Ejemplo n.º 1
def laplacian(k):
    ''' Calculate the laplacian matrix for the Dubiner basis.
        Returns L where \nabla^2 u = u . L for any vandermonde matrix u
        N.B. would be easy to generalise this to any polynomial basis (indeed, the calculation
        of the mass matrix is currently superfluous as the Dubiner basis is orthonomal)
        THIS IS NOT USED - see p.c.b.reference.py for the alternative implemenation
    tp, tw = puq.trianglequadrature(k+1)
    dt = DubinerTriangle(k,tp)
    vtp = dt.values() 
    dtp = dt.derivs() 
    mass = np.tensordot(vtp * tw, vtp, (0,0))
    stiffness = -np.tensordot(dtp * tw, dtp, ((0,1),(0,1)))
    ex, ew = puq.legendrequadrature(k+1)
    # Now do the boundary integrals
    ew = ew.reshape(-1,1)
    ep1 = np.hstack((ex, np.zeros_like(ex)))
    ep2 = np.hstack((np.zeros_like(ex),ex))
    ep3 = np.hstack((ex,1-ex))
    for p, n in ((ep1,[0,-1]),(ep2,[-1,0]), (ep3, [1,1])):
        dt = DubinerTriangle(k, p)
        vn = np.tensordot(dt.derivs(), np.array(n), (0,0)) 
        stiffness+=np.tensordot(dt.values() * ew, vn, (0,0))
    return np.linalg.solve(mass, stiffness)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testEQ(self):
     for n in range(1, 6):
         mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh(n)
         mq = pmmu.MeshQuadratures(mesh, puq.legendrequadrature(6))
         for i in range(6 * n ** 2):
             if i % 3 == 1:
                 self.assertAlmostEquals(sum(mq.quadweights(i)), math.sqrt(2) / n)
                 self.assertAlmostEquals(sum(mq.quadweights(i)), 1.0 / n)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testEdge(self):
        N = 10
        k = 10
        D = 1
        x,w = puq.legendrequadrature(3*N)
        x = np.hstack((x, np.zeros_like(x)))
        g = pcb.PlaneWaves(pcb.circleDirections(40)[15], k)
        bc = pcbd.generic_boundary_data([1j*k,1],[1j*k,1],g)
#        t1 = prp.findpw(prp.ImpedanceProd(bc, (x,w), [0,1], k), D, maxtheta = 1)

        t1 = prp.findpw(prp.L2Prod(bc.values, (x,w), k), D, maxtheta = 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(t1, (2 * math.pi * 15) / 40)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testOrthogonal(self):
        N = 4
        MaxAB = 4
        x,w = puq.legendrequadrature(N + MaxAB)
        x = x.ravel()
        n = np.arange(N, dtype = float)
        for a in range(MaxAB):
            for b in range(MaxAB):
                # first lets test some orthogonality:
                P = pup.jacobidnorm(N-1, a, b, 0, x) # get the first N jacobi polynomials evaluated at x                
                jw = w * x**b * (1-x)**a # combine quadrature weight with orthogonality weight
                PP = np.dot(P.T * jw, P)
#                norm2 = (1 /(2*n+a+b+1)) * (sso.poch(n + 1, a) / sso.poch(n + b + 1, a))
#                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(PP, np.diag(norm2))
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(PP, np.eye(N,N))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def testLocalVandermondes(self):
     # This test is more about exercising the code than testing any results.  We need a know simple mesh to do that
     dirs = numpy.array([[1,0]])
     k = 3
     pw = pcb.PlaneWaves(dirs, k)
     faceid = 0
     numquads = 3
     meshes = tum.examplemeshes2d()
     for mesh in meshes:
         mq = pmm.MeshQuadratures(mesh, puq.legendrequadrature(numquads))
         e2b = pcb.constructBasis(mesh, pcb.UniformBasisRule([pw]))
         LV = pcv.LocalVandermondes(mesh, e2b, mq)
         for faceid in range(mesh.nfaces):
             v = LV.getValues(faceid)
             d = LV.getDerivs(faceid)
             self.assertEqual(v.shape, (numquads, 1))
             self.assertEqual(d.shape, (numquads, 1))
             self.assertEqual(LV.numbases[faceid], 1)        
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def testLegendre(self):
     for n in range(1, 10):
         x, w = puq.legendrequadrature(n)
         for m in range(0, 2 * n):
             # test integration of x^m
             self.assertAlmostEqual(np.dot(x.transpose() ** m, w), 1.0 / (m + 1))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test2DQuadratures(self):
     """ Ensure quadratures on neighbouring faces of various 2D meshes match """
     self.compareQuadratures(tum.meshes2d(), puq.legendrequadrature(6))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self,n):
     self.n = n+1
     self.volume = puq.legendrequadrature(n+1)
     self.face = puq.pointquadrature()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, k):
     self.k = k
     self.n = ((k+1) * (k+2)) / 2
     self.volume = puq.trianglequadrature(k+1)
     self.face = puq.legendrequadrature(k+1)
Ejemplo n.º 10
boundaryentities = [10,11]
#SM = StructureMatrices(mesh, boundaryentities)

Nq = 20
Np = 15
dirs = circleDirections(Np)
elttobasis = [[PlaneWaves(dirs, k)]] * mesh.nelements

params={'alpha':.5, 'beta':.5,'delta':.5}

mqs = MeshQuadratures(mesh, quad)
lv = LocalVandermondes(mesh, elttobasis, mqs, usecache=True)
for data in bnddata.values():
    bndv = LocalVandermondes(mesh, [[data]] * mesh.nelements, mqs)        

S, f = assemble(mesh, k, lv, bndvs, mqs, elttobasis, bnddata, params)

print "Solving system"

from pymklpardiso.linsolve import solve
Ejemplo n.º 11
        coeffs = sl.lstsq(bv, gv)[0]
        resids = np.dot(bv, coeffs) - gv

        errs[i] = math.sqrt(np.vdot(resids, resids))
    return errs

if __name__ == "__main__":
    k = 10
    N = 40
    FB = -1
    #    qxw = puq.trianglequadrature(N)
    #    origin = [0.25,0.25]

    mesh = tum.regularsquaremesh()
    mqs = pmmu.MeshQuadratures(mesh, puq.legendrequadrature(N))

    e = 0
    qx = np.vstack([mqs.quadpoints(f) for f in mesh.etof[e]])
    qw = np.concatenate([mqs.quadweights(f) for f in mesh.etof[e]])
    qxw = (qx, qw)
    origin = pmmu.elementcentres(mesh)[e]

    #    e = 0
    #    f = 0
    #    qx = mqs.quadpoints(mesh.etof[e][f])
    #    qw = mqs.quadweights(mesh.etof[e][f])
    #    qxw = (qx,qw)
    #    origin = pmmu.elementcentres(mesh)[e]

    #    g = pcb.PlaneWaves(np.array([[3.0/5, 4.0/5]]),k)