Ejemplo n.º 1
    def render(self):
        # simplified pg.ImageITem

        if self.image is None or self.image.size == 0:
        if isinstance(self.lut, collections.Callable):
            lut = self.lut(self.image)
            lut = self.lut

        image = self.image
        levels = self.levels

        if self.axisOrder == 'col-major':
            image = image.transpose((1, 0, 2)[:image.ndim])

        argb, alpha = pg.makeARGB(image, lut=lut, levels=levels)  # format is bgra
        argb[np.isnan(image)] = (100, 100, 100, 255)  # replace unknown values with a color
        w = 1
        if np.any(self.selection):
            max_sel = np.max(self.selection)
            colors = DiscreteVariable(values=map(str, range(max_sel))).colors
            fargb = argb.astype(np.float32)
            for i, color in enumerate(colors):
                color = np.hstack((color[::-1], [255]))  # qt color
                sel = self.selection == i+1
                # average the current color with the selection color
                argb[sel] = (fargb[sel] + w*color) / (1+w)
            alpha = True
            argb[:, :, 3] = np.maximum((self.selection > 0)*255, 100)
        self.qimage = pg.makeQImage(argb, alpha, transpose=False)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def render(self):
        # simplified pg.ImageITem

        if self.image is None or self.image.size == 0:
        if isinstance(self.lut, collections.Callable):
            lut = self.lut(self.image)
            lut = self.lut

        image = self.image
        levels = self.levels

        if self.axisOrder == 'col-major':
            image = image.transpose((1, 0, 2)[:image.ndim])

        argb, alpha = pg.makeARGB(image, lut=lut, levels=levels)  # format is bgra
        argb[np.isnan(image)] = (100, 100, 100, 255)  # replace unknown values with a color
        w = 1
        if np.any(self.selection):
            max_sel = np.max(self.selection)
            colors = DiscreteVariable(values=map(str, range(max_sel))).colors
            fargb = argb.astype(np.float32)
            for i, color in enumerate(colors):
                color = np.hstack((color[::-1], [255]))  # qt color
                sel = self.selection == i+1
                # average the current color with the selection color
                argb[sel] = (fargb[sel] + w*color) / (1+w)
            alpha = True
            argb[:, :, 3] = np.maximum((self.selection > 0)*255, 100)
        self.qimage = pg.makeQImage(argb, alpha, transpose=False)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def render(self):
        #Convert data to QImage for display.
        #profile = debug.Profiler()
        if self.image is None or self.image.size == 0:
        if isinstance(self.lut, collections.Callable):
            lut = self.lut(self.image)
            lut = self.lut

        if False:#self.autoDownsample:
            # reduce dimensions of image based on screen resolution
            o = self.mapToDevice(QtCore.QPointF(0,0))
            x = self.mapToDevice(QtCore.QPointF(1,0))
            y = self.mapToDevice(QtCore.QPointF(0,1))
            w = Point(x-o).length()
            h = Point(y-o).length()
            xds = int(1/max(1, w))
            yds = int(1/max(1, h))
            image = pg.downsample(self.image, xds, axis=0)
            image = pg.downsample(image, yds, axis=1)
            image = self.image

        imageRGBA = makeRGBAImage(image,self.cppLut)
        imageNew = imageRGBA
        argb, alpha =  pg.makeARGB(imageNew.transpose((1, 0, 2)[:imageNew.ndim]), lut=None, levels=None)
        self.qimage = pg.makeQImage(argb, alpha, transpose=False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def makeARGB(*args, **kwds):
    img, alpha = pg.makeARGB(*args, **kwds)
    if kwds.get('useRGBA'):         # endian independent
        out = img
    elif sys.byteorder == 'little': # little-endian ARGB32 to B,G,R,A
        out = img
    else:                           # big-endian ARGB32 to B,G,R,A
        out = img[..., [3, 2, 1, 0]]
    return out, alpha
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def render(self):
        # simplified pg.ImageITem

        if self.image is None or self.image.size == 0:
        if isinstance(self.lut, collections.Callable):
            lut = self.lut(self.image)
            lut = self.lut

        image = self.image
        levels = self.levels

        if self.axisOrder == 'col-major':
            image = image.transpose((1, 0, 2)[:image.ndim])

        argb, alpha = pg.makeARGB(image, lut=lut, levels=levels)
        argb[np.isnan(image)] = (100, 100, 100, 255
                                 )  # replace unknown values with a color
        self.qimage = pg.makeQImage(argb, alpha, transpose=False)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_makeARGB():
    # Many parameters to test here:
    #  * data dtype (ubyte, uint16, float, others)
    #  * data ndim (2 or 3)
    #  * levels (None, 1D, or 2D)
    #  * lut dtype
    #  * lut size
    #  * lut ndim (1 or 2)
    #  * useRGBA argument
    # Need to check that all input values map to the correct output values, especially
    # at and beyond the edges of the level range.

    def checkArrays(a, b):
        # because py.test output is difficult to read for arrays
        if not np.all(a == b):
            comp = []
            for i in range(a.shape[0]):
                if a.shape[1] > 1:
                for j in range(a.shape[1]):
                    m = a[i, j] == b[i, j]
                        '%d,%d  %s %s  %s%s' %
                        (i, j, str(a[i, j]).ljust(15), str(b[i, j]).ljust(15),
                         m, ' ********' if not np.all(m) else ''))
                if a.shape[1] > 1:
            raise Exception("arrays do not match:\n%s" % '\n'.join(comp))

    def checkImage(img, check, alpha, alphaCheck):
        assert img.dtype == np.ubyte
        assert alpha is alphaCheck
        if alpha is False:
            checkArrays(img[..., 3], 255)

        if np.isscalar(check) or check.ndim == 3:
            checkArrays(img[..., :3], check)
        elif check.ndim == 2:
            checkArrays(img[..., :3], check[..., np.newaxis])
        elif check.ndim == 1:
            checkArrays(img[..., :3], check[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis])
            raise Exception('invalid check array ndim')

    # uint8 data tests

    im1 = np.arange(256).astype('ubyte').reshape(256, 1)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(0, 255))
    checkImage(im2, im1, alpha, False)

    im3, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(0.0, 255.0))
    checkImage(im3, im1, alpha, False)

    im4, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(255, 0))
    checkImage(im4, 255 - im1, alpha, False)

    im5, alpha = pg.makeARGB(np.concatenate([im1] * 3, axis=1),
                             levels=[(0, 255), (0.0, 255.0), (255, 0)])
    checkImage(im5, np.concatenate([im1, im1, 255 - im1], axis=1), alpha,

    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(128, 383))
    checkImage(im2[:128], 0, alpha, False)
    checkImage(im2[128:], im1[:128], alpha, False)

    # uint8 data + uint8 LUT
    lut = np.arange(256)[::-1].astype(np.uint8)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, lut, alpha, False)

    # lut larger than maxint
    lut = np.arange(511).astype(np.uint8)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, lut[::2], alpha, False)

    # lut smaller than maxint
    lut = np.arange(128).astype(np.uint8)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, np.linspace(0, 127.5, 256, dtype='ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # lut + levels
    lut = np.arange(256)[::-1].astype(np.uint8)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, levels=[-128, 384])
    checkImage(im2, np.linspace(191.5, 64.5, 256, dtype='ubyte'), alpha, False)

    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, levels=[64, 192])
        np.clip(np.linspace(384.5, -127.5, 256), 0, 255).astype('ubyte'),
        alpha, False)

    # uint8 data + uint16 LUT
    lut = np.arange(4096)[::-1].astype(np.uint16) // 16
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, np.arange(256)[::-1].astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # uint8 data + float LUT
    lut = np.linspace(10., 137., 256)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, lut.astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # uint8 data + 2D LUT
    lut = np.zeros((256, 3), dtype='ubyte')
    lut[:, 0] = np.arange(256)
    lut[:, 1] = np.arange(256)[::-1]
    lut[:, 2] = 7
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, lut[:, None, ::-1], alpha, False)

    # check useRGBA
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, useRGBA=True)
    checkImage(im2, lut[:, None, :], alpha, False)

    # uint16 data tests
    im1 = np.arange(0, 2**16, 256).astype('uint16')[:, None]
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(512, 2**16))
               np.clip(np.linspace(-2, 253, 256), 0, 255).astype('ubyte'),
               alpha, False)

    lut = (np.arange(512, 2**16)[::-1] // 256).astype('ubyte')
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, levels=(512, 2**16 - 256))
               np.clip(np.linspace(257, 2, 256), 0, 255).astype('ubyte'),
               alpha, False)

    lut = np.zeros(2**16, dtype='ubyte')
    lut[1000:1256] = np.arange(256)
    lut[1256:] = 255
    im1 = np.arange(1000, 1256).astype('uint16')[:, None]
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, np.arange(256).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # float data tests
    im1 = np.linspace(1.0, 17.0, 256)[:, None]
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(5.0, 13.0))
               np.clip(np.linspace(-128, 383, 256), 0, 255).astype('ubyte'),
               alpha, False)

    lut = (np.arange(1280)[::-1] // 10).astype('ubyte')
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, levels=(1, 17))
    checkImage(im2, np.linspace(127.5, 0, 256).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # test sanity checks
    class AssertExc(object):
        def __init__(self, exc=Exception):
            self.exc = exc

        def __enter__(self):
            return self

        def __exit__(self, *args):
            assert args[0] is self.exc, "Should have raised %s (got %s)" % (
                self.exc, args[0])
            return True

    with AssertExc(TypeError):  # invalid image shape
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2, ), dtype='float'))
    with AssertExc(TypeError):  # invalid image shape
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2, 2, 7), dtype='float'))
    with AssertExc():  # float images require levels arg
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2, 2), dtype='float'))
    with AssertExc():  # bad levels arg
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2, 2), dtype='float'), levels=[1])
    with AssertExc():  # bad levels arg
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2, 2), dtype='float'), levels=[1, 2, 3])
    with AssertExc():  # can't mix 3-channel levels and LUT
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2, 2)),
                    lut=np.zeros((10, 3), dtype='ubyte'),
                    levels=[(0, 1)] * 3)
    with AssertExc(
    ):  # multichannel levels must have same number of channels as image
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2, 2, 3), dtype='float'), levels=[(1, 2)] * 4)
    with AssertExc():  # 3d levels not allowed
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2, 2, 3), dtype='float'),
                    levels=np.zeros([3, 2, 2]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def img2tex(image):
    x = image.transpose(1, 0, 2)
    texture, _ = pg.makeARGB(x, useRGBA=True)
    return texture
z_yaxis = np.zeros(10)
pts_yaxis = np.vstack([yaxis, z_yaxis, x_yaxis]).transpose()
plt_yaxis = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pts_yaxis, color=axis_color, width=linewidthaxis, antialias=True)
## make x-axis
xaxis = np.linspace(-x_length, x_length, 10)
y_xaxis = np.zeros(10)
z_xaxis = np.zeros(10)
pts_xaxis = np.vstack([y_xaxis, z_xaxis, xaxis]).transpose()
plt_xaxis = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pts_xaxis, color=axis_color, width=linewidthaxis, antialias=True)

## make image for x-y plane
image_shape = (2, 2)
uniform_values = np.ones(image_shape) * 255
uniform_image_transparent = pg.makeARGB(uniform_values)[0]
uniform_image_transparent[:, :, 3] = 100
v1 = gl.GLImageItem(uniform_image_transparent)
v1.translate(-image_shape[0] / 2.0, -image_shape[1] / 2.0, 0)
v1.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0)

# Set up some animation parameters
frametime = 50  # frame refresh time in ms
velocity = 1.0 / frametime
counter = 0

# Function to update scene for each frame
def update():
    global z, z0, velocity, counter, amplitude
    global plt_e, rot_efield_coord, plt_e_z0, plt_arrow  # , plt_e_lines
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_makeARGB():
    # Many parameters to test here:
    #  * data dtype (ubyte, uint16, float, others)
    #  * data ndim (2 or 3)
    #  * levels (None, 1D, or 2D)
    #  * lut dtype
    #  * lut size
    #  * lut ndim (1 or 2)
    #  * useRGBA argument
    # Need to check that all input values map to the correct output values, especially
    # at and beyond the edges of the level range.

    def checkArrays(a, b):
        # because py.test output is difficult to read for arrays
        if not np.all(a == b):
            comp = []
            for i in range(a.shape[0]):
                if a.shape[1] > 1:
                for j in range(a.shape[1]):
                    m = a[i,j] == b[i,j]
                    comp.append('%d,%d  %s %s  %s%s' % 
                                (i, j, str(a[i,j]).ljust(15), str(b[i,j]).ljust(15),
                                 m, ' ********' if not np.all(m) else ''))
                if a.shape[1] > 1:
            raise Exception("arrays do not match:\n%s" % '\n'.join(comp))
    def checkImage(img, check, alpha, alphaCheck):
        assert img.dtype == np.ubyte
        assert alpha is alphaCheck
        if alpha is False:
            checkArrays(img[..., 3], 255)
        if np.isscalar(check) or check.ndim == 3:
            checkArrays(img[..., :3], check)
        elif check.ndim == 2:
            checkArrays(img[..., :3], check[..., np.newaxis])
        elif check.ndim == 1:
            checkArrays(img[..., :3], check[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis])
            raise Exception('invalid check array ndim')
    # uint8 data tests
    im1 = np.arange(256).astype('ubyte').reshape(256, 1)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(0, 255))
    checkImage(im2, im1, alpha, False)
    im3, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(0.0, 255.0))
    checkImage(im3, im1, alpha, False)

    im4, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(255, 0))
    checkImage(im4, 255-im1, alpha, False)
    im5, alpha = pg.makeARGB(np.concatenate([im1]*3, axis=1), levels=[(0, 255), (0.0, 255.0), (255, 0)])
    checkImage(im5, np.concatenate([im1, im1, 255-im1], axis=1), alpha, False)

    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(128,383))
    checkImage(im2[:128], 0, alpha, False)
    checkImage(im2[128:], im1[:128], alpha, False)

    # uint8 data + uint8 LUT
    lut = np.arange(256)[::-1].astype(np.uint8)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, lut, alpha, False)
    # lut larger than maxint
    lut = np.arange(511).astype(np.uint8)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, lut[::2], alpha, False)
    # lut smaller than maxint
    lut = np.arange(128).astype(np.uint8)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, np.linspace(0, 127, 256).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # lut + levels
    lut = np.arange(256)[::-1].astype(np.uint8)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, levels=[-128, 384])
    checkImage(im2, np.linspace(192, 65.5, 256).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, levels=[64, 192])
    checkImage(im2, np.clip(np.linspace(385.5, -126.5, 256), 0, 255).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # uint8 data + uint16 LUT
    lut = np.arange(4096)[::-1].astype(np.uint16) // 16
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, np.arange(256)[::-1].astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # uint8 data + float LUT
    lut = np.linspace(10., 137., 256)
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, lut.astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # uint8 data + 2D LUT
    lut = np.zeros((256, 3), dtype='ubyte')
    lut[:,0] = np.arange(256)
    lut[:,1] = np.arange(256)[::-1]
    lut[:,2] = 7
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, lut[:,None,::-1], alpha, False)
    # check useRGBA
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, useRGBA=True)
    checkImage(im2, lut[:,None,:], alpha, False)

    # uint16 data tests
    im1 = np.arange(0, 2**16, 256).astype('uint16')[:, None]
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(512, 2**16))
    checkImage(im2, np.clip(np.linspace(-2, 253, 256), 0, 255).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    lut = (np.arange(512, 2**16)[::-1] // 256).astype('ubyte')
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, levels=(512, 2**16-256))
    checkImage(im2, np.clip(np.linspace(257, 2, 256), 0, 255).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    lut = np.zeros(2**16, dtype='ubyte')
    lut[1000:1256] = np.arange(256)
    lut[1256:] = 255
    im1 = np.arange(1000, 1256).astype('uint16')[:, None]
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut)
    checkImage(im2, np.arange(256).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)
    # float data tests
    im1 = np.linspace(1.0, 17.0, 256)[:, None]
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, levels=(5.0, 13.0))
    checkImage(im2, np.clip(np.linspace(-128, 383, 256), 0, 255).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)
    lut = (np.arange(1280)[::-1] // 10).astype('ubyte')
    im2, alpha = pg.makeARGB(im1, lut=lut, levels=(1, 17))
    checkImage(im2, np.linspace(127.5, 0, 256).astype('ubyte'), alpha, False)

    # test sanity checks
    class AssertExc(object):
        def __init__(self, exc=Exception):
            self.exc = exc
        def __enter__(self):
            return self
        def __exit__(self, *args):
            assert args[0] is self.exc, "Should have raised %s (got %s)" % (self.exc, args[0])
            return True
    with AssertExc(TypeError):  # invalid image shape
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2,), dtype='float'))
    with AssertExc(TypeError):  # invalid image shape
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2,2,7), dtype='float'))
    with AssertExc():  # float images require levels arg
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2,2), dtype='float'))
    with AssertExc():  # bad levels arg
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2,2), dtype='float'), levels=[1])
    with AssertExc():  # bad levels arg
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2,2), dtype='float'), levels=[1,2,3])
    with AssertExc():  # can't mix 3-channel levels and LUT
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2,2)), lut=np.zeros((10,3), dtype='ubyte'), levels=[(0,1)]*3)
    with AssertExc():  # multichannel levels must have same number of channels as image
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2,2,3), dtype='float'), levels=[(1,2)]*4)
    with AssertExc():  # 3d levels not allowed
        pg.makeARGB(np.zeros((2,2,3), dtype='float'), levels=np.zeros([3, 2, 2]))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def img2tex(img):
    x = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    texture, _ = pg.makeARGB(x, useRGBA=True)
    return texture
Ejemplo n.º 11
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg

lut1 = np.array([(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2)])

vector = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 11)
data = np.expand_dims(vector, axis=0)
print("data: {}".format(data))

levels = np.amin(data), np.amax(data)

for scale in [None, 2, 3]:
    res, _ = pg.makeARGB(data, lut1, levels=levels, scale=scale)
    # print("scale={}, res (shape {}): \n{}".format(scale, res.shape, res))
    print("\nScale: {}".format(scale))
    for idx, val in enumerate(vector):
        color = res[0, idx, :]
        print("    Value {:5.2f} ->  RGBA {} ".format(val, color))

Ejemplo n.º 12
z_yaxis = np.zeros(10)
pts_yaxis = np.vstack([yaxis, z_yaxis, x_yaxis]).transpose()
plt_yaxis = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pts_yaxis, width=linewidth, antialias=True)
## make x-axis
xaxis = np.linspace(-x_length, x_length, 10)
y_xaxis = np.zeros(10)
z_xaxis = np.zeros(10)
pts_xaxis = np.vstack([y_xaxis, z_xaxis, xaxis]).transpose()
plt_xaxis = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pts_xaxis, width=linewidth, antialias=True)

## make images
image_shape = (8, 8)
uniform_values = np.ones(image_shape) * 255
uniform_image_transparent = pg.makeARGB(uniform_values)[0]
uniform_image_transparent[:, :, 3] = 65
v1 = gl.GLImageItem(uniform_image_transparent)
v1.translate(-image_shape[0] / 2, -image_shape[1] / 2, 0)
v1.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0)
v = []
for i in range(0, 20):
    vtemp = gl.GLImageItem(uniform_image_transparent)
    vtemp.translate(-image_shape[0] / 2, -image_shape[1] / 2, 0)
    vtemp.rotate(90, 1, 0, 0)
    dz = float(i - 10)
    vtemp.translate(0, dz, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def preRender(self, image):
     imageRGBA = makeRGBAImage(image,self.cppLut)
     imageNew = imageRGBA
     argb, alpha =  pg.makeARGB(imageNew.transpose((1, 0, 2)[:imageNew.ndim]), lut=None, levels=None)
     self.qimage = pg.makeQImage(argb, alpha, transpose=False)