Ejemplo n.º 1
class UnittestDB(object):
    """create DataBase for Unittest """
    def __init__(self):
        """ initialize"""
        self._metadata = None
        self.loader = SchemaLoader()
    def create_from(self, input):
        """create database schema from input """
        return self.loader.create_from(input)

    def column_count(self, metadata):
        count total columns of this schema to verify schema is correctly
        c_count = 0
        for table in metadata.sorted_tables:
#            name = table.name
#            for column in table.c:
#                c_count = c_count + 1
            c_count += sum(1 for _ in table.c)
        return c_count

    def load_from_file(self, filename):
        """create metadata from schema file"""
        return self.loader.load_from_file(filename)

    def fill_table(self, table, idx):
        """fill table with our test data(number)"""
#        print "fill_table %s %d"%( table.name,idx)
        insert_clause = table.insert()
        c_names = [col.name for col in table.c]
        insert_dict = {}
        for col_name in c_names:
            if table.c[col_name].primary_key:
                insert_dict[col_name] = idx
            elif table.c[col_name].foreign_keys:
                insert_dict[col_name] = idx
                insert_dict[col_name] = idx + 100
#            _LOGGER.debug("insert %s %s" % (table.name, insert_dict))

    def get_graph(self, sorted_tables, table_index, graph):
        get graph represents of schema
        graph is in adjacent table
        index = 0
        for table in sorted_tables:
            name = table.name
            c_names = [col.name for col in table.c]
            for col_name in c_names:
                if table.c[col_name].foreign_keys:
                    for fk_table in table.c[col_name].foreign_keys:
                        fk_name = fk_table.target_fullname
                        fk_tbname = fk_name.split('.')[0]
                        # 1. fk to him self 
                        if fk_tbname == name:
                        # 2. duplicate fk to a table
                        if index in graph[table_index[fk_tbname]]:
            index = index + 1
#        print "graph is ", graph

    def fill_tables(self, metadata, row_cnt):
        fill table by row lines test data
        do it in topo sequence of foreignkey links
        otherwise insert could failed.
        sorted_tables = metadata.sorted_tables
        sorted_tb = {}
        table_index = {}
        graph = []
        count = 0
        for table in sorted_tables:
            sorted_tb[table.name] = table
            table_index[table.name] = count
            count = count + 1
#            print "  ", table.name
        self.get_graph(sorted_tables, table_index, graph)
#        self.get_graph(sorted_tables, sorted_tb, table_index, graph)
#        for index in range(0, len(graph)):
#            for idx in graph[index]:
#                print "%s -> %s" %( sorted_tables[index].name,\
#                        sorted_tables[idx].name)
        sequence = topo_sort(graph)
#        for index in sequence:
#            print index, " ", sorted_tables[index].name
#        print "%s = %s"%(len(sorted_tables),len(sequence))
        for idx in range(0, row_cnt):
            for index in sequence:
                self.fill_table(sorted_tables[index], idx+1)

    def load_with_fake_data(self, filename, dbname):
        """load with fake data"""
        udb = UnittestDB()
        if filename.endswith("yaml"):
            metadata = udb.load_from_file(filename)
        elif filename.endswith("sql"):
            metadata = udb.read_from_oracle(filename)
        metadata.bind = dbname
        udb.fill_tables(metadata, 10)
        return metadata

    def read_from_oracle(self, filename = "oracle.sql"):
        """read from oracle"""
        return self.loader.read_from_oracle(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    """main """
    usage = "usage: %prog -m mapfile \n"
    usage += "      -v --validate_mapfile=<mapfile> --source=<database link>\n"
    usage += "      --find_key=<table|table.column> --find_column=<key> \n"
    usage += "      --find_table=<key> --list_key --list_column --list_entity"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog 1.0")
    parser.add_option("-m", "--mapfile", action="store", type="string",
          dest="mapfile", help="input registration yaml map file")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--validate", action="store_true",
          dest="validate", help="perform validation for the mapping")
    parser.add_option("-f", "--validate_mapfile", action="store", type="string",
          dest="vmapfile", help="input validate mapfile")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--source", action="store", type="string",
          dest="source", help="input validate database source link")
    parser.add_option("-k", "--find_key", action="store", type="string",
          dest="find_key", help="input table/column to get corresponding key ")
    parser.add_option("-c", "--find_column", action="store", type="string",
          dest="find_column", help="input key to get table[.column] ")
    parser.add_option("-t", "--find_table", action="store", type="string",
          dest="find_table", help="input key to get only table name ")
    parser.add_option("-e", "--list_key", action="store_true",
          dest="list_key", help="list all keys ")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--list_column", action="store_true",
          dest="list_column", help="list all tables/columns")
    parser.add_option("-i", "--list_entity", action="store_true",
          dest="list_entity", help="list all entity ")

    mapper = Mapper()
    mapfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'map.yaml')
    validate = False
    column = None
    key = None
    list_key = False
    list_column = False
    list_entity = False
    vmap = None
    sloader = SchemaLoader()
    dbmanager = None
    source = None

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if options.mapfile:
        mapfile = options.mapfile
    if options.validate:
        validate = options.validate
        if options.vmapfile:
            vmap = options.vmapfile
        elif options.source:
            source = options.source
            parser.error("options -v need either mapfile or source")
    if options.find_key:
        column = options.find_key
    if options.find_column:
        key = options.find_column
    if options.find_table:
        key = options.find_table
    if options.list_key:
        list_key = options.list_key
    if options.list_column:
        list_column = options.list_column
    if options.list_entity:
        list_entity = options.list_entity


    if validate:
        if vmap:
            tables = sloader.load_from_file(vmap).sorted_tables
            if mapper.validate_map(tables):
                print "Validate is OK"
            dbmanager = DBManager()
            dbaliase = dbmanager.get_alias(source)
            tables = dbmanager.load_tables(dbaliase)
            if mapper.validate_map(tables):
                print "Validate is OK"
    if column:
    if key:
        if options.find_column:
        if options.find_table:
    if list_key:
    if list_column:
    if list_entity: