Ejemplo n.º 1
def callback(ll_args, ll_res, ll_userdata):
    userdata = rffi.cast(USERDATA_P, ll_userdata)
    callback_ptr = global_counter.CallbackPtr_by_number[userdata.addarg]
    w_callable = callback_ptr.w_callable
    res = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, ll_res)
    argtypes = callback_ptr.args
    space = callback_ptr.space
    w_args = space.newlist([wrap_value(space, get_elem, ll_args[i], 0,
                                       letter2tp(space, argtypes[i]))
                            for i in range(len(argtypes))])
    w_res = space.call(w_callable, w_args)
    unwrap_value(space, push_elem, ll_res, 0,
                 letter2tp(space, callback_ptr.result), w_res)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def from_memory(self, space, w_obj, offset):
     # read access, so no copy needed
     address_value = self._get_raw_address(space, w_obj, offset)
     address = rffi.cast(rffi.ULONGP, address_value)
     return lowlevelviews.W_LowLevelView(space,
                                         letter2tp(space, self.typecode),
                                         self.size, address[0])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, space, w_callable, w_args, w_result,
     self.space = space
     self.w_callable = w_callable
     self.argtypes = unpack_argshapes(space, w_args)
     ffiargs = [tp.get_basic_ffi_type() for tp in self.argtypes]
     if not space.is_w(w_result, space.w_None):
         self.result = space.text_w(w_result)
         ffiresult = letter2tp(space, self.result).get_basic_ffi_type()
         self.result = None
         ffiresult = ffi_type_void
     self.number = global_counter.add(self)
         self.ll_callback = CallbackFuncPtr(ffiargs, ffiresult,
                                            callback, self.number, flags)
     except LibFFIError:
         raise got_libffi_error(space)
     self.ll_buffer = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, self.ll_callback.get_closure())
     if tracker.DO_TRACING:
         addr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.ll_callback.get_closure())
         tracker.trace_allocation(addr, self)
     # We must setup the GIL here, in case the callback is invoked in
     # some other non-Pythonic thread.  This is the same as ctypes on
     # CPython (but only when creating a callback; on CPython it occurs
     # as soon as we import _ctypes)
     if space.config.translation.thread:
         from pypy.module.thread.os_thread import setup_threads
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, space, w_callable, w_args, w_result,
     self.space = space
     self.w_callable = w_callable
     self.argtypes = unpack_argshapes(space, w_args)
     ffiargs = [tp.get_basic_ffi_type() for tp in self.argtypes]
     if not space.is_w(w_result, space.w_None):
         self.result = space.str_w(w_result)
         ffiresult = letter2tp(space, self.result).get_basic_ffi_type()
         self.result = None
         ffiresult = ffi_type_void
     self.number = global_counter.add(self)
         self.ll_callback = CallbackFuncPtr(ffiargs, ffiresult,
                                            callback, self.number, flags)
     except LibFFIError:
         raise got_libffi_error(space)
     self.ll_buffer = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, self.ll_callback.ll_closure)
     if tracker.DO_TRACING:
         addr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.ll_callback.ll_closure)
         tracker.trace_allocation(addr, self)
     # We must setup the GIL here, in case the callback is invoked in
     # some other non-Pythonic thread.  This is the same as ctypes on
     # CPython (but only when creating a callback; on CPython it occurs
     # as soon as we import _ctypes)
     if space.config.translation.thread:
         from pypy.module.thread.os_thread import setup_threads
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __getattr__(self, name):
     if name.startswith('array_'):
         typecode = name[len('array_'):]
         arr = self.space.interp_w(W_Array, letter2tp(self.space, typecode))
         setattr(self, name, arr)
         return arr
     raise AttributeError(name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def callback(ll_args, ll_res, ll_userdata):
    userdata = rffi.cast(USERDATA_P, ll_userdata)
    callback_ptr = global_counter.get(userdata.addarg)
    w_callable = callback_ptr.w_callable
    argtypes = callback_ptr.argtypes
    must_leave = False
    space = callback_ptr.space
        must_leave = space.threadlocals.try_enter_thread(space)
        args_w = [None] * len(argtypes)
        for i in range(len(argtypes)):
            argtype = argtypes[i]
            if isinstance(argtype, W_Structure):
                args_w[i] = argtype.fromaddress(
                    space, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, ll_args[i]))
                # XXX other types?
                args_w[i] = space.wrap(rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, ll_args[i]))
        w_res = space.call(w_callable, space.newtuple(args_w))
        if callback_ptr.result is not None: # don't return void
            unwrap_value(space, write_ptr, ll_res, 0,
                         callback_ptr.result, w_res)
    except OperationError, e:
        tbprint(space, space.wrap(e.get_traceback()),
        # force the result to be zero
        if callback_ptr.result is not None:
            resshape = letter2tp(space, callback_ptr.result)
            for i in range(resshape.size):
                ll_res[i] = '\x00'
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __getattr__(self, name):
     if name.startswith('array_'):
         typecode = name[len('array_'):]
         arr = self.space.interp_w(W_Array, letter2tp(self.space, typecode))
         setattr(self, name, arr)
         return arr
     raise AttributeError(name)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_bitsizes():
    fields = [("A", 'i', 1),
              ("B", 'i', 2),
              ("C", 'i', 3),
              ("D", 'i', 4),
              ("E", 'i', 5),
              ("F", 'i', 6),
              ("G", 'i', 7),
              ("H", 'i', 8),
              ("I", 'i', 9),

              ("M", 'h', 1),
              ("N", 'h', 2),
              ("O", 'h', 3),
              ("P", 'h', 4),
              ("Q", 'h', 5),
              ("R", 'h', 6),
              ("S", 'h', 7)]
    size, alignment, pos, bitsizes = size_alignment_pos(
        [(name, letter2tp('space', t), size)
         for (name, t, size) in fields])
    assert size == 12

    import ctypes
    class X(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [(name, {'i':ctypes.c_int, 'h': ctypes.c_short}[t], size)
                    for (name, t, size) in fields]

    assert pos      == [getattr(X, name).offset for (name, _, _) in fields]
    assert bitsizes == [getattr(X, name).size   for (name, _, _) in fields]
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self,
     self.space = space
     self.w_callable = w_callable
     self.argtypes = unpack_argshapes(space, w_args)
     ffiargs = [tp.get_basic_ffi_type() for tp in self.argtypes]
     if not space.is_w(w_result, space.w_None):
         self.result = space.str_w(w_result)
         ffiresult = letter2tp(space, self.result).get_basic_ffi_type()
         self.result = None
         ffiresult = ffi_type_void
     self.number = global_counter.add(self)
         self.ll_callback = CallbackFuncPtr(ffiargs, ffiresult, callback,
                                            self.number, flags)
     except LibFFIError:
         raise got_libffi_error(space)
     self.ll_buffer = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, self.ll_callback.ll_closure)
     if tracker.DO_TRACING:
         addr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.ll_callback.ll_closure)
         tracker.trace_allocation(addr, self)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def callback(ll_args, ll_res, ll_userdata):
    userdata = rffi.cast(USERDATA_P, ll_userdata)
    callback_ptr = global_counter.get(userdata.addarg)
    w_callable = callback_ptr.w_callable
    argtypes = callback_ptr.argtypes
    space = callback_ptr.space
        args_w = [None] * len(argtypes)
        for i in range(len(argtypes)):
            argtype = argtypes[i]
            if isinstance(argtype, W_Structure):
                args_w[i] = argtype.fromaddress(
                    space, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, ll_args[i]))
                # XXX other types?
                args_w[i] = space.wrap(rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, ll_args[i]))
        w_res = space.call(w_callable, space.newtuple(args_w))
        if callback_ptr.result is not None: # don't return void
            unwrap_value(space, write_ptr, ll_res, 0,
                         callback_ptr.result, w_res)
    except OperationError, e:
        tbprint(space, space.wrap(e.get_traceback()),
        # force the result to be zero
        if callback_ptr.result is not None:
            resshape = letter2tp(space, callback_ptr.result)
            for i in range(resshape.size):
                ll_res[i] = '\x00'
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_bitsizes_longlong():
    fields = [("a", "q", 1), ("b", "q", 62), ("c", "q", 1)]
    size, alignment, pos, bitsizes = size_alignment_pos(
        [(name, letter2tp("space", t), size) for (name, t, size) in fields]
    assert size == 8
    assert pos == [0, 0, 0]
    assert bitsizes == [0x10000, 0x3E0001, 0x1003F]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_bitsizes_longlong():
    fields = [("a", 'q', 1), ("b", 'q', 62), ("c", 'q', 1)]
    size, alignment, pos, bitsizes = size_alignment_pos([
        (name, letter2tp('space', t), size) for (name, t, size) in fields
    assert size == 8
    assert pos == [0, 0, 0]
    assert bitsizes == [0x10000, 0x3e0001, 0x1003f]
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def from_memory(self, space, w_obj, w_pycppclass, offset):
     # returned as a long value for the address (INTPTR_T is not proper
     # per se, but rffi does not come with a PTRDIFF_T)
     address = self._get_raw_address(space, w_obj, offset)
     ptrval = rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, address)[0])
     if ptrval == 0:
         from pypy.module.cppyy import interp_cppyy
         return interp_cppyy.get_nullptr(space)
     arr = space.interp_w(W_Array, letter2tp(space, 'P'))
     return arr.fromaddress(space, ptrval, sys.maxint)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def from_memory(self, space, w_obj, offset):
     # returned as a long value for the address (INTPTR_T is not proper
     # per se, but rffi does not come with a PTRDIFF_T)
     address = self._get_raw_address(space, w_obj, offset)
     ptrval = rffi.cast(rffi.ULONGP, address)[0]
     if ptrval == rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, 0):
         from pypy.module._cppyy import interp_cppyy
         return interp_cppyy.get_nullptr(space)
     shape = letter2tp(space, 'P')
     return lowlevelviews.W_LowLevelView(space, shape, sys.maxint/shape.size, ptrval)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def from_memory(self, space, w_obj, w_pycppclass, offset):
     # returned as a long value for the address (INTPTR_T is not proper
     # per se, but rffi does not come with a PTRDIFF_T)
     address = self._get_raw_address(space, w_obj, offset)
     ptrval = rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, address)[0])
     if ptrval == 0:
         from pypy.module._cppyy import interp_cppyy
         return interp_cppyy.get_nullptr(space)
     arr = space.interp_w(W_Array, letter2tp(space, 'P'))
     return arr.fromaddress(space, ptrval, sys.maxint)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def execute(self, space, cppmethod, cppthis, num_args, args):
     if hasattr(space, "fake"):
         raise NotImplementedError
     address = capi.c_call_r(space, cppmethod, cppthis, num_args, args)
     ipv = rffi.cast(rffi.UINTPTR_T, address)
     if ipv == rffi.cast(rffi.UINTPTR_T, 0):
         from pypy.module._cppyy import interp_cppyy
         return interp_cppyy.get_nullptr(space)
     shape = letter2tp(space, self.typecode)
     return lowlevelviews.W_LowLevelView(space, shape,
                                         sys.maxint / shape.size, ipv)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def execute(self, space, cppmethod, cppthis, num_args, args):
     if hasattr(space, "fake"):
         raise NotImplementedError
     lresult = capi.c_call_l(space, cppmethod, cppthis, num_args, args)
     ptrval = rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, lresult)
     if ptrval == rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, 0):
         from pypy.module._cppyy import interp_cppyy
         return interp_cppyy.get_nullptr(space)
     shape = letter2tp(space, self.typecode)
     return lowlevelviews.W_LowLevelView(space, shape,
                                         sys.maxint / shape.size, ptrval)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_bitsizes_longlong():
    fields = [("a", 'q', 1),
              ("b", 'q', 62),
              ("c", 'q', 1)]
    size, alignment, pos, bitsizes = size_alignment_pos(
        [(name, letter2tp('space', t), size)
         for (name, t, size) in fields])
    assert size == 8
    assert pos == [0, 0, 0]
    if sys.byteorder == 'little':
        assert bitsizes == [0x10000, 0x3e0001, 0x1003f]
        assert bitsizes == [0x1003f, 0x3e0001, 0x10000]
Ejemplo n.º 19
def callback(ll_args, ll_res, ll_userdata):
    userdata = rffi.cast(USERDATA_P, ll_userdata)
    callback_ptr = global_counter.CallbackPtr_by_number[userdata.addarg]
    w_callable = callback_ptr.w_callable
    res = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, ll_res)
    argtypes = callback_ptr.args
    space = callback_ptr.space
        w_args = space.newlist([space.wrap(rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, ll_args[i]))
                                for i in range(len(argtypes))])
        w_res = space.call(w_callable, w_args)
        if callback_ptr.result != 'O': # don't return void
            unwrap_value(space, push_elem, ll_res, 0,
                         letter2tp(space, callback_ptr.result), w_res)
    except OperationError, e:
        tbprint(space, space.wrap(e.application_traceback),
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, space, w_callable, w_args, w_result,
     self.space = space
     self.w_callable = w_callable
     self.argtypes = unpack_argshapes(space, w_args)
     ffiargs = [tp.get_basic_ffi_type() for tp in self.argtypes]
     if not space.is_w(w_result, space.w_None):
         self.result = space.str_w(w_result)
         ffiresult = letter2tp(space, self.result).get_basic_ffi_type()
         self.result = None
         ffiresult = ffi_type_void
     self.number = global_counter.add(self)
     self.ll_callback = CallbackFuncPtr(ffiargs, ffiresult,
                                        callback, self.number, flags)
     self.ll_buffer = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, self.ll_callback.ll_closure)
     if tracker.DO_TRACING:
         addr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.ll_callback.ll_closure)
         tracker.trace_allocation(addr, self)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def callback(ll_args, ll_res, ll_userdata):
    userdata = rffi.cast(USERDATA_P, ll_userdata)
    callback_ptr = global_counter.get(userdata.addarg)
    w_callable = callback_ptr.w_callable
    argtypes = callback_ptr.argtypes
    must_leave = False
    space = callback_ptr.space
        must_leave = space.threadlocals.try_enter_thread(space)
        args_w = [None] * len(argtypes)
        for i in range(len(argtypes)):
            argtype = argtypes[i]
            if isinstance(argtype, W_Structure):
                args_w[i] = argtype.fromaddress(
                    space, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, ll_args[i]))
                # XXX other types?
                args_w[i] = space.newint(rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned,
        w_res = space.call(w_callable, space.newtuple(args_w))
        if callback_ptr.result is not None:  # don't return void
            ptr = ll_res
            letter = callback_ptr.result
            if BIGENDIAN:
                # take care of narrow integers!
                for int_type in unroll_narrow_integer_types:
                    if int_type == letter:
                        T = LL_TYPEMAP[int_type]
                        n = rffi.sizeof(lltype.Signed) - rffi.sizeof(T)
                        ptr = rffi.ptradd(ptr, n)
            unwrap_value(space, write_ptr, ptr, 0, letter, w_res)
    except OperationError as e:
        tbprint(space, e.get_w_traceback(space),
        # force the result to be zero
        if callback_ptr.result is not None:
            resshape = letter2tp(space, callback_ptr.result)
            for i in range(resshape.size):
                ll_res[i] = '\x00'
    if must_leave:
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_bitsizes():
    fields = [("A", 'i', 1), ("B", 'i', 2), ("C", 'i', 3), ("D", 'i', 4),
              ("E", 'i', 5), ("F", 'i', 6), ("G", 'i', 7), ("H", 'i', 8),
              ("I", 'i', 9), ("M", 'h', 1), ("N", 'h', 2), ("O", 'h', 3),
              ("P", 'h', 4), ("Q", 'h', 5), ("R", 'h', 6), ("S", 'h', 7)]
    size, alignment, pos, bitsizes = size_alignment_pos([
        (name, letter2tp('space', t), size) for (name, t, size) in fields
    assert size == 12

    import ctypes

    class X(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [(name, {
            'i': ctypes.c_int,
            'h': ctypes.c_short
        }[t], size) for (name, t, size) in fields]

    assert pos == [getattr(X, name).offset for (name, _, _) in fields]
    assert bitsizes == [getattr(X, name).size for (name, _, _) in fields]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def callback(ll_args, ll_res, ll_userdata):
    userdata = rffi.cast(USERDATA_P, ll_userdata)
    callback_ptr = global_counter.get(userdata.addarg)
    w_callable = callback_ptr.w_callable
    argtypes = callback_ptr.argtypes
    must_leave = False
    space = callback_ptr.space
        must_leave = space.threadlocals.try_enter_thread(space)
        args_w = [None] * len(argtypes)
        for i in range(len(argtypes)):
            argtype = argtypes[i]
            if isinstance(argtype, W_Structure):
                args_w[i] = argtype.fromaddress(
                    space, rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, ll_args[i]))
                # XXX other types?
                args_w[i] = space.wrap(rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, ll_args[i]))
        w_res = space.call(w_callable, space.newtuple(args_w))
        if callback_ptr.result is not None: # don't return void
            ptr = ll_res
            letter = callback_ptr.result
            if BIGENDIAN:
                # take care of narrow integers!
                for int_type in unroll_narrow_integer_types:
                    if int_type == letter:
                        T = LL_TYPEMAP[int_type]
                        n = rffi.sizeof(lltype.Signed) - rffi.sizeof(T)
                        ptr = rffi.ptradd(ptr, n)
            unwrap_value(space, write_ptr, ptr, 0, letter, w_res)
    except OperationError as e:
        tbprint(space, space.wrap(e.get_traceback()),
        # force the result to be zero
        if callback_ptr.result is not None:
            resshape = letter2tp(space, callback_ptr.result)
            for i in range(resshape.size):
                ll_res[i] = '\x00'
    if must_leave:
Ejemplo n.º 24
def callback(ll_args, ll_res, ll_userdata):
    userdata = rffi.cast(USERDATA_P, ll_userdata)
    callback_ptr = global_counter.CallbackPtr_by_number[userdata.addarg]
    w_callable = callback_ptr.w_callable
    argtypes = callback_ptr.args
    space = callback_ptr.space
        w_args = space.newlist([space.wrap(rffi.cast(rffi.ULONG, ll_args[i]))
                                for i in range(len(argtypes))])
        w_res = space.call(w_callable, w_args)
        if callback_ptr.result != 'O': # don't return void
            unwrap_value(space, push_elem, ll_res, 0,
                         callback_ptr.result, w_res)
    except OperationError, e:
        tbprint(space, space.wrap(e.application_traceback),
        # force the result to be zero
        if callback_ptr.result != 'O':
            _, size, _ = letter2tp(space, callback_ptr.result)
            for i in range(size):
                ll_res[i] = '\x00'
Ejemplo n.º 25
def unpack(desc):
    return [('x', letter2tp('space', i), 0) for i in desc]
Ejemplo n.º 26
def unpack(desc):
    return [("x", letter2tp("space", i), 0) for i in desc]
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, space):
     self.space = space
     self.cache = {}
     self.array_of_ptr = self.get_array_type(letter2tp(space, 'P'))
Ejemplo n.º 28
def unpack(desc):
    return [('x', letter2tp('space', i), 0) for i in desc]
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self, space):
     self.space = space
     self.cache = {}
     self.array_of_ptr = self.get_array_type(letter2tp(space, 'P'))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def from_memory(self, space, w_obj, offset):
     # read access, so no copy needed
     address = self._get_raw_address(space, w_obj, offset)
     ipv = rffi.cast(rffi.UINTPTR_T, rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, address)[0])
     return lowlevelviews.W_LowLevelView(
         space, letter2tp(space, self.typecode), self.size, ipv)