList
	prop.TimeList = timeList

	return prop
Ejemplo n.º 12
print "I am processor %d of %d on node %s" % (myid, nproc, node)

# Generation of spikes
myspikes = randint(100, size=randint(10))
print "I am sending", myspikes

# Broadcasting
spikes = [[] for _ in range(nproc)]
spikes[myid] = myspikes
nspikes = array([0])
for i in range(nproc):
    if i == myid: # that's me!
        # Create spikes
        nspikes[0] = len(myspikes)
    pypar.broadcast(nspikes, i)
    if i != myid: # This would be the virtual group
        spikes[i] = zeros(nspikes, dtype=int)
    pypar.broadcast(spikes[i], i)

print "I received", spikes

#if myid == 0:
#    x=2*mV
#    pypar.send(x,1)
#    y=pypar.receive(1)
#    print "I got a big number:",y
#    v=zeros(10)
#    pypar.receive(1,buffer=v) # faster with arrays, does not copy the data
#    print "and now random numbers!"
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main():
    if sys.argv[-1].startswith("usefs="):
        sys.argv = sys.argv[:-1]  # remove the runpar fileserver info

    (options, rawimage, refmap) = parse_command_line()

    sffile = options.sffile
    verbose = options.verbose
    shrink = options.shrink
    mask = options.mask
    first = options.first
    last = options.last
    scorefunc = options.scorefunc

    projfile = options.projection
    output_ptcls = options.update_rawimage
    cmplstfile = options.cmplstfile
    ortlstfile = options.ortlstfile
    startSym = options.startSym
    endSym = options.endSym

    if not options.nocmdlog:
        pid = EMAN.LOGbegin(sys.argv)
        EMAN.LOGInfile(pid, rawimage)
        EMAN.LOGInfile(pid, refmap)
        if projfile:
            EMAN.LOGOutfile(pid, projfile)
        if output_ptcls:
            EMAN.LOGOutfile(pid, output_ptcls)
        if cmplstfile:
            EMAN.LOGOutfile(pid, cmplstfile)
        if ortlstfile:
            EMAN.LOGOutfile(pid, ortlstfile)

    ptcls = []
    if not (mpi or pypar) or ((mpi and mpi.rank == 0) or (pypar and pypar.rank == 0)):
        ptcls = EMAN.image2list(rawimage)
        ptcls = ptcls[first:last]

        print "Read %d particle parameters" % (len(ptcls))
        # ptcls = ptcls[0:10]

    if mpi and mpi.size > 1:
        ptcls = mpi.bcast(ptcls)
        print "rank=%d\t%d particles" % (mpi.rank, len(ptcls))
    elif pypar and pypar.size() > 1:
        ptcls = pypar.broadcast(ptcls)
        print "rank=%d\t%d particles" % (pypar.rank(), len(ptcls))

    if sffile:
        sf = EMAN.XYData()

    if not mpi or ((mpi and mpi.rank == 0) or (pypar and pypar.rank() == 0)):
        if cmplstfile and projfile:
            if output_ptcls:
                raw_tmp = output_ptcls
                raw_tmp = rawimage
            raw_tmp = rawimage
            fp = open("tmp-" + cmplstfile, "w")
            for i in range(len(ptcls)):
                fp.write("%d\t%s\n" % (first + i, projfile))
                fp.write("%d\t%s\n" % (first + i, raw_tmp))
        if (mpi and mpi.size > 1 and mpi.rank == 0) or (pypar and pypar.size() > 1 and pypar.rank() == 0):
            total_recv = 0
            if output_ptcls:
                total_recv += len(ptcls)
            if projfile:
                total_recv += len(ptcls)
            for r in range(total_recv):
                # print "before recv from %d" % (r)
                if mpi:
                    msg, status = mpi.recv()
                    msg = pypar.receive(r)
                    # print "after recv from %d" % (r)
                    # print msg, status
                d = emdata_load(msg[0])
                fname = msg[1]
                index = msg[2]
                d.writeImage(fname, index)
                print "wrtie %s %d" % (fname, index)
            if options.ortlstfile:
                solutions = []
                for r in range(1, mpi.size):
                    msg, status = mpi.recv(source=r, tag=r)
                    solutions += msg

                def ptcl_cmp(x, y):
                    eq = cmp(x[0], y[0])
                    if not eq:
                        return cmp(x[1], y[1])
                        return eq

    if (not mpi or (mpi and ((mpi.size > 1 and mpi.rank > 0) or mpi.size == 1))) or (
        not pypar or (pypar and ((pypar.size() > 1 and pypar.rank() > 0) or pypar.size() == 1))
        map3d = EMAN.EMData()
        map3d.readImage(refmap, -1)
        if shrink > 1:
        map3d.realFilter(0, 0)  # threshold, remove negative pixels

        imgsize = map3d.ySize()

        img = EMAN.EMData()

        ctffilter = EMAN.EMData()
        ctffilter.setSize(imgsize + 2, imgsize, 1)

        if (mpi and mpi.size > 1) or (pypar and pypar.size() > 1):
            ptclset = range(mpi.rank - 1, len(ptcls), mpi.size - 1)
            ptclset = range(0, len(ptcls))

        if mpi:
            print "Process %d/%d: %d/%d particles" % (mpi.rank, mpi.size, len(ptclset), len(ptcls))

        solutions = []
        for i in ptclset:
            ptcl = ptcls[i]
            e = EMAN.Euler(ptcl[2], ptcl[3], ptcl[4])
            dx = ptcl[5] - imgsize / 2
            dy = ptcl[6] - imgsize / 2
            print "%d\talt,az,phi=%8g,%8g,%8g\tx,y=%8g,%8g" % (
                i + first,
                e.alt() * 180 / pi,
                e.az() * 180 / pi,
                e.phi() * 180 / pi,

            img.readImage(ptcl[0], ptcl[1])
            img.setTAlign(-dx, -dy, 0)
            img.setRAlign(0, 0, 0)
            img.rotateAndTranslate()  # now img is centered
            img.applyMask(int(mask - max(abs(dx), abs(dy))), 6, 0, 0, 0)
            if img.hasCTF():
                fft = img.doFFT()

                ctfparm = img.getCTF()
                if options.phasecorrected:
                    if sffile:
                        ctffilter.ctfMap(64, sf)  # Wiener filter with 1/CTF (no sign) correction
                    if sffile:
                        ctffilter.ctfMap(32, sf)  # Wiener filter with 1/CTF (including sign) correction
                        ctffilter.ctfMap(2, EMAN.XYData())  # flip phase

                img2 = fft.doIFT()  # now img2 is the CTF-corrected raw image

                del fft
                img2 = img

            if shrink > 1:
            # if sffile:
            # 	snrcurve = img2.ctfCurve(9, sf)	# absolute SNR
            # else:
            # 	snrcurve = img2.ctfCurve(3, EMAN.XYData())		# relative SNR

            maxscore = -1e30  # the larger the better
            scores = []
            for s in range(e.getMaxSymEl()):
                ef = e.SymN(s)
                # proj = map3d.project3d(ef.alt(), ef.az(), ef.phi(), -6)		# Wen's direct 2D accumulation projection
                proj = map3d.project3d(
                    ef.alt(), ef.az(), ef.phi(), -1
                )  # Pawel's fast projection, ~3 times faster than mode -6 with 216^3
                # don't use mode -4, it modifies its own data
                # proj2 = proj
                proj2 = proj.matchFilter(img2)
                proj2.applyMask(int(mask - max(abs(dx), abs(dy))), 6, 0, 0, 0)
                if scorefunc == "ncccmp":
                    score = proj2.ncccmp(img2)
                elif scorefunc == "lcmp":
                    score = -proj2.lcmp(img2)[0]
                elif scorefunc == "pcmp":
                    score = -proj2.pcmp(img2)
                elif scorefunc == "fsccmp":
                    score = proj2.fscmp(img2, [])
                elif scorefunc == "wfsccmp":
                    score = proj2.fscmp(img2, snrcurve)
                if score > maxscore:
                    maxscore = score
                    best_proj = proj2
                    best_ef = ef
                    best_s = s
                # proj2.writeImage("proj-debug.img",s)
                # print "\tsym %2d/%2d: euler=%8g,%8g,%8g\tscore=%12.7g\tbest=%2d euler=%8g,%8g,%8g score=%12.7g\n" % \
                # 		   (s,60,ef.alt()*180/pi,ef.az()*180/pi,ef.phi()*180/pi,score,best_s,best_ef.alt()*180/pi,best_ef.az()*180/pi,best_ef.phi()*180/pi,maxscore)
            scores = Numeric.array(scores)
            print "\tbest=%2d euler=%8g,%8g,%8g max score=%12.7g\tmean=%12.7g\tmedian=%12.7g\tmin=%12.7g\n" % (
                best_ef.alt() * 180 / pi,
                best_ef.az() * 180 / pi,
                best_ef.phi() * 180 / pi,
            if projfile:
                best_proj.setTAlign(dx, dy, 0)
                best_proj.setRAlign(0, 0, 0)

                # print "before proj send from %d" % (mpi.rank)

                if mpi and mpi.size > 1:
                    mpi.send((emdata_dump(best_proj), projfile, i + first), 0)
                elif pypar and pypar.size() > 1:
                    pypar.send((emdata_dump(best_proj), projfile, i + first), 0)
                # print "after proj send from %d" % (mpi.rank)
                    best_proj.writeImage(projfile, i + first)

            img2.setTAlign(0, 0, 0)
            # print "before raw send from %d" % (mpi.rank)
            if output_ptcls:
                if mpi and mpi.size > 1:
                    mpi.send((emdata_dump(img2), output_ptcls, i + first), 0)
                elif pypar and pypar.size() > 1:
                    pypar.send((emdata_dump(img2), output_ptcls, i + first), 0)
                # print "after raw send from %d" % (mpi.rank)
                    img2.writeImage(output_ptcls, i + first)

            solutions.append((ptcl[0], ptcl[1], best_ef.alt(), best_ef.az(), best_ef.phi(), ptcl[5], ptcl[6]))
        if mpi and (mpi.size > 1 and mpi.rank > 0):
            mpi.send(solutions, 0, tag=mpi.rank)

    if mpi:
    elif pypar:
    if mpi:
    elif pypar:

    if options.cmplstfile:
        os.rename("tmp-" + cmplstfile, cmplstfile)
    if options.ortlstfile:
        lFile = open(options.ortlstfile, "w")
        for i in solutions:
                % (i[1], i[0], i[2] * 180.0 / pi, i[3] * 180.0 / pi, i[4] * 180.0 / pi, i[5], i[6])

    if not options.nocmdlog:
Ejemplo n.º 14
def dkmeans3(pnts_fn,
  Distributed k-means.

    if featureWrapper == None:
        featureWrapper = featureNoWrapper
    elif featureWrapper == 'hell':
        featureWrapper = toHellinger


    pnts = pointsObj(pnts_fn)
    npnts = pnts.shape[0]
    ndims = pnts.shape[1]

    if rank == root_rank:
        print 'Using a (%d x %d) %s array for the datapoints' % (npnts, ndims,

    if rank == root_rank and ndims > npnts:
        raise RuntimeError, 'dodgy matrix format -- number of dimensions is greater than the number of points!'

    # Find preferred dtype
    if pnts.dtype == 'float64': pref_dtype = 'float64'
    else: pref_dtype = 'float32'

    start_iter = np.zeros((1, ), dtype='int')
    distortion = np.zeros((1, ))
    clst_data = np.empty((nk, ndims), dtype=pref_dtype)
    if rank == root_rank:
        print 'Using a (%d x %d) %s array for the clusters' % (
            clst_data.shape[0], clst_data.shape[1], clst_data.dtype)
        checkpoint_fn = clst_fn + '.checkpoint'
        if os.path.exists(checkpoint_fn):
            start_iter[0], clst_data, distortion[0] = dkmeans3_read_clusters(
            print 'Restarting from checkpoint. Start iteration = %d' % start_iter
            clst_inds = np.arange(npnts)
            clst_inds = clst_inds[:nk]
            for i, ind in enumerate(clst_inds):
                clst_data[i] = featureWrapper(pnts[ind])

            if 0 in iters_to_output:
                dkmeans3_save_clusters(clst_fn + '.000', clst_data, 0, niters,
                                       pnts.shape, seed, 0.0)

    mpi.broadcast(start_iter, root_rank)

    # Start iterations
    for iter_num in range(start_iter[0], niters):
        t1 = time.time()

                      root_rank)  # Broadcast the cluster centers to all nodes.

        nn_functor = nn_class(clst_data)  # Build the NN functor

        clst_sums = np.zeros((nk, ndims), dtype=pref_dtype)
        # NOTE: The accumulator here is floating point to avoid a cast when used with numpy.
        clst_sums_n = np.zeros(
            nk, dtype=pref_dtype
        )  # Be careful here -- float32 has 24bits of integer precision.
        distortion = np.zeros((1, ))

        # Let's do nearest neighbours
        stack = []
        if rank == root_rank:
            for l in range(0, npnts, pnts_step):
                r = min(l + pnts_step, npnts)
                stack.append((l, r))


        mpi.inplace_reduce(clst_sums, mpi.SUM, root_rank)
        mpi.inplace_reduce(clst_sums_n, mpi.SUM, root_rank)
        mpi.inplace_reduce(distortion, mpi.SUM, root_rank)

        if rank == root_rank:
            # Check for clusters with no assignments.
            noassign_inds = np.where(clst_sums_n == 0)[0]
            if len(noassign_inds):
                    'iter %d: %d clusters have zero points assigned to them - using random points'
                    % (iter_num, len(noassign_inds)))
                clst_sums_n[noassign_inds] = 1
                for ind in noassign_inds:
                    clst_sums[ind] = featureWrapper(pnts[npr.randint(
                        0, pnts.shape[0])])

            clst_sums /= clst_sums_n.reshape(-1, 1)
            clst_data = clst_sums

            t2 = time.time()

            #print 'Iteration %d, sse = %g, mem = %.2fMB, took %.2fs' % (iter_num+1, distortion[0], resident()/2**20, t2-t1)
            print 'relja_retrival,dkmeans::cluster,%s,%d,%d,%g' % (str(
                datetime.datetime.now()), iter_num + 1, niters, distortion[0])

            # Potentially save the clusters.
            if checkpoint:
                dkmeans3_save_clusters(checkpoint_fn, clst_data, iter_num + 1,
                                       niters, pnts.shape, seed, distortion[0])
            if (iter_num + 1) in iters_to_output:
                dkmeans3_save_clusters(clst_fn + '.%03d' % (iter_num + 1),
                                       clst_data, iter_num + 1, niters,
                                       pnts.shape, seed, distortion[0])

        del clst_sums
        del clst_sums_n

    if rank == root_rank:
        dkmeans3_save_clusters(clst_fn, clst_data, niters, niters, pnts.shape,
                               seed, distortion[0])
        if checkpoint:
                          )  # Remove the checkpoint file once we've got here.
            except OSError:

    del clst_data
    #del clst_sums
    #del clst_sums_n

    mpi.barrier()  # Is this needed?
        send_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc, p)

    # Build the local mesh for processor 0

    points, vertices, boundary, quantities, ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict = \
              extract_submesh(submesh, triangles_per_proc)

# read in the mesh partition that belongs to this
# processor (note that the information is in the
# correct form for the GA data structure

    [points, vertices, boundary, quantities, ghost_recv_dict, full_send_dict] = \

pypar.broadcast(rect, 0)

domain = Parallel_Domain(points,
                         velocity=[0.1, 0.0])

# Make a notes of which triangles are full and which are ghost

tri_full_flag = build_full_flag(domain, ghost_recv_dict)


Ejemplo n.º 16
    def BO_dipole_couplings(self, m_list, q_list, E_lim):
	BO_dipole_couplings(m_list, q_list, E_lim)

	Parallel program that calculates the dipole couplings for a 
	z-polarized laser in lenght gauge. An eigenstate basis is used, of 
	states whose quantum numbers are in <m_list> and <q_list>, that have 
	energies below <E_lim>. The couplings are stored to an HDF5 file.

	m_list : list of integers, containing the m values wanted in 
	    the basis.
	q_list : list of integers, containing the q values wanted in 
	    the basis.
	E_lim : float, the upper limit of the energies wanted in 
	    the basis, for R ~ 2.0.

	I sometimes observe unnatural spikes in the couplings 
	(as a function of R), which should be removed before the couplings 
	are used. I don't know why they are there.    

	>>> filename = "el_states_m_0_nu_70_mu_25_beta_1_00_theta_0_00.h5"
	>>> tdse = tdse_electron.TDSE_length_z(filename = filename)
	>>> m = [0]
	>>> q = [0,1,2,3]
	>>> E_lim = 5.0
	>>> tdse.BO_dipole_couplings(m, q, E_lim)
	#Name of the HDF5 file where the couplings will be saved.
	self.coupling_file = name_gen.electronic_eig_couplings_R(self, 
	    m_list, q_list, E_lim)

	#Parallel stuff
	#Get processor 'name'.
	my_id = pypar.rank() 
	#Get total number of processors.
	nr_procs = pypar.size()

	#Size of eigenstate basis. (Buffer for broadcast.)
	basis_size_buffer = r_[0]

	#Get number of tasks.
	f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file)
	    R_grid = f.root.R_grid[:]
	nr_tasks = len(R_grid)

	#Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. 
	my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id)

	#The processors will be writing to the same file.
	#In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to
	#file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive().
	#Hopefully there will not be to much waiting.

	#ID of the processor that will start writing.
	starter = 0

	#ID of the processor that will be the last to write.
	ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs

	#Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing.
	baton = r_[0]

	#The processor one is to receive the baton from.
	receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs 

	#The processor one is to send the baton to.
	send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs 

	#Initializing the HDF5 file
	if my_id == 0:
	    #Initialize index list.
	    index_array = []

	    #Find the index of the R closest to 2.0.
	    R_index = argmin(abs(R_grid - 2.0))
	    #Choose basis functions.
	    f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file)
		for m in m_list:
		    m_group = name_gen.m_name(m)
		    for q in q_list:
			q_group = name_gen.q_name(q)
			for i in range(self.config.nu_max + 1):
			    if eval("f.root.%s.%s.E[%i,%i]"%(m_group, q_group, 
				i, R_index)) > E_lim:
				#Collect indices of the basis functions.
				index_array.append(r_[m, q, i])
	    #Cast index list as an array.
	    index_array = array(index_array)
	    #Number of eigenstates in the basis.
	    basis_size = len(index_array)
	    print basis_size, "is the basis size"
	    basis_size_buffer[0] = basis_size

	    f = tables.openFile(self.coupling_file, 'w')
		f.createArray("/", "R_grid", R_grid)
		#Saving the index array.
		f.createArray("/", "index_array", index_array)
		#Initializing the arrays for the couplings and energies.
		f.createCArray('/', 'E', 
		    (basis_size, nr_tasks),
		    chunkshape=(basis_size, 1))
		f.createCArray('/', 'couplings', 
		    (basis_size, basis_size, nr_tasks),
		    chunkshape=(basis_size, basis_size, 1))
	    #Save config instance.

	#Calculating the dipole couplings
	#Broadcasting the basis size from processor 0.
	pypar.broadcast(basis_size_buffer, 0)

	#Initializing the index array.
	if my_id != 0:
	    index_array = zeros([basis_size_buffer[0], 3], dtype=int)
	#Broadcasting the index array from proc. 0.
	pypar.broadcast(index_array, 0)

	#Looping over the tasks of this processor.
	for i in my_tasks:

	    #Calculate the dipole couplings for one value of R.
	    couplings, E = self.calculate_dipole_eig_R(index_array, R_grid[i])

	    #First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.)
	    if starter == my_id:
		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])
		#Avoiding this statement 2nd time around.
		starter = -1

		#Sending the baton to the next writer.
		pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)

	    #Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.)
	    elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id :
		#Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
		pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])
	    #The rest of the file writes.
		#Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
		pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])

		#Sending the baton to the next writer.
		pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	    #Showing the progress of the work.
	    if my_id == 0:
		nice_stuff.status_bar("Electronic dipole couplings:", 
		    i, len(my_tasks))
	#Letting everyone catch up. 
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test():
    xmax = 2.0
    N = 5
    bands = 3

    dx = 2 * xmax / N

    # Create original matrix
    A = zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
    for i in range(N):
        x = -xmax + i * dx
        for j in range(-bands, bands + 1):
            if 0 <= j + i < N:
                A[i, j + i] = x ** 2 / (abs(j) + 1)

                # Create packed matrix
    PackedA = zeros((N, 2 * bands + 1), complex)
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(-bands, bands + 1):
            if 0 <= j + i < N:
                row = i
                col = i + j
                packedRow, packedCol = MapRowColToPacked(row, col, N, bands)
                PackedA[packedRow, packedCol] = A[row, col]

	imshow(A, interpolation="nearest")
	imshow(PackedA, interpolation="nearest")

    # Create in-vector
    psi = rand(N) + 0.0j
    # send psi from proc0 to everyone
    pypar.broadcast(psi, 0)

    # output
    refOutput = dot(A, psi)

    # Create local vectors and matrices
    localSize = GetDistributedShape(N, ProcCount, ProcId)
    globalStartIndex = GetGlobalStartIndex(N, ProcCount, ProcId)
    globalEndIndex = globalStartIndex + localSize

    localPackedA = PackedA[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex, :]
    localPsi = psi[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex]
    localRefOutput = refOutput[globalStartIndex:globalEndIndex]

    localTestOutput = zeros(localSize, dtype=complex)

    for i in range(ProcCount):
        if i == ProcId:
            print "ProcId == %i" % (i)
            print localSize
            print globalStartIndex, " -> ", globalEndIndex
            print ""

        # BandedMatrixVectorMultiply(localPackedA, N, bands, localPsi, localTestOutput, ProcCount, ProcId)
        # BandedMatrixMultiply_Wrapper(localPackedA.reshape(localPackedA.size), 1.0, localPsi, localTestOutput, N, bands)
        localPackedA.reshape(localPackedA.size), 1.0, localPsi, localTestOutput, N, bands

    # the verdict
    for i in range(ProcCount):
        if i == ProcId:
            if i == 0:
                print ""
                print refOutput
                print ""
            print "ProcId == %i" % (i)
            print sqrt(sum(abs(localRefOutput) ** 2))
            print sqrt(sum(abs(localTestOutput) ** 2))
            print sqrt(sum(abs(localRefOutput - localTestOutput) ** 2))
            # print localTestOutput
            # print localRefOutput
            print ""
Ejemplo n.º 18
print "I am processor %d of %d on node %s" % (myid, nproc, node)

# Generation of spikes
myspikes = randint(100, size=randint(10))
print "I am sending", myspikes

# Broadcasting
spikes = [[] for _ in range(nproc)]
spikes[myid] = myspikes
nspikes = array([0])
for i in range(nproc):
    if i == myid:  # that's me!
        # Create spikes
        nspikes[0] = len(myspikes)
    pypar.broadcast(nspikes, i)
    if i != myid:  # This would be the virtual group
        spikes[i] = zeros(nspikes, dtype=int)
    pypar.broadcast(spikes[i], i)

print "I received", spikes

#if myid == 0:
#    x=2*mV
#    pypar.send(x,1)
#    y=pypar.receive(1)
#    print "I got a big number:",y
#    v=zeros(10)
#    pypar.receive(1,buffer=v) # faster with arrays, does not copy the data
#    print "and now random numbers!"