Ejemplo n.º 1
def hwdb_grammar():

    prefix = Or(category + ':' + Or(conn) + ':'
                for category, conn in TYPES.items())

    matchline_typed = Combine(prefix + Word(printables + ' ' + '®'))
    matchline_general = Combine(
        Or(GENERAL_MATCHES) + ':' + Word(printables + ' ' + '®'))
    matchline = (matchline_typed | matchline_general) + EOL

    propertyline = (
        White(' ', exact=1).suppress() +
        Combine(UDEV_TAG - '=' - Optional(Word(alphanums + '_=:@*.!-;, "/')) -
                Optional(pythonStyleComment)) + EOL)
    propertycomment = White(' ', exact=1) + pythonStyleComment + EOL

    group = (
        OneOrMore(matchline('MATCHES*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress()) -
        OneOrMore(propertyline('PROPERTIES*') ^ propertycomment.suppress()) -
        (EMPTYLINE ^ stringEnd()).suppress())
    commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() - EMPTYLINE.suppress()

    grammar = OneOrMore(Group(group)('GROUPS*') ^ commentgroup) + stringEnd()

    return grammar
def read_sets_java(string):
    from pyparsing import nestedExpr, alphas, Word, nums, ParserElement, delimitedList
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" ,")
    element = Word(alphas + nums).setParseAction(parse_elem_java) 
    elements = delimitedList(element)
    setofsets = nestedExpr("[", "]", content=elements).setParseAction(lambda x: frozenset(x[0]))
    return setofsets.parseString(string).asList()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parser():
    global _parser
    if _parser is None:
        lbrack, rbrack, lbrace, rbrace, lparen, rparen, colon, qmark = map(
            Literal, "[]{}():?")

        reMacro = Combine("\\" + oneOf(list("dws")))
        escapedChar = ~reMacro + Combine("\\" + oneOf(list(printables)))
        reLiteralChar = "".join(
            c for c in printables if c not in r"\[]{}().*?+|") + " \t"

        reRange = Combine(lbrack + SkipTo(rbrack, ignore=escapedChar) + rbrack)
        reLiteral = (escapedChar | oneOf(list(reLiteralChar)))
        reNonCaptureGroup = Suppress("?:")
        reDot = Literal(".")
        repetition = ((lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("count") + rbrace) |
                      (lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("minCount") + "," +
                       Word(nums).setResultsName("maxCount") + rbrace)
                      | oneOf(list("*+?")))


        reTerm = (reLiteral | reRange | reMacro | reDot | reNonCaptureGroup)
        reExpr = infixNotation(reTerm, [
            (repetition, 1, opAssoc.LEFT, handleRepetition),
            (None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handleSequence),
            (Suppress('|'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handleAlternative),
        _parser = reExpr

    return _parser
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parser():
    global _parser
    if _parser is None:
        lbrack, rbrack, lbrace, rbrace, lparen, rparen = map(Literal, "[]{}()")

        reMacro = Combine("\\" + oneOf(list("dws")))
        escapedChar = ~ reMacro + Combine("\\" + oneOf(list(printables)))
        reLiteralChar = "".join(c for c in printables if c not in r"\[]{}().*?+|") + " \t"

        reRange = Combine(lbrack + SkipTo(rbrack, ignore=escapedChar) + rbrack)
        reLiteral = (escapedChar | oneOf(list(reLiteralChar)))
        reDot = Literal(".")
        repetition = (
                      (lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("count") + rbrace) |
                      (lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("minCount") + "," + Word(nums).setResultsName("maxCount") + rbrace) |


        reTerm = (reLiteral | reRange | reMacro | reDot)
        reExpr = operatorPrecedence(reTerm, [
                (repetition, 1, opAssoc.LEFT, handle_repetition),
                (None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handle_sequence),
                (Suppress('|'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handle_alternative),

        _parser = reExpr

    return _parser
Ejemplo n.º 5
def hwdb_grammar():

    prefix = Or(category + ':' + Or(conn) + ':'
                for category, conn in TYPES.items())
    matchline = Combine(prefix + Word(printables + ' ' + '®')) + EOL
    propertyline = (
        White(' ', exact=1).suppress()
        + Combine(UDEV_TAG
                  - '='
                  - Word(alphanums + '_=:@*.! ')
                  - Optional(pythonStyleComment))
        + EOL
    propertycomment = White(' ', exact=1) + pythonStyleComment + EOL

    group = (
        OneOrMore(matchline('MATCHES*') ^ COMMENTLINE.suppress())
        - OneOrMore(propertyline('PROPERTIES*') ^ propertycomment.suppress())
        - (EMPTYLINE ^ stringEnd()).suppress()
    commentgroup = OneOrMore(COMMENTLINE).suppress() - EMPTYLINE.suppress()

    grammar = OneOrMore(group('GROUPS*') ^ commentgroup) + stringEnd()

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 6
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    setting = Optional('*')('DEFAULT') + INTEGER('DPI') + Suppress('@') + INTEGER('HZ')
    props = (('MOUSE_DPI', Group(OneOrMore(setting('SETTINGS*')))),
             ('ID_INPUT_TRACKBALL', Literal('1')),
             ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
    fixed_props = [Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
                   for name, val in props]
    kbd_props = [Regex(r'KEYBOARD_KEY_[0-9a-f]+')('NAME')
                 - Suppress('=') -
                 ('!' ^ (Optional('!') - Word(alphanums + '_')))('VALUE')
    abs_props = [Regex(r'EVDEV_ABS_[0-9a-f]{2}')('NAME')
                 - Suppress('=') -
                 Word(nums + ':')('VALUE')

    grammar = Or(fixed_props + kbd_props + abs_props)

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _make_grammar():
    """Make a grammar for parsing a sanitized F5 config

    The syntax is Tcl, except for a 'Sanitized out =' string at the
    top. We only parse enough to find commands and their arguments.

    Return a ParseResult where 'prog' is a list of commands. Each
    command has a name and some arguments. These arguments can be
    further nested lists in case of '{ ... }' and '[ ... ]' blocks.
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    white = Suppress(Optional(White()))
    comment = white + '#' - restOfLine
    lbrace, rbrace = Suppress('{'), Suppress('}')
    lbracket, rbracket = Suppress('['), Suppress(']')
    cmds = Forward()
    braces = Group(lbrace - white - Optional(cmds) - white - rbrace)
    brackets = Group(lbracket - white - Optional(cmds) - white - rbracket)

    string = QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\', multiline=True)
    word = string | braces | brackets | Word(alphanums + '-:()_./<>%*$|!=&?')
    cmd = Group(word('name') + ZeroOrMore(word)('args'))
    cmd_sep = OneOrMore(Literal('\n') | ';')
    cmds << (cmd + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(cmd_sep) + cmd))

    prog_end = Suppress(Optional(cmd_sep)) + StringEnd()
    prog = cmds + prog_end

    sanitized_begin = Suppress(Optional(White()))
    sanitized = sanitized_begin + Optional('Sanitized out =') + prog('prog')

    return sanitized
Ejemplo n.º 8
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    dpi_setting = (Optional('*')('DEFAULT') + INTEGER('DPI') + Suppress('@') + INTEGER('HZ'))('SETTINGS*')
    mount_matrix_row = SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL
    mount_matrix = (mount_matrix_row + ';' + mount_matrix_row + ';' + mount_matrix_row)('MOUNT_MATRIX')

    props = (('MOUSE_DPI', Group(OneOrMore(dpi_setting))),
             ('ID_INPUT_TRACKBALL', Literal('1')),
             ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
             ('XKB_FIXED_LAYOUT', STRING),
             ('XKB_FIXED_VARIANT', STRING),
             ('ACCEL_MOUNT_MATRIX', mount_matrix),
    fixed_props = [Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
                   for name, val in props]
    kbd_props = [Regex(r'KEYBOARD_KEY_[0-9a-f]+')('NAME')
                 - Suppress('=') -
                 ('!' ^ (Optional('!') - Word(alphanums + '_')))('VALUE')
    abs_props = [Regex(r'EVDEV_ABS_[0-9a-f]{2}')('NAME')
                 - Suppress('=') -
                 Word(nums + ':')('VALUE')

    grammar = Or(fixed_props + kbd_props + abs_props) + EOL

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):
        from pyparsing import (ParserElement, StringEnd, LineEnd, Literal,
                               pythonStyleComment, ZeroOrMore, Suppress,
                               Optional, Combine, OneOrMore, Regex, oneOf,
                               QuotedString, Group, ParseException)

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars("\t ")

        EOF = StringEnd()
        EOL = ~EOF + LineEnd() # EOL must not match on EOF

        escape = Literal("\\")
        comment = pythonStyleComment
        junk = ZeroOrMore(comment | EOL).suppress()

        ## word (i.e: single argument string)
        word = Suppress(escape + EOL + Optional(comment)) \
        | Combine(OneOrMore( escape.suppress() + Regex(".") |
                             QuotedString("'", escChar='\\', multiline=True) |
                             QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', multiline=True) |
                             Regex("[^ \t\r\n\f\v\\\\$&<>();\|\'\"`]+") |
                             Suppress(escape + EOL) ))

        ## redirector (aka bash file redirectors, such as "2>&1" sequences)
        fd_src = Regex("[0-2]").setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
        fd_dst = Suppress("&") + fd_src
        # "[n]<word" || "[n]<&word" || "[n]<&digit-"
        fd_redir = (Optional(fd_src, 0) + Literal("<")
                    |Optional(fd_src, 1) + Literal(">"))\
                   +(word | (fd_dst + Optional("-")))
        # "&>word" || ">&word"
        full_redir = (oneOf("&> >&") + word)\
                     .setParseAction(lambda t:("&" ,">", t[-1]))
        # "<<<word" || "<<[-]word"
        here_doc = Regex("<<(<|-?)") + word
        # "[n]>>word"
        add_to_file = Optional(fd_src | Literal("&"), 1) + \
                      Literal(">>") + word
        # "[n]<>word"
        fd_bind = Optional(fd_src, 0) + Literal("<>") + word

        redirector = (fd_redir | full_redir | here_doc
                      | add_to_file | fd_bind)\
                     .setParseAction(lambda token: tuple(token))

        ## single command (args/redir list)
        command = Group(OneOrMore(redirector | word))

        ## logical operators (section splits)
        semicolon = Suppress(";") + junk
        connector = (oneOf("&& || |") + junk) | semicolon

        ## pipeline, aka logical block of interconnected commands
        pipeline = junk + Group(command +
                                ZeroOrMore(connector + command) +

        # define object attributes
        self.LEXER = pipeline.ignore(comment) + EOF
        self.parseException = ParseException
Ejemplo n.º 10
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    setting = Optional('*')('DEFAULT') + INTEGER('DPI') + Suppress(
        '@') + INTEGER('HZ')
    props = (
        ('MOUSE_DPI', Group(OneOrMore(setting('SETTINGS*')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TRACKBALL', Literal('1')),
        ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
    fixed_props = [
        Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
        for name, val in props
    kbd_props = [
        Regex(r'KEYBOARD_KEY_[0-9a-f]+')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -
        ('!' ^ (Optional('!') - Word(alphanums + '_')))('VALUE')
    abs_props = [
        Regex(r'EVDEV_ABS_[0-9a-f]{2}')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -
        Word(nums + ':')('VALUE')

    grammar = Or(fixed_props + kbd_props + abs_props)

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 11
def defineParsers():
    #Enable a fast parsing mode with caching.
    #end of line terminates statements, so it is not regular whitespace
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars('\t ')

    func_call = Forward() #forward declaration because this is a recursive rule   

    #The "terminal" rules
    symbol = Word(alphas+'_-', alphanums+'_-') .setParseAction(action_symbol)
    q_symbol = quotedString                    .setParseAction(action_q_symbol)
    bracket_term = Literal("(").suppress() - func_call \
                   + Literal(")").suppress()
    word = symbol | q_symbol | bracket_term
    #The function call
    #Parse: "foo | bar | baz" or "foo"
    pipeline = (word + ZeroOrMore("|" - word)) .setParseAction(action_pipeline) 
    #Parse "foo|bar op1 op2 op3"
    func_call << (pipeline - ZeroOrMore(word)) .setParseAction(action_func_call)
    #High level structure of program
    line = LineEnd() | func_call - LineEnd() #empty line or function call
    program = ZeroOrMore(line) + StringEnd() #multiple lines are a program
    #define the comments
    program.ignore('%' + restOfLine)
    #no tab expansion
    #return additional func_call parser to make testing more easy
    return program, func_call
Ejemplo n.º 12
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    model_props = [
        Regex(r'LIBINPUT_MODEL_[_0-9A-Z]+')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -

    dimension = INTEGER('X') + Suppress('x') + INTEGER('Y')
    sz_props = (
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_SIZE_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_RESOLUTION_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),

    size_props = [
        Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
        for name, val in sz_props

    reliability_tags = Or(('reliable', 'write_open'))
    reliability = [
        Suppress('=') - reliability_tags('VALUE')

    tpkbcombo_tags = Or(('below'))
    tpkbcombo = [
        Literal('LIBINPUT_ATTR_TPKBCOMBO_LAYOUT')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -

    grammar = Or(model_props + size_props + reliability + tpkbcombo)

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 13
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    model_props = [
        Regex(r'LIBINPUT_MODEL_[_0-9A-Z]+')('NAME') -
        Suppress('=') - (Literal('1'))('VALUE')

    dimension = INTEGER('X') + Suppress('x') + INTEGER('Y')

    crange = INTEGER('X') + Suppress(':') + INTEGER('Y')
    vprops = (
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_SIZE_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_RESOLUTION_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_PRESSURE_RANGE', Group(crange('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_TOUCH_SIZE_RANGE', Group(crange('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_TPKBCOMBO_LAYOUT', Or(('below'))),
         Or(('reliable', 'write_open'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_KEYBOARD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
    value_props = [Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE') for
                   name, val in vprops]

    tprops = (
    typed_props = [Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val
                   for name, val in tprops]

    grammar = Or(model_props + value_props + typed_props)

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 14
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    dpi_setting = Group(
        Optional('*')('DEFAULT') + INTEGER('DPI') + Suppress('@') +
    mount_matrix_row = SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL
    mount_matrix = Group(mount_matrix_row + ';' + mount_matrix_row + ';' +
    xkb_setting = Optional(Word(alphanums + '+-/@._'))

    props = (
        ('MOUSE_DPI', Group(OneOrMore(dpi_setting))),
        ('ID_AUTOSUSPEND', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_ACCELEROMETER', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_KEY', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_MOUSE', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_POINTINGSTICK', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_SWITCH', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TABLET', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TABLET_PAD', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TRACKBALL', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
        ('XKB_FIXED_LAYOUT', xkb_setting),
        ('XKB_FIXED_VARIANT', xkb_setting),
        ('XKB_FIXED_MODEL', xkb_setting),
        ('KEYBOARD_LED_NUMLOCK', Literal('0')),
        ('KEYBOARD_LED_CAPSLOCK', Literal('0')),
        ('ACCEL_MOUNT_MATRIX', mount_matrix),
        ('ACCEL_LOCATION', Or(('display', 'base'))),
    fixed_props = [
        Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
        for name, val in props
    kbd_props = [
        Regex(r'KEYBOARD_KEY_[0-9a-f]+')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -
        ('!' ^ (Optional('!') - Word(alphanums + '_')))('VALUE')
    abs_props = [
        Regex(r'EVDEV_ABS_[0-9a-f]{2}')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -
        Word(nums + ':')('VALUE')

    grammar = Or(fixed_props + kbd_props + abs_props) + EOL

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self):
        from pyparsing import (ParserElement, StringEnd, LineEnd, Literal,
                               pythonStyleComment, ZeroOrMore, Suppress,
                               Optional, Combine, OneOrMore, Regex, oneOf,
                               QuotedString, Group, ParseException)

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars("\t ")

        EOF = StringEnd()
        EOL = ~EOF + LineEnd()  # EOL must not match on EOF

        escape = Literal("\\")
        comment = pythonStyleComment
        junk = ZeroOrMore(comment | EOL).suppress()

        # word (i.e: single argument string)
        word = Suppress(escape + EOL + Optional(comment)) \
            | Combine(OneOrMore(
                escape.suppress() + Regex(".") |
                QuotedString("'", escChar='\\', multiline=True) |
                QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', multiline=True) |
                Regex("[^ \t\r\n\f\v\\\\$&<>();\|\'\"`]+") |
                Suppress(escape + EOL)))

        # redirector (aka bash file redirectors, such as "2>&1" sequences)
        fd_src = Regex("[0-2]").setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
        fd_dst = Suppress("&") + fd_src
        # "[n]<word" || "[n]<&word" || "[n]<&digit-"
        fd_redir = (Optional(fd_src, 0) + Literal("<")
                    | Optional(fd_src, 1) + Literal(">")) + \
                   (word | (fd_dst + Optional("-")))
        # "&>word" || ">&word"
        obj = (oneOf("&> >&") + word)
        full_redir = obj.setParseAction(lambda t: ("&", ">", t[-1]))
        # "<<<word" || "<<[-]word"
        here_doc = Regex("<<(<|-?)") + word
        # "[n]>>word"
        add_to_file = (Optional(fd_src | Literal("&"), 1) + Literal(">>") +
        # "[n]<>word"
        fd_bind = Optional(fd_src, 0) + Literal("<>") + word

        obj = (fd_redir | full_redir | here_doc | add_to_file | fd_bind)
        redirector = obj.setParseAction(lambda token: tuple(token))

        # single command (args/redir list)
        command = Group(OneOrMore(redirector | word))

        # logical operators (section splits)
        semicolon = Suppress(";") + junk
        connector = (oneOf("&& || |") + junk) | semicolon

        # pipeline, aka logical block of interconnected commands
        pipeline = junk + Group(command + ZeroOrMore(connector + command) +

        # define object attributes
        self.LEXER = pipeline.ignore(comment) + EOF
        self.parseException = ParseException
Ejemplo n.º 16
def read_sets_java(string):
    from pyparsing import nestedExpr, alphas, Word, nums, ParserElement, delimitedList
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" ,")
    element = Word(alphas + nums).setParseAction(parse_elem_java)
    elements = delimitedList(element)
    setofsets = nestedExpr(
        "[", "]", content=elements).setParseAction(lambda x: frozenset(x[0]))
    return setofsets.parseString(string).asList()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self,showErrors=True,debug=False):
         showErrors(bool): True if errors should be shown/printed
         debug(bool): True if debugging should be enabled
     ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t")
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _parse_items(self, source):
     ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r')
     EOL = LineEnd().suppress()
     comment = Literal('#') + Optional( restOfLine ) + EOL
     string = CharsNotIn("\n")
     line = Group(
         Word(alphanums + '-')('key') + Literal(':').suppress() + Optional(Combine(string + ZeroOrMore(EOL + Literal(' ') + string)))("value") + EOL
     group = ZeroOrMore(line)
     return group.parseString(source, True)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def PyParsingDefaultWhitespaceChars(whitespace_chars):
    '''Set the given whitespace_chars as pyparsing's default whitespace chars while the context manager is active.

    Since ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS is a global variable, this method is not thread-safe (but no pyparsing parser construction is thread-safe for the same reason anyway).
    # A possible solution to this problem:
    # Since the pyparsing code is basically a single big file, we could just copy it (under aspio/vendor or something like that) and have our own "private" version of pyparsing. (TODO: think about this some more and maybe do it)
    previous_whitespace_chars = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
Ejemplo n.º 20
def build_parser():
    Build a pyparsing parser for our custom topology description language.

    :return: A pyparsing parser.
    :rtype: pyparsing.MatchFirst
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
    nl = Suppress(LineEnd())
    inumber = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda l, s, t: int(t[0]))
    fnumber = (Combine(
        Optional('-') + Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums) +
        Optional('E' | 'e' + Optional('-') + Word(nums)))
               ).setParseAction(lambda toks: float(toks[0]))
    boolean = (CaselessLiteral('true') | CaselessLiteral('false')
               ).setParseAction(lambda l, s, t: t[0].casefold() == 'true')
    comment = Literal('#') + restOfLine + nl
    text = QuotedString('"')
    identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + '_')
    empty_line = LineStart() + LineEnd()
    item_list = ((text | fnumber | inumber | boolean) +
                 Optional(Suppress(',')) + Optional(nl))
    custom_list = (Suppress('(') + Optional(nl) + Group(OneOrMore(item_list)) +
                   Optional(nl) +
                   Suppress(')')).setParseAction(lambda tok: tok.asList())
    attribute = Group(
        identifier('key') + Suppress(Literal('=')) +
        (custom_list | text | fnumber | inumber | boolean
         | identifier)('value') + Optional(nl))
    attributes = (Suppress(Literal('[')) + Optional(nl) +
                  OneOrMore(attribute) + Suppress(Literal(']')))

    node = identifier('node')
    port = Group(node + Suppress(Literal(':')) +
                 (identifier | inumber)('port'))
    link = Group(
        port('endpoint_a') + Suppress(Literal('--')) + port('endpoint_b'))

    environment_spec = (attributes + nl).setResultsName('env_spec',
    nodes_spec = (Group(
        Optional(attributes)('attributes') + Group(OneOrMore(node))('nodes')) +
                  nl).setResultsName('node_spec', listAllMatches=True)
    ports_spec = (Group(
        Optional(attributes)('attributes') + Group(OneOrMore(port))('ports')) +
                  nl).setResultsName('port_spec', listAllMatches=True)
    link_spec = (Group(Optional(attributes)('attributes') + link('links')) +
                 nl).setResultsName('link_spec', listAllMatches=True)

    statements = OneOrMore(comment | link_spec | ports_spec | nodes_spec
                           | environment_spec | empty_line)
    return statements
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def set_delimiters(self, delimiter):
        """Lets you change the delimiter that is used to identify field
        delimiter: str
            A string containing characters to be used as delimiters. The
            default value is ' \t'. which means that spaces and tabs are not
            taken as data but instead mark the boundaries. Note that the
            parser is smart enough to recognize characters within quotes as

        self.delimiter = delimiter
        if delimiter != "columns":
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def set_delimiters(self, delimiter):
     """Lets you change the delimiter that is used to identify field
     delimiter: str
         A string containing characters to be used as delimiters. The
         default value is ' \t'. which means that spaces and tabs are not
         taken as data but instead mark the boundaries. Note that the
         parser is smart enough to recognize characters within quotes as
     self.delimiter = delimiter
     if delimiter != "columns":
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self):

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        self._parser = OneOrMore(
                Suppress('{') + Word(alphanums) + Suppress('\n') + OneOrMore(
                        Word(':' + alphanums + '_' + '-') + ZeroOrMore(
                            Word(self._param_value_chrs) ^ Suppress('"') +
                            Word(self._param_value_string) + Suppress('"')) +
                        Suppress('\n'))) + Suppress('}') +
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def pythonVar(self):
        if not self._pythonVar:
            from pyparsing import (ParserElement, Word, alphas, alphanums,
                                   Literal, Suppress, FollowedBy)
            _ws = ' \t'
            ident = Word(alphas+"_", alphanums+"_")
            lparen = Literal("(")
            dot = Literal(".")
            dollar = Literal("$")

            self._pythonVar = Suppress(dollar) + ident + ~FollowedBy((dot+ident) | lparen)
        return self._pythonVar
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def pythonVar(self):
        if not self._pythonVar:
            from pyparsing import (ParserElement, Word, alphas, alphanums,
                                   Literal, Suppress, FollowedBy)
            _ws = ' \t'
            ident = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_")
            lparen = Literal("(")
            dot = Literal(".")
            dollar = Literal("$")

            self._pythonVar = Suppress(dollar) + ident + ~FollowedBy(
                (dot + ident) | lparen)
        return self._pythonVar
Ejemplo n.º 26
def parser():
    global _parser
    if _parser is None:

        lbrack = Literal("[")
        rbrack = Literal("]")
        lbrace = Literal("{")
        rbrace = Literal("}")
        lparen = Literal("(")
        rparen = Literal(")")

        reMacro = Suppress("\\") + oneOf(list("dwsZ"))
        escapedChar = ~reMacro + Combine("\\" + oneOf(list(printables)))
        reLiteralChar = "".join(c for c in string.printable
                                if c not in r"\[]{}().*?+|")

        reRange = Combine(lbrack.suppress() +
                          SkipTo(rbrack, ignore=escapedChar) +
        reLiteral = (escapedChar | oneOf(list(reLiteralChar)))
        reDot = Literal(".")
        repetition = ((lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("count") + rbrace) |
                      (lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("minCount") + "," +
                       Word(nums).setResultsName("maxCount") + rbrace)
                      | oneOf(list("*+?")))
        reExpr = Forward()
        reGroup = (lparen.suppress() +
                   Optional(Literal("?").suppress() +
                            oneOf(list(":P"))).setResultsName("option") +
                   reExpr.setResultsName("expr") + rparen.suppress())

        reTerm = (reLiteral | reRange | reMacro | reDot | reGroup)
        reExpr << operatorPrecedence(reTerm, [
            (repetition, 1, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Repetition)),
            (None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Sequence)),
            (Suppress('|'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Alternation)),


        _parser = reExpr

    return _parser
Ejemplo n.º 27
def parser():
    global _parser
    if _parser is None:
        lbrack = Literal("[")
        rbrack = Literal("]")
        lbrace = Literal("{")
        rbrace = Literal("}")
        lparen = Literal("(")
        rparen = Literal(")")
        reMacro = Suppress("\\") + oneOf(list("dwsZ"))
        escapedChar = ~reMacro + Combine("\\" + oneOf(list(printables)))
        reLiteralChar = "".join(c for c in string.printable if c not in r"\[]{}().*?+|")

        reRange = Combine(lbrack.suppress() + SkipTo(rbrack,ignore=escapedChar) + rbrack.suppress())
        reLiteral = ( escapedChar | oneOf(list(reLiteralChar)) )
        reDot = Literal(".")
        repetition = (
            ( lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("count") + rbrace ) |
            ( lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("minCount")+","+ Word(nums).setResultsName("maxCount") + rbrace ) |
        reExpr = Forward()
        reGroup = (lparen.suppress() +
                   Optional(Literal("?").suppress() + oneOf(list(":P"))).setResultsName("option") +
                   reExpr.setResultsName("expr") +

        reTerm = ( reLiteral | reRange | reMacro | reDot | reGroup )
        reExpr << operatorPrecedence( reTerm,
            (repetition, 1, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Repetition)),
            (None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Sequence)),
            (Suppress('|'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Alternation)),

        _parser = reExpr
    return _parser
Ejemplo n.º 28
def pn_from_sis(filename):
    """Loads a PN in SIS format."""
    # definition of PN grammar
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t")
    id = Word(alphanums+"_\"':-")
    #place = Literal("p") + Word(nums)
    number = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda tokens: int(tokens[0]))
    newlines = Suppress(OneOrMore(LineEnd()))
    modelName = ".model" + id("modelName") + newlines
    signalNames = ZeroOrMore( Suppress(oneOf(".inputs .outputs .dummy")) + OneOrMore( id ) + newlines)("signals")
    arc = id + ZeroOrMore(Group(id + Optional(Suppress("(")+number+Suppress(")"), default=1))) + newlines
    graph = Literal(".graph") + Suppress(OneOrMore(LineEnd())) + OneOrMore(Group(arc))("arcs")
    capacity_list = ZeroOrMore(Group(id+Suppress("=")+number))
    capacity = ".capacity" + capacity_list("capacities") + newlines
    marking_list = ZeroOrMore(Group(id+Optional(Suppress("=")+number,default=1)))
    marking = ".marking"+Suppress("{") + marking_list("marking") + Suppress("}") + newlines
    pn = Optional(newlines) + Optional(modelName) + signalNames + graph + Optional(capacity) + marking + ".end"
    net = PetriNet(filename=filename, format='sis')
    ast = pn.parseFile( filename )
    for t in ast.signals:
        net.add_transition( t )
    #net.name = ast.modelName
    #net.signals.update( ast.signals )
#    tuplelist = [ (m[0],m[1]) for m in ast.capacities ]
#    net.capacities = dict( tuplelist )
#    net.initial_marking = dict( [ (m[0],m[1]) for m in ast.marking ] )
    #print ast.arcs
    transitions = set(net.get_transitions())
    for a in ast.arcs:
        #print a[0]
        if a[0] not in transitions:
            # it's a place
            p = net.add_place(a[0])
            for t in a[1:]:
            for t in a[1:]:
                p = net.add_place(t[0])
    for m in ast.marking:
    for m in ast.capacities:
    return net
Ejemplo n.º 29
def rfc2822():
    global _rfc2822
    if _rfc2822 is None:
        CRLF = Literal("\r\n")
        ATEXT = Regex("[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\-/=\?^_`{|}~]")
        TEXT = Regex("[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f]")
        QTEXT = Regex("[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]")
        LOWASCII = Regex("[\x00-\x7f]")
        DTEXT = Regex("[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x5e-\x7f]")
        WSP = Regex("[\x20\x09]")
        CTEXT = Regex("[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x27\x2a-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]")

        obsQp = r"\\" + LOWASCII
        quotedPair = (r"\\" + TEXT) | obsQp

        obsFWS = OneOrMore(WSP) + ZeroOrMore(CRLF + OneOrMore(WSP))
        FWS = (Optional(ZeroOrMore(WSP) + CRLF) + OneOrMore(WSP)) | obsFWS
        comment = Forward()
        ccontent = CTEXT | quotedPair | comment
        comment << "(" + ZeroOrMore(Optional(FWS) + ccontent) + Optional(FWS) + ")"
        CFWS = ZeroOrMore(Optional(FWS) + comment) + ((Optional(FWS) + comment) | FWS)

        atom = Optional(CFWS) + OneOrMore(ATEXT) + Optional(CFWS)
        dotAtomText = OneOrMore(ATEXT) + ZeroOrMore("." + OneOrMore(ATEXT))
        dotAtom = Optional(CFWS) + dotAtomText + Optional(CFWS)

        qcontent = QTEXT | quotedPair
        quotedString = Optional(CFWS) + '"' + ZeroOrMore(Optional(FWS) + qcontent) + Optional(FWS) + '"'

        word = atom | quotedString
        obsLocalPart = word + ZeroOrMore("." + word)

        localPart = dotAtom | quotedString | obsLocalPart

        dcontent = DTEXT | quotedPair
        domainLiteral = Optional(CFWS) + "[" + ZeroOrMore(Optional(FWS) + dcontent) + Optional(FWS) + "]" + Optional(CFWS)

        obsDomain = atom + ZeroOrMore("." + atom)

        domain = dotAtom | domainLiteral | obsDomain

        addrSpec = localPart + "@" + domain
        _rfc2822 = addrSpec
    return _rfc2822
Ejemplo n.º 30
def read_sets(string):
    >>> read_sets("{}")
    >>> read_sets("{1}")
    >>> read_sets("{{}, {}}")   # invalid, outer set contains two equal sets
    >>> read_sets("{{{1}, {2}}, {3}}")
    frozenset([frozenset([frozenset([2]), frozenset([1])]), frozenset([3])])
    >>> read_sets("{1, 2,3}")
    frozenset([1, 2, 3])
    >>> read_sets("{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}")
    frozenset([frozenset([1, 2]), frozenset([3, 4])])
    >>> read_sets("{a,b,c}")
    frozenset(['a', 'c', 'b'])
    >>> read_sets('[{1,2,3},{a,c,b}]')
    [frozenset([1, 2, 3]), frozenset(['a', 'c', 'b'])]
    >>> read_sets('{a}')
    >>> read_sets('{{x1,x2},{x3}}')
    frozenset([frozenset(['x2', 'x1']), frozenset(['x3'])])
    >>> read_sets('{{23gat,24gat}}')
    frozenset([frozenset(['23gat', '24gat'])])
    from pyparsing import nestedExpr, alphas, Word, nums, ParserElement, delimitedList
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" ,")
    element = Word(alphas + nums).setParseAction(parse_elem)
    elements = delimitedList(element)
    setofsets = nestedExpr(
        "{", "}", content=elements).setParseAction(lambda x: frozenset(x[0]))
    listofsets = nestedExpr("[", "]", content=setofsets)
    expr = setofsets | listofsets
    return expr.parseString(string).asList()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 31
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    dpi_setting = (Optional('*')('DEFAULT') + INTEGER('DPI') + Suppress('@') +
    mount_matrix_row = SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL
    mount_matrix = (mount_matrix_row + ';' + mount_matrix_row + ';' +

    props = (
        ('MOUSE_DPI', Group(OneOrMore(dpi_setting))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TRACKBALL', Literal('1')),
        ('MOUSE_WHEEL_TILT_HORIZONTAL', Literal('1')),
        ('MOUSE_WHEEL_TILT_VERTICAL', Literal('1')),
        ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
        ('KEYBOARD_LED_NUMLOCK', Literal('0')),
        ('KEYBOARD_LED_CAPSLOCK', Literal('0')),
        ('ACCEL_MOUNT_MATRIX', mount_matrix),
    fixed_props = [
        Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
        for name, val in props
    kbd_props = [
        Regex(r'KEYBOARD_KEY_[0-9a-f]+')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -
        ('!' ^ (Optional('!') - Word(alphanums + '_')))('VALUE')
    abs_props = [
        Regex(r'EVDEV_ABS_[0-9a-f]{2}')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -
        Word(nums + ':')('VALUE')

    grammar = Or(fixed_props + kbd_props + abs_props) + EOL

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 32
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    model_props = [Regex(r'LIBINPUT_MODEL_[_0-9A-Z]+')('NAME')
                   - Suppress('=') -

    dimension = INTEGER('X') + Suppress('x') + INTEGER('Y')
    sz_props = (
            ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_SIZE_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
            ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_RESOLUTION_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
    size_props = [Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
                   for name, val in sz_props]

    grammar = Or(model_props + size_props);

    return grammar
def read_sets(string):
    >>> read_sets("{}")
    >>> read_sets("{1}")
    >>> read_sets("{{}, {}}")   # invalid, outer set contains two equal sets
    >>> read_sets("{{{1}, {2}}, {3}}")
    frozenset([frozenset([frozenset([2]), frozenset([1])]), frozenset([3])])
    >>> read_sets("{1, 2,3}")
    frozenset([1, 2, 3])
    >>> read_sets("{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}")
    frozenset([frozenset([1, 2]), frozenset([3, 4])])
    >>> read_sets("{a,b,c}")
    frozenset(['a', 'c', 'b'])
    >>> read_sets('[{1,2,3},{a,c,b}]')
    [frozenset([1, 2, 3]), frozenset(['a', 'c', 'b'])]
    >>> read_sets('{a}')
    >>> read_sets('{{x1,x2},{x3}}')
    frozenset([frozenset(['x2', 'x1']), frozenset(['x3'])])
    >>> read_sets('{{23gat,24gat}}')
    frozenset([frozenset(['23gat', '24gat'])])
    from pyparsing import nestedExpr, alphas, Word, nums, ParserElement, delimitedList
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" ,")
    element = Word(alphas + nums).setParseAction(parse_elem) 
    elements = delimitedList(element)
    setofsets = nestedExpr("{", "}", content=elements).setParseAction(lambda x: frozenset(x[0]))
    listofsets = nestedExpr("[", "]", content=setofsets)
    expr = setofsets | listofsets
    return expr.parseString(string).asList()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 34
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    model_props = [
        Regex(r'LIBINPUT_MODEL_[_0-9A-Z]+')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -

    dimension = INTEGER('X') + Suppress('x') + INTEGER('Y')
    sz_props = (
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_SIZE_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_RESOLUTION_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
    size_props = [
        Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
        for name, val in sz_props

    grammar = Or(model_props + size_props)

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 35
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    model_props = [
        Regex(r'LIBINPUT_MODEL_[_0-9A-Z]+')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -

    dimension = INTEGER('X') + Suppress('x') + INTEGER('Y')

    crange = INTEGER('X') + Suppress(':') + INTEGER('Y')
    vprops = (
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_SIZE_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_RESOLUTION_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_PRESSURE_RANGE', Group(crange('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_TOUCH_SIZE_RANGE', Group(crange('SETTINGS*'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_TPKBCOMBO_LAYOUT', Or(('below'))),
            ('reliable', 'write_open'))),
        ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_KEYBOARD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
    value_props = [
        Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
        for name, val in vprops

    tprops = (
    typed_props = [
        Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val for name, val in tprops

    grammar = Or(model_props + value_props + typed_props)

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 36
def ts_from_file(filename):
    """Loads a TS (possibly extended with state frequencies) in SIS format."""
        # definition of TS grammar
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t")
    id = Word(alphanums+"_\"':-")
    #place = Literal("p") + Word(nums)
    number = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda tokens: int(tokens[0]))
    newlines = Suppress(OneOrMore(LineEnd()))
    modelName = ".model" + id("modelName") + newlines
    signalNames = ZeroOrMore( Suppress(oneOf(".inputs .outputs .dummy")) + OneOrMore( id ) + newlines)("signals")
    arc = id + id + id + newlines
    graph = Literal(".state graph") + Suppress(OneOrMore(LineEnd())) + OneOrMore(Group(arc))("arcs")
    frequency_list = ZeroOrMore(Group(id+number)+newlines)
    frequency = ".frequencies" + Suppress(OneOrMore(LineEnd())) + frequency_list("frequencies")
    marking_list = ZeroOrMore(id)
    marking = ".marking"+Suppress("{") + marking_list("marking") + Suppress("}") + newlines
    ts_grammar = Optional(newlines) + Optional(modelName) + signalNames + graph + marking + Optional(frequency) + ".end"
        ast = ts_grammar.parseFile( filename )
    except ParseException, pe:
        print pe
        raise pe
Ejemplo n.º 37
def parser():
    global _parser
    if _parser is None:
        lbrack,rbrack,lbrace,rbrace,lparen,rparen,colon,qmark = map(Literal,"[]{}():?")

        reMacro = Combine("\\" + oneOf(list("dws")))
        escapedChar = ~reMacro + Combine("\\" + oneOf(list(printables)))
        reLiteralChar = "".join(c for c in printables if c not in r"\[]{}().*?+|") + " \t"

        reRange = Combine(lbrack + SkipTo(rbrack,ignore=escapedChar) + rbrack)
        reLiteral = ( escapedChar | oneOf(list(reLiteralChar)) )
        reNonCaptureGroup = Suppress("?:")
        reDot = Literal(".")
        repetition = (
            ( lbrace + Word(nums)("count") + rbrace ) |
            ( lbrace + Word(nums)("minCount")+","+ Word(nums)("maxCount") + rbrace ) |

        reTerm = ( reLiteral | reRange | reMacro | reDot | reNonCaptureGroup)
        reExpr = infixNotation( reTerm,
            (repetition, 1, opAssoc.LEFT, handleRepetition),
            (None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handleSequence),
            (Suppress('|'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, handleAlternative),
        _parser = reExpr
    return _parser
Ejemplo n.º 38
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    model_props = [Regex(r'LIBINPUT_MODEL_[_0-9A-Z]+')('NAME')
                   - Suppress('=') -

    dimension = INTEGER('X') + Suppress('x') + INTEGER('Y')
    sz_props = (
            ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_SIZE_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),
            ('LIBINPUT_ATTR_RESOLUTION_HINT', Group(dimension('SETTINGS*'))),

    size_props = [Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
                   for name, val in sz_props]

    reliability_tags = Or(('reliable', 'write_open'))
    reliability = [Literal('LIBINPUT_ATTR_LID_SWITCH_RELIABILITY')('NAME') -
                         Suppress('=') -

    tpkbcombo_tags = Or(('below'))
    tpkbcombo = [Literal('LIBINPUT_ATTR_TPKBCOMBO_LAYOUT')('NAME') -
                         Suppress('=') -

    pressure_range = INTEGER('X') + Suppress(':') + INTEGER('Y')
    pressure_prop = [ Literal('LIBINPUT_ATTR_PRESSURE_RANGE')('NAME') -
                      Suppress('=') -
                      Group(pressure_range('SETTINGS*')) ]

    grammar = Or(model_props + size_props + reliability + tpkbcombo +

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def __init__(self):

        # By default pyparsing collapses whitespace characters.
        # Markdown cares about whitespace containing double newlines, so we
        # can't collapse newlines.
        grammar = (self._parser_piece_is_image() + self._parser_piece_text() +

        def parse_action(_s, _l, toks):
            token = toks
            is_image = token.is_image
            title = token.title
            text = token.text
            destination = token.destination

            # Use self.scan_string not grammar.scan_string
            # so that parse actions attached to LinkParser fire for the nested
            # links, which seems desirable.
            text_links = tuple(self.scan_string(text))

            link = MarkdownLink(

            return ParseResults.from_dict({"link": link})



Ejemplo n.º 40
 def set_default_white_spaces():
     default = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
     ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def initialize(self):
     ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r')
     integer = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") \
         .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
     number = Regex(r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?") \
         .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ float(t[0]) ])
     color = Regex(r"#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})")
     angle = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \
         .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
     alpha = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \
         .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
     variable = Word(alphas, exact=1).setParseAction(self.addVar)
     colon = Literal(":").suppress()
     comma = Literal(",")
     lBrace = Literal("(")
     rBrace = Literal(")")
     lBracket = Literal("[")
     rBracket = Literal("]")
     lAngle = Literal("<")
     rAngle = Literal(">")
     plus = Literal("+")
     minus = Literal("-")
     FTerm = Literal("F")
     fTerm = Literal("f")
     ZTerm = Literal("Z")
     zTerm = Literal("z")
     xTerm = Literal("x")
     cTerm = Literal("c")
     eol = OneOrMore(LineEnd()).suppress()
     param = ( angle | color | "!" + number | "|" + number )
     self.pList = lBrace + param + ZeroOrMore(comma + param) + rBrace
     literal = ((lBracket + ( variable + Optional(self.pList) 
             | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList) ) + rBracket)
         | (variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) 
             | minus + Optional(self.pList)))
     terminal = (ZTerm | zTerm | FTerm | fTerm | xTerm | cTerm
         | plus | minus | lBracket | rBracket)
     lprod = ( 
         (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal))
         | (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable) 
         | (variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) 
         | variable )
     rProd = OneOrMore(literal | terminal)
     comment = Suppress((LineStart() + "#" + SkipTo(eol, include=True)))
     rules = ( 
         (lprod + Literal("=") + rProd + eol).setParseAction(self.addRule) \
         | comment )
     defaults = ( ( ("Dimensions" + colon + integer + comma + integer) 
         | ("Position" + colon + integer + comma + integer)
         | ("Iterations" + colon + integer)
         | ("Angle" + colon + angle)
         | ("Linelength" + colon + number)
         | ("Linewidth" + colon + number)
         | ("Linecolor" + colon + color)
         | ("Background" + colon + color)
         | ("Axiom" + colon + rProd) ) + eol ).setParseAction(self.setAttribute)
     header = ( defaults | comment )
     self.grammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(LineEnd())) \
         + ZeroOrMore(header) \
         + OneOrMore(rules)
         L = self.grammar.parseString( self.stream )
     except ParseException, err:
         print err.line
         print " "*(err.column-1) + "^"
         print err
Ejemplo n.º 42
def parser(text):
    cvtTuple = lambda toks: tuple(toks.asList())
    cvtRaw = lambda toks: RawString(' '.join(map(str, toks.asList())))
    #cvtDict = lambda toks: dict(toks.asList())
    cvtGlobDict = lambda toks: GlobDict(toks.asList())
    cvtDict = cvtGlobDict
    extractText = lambda s, l, t: RawString(s[t._original_start:t._original_end])

    def pythonize(toks):
        s = toks[0]
        if s == 'true':
            return True
        elif s == 'false':
            return False
        elif s == 'none':
            return [None]
        elif s.isdigit():
            return int(s)
        elif re.match('(?i)^-?(\d+\.?e\d+|\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)$', s):
            return float(s)
        return toks[0]

    def noneDefault(s, loc, t):
        return t if len(t) else [RawEOL]

    # define punctuation as suppressed literals
    lbrace, rbrace = map(Suppress, "{}")

    identifier = Word(printables, excludeChars='{}"\'')
    quotedStr = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', multiline=True) | \
                QuotedString('\'', escChar='\\', multiline=True)
    quotedIdentifier = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | \
                       QuotedString('\'', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False)
    dictStr = Forward()
    setStr = Forward()
    objStr = Forward()

    #anyIdentifier = identifier | quotedIdentifier
    oddIdentifier = identifier + quotedIdentifier
    dictKey = dictStr | quotedStr | \

    dictValue = quotedStr | dictStr | setStr | \

        dictKey |= Combine(identifier + ZeroOrMore(White(' ') + (identifier + ~FollowedBy(Optional(White(' ')) + LineEnd()))))
        dictValue |= identifier.setParseAction(pythonize)
        dictKey |= identifier
        dictValue |= delimitedList(identifier | quotedIdentifier, delim=White(' '), combine=True).setParseAction(pythonize)

    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
    #dictEntry = Group(Combine(OneOrMore(identifier | quotedIdentifier)).setParseAction(cvtRaw) +
    dictEntry = Group(dictKey +
                      Optional(White(' ').suppress() + dictValue).setParseAction(noneDefault) +
                      Optional(White(' ').suppress()) +
    #dictEntry = Group(SkipTo(dictKey + LineEnd() + dictKey))
    dictStr << (lbrace + ZeroOrMore(dictEntry) + rbrace)
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r\n')

    setEntry = identifier.setParseAction(pythonize) | quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
    setStr << (lbrace + delimitedList(setEntry, delim=White()) + rbrace)

    # TODO: take other literals as arguments
    blobObj = Group(((Literal('ltm') + Literal('rule') + identifier) | \
                     (Literal('rule') + identifier)).setParseAction(cvtRaw) +
                    originalTextFor(nestedExpr('{', '}')).setParseAction(extractText))

    objEntry = Group(OneOrMore(identifier | quotedIdentifier).setParseAction(cvtRaw) +
    objStr << (Optional(delimitedList(blobObj | objEntry, delim=LineEnd())))

    return objStr.parseString(text)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 43
def translate_cadp(cex, info):
    def pprint_init_agent(args):
        tid, iface = args[1], args[2][1:]
        agent = pprint_agent(info, tid)
        init = "".join(f"{agent}:\t{info.pprint_assign('I', int(k), v)}\n"
                       for k, v in enumerate(iface))
        if len(args) == 4:
            return init

        lstig = args[3][1:]
        init += "".join(
            f"{agent}:\t{info.pprint_assign('L', int(k), v[1])},{v[2]}\n"
            for k, v in enumerate(lstig))
        return init

    def pprint_init_env(args):
        return "".join(f"\t{info.pprint_assign('E', int(k), v)}\n"
                       for k, v in enumerate(args[1:]))

    lines = cex.split('\n')
    first_line = next(i + 1 for i, l in enumerate(lines)
                      if "<initial state>" in l)
    last_line = next(i for i, l in enumerate(lines[first_line:], first_line)
                     if "<goal state>" in l or "<deadlock>" in l)
    lines = [
        l[1:-1] for l in lines[first_line:last_line] if l and l[0] == '"'
    ]  # noqa: E501, E741

    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\n\x01\x02')
    BOOLEAN = (Keyword("TRUE").setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
               | Keyword("FALSE").setParseAction(replaceWith(False)))
    NAME = Word(alphanums)
    LPAR, RPAR = map(Suppress, "()")
    RECORD = Forward()
    OBJ = (ppc.number() | BOOLEAN | Group(RECORD))
    RECORD <<= (NAME + LPAR + delimitedList(OBJ) + RPAR)

    QUOTES = dblQuotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes)
    ASGN = NAME + ZeroOrMore(Suppress("!") + OBJ)
    MONITOR = (Keyword("MONITOR") + Suppress("!") + (BOOLEAN | QUOTES))
    STEP = ppc.number() | ASGN | MONITOR

    yield "<initialization>\n"

    for l in lines:  # noqa: E741
        if "invisible transition" in l:
            # skip internal moves
        elif "<deadlock>" in l:
            yield l
        step = STEP.parseString(l, parseAll=True)
        if step[0] == "ENDINIT":
            yield "<end initialization>\n"
        elif step[0] == "MONITOR" and step[1] == "deadlock":
            yield "<deadlock>\n"
        elif step[0] == "MONITOR":
            yield f"""<property {"satisfied" if step[1] else "violated"}>\n"""
        elif step[0] == "E":
            agent = pprint_agent(info, step[1])
            yield f"{step.asList()}"
            yield f"{agent}:\t{info.pprint_assign(*step[:3])}\n"
        elif step[0] == "ATTR":
            agent = pprint_agent(info, step[1])
            yield f"{agent}:\t{info.pprint_assign('I', *step[2:4])}\n"
        elif step[0] == "L":
            agent = pprint_agent(info, step[1])
            if len(step) > 4:
                # This was a stigmergic message sent from another agent
                yield f"{agent}:\t{info.pprint_assign('L', *step[2:4])}\t(from {pprint_agent(info, step[4])})\n"  # noqa: E501
                # This was an assignment from the agent itself
                yield f"{agent}:\t{info.pprint_assign('L', *step[2:4])}\n"
            yield f"<could not parse: {step}>\n"
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def parse(content, basedir=None, resolve=True):
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: If true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list
        def norm_string(value):
            for k, v in ConfigParser.REPLACEMENTS.items():
                value = value.replace(k, v)
            return value

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3:-3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = "\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring,
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '(")(?P<value>[^"]*)\\1(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
            ws = match.group('ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(token):
            url = None
            file = None
            if len(token) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = token[0].value if isinstance(
                    token[0], ConfigQuotedString) else token[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith(
                        "https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(token) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = token[1].value if isinstance(
                    token[1], ConfigQuotedString) else token[1]
                if token[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(url, resolve=False)

            if file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(path,

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        assign_expr = Forward()
        true_expr = Keyword("true",
        false_expr = Keyword("false",
        null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(
        key = QuotedString(
            '"', escChar='\\',
            unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- ')

        eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
        eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
        comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol | StringEnd())
        comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
        comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
        number_expr = Regex(
            '[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE]\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

        # multi line string using """
        # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
        multiline_string = Regex(
            re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
        # single quoted line string
        quoted_string = Regex('".*?"[ \t]*',
        # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
        # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
        # line1  \
        # line2 \
        # so a backslash precedes the \n
        unquoted_string = Regex('(?:\\\\|[^\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$])+[ \t]*'
        substitution_expr = Regex('[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(
        string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

        value_expr = number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

        include_expr = (Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() + (
            quoted_string | (
                (Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))) \

        root_dict_expr = Forward()
        dict_expr = Forward()
        list_expr = Forward()
        multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr
                                      | substitution_expr | dict_expr
                                      | list_expr | value_expr
                                      | (Literal('\\') - eol).suppress())
        # for a dictionary : or = is optional
        # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
        inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
            ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
        inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
            ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma),
        dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
        list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(
            list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

        # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
        assign_expr << Group(key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -
                             (dict_expr |
                              (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) -
                              ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -

        # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
        config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (
            list_expr | root_dict_expr
            | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
        config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]
        if resolve:
        return config
Ejemplo n.º 45
from pyparsing import ParseException, ParseSyntaxException, ParserElement
from pydbml.definitions.index import (index_type, index_setting,
                                      index_settings, subject,
                                      composite_index_syntax, index, indexes)
from unittest import TestCase

ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r')

class TestIndexType(TestCase):
    def test_correct(self):
        val = 'Type: BTREE'
        res = index_type.parseString(val, parseAll=True)
        self.assertEqual(res['type'], 'btree')
        val2 = 'type:\nhash'
        res2 = index_type.parseString(val2, parseAll=True)
        self.assertEqual(res2['type'], 'hash')

    def test_incorrect(self):
        val = 'type: wrong'
        with self.assertRaises(ParseSyntaxException):
            index_type.parseString(val, parseAll=True)

class TestIndexSetting(TestCase):
    def test_unique(self):
        val = 'unique'
        res = index_setting.parseString(val, parseAll=True)
        self.assertEqual(res['unique'], 'unique')
Ejemplo n.º 46
def braces_parser(text, opener=BLOB_OPENER, closer=BLOB_CLOSER):
    cvtTuple = lambda toks: tuple(toks.asList())  # @IgnorePep8
    cvtRaw = lambda toks: RawString(' '.join(map(str, toks.asList()))
                                    )  # @IgnorePep8
    cvtDict = lambda toks: GlobDict(toks.asList())  # @IgnorePep8
    extractText = lambda s, l, t: RawString(s[t._original_start:t._original_end
                                              ])  # @IgnorePep8

    def pythonize(toks):
        s = toks[0]
        if s == 'true':
            return True
        elif s == 'false':
            return False
        elif s == 'none':
            return [None]
        elif s.isdigit():
            return int(s)
        elif re.match('(?i)^-?(\d+\.?e\d+|\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)$', s):
            return float(s)
        return toks[0]

    def noneDefault(s, loc, t):
        return t if len(t) else [RawEOL]

    # define punctuation as suppressed literals
    lbrace, rbrace = map(Suppress, "{}")

    identifier = Word(printables, excludeChars='{}"\'')
    quotedStr = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', multiline=True) | \
        QuotedString('\'', escChar='\\', multiline=True)
    quotedIdentifier = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | \
        QuotedString('\'', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False)
    dictStr = Forward()
    setStr = Forward()
    objStr = Forward()

    oddIdentifier = identifier + quotedIdentifier
    dictKey = quotedIdentifier | \

    dictValue = quotedStr | dictStr | setStr | \

        dictKey |= Combine(identifier + ZeroOrMore(
            White(' ') +
            (identifier + ~FollowedBy(Optional(White(' ')) + LineEnd()))))
        dictValue |= identifier.setParseAction(pythonize)
        dictKey |= identifier
        dictValue |= Or([
            delimitedList(identifier | quotedIdentifier,
                          delim=White(' '),
                delimitedList(identifier | quotedIdentifier,
                              delim=White(' '),
                              combine=True) +
                    White(' ') + originalTextFor(nestedExpr('{', '}')).

    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
    dictEntry = Group(dictKey +
                      Optional(White(' ').suppress() +
                               dictValue).setParseAction(noneDefault) +
                      Optional(White(' ').suppress()) + LineEnd().suppress())
    dictStr << (lbrace + ZeroOrMore(dictEntry) + rbrace)
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r\n')

    setEntry = identifier.setParseAction(
        pythonize) | quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes) | dictStr
    setStr << (lbrace + delimitedList(setEntry, delim=White()) + rbrace)

    objEntry = dictStr.ignore(pythonStyleComment)
    objStr << delimitedList(objEntry, delim=LineEnd())

    return objStr.parseString(text)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def parse(cls, content, basedir=None, resolve=True, unresolved_value=DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION):
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :param unresolved_value: assigned value value to unresolved substitution.
        If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved value to the default value.
        If it is set to to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
        :type unresolved_value: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list

        unescape_pattern = re.compile(r'\\.')

        def replace_escape_sequence(match):
            value = match.group(0)
            return cls.REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)

        def norm_string(value):
            return unescape_pattern.sub(replace_escape_sequence, value)

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3: -3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n, 10)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = r"\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring, loc)
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '"(?P<value>(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*)"(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
            ws = match.group('ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(instring, loc, token):
            url = None
            file = None
            required = False

            if token[0] == 'required':
                required = True
                final_tokens = token[1:]
                final_tokens = token

            if len(final_tokens) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = final_tokens[0].value if isinstance(final_tokens[0], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith("https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(final_tokens) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = final_tokens[1].value if isinstance(token[1], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[1]
                if final_tokens[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(
            elif file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(
                raise ConfigException('No file or URL specified at: {loc}: {instring}', loc=loc, instring=instring)

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        assign_expr = Forward()
        true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
        false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(False))
        null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(NoneValue()))
        key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')

        eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
        eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
        comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol | StringEnd())
        comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
        comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
        number_expr = Regex(r'[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+\-]?\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

        # multi line string using """
        # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
        multiline_string = Regex('""".*?"*"""', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
        # single quoted line string
        quoted_string = Regex(r'"(?:[^"\\\n]|\\.)*"[ \t]*', re.UNICODE).setParseAction(create_quoted_string)
        # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
        # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
        # line1  \
        # line2 \
        # so a backslash precedes the \n
        unquoted_string = Regex(r'(?:[^^`+?!@*&"\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$\\]|\\.)+[ \t]*', re.UNICODE).setParseAction(unescape_string)
        substitution_expr = Regex(r'[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(create_substitution)
        string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

        value_expr = number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

        include_content = (quoted_string | ((Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))
        include_expr = (
            Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() + (
                include_content | (
                    Keyword("required") - Literal('(').suppress() - include_content - Literal(')').suppress()

        root_dict_expr = Forward()
        dict_expr = Forward()
        list_expr = Forward()
        multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | substitution_expr | dict_expr | list_expr | value_expr | (Literal(
            '\\') - eol).suppress())
        # for a dictionary : or = is optional
        # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
        inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
        inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma), root=True)
        dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
        list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

        # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
        assign_expr << Group(
            key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - (dict_expr | (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) - ZeroOrMore(
                comment_no_comma_eol) - ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr))

        # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
        config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (list_expr | root_dict_expr | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(
            comment_eol | eol_comma)
        config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]

        if resolve:
            allow_unresolved = resolve and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION
            has_unresolved = cls.resolve_substitutions(config, allow_unresolved)
            if has_unresolved and unresolved_value is MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION:
                raise ConfigSubstitutionException('resolve cannot be set to True and unresolved_value to MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION')

        if unresolved_value is not NO_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION:
            cls.unresolve_substitutions_to_value(config, unresolved_value)
        return config
Ejemplo n.º 48
# Copyright: 2019, NLnet Labs and the Internet.nl contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import ipaddress
from pyparsing import Word, Regex, White, Optional, ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore
from pyparsing import Group, CaselessLiteral, ParseException
from pyparsing import alphanums, alphas, nums, printables
from pyparsing import ParserElement, StringEnd, Combine

ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars('')  # Whitespace is in the grammar

# Parser for SPF records.
# The record is parsed based on section 12 (Collected ABNF) of RFC-7208.
# [ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7208#section-12 ]
# Most of the tokens have been combined together for easier access to the
# records parts.
# The terms can be found under <parsed_result>['terms'] if any.

def _parse_ipv6(tokens):
    Helper function to parse IPv6 addresses.

    match = str(tokens[0])
    ipv6 = None
        ipv6 = ipaddress.IPv6Address(match)
    except ipaddress.AddressValueError:
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def parse(content, basedir=None, resolve=True):
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: If true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list

        def norm_string(value):
            for k, v in ConfigParser.REPLACEMENTS.items():
                value = value.replace(k, v)
            return value

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3: -3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION = "\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>\s*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring, loc)
            return substitution

        def include_config(token):
            url = None
            file = None
            if len(token) == 1:  # include "test"
                if token[0].startswith("http://") or token[0].startswith("https://") or token[0].startswith("file://"):
                    url = token[0]
                    file = token[0]
            elif len(token) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                if token[0] == 'url':
                    url = token[1]
                    file = token[1]

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(url, resolve=False)

            if file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(path, required=False, resolve=False)

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        assign_expr = Forward()
        true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
        false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(False))
        null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith(None))
        key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + '._- ')

        eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
        eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
        comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol)
        comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
        comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
        number_expr = Regex('[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE]\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

        # multi line string using """
        # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
        multiline_string = Regex('""".*?"""', re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
        # single quoted line string
        quoted_string = QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\', multiline=True)
        # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
        # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
        # line1  \
        # line2 \
        # so a backslash precedes the \n
        unquoted_string = Regex(r'(\\[ \t]*[\r\n]|[^\[\{\n\r\]\}#,=\$])+?(?=($|\$|[ \t]*(//|[\}\],#\n\r])))',
        substitution_expr = Regex('[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(create_substitution)
        string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

        value_expr = number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

        include_expr = (Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() - (
            quoted_string | ((Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))) \

        dict_expr = Forward()
        list_expr = Forward()
        multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore((Literal(
            '\\') - eol).suppress() | comment_eol | include_expr | substitution_expr | dict_expr | list_expr | value_expr)
        # for a dictionary : or = is optional
        # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
        inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
        dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
        list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

        # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
        assign_expr << Group(
            key -
            ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -
            (dict_expr | Suppress(Literal('=') | Literal(':')) - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr))

        # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
        config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (list_expr | dict_expr | inside_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
        config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]
        if resolve:
        return config
Ejemplo n.º 50
def define_grammar():
    global grammar
    def removechar(s, removechar):
        # Returns string <s> having removed all occurrences of character <removechar> 
        return ''.join(s.split(removechar))
    def removechars(s, removechars):
        for c in removechars:
            s = removechar(s, c)
        return s

    # pyparsing's setResultsName() seems to have a bug: it names both a Group AND its children with the tag, which confuses us later when we traverse the tree
    # So instead, we use setParseAction() to manually create a special tag attribute
    # This can then be read from any x=ParseResults with x.storyelement (which will be the empty string if it doesn't exist)
    def setattr_choice(this):
    def setattr_varlookup(this):
    def setattr_varassign(this):
    def setattr_constassign(this):
    # Our Grammar...
    # Returns a pyparsing object
    one_expr = Forward()            # Exactly one expression (of any sort)
    one_or_more_expr = Forward()    # Compound expression (must have at least one expression)
    zero_or_more_expr = Forward()            # Compound expression (can have zero expressions)
    # Any expression which has to be forward-declared MUST then be assigned-to later using "<<" not "=" !!!
    # WARNING: You must put brackets after << otherwise the wrong thing happens. e.g. A << (B | C) without the brackets fails

    # Define allchars as all characters
    allchars = srange("[!-~]")              # All ASCII characters (same as "printables"?)
    allchars = "\t\n " + allchars           # And all whitespace chars

    # Bodytext is all characters which don't have special meaning
    bodychars = removechars(allchars, "[]{|}=<>$")   # Bodytext cannot contain special characters
    # Bodytext (meaning text we want to leave alone) is
    # anything consisting entirely of non-special characters
    bodytext = OneOrMore(Word(bodychars)).leaveWhitespace()    # and don't try to strip off any leading whitespace

    htmlchars = allchars
    htmlchars = removechars(htmlchars, ">")
    # HTML tags need to be left alone.
    htmltags = Literal("<") - ZeroOrMore(Word(htmlchars)).leaveWhitespace() - Literal(">")

    # A valid variable name starts with a letter
    varname_expr = Word(alphas,alphanums + '_')

    # A use of a variable looks like [varname]
    # varname can be computed, e.g. [{A|B}] is fine
    # but it can't be empty, e.g. []
    var_expr = Group(Literal("[") - one_or_more_expr - Literal("]")).setParseAction(setattr_varlookup)

    # A choice looks like {} or {A} or {A|B} etc.
    # (and of course A & B can be any expression at all, i.e. recursive)
    # and can include null entries e.g. {A|}
    choice_expr = (Group(Literal("{") - Group(Optional(one_or_more_expr,default=""))("firstargs") - ZeroOrMore(Literal("|").suppress() - Group(Optional(one_or_more_expr, default="")("subsargs"))) - Literal("}")).setParseAction(setattr_choice))
    # We use Optional(one_or_more_expr) rather than zero_or_more_expr because that way we can explicitly capture null expressions as choices
    # We use Group() around the subexpressions to ensure that if they are complex they don't get flattened (otherwise we'll end-up choosing from things that are just sub-lists)
    # There seems to be a but with SetResultsName() which causes both the Group and its children to both be named the same (meaning you can't tell when traversing the tree whether you are a choice group, or an element within a choice group).
    # So instead we just leave the {} brackets unsuppressed and use them as a label 

    # Setting a variable looks like [varname]={blah}
    setvar_expr = Group(var_expr + Literal("=") - choice_expr).setParseAction(setattr_varassign)
    # We use "+" (not "-") before Literal("=") because it IS legal for there to be a var_expr on it's own (i.e. when a var is used not set)

    # Using a constant looks like $const
    const_expr = Group(Literal("$") - varname_expr)

    # Setting a constant looks like $const={choice} or $const=[var]
    setconst_expr = Group(const_expr + Literal("=") - (choice_expr ^ var_expr)).setParseAction(setattr_constassign)
    # We use "+" (not "-") before Literal("=") because it IS legal when using rather than assigning a constant
    # Putting it all together.
    # Any earlier Forward-defined expressions must be assigned to using "<<" rather than "="
    # REMEMBER: You MUST put () around the whole RHS of << assignment, or the wrong thing happens
    one_expr << (setconst_expr | const_expr | setvar_expr | var_expr | choice_expr | htmltags | bodytext)
    # "|" is pyparsing's MatchFirst operator, so put bodytext at the end so it only gets matched if nothing else does
    # "^" is pyparsing's Or operator, which finds the longest match
    one_or_more_expr << (OneOrMore(one_expr))
    zero_or_more_expr << (ZeroOrMore(one_expr))
    zero_or_more_expr.validate() # Check for recursive loops (NOTE: Highly compute-intensive)

    final_expr = zero_or_more_expr + StringEnd()

    grammar = final_expr
Ejemplo n.º 51
def property_grammar():
    ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' ')

    dpi_setting = Group(
        Optional('*')('DEFAULT') + INTEGER('DPI') + Suppress('@') +
    mount_matrix_row = SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL + ',' + SIGNED_REAL
    mount_matrix = Group(mount_matrix_row + ';' + mount_matrix_row + ';' +
    xkb_setting = Optional(Word(alphanums + '+-/@._'))

    # Although this set doesn't cover all of characters in database entries, it's enough for test targets.
    name_literal = Word(printables + ' ')

    props = (
        ('MOUSE_DPI', Group(OneOrMore(dpi_setting))),
        ('ID_AUTOSUSPEND', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_PERSIST', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_ACCELEROMETER', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_KEY', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_KEYBOARD', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_MOUSE', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_POINTINGSTICK', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_SWITCH', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TABLET', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TABLET_PAD', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TRACKBALL', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_SIGNAL_ANALYZER', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
        ('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
        ('XKB_FIXED_LAYOUT', xkb_setting),
        ('XKB_FIXED_VARIANT', xkb_setting),
        ('XKB_FIXED_MODEL', xkb_setting),
        ('KEYBOARD_LED_NUMLOCK', Literal('0')),
        ('KEYBOARD_LED_CAPSLOCK', Literal('0')),
        ('ACCEL_MOUNT_MATRIX', mount_matrix),
        ('ACCEL_LOCATION', Or(('display', 'base'))),
        ('IEEE1394_UNIT_FUNCTION_MIDI', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('IEEE1394_UNIT_FUNCTION_AUDIO', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('IEEE1394_UNIT_FUNCTION_VIDEO', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE', name_literal),
        ('ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE', name_literal),
        ('ID_TAG_MASTER_OF_SEAT', Literal('1')),
        ('ID_INFRARED_CAMERA', Or((Literal('0'), Literal('1')))),
        ('ID_CAMERA_DIRECTION', Or(('front', 'rear'))),
    fixed_props = [
        Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
        for name, val in props
    kbd_props = [
        Regex(r'KEYBOARD_KEY_[0-9a-f]+')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -
        ('!' ^ (Optional('!') - Word(alphanums + '_')))('VALUE')
    abs_props = [
        Regex(r'EVDEV_ABS_[0-9a-f]{2}')('NAME') - Suppress('=') -
        Word(nums + ':')('VALUE')

    grammar = Or(fixed_props + kbd_props + abs_props) + EOL

    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 52
 b) larger, then new code block will open
        appropriate { character will be generated
 c) smaller, then as many code blocks will close as matches the history of increasing in the indent stack
        ; will be added to the previous non-empty code line (if there isn't one already)
        + appropriate } character(s) will be generated

4) Where new code block starts after the word 'function', new variable scope opens.
   All variables from assignments and the controlling variable of 'for' cycle will be auto-declared as var.
   To prevent this behavior for single variable(s) use: global var1 [, var2, .., varN]  // global doesn't go to the output
   To prevent this behavior completly, set: declare_variables = False

import sys
from pyparsing import ParserElement, Word, CharsNotIn, cppStyleComment, QuotedString, Optional, Keyword, alphas, alphanums

ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars('')   # whitespace is important

# ciderscript
tab_spaces = 4               # tab's will be expand to <tab_spaces> spaces (only in the whitespace before the code)
continuation_min_indent = 6  # minimal increment of indent to see the line as continuation line (5+ is always recommended)

# javascript
declare_variables = True     # will declare as 'var ..' all variables not listed in 'global ..'
jsindent = 4                 # number of spaces for javascript indentation step
continuation_shift = 8       # minimum shift of the continuation line in js relative to the significant indentation
                             # if source indentation shift (compared to indent_len) is greater than this, greater value is used

unicodePrintables = u''.join(unichr(c) for c in xrange(65536)
                                        if not unichr(c).isspace())
Ejemplo n.º 53
continuation_drift = 8    # minimum shift of the continuation line in js relative to the significant indentation
                          # if source indentation shift (compared to indent_len) is greater than this, greater value is used

gr = Word(alphanums)
>>> src = 'a bb ccc'
>>> for match, start, stop in gr.scanString(src):
  print(match, start, stop)

unicodePrintables = u''.join(unichr(c) for c in xrange(65536)
                                        if not unichr(c).isspace())
>>> x=unicode('č')
>>> x.isalnum()

from pyparsing import ParserElement
lineBreak = Word('\r\n', exact=2) | Word('\n', exact=1)
quotedString = QuotedString('"', unquoteResults=False) | QuotedString("'", unquoteResults=False) | QuotedString('`', multiline=True, unquoteResults=False)
parseRules = cppStyleComment() | quotedString | lineBreak | CharsNotIn('"\'`/\r\n')

def javascript(ciderscript):
    """compiles from cjs to js"""
    context = {'js_indent_level': 0,        # current indentation level
               'indent_stack': [],          # stack of source indents, which is tuple (chars, scope) where
                                                # chars .. number of added spaces in this block begin,
                                                # scope .. =lineNo+1 for started function, 0 otherwise
               'indent_len': 0,             # current indent length (length of joined indent_stack)
               'multiline_comment': False,  # are we inside the multiline comment /*..*/ ?
               'multiline_string': False,   # are we inside the multiline string `..` ?
Ejemplo n.º 54
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Atomic components; probably shouldn't use these directly"""
import string

from pyparsing import Optional, ParserElement, Regex, Suppress, Word
from six.moves.html_parser import HTMLParser

from regparser.grammar.utils import Marker, SuffixMarker, WordBoundaries

# Set whitespace for all parsing; include unicode whitespace chars
    string.whitespace +

lower_p = (Suppress("(") +
           Regex(r"[ivx]{1}|[a-hj-uwyz]{1,2}").setResultsName("p1") +
digit_p = (Suppress("(") + Word(string.digits).setResultsName("p2") +
roman_p = (Suppress("(") + Word("ivxlcdm").setResultsName("p3") +
upper_p = (Suppress("(") + Word(string.ascii_uppercase).setResultsName("p4") +

em_digit_p = (Suppress(Regex(r"\(<E[^>]*>")) +
              Word(string.digits).setResultsName("p5") + Suppress("</E>)"))
em_roman_p = (Suppress(Regex(r"\(<E[^>]*>")) +
              Word("ivxlcdm").setResultsName("p5") + Suppress("</E>)"))

# Allow a plaintext version of italic paragraph markers
plaintext_level5_p = (Suppress("(") +
Ejemplo n.º 55
# A TAP output line may also indicate abort of the test suit with the line:
#   Bail out!
# optionally followed by a reason for bailing
# Copyright 2008, by Paul McGuire

from pyparsing import ParserElement,LineEnd,Optional,Word,nums,Regex,\

__all__ = ['tapOutputParser', 'TAPTest', 'TAPSummary']

# newlines are significant whitespace, so set default skippable
# whitespace to just spaces and tabs
ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t")
NL = LineEnd().suppress()

integer = Word(nums)
plan = '1..' + integer("ubound")

OK,NOT_OK = map(Literal,['ok','not ok'])
testStatus = (OK | NOT_OK)

description = Regex("[^#\n]+")
description.setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].lstrip('- '))

TODO,SKIP = map(CaselessLiteral,'TODO SKIP'.split())
directive = Group(Suppress('#') + (TODO + restOfLine | 
    FollowedBy(SKIP) + 
        restOfLine.copy().setParseAction(lambda t:['SKIP',t[0]]) ))
Ejemplo n.º 56
from pyparsing import (Optional, ZeroOrMore, Literal, ParserElement,
                       ParseException, Suppress, FollowedBy, LineEnd)

from rdflib.query import Result, ResultParser

from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parser import (Var, STRING_LITERAL1,
                                          STRING_LITERAL2, IRIREF,
                                          BLANK_NODE_LABEL, NumericLiteral,
                                          BooleanLiteral, LANGTAG)
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils import Comp, Param, CompValue

from rdflib import Literal as RDFLiteral

from rdflib.py3compat import bytestype

ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \n")


    Param('string', String) + Optional(
        Param('lang', LANGTAG.leaveWhitespace())
        | Literal('^^').leaveWhitespace() +
        Param('datatype', IRIREF).leaveWhitespace()))

NONE_VALUE = object()

EMPTY = FollowedBy(LineEnd()) | FollowedBy("\t")
EMPTY.setParseAction(lambda x: NONE_VALUE)
Ejemplo n.º 57
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Atomic components; probably shouldn't use these directly"""
import string

from pyparsing import Optional, ParserElement, Regex, Suppress, Word
from six.moves.html_parser import HTMLParser

from regparser.grammar.utils import Marker, SuffixMarker, WordBoundaries

# Set whitespace for all parsing; include unicode whitespace chars
    string.whitespace +

lower_p = (
    Suppress("(") +
    Regex(r"[ivx]{1}|[a-hj-uwyz]{1,2}").setResultsName("p1") +
digit_p = (
    Suppress("(") +
    Word(string.digits).setResultsName("p2") +
roman_p = (
    Suppress("(") +
    Word("ivxlcdm").setResultsName("p3") +
upper_p = (
    Suppress("(") +
    Word(string.ascii_uppercase).setResultsName("p4") +
Ejemplo n.º 58
def create_grammar(container_ids, secret_ids):
    """ Create the grammar for the editfile """
    from pyparsing import (nums, alphas, lineEnd, stringEnd,
                            OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, SkipTo, Optional, And,
                            Word, CharsNotIn, Empty, QuotedString, Literal,
                            Suppress, Group, Combine, originalTextFor, Forward,
    # Read from bottom to top
    whiteSpaceChars = ' \t'
    word = Empty() + CharsNotIn(whiteSpaceChars + '\n')
    quotedString = QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\').setParseAction(
                        # NOTE the second replace is a work-around for
                        #      pyparsing bug #68.
                        #       https://sourceforge.net/p/pyparsing/bugs/68/
                        lambda s,l,t: t[0].replace("\\n", "\n").replace(
                                                   "\\\\", "\\"))
    def secretIdNumberParseAction(s, loc, tokens):
        v = int(tokens[0])
        if not v in secret_ids:
            raise ParseException(s, loc, "Not a valid secret id")
        return v
    secretIdNumber = Word(nums).setParseAction(secretIdNumberParseAction)
    def containerIdParseAction(s, loc, tokens):
        v = int(tokens[0])
        if not v in container_ids:
            raise ParseException(s, loc, "Not a valid container id")
        return v
    containerId = Word(nums).setParseAction(containerIdParseAction)
    key = quotedString | word
    secretString = ~Literal('#') + (quotedString | word)
    secretId = Suppress('#') + secretIdNumber
    secret = secretString | secretId
    note = quotedString | originalTextFor(OneOrMore(word))
    containerKeyword = Suppress('CONTAINER')
    entry = (~containerKeyword + Group(key - secret - Optional(note))
                - Suppress(lineEnd))
    comment = Suppress(lineEnd | '#' + SkipTo(lineEnd))
    line = comment | entry
    containerLine = containerKeyword + containerId + comment
    # Instead of the following recursive grammar, we could have simply used
    #     containerBlock = ZeroOrMore(comment) + Group(containerLine
    #                                                + Group(OneOrMore(line)))
    #     multipleContainers = OneOrMore(containerBlock)
    # but then any parsing error in line will result in a "expected stringEnd"
    # or "expected CONTAINER".
    _multipleContainers_head = Forward()
    _multipleContainers_body = Forward()
    _multipleContainers_head << (stringEnd | comment + _multipleContainers_head
                    | containerLine + _multipleContainers_body)
    _multipleContainers_body << (stringEnd
                    | (containerLine | line) + _multipleContainers_body)
    _multipleContainers_entry = And([entry])
    multipleContainers = And([_multipleContainers_head]) # TODO ibidem below
    containerLine.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [[None, t[0]]])
    def multipleContainersParseAction(s, loc, tokens):
        curEntries = []
        curId = None
        ret = []
        for t in tuple(tokens) + ((None, None),):
            if t[0] is not None:
                assert curId is not None
            if curId is not None:
                ret.append([curId, curEntries])
            curId = t[1]
            curEntries = []
        return ret
    oneContainer = ZeroOrMore(line) + stringEnd
    oneContainer.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [[None, t]])
    grammar = multipleContainers | oneContainer
    return grammar
Ejemplo n.º 59
 def set_default_white_spaces():
     default = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
     ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')