Ejemplo n.º 1
def gmos_img_proc2(
            'use_me': 1,
            'Instrument': 'GMOS-S',
            'CcdBin': '2 2',
            'RoI': 'Full',
            'Object': 'M8-%',
            'DateObs': '2006-09-01:2006-10-30'
            'logfile': 'biasLog.txt',
            'rawpath': './raw/',
            'fl_vardq': 'yes',
            'verbose': 'yes'
            'fl_scale': 'yes',
            'sctype': 'mean',
            'fl_vardq': 'yes',
            'rawpath': './raw/',
            'logfile': 'giflatLog.txt',
            'verbose': 'yes'
        filters=['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'],
            'fl_over': 'yes',
            'fl_trim': 'yes',
            'fl_bias': 'yes',
            'fl_dark': 'no',
            'fl_flat': 'yes',
            'logfile': 'gireduceLog.txt',
            'rawpath': './raw/',
            'fl_vardq': 'yes',
            'bpm': bpm_gmos,
            'verbose': 'yes'
            'fl_paste': 'no',
            'fl_fixpix': 'no',
            'fl_clean': 'yes',
            'geointer': 'nearest',
            'logfile': 'gmosaicLog.txt',
            'fl_vardq': 'yes',
            'fl_fulldq': 'yes',
            'verbose': 'yes'
            'fwhm': 3,
            'datamax': 6.e4,
            'geointer': 'nearest',
            'logfile': 'imcoaddLog.txt'
        targets=['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3'],
    dbFile : str
        Filename containing the SQL sqlite3 database created by obslog.py
        It must be placed in the ./raw/ directory
        Default is `./raw/obsLog.sqlite3`
    qd : dictionary
        Query Dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs.
        Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations
         qd= {'use_me': 1,
          'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 2', 'RoI': 'Full', 'Object': 'M8-%',
          'DateObs': '2006-09-01:2006-10-30'
    bias_dateobs : str
        String representing the bias search Obsdate
        e.g. bias_dateobs = `2006-09-01:2006-10-30`

    biasFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gbias() function

    flat_dateobs : str
        String representing the flat search Obsdate
        e.g. flat_dateobs = `2006-09-10:2006-10-10`

    flatFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.giflat() function
        e.g. flatFlags = {'fl_scale': 'yes', 'sctype': 'mean', 'fl_vardq': 'yes','rawpath': './raw/',
                         'logfile': 'giflatLog.txt', 'verbose': 'yes'}
    filters : list
        List of filter names to perform reduction
        e.g. filters=['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i']

    sciFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gireduce() function

    mosaicFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gimosaic() function

    coaddFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gemtools.imcoadd() function

    targets : list
        List of names of target observations for the co-addition
        e.g.  targets = ['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3']

    clean_files : bool
        Whether to clean intermediate files from reduction process

    Reduce GMOS imaging based on tutorial example.

    print("### Begin Processing GMOS/MOS Images ###")
    print("=== Creating MasterCals ===")

    # From the work_directory:
    # Create the query dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs.
    # Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations:

    print(" --Creating Bias MasterCal--")
    qd.update({'DateObs': bias_dateobs})

    # Set the task parameters.
    # The following SQL generates the list of files to process.
    SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qd)
    biasFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd)

    # The str.join() function is needed to transform a python list into a string
    # filelist that IRAF can understand.
    if len(biasFiles) > 1:
        files_all = ','.join(str(x) for x in biasFiles)
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        gmos.gbias(files_all, 'MCbias.fits', **biasFlags)

    # Clean up
    year_obs = qd['DateObs'].split('-')[0]
    if clean_files:

        "MC Bias done. Would you like to continue to proceed with Master Flats? (y/n): ",
        ['y', 'yes'])

    print(" --Creating Twilight Imaging Flat-Field MasterCal--")
    # Select flats obtained contemporaneously with the observations.
    qd.update({'DateObs': flat_dateobs})

    # Set the task parameters.

    #filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i']
    for f in filters:
        print "  Building twilight flat MasterCal for filter: %s" % (f)

        # Select filter name using a substring of the official designation.
        qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%'
        mcName = 'MCflat_%s.fits' % (f)
        flatFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('twiFlat', qd), qd)
        if len(flatFiles) > 0:
            files_all = ','.join(str(x) for x in flatFiles)
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            gmos.giflat(files_all, mcName, bias='MCbias', **flatFlags)

    if clean_files:
        iraf.imdel('gS{}*.fits,rgS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs, year_obs))

        "MC Flats done. Would you like to continue to proceed with processing Science Images? (y/n): ",
        ['yes', 'y'])

    print("=== Processing Science Images ===")
    # Remove restriction on date range
    qd['DateObs'] = '*'
    prefix = 'rg'

    gemtools.gemextn.unlearn()  # disarms a bug in gmosaic
    # Reduce the science images, then mosaic the extensions in a loop
    for f in filters:
        print "    Processing science images for filter: %s" % (f)
        qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%'
        flatFile = 'MCflat_' + f + '.fits'
        SQL = fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd)
        sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd)
        if len(sciFiles) > 0:
            # Make sure BPM table is in sciFlags for employing the imaging Static BPM for this set of detectors.
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            all_files = ','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles)
            gmos.gireduce(all_files, bias='MCbias', flat1=flatFile, **sciFlags)
            for file in sciFiles:
                gmos.gmosaic(prefix + file, **mosaicFlags)
            print("No Science images found for filter {}. Check database.".
            import pdb

    if clean_files:
        iraf.imdelete('gS{}*.fits,rgS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs, year_obs))

        "Science Images done. Would you like to continue to proceed with image co-addition? (y/n): ",
        ['y', 'yes'])

    ## Co-add the images, per position and filter.
    print(" -- Begin image co-addition --")

    # Use primarily the default task parameters.
    prefix = 'mrg'
    for f in filters:
        print "  - Co-addding science images in filter: %s" % (f)
        qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%'
        for t in targets:
            qd['Object'] = t + '%'
            print "  - Co-addding science images for position: %s" % (t)
            outImage = t + '_' + f + '.fits'
            coAddFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd),
            all_files = ','.join(prefix + str(x) for x in coAddFiles)
            if all_files == '':
                    'No files available for co-addition. Check that the target names are written correctly.'
                import pdb
            gemtools.imcoadd(all_files, outimage=outImage, **coaddFlags)

        "Co-addition done. Would you like to clean the latest intermediate reduction files? (y/n): ",
        ['y', 'yes'])

    if clean_files:
        # iraf.imdelete ("mrgS*.fits")

    print("=== Finished Calibration Processing ===")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    biasFlags = {
        'logfile': 'biasLog.txt',
        'rawpath': './raw/',
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'verbose': 'yes'
    regions = ['Full', 'CenSp']
    for r in regions:
        # The following SQL generates the list of full-frame files to process.
        SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qd[r])
        biasFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd[r])

        # The str.join() funciton is needed to transform a python list into a
        # comma-separated string of file names that IRAF can understand.
        if len(biasFiles) > 1:
            gmos.gbias(','.join(str(x) for x in biasFiles), 'MCbias' + r,

    # Clean up

    print(" -- Creating GCAL Spectral Flat-Field MasterCals --")
    # Set the task parameters.
    qd['Full'].update({'DateObs': '*'})
    qd['CenSp'].update({'DateObs': '*'})
    # Normalize the spectral flats per CCD.
    # The response fitting should be done interactively.
    flatFlags = {
        'fl_over': 'yes',
        'fl_trim': 'yes',
Ejemplo n.º 3
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'verbose': 'no'

    # find the raw fits files
    raw_files = glob.glob(rawPath + '/*fits')

    # make an astropy table summarising them
    summary = gmosutils.observation_summary(raw_files)

    # identify only the bias files and get their filename
    biasFileNames = summary[(summary['OBSTYPE'] == 'BIAS')]['FILENAME']
    # convert the filename to a list
    biasFull = [os.path.basename(f) for f in biasFileNames]

    if len(biasFull) > 20:
        # write the filneame list to a file file
        # IRAF cant take more that ~10 comma seperated files as input
        with open('biases.lis', 'w') as f:
            [f.write(x + '\n') for x in biasFull]
        gmos.gbias('@biases.lis', 'MCbiasFull.fits', **biasFlags)

        # Clean up intermediate files
            'Not enough BIAS images. Make sure you are in the correct folder')

    print(" -- DONE: made MCbiasFull.fits")
    print('Bias already exists, dummy.')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gmos_mos_proc():
    Modified version of the GMOS Data Reduction Cookbook companion script to the chapter:
    "Reduction of Multi-Object Spectra with IRAF"

    PyRAF script to:
    Process MOS exposures for Sculptor Dwarf field 1, in program GN-2008-B-Q-025

    The names for the relevant header keywords and their expected values are
    described in the DRC chapter entitled "Supplementary Material"

    Perform the following starting in the parent work directory:
        cd /path/to/work_directory

    Place the fileSelect.py module in your work directory. Now execute this
    script from the unix prompt:
        python gmos_img_proc.py
    print ("### Begin Processing GMOS/MOS Spectra ###")
    print (' ')
    print ("---> You must have the MDF files:")
    print ("--->    GS2008BQ025-01.fits and GS2008BQ025-02.fits")
    print ("---> in your work directory. ")
    print (' ')
    print ("=== Creating MasterCals ===")
    #Create query dictionaries for the science observations at each CentWave
    # Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations:     
    qdf = {'use_me':1,
           'CcdBin':'4 2',
    #Create query dictionaries for the standard star observation
    qd_std = copy.deepcopy(qdf)
    qd_std['AperMask'] = '1.0arcsec'
    qd_std['Object'] = 'LTT1020'
    print (" --Creating Bias MasterCal-- ")
    #Use primarily the default task parameters
    gemtools.gemextn.unlearn()    # Disarm a bug in gbias
    #gmos.gbias.logfile = 'biasLog.txt'
    #gmos.gbias.rawpath = './raw/'
    #gmos.gbias.fl_vardq = 'yes'
    #gmos.gbias.verbose = 'no'
    biasFlags = {

    #This SQL query generates the list of full-frame files to process. Note that since the std star has the 
    # same RoI, CCD binning, and CCD gain/read-out speed, we only need to make one bias file.     
    SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qdf)
    biasFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qdf)
    # The join function originally used runs into problems - use this f.write
    # to make a string of comma-separated files that IRAF can understand.
    print (" --Generating MasterCal for Full-- ")
    with open('biases.lis', 'w') as f:
     [f.write(x+'\n') for x in biasFull]
    #Create the bias MasterCal
    gmos.gbias('@biases.lis', 'MCbiasFull.fits', **biasFlags)
    # Clean up
    print (" --Creating GCAL Spectral Flat-Field MasterCals--")
    # Set the task parameters.
    gmos.gsflat.fl_vardq = 'yes'
    gmos.gsflat.fl_fulldq = 'yes'
    gmos.gsflat.fl_oversize = 'no'
    gmos.gsflat.fl_inter = 'no'
    gmos.gsflat.logfile = 'gsflatLog.txt'
    gmos.gsflat.rawpath = './raw'
    gmos.gsflat.verbose = 'no'
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    #Perform flat-field normalization for the science images
    print ("  -Full Flat (GCAL & Twi) normalization for science images, non-interactive-")
    qdf['DateObs'] = '*'
    qdf['Filter2'] = 'open2-8'
    cwf = {'B6-520':520.0, 'B6-525':525.0, 'B6-522':522.5}
    #flatType = ['gcalFlat', 'twiFlat']
    #No twilight flats were available for this observation - calibrating using only the gcal flats
    flatType = ['gcalFlat']	
    for ft in flatType:
        for tag,w in cwf.iteritems():
            qdf['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
            qdf['CentWave'] = w
            flatName = 'MC' + ft + '-M01_' + tag
            combName = 'MC' + ft + 'Comb-M01_' + tag
            flatFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery(ft, qdf), qdf)
            with open('flats_sci.lis', 'w') as f:
                [f.write(x+'\n') for x in flatFull]
	    print "Flatfielding for " + str(ft) + " and " + str(w)
            gmos.gsflat ('@flats_sci.lis', flatName, bias='MCbiasFull',
                         fl_keep='yes', combflat=combName, fl_usegrad='yes', 
                         fl_seprows='no', order='53')
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    #Perform flat-field normalization for the standard star. Standard star was taken at centw 415,520,625	
    print ("  -Full Flat (GCAL & Twi) normalization for the standard star, non-interactive-")
    qd_std['DateObs'] = '*'
    qd_std['Filter2'] = 'open2-8'
    cws = {'B6-415':415.0, 'B6-520':520.0, 'B6-625':625.0}
    #flatType = ['gcalFlat', 'twiFlat']
    #No twilight flats were available for this observation - calibrating using only the gcal flats
    flatType = ['gcalFlat']
    for ft in flatType:
        for tag,w in cws.iteritems():
            qd_std['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
            qd_std['CentWave'] = w
            flatName = 'MC' + ft + '-M01_' + tag
            combName = 'MC' + ft + 'Comb-M01_' + tag
            flatFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery(ft, qd_std), qd_std)
            with open('flats_std.lis', 'w') as f:
                [f.write(x+'\n') for x in flatFull]
            gmos.gsflat ('@flats_std.lis', flatName, bias='MCbiasFull',
                         fl_keep='yes', combflat=combName, fl_usegrad='yes', 
                         fl_seprows='no', order='53')
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    print ("=== Processing Science Files ===")
    print (" -- Performing Basic Processing --")

    # Use primarily the default task parameters.
    gmos.gsreduce.logfile = 'gsreduceLog.txt'
    gmos.gsreduce.rawpath = './raw'
    gmos.gsreduce.verbose = 'no'
    gmos.gsreduce.fl_fixpix = 'no'
    gmos.gsreduce.fl_oversize = 'no'
    #Perform single-frame CR rejection
    #gmos.gsreduce.fl_gscr = 'yes'

    print ("  - GSReducing MOS Science and Arc exposures -")
    for tag,w in cwf.iteritems():
        qdf['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
        qdf['CentWave'] = w
        flatName = 'MCgcalFlat-M01_' + tag
        gradName = 'MCgcalFlatComb-M01_' + tag
        arcFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('arc', qdf), qdf)
        gmos.gsreduce (','.join(str(x) for x in arcFull), bias='MCbiasFull',
                  gradimage=gradName, fl_flat='no')
        sciFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciSpec', qdf), qdf)
        gmos.gsreduce (','.join(str(x) for x in sciFull), bias='MCbiasFull',
                  flatim=flatName, gradimage=gradName,
                  fl_vardq='yes', fl_fulldq='yes')
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    print ("  - GSReducing Longslit Std-star and Arc exposures -")
    for tag,w in cws.iteritems():
        qd_std['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
        qd_std['CentWave'] = w
        flatName = 'MCgcalFlat-M01_' + tag
        arc_std = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('arc', qd_std), qd_std)
        gmos.gsreduce (','.join(str(x) for x in arc_std), bias='MCbiasFull',
        std_files = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('std', qd_std), qd_std)
        gmos.gsreduce (','.join(str(x) for x in std_files), bias='MCbiasFull',
                  flatim=flatName, fl_fixpix='yes')
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    # Clean up - uncomment this eventually

    print ("=== Finished Basic Calibration Processing ===")
    print ("\n")
    print ("=== Performing cosmic-ray rejection using gemcrspec ===")
    #note that this construction works because there's only one exposure per position/grating/cenwave combo 
    #if you have multiple exposures, comment this block out and use gemcombine to do outlier rejection when combining images instead
    gemtools.gemcrspec.xorder = '9'
    gemtools.gemcrspec.yorder = '-1'
    gemtools.gemcrspec.sigclip = '4.5'   
    gemtools.gemcrspec.sigfrac= '0.5'
    gemtools.gemcrspec.objlim = '1.0'
    gemtools.gemcrspec.verbose = 'no'
    prefix = 'gs'
    for tag,w in cwf.iteritems():
        qdf['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
        qdf['CentWave'] = w
        outFile = qdf['Object'] + '-M01_' + tag
        sciFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciSpec', qdf), qdf)
	print sciFull
        gemtools.gemcrspec(','.join(prefix+str(x) for x in sciFull), outFile)
    # Do the same for the standard star
    for tag,w in cws.iteritems():
        qd_std['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
        qd_std['CentWave'] = w
        outFile = qd_std['Object'] + '-M01_' + tag
        stdFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('std', qd_std), qd_std)
	print stdFull
        gemtools.gemcrspec(','.join(prefix+str(x) for x in stdFull), outFile)  
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)

    #Unused block for doing outlier rejection with multiple exposures per position/grating/cenwave combo
    # Use primarily the default task parameters.
    gemtools.gemcombine.logfile = 'gemcombineLog.txt'
    gemtools.gemcombine.reject = 'ccdclip'
    gemtools.gemcombine.fl_vardq = 'yes'
    gemtools.gemcombine.fl_dqprop = 'yes'
    gemtools.gemcombine.verbose = 'no'       
    prefix = 'gs'
    for tag,w in cwf.iteritems():
        qdf['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
        qdf['CentWave'] = w
        outFile = qdf['Object'] + tag
        sciFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciSpec', qdf), qdf)
        gemtools.gemcombine (','.join(prefix+str(x) for x in sciFull), outFile)
    # Do the same for the standard star
    for tag,w in cws.iteritems():
        qdf['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
        qdf['CentWave'] = w
        outFile = qd_std['Object'] + tag
        stdFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('std', qd_std), qd_std)
        gemtools.gemcombine (','.join(prefix+str(x) for x in stdFull), outFile)

    print ("=== Beginning wavelength calibration ===")
    print (" -- Deriving wavelength calibration --")
    # Begin with longslit Arcs.
    # The fit to the dispersion relation should be performed interactively;
    # here we will us a previously determined result.
    # There are many arcs to choose from: we only need one for each setting.

    waveFlags = {

    for seq in ['091','092','093']:
        inFile = prefix + 'S20081129S0' + seq
    #  Now for the MOS arcs
    for seq in ['249','250','251']:
        inFile = prefix + 'S20081120S0' + seq
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    #This block is in the tutorial but it seems incorrect - it applies the calibration to non gsreduced arcs!!
    for tag,w in cwf.iteritems():
    	qdf['Disperser'] = tag[0:2] + '00+_%'
    	qdf['CentWave'] = w
    	outFile = qdf['Object'] + tag
    	arcFull = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('arcP', qdf), qdf)
    	gmos.gswavelength (','.join(prefix+str(x) for x in arcFull),**waveFlags)
    print (" -- Applying wavelength calibration -- ")
    transFlags = {
    #Construct a mapping for the wavelength calibration. Format (arc id,sci/std id,target):'filter/disperser'
    print (" -- Calibrating standard star exposures -- ")
    gmos.gstransform ('LTT1020-M01_B6-415', wavtraname='gsS20081129S0091',
    gmos.gstransform ('LTT1020-M01_B6-520', wavtraname='gsS20081129S0092',
    gmos.gstransform ('LTT1020-M01_B6-625', wavtraname='gsS20081129S0093',
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    #This block seems to operate on the non CR-cleaned images! 
    transMap = {
    print (" -- Calibrating standard star exposures -- ")
    for id,tag in transMap.iteritems():
        inFile = 'gsS20081129S0' + id[1]
        wavFile = 'gsS20081129S0' + id[0]
        outFile = 't' + id[2] + '_' + tag
    print (" -- Calibrating MOS science exposures -- ")
    gmos.gstransform ('Sculptor-field1-M01_B6-520', wavtraname='gsS20081120S0249',
    gmos.gstransform ('Sculptor-field1-M01_B6-522', wavtraname='gsS20081120S0250',
    gmos.gstransform ('Sculptor-field1-M01_B6-525', wavtraname='gsS20081120S0251',
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    #Note that our standard star is extremely bright so the signal is swamped by light from the star - this step is probably optional
    print (" == Beginning flux calibration == " )
    print (" -- Performing sky subtraction on standard star -- " )
    # This will require summing the spectra along columns, e.g.:
    #   iraf.pcols("tLTT1020-M01_B6-415.fits[SCI]",400,1400,wy1=0,wy2=1000) 
    # The sky regions should be selected with care, using e.g. prows/pcols.
    gmos.gsskysub.fl_oversize = 'no'
    gmos.gsskysub.verbose = 'no'

    gmos.gsskysub ('tLTT1020-M01_*', long_sample='850:1000,1350:1500')
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    print(" -- Extracting longslit 1-D spectra of standard stars -- ")
    extrFlags = {
    ordc = {'B6-415':7,'B6-520':8,'B6-625':8}
    #Perform extraction on the standard star:
    for tag,o in ordc.iteritems():
	infile = 'stLTT1020-M01_' + tag
        gmos.gsextract(infile, torder=o,**extrFlags)
    print(" -- Flux calibrating the standard star -- ")  
    sensFlags = {
    gmos.gsstandard ('estLTT1020-M01_B6*', sfile='std_B6', sfunction='sens_B6',
    call("ls Sculptor*.fits",shell=True)
    print (" --Processing done-- ")
Ejemplo n.º 5
# Create master bias from individial *.fits exposures

__version__ = '1.0'
__author__ = 'Ingrid Pelisoli'

# Importing packages
from pyraf import iraf
from pyraf.iraf import gemini, gemtools, gmos, onedspec

print("### Begin Processing GMOS/Longslit Images ###")

# Runs gprepare to add mask definition
print("=== Running gprepare ===")

gmos.gprepare('*.fits', fl_addmdf='yes')

print("=== gprepare finished ===")

# Runs gbias
print("=== Creating Master Bias ===")

gmos.gbias('g*.fits', outbias="../Zero.fits", fl_over='yes', fl_trim='yes')

print("=== gbias finished ===")

print("### DONE ###")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gmos_img_proc2(dbFile="./raw/obsLog.sqlite3", qd={'use_me': 1,'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 2', 'RoI': 'Full', 'Object': 'M8-%', 'DateObs': '2006-09-01:2006-10-30'},
                   biasFlags={'logfile': 'biasLog.txt', 'rawpath': './raw/', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'yes'},
                   flatFlags = {'fl_scale': 'yes', 'sctype': 'mean', 'fl_vardq': 'yes','rawpath': './raw/', 'logfile': 'giflatLog.txt', 'verbose': 'yes'},
                   filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i'],
                   sciFlags={'fl_over': 'yes', 'fl_trim': 'yes', 'fl_bias':'yes', 'fl_dark': 'no','fl_flat': 'yes', 'logfile':'gireduceLog.txt', 'rawpath': './raw/','fl_vardq': 'yes','bpm':bpm_gmos, 'verbose': 'yes'},
                   mosaicFlags = {'fl_paste': 'no', 'fl_fixpix': 'no', 'fl_clean': 'yes', 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'gmosaicLog.txt', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'fl_fulldq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'yes'},
                   coaddFlags = {'fwhm': 3, 'datamax': 6.e4, 'geointer': 'nearest', 'logfile': 'imcoaddLog.txt'},
                   targets = ['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3'],
                   clean_files = False
    dbFile : str
        Filename containing the SQL sqlite3 database created by obslog.py
        It must be placed in the ./raw/ directory
        Default is `./raw/obsLog.sqlite3`
    qd : dictionary
        Query Dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs.
        Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations
         qd= {'use_me': 1,
          'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 2', 'RoI': 'Full', 'Object': 'M8-%',
          'DateObs': '2006-09-01:2006-10-30'
    bias_dateobs : str
        String representing the bias search Obsdate
        e.g. bias_dateobs = `2006-09-01:2006-10-30`

    biasFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gbias() function

    flat_dateobs : str
        String representing the flat search Obsdate
        e.g. flat_dateobs = `2006-09-10:2006-10-10`

    flatFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.giflat() function
        e.g. flatFlags = {'fl_scale': 'yes', 'sctype': 'mean', 'fl_vardq': 'yes','rawpath': './raw/',
                         'logfile': 'giflatLog.txt', 'verbose': 'yes'}
    filters : list
        List of filter names to perform reduction
        e.g. filters=['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i']

    sciFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gireduce() function

    mosaicFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gimosaic() function

    coaddFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gemtools.imcoadd() function

    targets : list
        List of names of target observations for the co-addition
        e.g.  targets = ['M8-1', 'M8-2', 'M8-3']

    clean_files : bool
        Whether to clean intermediate files from reduction process

    Reduce GMOS imaging based on tutorial example.

    print ("### Begin Processing GMOS/MOS Images ###")
    print ("###")
    print ("=== Creating MasterCals ===")

    # From the work_directory:
    # Create the query dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs.
    # Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations:

    print (" --Creating Bias MasterCal--")
    qd.update({'DateObs': bias_dateobs})

    # Set the task parameters.
    # The following SQL generates the list of files to process.
    SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qd)
    biasFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd)

    # The str.join() function is needed to transform a python list into a string
    # filelist that IRAF can understand.
    if len(biasFiles) > 1:
        files_all = ','.join(str(x) for x in biasFiles)
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        gmos.gbias(files_all, 'MCbias.fits', **biasFlags)

    # Clean up
    year_obs = qd['DateObs'].split('-')[0]
    if clean_files:

    ask_user("MC Bias done. Would you like to continue to proceed with Master Flats? (y/n): ",['y','yes'])

    print (" --Creating Twilight Imaging Flat-Field MasterCal--")
    # Select flats obtained contemporaneously with the observations.
    qd.update({'DateObs': flat_dateobs})

    # Set the task parameters.

    #filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i']
    for f in filters:
        print "  Building twilight flat MasterCal for filter: %s" % (f)

        # Select filter name using a substring of the official designation.
        qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%'
        mcName = 'MCflat_%s.fits' % (f)
        flatFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('twiFlat', qd), qd)
        if len(flatFiles) > 0:
            files_all = ','.join(str(x) for x in flatFiles)
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            gmos.giflat(files_all, mcName, bias='MCbias', **flatFlags)

    if clean_files:
        iraf.imdel('gS{}*.fits,rgS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs, year_obs))

    ask_user("MC Flats done. Would you like to continue to proceed with processing Science Images? (y/n): ", ['yes','y'])

    print ("=== Processing Science Images ===")
    # Remove restriction on date range
    qd['DateObs'] = '*'
    prefix = 'rg'

    gemtools.gemextn.unlearn()  # disarms a bug in gmosaic
    # Reduce the science images, then mosaic the extensions in a loop
    for f in filters:
        print "    Processing science images for filter: %s" % (f)
        qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%'
        flatFile = 'MCflat_' + f + '.fits'
        SQL = fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd)
        sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd)
        if len(sciFiles) > 0:
            # Make sure BPM table is in sciFlags for employing the imaging Static BPM for this set of detectors.
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            all_files = ','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles)
            gmos.gireduce(all_files, bias='MCbias', flat1=flatFile, **sciFlags)
            for file in sciFiles:
                gmos.gmosaic(prefix + file, **mosaicFlags)
            print("No Science images found for filter {}. Check database.".format(f))
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    if clean_files:

    ask_user("Science Images done. Would you like to continue to proceed with image co-addition? (y/n): ", ['y','yes'])

    ## Co-add the images, per position and filter.
    print (" -- Begin image co-addition --")

    # Use primarily the default task parameters.
    prefix = 'mrg'
    for f in filters:
        print "  - Co-addding science images in filter: %s" % (f)
        qd['Filter2'] = f + '_G%'
        for t in targets:
            qd['Object'] = t + '%'
            print "  - Co-addding science images for position: %s" % (t)
            outImage = t + '_' + f + '.fits'
            coAddFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciImg', qd), qd)
            all_files = ','.join(prefix + str(x) for x in coAddFiles)
            if all_files == '':
                print('No files available for co-addition. Check that the target names are written correctly.')
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            gemtools.imcoadd(all_files, outimage=outImage, **coaddFlags)

    ask_user("Co-addition done. Would you like to clean the latest intermediate reduction files? (y/n): ", ['y','yes'])

    if clean_files:
        # iraf.imdelete ("mrgS*.fits")

    print ("=== Finished Calibration Processing ===")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    print (" --Creating Bias MasterCal--")

    # Set the task parameters.
    biasFlags = {
    # The following SQL generates the list of files to process.
    SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qd)
    biasFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd)
    # The str.join() function is needed to transform a python list into a string
    # filelist that IRAF can understand.
    if len(biasFiles) > 1:
        gmos.gbias(','.join(str(x) for x in biasFiles), 'MCbias.fits',

    # Clean up

    print (" --Creating Twilight Imaging Flat-Field MasterCal--")
    # Select flats obtained contemporaneously with the observations.

    # Set the task parameters.
    flatFlags = {
    filters = ['Ha', 'HaC', 'SII', 'r', 'i']
Ejemplo n.º 8
def gmos_ls_proc2(
        qd_full={'use_me': 1, 'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 4', 'RoI': 'Full', 'Disperser': 'B600+_%', 'CentWave': 485.0, 'AperMask': '1.0arcsec', 'Object': 'AM2306-72%','DateObs': '2007-06-05:2007-07-07'},
        qd_censp={'use_me': 1, 'Instrument': 'GMOS-S', 'CcdBin': '2 4', 'RoI': 'CenSp', 'Disperser': 'B600+_%', 'CentWave': 485.0, 'AperMask': '1.0arcsec', 'Object': 'LTT9239','DateObs': '2007-06-05:2007-07-07'},
        biasFlags={'logfile': 'biasLog.txt', 'rawpath': './raw/', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'verbose': 'no'},
        flatFlags = {'fl_over': 'yes', 'fl_trim': 'yes', 'fl_bias': 'yes', 'fl_dark': 'no', 'fl_fixpix': 'no', 'fl_oversize': 'no', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'fl_fulldq': 'yes','rawpath': './raw', 'fl_inter': 'no', 'fl_detec': 'yes', 'function': 'spline3', 'order': '13,11,28', 'logfile': 'gsflatLog.txt', 'verbose': 'no'},
        sciFlags = {'fl_over': 'yes', 'fl_trim': 'yes', 'fl_bias': 'yes', 'fl_gscrrej': 'no','fl_dark': 'no', 'fl_flat': 'yes', 'fl_gmosaic': 'yes', 'fl_fixpix': 'no', 'fl_gsappwave': 'yes', 'fl_oversize': 'no', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'fl_fulldq': 'yes', 'rawpath': './raw', 'fl_inter': 'no', 'logfile': 'gsreduceLog.txt', 'verbose': 'no'},
        waveFlags = {'coordlist': 'gmos$data/CuAr_GMOS.dat', 'fwidth': 6, 'nsum': 50, 'function': 'chebyshev', 'order': 5, 'fl_inter': 'no', 'logfile': 'gswaveLog.txt', 'verbose': 'no'},
        sciCombFlags = {'combine': 'average', 'reject': 'ccdclip', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'fl_dqprop': 'yes', 'logfile': 'gemcombineLog.txt', 'verbose': 'no'},
        transFlags={'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'interptype': 'linear', 'fl_flux': 'yes', 'logfile': 'gstransLog.txt'},
        skyFlags={'fl_oversize': 'no', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'logfile': 'gsskysubLog.txt'},
        extrFlags = {'apwidth': 3., 'fl_inter': 'yes', 'find': 'yes','trace': 'yes', 'tfunction': 'chebyshev', 'torder': '6', 'tnsum': 20, 'background': 'fit', 'bfunction': 'chebyshev', 'border': 2, 'fl_vardq': 'no', 'logfile': 'gsextrLog.txt'},
        calibFlags = {'extinction': 'onedstds$ctioextinct.dat', 'fl_ext': 'yes', 'fl_scale': 'no','sfunction': 'sens', 'fl_vardq': 'yes', 'logfile': 'gscalibrateLog.txt'},

    dbFile : str
        Filename containing the SQL sqlite3 database created by obslog.py
        It must be placed in the ./raw/ directory
        Default is `./raw/obsLog.sqlite3`

    sciTargets : dict
        Dictionary with the associations of science targets and its associated ARC for wavelength calibration
        as well as the regions defining the sky along the slit.
        e.g. sciTargetd = {'AM2306-721_a': {'arc': 'gsS20070623S0071', 'sky': '520:720'},
                           'AM2306-72_b': {'arc': 'gsS20070623S0081', 'sky': '670:760,920:1020'}}
        Note that there could be more than one target defined this way.

    stdTarget : dict
        Dictionary with the associations of standard star targets and its associated ARC for wavelength calibration
        as well as the regions defining the sky along the slit.
        e.g. stdTarget = {'LTT1788': {'arc': 'S20180711S0281', 'sky': '170:380,920:1080'}}

    qd_full : dictionary
        Query Dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs for Full RoI. Meant for science object.

    qd_censp : dictionary
        Query Dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs for CenSp RoI. Meant for standard star.

    biasFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gbias() function

    flatFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gsflat() function

    sciFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gsreduce() function
        Based on these flags a set of arcFlags and stdFlags dictionaries will be created
        for basic processing.

    waveFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gswavelength() function

    sciCombFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gemtools.gemcombine() function
        Based on these flags a set of stdCombFlags dictionary will be created for the standard advanced processing.

    transFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gstransform() function.

    skyFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keyword flags of gmos.gsskysub() function

    extrFlags : dict
        Dictionary for the keywords flags of gmos.gsextract() function

    calibFlags : dict

    skip_wavecal : bool
        Whether to skip interactive wavelength calibration.
        Useful when this is already done.



    print ("### Begin Processing GMOS/Longslit Images ###")
    print ("###")
    print ("=== Creating MasterCals ===")

    # From the work_directory:
    # Create the query dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs for Full and CenSp RoIs
    qd = {'Full': qd_full, 'CenSp': qd_censp}

    print (" --Creating Bias MasterCal--")

    # Set the task parameters.
    gemtools.gemextn.unlearn()  # Disarm a bug in gbias

    regions = ['Full', 'CenSp']
    for r in regions:
        # The following SQL generates the list of full-frame files to process.
        SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qd[r])
        biasFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd[r])

        # The str.join() funciton is needed to transform a python list into a
        # comma-separated string of file names that IRAF can understand.
        if len(biasFiles) > 1:
            # NT comment: sometimes if there are too many files, gmos.gbias() raises an error.
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            gmos.gbias(','.join(str(x) for x in biasFiles), 'MCbias' + r,

    # Clean up
    year_obs = qd_full['DateObs'].split('-')[0]
    if clean_files:

    ask_user("MC Bias done. Would you like to continue to proceed with GCAL Spectral Master Flats? (y/n): ",['y','yes'])

    print (" -- Creating GCAL Spectral Flat-Field MasterCals --")
    # Set the task parameters.
    qd['Full'].update({'DateObs': '*'})
    qd['CenSp'].update({'DateObs': '*'})
    # Normalize the spectral flats per CCD.
    # The response fitting should be done interactively.
    if flatFlags['fl_inter'] != 'yes':
        print("The response fitting should be done interactively. Please set flatFlags['fl_inter'] = 'yes'.")
        ask_user("Do you still want to proceed despite this important warning? (y/n): ", ['yes','y'])

    for r in regions:
        qr = qd[r]
        flatFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('gcalFlat', qr), qr)
        if len(flatFiles) > 0:
            gmos.gsflat(','.join(str(x) for x in flatFiles), 'MCflat' + r,
                        bias='MCbias' + r, **flatFlags)

    if clean_files:
        iraf.imdel('gS{}*.fits,gsS{}*.fits'.format(year_obs, year_obs))

    ask_user("GCAL Spectral Flat-Field MasterCals done. Would you like to continue to proceed with Basic Processing? (y/n): ",['y','yes'])

    print ("=== Processing Science Files ===")
    print (" -- Performing Basic Processing --")
    # Set task parameters.
    sciFlags = sciFlags  # redundant but put here because NT likes it
    arcFlags = copy.deepcopy(sciFlags)
    arcFlags.update({'fl_flat': 'no', 'fl_vardq': 'no', 'fl_fulldq': 'no'})
    stdFlags = copy.deepcopy(sciFlags)
    stdFlags.update({'fl_fixpix': 'yes', 'fl_vardq': 'no', 'fl_fulldq': 'no'})

    # Perform basic reductions on all exposures for science targets.
    print ("  - Arc exposures -")
    for r in regions:
        qr = qd[r]
        arcFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('arc', qr), qr)
        if len(arcFiles) > 0:
            gmos.gsreduce(','.join(str(x) for x in arcFiles),
                          bias='MCbias' + r, **arcFlags)

    print ("  - Std star exposures -")
    r = 'CenSp'
    stdFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('std', qd[r]), qd[r])
    if len(stdFiles) > 0:
        gmos.gsreduce(','.join(str(x) for x in stdFiles), bias='MCbias' + r,
                      flatim='MCflat' + r, **stdFlags)

    print ("  - Science exposures -")
    r = 'Full'
    sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciSpec', qd[r]), qd[r])
    if len(sciFiles) > 0:
        gmos.gsreduce(','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles), bias='MCbias' + r,
                      flatim='MCflat' + r, **sciFlags)

    # Clean up
    if clean_files:

    ask_user("Basic processing done. Would you like to continue to determine wavelength calibration? (y/n): ",['y','yes'])

    print (" -- Determine wavelength calibration --")
    # Set task parameters

    # The fit to the dispersion relation should be performed interactively.
    # Here we will use a previously determined result.
    if waveFlags['fl_inter'] != 'yes':
        print("The fit to the dispersion relation should be performed interactively. Please set waveFlags['fl_inter'] = 'yes'.")
        ask_user("Do you still want to proceed despite this important warning? (y/n): ", ['yes','y'])

    # Need to select specific wavecals to match science exposures.
    # NT: we do this now from the sciTargets + stdTarget input dictionaries
    # e.g.
        sciTargets = {
        'AM2306-721_a': {'arc': 'gsS20070623S0071', 'sky': '520:720'},
        'AM2306-72_b': {'arc': 'gsS20070623S0081', 'sky': '670:760,920:1020'},
        'AM2306-721_c': {'arc': 'gsS20070623S0091', 'sky': '170:380,920:1080'}
    #prefix = 'gsS20070623S0'
    #for arc in ['071', '081', '091', '109']:
    #    gmos.gswavelength(prefix + arc, **waveFlags)
    prefix = 'gs'
    arc_files = []
    for key in sciTargets.keys():
        arc_files += [sciTargets[key]['arc']]
    for key in stdTarget.keys():
        arc_files += [stdTarget[key]['arc']]
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    if skip_wavecal is not True:
        for arc in arc_files:
            gmos.gswavelength(prefix + arc, **waveFlags)

    ### End of basic processing. Continue with advanced processing.
    ask_user("Wavelength solution done. Would you like to continue with advanced processing? (y/n): ",['y','yes'])

    print (" -- Performing Advanced Processing --")
    print (" -- Combine exposures, apply dispersion, subtract sky --")
    # Set task parameters.
    sciCombFlags = sciCombFlags
    stdCombFlags = copy.deepcopy(sciCombFlags)
    stdCombFlags.update({'fl_vardq': 'no', 'fl_dqprop': 'no'})

    # apply gtransform to standard
    # Process the Standard Star
    prefix = "gs"
    qs = qd['CenSp']
    stdFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('std', qs), qs)
    std_name = stdTarget.keys()[0]
    if len(stdFiles) == 0:
        ValueError("No standard star associated. Please check parameters of search (e.g. RoI=CentSp)")
    # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    if len(stdFiles) > 1:
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        gemtools.gemcombine(','.join(prefix + str(x) for x in stdFiles),
                                std_name, **stdCombFlags)
        os.system("cp {}.fits {}.fits".format(prefix + stdFiles[0], std_name))

    gmos.gstransform(std_name, wavtraname=prefix + stdTarget[std_name]['arc'], **transFlags)

    # The sky regions should be selected with care, using e.g. prows/pcols:
    #   pcols ("tAM2306b.fits[SCI]", 1100, 2040, wy1=40, wy2=320)
    print("The sky regions should be selected with care, using e.g. with prows/pcols (see tutorial).")
    answer = raw_input("Please provide the long_sample string to apply to gmos.gsskysub() for the standard star."
                       "e.g. '20:70,190:230' (say 'no' for using the example as the default values): ")
    if answer in ['n', 'no']:
        print("Using default long_sample set by stdTarget values {}.".format(stdTarget[std_name]['sky']))
        long_sample_std = stdTarget[std_name]['sky']
        long_sample_std = answer
    long_sample_std = stdTarget[std_name]['sky']
    ask_user("Before proceeding it is important that you have set a good sky region for the standard.\n"
             "Thus far you have selected: {}\n Would you like to proceed with the current one? (y/n): ".format(long_sample_std), ['yes','y'])

    # apply sky substraction
    skyFlags = skyFlags
    gmos.gsskysub('t{}'.format(std_name), long_sample=long_sample_std)

    # NT: make sure the process works ok until here before proceeding further. i.e. setting the sky region manually and correctly.
    # NT: seems to be working.

    print (" -- Extract Std spectrum --")
    # Extract the std spectrum using a large aperture.
    # It's important to trace the spectra interactively.

    gmos.gsextract("st" + std_name, **extrFlags)

    print (" -- Derive the Flux calibration --")
    sensFlags = {
        'fl_inter': 'no', 'starname': 'XXX', 'caldir': 'onedstds$ctionewcal/',
        'observatory': 'Gemini-South', 'extinction': 'onedstds$ctioextinct.dat',
        'function': 'chebyshev', 'order': 9, 'verbose': 'no', 'logfile': 'gsstdLog.txt'
    sensFlags['starname'] = stdTarget[std_name]['iraf_name']  # replace corresponding starname

    gmos.gsstandard('est'+std_name, sfile='std.txt', sfunction='sens', **sensFlags)

    ask_user("Sensitivity function from standard star done. Would you like to continue with reduction of science"
             " exposures? (y/n): ",['yes','y'])

    # Process the science targets.
    # Use a dictionary to associate science targets with Arcs and sky regions.

    prefix = 'gs'
    extract_individuals = True
    for targ, p in sciTargets.iteritems():
        qs = qd['Full']
        qs['Object'] = p['name']
        # Fix up the target name for the output file
        sciOut = p['name_out']
        sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciSpec', qs), qs)
        all_files = ','.join(prefix + str(x) for x in sciFiles)
        gemtools.gemcombine(all_files, sciOut, **sciCombFlags)
        gmos.gstransform(sciOut, wavtraname=prefix + p['arc'], **transFlags)
        ask_user("It is important to select a good sky region for substraction. Thus far you have selected {}"
                 " based on the sciTargets input dictionary. Would you like to continue? (y/n): ".format(p['sky']),['y','yes'])
        gmos.gsskysub('t' + sciOut, long_sample=p['sky'], **skyFlags)
        if extract_individuals:
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            for fname in sciFiles:
                gmos.gstransform(prefix + fname, wavtraname=prefix + p['arc'], **transFlags)
                gmos.gsskysub('t' + prefix + fname, long_sample=p['sky'], **skyFlags)
                gmos.gscalibrate('st'+prefix+fname, **calibFlags)
    # Clean up
    if clean_files:

    ask_user("Sky substraction done. Would you like to continue to apply sensitivity function? (y/n): ",['y'])

    ## Apply the sensitivity function.

    gmos.gscalibrate('st'+sciOut+'*', **calibFlags)
    calibFlags.update({'fl_vardq': 'no'})
    gmos.gscalibrate('est'+std_name, **calibFlags)

    print (" -- Extract Target Spectra --")
    method = 'gsextract'
    if method == 'gsextract':
        # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        gmos.gsextract("cst" + sciOut, **extrFlags)

    elif method == 'sarith':
        # not implemented yet
        onedspec.nsum = 4
        onedspec.sarith('cst{}.fits[SCI]'.format(sciOut), 'copy', '', 'ecst{}.ms'.format(sciOut),

    print ("=== Finished Calibration Processing ===")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def gmos_ls_proc():
    GMOS Data Reduction Cookbook companion script to the chapter:
       "Reduction of Longslit Spectra with PyRAF"

    PyRAF script to:
    Process GMOS spectra for AM2306-721, in program GS-2007A-Q-76.

    The names for the relevant header keywords and their expected values are
    described in the DRC chapter entitled "Supplementary Material"

    Perform the following starting in the parent work directory:
        cd /path/to/work_directory

    Place the fileSelect.py module in your work directory. Now execute this
    script from the unix prompt:
        python gmos_ls_proc.py

    print("### Begin Processing GMOS/Longslit Images ###")
    print("=== Creating MasterCals ===")

    # This whole example depends upon first having built an sqlite3 database of metadata:
    #    cd ./raw
    #    python obslog.py obsLog.sqlite3
    dbFile = './raw/obsLog.sqlite3'

    # From the work_directory:
    # Create the query dictionary of essential parameter=value pairs.
    # Select bias exposures within ~2 months of the target observations:
    qd = {
        'Full': {
            'use_me': 1,
            'Instrument': 'GMOS-S',
            'CcdBin': '2 4',
            'RoI': 'Full',
            'Disperser': 'B600+_%',
            'CentWave': 485.0,
            'AperMask': '1.0arcsec',
            'Object': 'AM2306-72%',
            'DateObs': '2007-06-05:2007-07-07'
    # Make another copy for the CenterSpec RoI:
    qd['CenSp'] = copy.deepcopy(qd['Full'])
    qd['CenSp'].update({'RoI': 'CentSp', 'Object': 'LTT9239'})

    print(" --Creating Bias MasterCal--")

    # Set the task parameters.
    gemtools.gemextn.unlearn()  # Disarm a bug in gbias
    biasFlags = {
        'logfile': 'biasLog.txt',
        'rawpath': './raw/',
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'verbose': 'no'
    regions = ['Full', 'CenSp']
    for r in regions:
        # The following SQL generates the list of full-frame files to process.
        SQL = fs.createQuery('bias', qd[r])
        biasFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, SQL, qd[r])

        # The str.join() funciton is needed to transform a python list into a
        # comma-separated string of file names that IRAF can understand.
        if len(biasFiles) > 1:
            gmos.gbias(','.join(str(x) for x in biasFiles), 'MCbias' + r,

    # Clean up

    print(" -- Creating GCAL Spectral Flat-Field MasterCals --")
    # Set the task parameters.
    qd['Full'].update({'DateObs': '*'})
    qd['CenSp'].update({'DateObs': '*'})
    # Normalize the spectral flats per CCD.
    # The response fitting should be done interactively.
    flatFlags = {
        'fl_over': 'yes',
        'fl_trim': 'yes',
        'fl_bias': 'yes',
        'fl_dark': 'no',
        'fl_fixpix': 'no',
        'fl_oversize': 'no',
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'fl_fulldq': 'yes',
        'rawpath': './raw',
        'fl_inter': 'no',
        'fl_detec': 'yes',
        'function': 'spline3',
        'order': '13,11,28',
        'logfile': 'gsflatLog.txt',
        'verbose': 'no'
    for r in regions:
        qr = qd[r]
        flatFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('gcalFlat', qr),
        if len(flatFiles) > 0:
            gmos.gsflat(','.join(str(x) for x in flatFiles),
                        'MCflat' + r,
                        bias='MCbias' + r,


    print("=== Processing Science Files ===")
    print(" -- Performing Basic Processing --")

    # Set task parameters.
    sciFlags = {
        'fl_over': 'yes',
        'fl_trim': 'yes',
        'fl_bias': 'yes',
        'fl_gscrrej': 'no',
        'fl_dark': 'no',
        'fl_flat': 'yes',
        'fl_gmosaic': 'yes',
        'fl_fixpix': 'no',
        'fl_gsappwave': 'yes',
        'fl_oversize': 'no',
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'fl_fulldq': 'yes',
        'rawpath': './raw',
        'fl_inter': 'no',
        'logfile': 'gsreduceLog.txt',
        'verbose': 'no'
    arcFlags = copy.deepcopy(sciFlags)
    arcFlags.update({'fl_flat': 'no', 'fl_vardq': 'no', 'fl_fulldq': 'no'})
    stdFlags = copy.deepcopy(sciFlags)
    stdFlags.update({'fl_fixpix': 'yes', 'fl_vardq': 'no', 'fl_fulldq': 'no'})

    # Perform basic reductions on all exposures for science targets.
    print("  - Arc exposures -")
    for r in regions:
        qr = qd[r]
        arcFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('arc', qr), qr)
        if len(arcFiles) > 0:
            gmos.gsreduce(','.join(str(x) for x in arcFiles),
                          bias='MCbias' + r,

    print("  - Std star exposures -")
    r = 'CenSp'
    stdFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('std', qd[r]), qd[r])
    if len(stdFiles) > 0:
        gmos.gsreduce(','.join(str(x) for x in stdFiles),
                      bias='MCbias' + r,
                      flatim='MCflat' + r,

    print("  - Science exposures -")
    r = 'Full'
    sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciSpec', qd[r]),
    if len(sciFiles) > 0:
        gmos.gsreduce(','.join(str(x) for x in sciFiles),
                      bias='MCbias' + r,
                      flatim='MCflat' + r,

    # Clean up

    print(" -- Determine wavelength calibration --")
    # Set task parameters
    waveFlags = {
        'coordlist': 'gmos$data/CuAr_GMOS.dat',
        'fwidth': 6,
        'nsum': 50,
        'function': 'chebyshev',
        'order': 5,
        'fl_inter': 'no',
        'logfile': 'gswaveLog.txt',
        'verbose': 'no'
    # The fit to the dispersion relation should be performed interactively.
    # Here we will use a previously determined result.
    # Need to select specific wavecals to match science exposures.
    prefix = 'gsS20070623S0'
    for arc in ['071', '081', '091', '109']:
        gmos.gswavelength(prefix + arc, **waveFlags)

    ### End of basic processing. Continue with advanced processing.

    print(" -- Performing Advanced Processing --")
    print(" -- Combine exposures, apply dispersion, subtract sky --")
    # Set task parameters.
    sciCombFlags = {
        'combine': 'average',
        'reject': 'ccdclip',
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'fl_dqprop': 'yes',
        'logfile': 'gemcombineLog.txt.txt',
        'verbose': 'no'
    stdCombFlags = copy.deepcopy(sciCombFlags)
    stdCombFlags.update({'fl_vardq': 'no', 'fl_dqprop': 'no'})
    transFlags = {
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'interptype': 'linear',
        'fl_flux': 'yes',
        'logfile': 'gstransLog.txt'
    # The sky regions should be selected with care, using e.g. prows/pcols:
    #   pcols ("tAM2306b.fits[SCI]", 1100, 2040, wy1=40, wy2=320)
    skyFlags = {
        'fl_oversize': 'no',
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'logfile': 'gsskysubLog.txt'

    # Process the Standard Star
    prefix = "gs"
    qs = qd['CenSp']
    stdFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('std', qs), qs)
    gemtools.gemcombine(','.join(prefix + str(x) for x in stdFiles), 'LTT9239',
    gmos.gstransform('LTT9239', wavtraname='gsS20070623S0109', **transFlags)
    gmos.gsskysub('tLTT9239', long_sample='20:70,190:230')

    print(" -- Extract Std spectrum --")
    # Extract the std spectruma using a large aperture.
    # It's important to trace the spectra interactively.
    extrFlags = {
        'apwidth': 3.,
        'fl_inter': 'no',
        'find': 'yes',
        'trace': 'yes',
        'tfunction': 'chebyshev',
        'torder': '6',
        'tnsum': 20,
        'background': 'fit',
        'bfunction': 'chebyshev',
        'border': 2,
        'fl_vardq': 'no',
        'logfile': 'gsextrLog.txt'
    gmos.gsextract("stLTT9239", **extrFlags)

    print(" -- Derive the Flux calibration --")
    sensFlags = {
        'fl_inter': 'yes',
        'starname': 'l9239',
        'caldir': 'onedstds$ctionewcal/',
        'observatory': 'Gemini-South',
        'extinction': 'onedstds$ctioextinct.dat',
        'function': 'chebyshev',
        'order': 9,
        'verbose': 'no',
        'logfile': 'gsstdLog.txt'

    # Process the science targets.
    # Use a dictionary to associate science targets with Arcs and sky regions.
    sciTargets = {
        'AM2306-721_a': {
            'arc': 'gsS20070623S0071',
            'sky': '520:720'
        'AM2306-72_b': {
            'arc': 'gsS20070623S0081',
            'sky': '670:760,920:1020'
        'AM2306-721_c': {
            'arc': 'gsS20070623S0091',
            'sky': '170:380,920:1080'
    for targ, p in sciTargets.iteritems():
        qs = qd['Full']
        qs['Object'] = targ
        # Fix up the target name for the output file
        sciOut = targ.split('-')[0] + targ[-1]
        sciFiles = fs.fileListQuery(dbFile, fs.createQuery('sciSpec', qs), qs)
        gemtools.gemcombine(','.join(prefix + str(x) for x in sciFiles),
                            sciOut, **sciCombFlags)
        gmos.gstransform(sciOut, wavtraname=p['arc'], **transFlags)
        gmos.gsskysub('t' + sciOut, long_sample=p['sky'], **skyFlags)

    # Clean up

    ## Apply the sensitivity function.
    calibFlags = {
        'extinction': 'onedstds$ctioextinct.dat',
        'fl_ext': 'yes',
        'fl_scale': 'no',
        'sfunction': 'sens',
        'fl_vardq': 'yes',
        'logfile': 'gscalibrateLog.txt'
    gmos.gscalibrate('stAM2306*', **calibFlags)
    calibFlags.update({'fl_vardq': 'no'})
    gmos.gscalibrate('estLTT9239', **calibFlags)

    print(" -- Extract Target Spectra --")
    onedspec.nsum = 4

    print("=== Finished Calibration Processing ===")