Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_begin():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    w_global = W_Integer(0)
    ctx.put("var", w_global)
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(begin (set! var 11) (+ var 33))")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 44
    assert ctx.get("var").to_number() == 11
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_begin():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    w_global = W_Integer(0)
    ctx.put("var", w_global)
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(begin (set! var 11) (+ var 33))")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 44
    assert ctx.get("var").to_number() == 11
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_list():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    ctx.put("var", W_Integer(42))
    w_lst = eval_(ctx, "(list 1 var (+ 2 1) 'a)")
    assert isinstance(w_lst, W_Pair)
    assert w_lst.car.to_number() == 1
    assert w_lst.cdr.car.to_number() == 42
    assert w_lst.cdr.cdr.car.to_number() == 3
    assert w_lst.cdr.cdr.cdr.car.to_string() == "a"
    assert w_lst.cdr.cdr.cdr.cdr is w_nil
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_lambda_noargs():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    w_lambda = eval_(ctx, "(lambda () 12)")
    assert isinstance(w_lambda, W_Procedure)
    assert isinstance(w_lambda, W_Lambda)

    ctx.put("f1", w_lambda)
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(f1)")
    assert isinstance(w_result, W_Integer)
    assert w_result.to_number() == 12
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_list():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    ctx.put("var", W_Integer(42))
    w_lst = eval_(ctx, "(list 1 var (+ 2 1) 'a)")
    assert isinstance(w_lst, W_Pair)
    assert w_lst.car.to_number() == 1
    assert w_lst.cdr.car.to_number() == 42
    assert w_lst.cdr.cdr.car.to_number() == 3
    assert w_lst.cdr.cdr.cdr.car.to_string() == "a"
    assert w_lst.cdr.cdr.cdr.cdr is w_nil
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_lambda_noargs():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    w_lambda = eval_(ctx, "(lambda () 12)")
    assert isinstance(w_lambda, W_Procedure)
    assert isinstance(w_lambda, W_Lambda)

    ctx.put("f1", w_lambda)
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(f1)")
    assert isinstance(w_result, W_Integer)
    assert w_result.to_number() == 12
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_ctx():
    w_fnum = W_Integer(12)
    w_symb = W_Symbol("symb")

    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    ctx.put("v1", w_fnum)
    ctx.put("symb", w_symb)

    assert w_symb is ctx.get("symb")
    assert w_fnum is ctx.get("v1")
    py.test.raises(UnboundVariable, ctx.get, "no_such_key")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_ctx_simple():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    ctx.put("v1", W_Integer(4))
    ctx.put("v2", W_Integer(5))

    w_num = eval_(ctx, "(+ 1 v1 v2)")
    assert w_num.to_number() == 10

    ctx.put("v2", W_Real(3.2))
    w_num = eval_(ctx, "(+ 1 v1 v2)")
    assert w_num.to_number() == 8.2
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_ctx():
    w_fnum = W_Integer(12)
    w_symb = W_Symbol("symb")

    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    ctx.put("v1", w_fnum)
    ctx.put("symb", w_symb)

    assert w_symb is ctx.get("symb")
    assert w_fnum is ctx.get("v1")
    py.test.raises(UnboundVariable, ctx.get, "no_such_key")
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_ctx_simple():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    ctx.put("v1", W_Integer(4))
    ctx.put("v2", W_Integer(5))

    w_num = eval_(ctx, "(+ 1 v1 v2)")
    assert w_num.to_number() == 10

    ctx.put("v2", W_Real(3.2))
    w_num = eval_(ctx, "(+ 1 v1 v2)")
    assert w_num.to_number() == 8.2
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_let():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    w_global = W_Integer(0)
    ctx.put("var", w_global)
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(let ((var 42) (x (+ 2 var))) (+ var x))")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 44
    assert ctx.get("var") is w_global

    w_result = eval_(ctx, """
        (let ((x (lambda () 1)))
            (let ((y (lambda () (x)))
                  (x (lambda () 2))) (y)))""")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 1

    py.test.raises(UnboundVariable, eval_noctx, "(let ((y 0) (x y)) x)")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_ctx_sets():
    w_fnum = W_Integer(42)
    w_fnum2 = W_Integer(43)
    w_fnum3 = W_Integer(44)

    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    ctx.put("v1", w_fnum)

    ctx2 = ctx.copy()
    assert w_fnum is ctx2.get("v1")
    ctx.set("v1", w_fnum2)
    assert w_fnum2 is ctx2.get("v1")
    assert w_fnum2 is ctx.get("v1")

    ctx2.put("v1", w_fnum3)
    assert w_fnum3 is ctx2.get("v1")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_let():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    w_global = W_Integer(0)
    ctx.put("var", w_global)
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(let ((var 42) (x (+ 2 var))) (+ var x))")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 44
    assert ctx.get("var") is w_global

    w_result = eval_(
        ctx, """
        (let ((x (lambda () 1)))
            (let ((y (lambda () (x)))
                  (x (lambda () 2))) (y)))""")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 1

    py.test.raises(UnboundVariable, eval_noctx, "(let ((y 0) (x y)) x)")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_ctx_sets():
    w_fnum = W_Integer(42)
    w_fnum2 = W_Integer(43)
    w_fnum3 = W_Integer(44)

    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    ctx.put("v1", w_fnum)

    ctx2 = ctx.copy()
    assert w_fnum is ctx2.get("v1")
    ctx.set("v1", w_fnum2)
    assert w_fnum2 is ctx2.get("v1")
    assert w_fnum2 is ctx.get("v1")

    ctx2.put("v1", w_fnum3)
    assert w_fnum3 is ctx2.get("v1")
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_delay_promise_force():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    w_promise = eval_(ctx, "(delay (+ 1 2))")
    assert isinstance(w_promise, W_Promise)
    ctx.put("d", w_promise)
    w_promise2 = eval_(ctx, "d")
    assert w_promise2 is w_promise
    py.test.raises(NotCallable, eval_, ctx, "(d)")

    w_value = eval_(ctx, "(force d)")
    assert w_value.to_number() == 3
    py.test.raises(WrongArgType, eval_noctx, "(force 'a)")

    eval_(ctx, "(define d2 (delay (+ 1 x)))")
    eval_(ctx, "(define x 42)")
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(force d2)")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 43
    eval_(ctx, "(set! x 0)")
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(force d2)")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 43
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_delay_promise_force():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()
    w_promise = eval_(ctx, "(delay (+ 1 2))")
    assert isinstance(w_promise, W_Promise)
    ctx.put("d", w_promise)
    w_promise2 = eval_(ctx, "d")
    assert w_promise2 is w_promise
    py.test.raises(NotCallable, eval_, ctx, "(d)")

    w_value = eval_(ctx, "(force d)")
    assert w_value.to_number() == 3
    py.test.raises(WrongArgType, eval_noctx, "(force 'a)")

    eval_(ctx, "(define d2 (delay (+ 1 x)))")
    eval_(ctx, "(define x 42)")
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(force d2)")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 43
    eval_(ctx, "(set! x 0)")
    w_result = eval_(ctx, "(force d2)")
    assert w_result.to_number() == 43
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_syntax_rules_literals():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()

    # => is literal, should be matched exactly
    # w_transformer created in ctx
    w_transformer = eval_(ctx, "(syntax-rules (=>) ((foo => bar) #t))")

    w_expr = parse_("(foo 12 boo)")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, ctx, w_expr)

    w_expr = parse_("(foo bar boo)")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, ctx, w_expr)

    # exact match
    w_expr = parse_("(foo => boo)")

    # within the same context
    assert w_transformer.match(ctx, w_expr)[0].to_boolean()

    w_42 = W_Number(42)

    # different lexical scope, not the same bindings for => in ctx and closure
    closure = ctx.copy()
    closure.put("=>", w_42)
    w_transformer = eval_(ctx, "(syntax-rules (=>) ((foo => bar) #t))")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, closure, w_expr)

    # different lexical scope, not the same bindings for => in ctx and closure
    ctx.put("=>", W_Number(12))
    assert ctx.get("=>") is not closure.get("=>")
    w_transformer = eval_(ctx, "(syntax-rules (=>) ((foo => bar) #t))")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, closure, w_expr)

    # the same object for => in ctx and closure, but different bindings
    # <arigo> I think this should also raise MatchError.  When R5RS says
    # "same binding" it probably means bound to the same *location*, not
    # just that there is the same object in both locations
    ctx.put("=>", w_42)
    assert ctx.get("=>") is closure.get("=>")
    w_transformer = eval_(ctx, "(syntax-rules (=>) ((foo => bar) #t))")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, closure, w_expr)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_syntax_rules_literals():
    ctx = ExecutionContext()

    # => is literal, should be matched exactly
    # w_transformer created in ctx
    w_transformer = eval_(ctx, "(syntax-rules (=>) ((foo => bar) #t))")

    w_expr = parse_("(foo 12 boo)")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, ctx, w_expr)

    w_expr = parse_("(foo bar boo)")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, ctx, w_expr)

    # exact match
    w_expr = parse_("(foo => boo)")

    # within the same context
    assert w_transformer.match(ctx, w_expr)[0].to_boolean()

    w_42 = W_Number(42)

    # different lexical scope, not the same bindings for => in ctx and closure
    closure = ctx.copy()
    closure.put("=>", w_42)
    w_transformer = eval_(ctx, "(syntax-rules (=>) ((foo => bar) #t))")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, closure, w_expr)

    # different lexical scope, not the same bindings for => in ctx and closure
    ctx.put("=>", W_Number(12))
    assert ctx.get("=>") is not closure.get("=>")
    w_transformer = eval_(ctx, "(syntax-rules (=>) ((foo => bar) #t))")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, closure, w_expr)

    # the same object for => in ctx and closure, but different bindings
    # <arigo> I think this should also raise MatchError.  When R5RS says
    # "same binding" it probably means bound to the same *location*, not
    # just that there is the same object in both locations
    ctx.put("=>", w_42)
    assert ctx.get("=>") is closure.get("=>")
    w_transformer = eval_(ctx, "(syntax-rules (=>) ((foo => bar) #t))")
    py.test.raises(MatchError, w_transformer.match, closure, w_expr)