Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_flow_reference_units(conn, flow_ref_ids=None):
    Build a query to get flows and reference units from an openLCA database.

    :param sqlite3.Connection conn: database connection
    :param list[str] | str flow_ref_ids: flow reference id or list of flow reference IDs
    :return: DataFrame

    flows = Table('TBL_FLOWS')
    flow_properties = Table('TBL_FLOW_PROPERTIES')
    unit_groups = Table('TBL_UNIT_GROUPS')
    units = Table('TBL_UNITS')

    # convert reference ids to openLCA flow ids
    if flow_ref_ids:
        if isinstance(flow_ref_ids, str):
            flow_ref_ids = [flow_ref_ids]
        flow_id = flows.select(flows.ID).where(flows.REF_ID.isin(flow_ref_ids))
        flow_id = flows.select(flows.ID)

    # join flows to properties and units
    q = Query\
        .from_(flows) \
        .left_join(flow_properties).on(flows.F_REFERENCE_FLOW_PROPERTY == flow_properties.ID) \
        .left_join(unit_groups).on(flow_properties.F_UNIT_GROUP == unit_groups.ID) \
        .left_join(units).on(unit_groups.F_REFERENCE_UNIT == units.ID) \
        .select(flows.ID, flows.NAME, flows.F_REFERENCE_FLOW_PROPERTY, unit_groups.F_REFERENCE_UNIT,
                units.NAME.as_('UNITS_NAME')) \

    return get_df(conn, q)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def search_commits(conn, repos, search, author, begin, end):
    """Search commits currently in the database.

        repos: List of repos to search in.
        search (List of Strings): List of strings to search the commit messages for.
        author (List of Strings): List of authors names to search for.
        begin (datetime): Datetime to begin the search from.
        end (datetime): Datetime to end the search at.
    commit_table = Table('COMMITS')
    sql = commit_table.select(commit_table.PROJECT, commit_table.LINK,
                              commit_table.AUTHOR, commit_table.MESSAGE,

    if repos != None:
        sql = sql.where(commit_table.PROJECT.isin(repos))
    if search != None:
        sql = sql.where(
                [commit_table.MESSAGE.like("%" + x + "%") for x in search]))
    if author != None:
        sql = sql.where(
                [commit_table.AUTHOR.like("%" + x + "%") for x in author]))
    if begin != None:
        sql = sql.where(commit_table.DATE >= begin)
    if end != None:
        sql = sql.where(commit_table.DATE <= end)

    return conn.execute(sql.get_sql())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_product_flow_units(conn, flow_ref_ids=None):
    Get product flows and units from the exchanges table in an openLCA database.

    :param sqlite3.Connection conn: database connection
    :param list[str] flow_ref_ids: list of flow reference IDs
    :return: SQL string

    flows = Table('TBL_FLOWS')
    exchanges = Table('TBL_EXCHANGES')
    units = Table('TBL_UNITS')

    # convert reference ids to openLCA product flow ids
    flow_id = flows.select(flows.ID).where(flows.FLOW_TYPE == 'PRODUCT_FLOW')
    if flow_ref_ids:
        flow_id = flow_id.where(flows.REF_ID.isin(flow_ref_ids))

    # sub-query to restrict to exchanges to product flows
    sq = Query \
        .from_(exchanges) \
        .select(exchanges.ID, exchanges.F_FLOW, exchanges.F_UNIT) \

    q = Query \
        .from_(sq) \
        .left_join(flows).on(sq.F_FLOW == flows.ID) \
        .left_join(units).on(sq.F_UNIT == units.ID) \
        .select(flows.NAME, units.NAME.as_('UNITS_NAME'))

    return get_df(conn, q)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_ref_ids(conn, ids, table_name):
    Get reference ids from ids in a table
    :param conn: database connection
    :param ids: list of ids
    :param table_name: name of table
    :return: dict
    tbl = Table(table_name)
    q = tbl.select(tbl.REF_ID).where(tbl.ID.isin(ids))
    dfr = get_df(conn, q)
    return dfr.to_dict('list')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_ids(conn, ref_ids, table_name):
    Get ids from ref ids in a table
    :param conn: database connection
    :param ref_ids: list of ref_ids or a ref_id
    :param table_name: name of table
    :return: dict
    if not isinstance(ref_ids, list):
        ref_ids = [ref_ids]
    tbl = Table(table_name)
    q = tbl.select(tbl.ID, tbl.REF_ID).where(tbl.REF_ID.isin(ref_ids))
    dfr = get_df(conn, q)
    return dict(zip(dfr.ID, dfr.REF_ID))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_process_product_flow_costs(conn, process_ref_ids):
    Get the product flow costs from a list of process reference ids using a sqlite openLCA database.

    Using the process id get its exchanges and from those extract the product flows and their cost.

    :param sqlite3.Connection conn: database connection
    :param list[str] | str process_ref_ids: list of process reference ids
    :return DataFrame of costs
    exchanges = Table('TBL_EXCHANGES')
    flows = Table('TBL_FLOWS')
    processes = Table('TBL_PROCESSES')
    locations = Table('TBL_LOCATIONS')
    units = Table('TBL_UNITS')
    currencies = Table('TBL_CURRENCIES')

    # get the process ids from the ref ids
    if isinstance(process_ref_ids, str):
        process_ref_ids = [process_ref_ids]
    process_ids = processes.select(processes.ID).where(

    # sub-query the exchanges table to limit join
    sq = Query\
        .from_(exchanges) \
        .select(exchanges.F_OWNER, exchanges.COST_VALUE, exchanges.F_CURRENCY, exchanges.F_FLOW,
                exchanges.F_UNIT, exchanges.RESULTING_AMOUNT_VALUE) \

    # join exchanges to flows, processes, locations, units, currencies
    q = Query\
        .from_(sq) \
        .left_join(flows).on(flows.ID == sq.F_FLOW) \
        .left_join(processes).on(processes.ID == sq.F_OWNER) \
        .left_join(locations).on(pf.Cast(processes.F_LOCATION, 'int') == locations.ID) \
        .left_join(units).on(units.ID == sq.F_UNIT) \
        .left_join(currencies).on(currencies.ID == sq.F_CURRENCY) \
            processes.REF_ID.as_('PROCESS_REF_ID'), processes.NAME.as_('PROCESS_NAME'),
            flows.REF_ID.as_('FLOW_REF_ID'), flows.NAME.as_('FLOW_NAME'), \
            sq.COST_VALUE, currencies.NAME.as_('CURRENCY'), units.NAME.as_('UNITS')
        .where(flows.FlOW_TYPE == 'PRODUCT_FLOW')

    return get_df(conn, q)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_process_product_flow_units(conn, process_ref_ids, set_name='P'):
    Get the product flow units from a list of process reference ids using a sqlite openLCA database.

    Using the process id get its exchanges and from those extract the product flows and their units.

    :param sqlite3.Connection conn: database connection
    :param list[str] process_ref_ids: list of process reference ids
    :param list[str] | str set_name: column name of the index in the returned table
    :return DataFrame of units indexed by set_name
    exchanges = Table('TBL_EXCHANGES')
    flows = Table('TBL_FLOWS')
    processes = Table('TBL_PROCESSES')
    units = Table('TBL_UNITS')

    # get the process ids from the ref ids
    if isinstance(process_ref_ids, str):
        process_ref_ids = [process_ref_ids]
    process_ids = processes.select(processes.ID).where(

    # sub-query the exchanges table to limit join
    sq = Query \
        .from_(exchanges) \
        .select(exchanges.F_OWNER, exchanges.F_FLOW,
                exchanges.F_UNIT, exchanges.RESULTING_AMOUNT_VALUE) \

    # join exchanges to flows, processes, units
    q = Query \
        .from_(sq) \
        .left_join(flows).on(flows.ID == sq.F_FLOW) \
        .left_join(processes).on(processes.ID == sq.F_OWNER) \
        .left_join(units).on(units.ID == sq.F_UNIT) \
            processes.REF_ID.as_(set_name), units.NAME.as_('Units')
        .where(flows.FlOW_TYPE == 'PRODUCT_FLOW')

    product_flow_dfr = get_df(conn, q)
    product_flow_dfr.set_index(set_name, inplace=True)

    return product_flow_dfr
Ejemplo n.º 8
def build_process_elementary_flow(process_ref_ids):
    Build a query to create a table of processes versus elementary flows from a sqlite db
    sourced from derby.

    :param str[list] process_ref_ids: processes reference ids
    :return: SQL string
    processes = Table('TBL_PROCESSES')
    process_ids = processes.select(processes.ID).where(
    exchanges = Table('TBL_EXCHANGES')
    flows = Table('TBL_FLOWS')
    # flow_ids = processes.select(processes.ID).where(processes.REF_ID.isin(process_ref_ids))
    # e = Table('e')

    # find exchanges corresponding to process ref ids
    exchange_query = exchanges \
        .select(exchanges.F_OWNER, exchanges.F_FLOW, exchanges.F_UNIT, exchanges.RESULTING_AMOUNT_VALUE) \
    # .as_('e')

    # product flows
    product_flows = Query \
        .from_(exchange_query) \
        .left_join(flows).on(flows.ID == exchange_query.F_FLOW) \
        .select(flows.REF_ID, exchange_query.F_OWNER, exchange_query.RESULTING_AMOUNT_VALUE) \
        .where(flows.FlOW_TYPE == 'PRODUCT_FLOW') \

    # left join exchanges to flow and process tables
    q = Query \
        .from_(exchange_query) \
        .left_join(flows).on(flows.ID == exchange_query.F_FLOW) \
        .left_join(processes).on(processes.ID == exchange_query.F_OWNER) \
        .left_join(product_flows).on(processes.ID == product_flows.F_OWNER) \
            flows.REF_ID.as_('E'), product_flows.REF_ID.as_('F'),
            processes.REF_ID.as_('P'), exchange_query.RESULTING_AMOUNT_VALUE.as_('EF')
        ) \
        .where(flows.FlOW_TYPE == 'ELEMENTARY_FLOW')

    return str(q)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def build_product_flow_cost(process_ref_ids, time):
    Build a query to get the product flow costs from a list of process reference ids using a sqlite openLCA database.

    :param sqlite3.Connection conn: database connection
    :param list[str] process_ref_ids: list of process reference ids
    :param list time: list of time labels
    :return SQL string
    exchanges = Table('TBL_EXCHANGES')
    flows = Table('TBL_FLOWS')
    processes = Table('TBL_PROCESSES')
    locations = Table('TBL_LOCATIONS')

    # get the process ids from the ref ids
    process_ids = processes.select(processes.ID).where(

    # sub-query the exchanges table to limit join
    sq = Query\
        .from_(exchanges) \
        .select(exchanges.F_OWNER, exchanges.COST_VALUE, exchanges.F_CURRENCY, exchanges.F_FLOW,
                exchanges.F_UNIT, exchanges.RESULTING_AMOUNT_VALUE) \

    # join exchanges to flows, processes, locations
    first_time = PseudoColumn("'" + time[0] + "'")
    q = Query\
        .from_(sq) \
        .left_join(flows).on(flows.ID == sq.F_FLOW) \
        .left_join(processes).on(processes.ID == sq.F_OWNER) \
        .left_join(locations).on(pf.Cast(processes.F_LOCATION, 'int') == locations.ID) \
            flows.REF_ID.as_('F'), processes.REF_ID.as_('P'), first_time.as_('T'), sq.COST_VALUE
        .where(flows.FlOW_TYPE == 'PRODUCT_FLOW')

    return str(q)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def build_location(process_ref_ids=None):
    Create a table of longitudes and latitudes for each material process and its product flow.

    :param list[str] process_ref_ids: list of material process reference ids
    :return: SQL string
    exchanges = Table('TBL_EXCHANGES')
    flows = Table('TBL_FLOWS')
    processes = Table('TBL_PROCESSES')
    locations = Table('TBL_LOCATIONS')
    e = Table('e')

    # convert reference ids to openLCA process ids
    process_id = processes.select(processes.ID).where(

    # sub-query exchanges table to limit
    sq = Query\
        .from_(exchanges) \
        .select(exchanges.F_OWNER, exchanges.F_FLOW, exchanges.F_UNIT, exchanges.RESULTING_AMOUNT_VALUE) \
        .where(exchanges.F_OWNER.isin(process_id)) \

    # join exchanges to flows
    q = Query\
        .from_(sq).as_('e') \
        .left_join(flows).on(flows.ID == sq.F_FLOW) \
        .left_join(processes).on(processes.ID == sq.F_OWNER) \
        .left_join(locations).on(pf.Cast(processes.F_LOCATION, 'int') == locations.ID) \
            processes.REF_ID.as_('P_m'), flows.REF_ID.as_('F_m'),
            locations.LONGITUDE.as_('X'), locations.LATITUDE.as_('Y')
        .where(flows.FlOW_TYPE == 'PRODUCT_FLOW')

    return str(q)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def build_product_flow_units(process_ref_ids):
    Build a query to get processes and their product flow units.

    :param list[str] process_ref_ids: list of process reference ids
    :return: SQL string

    exchanges = Table('TBL_EXCHANGES')
    flows = Table('TBL_FLOWS')
    processes = Table('TBL_PROCESSES')
    units = Table('TBL_UNITS')

    # convert reference ids to openLCA process ids
    process_ids = processes.select(processes.ID).where(

    # sub-query the exchanges table to limit join
    sq = Query \
        .from_(exchanges) \
        .select(exchanges.F_OWNER, exchanges.F_FLOW,
                exchanges.F_UNIT, exchanges.RESULTING_AMOUNT_VALUE) \

    # join exchanges to flows, processes, units
    q = Query\
        .from_(sq) \
        .left_join(flows).on(flows.ID == sq.F_FLOW) \
        .left_join(processes).on(processes.ID == sq.F_OWNER) \
        .left_join(units).on(units.ID == sq.F_UNIT) \
            flows.REF_ID.as_('F'), processes.REF_ID.as_('P'), units.NAME.as_('Units')
        .where(flows.FlOW_TYPE == 'PRODUCT_FLOW')

    return str(q)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_table_with_dialect_query_cls(self):
     table = Table("abc", query_cls=SQLLiteQuery)
     q = table.select("1")
     self.assertIs(q.dialect, Dialects.SQLITE)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_table_with_default_query_cls(self):
     table = Table("abc")
     q = table.select("1")
     self.assertIs(q.dialect, None)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def handle_loan_request(version, event):
    """Handle a loan request event from the events queue.

        version (any): The version to pass to the reddit proxy
        event (dict): Describes the request
            post (dict):
                A self post from reddit-proxy "subreddit_links" (Documented
                at reddit-proxy/src/handlers/links.py)
            request (dict):
                A dictified utils.req_post_interpreter.LoanRequest
    post = event['post']
    with LazyIntegrations(logger_iden='runners/borrower_request.py#handle_loan_request') as itgs:
            'Detected loan request from /u/{}',

        users = Table('users')
            .where(users.username == Parameter('%s'))
        row = itgs.read_cursor.fetchone()
        if row is None:
                'Ignoring loan request from /u/{} - they do not have any '
                + 'outstanding loans (no history)',
        (author_user_id,) = row

        loans = Table('loans')
            .where(loans.borrower_id == Parameter('%s'))
        row = itgs.read_cursor.fetchone()
        outstanding_borrowed_loans = []
        while row is not None:
                'pretty': loan_format_helper.fetch_loan(row[:-1]),
                'lender_id': row[-1]
            row = itgs.read_cursor.fetchone()

        if not outstanding_borrowed_loans:
                'Ignoring loan request from /u/{} - no outstanding loans',

        unique_lenders = frozenset(loan['lender_id'] for loan in outstanding_borrowed_loans)
            '/u/{} made a loan request while they have {} open loans from '
            + '{} unique lenders: {}. Going to inform each lender which has not '
            + 'opted out of borrower request pms.',
            post['author'], len(outstanding_borrowed_loans), len(unique_lenders),

        for lender_id in unique_lenders:
            lender_settings = get_settings(itgs, lender_id)
            if lender_settings.borrower_req_pm_opt_out:
                    'Not sending an alert to user {} - opted out',

            pretty_loans = [
                for loan in outstanding_borrowed_loans
                if loan['lender_id'] == lender_id

            formatted_body = get_response(
                    post['subreddit'], post['fullname'][3:]
                loans=loan_format_helper.format_loan_table(pretty_loans, include_id=True)

                itgs, 'borrower_request', version, 'compose',
                    'recipient': pretty_loans[0].lender,
                    'subject': '/u/{} has made a request thread'.format(post['author']),
                    'body': formatted_body