Ejemplo n.º 1
    def save_exposure(self, frame, sci_dict, basename):
        Save the outputs from extraction for a given exposure

            frame (:obj:`int`):
              0-indexed row in the metadata table with the frame that
              has been reduced.
            sci_dict (:obj:`dict`):
              Dictionary containing the primary outputs of extraction
            basename (:obj:`str`):
                The root name for the output file.

            None or SpecObjs:  All of the objects saved to disk

        # TODO: Need some checks here that the exposure has been reduced

        # Determine the headers
        head1d = self.fitstbl[frame]
        # Need raw file header information
        rawfile = self.fitstbl.frame_paths(frame)
        head2d = fits.getheader(rawfile, ext=self.spectrograph.primary_hdrext,)
        refframe = 'pixel' if self.caliBrate.par['wavelengths']['reference'] == 'pixel' else \

        # Determine the paths/filenames
        scipath = os.path.join(self.par['rdx']['redux_path'], self.par['rdx']['scidir'])

        save.save_all(sci_dict, self.caliBrate.master_key_dict, self.caliBrate.master_dir, self.spectrograph,
                      head1d, head2d, scipath, basename, refframe=refframe,
                      update_det=self.par['rdx']['detnum'], binning=self.fitstbl['binning'][frame])

Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(args):
    """ Executes 2d coadding

    # Load the file
    if args.file is not None:
        spectrograph, config_lines, spec2d_files = read_coadd2d_file(args.file)
        # Parameters
        # TODO: Shouldn't this reinstantiate the same parameters used in
        # the PypeIt run that extracted the objects?  Why are we not
        # just passing the pypeit file?
        spectrograph_def_par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
        par = par.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines(
    elif args.obj is not None:
        # TODO: This needs to define the science path
        spec2d_files = glob.glob('./Science/spec2d_*' + args.obj + '*')
        head0 = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[0])
        spectrograph_name = head0['SPECTROG']
        spectrograph = load_spectrograph(spectrograph_name)
        par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
            'You must either input a coadd2d file with --file or an object name with --obj'

    # If detector was passed as an argument override whatever was in the coadd2d_file
    if args.det is not None:
        msgs.info("Restricting reductions to detector={}".format(args.det))
        par['rdx']['detnum'] = int(args.det)

    # Get headers and base names
    spec1d_files = [
        files.replace('spec2d', 'spec1d') for files in spec2d_files
    head1d = fits.getheader(spec1d_files[0])
    head2d = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[0])
    if args.basename is None:
        filename = os.path.basename(spec2d_files[0])
        basename = filename.split('_')[1]
        basename = args.basename

    # Write the par to disk
    par_outfile = basename + '_coadd2d.par'
    print("Writing the parameters to {}".format(par_outfile))

    # Now run the coadds

    skysub_mode = head2d['SKYSUB']
    ir_redux = True if 'DIFF' in skysub_mode else False

    # Print status message
    msgs_string = 'Reducing target {:s}'.format(basename) + msgs.newline()
    msgs_string += 'Performing coadd of frames reduce with {:s} imaging'.format(
    msgs_string += msgs.newline(
    ) + 'Combining frames in 2d coadd:' + msgs.newline()
    for file in spec2d_files:
        msgs_string += '{0:s}'.format(os.path.basename(file)) + msgs.newline()

    # TODO: This needs to be added to the parameter list for rdx
    redux_path = os.getcwd()
    master_dirname = os.path.basename(head2d['PYPMFDIR']) + '_coadd'
    master_dir = os.path.join(redux_path, master_dirname)

    # Make the new Master dir
    if not os.path.isdir(master_dir):
            'Creating directory for Master output: {0}'.format(master_dir))

    # Instantiate the sci_dict
    sci_dict = OrderedDict()  # This needs to be ordered
    sci_dict['meta'] = {}
    sci_dict['meta']['vel_corr'] = 0.
    sci_dict['meta']['ir_redux'] = ir_redux

    # Find the detectors to reduce
    detectors = PypeIt.select_detectors(detnum=par['rdx']['detnum'],
    if len(detectors) != spectrograph.ndet:
        msgs.warn('Not reducing detectors: {0}'.format(' '.join([
            str(d) for d in set(np.arange(spectrograph.ndet)) - set(detectors)

    # Loop on detectors
    for det in detectors:
        msgs.info("Working on detector {0}".format(det))
        sci_dict[det] = {}

        # Read in the images stacks and other clibration/meta data for this detector
        stack_dict = coadd2d.load_coadd2d_stacks(spec2d_files, det)

        sci_dict[det]['sciimg'], sci_dict[det]['sciivar'], sci_dict[det]['skymodel'], \
                sci_dict[det]['objmodel'], sci_dict[det]['ivarmodel'], sci_dict[det]['outmask'], \
                sci_dict[det]['specobjs'] \
                        = coadd2d.extract_coadd2d(stack_dict, master_dir, det, ir_redux=ir_redux,
                                                  par=par, show=args.show, show_peaks=args.peaks,
                                                  std=args.std, samp_fact=args.samp_fact)

    # Make the new Science dir
    # TODO: This needs to be defined by the user
    scipath = os.path.join(redux_path, 'Science_coadd')
    if not os.path.isdir(scipath):
        msgs.info('Creating directory for Science output: {0}'.format(scipath))

    # Save the results
    save.save_all(sci_dict, stack_dict['master_key_dict'], master_dir,
                  spectrograph, head1d, head2d, scipath, basename)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(args):
    """ Executes 2d coadding
    msgs.warn('PATH =' + os.getcwd())
    # Load the file
    if args.file is not None:
        spectrograph, config_lines, spec2d_files = read_coadd2d_file(args.file)
        # Parameters
        # TODO: Shouldn't this reinstantiate the same parameters used in
        # the PypeIt run that extracted the objects?  Why are we not
        # just passing the pypeit file?
        # JFH: The reason is that the coadd2dfile may want different reduction parameters
        spectrograph_def_par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
        parset = par.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines(cfg_lines=spectrograph_def_par.to_config(),
    elif args.obj is not None:
        # TODO: We should probably be reading the pypeit file and using those parameters here rather than using the
        # default parset.
        # TODO: This needs to define the science path
        spec2d_files = glob.glob('./Science/spec2d_*' + args.obj + '*')
        head0 = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[0])
        spectrograph_name = head0['SPECTROG']
        spectrograph = load_spectrograph(spectrograph_name)
        parset = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
        msgs.error('You must either input a coadd2d file with --file or an object name with --obj')

    # Update with configuration specific parameters (which requires science file) and initialize spectrograph
    spectrograph_cfg_lines = spectrograph.config_specific_par(spec2d_files[0]).to_config()
    parset = par.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines(cfg_lines=spectrograph_cfg_lines, merge_with=parset.to_config())

    # If detector was passed as an argument override whatever was in the coadd2d_file
    if args.det is not None:
        msgs.info("Restricting reductions to detector={}".format(args.det))
        parset['rdx']['detnum'] = int(args.det)

    # Get headers (if possible) and base names
    spec1d_files = [files.replace('spec2d', 'spec1d') for files in spec2d_files]
    head1d = None
    for spec1d_file in spec1d_files:
        if os.path.isfile(spec1d_file):
            head1d = fits.getheader(spec1d_file)
    if head1d is None:
        msgs.warn("No 1D spectra so am generating a dummy header for output")
        head1d = io.initialize_header()

    head2d = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[0])
    if args.basename is None:
        filename = os.path.basename(spec2d_files[0])
        basename = filename.split('_')[2]
        basename = args.basename

    # Write the par to disk
    par_outfile = basename+'_coadd2d.par'
    print("Writing the parameters to {}".format(par_outfile))

    # Now run the coadds

    skysub_mode = head2d['SKYSUB']
    ir_redux = True if 'DIFF' in skysub_mode else False

    # Print status message
    msgs_string = 'Reducing target {:s}'.format(basename) + msgs.newline()
    msgs_string += 'Performing coadd of frames reduce with {:s} imaging'.format(skysub_mode)
    msgs_string += msgs.newline() + 'Combining frames in 2d coadd:' + msgs.newline()
    for file in spec2d_files:
        msgs_string += '{0:s}'.format(os.path.basename(file)) + msgs.newline()

    # TODO: This needs to be added to the parameter list for rdx
    redux_path = os.getcwd()
    master_dirname = os.path.basename(head2d['PYPMFDIR']) + '_coadd'
    master_dir = os.path.join(redux_path, master_dirname)

    # Make the new Master dir
    if not os.path.isdir(master_dir):
        msgs.info('Creating directory for Master output: {0}'.format(master_dir))

    # Instantiate the sci_dict
    sci_dict = OrderedDict()  # This needs to be ordered
    sci_dict['meta'] = {}
    sci_dict['meta']['vel_corr'] = 0.
    sci_dict['meta']['ir_redux'] = ir_redux

    # Find the detectors to reduce
    detectors = PypeIt.select_detectors(detnum=parset['rdx']['detnum'], ndet=spectrograph.ndet)
    if len(detectors) != spectrograph.ndet:
        msgs.warn('Not reducing detectors: {0}'.format(' '.join([str(d) for d in
        set(np.arange(spectrograph.ndet) + 1) - set(detectors)])))

    # Loop on detectors
    for det in detectors:
        msgs.info("Working on detector {0}".format(det))
        sci_dict[det] = {}

        # Instantiate Coadd2d
        coadd = coadd2d.CoAdd2D.get_instance(spec2d_files, spectrograph, parset, det=det,
                                             debug_offsets=args.debug_offsets, debug=args.debug,

        # Coadd the slits
        coadd_dict_list = coadd.coadd(only_slits=None) # TODO implement only_slits later
        # Create the psuedo images
        psuedo_dict = coadd.create_psuedo_image(coadd_dict_list)
        # Reduce
        msgs.info('Running the extraction')
        sci_dict[det]['sciimg'], sci_dict[det]['sciivar'], sci_dict[det]['skymodel'], sci_dict[det]['objmodel'], \
        sci_dict[det]['ivarmodel'], sci_dict[det]['outmask'], sci_dict[det]['specobjs'] = coadd.reduce(
            psuedo_dict, show = args.show, show_peaks = args.peaks)
        # Save psuedo image master files

    # Make the new Science dir
    # TODO: This needs to be defined by the user
    scipath = os.path.join(redux_path, 'Science_coadd')
    if not os.path.isdir(scipath):
        msgs.info('Creating directory for Science output: {0}'.format(scipath))

    # Save the results
    save.save_all(sci_dict, coadd.stack_dict['master_key_dict'], master_dir, spectrograph, head1d,
                  head2d, scipath, basename)#, binning=coadd.binning)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(args):
    """ Executes 2d coadding

    # Load the file
    if args.file is not None:
        spectrograph, config_lines, spec2d_files = read_coadd2d_file(args.file)
        # Parameters
        spectrograph_def_par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar.from_cfg_lines(cfg_lines=spectrograph_def_par.to_config(),
    elif args.obj is not None:
        spec2d_files = glob.glob('./Science/spec2d_' + args.obj + '*')
        head0 = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[0])
        spectrograph_name = head0['SPECTROG']
        spectrograph = load_spectrograph(spectrograph_name)
        par = spectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
        msgs.error('You must either input a coadd2d file with --file or an object name with --obj')

    # If detector was passed as an argument override whatever was in the coadd2d_file
    if args.det is not None:
        msgs.info("Restricting reductions to detector={}".format(args.det))
        par['rdx']['detnum'] = int(args.det)

    # Write the par to disk
    print("Writing the parameters to {}".format(args.par_outfile))

    # Now run the coadds
    spec1d_files = [files.replace('spec2d', 'spec1d') for files in spec2d_files]
    head1d = fits.getheader(spec1d_files[0])
    head2d = fits.getheader(spec2d_files[0])
    filename = os.path.basename(spec2d_files[0])
    basename = filename.split('_')[1]

    skysub_mode = head2d['SKYSUB']
    ir_redux = True if 'DIFF' in skysub_mode else False

    # Print status message
    msgs_string = 'Reducing target {:s}'.format(basename) + msgs.newline()
    msgs_string += 'Performing coadd of frames reduce with {:s} imaging'.format(skysub_mode) + msgs.newline()
    msgs_string += 'Combining frames in 2d coadd:' + msgs.newline()
    for file in spec2d_files:
        msgs_string += '{0:s}'.format(os.path.basename(file)) + msgs.newline()

    redux_path = './'
    master_dirname = os.path.basename(head2d['PYPMFDIR'])+'/'
    master_dir = os.path.join(redux_path,os.path.normpath(master_dirname) + '_coadd/')

    # Make the new master dir and Science dir
    if os.path.exists(master_dir):
        msgs.info("The following directory already exists:"+msgs.newline()+master_dir)

    # Instantiate the sci_dict
    sci_dict = OrderedDict()  # This needs to be ordered
    sci_dict['meta'] = {}
    sci_dict['meta']['vel_corr'] = 0.
    sci_dict['meta']['ir_redux'] = ir_redux

    # Find the detectors to reduce
    detectors = select_detectors(par, spectrograph)
    if len(detectors) != spectrograph.ndet:
        msgs.warn('Not reducing detectors: {0}'.format(' '.join([str(d) for d in
        set(np.arange(spectrograph.ndet)) - set(detectors)])))

    # Loop on detectors
    for det in detectors:
        msgs.info("Working on detector {0}".format(det))
        sci_dict[det] = {}

        # Read in the images stacks and other clibration/meta data for this detector
        stack_dict = coadd2d.load_coadd2d_stacks(spec2d_files, det)

        sci_dict[det]['sciimg'], sci_dict[det]['sciivar'], sci_dict[det]['skymodel'], \
        sci_dict[det]['objmodel'], sci_dict[det]['ivarmodel'], sci_dict[det]['outmask'], \
        sci_dict[det]['specobjs'] = coadd2d.extract_coadd2d(stack_dict, master_dir, ir_redux=ir_redux, par=par,
                                                            show=args.show, show_peaks=args.peaks, std=args.std)

    # Make the science directory, and write outputs to disk
    master_key_dict = stack_dict['master_key_dict']
    scipath = redux_path + 'Science_coadd'
    if os.path.exists(scipath):
        msgs.info("The following directory already exists:" + msgs.newline() + scipath)
    save.save_all(sci_dict, master_key_dict, master_dir, spectrograph, head1d, head2d, scipath, basename)