Ejemplo n.º 1
def _parseFeatureSignature(sig):
    """This function parses a given feature-signature."""
    mal = set()

    def _rewriteOne(p): return ''
    def _rewriteTwo(p): return ''
    def _addIdentifier2Mal(p): mal.add(p[0])

    operand = __string | __hexadec | __function | __integer | \
    compoperator = pypa.oneOf('< > <= >= == !=')
    calcoperator = pypa.oneOf('+ - * / % & | << >>')
    expr = pypa.operatorPrecedence(operand, [
        ('defined', 1, pypa.opAssoc.RIGHT, _rewriteOne),
        ('!',  1, pypa.opAssoc.RIGHT, _rewriteOne),
        (calcoperator, 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        (compoperator, 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        ('&&', 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        ('||', 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),

        rsig = expr.parseString(sig)[0]
    except pypa.ParseException, e:
        print('ERROR (parse): cannot parse sig (%s) -- (%s)' %
                (sig, e.col))
        return sig
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _parseIfDefExpression(ifdefexp):
    """This function parses a given ifdef-expression and
    rewrites the expression according to the given __pt mapping.
    This one is used to make use of a csp solver without using
    a predicate."""
    mal = list()

    def _rewriteOne(param):
        """This function returns each one parameter function
        representation for csp."""
        op, ma = param[0]
        if op == '!': ret = op + '(' + ma + ')'
        if op == 'defined': ret = ma
        return  ret

    def _rewriteTwo(param):
        """This function returns each two parameter function
        representation for csp."""
        ret = param[0][1]
        ret = '(' + ret.join(map(str, param[0][0::2])) + ')'
        return ret

    operand = __string | __hexadec | __integer | \
            __function | __identifier
    operators = pypa.oneOf('&& ||') # extend with furhter operators
    expr = pypa.operatorPrecedence(operand, [
        ('defined', 1, pypa.opAssoc.RIGHT, _rewriteOne),
        ('!',  1, pypa.opAssoc.RIGHT, _rewriteOne),
        (operators, 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
    ]) + pypa.StringEnd()

        rsig = expr.parseString(ifdefexp)[0]
    except pypa.ParseException, e:
        print('ERROR (parse): cannot parse sig (%s) -- (%s)' %
                (ifdefexp, e.col))
        return ifdefexp
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _parseFeatureSignatureAndRewrite(sig):
    """This function parses a given feature-signature and rewrites
    the signature according to the given __pt mapping.
    # this dictionary holds all transformations of operators from
    # the origin (cpp) to the compare (language)
    # e.g. in cpp && stands for the 'and'-operator.
    # the equivalent in maple (which is used for comparison)
    # is '&and'
    # if no equivalence can be found a name rewriting is done
    # e.g. 'defined'
    __pt = {
        #'defined' : 'defined_',
        'defined' : '',
        '!' : '&not',
        '&&': '&and',
        '||': '&or',
        '<' : '<',
        '>' : '>',
        '<=': '<=',
        '>=': '>=',
        '==': '=',
        '!=': '!=',
        '*' : '*',       # needs rewriting with parenthesis
        '/' : '/',
        '%' : '',        # needs rewriting a % b => modp(a, b)
        '+' : '+',
        '-' : '-',
        '&' : '',        # needs rewriting a & b => BitAnd(a, b)
        '|' : '',        # needs rewriting a | b => BitOr(a, b)
        '>>': '>>',      # needs rewriting a >> b => a / (2^b)
        '<<': '<<',      # needs rewriting a << b => a * (2^b)

    def _rewriteOne(param):
        """This function returns each one parameter function
        representation for maple."""
        if param[0][0] == '!':
            ret = __pt[param[0][0]] + '(' + str(param[0][1]) + ')'
        if param[0][0] == 'defined':
            ret = __pt[param[0][0]] + str(param[0][1])
        return  ret

    def _rewriteTwo(param):
        """This function returns each two parameter function
        representation for maple."""
        # rewriting rules
        if param[0][1] == '%':
            return 'modp(' + param[0][0] + ',' + param[0][2] + ')'

        ret = ' ' + __pt[param[0][1]] + ' '
        ret = '(' + ret.join(map(str, param[0][0::2])) + ')'

        if param[0][1] in ['<', '>', '<=', '>=', '!=', '==']:
            ret = '(true &and ' + ret + ')'
        return ret

    operand = __string | __hexadec | __integer | \
            __function | __identifier
    compoperator = pypa.oneOf('< > <= >= == !=')
    calcoperator = pypa.oneOf('+ - * / & | << >> %')
    expr = pypa.operatorPrecedence(operand, [
        ('defined', 1, pypa.opAssoc.RIGHT, _rewriteOne),
        ('!',  1, pypa.opAssoc.RIGHT, _rewriteOne),
        (calcoperator, 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        (compoperator, 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        ('&&', 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        ('||', 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),

        rsig = expr.parseString(sig)[0]
    except pypa.ParseException, e:
        print('ERROR (parse): cannot parse sig (%s) -- (%s)' %
                (sig, e.col))
        return sig
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _parseFeatureSignatureAndRewriteCSP(sig):
    """This function parses a given feature-expresson and
    rewrites the expression according to the given __pt mapping.
    This one is used to make use of a csp solver without using
    a predicate."""
    __pt = {
        #'defined' : 'defined_',
        'defined' : '',
        '!' : '!',
        '&&': '&',
        '||': '|',
        '<' : '_lt_',
        '>' : '_gt_',
        '<=': '_le_',
        '>=': '_ge_',
        '==': '_eq_',
        '!=': '_ne_',
        '*' : '_mu_',
        '/' : '_di_',
        '%' : '_mo_',
        '+' : '_pl_',
        '-' : '_mi_',
        '&' : '_ba_',
        '|' : '_bo_',
        '>>': '_sr_',
        '<<': '_sl_',
    mal = list()

    def _rewriteOne(param):
        """This function returns each one parameter function
        representation for csp."""
        op, ma = param[0]
        if op == '!': ret = __pt[op] + '(' + ma + ')'
        if op == 'defined': ret = ma
        return  ret

    def _rewriteTwo(param):
        """This function returns each two parameter function
        representation for csp."""
        ret = __pt[param[0][1]]
        ret = '(' + ret.join(map(str, param[0][0::2])) + ')'
        return ret

    operand = __hexadec | __integer | __string | \
            __function | __identifier
    compoperator = pypa.oneOf('< > <= >= == !=')
    calcoperator = pypa.oneOf('+ - * / & | << >> %')
    expr = pypa.operatorPrecedence(operand, [
        ('defined', 1, pypa.opAssoc.RIGHT, _rewriteOne),
        ('!',  1, pypa.opAssoc.RIGHT, _rewriteOne),
        (calcoperator, 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        (compoperator, 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        ('&&', 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),
        ('||', 2, pypa.opAssoc.LEFT, _rewriteTwo),

        rsig = expr.parseString(sig)[0]
    except pypa.ParseException, e:
        print('ERROR (parse): cannot parse sig (%s) -- (%s)' %
                (sig, e.col))
        return sig