Ejemplo n.º 1
def write_alias(qrc_files, verbose):
    """Write alias for resources within qrc files.

    Alias are base in basename of theses resources. In the case where two
    resource files would have the same name, and so, the same alias, the
    script warns the user of incriminated files.

        qrc_files (list or tuple): A list containing path to qrc files.
        verbose (bool): True if the user pass '-v' or '--verbose' option
            to see what's happening.
    warnings = []  # List containing all warnings message
    # Loop over all provided qrc files
    for qrc_file in qrc_files:
        tree = etree.parse(qrc_file)
        root = tree.getroot()

        # Inform which qrc file is processed
        v.info("Current file: {}".format(qrc_file), verbose)

        # Iterate over each qresource containing file resources
        for qresource in root.iter(tag="qresource"):
            # Alias are prefixed by qresource prefix so we check only
            # duplication within qresource
            aliases = []
            # Iterate over each file that doesn't have already an alias
            for resource in qresource.iter(tag="file"):
                alias = os.path.basename(resource.text)
                if alias not in aliases:
                    if not resource.attrib.get("alias", None):
                        resource.set("alias", alias)

                        # Inform which alias is given to the current resource
                        v.info("resource: '{}' => {}".format(
                            resource.text, alias), verbose)
                    # Add same alias warning
                        alias, qrc_file, qresource.attrib.get(
                            "prefix", ""))

                # Append created alias to used aliases in current qresource

        # Rewrite qrc file

    # Warning user of which resources that could not receive alias
    # because of duplication
    for message in warnings:
Ejemplo n.º 2
def addqres(config, qrc_path, res_folders, alias, verbose):
    Add <qresource> element with a prefix attribute set to the base name of
    the given folder of resources. All resources contained in this folder are
    recorded in qresource as <file> subelement.

        config (:class:`PyqtcliConfig`): PyqtcliConfig object representing
            project config file.
        qrc_path (str): Path to the qrc file that need to add the qresource
            nodes corresponding to `res_folders`.
        res_folders (tuple): Paths to folders of resources to record.
        alias (bool): If True, aliases will be generated while resources are
        verbose (bool): Boolean determining if messages will be displayed.
    qrc_file = read_qrc(qrc_path)
    recorded_dirs = config.get_dirs(qrc_file.name)

    # Remove duplication in res_folders with a set
    res_folders = set(res_folders)

    # Process each resource folders passed
    for folder in res_folders:
        # rel_path => relative path of folder from project directory
        rel_path = os.path.relpath(folder, config.dir_path)

        # Check if given resources folder has already been recorded
        if rel_path in recorded_dirs:
            v.warning("You have already added \'{}\' to {}.".format(
                    folder, qrc_file.name))

        # Add folder to dirs variable in the config file
            config.add_dirs(qrc_file.name, rel_path, commit=False)
        except PyqtcliConfigError:
            v.error("{} isn't part of the project.".format(qrc_path))
            raise click.Abort()

        # Add qresource to qrc file
        prefix = get_prefix(folder)
        fill_qresource(qrc_file, folder, prefix)

        v.info("qresource with prefix: \'{}\' has been recorded in {}.".format(
                prefix, qrc_path), verbose)


    if alias:
        write_alias([qrc_file.path], verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_simple_rmqres(config, test_resources):
    runner = CliRunner()

    # Generate a qrc file named res and update config file
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc"])

    # Add resources folder config file and qrc
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["addqres", "res.qrc", "resources"])

    # Remove resources folder config file and qrc
    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["rmqres", "res.qrc", "resources", "-v"])

    # Parse qrc file
    qrcfile = read_qrc("res.qrc")

    # Check qresource has been deleted
    with pytest.raises(QresourceError) as e:
    assert format_msg(str(e.value)) == (
        "Error: No <qresource> node corresponding to '/resources' prefix"

    # Check res_folder has been removed from dirs variable of config file
    assert config.get_dirs("res.qrc") == []

    assert format_msg(result.output) == v.info(
        "Resources folder: \'resources\' has been removed in res.qrc.\n"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def qrc(config, path, res_folder, verbose):
    """Create a new qrc file.

        config (:class:`PyqtcliConfig`): PyqtcliConfig object representing
            project config file.
        path (str): Path where create the new qrc file.
        res_folder (str): Path to the folder of resources .
        verbose (bool): Boolean determining if messages will be displayed.

    file_path, name = os.path.split(path)

    qrc_file = QRCFile(name, file_path)

    # Verify qrc file doesn't already exists
    if name in config.get_qrcs():
        v.error("A qrc file named \'{}\' already exists".format(name))
        raise click.Abort()

    # Add a new section for the created qrc file
    config.cparser.set(name, "path", qrc_file.path)

    if res_folder:
        generate_qrc(qrc_file, res_folder, build=False)

        # Get the relative path to the folder of resources from project
        # directory to add its sub dirs to the dirs variable in the
        # corresponding qrc section of config file
        rel_path = os.path.relpath(res_folder, config.dir_path)
        resources = os.listdir(rel_path)

        # If there is resources that are not in folder add the res_folder in the
        # dirs key of the config file.
        config.add_dirs(name, rel_path, commit=False)

        for d in resources:
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(rel_path, d)):
                config.add_dirs(name, os.path.join(rel_path, d), commit=False)


    v.info("Qrc file \'{}\' has been created.".format(path), verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, path=None, msg="", verbose=True):
        self.cparser = configparser.ConfigParser()
        self.dir_path = os.getcwd()

        if path:
            self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
            found_config = find_project_config()
            self.path = found_config or os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.INI_FILE)

        # Create a new ini file if not exist
        if not os.path.isfile(self.path):
            if msg is None or msg == "":
                msg = "The project named: \'{}\' was initialized in {}".format(
                    os.path.basename(os.getcwd()), os.getcwd())

            v.info(msg, verbose)

Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_rc(qrc_files, verbose):
    """Generate python module to access qrc resources via pyrcc5 tool.

        qrc_files (list or tuple): A tuple containing all paths to qrc files
            to process.
        verbose (bool): True if the user pass '-v' or '--verbose' option
            to see what's happening.

        This example will create two files: res_rc.py and qtc/another_res_rc.py

        >>> generate_rc(["res.qrc", "qrc/another_res.qrc"])

    for qrc_file in qrc_files:
        # rc file name
        result_file = os.path.splitext(qrc_file)[0] + "_rc.py"

        # generate rc file corresponding to qrc file
        result = subprocess.run(["pyrcc5", qrc_file, "-o", result_file],

        # Case where qrc has no more resources -> can't generate rc file
        if result.stderr == NO_QRESOURCE:
                ("{} has no more resources and cannot generates its "
                 "corresponding rc file.").format(qrc_file))
        elif result.stderr.startswith(INVALID_QRC):
            v.warning("Qrc file: \'{}\' is not valid.".format(qrc_file))
        elif result.stderr:

        v.info("Python qrc file '{}' created.".format(result_file), verbose)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def rmqres(config, qrc_path, res_folders, verbose):
    Remove a <qresource> element with a prefix attribute set to the base name
    of the given folder of resources. All <file> subelements are removed too.

        config (:class:`PyqtcliConfig`): PyqtcliConfig object representing
            project config file.
        qrc_path (str): Path to the qrc file that need to remove the qresource
            nodes corresponding to `res_folders`.
        res_folders (tuple): Paths to folders of resources to remove.
        verbose (bool): Boolean determining if messages will be displayed.
    qrcfile = read_qrc(qrc_path)

    # Remove duplication in res_folders with a set
    res_folders = set(res_folders)

    folders = [os.path.relpath(f, config.dir_path) for f in res_folders]

    # remove folder to dirs variable in the config file
        config.rm_dirs(qrcfile.name, folders, commit=False)
    except PyqtcliConfigError:
        v.error("{} isn't part of the project.".format(qrc_path))
        raise click.Abort()

    for folder in folders:
        # Remove qresource to qrc file
        prefix = get_prefix(folder)

        v.info("Resources folder: \'{}\' has been removed in {}.".format(
                folder, qrc_path), verbose)

Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_new_default(config):
    runner = CliRunner()
    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc", "-v"])

    # Check qrc file is generated
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert os.path.isfile("res.qrc")

    # Check content of newly generated qrc file
    tree = etree.parse("res.qrc")
    assert etree.tostring(tree) == b"<RCC/>"

    # Check qrc file has been added to project the config file
    assert ["res.qrc"] == config.get_qrcs()

    # Test verbose
    assert format_msg(result.output) == v.info(
            "Qrc file \'res.qrc\' has been created.\n")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_project(qrc_files, config, verbose):
    """Update given qrc files through information stored in the config file.

        qrc_files (list or tuple): list of paths to qrc files.
        config (:class:`pyqtcli.config.PyqtcliConfig`): Project config file.
        verbose (bool): If True display information about the process

    for qrc_file in qrc_files:
        qrc = read_qrc(qrc_file)          # qrc file to update
        dirs = config.get_dirs(qrc.name)  # resources folders recorded in qrc

        for res_dir in dirs:
            if os.path.abspath(res_dir) == os.path.dirname(
                v.warning("Can't update automatically a qrc file where "
                          "resources are in the same directory as the project "

            # prefix identify qresource in qrc file
            prefix = get_prefix_update(res_dir)

            # Verify the recorded directory still exist and otherwise remove
            # it from dirs variable in config file. It's corresponding in qrc
            # file is deleted with its <file> children
            if not os.path.isdir(res_dir):
                config.rm_dirs(qrc.name, res_dir)

                    ("The resource folder {} has been manually removed.\n"
                     "It's resources are removed from {} and deleted "
                     "from .pyqtclirc").format(res_dir, qrc_file), verbose

            # Loop over the folder of resources to check file addition or
            # deletion to report in qrc file
            resources = qrc.list_resources(prefix)
            if prefix == "/":
                # list of resources at the root
                res = []
                for path in os.listdir(res_dir):
                    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(res_dir, path)):

                new_qresource_dirs = [r for r in res if r not in dirs]
                for resource in res:
                    # A new folder in the root of resources folder as been added
                    resource = os.path.join(res_dir, resource)
                    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(res_dir, resource)) and \
                            resource in new_qresource_dirs:
                            get_prefix_update(os.path.join(res_dir, resource)),
                        v.info("{} added to {} as {}".format(
                                res_dir, qrc_file, prefix), verbose)
                        # Add the resource if not recorded
                        if resource not in resources:
                            qrc.add_file(resource, prefix)
                            v.info("{} added to {}".format(resource, qrc_file),
                        # Remove the resource if it's recorded
                        elif resource in resources:
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(res_dir):
                    for resource in files:
                        resource = os.path.join(root, resource)
                        # Add the resource if not recorded
                        if resource not in resources:
                            qrc.add_file(resource, prefix)
                            v.info("{} added to {}".format(resource, qrc_file),
                        # Remove the resource if it's recorded
                        elif resource in resources:

            # Remaining resources in resources variable have been deleted
            # manually and so removed from qrc
            for res in resources:
                qrc.remove_resource(res, prefix)
                    ("The resource \'{}\' has been manually deleted and so"
                     " removed from {}").format(res, qrc_file), verbose)

        # Save modifications to qrc file