Ejemplo n.º 1
class HasOneTestCase(BaseAssociationTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.klass = fixtures.association_models.Test
        self.id = 'has_one'
        self.foreign_key = 'some_id'
        self.has_one = HasOne(target_klass=self.klass, id=self.id)

    def test_type(self):
        """should set type to has_one"""
        self.assertEqual('has_one', self.has_one.type())

    def test_collection(self):
        """should set collection to false"""

    def test_get_descriptor(self):
        """should return first object in scope"""
        TestAdapter.data = { 'id': 1 }
        class Test(fixtures.association_models.AssocTest):
            id = Field()
            foo_id = Field()

        assoc = HasOne(target_klass=Test, id='foo', klass=Test)
        Test.foo = assoc
        instance = Test(id=1, foo_id=1)

        self.assertEqual(Test.foo, assoc)
        self.assertEqual(type(instance.foo), Test)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class HasOneTestCase(BaseAssociationTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.klass = fixtures.association_models.Test
        self.id = "has_one"
        self.foreign_key = "some_id"
        self.has_one = HasOne(self.klass, self.id)

    def test_type(self):
        """should set type to has_one"""
        self.assertEqual("has_one", self.has_one.type())

    def test_collection(self):
        """should set collection to false"""