Ejemplo n.º 1
    def add_data(self,
        self.g = g  # ng * ng
        self.h = h  # nh * nh
        self.trn_graph = trn_graph  # ng * nh (data are the corresponding instances)
        self.tst_graph = tst_graph  # ng * nh (data are the corresponding instances)
        self.ng = g.shape[0]
        self.nh = h.shape[0]
        self.sym_g = self.gen_sym_graph(self.g)
        self.sym_h = self.gen_sym_graph(self.h)
        U, s, Vh = svdp(self.trn_graph, k=k)
        self.gX = U * np.sqrt(s)
        self.hX = Vh.T * np.sqrt(s)

        self.pos_trn_x_index, self.pos_trn_y_index = self.trn_graph.nonzero()
        self.trn_x_index, self.trn_y_index = trn_x_index, trn_y_index
        self.tst_x_index, self.tst_y_index = tst_x_index, tst_y_index
        self.pos_up_ratio = pos_up_ratio

        print 'bipartite shape:', trn_graph.shape
        print 'pos_num:', len(self.pos_trn_x_index)
        print 'total training:', len(self.trn_x_index)
        print 'pos_up_ratio:', self.pos_up_ratio
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_svdp(n, m, constructor, dtype, k, irl_mode, which, f=0.8):
    tol = TOLS[dtype]

    M = generate_matrix(np.asarray, n, m, f, dtype)
    Msp = CONSTRUCTORS[constructor](M)

    u1, sigma1, vt1 = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=False)
    u2, sigma2, vt2 = svdp(Msp, k=k, which=which, irl_mode=irl_mode, tol=tol)

    # check the which
    if which.upper() == 'S':
        u1 = np.roll(u1, k, 1)
        vt1 = np.roll(vt1, k, 0)
        sigma1 = np.roll(sigma1, k)
    elif which.upper() == 'L':
        raise ValueError("which = '%s' not recognized")

    # check that singular values agree
    assert_allclose(sigma1[:k], sigma2, rtol=tol, atol=tol)

    # check that singular vectors are orthogonal
    assert_orthogonal(u1, u2, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
    assert_orthogonal(vt1.T, vt2.T, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def svdPropack(X, k, kmax=None):
        Perform the SVD of a sparse matrix X using PROPACK for the largest k
        singular values.

        :param X: The input matrix as scipy.sparse.csc_matrix or a LinearOperator

        :param k: The number of singular vectors/values for None for all

        :param kmax: The maximal number of iterations / maximal dimension of Krylov subspace.
        from pypropack import svdp
        import sppy 

        if k==None:
            k = min(X.shape[0], X.shape[1])
        if kmax==None:
            kmax = SparseUtils.kmaxMultiplier*k

        if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(X):
            L = scipy.sparse.linalg.aslinearoperator(X)
        elif type(X) == sppy.csarray: 
            L = sppy.linalg.GeneralLinearOperator.asLinearOperator(X)
            L = X

        U, s, VT, info, sigma_bound = svdp(L, k, kmax=kmax, full_output=True)

        if info > 0:
            logging.debug("An invariant subspace of dimension " + str(info) + " was found.")
        elif info==-1:
            logging.warning(str(k) + " singular triplets did not converge within " + str(kmax) + " iterations")

        return U, s, VT.T
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_svdp(n, m, constructor, dtype, k, irl_mode, which, f=0.8):
    tol = TOLS[dtype]

    M = generate_matrix(np.asarray, n, m, f, dtype)
    Msp = CONSTRUCTORS[constructor](M)

    u1, sigma1, vt1 = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=False)
    u2, sigma2, vt2 = svdp(Msp, k=k, which=which, irl_mode=irl_mode, tol=tol)

    # check the which
    if which.upper() == 'S':
        u1 = np.roll(u1, k, 1)
        vt1 = np.roll(vt1, k, 0)
        sigma1 = np.roll(sigma1, k)
    elif which.upper() == 'L':
        raise ValueError("which = '%s' not recognized")

    # check that singular values agree
    assert_allclose(sigma1[:k], sigma2, rtol=tol, atol=tol)

    # check that singular vectors are orthogonal
    assert_orthogonal(u1, u2, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
    assert_orthogonal(vt1.T, vt2.T, rtol=tol, atol=tol)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_X(self, X, mu, k=20):
        U, S, VT = svdp(X, k=k)
        P = np.c_[np.ones((k, 1)), 1 - S, 1. / 2. / mu - S]
        sigma_star = np.zeros(k)
        for t in range(k):
            p = P[t, :]
            delta = p[1]**2 - 4 * p[0] * p[2]
            if delta <= 0:
                sigma_star[t] = 0.
                solution = np.roots(p)
                solution = sorted(solution, key=abs)
                solution = np.array(solution)
                if solution[0] * solution[1] <= 0:
                    sigma_star[t] = solution[1]
                elif solution[1] < 0:
                    sigma_star[t] = 0.
                    f = np.log(1 + solution[1]) + mu * (solution[1] - s[t])**2
                    if f > mu * s[t]**2:
                        sigma_star[t] = 0.
                        sigma_star[t] = solution[1]

        sigma_star = np.diag(sigma_star)
        sigma_star = np.dot(np.dot(U, sigma_star), VT)
        return sigma_star
Ejemplo n.º 6
def matrix_shrink_old(X,tau,sv,use_rand_svd=False):

	m = np.min(X.shape)

	if use_rand_svd:
		U,S,V = randomized_svd(X,int(sv))
	elif choosvd_old(m,sv):
		U,S,V = svdp(X,int(sv))
		U,S,V = LA.svd(X,full_matrices=0)
	r = np.sum(S > tau);
	if r > 0:
		Y = np.dot(U[:,:r]*(S[:r]-tau),V[:r,:])

	return Y,r
Ejemplo n.º 7
def matrix_shrink(X,tau,sv,out=None,use_rand_svd=False):

	m = np.min(X.shape)

	if use_rand_svd:
		U,sig,V = randomized_svd(X,int(sv))
	elif choosvd(m,sv):
		U,sig,V = svdp(X,int(sv))
		U,sig,V = LA.svd(X,full_matrices=0)
	r = np.sum(sig > tau);
	if r > 0:
		Z = np.dot(X[:,:r],V[:r,:],out=out)
		out[:] = 0
		Z = out
	return (Z,r)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def matrix_shrink(X, tau, sv, out=None, use_rand_svd=False):

    m = np.min(X.shape)

    if use_rand_svd:
        U, sig, V = randomized_svd(X, int(sv))
    elif choosvd(m, sv):
        U, sig, V = svdp(X, int(sv))
        U, sig, V = LA.svd(X, full_matrices=0)

    r = np.sum(sig > tau)
    if r > 0:
        np.multiply(U[:, :r], (sig[:r] - tau), out=X[:, :r])
        Z = np.dot(X[:, :r], V[:r, :], out=out)
        out[:] = 0
        Z = out
    return (Z, r)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def _determine_svd_function(self, svd_type, n_iter, truncated_algorithm):
     if svd_type == 'linalg':
         return lambda x: linalg.svd(x, False)[:2]
     elif svd_type == 'sparse':
         return lambda x: sparse.linalg.svds(x, np.min(x.shape) - 1)[:2]
     elif svd_type == 'truncated':
         if truncated_algorithm == 'arpack':
             return lambda x: self._calc_truncated_svd(
                 x, n_iter, truncated_algorithm,
                 np.min(x.shape) - 1)
         elif self.n_particle < self.n_dim_obs:
             return lambda x: self._calc_truncated_svd(
                 x, n_iter, truncated_algorithm, np.min(x.shape))
             raise ValueError('TruncatedSVD only use in the case of' +
                              'n_particle < n_dim_obs.')
     elif svd_type == 'propack':
         return lambda x: svdp(
             x, k=np.min([self.n_particle, self.n_dim_obs]))[:2]
         raise ValueError('you must check svd type.')
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def svdPropack(X, k, kmax=None):
        Perform the SVD of a sparse matrix X using PROPACK for the largest k
        singular values.

        :param X: The input matrix as scipy.sparse.csc_matrix or a LinearOperator

        :param k: The number of singular vectors/values for None for all

        :param kmax: The maximal number of iterations / maximal dimension of Krylov subspace.
        from pypropack import svdp
        import sppy

        if k == None:
            k = min(X.shape[0], X.shape[1])
        if kmax == None:
            kmax = SparseUtils.kmaxMultiplier * k

        if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(X):
            L = scipy.sparse.linalg.aslinearoperator(X)
        elif type(X) == sppy.csarray:
            L = sppy.linalg.GeneralLinearOperator.asLinearOperator(X)
            L = X

        U, s, VT, info, sigma_bound = svdp(L, k, kmax=kmax, full_output=True)

        if info > 0:
            logging.debug("An invariant subspace of dimension " + str(info) +
                          " was found.")
        elif info == -1:
                str(k) + " singular triplets did not converge within " +
                str(kmax) + " iterations")

        return U, s, VT.T
Ejemplo n.º 11
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

    from pypropack import svdp
    raise ValueError
    svd = lambda X, k: svdp(X, k, 'L', kmax=max(100, 10 * k))
    import warnings
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
    from scipy.linalg import svd as svd_

    def svd(X, k=-1):
        U, S, V = svd_(X, full_matrices=False)
        if k < 0:
            return U, S, V
            return U[:, :k], S[:k], V[:k, :]

# The problem solved is
#                   min  : tau * (|A|_* + \lmbda |E|_1) + .5 * |(A,E)|_F^2
#              subject to: A + E = D

def _monitor(A, E, D, lmbda=0.1):
    diags = svd(A, min(A.shape))[1]
    print "|A|_*", np.abs(diags).sum(),
    print "|A|_0", (np.abs(diags) > 1e-6).sum(),
Ejemplo n.º 12
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

    from pypropack import svdp
    raise ValueError
    svd = lambda X, k: svdp(X, k, 'L', kmax=max(100, 10 * k))
    import warnings
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
    from scipy.linalg import svd as svd_

    def svd(X, k=-1):
        U, S, V = svd_(X, full_matrices=False)
        if k < 0:
            return U, S, V
            return U[:, :k], S[:k], V[:k, :]

# The problem solved is
#                   min  : tau * (|A|_* + \lmbda |E|_1) + .5 * |(A,E)|_F^2
#              subject to: A + E = D

def _monitor(A, E, D, lmbda=0.1):
    diags = svd(A, min(A.shape))[1]
    print "|A|_*", np.abs(diags).sum()
    print "|A|_0", (np.abs(diags) > 1e-6).sum()
    print "|E|_1", np.abs(D - A).sum()
Ejemplo n.º 13
import numpy as np
from pypropack import svdp

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix


# Create a random matrix
A = np.random.random((10, 20))

# compute SVD via propack and lapack
u, sigma, v = svdp(csr_matrix(A), 3)
u1, sigma1, v1 = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False)

# print the results
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=8)
print np.dot(u.T, u1)

print sigma
print sigma1

print np.dot(v, v1.T)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def ialm_RPCA(D, l=None, tol=1e-7, max_iter=1000, mu=1.25, rho=1.5):
    D : ndarray
        Input matrix, with size (m, n).
    l : float
        lamda, will be set to 1.0 / np.sqrt(m) if not specified.
    tol : float
        Tolerance for stopping criterion.
    max_iter : int
        Maximum number of iterations.

    A_hat : ndarray
            Low-rank array.
    E_hat : ndarray
            Sparse array.

    Copy Rights
    This is a Python version of implementation based on :
    I do not own the copy right of this.

    Minming Chen, October 2009. Questions? [email protected] 
    Arvind Ganesh ([email protected])

    Perception and Decision Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
    Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing

    Kyle Kastner : https://kastnerkyle.github.io/posts/robust-matrix-decomposition/
    Alex Pananicolaou : https://github.com/apapanico/RPCA


    m, n = D.shape

    if l == None:
        l = 1. / np.sqrt(m)

    Y = D.copy()
    norm_two = norm(Y.ravel(), 2)
    norm_inf = norm(Y.ravel(), np.inf) / l
    dual_norm = np.maximum(norm_two, norm_inf)
    Y = Y / dual_norm

    A_hat = np.zeros((m, n))
    E_hat = np.zeros((m, n))

    u = mu / norm_two
    u_bar = u * 1e7
    d_norm = norm(D, 'fro')

    i = 0
    converged = False
    stop_criterion = 1.
    sv = 10
    while not converged:
        i += 1
        T = D - A_hat + (1. / u) * Y
        E_hat = np.maximum(T - (l / u), 0) + np.minimum(T + (l / u), 0)
        if choosvd(n, sv):
            U, S, V = svdp(D - E_hat + (1. / u) * Y, sv)
            U, S, V = svd(D - E_hat + (1. / u) * Y, full_matrices=False)

        # in np, S is a vector of 'diagonal value',
        # so we don't need to do np.diag like the code in matlab
        svp = np.where(S > (1. / u))[0].shape[0]

        if svp < sv:
            sv = np.minimum(svp + 1, m)
            sv = np.minimum(svp + round(.05 * m), m)

        A_hat = np.dot(np.dot(U[:, :svp], np.diag(S[:svp] - (1. / u))),
                       V[:svp, :])

        Z = D - A_hat - E_hat
        Y = Y + u * Z
        u = np.minimum(u * rho, u_bar)
        stop_criterion = norm(Z, 'fro') / d_norm
        if stop_criterion <= tol or i >= max_iter:

    return A_hat, E_hat