Ejemplo n.º 1
    def default_pypeit_par(self):
        Set default parameters for magellan MagE reduction.
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'magellan_mage'
        # Frame numbers
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['number'] = 1
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['number'] = 0
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['number'] = 3
        par['calibrations']['traceframe']['number'] = 3
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['number'] = 1
        # Bias
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'overscan'
        # Wavelengths
        # 1D wavelength solution
            'rms_threshold'] = 0.20  # Might be grating dependent..
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 5.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['ThAr']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[
            0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']

        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'reidentify'

        # Reidentification parameters
        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['reid_arxiv'] = 'magellan_thar.json'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_fix_format'] = True
        # Echelle parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['echelle'] = True
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_nspec_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_norder_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_sigrej'] = 3.0

        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['satpix'] = 'nothing'

        # Set slits and tilts parameters
        #        par['calibrations']['tilts']['order'] = 2
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = [
            10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
        par['calibrations']['slits']['trace_npoly'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['slits']['maxshift'] = 3.
        par['calibrations']['slits']['pcatype'] = 'order'
        # Scienceimage default parameters
        par['scienceimage'] = pypeitpar.ScienceImagePar()
        # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
        par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar()
        # Do not correct for flexure
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        par['flexure']['method'] = 'skip'
        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 20]
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        return par
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def default_pypeit_par(self):
        Set default parameters for magellan MagE reduction.
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'magellan_mage'
        # Bias
        #par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'overscan'
        # Wavelengths
        # 1D wavelength solution
            'rms_threshold'] = 0.20  # Might be grating dependent..
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 5.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['ThAr_MagE']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[
            0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']

        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'reidentify'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['cc_thresh'] = 0.50
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['cc_local_thresh'] = 0.50

        # Reidentification parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['reid_arxiv'] = 'magellan_mage.fits'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_fix_format'] = True
        # Echelle parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['echelle'] = True
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_nspec_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_norder_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_sigrej'] = 3.0

        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['satpix'] = 'nothing'

        # Set slits and tilts parameters
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = [10] * self.norders
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_order'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['max_shift_adj'] = 3.
            'edge_thresh'] = 10.  # Tough to get the bluest orders
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['left_right_pca'] = True
            'fit_min_spec_length'] = 0.3  # Allow for a short detected blue order
        # Find object parameters
        par['scienceimage']['findobj']['find_trim_edge'] = [
            4, 4
        ]  # Slit is too short to trim 5,5 especially with 2x binning
        # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
        par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar()
        # Do not correct for flexure
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        par['flexure']['method'] = 'skip'
        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 20]
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        return par
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def default_pypeit_par():
     Set default parameters for Keck LRISb reductions.
     par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
     par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'wht_isis_blue'
     # Set pixel flat combination method
     par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['combine'] = 'median'
     par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['sig_lohi'] = [10.,10.]
     # Change the wavelength calibration method
     par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'simple'
     # Scienceimage default parameters
     par['scienceimage'] = pypeitpar.ScienceImagePar()
     # Do not flux calibrate
     par['fluxcalib'] = None
     # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
     par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
     # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
     par['calibrations']['biasframe']['exprng'] = [None, 1]
     par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None]     # No dark frames
     par['calibrations']['pinholeframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None]  # No pinhole frames
     par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [None, 120]
     par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 120]
     par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [90, None]
     return par
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def default_pypeit_par():
        Set default parameters for Keck LRISb reductions.
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        # Set wave tilts order
        par['calibrations']['slits']['sigdetect'] = 20.
        par['calibrations']['slits']['trace_npoly'] = 3
        # TODO: No longer a parameter
#        par['calibrations']['slits']['fracignore'] = 0.02
#        par['calibrations']['slits']['pcapar'] = [3,2,1,0]

        # 1D wavelength solution
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['rms_threshold'] = 0.40  # Might be grating dependent..
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 5.  # Doesn't work for reddest chip
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['CuI', 'ArI', 'ArII']

        # Overscan subtract the images
        #par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'overscan'

        # Alter the method used to combine pixel flats
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['combine'] = 'median'
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['sig_lohi'] = [10.,10.]

        # Scienceimage default parameters
        par['scienceimage'] = pypeitpar.ScienceImagePar()
        # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
        par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar()
        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()

        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        #par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [30, None]

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def default_pypeit_par():
        Set default parameters for  LBT/LUCI reductions.

        OLD CODE from LBT MODS
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        # Scienceimage default parameters
        par['reduce'] = pypeitpar.ReducePar()
        # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
        par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibratePar()
        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['exprng'] = [None, 1]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [999999,
                                                      None]  # No dark frames
        par['calibrations']['pinholeframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None
                                                         ]  # No pinhole frames
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['exprng'] = [0, None]
        par['calibrations']['traceframe']['exprng'] = [0, None]
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [None, 60]
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [1, 200]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [200, None]
        return par
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def default_pypeit_par():
        Set default parameters for Shane Kast reductions.
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        # Frame numbers
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['number'] = 1
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['number'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['number'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['traceframe']['number'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['number'] = 1

        # Scienceimage default parameters
        par['scienceimage'] = pypeitpar.ScienceImagePar()
        # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
        par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar()
        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['exprng'] = [None, 1]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [999999,
                                                      None]  # No dark frames
        par['calibrations']['pinholeframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None
                                                         ]  # No pinhole frames
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['exprng'] = [0, None]
        par['calibrations']['traceframe']['exprng'] = [0, None]
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [None, 60]
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [1, 200]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [200, None]
        return par
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def default_pypeit_par():
     Set default parameters for KECK HIRES reductions.
     par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
     # Correct for flexure using the default approach
     par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
     return par
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def default_pypeit_par(cls):
     Return the default parameters to use for this instrument.
         :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`: Parameters required by
         all of ``PypeIt`` methods.
     par = super().default_pypeit_par()
     # Correct for flexure using the default approach
     par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
     return par
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def default_pypeit_par(self):
        Set default parameters for Keck LRISb reductions.
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'keck_deimos'
        # Set wave tilts order
        par['calibrations']['slits']['sigdetect'] = 50.
        par['calibrations']['slits']['trace_npoly'] = 3
        par['calibrations']['slits']['fracignore'] = 0.02
        par['calibrations']['slits']['pcapar'] = [3, 2, 1, 0]

        # Overscan subtract the images
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'overscan'

        # 1D wavelength solution
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = [
            'ArI', 'NeI', 'KrI', 'XeI'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[
            0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']

        # Alter the method used to combine pixel flats
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['combine'] = 'median'
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['sig_lohi'] = [
            10., 10.

        # Scienceimage default parameters
        par['scienceimage'] = pypeitpar.ScienceImagePar()
        # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
        par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar()
        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()

        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['exprng'] = [None, 2]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [999999,
                                                      None]  # No dark frames
        par['calibrations']['pinholeframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None
                                                         ]  # No pinhole frames
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['exprng'] = [None, 30]
        par['calibrations']['traceframe']['exprng'] = [None, 30]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [30, None]

        # LACosmics parameters
        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 4.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['objlim'] = 1.5

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def default_pypeit_par():
     Set default parameters for TNG Dolores reductions.
     par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
     #par['calibrations']['tilts']['params'] = [1,1,1]
     # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
     par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar()
     # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
     par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
     # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
     par['calibrations']['biasframe']['exprng'] = [None, 0.1]
     par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None]     # No dark frames
     par['calibrations']['pinholeframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None]  # No pinhole frames
     par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [1, None]
     return par
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def default_pypeit_par():
        Set default parameters for Keck LRISb reductions.
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['edge_thresh'] = 20.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_order'] = 3

        # 1D wavelength solution
            'rms_threshold'] = 0.40  # Might be grating dependent..
            'sigdetect'] = 5.  # Doesn't work for reddest chip
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['CuI', 'ArI', 'ArII']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'full_template'
            'nsnippet'] = 1  # 3 detectors splitting is already a lot

            'tracethresh'] = 10.  # Deals with faint CuAr lines

        #for key in par['calibrations'].keys():
        #    if 'frame' in key:
        #        par['calibrations'][key]['process']['overscan'] = 'median'

        # Overscan subtract the images
        #par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'overscan'

        # Alter the method used to combine pixel flats
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['combine'] = 'median'
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['sig_lohi'] = [
            10., 10.

        # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
        par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar()
        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure']['method'] = 'boxcar'

        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        #par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [30, None]

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def default_pypeit_par(self):
        Set default parameters for Keck LRISb reductions.
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'wht_isis_blue'

        # Ignore PCA
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['sync_predict'] = 'nearest'

        # Turn off the overscan
        for ftype in par['calibrations'].keys():
                par['calibrations'][ftype]['process']['overscan'] = 'none'
            except (TypeError, KeyError):
        par['scienceframe']['process']['overscan'] = 'none'
        # Make a bad pixel mask
        par['calibrations']['bpm_usebias'] = True
        # Set pixel flat combination method
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['combine'] = 'median'
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['sig_lohi'] = [10.,10.]
        # Change the wavelength calibration method
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'full_template'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['NeI', 'ArI', 'ArII', 'CuI']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_first'] = 3
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_final'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 10.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['wv_cen'] = 4859.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['disp'] = 0.2
        # Do not flux calibrate
        par['fluxcalib'] = None
        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['exprng'] = [None, 1]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None]     # No dark frames
        par['calibrations']['pinholeframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None]  # No pinhole frames
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [None, 120]
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 120]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [90, None]

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def default_pypeit_par(cls):
        Return the default parameters to use for this instrument.
            :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`: Parameters required by
            all of ``PypeIt`` methods.
        par = super().default_pypeit_par()

        # Adjustments to slit and tilts for NIR
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['edge_thresh'] = 600.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_order'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['max_shift_adj'] = 0.5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['left_right_pca'] = True

        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = 20
        # Bias
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'bias'

        # 1D wavelength solution
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['ThAr']
        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['rms_threshold'] = 0.25
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 5.0
        # Reidentification parameters
        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'reidentify'
        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['reid_arxiv'] = 'vlt_xshooter_nir.json'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_fix_format'] = True
        # Echelle parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['echelle'] = True
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_nspec_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_norder_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_sigrej'] = 3.0

        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['satpix'] = 'nothing'
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 600]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [600, None]

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def default_pypeit_par(self):
        Set default parameters for HIRES RED reductions.
        par = KECKHIRESSpectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
        par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'keck_hires_red'

        # Adjustments to slit and tilts for NIR
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['edge_thresh'] = 600.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_order'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['max_shift_adj'] = 0.5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['left_right_pca'] = True

        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = 20
        # Bias
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'bias'

        # 1D wavelength solution
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['ThAr']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[
            0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['rms_threshold'] = 0.25
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 5.0
        # Reidentification parameters
        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'reidentify'
        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['reid_arxiv'] = 'vlt_xshooter_nir.json'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_fix_format'] = True
        # Echelle parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['echelle'] = True
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_nspec_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_norder_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_sigrej'] = 3.0

        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['satpix'] = 'nothing'
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 600]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [600, None]

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def default_pypeit_par():
        Set default parameters for NIRSPEC reductions
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        # Frame numbers
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['number'] = 1
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['number'] = 0
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['number'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['traceframe']['number'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['number'] = 1
        # Scienceimage default parameters
        par['scienceimage'] = pypeitpar.ScienceImagePar()
        # Do not flux calibrate
        # NIRSPEC uses sky lines to wavelength calibrate; no need for flexure correction
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        par['flexure']['method'] = 'skip'
        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [1, None]
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['exprng'] = [None, 2]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [None, 5]
        par['calibrations']['pinholeframe']['exprng'] = [999999, None]  # No pinhole frames
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['exprng'] = [0, None]
        par['calibrations']['traceframe']['exprng'] = [0, None]
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None,5]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [1, None]
        # Lower the default threshold for tilts
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = 10.
        # Slits
        par['calibrations']['slits']['sigdetect'] = 200.
        # 1D wavelength solution
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps']  = ['OH_R24000']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['rms_threshold'] = 0.20  # Good for NIRSPEC-1
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 5.      # Good for NIRSPEC-1

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def default_pypeit_par(self):
        Set default parameters for XSHOOTER NIR reductions.
        par = VLTXShooterSpectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
        par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'vlt_xshooter_nir'

        # Adjustments to slit and tilts for NIR
        par['calibrations']['slits']['sigdetect'] = 120.
        par['calibrations']['slits']['trace_npoly'] = 8
        par['calibrations']['slits']['maxshift'] = 0.5

        # Tilt parameters
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] =  25.0
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['maxdev_tracefit'] =  0.04
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['maxdev2d'] =  0.04
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['spat_order'] =  3
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['spec_order'] =  4

        # 1D wavelength solution
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['OH_XSHOOTER']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['rms_threshold'] = 0.25
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 10.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['fwhm'] = 5.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_final'] = 4
        # Reidentification parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'reidentify'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['reid_arxiv'] = 'vlt_xshooter_nir.json'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['cc_thresh'] = 0.50
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['cc_local_thresh'] = 0.50
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_fix_format'] = True
        # Echelle parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['echelle'] = True
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_nspec_coeff'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_norder_coeff'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_sigrej'] = 3.0

        # Flats
        par['calibrations']['flatfield']['illumflatten'] = False
        par['calibrations']['flatfield']['tweak_slits_thresh'] = 0.90
        par['calibrations']['flatfield']['tweak_slits_maxfrac'] = 0.10

        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        # Is this needed below?
        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['satpix'] = 'nothing'
        # TODO tune up LA COSMICS parameters here for X-shooter as tellurics are being excessively masked

        # Extraction
        par['scienceimage']['bspline_spacing'] = 0.8
        par['scienceimage']['model_full_slit'] = True  # local sky subtraction operates on entire slit
        par['scienceimage']['global_sky_std']  = False # Do not perform global sky subtraction for standard stars
        par['scienceimage']['trace_npoly'] = 8

        # Do not bias subtract
        par['scienceframe']['useframe'] ='none'
        # This is a hack for now until we can specify for each image type what to do. Bias currently
        # controls everything
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'none'

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def default_pypeit_par(self):
        Set default parameters for Shane Kast Blue reductions.
        par = pypeitpar.PypeItPar()
        par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'magellan_fire'
        # No overscan
        for key in par['calibrations'].keys():
            if 'frame' in key:
                par['calibrations'][key]['process']['overscan'] = 'none'
        # Wavelengths
        # 1D wavelength solution with OH lines
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['rms_threshold'] = 1.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = [
            5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 10, 30, 30, 60, 30, 30,
            10, 20, 30, 10
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_first'] = 2
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_final'] = [
            3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['OH_FIRE_Echelle']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[
            0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'reidentify'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['cc_thresh'] = 0.35
            'reid_arxiv'] = 'magellan_fire_echelle.fits'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['match_toler'] = 30.0

        # Echelle parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['echelle'] = True
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_fix_format'] = True
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_nspec_coeff'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_norder_coeff'] = 6
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_sigrej'] = 3.0

        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['satpix'] = 'nothing'

        # Set slits and tilts parameters
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['edge_thresh'] = 10.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['trace_thresh'] = 10.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_order'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['max_shift_adj'] = 0.5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_min_spec_length'] = 0.5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['left_right_pca'] = True
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['pca_order'] = 3

        # Scienceimage default parameters
        par['reduce'] = pypeitpar.ReducePar()
        # Always flux calibrate, starting with default parameters
        #par['fluxcalib'] = pypeitpar.FluxCalibrationPar()
        # Do not correct for flexure
        par['flexure'] = None
        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 60]
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]

        # Sensitivity function parameters
        # Sensitivity function parameters
        par['sensfunc']['algorithm'] = 'IR'
        par['sensfunc']['polyorder'] = 8
        # place holder for telgrid file
        par['sensfunc']['IR']['telgridfile'] = resource_filename(
            'pypeit', '/data/telluric/TelFit_MaunaKea_3100_26100_R20000.fits')

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def default_pypeit_par(self):
        Set default parameters for XSHOOTER NIR reductions.
        par = VLTXShooterSpectrograph.default_pypeit_par()
        par['rdx']['spectrograph'] = 'vlt_xshooter_nir'

        # Adjustments to slit and tilts for NIR
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['edge_thresh'] = 50.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_order'] = 8
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['max_shift_adj'] = 0.5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['trace_thresh'] = 10.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_min_spec_length'] = 0.5
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['left_right_pca'] = True
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['length_range'] = 0.3

        # Tilt parameters
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['rm_continuum'] = True
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = 25.0
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['maxdev_tracefit'] = 0.04
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['maxdev2d'] = 0.04
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['spat_order'] = 3
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['spec_order'] = 4

        # 1D wavelength solution
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['OH_XSHOOTER']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[
            0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['rms_threshold'] = 0.25
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 10.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['fwhm'] = 5.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_final'] = 4
        # Reidentification parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'reidentify'
            'reid_arxiv'] = 'vlt_xshooter_nir.fits'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['cc_thresh'] = 0.50
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['cc_local_thresh'] = 0.50
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_fix_format'] = True
        # Echelle parameters
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['echelle'] = True
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_nspec_coeff'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_norder_coeff'] = 5
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['ech_sigrej'] = 3.0

        # Flats
        par['calibrations']['flatfield']['illumflatten'] = False
        par['calibrations']['flatfield']['tweak_slits_thresh'] = 0.90
        par['calibrations']['flatfield']['tweak_slits_maxfrac'] = 0.10

        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure'] = pypeitpar.FlexurePar()
        # Is this needed below?
        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['satpix'] = 'nothing'
        # TODO tune up LA COSMICS parameters here for X-shooter as tellurics are being excessively masked

        # Extraction
        par['reduce']['skysub']['bspline_spacing'] = 0.8
            'global_sky_std'] = False  # Do not perform global sky subtraction for standard stars
            'model_full_slit'] = True  # local sky subtraction operates on entire slit
        par['reduce']['findobj']['trace_npoly'] = 8
            'find_npoly_cont'] = 0  # Continnum order for determining thresholds
            'find_cont_fit'] = False  # Don't attempt to fit a continuum to the trace rectified image

        # The settings below enable X-shooter dark subtraction from the traceframe and pixelflatframe, but enforce
        # that this bias won't be subtracted from other images. It is a hack for now, because eventually we want to
        # perform this operation with the dark frame class, and we want to attach individual sets of darks to specific
        # images.
        par['calibrations']['biasframe']['useframe'] = 'bias'
        par['calibrations']['traceframe']['process']['bias'] = 'force'
        par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['bias'] = 'force'
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['process']['bias'] = 'skip'
        par['calibrations']['tiltframe']['process']['bias'] = 'skip'
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['process']['bias'] = 'skip'
        par['scienceframe']['process']['bias'] = 'skip'

        # Sensitivity function parameters
        par['sensfunc']['algorithm'] = 'IR'
        par['sensfunc']['polyorder'] = 8
        par['sensfunc']['IR']['telgridfile'] = resource_filename(

        return par
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_flexure():
Ejemplo n.º 20
    # Read the baseline file that is not changed and must be edited by
    # the person building the documentation as necessary.
    pypeit_root = os.path.dirname(resource_filename('pypeit', ''))
    input_base = os.path.join(pypeit_root, 'doc', 'scripts',
    with open(input_base, 'r') as f:
        lines = [l.replace('\n', '') for l in f.readlines()]
    lines += ['']

    # Start to append the automatically generated documentation
    lines += ['Current PypeItPar Parameter Hierarchy']
    lines += ['+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++']
    lines += ['']

    p = pypeitpar.PypeItPar(flexure=pypeitpar.FlexurePar(),

    lines += par_hierarchy(p)
    lines += ['']
    lines += ['----']
    lines += ['']

    lines += p.to_rst_table()
    lines += ['']

    lines += [' .. _instr_par:']
    lines += ['']

    lines += ['Instrument-Specific Default Configuration']
    lines += ['+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++']