Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_measure_all_noncontig():
    prog = Program(H(0), H(10))
    assert prog.out() == "\n".join([
        "H 0", "H 10", "DECLARE ro BIT[11]", "MEASURE 0 ro[0]",
        "MEASURE 10 ro[10]", ""
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_points(num_bits, num_samples):

    # the max number we can have with the specified number of bits
    max_num = 2**(num_bits) - 1

    qvm = QVMConnection()

    # create the Quill program
    # each Qubit is put through an H gate to put it in the Hammard state. Every
    # time we measure a qubit in this state, it has a 50-50 chance of being a 1
    # or 0. By doing this we can generate random bits
    p = Program()
    for i in range(0, num_bits):
        p.inst(H(i))  # put each qubit in the Hammard state

    # run the Quill program on the quantum virtual machine
    xs = qvm.run(p, trials=num_samples)
    # convert the list of lists of results for each trial into a list of
    # floating point numbers between 0-1. These will be our x coordinates
    xs = list(map(lambda x: bits_to_int(x) / max_num, xs))

    ys = qvm.run(p, trials=num_samples)
    ys = list(map(lambda y: bits_to_int(y) / max_num, ys))

    return zip(xs, ys)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def MagicNBall(N):
    """ Takes N, number of options and creates required number of Qubits into a super position and returns an integer out of the number of possible combinations of N. Example N=5, returns a number {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. """

    # We can only deal with 2^nQubits possibilities, so this places limits on N.

    r = math.log(N) / math.log(2)
    nQubits = int(r)
    if r > int(r):
        nQubits += 1

    # Now create the required number of qubits in the correct initial Hadamard State using the H gate. Each qubit is specified by i up to the nQubits.

    p = Program()
    for i in range(0, nQubits):
        p += Program(H(i))
    result = quantum_simulator.run(p)
    option = sum([result[0][i] * 2**i for i in range(0, nQubits)])

    # Deal with the addition options over specified N

    print("Number of Qubits: ", nQubits)
    print("Number of Quantum possibilities: ", 2**nQubits)
    print("Number of possibilities you chose: ", N)
    return option % N
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def build_circuit(self, qubit_ops):
        program = Program()
        self.qubits = [program.alloc() for _ in range(len(qubit_ops))]

        program_readout_reg = program.declare("ro",

        for qb, gatestr in zip(self.qubits, qubit_ops):
            if gatestr == "I":
            elif gatestr == "X":
                program.gate("X", qubits=[qb], params=[])
            elif gatestr == "H":
                program.gate("H", qubits=[qb], params=[])
            elif gatestr == "K":  # our one char CX label
                    qubits=[self.qubits[self.qubits.index(qb) - 1], qb],

        program.measure_all(*zip(self.qubits, program_readout_reg))
        program = address_qubits(program)

        self.program = program
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_measure_all_noncontig():
    prog = Program(
    assert prog.out() == '\n'.join([
        'H 0',
        'H 10',
        'DECLARE ro BIT[11]',
        'MEASURE 0 ro[0]',
        'MEASURE 10 ro[10]',
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_measure_all():
    p = Program()
    mem = p.declare("ro", memory_size=4)
    p.measure_all((0, mem[0]), (1, mem[1]), (2, mem[3]))
    assert p.out(
    ) == "DECLARE ro BIT[4]\nMEASURE 0 ro[0]\nMEASURE 1 ro[1]\nMEASURE 2 ro[3]\n"

    p = Program([H(idx) for idx in range(4)])
    for idx in range(4):
        assert p[idx + 5] == MEASURE(idx, MemoryReference("ro", idx))

    p = Program()
    assert p.out() == ""
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_measure_all():
    p = Program()
    p.measure_all((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 3))
    assert p.out() == 'MEASURE 0 [0]\n' \
                      'MEASURE 1 [1]\n' \
                      'MEASURE 2 [3]\n'

    p = Program([H(idx) for idx in range(4)])
    for idx in range(4):
        assert p[idx + 4] == MEASURE(idx, idx)

    p = Program()
    assert p.out() == ''
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_measure_all():
    p = Program()
    p.measure_all((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 3))
    assert p.out() == 'DECLARE ro BIT[4]\n' \
                      'MEASURE 0 ro[0]\n' \
                      'MEASURE 1 ro[1]\n' \
                      'MEASURE 2 ro[3]\n'

    p = Program([H(idx) for idx in range(4)])
    for idx in range(4):
        assert p[idx + 5] == MEASURE(idx, idx)

    p = Program()
    assert p.out() == ''
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_measure_all():
    p = Program()
    p.measure_all((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 3))
    assert p.out() == 'MEASURE 0 [0]\n' \
                      'MEASURE 1 [1]\n' \
                      'MEASURE 2 [3]\n'
Ejemplo n.º 10
from pyquil.api import QVMConnection
from pyquil.gates import H
from functools import reduce
import math

qvm = QVMConnection()

n = float(input('N: '))
sides = math.ceil(math.log(n, 2))

gates = []
for i in range(0, sides):
dice = Program(gates)

roll_dice = dice.measure_all()

dice_value = n + 1
while dice_value > n:
    result = qvm.run(roll_dice)
    dice_value = reduce(lambda x, y: 2 * x + y, result[0], 0) + 1

print("Quantum roll:", dice_value)
# Testing to see if truly N-sided die
num_dict = {}
for i in range (0, 10000):
	# print ("Attempt #", i)
	dice_value = n + 1
	while dice_value > n:
		result = qvm.run(roll_dice)
Ejemplo n.º 11
from pyquil.quil import Program
from pyquil.gates import *
from pyquil import get_qc

outcomes = {'heads': 1, 'tails': 0}

p = Program()
ro = p.declare('ro', 'BIT', 1)
p += H(0)
p += MEASURE(0, ro[0])

qc = get_qc('1q-qvm')
exe = qc.compile(p)

print("Guess the outcome!\n")
coin_toss = p.measure_all()
guess = input("heads or tails?")
result = qc.run(exe)
    if (result == outcomes[guess]):
        print("Your guessed right!!\n")
        print("Oops! Wrong guess")
Ejemplo n.º 12
class Game(object):
    Holds the players, the gate-deck.
    Manages turns, checking up on player state.
    Instantiates with certain paramaters: how many players, how many bits per player, how is the game started, etc.
    deckContents = [['H',4],['CNOT',2],['X',2],['SWAP',2],['MEASURE',2]]
    numPlayers = 2
    numOfBits = 4 #number of bits, to be divided amongst the players.
    start = '0' #What operation to start each bit with
    deal = 'Random' #'Random' or 'Identical'
    longLineSuppress = True #Supress wavefunctions and state probabilites if more than 4 bits. 

    def __init__(self):

        if self.numOfBits % self.numPlayers != 0:
            raise ValueError("numOfBits must be evenly divisible by numPlayers")

        self.theGame = Program()

        #Create the deck
        self.deck = self.makeDeck()
        self.handSize = int(len(self.deck)/self.numPlayers)

        #Initialize the bits to be used in the game.
        if self.start == 'H': #Start every player with every state being equally likely. 
            for bit in range(self.numOfBits):
        elif self.start == '0': #Start every player with all bits zero.
            for bit in range(self.numOfBits):
        elif self.start == '1': #Start every player with all bits one.
            for bit in range(self.numOfBits):
        elif self.start == 'Random': #Start every player with all bits having a random gate applied from the deck.
            for bit in range(self.numOfBits):
                randGateFunc = rd.choice(self.deck)
                    randGate = randGateFunc(bit)
                    if str(randGate).split()[0] == 'MEASURE':
        #Initialize the players
        self.players = [Player(i+1,self.deck,self.handSize) for i in range(self.numPlayers)]

        #Start the Game!
    def makeDeck(self):
        """Creates the deck for the game based on deckContents"""
        deckList = self.deckContents.copy()
        for i in range(len(deckList)):
            if len(deckList[i]) == 2: #No parameters for the gate
                deckList[i] = [sg[deckList[i][0]],deckList[i][1]]
            elif len(deckList[i]) == 3: #1 parameter for the gate
                deckList[i] = [sg[deckList[i][0]](deckList[i][1]),deckList[i][2]]
        deck = []
        for g,num in deckList:
            deck += [g]*num
        if (self.deal == 'Random'):
            if (len(deck) % self.numPlayers != 0):
                raise ValueError("Length of deck must be evenly divisible by numPlayers")
        return deck
    def playGame(self):
        """Starts the game"""
        while self.playerHasCards():
            for player in self.players:
        qvm = QVMConnection()
        results = qvm.run(self.theGame)
        resultsRev = results[0][:]
        resultsRev.reverse() #So the printed results are in the same order as everything else.
        print('The bits were measured as: ',resultsRev)
        winners = self.checkWinner(results[0])
        if len(winners) != 1:
            print("It's a draw!")
            print("Player " + str(winners[0]+1) + " wins!")

    def playerHasCards(self):
        """Returns true iff there exists a player with a non-empty hand"""
        for player in self.players:
            if player.hand != []:
                return True
        return False
    def displayState(self):
        qvm = QVMConnection()
        wf = qvm.wavefunction(self.theGame)
        probs = wf.probabilities()
        if self.numOfBits <= 4 or not self.longLineSuppress: #Avoids printing long wavefunctions.
            print('State Probabilities:',[round(i,2) for i in probs])
        print('Win Probabilities:', self.winProbabilities(probs))
    def winProbabilities(self, probs):
        """Displays the probabilites that each player will win based on the current wavefunction"""
        winProbs = [0 for i in range(self.numPlayers + 1)] #the last entry is probability of draw
        for prob,bits in zip(probs,it.product([0,1],repeat=self.numOfBits)):
            winners = self.checkWinner(bits)
            if len(winners) != 1:
                winProbs[-1] += prob
                winProbs[winners[0]] += prob
        winProbs = [round(i,3) for i in winProbs]
        return winProbs

    def checkWinner(self,bitList):
        #grouper method from https://docs.python.org/3/library/itertools.html#itertools-recipes
        def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
            "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
            args = [iter(iterable)] * n
            return it.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
        totals = [0 for i in range(self.numPlayers)]
        groupedBits = list(grouper(bitList,int(self.numOfBits/self.numPlayers)))
        for groupedBitsIndex in range(len(groupedBits)):
            totals[groupedBitsIndex] = sum(groupedBits[groupedBitsIndex])
        maxScore = max(totals)
        winners = []
        while maxScore in totals:
        return winners
Ejemplo n.º 13
def randomq():
    circ = Program(H(0), H(1), H(2), H(3))
    mes = circ.measure_all()
    result = qvm.run(mes)
    value = reduce(lambda x, y: 2 * x + y, result[0], 0)
    return value