def make_graph(self):
        Specialises PromsReport.make_graph()

        :return: an rdflib Graph object

        PROMS = Namespace('')
        self.g.bind('proms', PROMS)

        # The only thing we need to do here is to redefine the Report class as BasicReport.
        # There are no additional properties
        self.g.remove((URIRef(self.uri), RDF.type, PROMS.Report))
        self.g.add((URIRef(self.uri), RDF.type, PROMS.BasicReport))
    def make_graph(self):
        Specialises PromsReport.make_graph()

        :return: an rdflib Graph object

        PROMS = Namespace('')
        self.g.bind('proms', PROMS)

        self.g.remove((URIRef(self.uri), RDF.type, PROMS.Report))
        self.g.add((URIRef(self.uri), RDF.type, PROMS.InternalReport))

        for activity in self.all_activities:
            # add the Activity to the graph
            self.g = self.g + activity.get_graph()

        # remove the triple that points the endingActivity to the startingActivity in the Report class
        self.g.remove((None, PROMS.endingActivity, None))
        # re-add the endingActivity triple pointing to the new Activity
        self.g.add((URIRef(self.uri), PROMS.endingActivity,