Ejemplo n.º 1
    def parse_grd_file(self):
        global __line

            f = open(self.grd_file, 'r')

        for j in range(0, 6):
            __line = f.next()

        (self.nx, self.ny) = map(int, __line.split())

        print "Grid file %s (%d, %d)" % (self.grd_file, self.nx, self.ny)


        floatNumber = Regex(r'-?\d+(\.\d*)?([eE][\+-]\d+)?').setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [float(t[0])])
        integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [long(t[0])])
        grdline = Suppress('ETA=') + Suppress(integer) + OneOrMore(floatNumber)

        for a in grdline.searchString(file(self.grd_file).read()):
            if len(self.x) < self.ny:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def init_parser(self):

        INTEGER = Word(nums)
        INTEGER.setParseAction(lambda x: int(x[0]))

        header = INTEGER("species_count") + INTEGER("sequence_length") +\

        sequence_name = Word(
            alphas + nums + "!#$%&\'*+-./;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~",

        # Take a copy and disallow line breaks in the bases
        bases = self.BASES.copy()
        bases.setWhitespaceChars(" \t")
        seq_start = sequence_name("species") + bases(
            "sequence") + Suppress(LineEnd())
        seq_start_block = OneOrMore(seq_start)

        seq_continue = bases("sequence") + Suppress(LineEnd())

        seq_continue_block = Suppress(LineEnd()) + OneOrMore(seq_continue)

        return header + seq_start_block + ZeroOrMore(seq_continue_block)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parse(self, header):
        comment = self._comment()
        quoted = quotedString.copy().setParseAction(removeQuotes)
        string = quoted | Word(printables,  excludeChars='{},%')
        enum_value = quotedString | Word(printables,  excludeChars='{},%')

        relation = (Suppress(CaselessLiteral("@relation")) +
                    Optional(restOfLine, default='default_name')('rel_name').setParseAction(lambda t: t.rel_name.strip()))
        relation_part = ZeroOrMore(comment) + relation + ZeroOrMore(comment)
        nominal = (Empty().copy().setParseAction(lambda t: self.ENUM) +
                   Suppress(Literal("{")) +
                   Group(delimitedList(enum_value, delim=self._separator))("next_arg").setParseAction(self.get_values) +

        date = CaselessLiteral("date") + Optional(CharsNotIn("{},\n"))("next_arg").setParseAction(self._adapt_date_format)
        attributes_part = Forward()
        relational = CaselessLiteral("relational") + attributes_part + Suppress(CaselessLiteral("@end")) + string
        attr_type = (CaselessLiteral("numeric") | CaselessLiteral("string") | nominal | date | relational)("attr_type")
        attribute = Suppress(CaselessLiteral("@attribute")) + (string.copy())("attr_name") + attr_type
        attribute_line = comment | attribute
        attributes_part << (Group(OneOrMore(attribute_line)))("children")
        data_part = (CaselessLiteral("@data"))("data_start").setParseAction(lambda s, p, k: (lineno(p, s)))
        arff_header = relation_part + attributes_part + data_part

            result = arff_header.parseString(header, parseAll=True)
        except ParseException as e:
            raise HeaderError(FileType.ARFF, e.lineno, e.col, e.line, e)

        self._relation_name = result.rel_name
        self._data_start = result.data_start
        self._index = 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def parse(date_string):
        # Parser for individual dates
        days_of_week = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday',
                        'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
        suffixes = Literal('nd') | Literal('rd') | Literal('st') | Literal('th')

        day_of_month = Group(Word(nums) + Suppress(Optional(suffixes))).setResultsName('day')

        single_date = Optional(DateParser._build_literal(days_of_week)).setResultsName('dow') + day_of_month + \
                      Optional(DateParser._build_literal(LONG_MONTHS + SHORT_MONTHS)).setResultsName('month') + \

        # Parser for date ranges
        date_range_separators = DateParser._build_literal(['-', 'until', 'to'])
        date_range = Suppress(Optional('From')) + single_date.setResultsName('start_date') + \
                            Suppress(date_range_separators) + single_date.setResultsName('end_date')

        date_parser = (date_range | single_date) + stringEnd

        result = date_parser.parseString(date_string)

        return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
   filename = sys.argv[1]
   source = open(filename).read()
   commentFilter = Suppress( javaStyleComment ).ignore( dblQuotedString )
   source = commentFilter.transformString(source)
   source = source.replace('\r\n', '\n')
   source = source.replace('\r', '')
   for m in re.finditer('#pragma[ \t][ \t]*pskel.*\n', source):
      pragma = m.group(0)
      begin = m.start(0)
      end = m.end(0)+1
      while pragma.strip()[-1]=='\\':
         pragma = pragma.strip()[:-1].strip()
         tmp = ''
         while source[end]!='\n':
            tmp += source[end]
            end += 1
         pragma += ' '+tmp.strip()
         end += 1
      pragma = pragma.strip()
      print begin, end
      print pragma
      #print source[begin:end]
      pinfo = parsePragma(pragma)
      print pinfo
      fcall = readFuncCall(source,end)
      print fcall
      kfunc = findFunctionDef(source,fcall[0])
      print source[fcall[2]:fcall[3]]
      mainf = readOutterFunction(source, begin)
      #print mainf
      fcall_name = '_pskelcc_stencil_'+str(fcall[2])+'_'+str(fcall[3])
      tmainf = mainf['src'].replace(source[begin:end],'\n').replace(source[fcall[2]:fcall[3]],fcall_name+'();')
      print tmainf
      parser = c_parser.CParser()
      ast = parser.parse(tmainf)
      pgen = PSkelGenerator(pinfo,fcall_name)
      new_mainf = pgen.visit(ast)
      parser = c_parser.CParser()
      ast = parser.parse(kfunc['src'])
      pgen = PSkelKernelGenerator(pinfo)
      new_kfunc = pgen.visit(ast)
      f = open(sys.argv[2],'w')
      f.write('#define PSKEL_OMP\n')
      if pinfo['device']=='gpu':
         f.write('#define PSKEL_CUDA\n')
#include "include/PSkel.h"
using namespace PSkel;\n\n''')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getEbnfParser(symbols):
    """ Returns an EBNF parser for the command language. """
    identifier = Word(alphas + '_', alphanums + '_')
    string = quotedString.setParseAction(
        lambda t: symbols.append((t[0][1:-1], TokenType.StrLit))
    integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(
        lambda t: symbols.append((int(t[0]), TokenType.NumLit))
    var = Suppress("$") + identifier
        lambda t: symbols.append((t[0], TokenType.Var))
    literal = var | string | integer
    fnid = Suppress(Optional(".")) + identifier
        lambda t: symbols.append((t[0], TokenType.Call))
    call = Forward()
    callb = fnid + ZeroOrMore(call | literal)
    call << ((Suppress("(") + callb + Suppress(")")) | callb)
    fndef_head = Suppress("let") + identifier
        lambda t: symbols.append((t[0], TokenType.Def))
    definition = fndef_head + ZeroOrMore(var) + Suppress("=") + call
    cmd = OneOrMore((definition | call) + Word(";").setParseAction(
        lambda t: symbols.append((t[0], TokenType.End))
    msg = OneOrMore(cmd)
    return msg
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def setup(self):
        # some expressions that will be reused
        units = []
        for unit in time_units:
        units = get_match_first(units)
        units = units.setResultsName("unit")
        units.setParseAction(lambda s, l, tok: time_units[tok[0]])

        multiplier = Word(nums)
        multiplier = multiplier.setResultsName("multiply")

        adder = []
        for add in add_modifiers:
        adder = get_match_first(adder)
        adder = adder.setResultsName("add")
        modifier = (multiplier | adder)  # + FollowedBy(units)

        # ago
        # e.g 5 days ago
        ago = Optional(modifier) + units + Suppress(Word("ago"))

        # time range
        # e.g in the lat 10 days
        time_range = Suppress(Optional(
            CL("in the"))) + \
            Suppress(Word("last") |
                     Word("past")) + \
            Optional(modifier) + \

        # special keyword handling
        # e.g yesterday
        # only handles yesterday right now, maybe need to be modified to do
        # more
        special_expr = []
        for expr in special:
                    lambda s, l, tok: special[tok[0]]))
        special_expr = get_match_first(special_expr)
        special_expr = special_expr.setResultsName("unit")

        parser = (special_expr | ago | time_range)

        return parser
def parse_table(attribute, string):
    Line = OneOrMore(Float)('data') + Literal(';') + Optional(Comments, default='')('name')
    Grammar = Suppress(Keyword('mpc.{}'.format(attribute)) + Keyword('=') + Keyword('[') + Optional(Comments)) + OneOrMore(Group(Line)) + Suppress(Keyword(']') + Optional(Comments))

    result, i, j = Grammar.scanString(string).next()

    _list = list()
    for r in result:
        _list.append([int_else_float_except_string(s) for s in r['data'].asList()])

    return _list
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def parse_puppetfile_forge_mods(cls, file_contents):
        mod_kwargs = {}
        quotedString = QuotedString('"') ^ QuotedString('\'')

        forge_url_grammar = Suppress('forge') + quotedString
        for url, in forge_url_grammar.searchString(file_contents):
            mod_kwargs['forge_url'] = url

        mod_grammar = Suppress('mod') + quotedString + Suppress(',') + quotedString
        mods = mod_grammar.searchString(file_contents)
        for mod, version in mods:
            user, mod_name = mod.split('/')
            yield cls(user, mod_name, version, **mod_kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        self.ALPHA_LABEL = Regex(r'alpha\[\d+\]:')
        self.LNL_LABEL = Literal('Final GAMMA-based Score of best tree')
        self.FRQ_LABEL = Regex(r'Base frequencies: (?=\d+)') ^ Regex(r'ML estimate base freqs\[\d+\]:')
        self.NAMES_LABEL = Regex(r'Partition: \d+ with name:\s+')
        self.RATES_LABEL = Regex(r'rates\[\d+\].+?:')
        self.MODEL_LABEL = Literal('Substitution Matrix:')
        self.alpha = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(self.ALPHA_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.ALPHA_LABEL) + FLOAT)
        self.lnl = Suppress(SkipTo(self.LNL_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.LNL_LABEL) + FLOAT
        self.frq = OneOrMore(Group(Suppress(SkipTo(self.FRQ_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.FRQ_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT)))
        self.names = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(self.NAMES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.NAMES_LABEL) + CharsNotIn('\n') + Suppress(LineEnd()))
        self.rates = OneOrMore(Group(Suppress(SkipTo(self.RATES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.RATES_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT)))
        self.model = Suppress(SkipTo(self.MODEL_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.MODEL_LABEL) + WORD

        MODEL_LABEL = Literal('Substitution Matrix:')
        SCORE_LABEL = Literal('Final GAMMA  likelihood:')
        DESC_LABEL = Literal('Model Parameters of Partition')
        NAME_LEADIN = Literal(', Name:')
        DATATYPE_LEADIN = Literal(', Type of Data:')
        ALPHA_LEADIN = Literal('alpha:')
        TREELENGTH_LEADIN = Literal('Tree-Length:')
        RATES_LABEL = Regex(r'rate \w <-> \w:')
        FREQS_LABEL = Regex(r'freq pi\(\w\):')
        BEST_LEADIN = Literal('Starting final GAMMA-based thorough Optimization on tree ')
        PARTITION_LEADIN = Literal('Partition:')
        INFERENCE_LEADIN = Literal('Inference[')

        model = Suppress(SkipTo(MODEL_LABEL)) + Suppress(MODEL_LABEL) + WORD
        likelihood = Suppress(SkipTo(SCORE_LABEL)) + Suppress(SCORE_LABEL) + FLOAT
        description = (Suppress(SkipTo(DESC_LABEL)) +
                       Suppress(DESC_LABEL) + INT +
                       Suppress(NAME_LEADIN) +
                       SPACEDWORD +
                       Suppress(DATATYPE_LEADIN) +
        alpha = Suppress(ALPHA_LEADIN) + FLOAT
        rates = Suppress(RATES_LABEL) + FLOAT
        freqs = Suppress(FREQS_LABEL) + FLOAT
        self.partition = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(PARTITION_LEADIN)) + Suppress(PARTITION_LEADIN) + INT)
        self.inference = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(INFERENCE_LEADIN)) + Suppress(INFERENCE_LEADIN) + INT)
        self.best = Suppress(SkipTo(BEST_LEADIN)) + Suppress(BEST_LEADIN) + INT

        self._dash_f_e_parser = (Group(OneOrMore(model)) +
                                 likelihood +
                                 Group(OneOrMore(Group(description +
                                                       alpha +
                                                       Suppress(TREELENGTH_LEADIN) +
                                                       Suppress(FLOAT) +
                                                       Group(OneOrMore(rates)) +
Ejemplo n.º 11
def parser():
    global _parser
    if _parser is None:
        lbrack = Literal("[")
        rbrack = Literal("]")
        lbrace = Literal("{")
        rbrace = Literal("}")
        lparen = Literal("(")
        rparen = Literal(")")
        reMacro = Suppress("\\") + oneOf(list("dwsZ"))
        escapedChar = ~reMacro + Combine("\\" + oneOf(list(printables)))
        reLiteralChar = "".join(c for c in string.printable if c not in r"\[]{}().*?+|")

        reRange = Combine(lbrack.suppress() + SkipTo(rbrack,ignore=escapedChar) + rbrack.suppress())
        reLiteral = ( escapedChar | oneOf(list(reLiteralChar)) )
        reDot = Literal(".")
        repetition = (
            ( lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("count") + rbrace ) |
            ( lbrace + Word(nums).setResultsName("minCount")+","+ Word(nums).setResultsName("maxCount") + rbrace ) |
        reExpr = Forward()
        reGroup = (lparen.suppress() +
                   Optional(Literal("?").suppress() + oneOf(list(":P"))).setResultsName("option") +
                   reExpr.setResultsName("expr") +

        reTerm = ( reLiteral | reRange | reMacro | reDot | reGroup )
        reExpr << operatorPrecedence( reTerm,
            (repetition, 1, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Repetition)),
            (None, 2, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Sequence)),
            (Suppress('|'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT, create(Alternation)),

        _parser = reExpr
    return _parser
Ejemplo n.º 12
def songs_pyparsing(fh):
    >>> import os
    >>> filename = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    >>> filename = os.path.join(filename, "data/Various-Pop.m3u")
    >>> with open(filename, "rt", encoding="utf8") as fh:
    ...     songs = songs_pyparsing(fh)
    >>> songs[0].title, songs[0].seconds, songs[0].filename
    ('Various - Two Tribes', 236, 'Various\\Frankie Goes To Hollywood\\02-Two Tribes.ogg')
    >>> songs[-1].title, songs[-1].seconds, songs[-1].filename
    ('The Police - Walking On The Moon', 303, 'Various\\Sting & The Police 1997\\06-Walking On The Moon.ogg')
    >>> lines = []
    >>> lines.append("#EXTM3U")
    >>> lines.append("#EXTINF:140,The Beatles - Love Me Do")
    >>> lines.append("Beatles\\Greatest Hits\\01-Love Me Do.ogg")
    >>> lines.append("#EXTINF:-1,The Beatles - From Me To You")
    >>> lines.append("Beatles\\Greatest Hits\\02-From Me To You.ogg")
    >>> import io
    >>> data = io.StringIO("\n".join(lines))
    >>> songs = songs_ply(data)
    >>> len(songs) == 2
    >>> songs[0].title, songs[0].seconds
    ('The Beatles - Love Me Do', 140)
    >>> songs[1].title, songs[1].seconds
    ('The Beatles - From Me To You', -1)

    def add_song(tokens):
        songs.append(Song(tokens.title, tokens.seconds,

    songs = []
    title = restOfLine("title")
    filename = restOfLine("filename")
    seconds = Combine(Optional("-") + Word(nums)).setParseAction(
            lambda tokens: int(tokens[0]))("seconds")
    info = Suppress("#EXTINF:") + seconds + Suppress(",") + title
    entry = info + LineEnd() + filename + LineEnd()
    parser = Suppress("#EXTM3U") + OneOrMore(entry)
    except ParseException as err:
        print("parse error: {0}".format(err))
        return []
    return songs
Ejemplo n.º 13
def parse_issue(issue):
    """Given an issue, return data that needs saving"""
    from pyparsing import Word, Suppress, Literal, OneOrMore, Optional, nums, printables
    sprint = (Literal('Sprint') | Literal('sprint')) + Word(nums)
    points = Suppress(Literal('(')) + Word(nums) + Suppress(Literal(')'))
    deadline = Suppress(Literal('<')) + Word(nums)
    name = OneOrMore(Word(printables))
    title = Optional(sprint).setResultsName("sprint") + \
            Optional(name).setResultsName("name") + \
            Optional(deadline).setResultsName("deadline") + \
        _, r = title.parseString(issue['title'])
        print r
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self):
        self.ALPHA_LABEL = Regex(r"alpha\[\d+\]:")
        self.LNL_LABEL = Literal("Final GAMMA-based Score of best tree")
        self.FRQ_LABEL = Regex(r"Base frequencies: (?=\d+)") ^ Regex(r"ML estimate base freqs\[\d+\]:")
        self.NAMES_LABEL = Regex(r"Partition: \d+ with name:\s+")
        self.RATES_LABEL = Regex(r"rates\[\d+\].+?:")
        self.MODEL_LABEL = Literal("Substitution Matrix:")
        self.alpha = OneOrMore(Suppress(SkipTo(self.ALPHA_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.ALPHA_LABEL) + FLOAT)
        self.lnl = Suppress(SkipTo(self.LNL_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.LNL_LABEL) + FLOAT
        self.frq = OneOrMore(Group(Suppress(SkipTo(self.FRQ_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.FRQ_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT)))
        self.names = OneOrMore(
            Suppress(SkipTo(self.NAMES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.NAMES_LABEL) + CharsNotIn("\n") + Suppress(LineEnd())
        self.rates = OneOrMore(
            Group(Suppress(SkipTo(self.RATES_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.RATES_LABEL) + OneOrMore(FLOAT))
        self.model = Suppress(SkipTo(self.MODEL_LABEL)) + Suppress(self.MODEL_LABEL) + WORD

        MODEL_LABEL = Literal("Substitution Matrix:")
        SCORE_LABEL = Literal("Final GAMMA  likelihood:")
        DESC_LABEL = Literal("Model Parameters of Partition")
        NAME_LEADIN = Literal(", Name:")
        DATATYPE_LEADIN = Literal(", Type of Data:")
        ALPHA_LEADIN = Literal("alpha:")
        TREELENGTH_LEADIN = Literal("Tree-Length:")
        RATES_LABEL = Regex(r"rate \w <-> \w:")
        FREQS_LABEL = Regex(r"freq pi\(\w\):")

        model = Suppress(SkipTo(MODEL_LABEL)) + Suppress(MODEL_LABEL) + WORD
        likelihood = Suppress(SkipTo(SCORE_LABEL)) + Suppress(SCORE_LABEL) + FLOAT
        description = (
            + Suppress(DESC_LABEL)
            + INT
            + Suppress(NAME_LEADIN)
            + SPACEDWORD
            + Suppress(DATATYPE_LEADIN)
            + WORD
        alpha = Suppress(ALPHA_LEADIN) + FLOAT
        rates = Suppress(RATES_LABEL) + FLOAT
        freqs = Suppress(FREQS_LABEL) + FLOAT

        self._dash_f_e_parser = (
            + likelihood
            + Group(
                        + alpha
                        + Suppress(TREELENGTH_LEADIN)
                        + Suppress(FLOAT)
                        + Group(OneOrMore(rates))
                        + Group(OneOrMore(freqs))
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def fromString(inputText, verbose=False):
		if verbose: print 'Verbose:', verbose
		text = nestedExpr("/*", "*/").suppress().transformString(inputText)

		semicolon = Suppress(Word(";"))
		quote     = Suppress(Word("\""))
		op        = Suppress(Word("{"))
		cl        = Suppress(Word("}"))
		opp       = Suppress(Word("("))
		clp       = Suppress(Word(")"))
		lt       = Suppress(Word("<"))
		gt       = Suppress(Word(">"))
		identifier     = Word(alphas+"_",alphanums+"_")
		typeIdentifier = Word(alphas+"_",alphanums+"_:")

		## Imports
		idslImport  = Suppress(Word("import")) + quote +  CharsNotIn("\";").setResultsName('path') + quote + semicolon
		idslImports = ZeroOrMore(idslImport)

		dictionaryDef = Word("dictionary") + lt + CharsNotIn("<>;") + gt + identifier.setResultsName('name') + semicolon
		sequenceDef   = Word("sequence")   + lt + CharsNotIn("<>;") + gt + identifier.setResultsName('name') + semicolon
		enumDef       = Word("enum")       + identifier.setResultsName('name') + op + CharsNotIn("{}") + cl + semicolon
		structDef     = Word("struct")     + identifier.setResultsName('name') + op + CharsNotIn("{}") + cl + semicolon
		exceptionDef  = Word("exception")  + identifier.setResultsName('name') + op + CharsNotIn("{}") + cl + semicolon

		raiseDef       = Suppress(Word("throws")) + typeIdentifier + ZeroOrMore( Literal(',') + typeIdentifier )
		decoratorDef    = Literal('idempotent') | Literal('out')
		retValDef       = typeIdentifier.setResultsName('ret')

		firstParam    = Group( Optional(decoratorDef.setResultsName('decorator')) + typeIdentifier.setResultsName('type') + identifier.setResultsName('name'))
		nextParam     = Suppress(Word(',')) + firstParam
		params        = firstParam + ZeroOrMore(nextParam)

		remoteMethodDef  = Group(Optional(decoratorDef) + retValDef + typeIdentifier.setResultsName('name') + opp + Optional(          params).setResultsName('params') + clp + Optional(raiseDef) + semicolon )
		interfaceDef    = Word("interface")  + typeIdentifier.setResultsName('name') + op + Group(ZeroOrMore(remoteMethodDef)) + cl + semicolon

		moduleContent = Group(structDef | enumDef | exceptionDef | dictionaryDef | sequenceDef | interfaceDef)
		module = Suppress(Word("module")) + identifier.setResultsName("name") + op + ZeroOrMore(moduleContent).setResultsName("contents") + cl + semicolon

		IDSL = idslImports.setResultsName("imports") + module.setResultsName("module")
		IDSL.ignore( cppStyleComment )
		tree = IDSL.parseString(text)
		return IDSLParsing.module(tree)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def detect_token(jade):

    doctype = LineStart() + oneOf('!!! doctype') + Optional(oneOf('5 html xml' \
            + ' default transitional strict frameset 1.1 basic mobile', True))

    element_id = Suppress('#') + Word(alphanums + '_' + '-')
    element_class = Suppress('.') + Word(alphanums + '_' + '-')

    selectors = (element_id.setResultsName('element_id') \
        + ZeroOrMore(element_class).setResultsName('element_class')) \
        | (OneOrMore(element_class).setResultsName('element_class') \
        + Optional(element_id).setResultsName('element_id'))

    element = selectors.setResultsName('selectors') \
        | (Word(alphas).setResultsName('element_name') \
        + Optional(selectors).setResultsName('selectors'))

    attribute = CharsNotIn('('+')')
    attributes = nestedExpr(content=attribute)

    tag = element.setResultsName('element') \
        + Optional(attributes).setResultsName('attributes')

    # TODO: block-comment and conditional-comment
    unbuffered_comment = Suppress(Suppress('//-') + restOfLine)
    buffered_comment = Suppress('//') + restOfLine

    # Order matters here, as buffered will pick up
    # unbuffered comments if set first
    comment = unbuffered_comment | buffered_comment

    source = doctype | tag | comment
    parsed = source.parseString(jade)

    return ' '.join(parsed)

Ejemplo n.º 17
    def get_network_name(self):
        Retruns the name of the network

        >>> from pgmpy.readwrite import BIFReader
        >>> reader = BIF.BifReader("bif_test.bif")
        >>> reader.network_name()
        start = self.network.find('network')
        end = self.network.find('}\n', start)
        # Creating a network attribute
        network_attribute = Suppress('network') + Word(alphanums + '_' + '-') + '{'
        network_name = network_attribute.searchString(self.network[start:end])[0][0]

        return network_name
Ejemplo n.º 18
def parseReactions(reaction):
    name = Word(alphanums + '_-') + ':'

    species = (Word(alphanums + "_:#-")
    + Suppress('()')) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress('+') + Word(alphanums + "_:#-")
    + Suppress("()"))

    rate = Word(alphanums + "()")
    grammar = Suppress(Optional(name)) + ((Group(species) | '0') + Suppress(Optional("<") + "->") +
              (Group(species) | '0') + Suppress(rate)) \
              ^ (species + Suppress(Optional("<") + "->") + Suppress(rate))
    result = grammar.parseString(reaction).asList()
    if len(result) < 2:
        result = [result, []]
    if '<->' in reaction and len(result[0]) == 1 and len(result[1]) == 2:
        result2 = [result[1], result[0]]
        result = result2
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def get_fragment_grammar():

        # Match header [mapping]
        header = Suppress("[") + Suppress("mapping") + Suppress("]")

        # There are three possible patterns for mapping entries:
        #       obj:symbol (scheme)
        #       obj (scheme)
        #       * (scheme)
        obj = Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName("object")
        symbol = Suppress(":") + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName("symbol")
        scheme = Suppress("(") + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName("scheme") + Suppress(")")

        pattern1 = Group(obj + symbol + scheme)
        pattern2 = Group(obj + scheme)
        pattern3 = Group(Literal(Mapping.MAPPING_ALL_OBJECTS).setResultsName("object") + scheme)

        mapping_entry = pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3

        # To simplify parsing, classify groups of condition-mapping entry into two types: normal and default
        # A normal grouping is one with a non-default condition. The default grouping is one which contains the
        # default condition
        mapping_entries = Group(ZeroOrMore(mapping_entry)).setResultsName("mappings")

        normal_condition = Suppress(":") + originalTextFor(SDKConfig.get_expression_grammar())
        default_condition = Optional(Suppress(":") + Literal(Mapping.DEFAULT_CONDITION))

        normal_group = Group(normal_condition.setResultsName("condition") + mapping_entries)
        default_group = Group(default_condition + mapping_entries).setResultsName("default_group")

        normal_groups = Group(ZeroOrMore(normal_group)).setResultsName("normal_groups")

        # Any mapping fragment definition can have zero or more normal group and only one default group as a last entry.
        archive = Suppress("archive") + Suppress(":") + Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName("archive")
        entries = Suppress("entries") + Suppress(":") + (normal_groups + default_group).setResultsName("entries")

        mapping = Group(header + archive + entries)

        mapping.setParseAction(lambda t: Mapping(t[0].archive, t[0].entries))

        mapping.ignore("#" + restOfLine)

        return mapping
Ejemplo n.º 20
class Compiler:
    def __init__(self):
        self._pythonVar = None
        self.varNames = []

    def pythonVar(self):
        if not self._pythonVar:
            from pyparsing import (ParserElement, Word, alphas, alphanums,
                                   Literal, Suppress, FollowedBy)
            _ws = ' \t'
            ident = Word(alphas+"_", alphanums+"_")
            lparen = Literal("(")
            dot = Literal(".")
            dollar = Literal("$")

            self._pythonVar = Suppress(dollar) + ident + ~FollowedBy((dot+ident) | lparen)
        return self._pythonVar

    def compile(self, src):
        return gen

    def processPythonVars(self, query):
        query = '('+query+')'

        tmp = query
        if tmp.find("$") >= 0: tmp = self.pythonVar().transformString(query)
        if self.varNames:
            query = ''.join([tmp, "%"+getPassVarsFunc()+"(", ','.join(self.varNames), ")"])
        else: query = tmp

        for i in xrange(len(self.varNames)):
        return query

    def onPythonVar(self, inputStr, loc, tokens):
        varName = ''.join(tokens)
        return "%s"
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.cfg = cfg

        if cfg.datatype == "protein":
            letters = _protein_letters
        elif cfg.datatype == "DNA":
            letters = _dna_letters
        elif cfg.datatype == "morphology":
            letters = "0123456789"
            log.error("Unknown datatype '%s', please check" % self.cfg.datatype)
            raise util.PartitionFinderError

        self.rate_indexes = self.cfg.data_layout.rate_indexes
        self.freq_indexes = self.cfg.data_layout.letter_indexes

        FLOAT = Word(nums + '.-').setParseAction(lambda x: float(x[0]))

        L = Word(letters, exact=1)
        COLON = Suppress(":")

        LNL_LABEL = Regex("Final GAMMA.+:") | Literal("Likelihood:")
        TIME_LABEL = Regex("Overall Time.+:") | Regex("Overall Time.+tion ")
        ALPHA_LABEL = Literal("alpha:")
        TREE_SIZE_LABEL = Literal("Tree-Length:")

        def labeled_float(label):
            return Suppress(SkipTo(label)) + Suppress(label) + FLOAT

        lnl = labeled_float(LNL_LABEL)

        seconds = labeled_float(TIME_LABEL)

        alpha = labeled_float(ALPHA_LABEL)

        tree_size = labeled_float(TREE_SIZE_LABEL)

        LG4X_LINE = "LG4X" + restOfLine
        lg4x = Optional(LG4X_LINE + LG4X_LINE)

        rate = Suppress("rate") + L + Suppress("<->") + L + COLON + FLOAT
        rates = OneOrMore(rate)

        freq = Suppress("freq pi(") + L + Suppress("):") + FLOAT
        freqs = OneOrMore(freq)

        LGM_LINE = "LGM" + restOfLine

        rate_block = Optional(LGM_LINE) + rates + freqs

        # Just look for these things
        self.root_parser = seconds + lnl + alpha + tree_size +\
            lg4x + OneOrMore(rate_block)
Ejemplo n.º 22
	def fromString(inputText, verbose=False):
		if verbose: print 'Verbose:', verbose
		text = nestedExpr("/*", "*/").suppress().transformString(inputText) 

		semicolon = Suppress(Word(";"))
		quote     = Suppress(Word("\""))
		op        = Suppress(Word("{"))
		cl        = Suppress(Word("}"))
		opp       = Suppress(Word("("))
		clp       = Suppress(Word(")"))
		identifier = Word( alphas+"_", alphanums+"_" )
		commIdentifier = Group(identifier.setResultsName('identifier') + Optional(opp + (CaselessLiteral("ice")|CaselessLiteral("ros")).setResultsName("type") + clp))

		# Imports
		idslImport  = Suppress(CaselessLiteral("import")) + quote +  CharsNotIn("\";").setResultsName('path') + quote + semicolon
		idslImports = ZeroOrMore(idslImport)
		# Communications
		implementsList = Group(CaselessLiteral('implements')    + identifier + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(Word(',')) + identifier) + semicolon)
		requiresList   = Group(CaselessLiteral('requires')      + identifier + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(Word(',')) + identifier) + semicolon)
		subscribesList = Group(CaselessLiteral('subscribesTo')  + commIdentifier + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(Word(',')) + commIdentifier) + semicolon)
		publishesList  = Group(CaselessLiteral('publishes')     + identifier + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(Word(',')) + identifier) + semicolon)
		communicationList = implementsList | requiresList | subscribesList | publishesList
		communications = Group( Suppress(CaselessLiteral("communications")) + op + ZeroOrMore(communicationList) + cl + semicolon)
		# Language
		language = Suppress(CaselessLiteral("language")) + (CaselessLiteral("cpp")|CaselessLiteral("python")) + semicolon
		# GUI
		gui = Group(Optional(Suppress(CaselessLiteral("gui")) + CaselessLiteral("Qt") + opp + identifier + clp + semicolon ))
		# additional options
		options = Group(Optional(Suppress(CaselessLiteral("options")) + identifier + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(Word(',')) + identifier) + semicolon))
		componentContents = communications.setResultsName('communications') & language.setResultsName('language') & gui.setResultsName('gui') & options.setResultsName('options')
		component = Suppress(CaselessLiteral("component")) + identifier.setResultsName("name") + op + componentContents.setResultsName("properties") + cl + semicolon

		CDSL = idslImports.setResultsName("imports") + component.setResultsName("component")
		CDSL.ignore( cppStyleComment )
		tree = CDSL.parseString(text)
		return CDSLParsing.component(tree)
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: nexus.py Proyecto: rhr/ivy
 def parse_ttable(f):
     ttable = {}
     # com = Suppress('[') + ZeroOrMore(CharsNotIn(']')) + Suppress(']')
     com = Suppress('[' + ZeroOrMore(CharsNotIn(']') + ']'))
     while True:
         s = next(f).strip()
         if not s:
         s = com.transformString(s).strip()
         if s.lower() == ";":
         b = False
         if s[-1] in ",;":
             if s[-1] == ';':
                 b = True
             s = s[:-1]
         # print(s)
         k, v = s.split()
         ttable[k] = v
         if b:
     return ttable
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def pythonVar(self):
        if not self._pythonVar:
            from pyparsing import (ParserElement, Word, alphas, alphanums,
                                   Literal, Suppress, FollowedBy)
            _ws = ' \t'
            ident = Word(alphas+"_", alphanums+"_")
            lparen = Literal("(")
            dot = Literal(".")
            dollar = Literal("$")

            self._pythonVar = Suppress(dollar) + ident + ~FollowedBy((dot+ident) | lparen)
        return self._pythonVar
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, datatype):

        if datatype == "protein":
            letters = "ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV"
        elif datatype == "DNA":
            letters = "ATCG"
            log.error("Unknown datatype '%s', please check" % datatype)
            raise RaxmlError

        FLOAT = Word(nums + '.-').setParseAction(lambda x: float(x[0]))

        L = Word(letters, exact=1)
        COLON = Suppress(":")

        LNL_LABEL = Regex("Final GAMMA.+:") | Literal("Likelihood:")
        TIME_LABEL = Regex("Overall Time.+:") | Regex("Overall Time.+tion ")
        ALPHA_LABEL = Literal("alpha:")
        TREE_SIZE_LABEL = Literal("Tree-Length:")

        def labeled_float(label):
            return Suppress(SkipTo(label)) + Suppress(label) + FLOAT

        lnl = labeled_float(LNL_LABEL)

        seconds = labeled_float(TIME_LABEL)

        alpha = labeled_float(ALPHA_LABEL)

        tree_size = labeled_float(TREE_SIZE_LABEL)

        rate = Suppress("rate") + L + Suppress("<->") + L + COLON + FLOAT
        rates = OneOrMore(rate)

        freq = Suppress("freq pi(") + L + Suppress("):") + FLOAT
        freqs = OneOrMore(freq)

        # Just look for these things
        self.root_parser = seconds + lnl + alpha + tree_size + rates + freqs
Ejemplo n.º 26
def ListParser():
	A parser for list columns, where each list is composed of pairs of values.

	value = Regex(r'[-+]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:e[-+]?[0-9]+)?', IGNORECASE)
	value.setParseAction(lambda toks: float(toks[0]))

	item = Suppress('(') + value + Suppress(',') + value + Suppress(')')

	lst = Suppress('[') + delimitedList(item) + Suppress(']')

	def parse(s):
			return lst.parseString(s).asList()
		except ParseBaseException as e:
			raise ValueError(e)

	return parse
def mark_transposed(tokens):
    return tokens

# What follows is a Pyparsing description of the grammar

symbol = Word(alphanums, bodyChars=alphanums + "_", min=1)
sign = Optional(oneOf("+ -"))
integer = Combine(sign + Word(nums)).setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
number = Combine(
    Word("+-" + nums, nums) + Optional("." + Optional(Word(nums))) +
    Optional(oneOf("e E") +
             Word("+-" + nums, nums))).setParseAction(lambda t: float(t[0]))
LPAREN = Suppress("(")
RPAREN = Suppress(")")
LBRACE = Suppress("{")
RBRACE = Suppress("}")
LBRACKET = Suppress("[")
RBRACKET = Suppress("]")
END = Suppress(";")

PLUS = Literal("+")
MINUS = Literal("-")

single = number ^ symbol | QuotedString('"') | QuotedString("'")
tuple_ = Group(LPAREN + delimitedList(single) + RPAREN)
subscript_domain = (LBRACE +
                    Group(delimitedList(symbol)).setResultsName("subscripts") +
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def parse(cls,
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :param unresolved_value: assigned value value to unresolved substitution.
        If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved value to the default value.
        If it is set to to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
        :type unresolved_value: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list

        unescape_pattern = re.compile(r'\\.')

        def replace_escape_sequence(match):
            value = match.group(0)
            return cls.REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)

        def norm_string(value):
            return unescape_pattern.sub(replace_escape_sequence, value)

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3:-3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n, 10)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        def safe_convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n, 10)
            except ValueError:
                    return float(n)
                except ValueError:
                    return n

        def convert_period(tokens):

            period_value = int(tokens.value)
            period_identifier = tokens.unit

            period_unit = next((single_unit for single_unit, values in
                                if period_identifier in values))

            return period(period_value, period_unit)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = r"\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring,
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '"(?P<value>(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*)"(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
            ws = match.group('ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(instring, loc, token):
            url = None
            file = None
            required = False

            if token[0] == 'required':
                required = True
                final_tokens = token[1:]
                final_tokens = token

            if len(final_tokens) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = final_tokens[0].value if isinstance(
                    final_tokens[0], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith(
                        "https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(final_tokens) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = final_tokens[1].value if isinstance(
                    token[1], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[1]
                if final_tokens[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(url,
            elif file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(
                raise ConfigException(
                    'No file or URL specified at: {loc}: {instring}',

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        def set_default_white_spaces():
            default = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
            ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        with set_default_white_spaces():
            assign_expr = Forward()
            true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            # key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')
            regexp_numbers = r'[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+\-]?\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))'
            key = QuotedString('"', escChar='\\', unquoteResults=False) | \
                Regex(regexp_numbers, re.DOTALL).setParseAction(safe_convert_number) | \
                Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')

            eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
            eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
            comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol
                                                              | StringEnd())
            comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
            comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
            number_expr = Regex(regexp_numbers,

            period_types = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
            period_expr = Regex(r'(?P<value>\d+)\s*(?P<unit>' +
                                '|'.join(period_types) +

            # multi line string using """
            # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
            multiline_string = Regex(
                re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
            # single quoted line string
            quoted_string = Regex(
                r'"(?:[^"\\\n]|\\.)*"[ \t]*',
            # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
            # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
            # line1  \
            # line2 \
            # so a backslash precedes the \n
            unquoted_string = Regex(
                r'(?:[^^`+?!@*&"\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$\\]|\\.)+[ \t]*',
            substitution_expr = Regex(r'[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*'
            string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

            value_expr = period_expr | number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

            include_content = (quoted_string | (
                (Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() -
                quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))
            include_expr = (Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() +
                            (include_content |
                             (Keyword("required") - Literal('(').suppress() -
                              include_content - Literal(')').suppress()))

            root_dict_expr = Forward()
            dict_expr = Forward()
            list_expr = Forward()
            multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr
                                          | substitution_expr | dict_expr
                                          | list_expr | value_expr
                                          | (Literal('\\') - eol).suppress())
            # for a dictionary : or = is optional
            # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
            inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
                ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr
                           | eol_comma))
            inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
                ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr
                           | eol_comma),
            dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
            root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress(
            list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
            list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(
                eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

            # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
            assign_expr << Group(key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - (
                dict_expr | (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) -
                ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -

            # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
            config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (
                list_expr | root_dict_expr
                | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
            config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]

            if resolve:
                allow_unresolved = resolve and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION
                has_unresolved = cls.resolve_substitutions(
                    config, allow_unresolved)
                if has_unresolved and unresolved_value is MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION:
                    raise ConfigSubstitutionException(
                        'resolve cannot be set to True and unresolved_value to MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION'

            if unresolved_value is not NO_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION:
                cls.unresolve_substitutions_to_value(config, unresolved_value)
        return config
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def parse_algebra(self):
        Parse an algebraic expression into a tree.

        Store a `pyparsing.ParseResult` in `self.tree` with proper groupings to
        reflect parenthesis and order of operations. Leave all operators in the
        tree and do not parse any strings of numbers into their float versions.

        Adding the groups and result names makes the `repr()` of the result
        really gross. For debugging, use something like
          print OBJ.tree.asXML()
        # 0.33 or 7 or .34 or 16.
        number_part = Word(nums)
        inner_number = (number_part +
                        Optional("." + Optional(number_part))) | ("." +
        # pyparsing allows spaces between tokens--`Combine` prevents that.
        inner_number = Combine(inner_number)

        # SI suffixes and percent.
        number_suffix = MatchFirst(Literal(k) for k in SUFFIXES.keys())

        # 0.33k or 17
        plus_minus = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
        number = Group(
            Optional(plus_minus) + inner_number + Optional(
                CaselessLiteral("E") + Optional(plus_minus) + number_part) +
        number = number("number")

        # Predefine recursive variables.
        expr = Forward()

        # Handle variables passed in. They must start with a letter
        # and may contain numbers and underscores afterward.
        inner_varname = Combine(
            Word(alphas, alphanums + "_") + ZeroOrMore("'"))
        # Alternative variable name in tensor format
        # Tensor name must start with a letter, continue with alphanums
        # Indices may be alphanumeric
        # e.g., U_{ijk}^{123}
        upper_indices = Literal("^{") + Word(alphanums) + Literal("}")
        lower_indices = Literal("_{") + Word(alphanums) + Literal("}")
        tensor_lower = Combine(
            Word(alphas, alphanums) + lower_indices + ZeroOrMore("'"))
        tensor_mixed = Combine(
            Word(alphas, alphanums) + Optional(lower_indices) + upper_indices +
        # Test for mixed tensor first, then lower tensor alone, then generic variable name
        varname = Group(tensor_mixed | tensor_lower
                        | inner_varname)("variable")

        # Same thing for functions.
        function = Group(inner_varname + Suppress("(") + expr +

        atom = number | function | varname | "(" + expr + ")"
        atom = Group(atom)("atom")

        # Do the following in the correct order to preserve order of operation.
        pow_term = atom + ZeroOrMore("^" + atom)
        pow_term = Group(pow_term)("power")

        par_term = pow_term + ZeroOrMore('||' + pow_term)  # 5k || 4k
        par_term = Group(par_term)("parallel")

        prod_term = par_term + ZeroOrMore(
            (Literal('*') | Literal('/')) + par_term)  # 7 * 5 / 4
        prod_term = Group(prod_term)("product")

        sum_term = Optional(plus_minus) + prod_term + ZeroOrMore(
            plus_minus + prod_term)  # -5 + 4 - 3
        sum_term = Group(sum_term)("sum")

        # Finish the recursion.
        expr << sum_term  # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
        self.tree = (expr + stringEnd).parseString(self.math_expr)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def define_parser(self):
        """ Defines xdot grammar.

        @see: http://graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html#d:xdot """

        # Common constructs.
        point = Group(
            integer.setResultsName("x") + integer.setResultsName("y"))
        n_points = (integer.setResultsName("n") +
        n_bytes = Suppress(integer) + Suppress(minus) + \
        justify = ToInteger(Literal("-1") | Literal("0")
                            | Literal("1")).setResultsName("j")

        # Attributes ----------------------------------------------------------

        # Set fill color. The color value consists of the n bytes following
        # the '-'.
        fill = (Literal("C").suppress() + Suppress(integer) + Suppress(minus) +

        # Set pen color. The color value consists of the n bytes following '-'.
        stroke = (Literal("c").suppress() + Suppress(integer) +
                  Suppress(minus) +

        # Set font. The font size is s points. The font name consists of the
        # n bytes following '-'.
        font = (Literal("F").suppress() + real.setResultsName("s") +

        # Set style attribute. The style value consists of the n bytes
        # following '-'. The syntax of the value is the same as specified for
        # a styleItem in style.
        style = (Literal("S").suppress() + n_bytes).setResultsName("style")

        # Shapes --------------------------------------------------------------

        # Filled ellipse ((x-x0)/w)^2 + ((y-y0)/h)^2 = 1
        filled_ellipse = (
            Literal("E").suppress() + integer.setResultsName("x0") +
            integer.setResultsName("y0") + integer.setResultsName("w") +

        # Unfilled ellipse ((x-x0)/w)^2 + ((y-y0)/h)^2 = 1
        ellipse = (Literal("e").suppress() + integer.setResultsName("x0") +
                   integer.setResultsName("y0") + integer.setResultsName("w") +

        # Filled polygon using the given n points.
        filled_polygon = (Literal("P").suppress() +

        # Unfilled polygon using the given n points.
        polygon = (Literal("p").suppress() +

        # Polyline using the given n points.
        polyline = (Literal("L").suppress() +

        # B-spline using the given n control points.
        bspline = (Literal("B").suppress() +

        # Filled B-spline using the given n control points.
        filled_bspline = (Literal("b").suppress() +

        # Text drawn using the baseline point (x,y). The text consists of the
        # n bytes following '-'. The text should be left-aligned (centered,
        # right-aligned) on the point if j is -1 (0, 1), respectively. The
        # value w gives the width of the text as computed by the library.
        text = (Literal("T").suppress() + integer.setResultsName("x") +
                integer.setResultsName("y") + justify +
                integer.setResultsName("w") + n_bytes).setResultsName("text")

        # Externally-specified image drawn in the box with lower left corner
        # (x,y) and upper right corner (x+w,y+h). The name of the image
        # consists of the n bytes following '-'. This is usually a bitmap
        # image. Note that the image size, even when converted from pixels to
        # points, might be different from the required size (w,h). It is
        # assumed the renderer will perform the necessary scaling.
        image = (Literal("I").suppress() + integer.setResultsName("x") +
                 integer.setResultsName("y") + integer.setResultsName("w") +
                 integer.setResultsName("h") + n_bytes).setResultsName("image")

        # The value of the drawing attributes consists of the concatenation of
        # some (multi-)set of the 13 rendering or attribute operations.
        value = (Optional(quote).suppress() +
                 OneOrMore(filled_ellipse | ellipse | filled_polygon | polygon
                           | polyline | bspline | filled_bspline | text | fill
                           | stroke | font | style | image) +

        # Drawing operation.
        #        draw_ = Literal("_draw_") + Suppress(equals) + value
        #        # Label drawing.
        #        ldraw_ = Literal("_ldraw_") + Suppress(equals) + value
        #        # Edge head arrowhead drawing.
        #        hdraw_ = Literal("_hdraw_") + Suppress(equals) + value
        #        # Edge tail arrowhead drawing.
        #        tdraw_ = Literal("_tdraw_") + Suppress(equals) + value
        #        # Edge head label drawing.
        #        hldraw_ = Literal("_hldraw_") + Suppress(equals) + value
        #        # Edge tail label drawing.
        #        tldraw_ = Literal("_tldraw_") + Suppress(equals) + value

        # Parse actions.
        #        n_points.setParseAction(self.proc_points)

        # Attribute parse actions.

        # Shape parse actions.

        return value
Ejemplo n.º 31
from pyparsing import Word, nums, oneOf, Suppress, restOfLine, alphas, alphanums, Group, ZeroOrMore, Optional, Keyword

# Parses Spring log lines (logs are taken from ENBD project)

log_sample = '''
2016-08-01 11:27:21.047  WARN 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-24] c.m.enbd.core.AbstractEnbdController     : POST /goal/daily: User haven't defined a goal yet
2016-08-01 17:54:47.908  INFO 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-27] com.monitise.enbd.core.RequestFilter     : Handling request, /version, POST
2016-08-01 17:54:47.909  INFO 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-30] com.monitise.enbd.core.RequestFilter     : Handling request, /features, POST
2016-08-01 17:54:47.914  DEBUG 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-30] c.m.enbd.core.AbstractEnbdController     : getting IOS features
2016-08-01 17:54:47.924  INFO 22458 --- [http-bio-8080-exec-27] c.m.enbd.core.AbstractEnbdController     : checking version for device code: 1 and device OS: 10.0 and version: 1.0.3'''

date = Word(nums + '-')
time = Word(nums + ':.')
level = Keyword('INFO') | Keyword('WARN') | Keyword('DEBUG')   # oneOf(['INFO', 'WARN', 'DEBUG'])
pid = Word(nums)
thread = Suppress('[') + Word(alphanums + '-') + Suppress(']')
source = Word(alphas + '.')
message = restOfLine

log_line = Group(date + time + level + pid + Suppress('---') + thread + source + Suppress(':') + message)
logs = ZeroOrMore(log_line)


# So, if you design log strings that can be parsed, you can actually parse them
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def get_fragment_grammar(sdkconfig, fragment_file):

        # Match header [mapping]
        header = Suppress('[') + Suppress('mapping') + Suppress(']')

        # There are three possible patterns for mapping entries:
        #       obj:symbol (scheme)
        #       obj (scheme)
        #       * (scheme)
        obj = Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName('object')
        symbol = Suppress(':') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName('symbol')
        scheme = Suppress('(') + Fragment.IDENTIFIER.setResultsName(
            'scheme') + Suppress(')')

        pattern1 = Group(obj + symbol + scheme)
        pattern2 = Group(obj + scheme)
        pattern3 = Group(Literal(Entity.ALL).setResultsName('object') + scheme)

        mapping_entry = pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3

        # To simplify parsing, classify groups of condition-mapping entry into two types: normal and default
        # A normal grouping is one with a non-default condition. The default grouping is one which contains the
        # default condition
        mapping_entries = Group(

        normal_condition = Suppress(':') + originalTextFor(
        default_condition = Optional(
            Suppress(':') + Literal(DeprecatedMapping.DEFAULT_CONDITION))

        normal_group = Group(
            normal_condition.setResultsName('condition') + mapping_entries)
        default_group = Group(default_condition +

        normal_groups = Group(

        # Any mapping fragment definition can have zero or more normal group and only one default group as a last entry.
        archive = Suppress('archive') + Suppress(
            ':') + Fragment.ENTITY.setResultsName('archive')
        entries = Suppress('entries') + Suppress(':') + (
            normal_groups + default_group).setResultsName('entries')

        mapping = Group(header + archive + entries)
        mapping.ignore('#' + restOfLine)

        def parsed_deprecated_mapping(pstr, loc, toks):
            fragment = Mapping()
            fragment.archive = toks[0].archive
            fragment.name = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', fragment.archive)
            fragment.deprecated = True

            fragment.entries = set()
            condition_true = False
            for entries in toks[0].entries[0]:
                condition = next(iter(entries.condition.asList())).strip()
                condition_val = sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(condition)

                if condition_val:
                    for entry in entries[1]:
                             None if entry.symbol == '' else entry.symbol,
                    condition_true = True

            if not fragment.entries and not condition_true:
                    entries = toks[0].entries[1][1]
                except IndexError:
                    entries = toks[0].entries[1][0]
                for entry in entries:
                         None if entry.symbol == '' else entry.symbol,

            if not fragment.entries:
                fragment.entries.add(('*', None, 'default'))

            dep_warning = str(
                    pstr, loc,
                    'Warning: Deprecated old-style mapping fragment parsed in file %s.'
                    % fragment_file))

            return fragment

        return mapping
Ejemplo n.º 33
    headerList[headerName] = structt.asDict()

def addToAnnotationDict(annotateName, annotate):
    s = annotate[1]
    # first remove the quotes
    if s.startswith("'''"): s = s[3:-3]
    if s.startswith('"'): s = s[1:-1]
    annotateDict[annotate['name']] = s

comment = '## ' + restOfLine
#comment       = '#' + restOfLine
CMNT = Optional(cStyleComment("comment"))
CMNT2 = Optional(
    (Suppress('//') +
     restOfLine("comment2")))  #Optional(cppStyleComment("comment2"))
STRQ3 = QuotedString("'''", multiline=True)
ANNOTSTR = (QuotedString("'''", multiline=True) | quotedString)
#IDENTIFIER = Regex(r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*')
#INTEGER    = Regex(r'([+-]?(([1-9][0-9]*)|0+))')
#IDENTIFIER       = Word(alphas+"_", alphas+nums+"_" )
INT_DECI = Regex('([+-]?(([1-9][0-9]*)|0+))')
INT_OCT = Regex('(0[0-7]*)')
INT_HEX = Regex('(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]*)')
FLOAT = Regex(
##ident = Word(alphas+"_",alphanums+"_").setName("identifier")
Ejemplo n.º 34
DOUBLE = Regex(r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]*%(e)s|\.([0-9])+%(e)s|[0-9]+%(e)s" % {"e": EXPONENT_re})
# DOUBLE.setResultsName('double')
DOUBLE.setParseAction(lambda x: rdflib.Literal(x[0], datatype=rdflib.XSD.double))

INTEGER_POSITIVE = Suppress("+") + INTEGER.copy().leaveWhitespace()

DECIMAL_POSITIVE = Suppress("+") + DECIMAL.copy().leaveWhitespace()

DOUBLE_POSITIVE = Suppress("+") + DOUBLE.copy().leaveWhitespace()

INTEGER_NEGATIVE = Suppress("-") + INTEGER.copy().leaveWhitespace()
INTEGER_NEGATIVE.setParseAction(lambda x: neg(x[0]))

DECIMAL_NEGATIVE = Suppress("-") + DECIMAL.copy().leaveWhitespace()
DECIMAL_NEGATIVE.setParseAction(lambda x: neg(x[0]))

DOUBLE_NEGATIVE = Suppress("-") + DOUBLE.copy().leaveWhitespace()
DOUBLE_NEGATIVE.setParseAction(lambda x: neg(x[0]))

# [160] ECHAR ::= '\' [tbnrf\"']
# ECHAR = Regex('\\\\[tbnrf"\']')

# [158] STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 ::= "'''" ( ( "'" | "''" )? ( [^'\] | ECHAR ) )* "'''"
Ejemplo n.º 35
def read_dot(path):
    """Generates an alias.ArgumentationFramework from a DOT graph
    description (.dot) file.

    path : file or string
        File, directory or filename to be read.

    framework : alias ArgumentationFramework




        from pyparsing import Word, Literal, alphas, alphanums, nums, OneOrMore
        from pyparsing import Forward, Optional, Keyword, Group, Suppress, ParseException
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("read_dot requires pyparsing")

    if not isinstance(path, str):

    # Define DOT grammar
    # Punctuation and keywords
    LBR, RBR, SCOL, COMMA, EQ, LSQ, RSQ, COL = map(Literal, "{};,=[]:")
    strict, graph, digraph, node, edge, subgraph = map(
        Keyword, "strict graph digraph node edge subgraph".split())

    # Recursive rules
    stmt_list = Forward()
    a_list = Forward()
    edgeRHS = Forward()
    attr_list = Forward()

    comp = (Literal("n") | Literal("ne") | Literal("e") | Literal("se")
            | Literal("s") | Literal("sw") | Literal("w") | Literal("nw")
            | Literal("c") | Literal("_")).setName("comp")
    ID = Word(alphas, alphanums).setName("ID")
    edgeop = Suppress(Literal("--") | Literal("->"))
    port = (COL + ID + Optional((COL + comp))) | (COL + comp)
    node_id = ID + Optional(port)
    subg = (subgraph + Optional(ID)) + LBR + stmt_list + RBR

    edgeRHS << OneOrMore(edgeop + (node_id | subg))

    # Statements & attributes
    node_stmt = node_id("arg*") + Optional(attr_list)
    edge_stmt = ((node_id | subg) + edgeRHS)("att*") + Optional(attr_list)
    attr_stmt = (graph | node | edge) + attr_list

    a_list << OneOrMore(ID + EQ + ID + Optional(SCOL | COMMA))
    attr_list << OneOrMore((LSQ + Optional(a_list) + RSQ))

    stmt = (edge_stmt | node_stmt | attr_stmt | (ID + EQ + ID) | subg)
    stmt_list << OneOrMore(stmt + Optional(SCOL))

    dot = OneOrMore(
        Optional(strict) + (digraph | graph)("gtype") + Optional(ID)("gname") +
        LBR + stmt_list + RBR)

    f = open(path, 'r')
    f = f.read()

        parsed = dot.parseString(f)
    except ParseException as e:
        raise al.ParsingException(e)

    if parsed['gtype'] == 'graph':
        raise al.ParsingException('Graph must be a directed graph (digraph).')

    if 'gname' in parsed.keys():
        framework = al.ArgumentationFramework(parsed['gname'])
        head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
        framework = al.ArgumentationFramework(tail)

    if 'arg' in parsed.keys():
        for arg in parsed['arg']:

    if 'att' in parsed.keys():
        for edge in parsed['att']:
            prev = -1
            for curr in edge:
                if prev >= 0:
                    framework.add_attack((edge[prev], curr))
                prev = prev + 1

    return framework
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def initialize(self):
     ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r')
     integer = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") \
         .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
     number = Regex(r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?") \
         .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ float(t[0]) ])
     color = Regex(r"#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})")
     angle = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \
         .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
     alpha = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \
         .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
     variable = Word(alphas, exact=1).setParseAction(self.addVar)
     colon = Literal(":").suppress()
     comma = Literal(",")
     lBrace = Literal("(")
     rBrace = Literal(")")
     lBracket = Literal("[")
     rBracket = Literal("]")
     lAngle = Literal("<")
     rAngle = Literal(">")
     plus = Literal("+")
     minus = Literal("-")
     FTerm = Literal("F")
     fTerm = Literal("f")
     ZTerm = Literal("Z")
     zTerm = Literal("z")
     xTerm = Literal("x")
     cTerm = Literal("c")
     eol = OneOrMore(LineEnd()).suppress()
     param = ( angle | color | "!" + number | "|" + number )
     self.pList = lBrace + param + ZeroOrMore(comma + param) + rBrace
     literal = ((lBracket + ( variable + Optional(self.pList) 
             | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList) ) + rBracket)
         | (variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) 
             | minus + Optional(self.pList)))
     terminal = (ZTerm | zTerm | FTerm | fTerm | xTerm | cTerm
         | plus | minus | lBracket | rBracket)
     lprod = ( 
         (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal))
         | (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable) 
         | (variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) 
         | variable )
     rProd = OneOrMore(literal | terminal)
     comment = Suppress((LineStart() + "#" + SkipTo(eol, include=True)))
     rules = ( 
         (lprod + Literal("=") + rProd + eol).setParseAction(self.addRule) \
         | comment )
     defaults = ( ( ("Dimensions" + colon + integer + comma + integer) 
         | ("Position" + colon + integer + comma + integer)
         | ("Iterations" + colon + integer)
         | ("Angle" + colon + angle)
         | ("Linelength" + colon + number)
         | ("Linewidth" + colon + number)
         | ("Linecolor" + colon + color)
         | ("Background" + colon + color)
         | ("Axiom" + colon + rProd) ) + eol ).setParseAction(self.setAttribute)
     header = ( defaults | comment )
     self.grammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(LineEnd())) \
         + ZeroOrMore(header) \
         + OneOrMore(rules)
         L = self.grammar.parseString( self.stream )
     except ParseException, err:
         print err.line
         print " "*(err.column-1) + "^"
         print err
Ejemplo n.º 37

def convertDict(d):
    return dict(d[0])

def convertTuple(t):
    return tuple(t[0])

omcRecord = Forward()
omcValue = Forward()

TRUE = Keyword("true").setParseAction(replaceWith(True))
FALSE = Keyword("false").setParseAction(replaceWith(False))
NONE = (Keyword("NONE") + Suppress("(") + Suppress(")")).setParseAction(
SOME = (Suppress(Keyword("SOME")) + Suppress("(") + omcValue + Suppress(")"))

omcString = QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\',
omcNumber = Combine(
    Optional('-') + ('0' | Word('123456789', nums)) +
    Optional('.' + Word(nums)) +
    Optional(Word('eE', exact=1) + Word(nums + '+-', nums)))

ident = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_") | Combine(
    "'" + Word(alphanums + "!#$%&()*+,-./:;<>=?@[]^{}|~ ") + "'")
fqident = Forward()
fqident << ((ident + "." + fqident) | ident)
omcValues = delimitedList(omcValue)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def _create_parser(self):

        semicolon = Suppress(Word(";"))
        quote = Suppress(Word("\""))
        op = Suppress(Word("{"))
        cl = Suppress(Word("}"))
        opp = Suppress(Word("("))
        clp = Suppress(Word(")"))
        lt = Suppress(Word("<"))
        gt = Suppress(Word(">"))
        eq = Suppress(Word("="))
        identifier = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_")
        typeIdentifier = Word(alphas + "_", alphanums + "_:")
        structIdentifer = Group(
            typeIdentifier.setResultsName('type') + identifier.setResultsName('identifier') + Optional(eq) + Optional(
                CharsNotIn(";").setResultsName('defaultValue')) + semicolon)
        structIdentifers = Group(OneOrMore(structIdentifer))

        ## Imports
        idslImport = Suppress(Word("import")) + quote + CharsNotIn("\";").setResultsName('path') + quote + semicolon
        idslImports = ZeroOrMore(idslImport)

        structDef = Word("struct").setResultsName('type') + identifier.setResultsName(
            'name') + op + structIdentifers.setResultsName("structIdentifiers") + cl + semicolon
        dictionaryDef = Word("dictionary").setResultsName('type') + lt + CharsNotIn("<>").setResultsName(
            'content') + gt + identifier.setResultsName('name') + semicolon
        sequenceDef = Word("sequence").setResultsName('type') + lt + typeIdentifier.setResultsName(
            'typeSequence') + gt + identifier.setResultsName('name') + semicolon
        enumDef = Word("enum").setResultsName('type') + identifier.setResultsName('name') + op + CharsNotIn(
            "{}").setResultsName('content') + cl + semicolon
        exceptionDef = Word("exception").setResultsName('type') + identifier.setResultsName('name') + op + CharsNotIn(
            "{}").setResultsName('content') + cl + semicolon

        raiseDef = Suppress(Word("throws")) + typeIdentifier + ZeroOrMore(Literal(',') + typeIdentifier)
        decoratorDef = Literal('idempotent') | Literal('out')
        retValDef = typeIdentifier.setResultsName('ret')

        firstParam = Group(Optional(decoratorDef.setResultsName('decorator')) + typeIdentifier.setResultsName(
            'type') + identifier.setResultsName('name'))
        nextParam = Suppress(Word(',')) + firstParam
        params = firstParam + ZeroOrMore(nextParam)

        remoteMethodDef = Group(Optional(decoratorDef.setResultsName('decorator')) + retValDef.setResultsName(
            'ret') + typeIdentifier.setResultsName('name') + opp + Optional(params).setResultsName(
            'params') + clp + Optional(raiseDef.setResultsName('raise')) + semicolon)
        interfaceDef = Word('interface').setResultsName('type') + typeIdentifier.setResultsName('name') + op + Group(
            ZeroOrMore(remoteMethodDef)).setResultsName('methods') + cl + semicolon

        moduleContent = Group(structDef | enumDef | exceptionDef | dictionaryDef | sequenceDef | interfaceDef)
        module = Suppress(Word("module")) + identifier.setResultsName("name") + op + ZeroOrMore(
            moduleContent).setResultsName("contents") + cl + semicolon

        IDSL = idslImports.setResultsName("imports") + module.setResultsName("module")
        return IDSL
Ejemplo n.º 39
def parse_line(attribute, string):

    Grammar = Suppress(Keyword('mpc.{}'.format(attribute)) + Keyword('=')) + String('data') + Suppress(Literal(';') + Optional(Comments))
    result, i, j = Grammar.scanString(string).next()

    return [int_else_float_except_string(s) for s in result['data'].asList()]
Ejemplo n.º 40
def _sql_comment(expr):
    return lineStart + Suppress(Literal("-- ")) + expr
Ejemplo n.º 41
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import os
from builtins import open
import logging

import numpy as np
from pyparsing import Word, nums, alphanums, LineEnd, Suppress, Literal, restOfLine, OneOrMore, Optional, Keyword, Group, printables

from ...utils import int_else_float_except_string

logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

Float = Word(nums + '.' + '-' + '+' + 'e')
Name = Word(alphanums)
String = Optional(Suppress("'")) + Word(printables, alphanums) + Optional(Suppress("'"))
NL = LineEnd()
Comments = Suppress(Literal('%')) + restOfLine

def parse_file(attribute, string):
    if attribute in ['gen', 'gencost', 'bus', 'branch'] and attribute in string:
        return parse_table(attribute, string)
    elif attribute in ['version', 'baseMVA'] and attribute in string:
        return parse_line(attribute, string)
        logger.debug("Unable to parse mpc.%s. Please check the input file or contact the developer.", attribute)
        return None

def parse_line(attribute, string):
from pyparsing import (CharsNotIn, Optional, Suppress, Word, Regex,
                       ParseException, alphas, nums)

from angela2.utils.caching import cached

VARIABLE = Word(alphas + '_', alphas + nums + '_').setResultsName('variable')

OP = Regex(r'(\+|\-|\*|/|//|%|\*\*|>>|<<|&|\^|\|)?=').setResultsName(
EXPR = CharsNotIn('#').setResultsName('expression')
COMMENT = CharsNotIn('#').setResultsName('comment')
STATEMENT = VARIABLE + OP + EXPR + Optional(Suppress('#') + COMMENT)

def parse_statement(code):

    Parses a single line of code into "var op expr".
    code : str
        A string containing a single statement of the form
        ``var op expr # comment``, where the ``# comment`` part is optional.
    var, op, expr, comment : str, str, str, str
        The four parts of the statement.
Ejemplo n.º 43
# MS-GRAMMAR: lifecycle-handler-name = "Class_Initialize" / "Class_Terminate"

lifecycle_handler_name = CaselessKeyword("Class_Initialize") | CaselessKeyword(
implemented_name = identifier  # duplicate, not used
event_handler_name = identifier  # duplicate, not used
prefixed_name = identifier | lifecycle_handler_name  # simplified

subroutine_name = identifier | lifecycle_handler_name  # simplified

# MS-GRAMMAR: typed_name = identifier + optional type_suffix => simplified
# MS-GRAMMAR: function_name = typed_name | subroutine_name

function_name = Combine(
    identifier + Suppress(Optional(type_suffix))) | lifecycle_handler_name

# 5.3.1 Procedure Declarations
# MS-GRAMMAR: end-label = statement-label-definition

#end_label = statement_label_definition

# MS-GRAMMAR: procedure-tail = [WS] LINE-END / single-quote comment-body / ":" rem-statement

procedure_tail = FollowedBy(
    line_terminator) | comment_single_quote | Literal(":") + rem_statement

# NOTE: rem statement does NOT include the line terminator => BUG?
# TODO: here i assume that procedure tail does NOT include the line terminator
Ejemplo n.º 44
            ['%s:%s' % (k, self.attrs[k]) for k in sorted(self.attrs)])
        return 'attr(%s)' % sattrs

    def __repr__(self):
        rattrs = ",".join(
            ['%r:%r' % (k, self.attrs[k]) for k in sorted(self.attrs)])
        return 'Attr({%s})' % rattrs

    def parse_action(s, loc, tokens):
        where = W(s, loc)
        attrs = tokens.get('attrs', None)
        # Python 3 only
        # attrs = {k: v for k, v in attrs.items()}
        attrs = dict([(k, v) for k, v in attrs.items()])
        return Attr(attrs, where=where)

attr_spec = Dict(
        Word(alphanums) + Suppress(Literal(':')) +
attrs_spec = ('(' - attr_spec - ')')

attr_contract = Keyword('attr') - attrs_spec

Ejemplo n.º 45
    def __init__(self, fragment_file, sdkconfig):
            fragment_file = open(fragment_file, 'r')
        except TypeError:

        path = os.path.realpath(fragment_file.name)

        indent_stack = [1]

        class parse_ctx:
            fragment = None  # current fragment
            key = ''  # current key
            keys = list()  # list of keys parsed
            key_grammar = None  # current key grammar

            def reset():
                parse_ctx.fragment_instance = None
                parse_ctx.key = ''
                parse_ctx.keys = list()
                parse_ctx.key_grammar = None

        def fragment_type_parse_action(toks):
            parse_ctx.fragment = FRAGMENT_TYPES[
                toks[0]]()  # create instance of the fragment
            return None

        def expand_conditionals(toks, stmts):
                stmt = toks['value']
            except KeyError:
                    conditions = toks['conditional']
                    for condition in conditions:
                            _toks = condition[1]
                            _cond = condition[0]
                            if sdkconfig.evaluate_expression(_cond):
                                expand_conditionals(_toks, stmts)
                        except IndexError:
                            expand_conditionals(condition[0], stmts)
                except KeyError:
                    for tok in toks:
                        expand_conditionals(tok, stmts)

        def key_body_parsed(pstr, loc, toks):
            stmts = list()
            expand_conditionals(toks, stmts)

            if parse_ctx.key_grammar.min and len(
                    stmts) < parse_ctx.key_grammar.min:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "fragment requires at least %d values for key '%s'" %
                    (parse_ctx.key_grammar.min, parse_ctx.key))

            if parse_ctx.key_grammar.max and len(
                    stmts) > parse_ctx.key_grammar.max:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "fragment requires at most %d values for key '%s'" %
                    (parse_ctx.key_grammar.max, parse_ctx.key))

                parse_ctx.fragment.set_key_value(parse_ctx.key, stmts)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "unable to add key '%s'; %s" % (parse_ctx.key, str(e)))
            return None

        key = Word(alphanums + '_') + Suppress(':')
        key_stmt = Forward()

        condition_block = indentedBlock(key_stmt, indent_stack)
        key_stmts = OneOrMore(condition_block)
        key_body = Suppress(key) + key_stmts

        condition = originalTextFor(
        if_condition = Group(
            Suppress('if') + condition + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
        elif_condition = Group(
            Suppress('elif') + condition + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
        else_condition = Group(
            Suppress('else') + Suppress(':') + condition_block)
        conditional = (if_condition + Optional(OneOrMore(elif_condition)) +

        def key_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
            key = toks[0]

            if key in parse_ctx.keys:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc,
                    "duplicate key '%s' value definition" % parse_ctx.key)

            parse_ctx.key = key

                parse_ctx.key_grammar = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars(
                key_grammar = parse_ctx.key_grammar.grammar
            except KeyError:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc, "key '%s' is not supported by fragment" % key)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc, "unable to parse key '%s'; %s" % (key, str(e)))

            key_stmt << (conditional
                         | Group(key_grammar).setResultsName('value'))

            return None

        def name_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
            parse_ctx.fragment.name = toks[0]


        ftype = Word(alphas).setParseAction(fragment_type_parse_action)
        fid = Suppress(':') + Word(alphanums + '_.').setResultsName('name')
        header = Suppress('[') + ftype + fid + Suppress(']')

        def fragment_parse_action(pstr, loc, toks):
            key_grammars = parse_ctx.fragment.get_key_grammars()
            required_keys = set(
                [k for (k, v) in key_grammars.items() if v.required])
            present_keys = required_keys.intersection(set(parse_ctx.keys))
            if present_keys != required_keys:
                raise ParseFatalException(
                    pstr, loc, 'required keys %s for fragment not found' %
                    list(required_keys - present_keys))
            return parse_ctx.fragment

        fragment_stmt = Forward()
        fragment_block = indentedBlock(fragment_stmt, indent_stack)

        fragment_if_condition = Group(
            Suppress('if') + condition + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
        fragment_elif_condition = Group(
            Suppress('elif') + condition + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
        fragment_else_condition = Group(
            Suppress('else') + Suppress(':') + fragment_block)
        fragment_conditional = (
            fragment_if_condition +
            Optional(OneOrMore(fragment_elif_condition)) +

        fragment = (header +
                    OneOrMore(indentedBlock(key_body, indent_stack,
        fragment.ignore('#' + restOfLine)

        deprecated_mapping = DeprecatedMapping.get_fragment_grammar(
            sdkconfig, fragment_file.name).setResultsName('value')

        fragment_stmt << (Group(deprecated_mapping) | Group(fragment)
                          | Group(fragment_conditional))

        def fragment_stmt_parsed(pstr, loc, toks):
            stmts = list()
            expand_conditionals(toks, stmts)
            return stmts

        parser = ZeroOrMore(fragment_stmt)

        self.fragments = parser.parseFile(fragment_file, parseAll=True)

        for fragment in self.fragments:
            fragment.path = path
Ejemplo n.º 46
class Lindenmayer(object):
	def __init__(self, stream):
		# Set the default image dimensions ...
		self.width = 500
		self.height = 500
		# ... and the number of iterations.
		self.iterations = 5
		# Set the default rotation angle in degrees.
		self.alpha = 90
		# Initialize the branch stack, ...
		self.stack = []
		# ... the constants, the rules, the variables and the axiom ...
		self.const = {'+':'+', '-':'-', '[':'[', ']':']'}
		self.rules = {}
		self.vars = []
		self.axiom = None
		# ... and drawing settings.
		self.bgcolor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
		self.lineLength = 20
		self.lineWidth = 5
		self.lineColor = (0, 0, 0)
		# Calculate the starting position.
		self.offset = (0, -self.height*0.5)
		print 'Offset :', self.offset
		# Finally store the stream ...
		self.stream = stream
		# ... and initialize the parser.

	def initialize(self):
		ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r')
		integer = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") \
			.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
		number = Regex(r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?") \
			.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ float(t[0]) ])
		color = Regex(r"#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})")
		angle = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \
			.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
		variable = Word(alphas, exact=1).setParseAction(self.addVar)
		colon = Literal(":").suppress()
		comma = Literal(",")
		lBrace = Literal("(")
		rBrace = Literal(")")
		lBracket = Literal("[")
		rBracket = Literal("]")
		lAngle = Literal("<")
		rAngle = Literal(">")
		plus = Literal("+")
		minus = Literal("-")
		FTerm = Literal("F")
		fTerm = Literal("f")
		ZTerm = Literal("Z")
		zTerm = Literal("z")
		xTerm = Literal("x")
		cTerm = Literal("c")
		eol = OneOrMore(LineEnd()).suppress()
		param = ( angle | color | "!" + number | "|" + number )
		self.pList = lBrace + param + ZeroOrMore(comma + param) + rBrace
		literal = ((lBracket + ( variable + Optional(self.pList) 
				| plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList) ) + rBracket)
			| (variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) 
				| minus + Optional(self.pList)))
		terminal = (ZTerm | zTerm | FTerm | fTerm | xTerm | cTerm
			| plus | minus | lBracket | rBracket)
		lprod = ( 
			(OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal))
			| (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable) 
			| (variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) 
			| variable )
		rProd = OneOrMore(literal | terminal)
		comment = Suppress((LineStart() + "#" + SkipTo(eol, include=True)))
		rules = ( 
			(lprod + Literal("=") + rProd + eol).setParseAction(self.addRule) \
			| comment )
		defaults = ( ( ("Dimensions" + colon + integer + comma + integer) 
			| ("Position" + colon + integer + comma + integer)
			| ("Iterations" + colon + integer)
			| ("Angle" + colon + angle)
			| ("Linelength" + colon + number)
			| ("Linewidth" + colon + number)
			| ("Linecolor" + colon + color)
			| ("Background" + colon + color)
			| ("Axiom" + colon + rProd) ) + eol ).setParseAction(self.setAttribute)
		header = ( defaults | comment )
		self.grammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(LineEnd())) \
			+ ZeroOrMore(header) \
			+ OneOrMore(rules)
			L = self.grammar.parseString( self.stream )
		except ParseException, err:
			print err.line
			print " "*(err.column-1) + "^"
			print err
		print 'Rules:', self.rules
Ejemplo n.º 47
def _select_hint(expr):
    return Suppress(Literal("-- >")) + expr
Ejemplo n.º 48
	def initialize(self):
		ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r')
		integer = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") \
			.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
		number = Regex(r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?") \
			.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ float(t[0]) ])
		color = Regex(r"#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})")
		angle = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \
			.setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
		variable = Word(alphas, exact=1).setParseAction(self.addVar)
		colon = Literal(":").suppress()
		comma = Literal(",")
		lBrace = Literal("(")
		rBrace = Literal(")")
		lBracket = Literal("[")
		rBracket = Literal("]")
		lAngle = Literal("<")
		rAngle = Literal(">")
		plus = Literal("+")
		minus = Literal("-")
		FTerm = Literal("F")
		fTerm = Literal("f")
		ZTerm = Literal("Z")
		zTerm = Literal("z")
		xTerm = Literal("x")
		cTerm = Literal("c")
		eol = OneOrMore(LineEnd()).suppress()
		param = ( angle | color | "!" + number | "|" + number )
		self.pList = lBrace + param + ZeroOrMore(comma + param) + rBrace
		literal = ((lBracket + ( variable + Optional(self.pList) 
				| plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList) ) + rBracket)
			| (variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) 
				| minus + Optional(self.pList)))
		terminal = (ZTerm | zTerm | FTerm | fTerm | xTerm | cTerm
			| plus | minus | lBracket | rBracket)
		lprod = ( 
			(OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal))
			| (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable) 
			| (variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) 
			| variable )
		rProd = OneOrMore(literal | terminal)
		comment = Suppress((LineStart() + "#" + SkipTo(eol, include=True)))
		rules = ( 
			(lprod + Literal("=") + rProd + eol).setParseAction(self.addRule) \
			| comment )
		defaults = ( ( ("Dimensions" + colon + integer + comma + integer) 
			| ("Position" + colon + integer + comma + integer)
			| ("Iterations" + colon + integer)
			| ("Angle" + colon + angle)
			| ("Linelength" + colon + number)
			| ("Linewidth" + colon + number)
			| ("Linecolor" + colon + color)
			| ("Background" + colon + color)
			| ("Axiom" + colon + rProd) ) + eol ).setParseAction(self.setAttribute)
		header = ( defaults | comment )
		self.grammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(LineEnd())) \
			+ ZeroOrMore(header) \
			+ OneOrMore(rules)
			L = self.grammar.parseString( self.stream )
		except ParseException, err:
			print err.line
			print " "*(err.column-1) + "^"
			print err
Ejemplo n.º 49
def _macros(expr):
    return lineStart + Suppress(Literal("#")) + expr
Ejemplo n.º 50
class Atmega328():
    def calc_addr(self, pc, offs, rng):
        return pc + 2 * (offs if offs < (rng // 2) else offs - rng)

    symtable = None

    imm_4 = lambda d, s: "{K[0]:d}".format(**d)
    bit = lambda d, s: "{s[0]:d}".format(**d)
    reg = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}".format(**d)
    reg_imm = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, 0x{K[0]:x}".format(**d)
    reg8_imm = lambda d, s: "r{:d}, 0x{:x}".format(d["d"][0] + 16, d["K"][0])
    reg_imm16 = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, 0x{k[0]:x}".format(**d)
    imm7_reg = lambda d, s: "0x{k[0]:x}, r{d[0]:d}".format(**d)
    imm16_reg = lambda d, s: "0x{k[0]:x}, r{d[0]:d}".format(**d)
    reg_bit = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, {b[0]:x}".format(**d)
    bit_reg = lambda d, s: "{b[0]:x}, r{d[0]:d}".format(**d)
    reg_reg = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    reg3_reg3 = lambda d, s: "r{:d}, r{:d}".format(d["d"][0] + 16, d["r"][0] +
    reg4_reg4 = lambda d, s: "r{:d}, r{:d}".format(d["d"][0] + 16, d["r"][0] +
    reg4 = lambda d, s: "r{:d}".format(d["d"][0] + 16)
    reg_x = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, X".format(**d)
    reg_x = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, X".format(**d)
    reg_mx = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, -X".format(**d)
    reg_xp = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, X+".format(**d)
    reg_y = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, Y".format(**d)
    reg_yp = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, Y+".format(**d)
    reg_my = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, -Y".format(**d)
    reg_yo = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, Y+{q[0]:d}".format(**d)
    reg_z = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, Z".format(**d)
    reg_zp = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, Z+".format(**d)
    reg_mz = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, -Z".format(**d)
    reg_zo = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, Z+{q[0]:d}".format(**d)
    reg_io = lambda d, s: "r{d[0]:d}, 0x{A[0]:02x}".format(**d)
    x_reg = lambda d, s: "X, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    xp_reg = lambda d, s: "X+, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    mx_reg = lambda d, s: "-X, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    y_reg = lambda d, s: "Y, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    yp_reg = lambda d, s: "Y+, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    my_reg = lambda d, s: "-Y, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    yo_reg = lambda d, s: "Y+{q[0]:d}, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    z_reg = lambda d, s: "Z, r{d[0]:d}".format(**d)
    zp_reg = lambda d, s: "Z+, r{d[0]:d}".format(**d)
    mz_reg = lambda d, s: "-Z, r{d[0]:d}".format(**d)
    zo_reg = lambda d, s: "Z+{q[0]:d}, r{d[0]:d}".format(**d)
    dreg_imm = lambda d, s: "r{:d}, 0x{:x}".format(d["d"][0] * 2 + 24, d["K"][
    dreg_dreg = lambda d, s: "r{:d}, r{:x}".format(d["d"][0] * 2, d["r"][0] * 2
    rel_add = lambda d, s: "0x{:04x}".format(
        s.calc_addr(d["pc"], d["k"][0], 128))
    rel_add12 = lambda d, s: "0x{:04x}".format(
        s.calc_addr(d["pc"], d["k"][0], 4096))
    add17 = lambda d, s: "0x{k[0]:04x}".format(**d)
    bit_rel = lambda d, s: "{s[0]:d}, 0x{k[0]:04x}".format(**d)
    no_opd = lambda d, s: ""
    io_bit = lambda d, s: "0x{A[0]:02x}, {b[0]:d}".format(**d)
    io_reg = lambda d, s: "0x{A[0]:02x}, r{r[0]:d}".format(**d)
    reg8_reg8 = lambda d, s: "r{:d}, r{:d}".format(d["d"][0] + 16, d["r"][0] +
    just_zp = lambda d, s: "Z+"

    I = 7
    T = 6
    H = 5
    S = 4
    V = 3
    N = 2
    Z = 1
    C = 0

    def convert_hex_1(x):
        x[1] = int(x[1], 16)
        return x

    def convert_hex_0(x):
        x[0] = int(x[0], 16)
        return x

    def convert_reg24_30(x):
        x[0] = (int(x[0]) - 24) / 2
        return x

    def convert_reg16_31(x):
        x[0] = int(x[0]) - 16
        return x

    def convert_jmp_0(x):
        x[0] = Atmega328.symtable[x[0]]
        return x

    etiqueta = Word(alphas, alphas + nums) + Suppress(":")
    comentario = Optional(Suppress(";" + Word(alphanums)))

    d0_31 = Suppress(Word(alphas) + "r") + Word(nums)
    d0_31.addCondition(lambda t: int(t[0]) <= 31)

    d0_31_r0_31 = Suppress(Word(alphas) +
                           "r") + Word(nums) + Suppress("," + ZeroOrMore(" ") +
                                                        "r") + Word(nums)
    d0_31_r0_31.addCondition(lambda t: int(t[0]) <= 31 and int(t[1]) <= 31)

    d24_30_k0_63 = Suppress(Word(alphas) + "r") + Word(nums) + Suppress(
        "," + ZeroOrMore(" ") + "0x") + Word(hexnums)
    d24_30_k0_63.addCondition(lambda t: int(t[0]) <= 30 and int(t[0]) >= 24 and
                              int(t[0]) % 2 == 0 and int(t[1], 16) <= 63)

    d16_31_k0_255 = Suppress(Word(alphas) + "r") + Word(nums) + Suppress(
        "," + ZeroOrMore(" ") + "0x") + Word(hexnums)
        lambda t: int(t[0]) <= 31 and int(t[0]) >= 16 and int(t[1], 16) <= 255)

    d0_31_b0_7 = Suppress(Word(alphas) + "r") + Word(nums) + Suppress(
        "," + ZeroOrMore(" ")) + Word(hexnums)
    d0_31_b0_7.addCondition(lambda t: int(t[0]) <= 31 and int(t[1]) <= 7)

    jmp = Suppress(Word(alphas)) + (Word(nums) | Word(alphas))

    #GRUPO N
    def f_imm_4(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    def f_bit(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):
        d = opd_dict["d"][0]

        if opcstr == "tst":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] & self.ram[d]

            #calculo de v
            self.set_flag(self.V, 0)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_imm(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg8_imm(self, opcstr, opd_dict):
        d = opd_dict["d"][0] + 16
        k = opd_dict["K"][0]

        if opcstr == "andi":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] & k

            #calculo de v
            self.set_flag(self.V, 0)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
        elif opcstr == "cpi":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] - k

            #calculo de h
            d3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 3)
            k3 = self.get_bit(k, 3)
            res3 = self.get_bit(res, 3)

            self.set_flag(self.H, (~d3) & k3 | k3 & res3 | res3 & (~d3))

            #calculo de v
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            k7 = self.get_bit(k, 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.V, d7 & (~k7) & (~res7) | (~d7) & k7 & res7)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            if k > self.ram[d]:
                self.set_flag(self.C, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.C, 0)
        elif opcstr == "ori":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] | k

            #calculo de v
            self.set_flag(self.V, 0)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
        elif opcstr == "sbci":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] - k - self.get_flag(7)

            #calculo de h
            d3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 3)
            k3 = self.get_bit(k, 3)
            res3 = self.get_bit(res, 3)

            self.set_flag(self.H, (~d3) & k3 | k3 & res3 | res3 & (~d3))

            #calculo de v
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            k7 = self.get_bit(k, 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.V, d7 & (~k7) & (~res7) | (~d7) & k7 & res7)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff != 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            k7 = self.get_bit(k, 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.C, (~d7) & k7 | k7 & res7 | res7 & (~d7))

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_imm16(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_imm7_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_imm16_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO 4
    def f_reg_bit(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_bit_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):
        d = opd_dict["d"][0]
        r = opd_dict["r"][0]

        if opcstr == "adc":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[r] + self.ram[d] + self.get_flag(self.C)

            #calculo de h
            d3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 3)
            r3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 3)
            res3 = self.get_bit(res, 3)

            self.set_flag(self.H, d3 & r3 | r3 & (~res3) | (~res3) & d3)

            #calculo de v
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.V, d7 & r7 & (~res7) | (~d7) & (~r7) & res7)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            crr = self.get_bit(res, 8)
            self.set_flag(self.C, crr)

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
        elif opcstr == "add":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[r] + self.ram[d]

            #calculo de h
            d3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 3)
            r3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 3)
            res3 = self.get_bit(res, 3)

            self.set_flag(self.H, d3 & r3 | r3 & (~res3) | (~res3) & d3)

            #calculo de v
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.V, d7 & r7 & (~res7) | (~d7) & (~r7) & res7)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            c = self.get_bit(res, 8)
            self.set_flag(self.C, c)

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
        elif opcstr == "and":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] & self.ram[r]

            #calculo de v
            self.set_flag(self.V, 0)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
        elif opcstr == "cp":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] - self.ram[r]

            #calculo de h
            d3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 3)
            r3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 3)
            res3 = self.get_bit(res, 3)

            self.set_flag(self.H, (~d3) & r3 | r3 & res3 | res3 & (~d3))
            #calculo de v
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.V, d7 & (~r7) & (~res7) | (~d7) & r7 & res7)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.C, (~d7) & r7 | r7 & res7 | res7 & (~d7))
        elif opcstr == "cpc":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] - self.ram[r] - self.get_flag(7)

            #calculo de h
            d3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 3)
            r3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 3)
            res3 = self.get_bit(res, 3)

            self.set_flag(self.H, (~d3) & r3 | r3 & res3 | res3 & (~d3))

            #calculo de v
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.V, d7 & (~r7) & (~res7) | (~d7) & r7 & res7)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.C, (~d7) & r7 | r7 & res7 | res7 & (~d7))
        elif opcstr == "cpse":
            #calculo del resultado
            if self.ram[d] == self.ram[r]:
                opc = self.flash.get_word(self.pc)
                entry = self.find_opcode(opc)
                if entry.opcstr[0] == "!":
                    self.pc += 4  #Saltar una instruccion
                    self.pc += 2
        elif opcstr == "eor":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[r] ^ self.ram[d]

            #calculo de v
            self.set_flag(self.V, 0)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
        elif opcstr == "mov":
            #calculo del resultado
            self.ram[d] = self.ram[r]
        elif opcstr == "or":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[r] | self.ram[d]

            #calculo de v
            self.set_flag(self.V, 0)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
        elif opcstr == "sbc":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] - self.ram[r] - self.get_flag(7)

            #calculo de h
            d3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 3)
            r3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 3)
            res3 = self.get_bit(res, 3)

            self.set_flag(self.H, (~d3) & r3 | r3 & res3 | res3 & (~d3))

            #calculo de v
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.V, d7 & (~r7) & (~res7) | (~d7) & r7 & res7)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff != 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.C, (~d7) & r7 | r7 & res7 | res7 & (~d7))

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
        elif opcstr == "sub":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] - self.ram[r]

            #calculo de h
            d3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 3)
            r3 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 3)
            res3 = self.get_bit(res, 3)

            self.set_flag(self.H, (~d3) & r3 | r3 & res3 | res3 & (~d3))

            #calculo de v
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.V, d7 & (~r7) & (~res7) | (~d7) & r7 & res7)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, self.get_bit(res, 7))

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            d7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d], 7)
            r7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[r], 7)
            res7 = self.get_bit(res, 7)

            self.set_flag(self.C, (~d7) & r7 | r7 & res7 | res7 & (~d7))

            #guardado del resultado en el registro
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg3_reg3(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg4_reg4(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg4(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_x(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_mx(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_xp(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_y(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_yp(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_my(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_yo(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_z(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_zp(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_mz(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_zo(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg_io(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_x_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_xp_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_mx_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_y_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_yp_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_my_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_yo_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_z_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_zp_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_mz_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_zo_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_dreg_imm(self, opcstr, opd_dict):
        d = opd_dict["d"][0] * 2 + 24
        k = opd_dict["K"][0]

        if opcstr == "adiw":
            #calculo del resultado
            res = self.ram[d] + k
            res1 = self.ram[d + 1] + k

            #calculo de v
            dh7 = self.get_bit(self.ram[d + 1], 7)
            r15 = self.get_bit(res1, 7)
            self.set_flag(self.V, ~dh7 & r15)

            #calculo de n
            self.set_flag(self.N, r15)

            #calculo de s
                          self.get_flag(self.N) ^ self.get_flag(self.V))

            #calculo de z
            if res & 0xff == 0 and res1 & 0xff == 0:
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 1)
                self.set_flag(self.Z, 0)

            #calculo de c
            self.set_flag(self.C, ~r15 & dh7)

            #guardado del resultado
            self.ram[d] = res & 0xff
            self.ram[d + 1] = res1 & 0xff

    #GRUPO N
    def f_dreg_dreg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):
        d = opd_dict["d"][0] * 2
        r = opd_dict["r"][0] * 2

        if opcstr == "movw":
            #calculo del resultado
            self.ram[d] = self.ram[r]
            self.ram[d + 1] = self.ram[r + 1]

    #GRUPO N
    def f_rel_add(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_rel_add12(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_add17(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_bit_rel(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_no_opd(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_io_bit(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_io_reg(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_reg8_reg8(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #GRUPO N
    def f_just_zp(self, opcstr, opd_dict):

    #   1: Gomez-Pereyra
    #   2: Garijo-Perez
    #   3: Gueler-
    #   4:
    opcodes = (
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x1c00, "adc", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "b4a5b1",
            d0_31_r0_31),  # 1
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x0c00, "add", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "b4a5b1",
            d0_31_r0_31),  # 1
        OPC(0xff00, 0x9600, "adiw", "K4d2K2", dreg_imm, f_dreg_imm, "b4a2b2",
            d24_30_k0_63),  # 1
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x2000, "and", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "b4a5b1",
            d0_31_r0_31),  # 1
        OPC(0xf000, 0x7000, "andi", "K4d4K4", reg8_imm, f_reg8_imm, "b4a4b4",
            d16_31_k0_255),  # 1
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9405, "asr", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "-4a5", d0_31),  # 3

        #B @12
        #OPC(0xff8f, 0x9488, "bclr",   "-4s3",      bit,        f_bit),
        OPC(0xfe08, 0xf800, "bld", "b3-1d5", reg_bit, f_reg_bit, "b3-1a5",
            d0_31_b0_7),  # 4
        #OPC(0xfc00, 0xf400, "brbc",   "s3k7",      bit_rel,    f_bit_rel),
        #OPC(0xfc00, 0xf000, "brbs",   "s3k7",      bit_rel,    f_bit_rel),
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf400, "brcc", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "-3a7",
            jmp),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf000, "brcs", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "-3a7",
            jmp),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9598, "break", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf001, "breq", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "-3k7",
            jmp),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf404, "brge", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf405, "brhc", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf005, "brhs", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf407, "brid", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf007, "brie", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf000, "brlo", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf004, "brlt", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf002, "brmi", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf401, "brne", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf402, "brpl", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf400, "brsh", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf406, "brtc", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf006, "brts", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf403, "brvc", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc07, 0xf003, "brvs", "-3k7", rel_add, f_rel_add, "", None),  # 4
        #OPC(0xff8f, 0x9408, "bset",   "-4s3",      bit,        f_bit),
        OPC(0xfe08, 0xfa00, "bst", "b3-1d5", reg_bit, f_reg_bit, "",
            None),  # 4

        OPC(0xfe0e, 0x940e, "call", "!k17-3k5", add17, f_add17, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xff00, 0x9800, "cbi", "b3A5", io_bit, f_io_bit, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9488, "clc", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x94d8, "clh", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x94f8, "cli", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x94a8, "cln", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x2400, "clr", "r4d5r1", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xffff, 0x94c8, "cls", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x94e8, "clt", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x94b8, "clv", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9498, "clz", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9400, "com", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe00, 0x1400, "cp", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "", None),  # 1
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x0400, "cpc", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "",
            None),  # 1
        OPC(0xf000, 0x3000, "cpi", "K4d4K4", reg8_imm, f_reg8_imm, "",
            None),  # 1
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x1000, "cpse", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "",
            None),  # 1

        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x940a, "dec", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 3
        OPC(0xff0f, 0x940b, "des", "-4K4", imm_4, f_imm_4, "", None),  # 3

        OPC(0xffff, 0x9519, "eicall", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9419, "eijmp", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xffff, 0x95d8, "elpm", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9006, "elpm", "-4d5", reg_z, f_reg_z, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9007, "elpm", "-4d5", reg_zp, f_reg_zp, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x2400, "eor", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "",
            None),  # 1

        OPC(0xff88, 0x0308, "fmul", "r3-1d3", reg8_reg8, f_reg8_reg8, "",
            None),  # 3
        OPC(0xff88, 0x0380, "fmuls", "r3-1d3", reg8_reg8, f_reg8_reg8, "",
            None),  # 3
        OPC(0xff88, 0x0388, "fmulsu", "r3-1d3", reg8_reg8, f_reg8_reg8, "",
            None),  # 3

        #G - No hay

        #H - No hay

        OPC(0xffff, 0x9509, "icall", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9409, "ijmp", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xf800, 0xb000, "in", "A4d5A2", reg_io, f_reg_io, "", None),  # 3
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9403, "inc", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 3

        OPC(0xfe0e, 0x940c, "jmp", "!k17-3k5", add17, f_add17, "", None),  # 2

        #K - No hay

        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9206, "lac", "-4r5", z_reg, f_z_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9205, "las", "-4r5", z_reg, f_z_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9207, "lat", "-4r5", z_reg, f_z_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x900c, "ld", "-4d5", reg_x, f_reg_x, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x900d, "ld", "-4d5", reg_xp, f_reg_xp, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x900e, "ld", "-4d5", reg_mx, f_reg_mx, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x900c, "ld", "-4d5", reg_x, f_reg_x, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x900d, "ld", "-4d5", reg_xp, f_reg_xp, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x900e, "ld", "-4d5", reg_mx, f_reg_mx, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x8008, "ld", "-4d5", reg_y, f_reg_y, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9009, "ld", "-4d5", reg_yp, f_reg_yp, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x900a, "ld", "-4d5", reg_my, f_reg_my, "", None),
        OPC(0xd208, 0x8008, "ldd", "q3-1d5-1q2-1q1", reg_yo, f_reg_yo, "",
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x8000, "ld", "-4d5", reg_z, f_reg_z, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9001, "ld", "-4d5", reg_zp, f_reg_zp, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9002, "ld", "-4d5", reg_mz, f_reg_mz, "", None),
        OPC(0xd208, 0x8000, "ldd", "q3-1d5-1q2-1q1", reg_zo, f_reg_zo, "",
        OPC(0xf000, 0xe000, "ldi", "K4d4K4", reg8_imm, f_reg8_imm, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9000, "lds", "!k16-4d5", reg_imm16, f_reg_imm16, "",
        OPC(0xffff, 0x95c8, "lpm", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9004, "lpm", "-4d5", reg_z, f_reg_z, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9005, "lpm", "-4d5", reg_zp, f_reg_zp, "", None),
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x0c00, "lsl", "r4d5r1", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 3
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9406, "lsr", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 3

        OPC(0xfc00, 0x2c00, "mov", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "",
            None),  # 1
        OPC(0xff00, 0x0100, "movw", "r4d4", dreg_dreg, f_dreg_dreg, "",
            None),  # 1
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x9c00, "mul", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "",
            None),  # 3
        OPC(0xff00, 0x0200, "muls", "r4d4", reg4_reg4, f_reg4_reg4, "",
            None),  # 3
        OPC(0xff88, 0x0300, "mulsu", "r3-1d3", reg3_reg3, f_reg3_reg3, "",
            None),  # 3

        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9401, "neg", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 3
        OPC(0xffff, 0x0000, "nop", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2

        OPC(0xfc00, 0x2800, "or", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "", None),  # 1
        OPC(0xf000, 0x6000, "ori", "K4d4K4", reg8_imm, f_reg8_imm, "",
            None),  # 1
        OPC(0xf800, 0xb800, "out", "A4r5A2", io_reg, f_io_reg, "", None),  # 3

        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x900f, "pop", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x920f, "push", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 2

        #Q - No hay

        OPC(0xf000, 0xd000, "rcall", "k12", rel_add12, f_rel_add12, "",
            None),  # 2
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9508, "ret", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9518, "reti", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xf000, 0xc000, "rjmp", "k12", rel_add12, f_rel_add12, "",
            None),  # 2
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x1c00, "rol", "r4d5r1", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 3
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9407, "ror", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 3

        #S - en proceso
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x0800, "sbc", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "",
            None),  # 1
        OPC(0xf000, 0x4000, "sbci", "K4d4K4", reg8_imm, f_reg8_imm, "",
            None),  # 1
        OPC(0xff00, 0x9a00, "sbi", "b3A5", io_bit, f_io_bit, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xff00, 0x9900, "sbic", "b3A5", io_bit, f_io_bit, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xff00, 0x9b00, "sbis", "b3A5", io_bit, f_io_bit, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xff00, 0x9700, "sbiw", "K4d2K2", dreg_imm, f_dreg_imm, "",
            None),  # 4
        OPC(0xf000, 0x6000, "sbr", "K4d4K4", reg_imm, f_reg_imm, "",
            None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfe00, 0xfc00, "sbrc", "b3-1d5", reg_bit, f_reg_bit, "",
            None),  # 4
        OPC(0xfe08, 0xfe00, "sbrs", "b3-1d5", reg_bit, f_reg_bit, "",
            None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9408, "sec", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9458, "seh", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9478, "sei", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9428, "sen", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xff0f, 0xef0f, "ser", "-4d4", reg4, f_reg4, "", None),
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9448, "ses", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9468, "set", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9438, "sev", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9418, "sez", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 4
        OPC(0xffff, 0x9588, "sleep", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2
        OPC(0xffff, 0x95e8, "spm", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),
        OPC(0xffff, 0x95f8, "spm", "", just_zp, f_just_zp, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x920c, "st", "-4r5", x_reg, f_x_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x920d, "st", "-4r5", xp_reg, f_xp_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x920e, "st", "-4r5", mx_reg, f_mx_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x8208, "st", "-4r5", y_reg, f_y_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9209, "st", "-4r5", yp_reg, f_yp_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x920a, "st", "-4r5", my_reg, f_my_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xd208, 0x8208, "std", "q3-1r5-1q2-1q1", yo_reg, f_yo_reg, "",
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x8200, "st", "-4d5", z_reg, f_z_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9201, "st", "-4d5", zp_reg, f_zp_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9202, "st", "-4d5", mz_reg, f_mz_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xd208, 0x8200, "std", "q3-1d5-1q2-1q1", zo_reg, f_zo_reg, "",
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9200, "sts", "!k16-4d5", imm16_reg, f_imm16_reg, "",
        OPC(0xf800, 0xa800, "sts", "k4d4k3", imm7_reg, f_imm7_reg, "", None),
        OPC(0xfc00, 0x1800, "sub", "r4d5r1", reg_reg, f_reg_reg, "",
            None),  # 1
        OPC(0xf000, 0x5000, "subi", "K4d4K4", reg8_imm, f_reg8_imm, "",
            None),  # 3
        OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9402, "swap", "-4d5", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 2

        OPC(0xfc00, 0x2000, "tst", "r4d5r1", reg, f_reg, "", None),  # 1

        #U - No hay

        #V - No hay

        OPC(0xffff, 0x95a8, "wdr", "", no_opd, f_no_opd, "", None),  # 2

        #~ OPC(0xfe0f, 0x9204, "xch",    "-4d5",    reg,        f_reg)    # Not for atmega328

        # Y - No hay

        # Z - No hay

    def __init__(self, symtable):
        self.flash = Memory(32768, Memory.FLASH)
        #self.symtable = symtable
        self.pc = 0
        self.sp = 0x7fff
        self.ram = [0] * 32
        self.flags = 0

    def get_bit(self, reg, bit):
        return (reg >> bit) & 0x01

    def set_bit(self, reg, bit, value):
        if value == 1:
            reg = reg | (1 << bit)
            reg = reg & (~(1 << bit))

        return reg

    def get_flag(self, flag):
        return self.get_bit(self.flags, flag)

    def set_flag(self, flag, value):
        self.flags = self.set_bit(self.flags, flag, value)

    def reset(self):
        self.pc = 0
        self.sp = 0x7fff
        self.flags = 0

    def load_flash(self, fname):

    def find_opcode(self, opc):
        for entry in self.opcodes:
            if (opc & entry.mask) == entry.remainder:
            print("Instruccion no decodificada: {:04x}".format(opc))
            return None
        return entry

    def find_instruction(self, instruction):
        for entry in self.opcodes:
            if instruction == entry.opcstr:
            print("Instruccion no encontrada:" + instruction)
            return None
        return entry

    def decode_operands(self, entry, pc, opc):
        opd_dict = {"pc": pc}  # para calcular direcciones relativas
        cmd = entry.opdcmd
        if (cmd != "") and (cmd[0] == '!'):  # Instruccion de 32 bits?
            opc = (opc << 16) | self.flash.get_word(pc)
            cmd = cmd[1:]
            pc += 2
            # Ej.: r4d5r1 (para ADC)
            # decodificar 0x1da5
        while cmd != "":  #  paso 1  paso 2  paso 3
            r = re.match("([a-zA-Z-])(\d+)", cmd)  #  r, 4    d, 5    r, 1
            if r == None:
                print("error en expresion en la table")
            field_name = r.group(1)  #  r       d       r
            field_len = int(r.group(2))  #  4       5       1

            if field_name not in opd_dict:
                opd_dict[field_name] = [0, 0]
            step = opd_dict[field_name]

            temp = opc & (1 << field_len) - 1  #  5       26      0
            opc >>= field_len  #  0x01da  0x000e  0x0007
            step[0] |= temp << step[1]  #  [r]=5   [d]=26  [r]=5
            step[1] += field_len  #  4       5       5

            cmd = cmd[len(r.group(0)):]  #  r4d5r1  d5r1    r1
            #  ->d5r1  -> r1   -> ""

        return opd_dict

    def disassemble_one_instruction(self, pc, symtable=None):
        opc = self.flash.get_word(pc)
        pc += 2
        if opc == None:
            return None

        entry = self.find_opcode(opc)
        if entry == None:
            return None

        opd_dict = self.decode_operands(entry, pc, opc)

        s = "{:8s}{:8s}".format("", entry.opcstr)
        if entry.fmt in [
                Atmega328.add17, Atmega328.rel_add, Atmega328.rel_add12
            sym = int(entry.fmt(opd_dict, self), 0)
            self.symtable.add(self.symtable.create_label(sym), sym)
            s += "{:s}".format(self.symtable.create_label(sym))
            s += entry.fmt(opd_dict, self)
        return (s, pc)

    #funcion para ensamblar una instruccion
    def assemble_one_instruction(self, line, mem_pos):
        instruction = 0

            l = (self.etiqueta + self.comentario).parseString(line)
            self.symtable[l[0]] = mem_pos
            return None
        except Exception as e:
        opc = re.match("([a-zA-Z]+)", line)

        entry = self.find_instruction(opc.group(1))

        instruction = entry.remainder

            opd_list = (entry.token + self.comentario).parseString(
                line, parseAll=True)
            if entry.token == Atmega328.jmp:
                opd_list[0] = opd_list[0] - mem_pos + (
                    128 if opd_list[0] < mem_pos else 0)

        except Exception as e:
            print("Instruccion no valida")
            return None

        cmd = entry.code_opd

        #Parametro para la asignacion de los bits
        itr = 0
        while cmd != "":
            r = re.match("([a-b-])(\d+)", cmd)

            if r.group(1) == "-":
                itr += int(r.group(2))
                cmd = cmd[2:]

            #que valor es el correcto
            opd = 0 if r.group(1) == "a" else 1

            #cantidad de bits a desplazar
            itr_aux = int(r.group(2))

            for bit in range(itr_aux):
                value = int(opd_list[opd]) & 0x01
                opd_list[opd] = int(opd_list[opd]) >> 1

                instruction = self.set_bit(instruction, itr + bit, value)
            itr += itr_aux
            cmd = cmd[2:]

        return instruction

    def single_step(self, pc=None, symtable=None):
        if pc != None:
            self.pc = pc

        opc = self.flash.get_word(self.pc)
        self.pc += 2
        if opc == None:
            return None

        entry = self.find_opcode(opc)
        if entry == None:
            return None

        opd_dict = self.decode_operands(entry, pc, opc)

        entry.sim_instr(self, entry.opcstr, opd_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def _sql_identifier(expr):
    return Suppress(Optional('`')) + expr + Suppress(Optional('`'))
Ejemplo n.º 52

# RULES: "Relative to"
factor_unit = (
    simple_h_name.setResultsName("factor") +
        lambda _s, l, t: {
            'type': 'factor_unit',
            'factor': t.factor,
            'unparsed_unit': t.unparsed_unit if t.unparsed_unit else ""

# #### URL Parser ################################################################

url_chars = alphanums + '-_.~%+'
fragment = Combine((Suppress('#') + Word(url_chars)))('fragment')
scheme = oneOf('http https ftp file data')('scheme')
host = Combine(delimitedList(Word(url_chars), '.'))('host')
port = Suppress(':') + Word(nums)('port')
user_info = (Word(url_chars)('username') + Suppress(':') +
             Word(url_chars)('password') + Suppress('@'))

query_pair = Group(Word(url_chars) + Suppress('=') + Word(url_chars))
query = Group(Suppress('?') + delimitedList(query_pair, '&'))('query')

path = Combine(Suppress('/') +
               OneOrMore(~query + Word(url_chars + '/')))('path')

url_parser = (scheme.setResultsName("scheme") + Suppress('://') +
              Optional(user_info).setResultsName("user_info") +
              Optional(host).setResultsName("host") +
Ejemplo n.º 53
    Optional(_AS + _SQL_ID.setResultsName("alias"))

_TABLE_NAME = _SQL_ID.setResultsName("table")
_PROCEDURE_NAME = _sql_identifier(
    Word(alphanums + "_.:").setResultsName("name")).setResultsName('name')

_SQL_ARG = Optional(_SQL_DIRECTION, default='IN') + _SQL_ID + _SQL_TYPE
_SQL_ARGS = delimitedList(Group(_SQL_ARG), combine=False)

_RETURN_TYPE = oneOf("object array", caseless=True).setResultsName("type")

# expressions
_DEFINE_FUNCTION = _DEFINE + _ID + nestedExpr(content=_ID_LIST, ignoreExpr=None).setResultsName("args") + \
    Suppress(White()) + Regex(".*$").setResultsName("body")

_DEFINE_VAR = _DEFINE + _ID + SkipTo(lineEnd,
_INCLUDE_FILE = _INCLUDE + quotedString.setResultsName("filename")
_EXPAND_VAR = Suppress('$') + _ID
_EXPAND_FUNC = Suppress('$') + _ID + nestedExpr(
    content=_VALUE_LIST, ignoreExpr=None).setResultsName("args")

_IF_EXPR = _IF + SkipTo(lineEnd, include=True).setResultsName("condition")
_ELSE_EXPR = _ELSE + lineEnd
_ENDIF_EXPR = _ENDIF + lineEnd

_RETURN_HINT_EXPR = _select_hint(
    Optional(_ID + Suppress(Literal(":"))) +
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def __init__(self):
        self.rules_parsed = 0
        dot = Suppress(".")
        colon = Word(":")
        _is = Suppress("is")
        _and = Suppress("and")
        then = Suppress("then")
        when = Suppress("when")
        override = Suppress("override")
        every = Suppress("every")
        at = Suppress("at")
        word = Word(alphas + nums + "-" + "_")
        ignoredWord = Suppress(word)
        verb = word.setResultsName('verb')
        number = Word(nums)
        word_or_sentence = (word | quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes))

        identified_by = Suppress("identified by")

        def __actions():
            state = word_or_sentence.setResultsName("state")
            receiver = word.setResultsName("receiver")

            action = Group(verb + receiver + state)
            actions = ZeroOrMore(action + _and) + action
            return Optional("always").setResultsName(
                "always_fire_actions") + Group(actions).setResultsName(
                    "actions") + Optional(
                        override + Optional("off")).setResultsName("override")

        actions = __actions()

        def receiver_input_rule():
            path = Combine(ZeroOrMore(word + ".") + word)
            input = path.setResultsName("input")

            operator = oneOf(operators.keys()).setResultsName("operator")
            value = path.setResultsName("value")
            comparison = operator + value

            is_or_was = Word("is") | Word("was")

            condition = Group(input + is_or_was.setResultsName("temporal") +
            res = ZeroOrMore(condition + _and) + condition
            conditions = Group(res).setResultsName("conditions")

            return Optional("always").setResultsName(
                "always_fire_rule") + when + conditions + then + actions

        def schedule_rule():
            timeIndication = at + Combine(Optional(number) + colon +

            recurringPlural = Group(
                every + number.setResultsName("count") +
                oneOf("days hours minutes seconds weeks").setResultsName(
                    "unit") +

            recurringSingular = Group(
                every +
                oneOf("day hour minute second week sunday weekday weekendday"
                      ).setResultsName("unit") +

            dayOfWeek = oneOf(
                "monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday")
            recurringDay = Group(
                every + Group(ZeroOrMore(dayOfWeek + _and) +
                              dayOfWeek).setResultsName("unit") +

            return (recurringPlural | recurringSingular | recurringDay) + (
                | receiver_input_rule().setResultsName("nested-input-rule"))

        rule_type = (receiver_input_rule().setResultsName("input-rule")
                     | schedule_rule().setResultsName("schedule-rule"))

        self.rule = rule_type + Optional(identified_by +
Ejemplo n.º 55

def split_text(text, tokens):
        Given a body of text that contains tokens,
        splice the text along those tokens.
    starts = [text.find(t) for t in tokens]
    slices = zip(starts, starts[1:])
    texts = [text[i[0]:i[1]] for i in slices] + [text[starts[-1]:]]
    return texts

_first_markers = []
for idx, level in enumerate(p_levels):
    marker = (Suppress(Regex(u',|\.|-|—|>')) + Suppress('(') +
              Literal(level[0]) + Suppress(')'))
    for inner_idx in range(idx + 1, len(p_levels)):
        inner_level = p_levels[inner_idx]
        marker += Optional(
            Suppress('(') + Literal(inner_level[0]) + Suppress(')'))

# @profile
def get_collapsed_markers(text):
    """Not all paragraph markers are at the beginning of of the text. This
    grabs inner markers like (1) and (i) here:
    (c) cContent —(1) 1Content (i) iContent"""

    matches = []
Ejemplo n.º 56
#       Only IDENTIFIER and EQUATIONS are ever used later
# Basic Elements

# identifiers like in C: can start with letter or underscore, then a
# combination of letters, numbers and underscores
# Note that the check_identifiers function later performs more checks, e.g.
# names starting with underscore should only be used internally
IDENTIFIER = Word(string.ascii_letters + '_', string.ascii_letters +
                  string.digits + '_').setResultsName('identifier')

# very broad definition here, expression will be analysed by sympy anyway
# allows for multi-line expressions, where each line can have comments
EXPRESSION = Combine(OneOrMore(
    (CharsNotIn(':#\n') + Suppress(Optional(LineEnd()))).ignore('#' +
                     joinString=' ').setResultsName('expression')

# a unit
# very broad definition here, again. Whether this corresponds to a valid unit
# string will be checked later
UNIT = Word(string.ascii_letters + string.digits +
            '*/.- ').setResultsName('unit')

# a single Flag (e.g. "const" or "event-driven")
FLAG = Word(string.ascii_letters, string.ascii_letters + '_- ' + string.digits)

# Flags are comma-separated and enclosed in parantheses: "(flag1, flag2)"
FLAGS = (Suppress('(') + FLAG + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + FLAG) +
Ejemplo n.º 57
class Lindenmayer(object):
    def __init__(self, stream):
        # Set the default image dimensions ...
        self.width = N
        self.height = N
        # ... and the number of iterations.
        self.iterations = 5
        # Set the default rotation angle in degrees.
        self.alpha = 2*np.pi/8
        self.angle = 0
        # Initialize the branch stack, ...
        self.stack = []
        # ... the constants, the rules, the variables and the axiom ...
        self.const = {'+':'+', '-':'-', '[':'[', ']':']'}
        self.rules = {}
        self.vars = []
        self.axiom = None
        # ... and drawing settings.
        self.bgcolor = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        self.lineLength = 20
        self.lineWidth = 5
        self.lineColor = (0, 0, 0)
        # Calculate the starting position.
        self.offset = (0, -self.height*0.5)
        print 'Offset :', self.offset
        # Finally store the stream ...
        self.stream = stream

        self.arr =  bak.calc()#np.zeros((N,N))#
        print "Baking Bread..."

        # state
        self.x = int(self.width/2)#int(self.width/2)
        self.y = int(self.height/2)
        self.r = 16

        self.xparent = self.x
        self.yparent = self.y
        # ... and initialize the parser.

    # calculates new radius based on a poisson distribution (?)
    def poisson(self):
        global bubbles, delta
        #x1 = min(max(self.x-delta,0),N)
        #y1 = min(max(self.y-delta,0),N)
        x1 = self.x
        y1 = self.y

        suma = 0.0
        x0 = max(x1-delta,0)
        y0 = max(y1-delta,0)
        x2 = min(x1+delta,N)
        y2 = min(y1+delta,N)
        #print x0,y0,x2,y2
        #print abs(x0-x2),abs(y0-y2)
        cant = 0
        for i in range(x0,x2):
            for j in range(y0,y2):
                #d = np.sqrt((x1-i)*(x1-i) + (y1-j)*(y1-j)).astype(np.float32) # distance
                #if(d==0): suma+=bubbles[i,j]
                suma += bubbles[i,j]#*(np.sqrt(2)*delta+1-d)/(np.sqrt(2)*delta)
                cant += bubbles[i,j]>0
                #suma += np.pi*bubbles[i,j]*bubbles[i,j]
                #if(bubbles[i,j]): print "RADIO:" , bubbles[i,j]

        factor = delta # (?)
        #print "Suma:", suma, "Delta: ", delta

        #print factor*(1/suma)

        #1/ sum_D (cant*radios*D^2) 

        #D = np.sqrt(np.power((self.x-self.height/2),2)+np.power((self.y-self.width/2),2))
        G = 1#+2.5*self.arr[min(self.width,max(self.x-1,0)),min(self.width,max(self.y-1,0))]#D/300 #gelatinization
        #print "G: ", G

        x1 = min(max(self.x-delta,0),N)
        y1 = min(max(self.y-delta,0),N)
        baking = self.arr[x1,y1]*4
        #print baking, ": baking"

        if(suma > 0):
            m = 1/suma
            #if(delta*m < 1): return np.random.randint(0,2)
            if(cant>10): return 0
            return np.random.randint(0,delta*m+2)/baking
        else: # free
            return np.random.randint(0,delta/2+delta/2)/baking

    def rotate(self):
        #self.x += self.r
        #self.y += self.r
        #d = 2*np.pi*random.random()
        ang = self.angle+random.random()/6
        self.x = self.xparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.cos(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r))
        self.y = self.yparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.sin(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r))
        #self.x = self.xparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.cos(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r))
        #self.y = self.yparent + np.int32(fdist(self.r)*np.sin(ang))+randint(-int(self.r),int(self.r))

    def moveX(self):
        self.x += self.r
    def mmoveX(self):
        self.x -= self.r
    def moveY(self):
        self.y += self.r
    def mmoveY(self):
        self.y -= self.r

    def initialize(self):
        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\r')
        integer = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") \
            .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
        number = Regex(r"[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?") \
            .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ float(t[0]) ])
        color = Regex(r"#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})")
        angle = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \
            .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
        alpha = "'" + Regex(r"(360|3[0-5][0-9]|[12][0-9]{2}|[0-9]{1,2})") \
            .setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: [ int(t[0]) ])
        variable = Word(alphas, exact=1).setParseAction(self.addVar)
        colon = Literal(":").suppress()
        comma = Literal(",")
        lBrace = Literal("(")
        rBrace = Literal(")")
        lBracket = Literal("[")
        rBracket = Literal("]")
        lAngle = Literal("<")
        rAngle = Literal(">")
        plus = Literal("+")
        minus = Literal("-")
        FTerm = Literal("F")
        fTerm = Literal("f")
        ZTerm = Literal("Z")
        zTerm = Literal("z")
        xTerm = Literal("x")
        cTerm = Literal("c")
        eol = OneOrMore(LineEnd()).suppress()
        param = ( angle | color | "!" + number | "|" + number )
        self.pList = lBrace + param + ZeroOrMore(comma + param) + rBrace
        literal = ((lBracket + ( variable + Optional(self.pList) 
                | plus + Optional(self.pList) | minus + Optional(self.pList) ) + rBracket)
            | (variable + Optional(self.pList) | plus + Optional(self.pList) 
                | minus + Optional(self.pList)))
        terminal = (ZTerm | zTerm | FTerm | fTerm | xTerm | cTerm
            | plus | minus | lBracket | rBracket)
        lprod = ( 
            (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal))
            | (OneOrMore(terminal) + lAngle + variable) 
            | (variable + rAngle + OneOrMore(terminal)) 
            | variable )
        rProd = OneOrMore(literal | terminal)
        comment = Suppress((LineStart() + "#" + SkipTo(eol, include=True)))
        rules = ( 
            (lprod + Literal("=") + rProd + eol).setParseAction(self.addRule) \
            | comment )
        defaults = ( ( ("Dimensions" + colon + integer + comma + integer) 
            | ("Position" + colon + integer + comma + integer)
            | ("Iterations" + colon + integer)
            | ("Angle" + colon + angle)
            | ("Linelength" + colon + number)
            | ("Linewidth" + colon + number)
            | ("Linecolor" + colon + color)
            | ("Background" + colon + color)
            | ("Axiom" + colon + rProd) ) + eol ).setParseAction(self.setAttribute)
        header = ( defaults | comment )
        self.grammar = Suppress(ZeroOrMore(LineEnd())) \
            + ZeroOrMore(header) \
            + OneOrMore(rules)
            L = self.grammar.parseString( self.stream )
        except ParseException, err:
            print err.line
            print " "*(err.column-1) + "^"
            print err
        print 'Rules:', self.rules
Ejemplo n.º 58
    def parse(content, basedir=None, resolve=True):
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: If true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list
        def norm_string(value):
            for k, v in ConfigParser.REPLACEMENTS.items():
                value = value.replace(k, v)
            return value

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3:-3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = "\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable = match.group('variable')
            ws = match.group('ws')
            optional = match.group('optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring,
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '(")(?P<value>[^"]*)\\1(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string(match.group('value'))
            ws = match.group('ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(token):
            url = None
            file = None
            if len(token) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = token[0].value if isinstance(
                    token[0], ConfigQuotedString) else token[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith(
                        "https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(token) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = token[1].value if isinstance(
                    token[1], ConfigQuotedString) else token[1]
                if token[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(url, resolve=False)

            if file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)
                logger.debug('Loading config from file %s', path)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(path,

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        assign_expr = Forward()
        true_expr = Keyword("true",
        false_expr = Keyword("false",
        null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(
        key = QuotedString(
            '"', escChar='\\',
            unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- ')

        eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
        eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
        comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol | StringEnd())
        comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
        comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
        number_expr = Regex(
            '[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE]\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

        # multi line string using """
        # Using fix described in http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/share/view/3778969
        multiline_string = Regex(
            re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
        # single quoted line string
        quoted_string = Regex('".*?"[ \t]*',
        # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
        # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
        # line1  \
        # line2 \
        # so a backslash precedes the \n
        unquoted_string = Regex('(?:\\\\|[^\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$])+[ \t]*'
        substitution_expr = Regex('[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*').setParseAction(
        string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

        value_expr = number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

        include_expr = (Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() + (
            quoted_string | (
                (Keyword('url') | Keyword('file')) - Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string - Literal(')').suppress()))) \

        root_dict_expr = Forward()
        dict_expr = Forward()
        list_expr = Forward()
        multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr
                                      | substitution_expr | dict_expr
                                      | list_expr | value_expr
                                      | (Literal('\\') - eol).suppress())
        # for a dictionary : or = is optional
        # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
        inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
            ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma))
        inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
            ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr | eol_comma),
        dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
        list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
        list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(
            list_entry - ZeroOrMore(eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

        # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
        assign_expr << Group(key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -
                             (dict_expr |
                              (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) -
                              ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -

        # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
        config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (
            list_expr | root_dict_expr
            | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
        config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]
        if resolve:
        return config
Ejemplo n.º 59
RPC = Keyword('rpc')
RETURNS = Keyword('returns')
SERVICE = Keyword('service')
OPTION = Keyword('option')
ENUM = Keyword('enum')
ONEOF = Keyword('oneof')
REQUIRED = Keyword('required')
OPTIONAL = Keyword('optional')
REPEATED = Keyword('repeated')
TRUE = Keyword('true')
FALSE = Keyword('false')

message_body = Forward()

message_definition= Suppress(MESSAGE) - identifier("message_id") + Suppress(LBRACE) + message_body("message_body") + Suppress(RBRACE)
enum_definition= ENUM - identifier + LBRACE + ZeroOrMore(Group(identifier + EQ + integer + SEMI) ) + RBRACE

DOUBLE = Keyword("double")
INT32 = Keyword("int32")
UINT32 = Keyword("uint32")
BOOL = Keyword("bool")
STRING = Keyword("string")

type_ = (DOUBLE | UINT32 | BOOL | STRING | identifier)
qualifier = (REQUIRED | OPTIONAL | REPEATED )("qualifier")
field = qualifier - type_("type_") + identifier("identifier") + EQ + integer("field_number") + SEMI
Ejemplo n.º 60
    def compute(self, text, verbose=True):
        # Literals
        dollar = Literal('$')
        amper = Literal('&')
        at = Literal('@')
        qm = Literal('?')
        em = Literal('!')
        dot = Literal('.')
        colon = Literal(":")
        vbar = Literal("|")
        lbrack = Literal("[")
        rbrack = Literal("]")
        lcurly = Literal("{")
        rcurly = Literal("}")
        lparen = Literal("(")
        rparen = Literal(")")
        lt = Literal("<")
        gt = Literal(">")
        eq = Literal("=")
        deq = Literal("==")
        eol = LineEnd().suppress()

        # Reusables
        spellId = Word(nums, min=2, max=6).addParseAction(
        idx = Word(nums,
        var = Word(alphas).setResultsName("var")

        # Spell References
        effectId = Optional(
            Word(nums, max=2).addParseAction(
        references = (dollar.suppress() +
                      ((at.suppress() + var + Optional(spellId)) |
                       (spellId + var + effectId) |
                       (var + effectId))).addParseAction(self.setReferences)

        # Conditions
        brackets = Suppress(lbrack) + SkipTo(rbrack).setResultsName(
            "statement") + Suppress(rbrack)
        value = Word(nums, max=5).addParseAction(
        conditionVar = Group(
            Optional(em).setResultsName("not") + Optional(var) +
            (spellId | idx)
            | Optional("-") + value
            | Word(alphanums, exact=8).setResultsName("hashVariable"))
        conditions = ((dollar + qm).suppress() + OneOrMore(
                Optional(Suppress(qm)) + Optional(Suppress(lparen)) +
                    conditionVar.setResultsName("variables*") +
                    Optional(Combine(em + eq) | amper | vbar | deq | lt
                             | gt).setResultsName("operators*")) +
                Optional(Suppress(rparen)) +
                brackets).setResultsName("conditions*")) +
                      brackets).addParseAction(lambda t: self.setConditions(
                          t, verbose=verbose)) + Optional(dot.suppress())

        # Call Variable
        callVariables = (Suppress((lt + dollar) | (dollar + lt)) +
                         SkipTo(gt).setResultsName("name") +

        # Expressions
        expressions = (
            Suppress(dollar + lcurly) +
            SkipTo(rcurly).setResultsName("content") + rcurly + Optional(
                dot.suppress() + Word(nums, exact=1).addParseAction(
                    tokenMap(int)).setResultsName("mod"), )
        ).addParseAction(lambda t: self.setExpressions(t, verbose=verbose))

        # Language Choices
        languageChoices = (
            (Literal('$L') | Literal('$l')).suppress() +
            OneOrMore(Word(alphas) + Optional(Literal(":").suppress())
                      ).setResultsName("options*") +

        # Icons
        icons = (Literal("|T").suppress() +
                 SkipTo(colon).setResultsName("path") +
                 colon.suppress() + Word(nums, exact=2).addParseAction(
                     tokenMap(int)).setResultsName("size") +

        # Parsing layer by layer
        parsingOrder = [
            icons, languageChoices, callVariables, references, expressions,
        steps = [text]
        for parser in parsingOrder:
        result = steps[-1]

        # Colors
        endTag = ((vbar + (Literal("r") | Literal("R")) | eol))
        parser = (Suppress(vbar + (Literal("c") | Literal("C"))) +
                  Word(hexnums, exact=8).setResultsName("hex") +
                  SkipTo(endTag).setResultsName("content") +

        new_result = parser.transformString(result)
        result = parser.transformString(new_result)

        while (new_result != result):
            new_result = result
            result = parser.transformString(new_result)

        # Replace each Sha1 Hash placeholder by refering value
        if verbose:
            for k, v in self.variables.items():
                result = result.replace(k, str(v))

        # Display fixes
        displayFixes = [["*% of", "% of"], ["power)%", "power)"]]
        for bef, aft in displayFixes:
            result = result.replace(bef, aft)

        # Normalize line breakers
        result = result.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n").strip("\n")

        if self.formatType == "html" and verbose:
            result = result.replace("\r\n", "<br>").replace("\n", "<br>")

        return result