def compute_psf_image(params,g,psf_deg=1,psf_rad=8, star_file='phot.mags',psf_image='psf.fits',edge_dist=5): iraf.digiphot() iraf.daophot() fp = params.loc_output+os.path.sep f_im = g.image*g.mask f = fp+'temp.ref.fits' write_image(f_im,f) g.fw = np.max([1.5,g.fw]) g.fw = np.min([0.5*params.psf_max_radius,g.fw]) logfile = fp+'psf.log' fd = fits.getdata(f) xmax = fd.shape[0] - edge_dist ymax = fd.shape[1] - edge_dist for d in ['temp.stars','temp.phot','temp.phot1','temp.phot2','temp.pst', 'temp.opst','temp.opst2', 'temp.psf.fits','temp.psf1.fits','temp.psf2.fits','temp.psg', 'temp.psg2','temp.psg3','temp.psg5','temp.rej','temp.rej2', 'temp.sub.fits','temp.sub1.fits', 'temp.sub2.fits','temp.opst1','temp.opst3','temp.rej3', 'temp.nst','temp.stars1','ref.mags',psf_image,'temp.als', 'temp.als2']: if os.path.exists(fp+d): os.remove(fp+d) # locate stars iraf.daofind(image=f,output=fp+'temp.stars',interactive='no',verify='no', threshold=3,sigma=params.star_detect_sigma,fwhmpsf=g.fw, datamin=1,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') if params.star_file: als_recenter = 'no' all_template_stars = np.genfromtxt(params.star_file) all_new_stars = np.genfromtxt(fp+'temp.stars') if all_new_stars.shape[0] > params.star_file_number_match: new_stars = all_new_stars[all_new_stars[:,2].argsort()][:params.star_file_number_match] else: new_stars = all_new_stars if all_template_stars.shape[0] > params.star_file_number_match: template_stars = all_template_stars[all_template_stars[:,3].argsort()][:params.star_file_number_match] else: template_stars = all_template_stars tx, ty = compute_xy_shift(new_stars,template_stars[:,1:3],0.5, degree=params.star_file_transform_degree) if params.star_file_has_magnitudes: star_positions = all_template_stars[:,1:4] xx = (star_positions[:,0]-np.mean(new_stars[:,0]))/np.mean(new_stars[:,0]) yy = (star_positions[:,1]-np.mean(new_stars[:,1]))/np.mean(new_stars[:,1]) for m in range(params.star_file_transform_degree+1): for n in range(params.star_file_transform_degree+1-m): star_positions[:,0] += tx[m,n]* xx**m * yy**n star_positions[:,1] += ty[m,n]* xx**m * yy**n np.savetxt(fp+'temp.stars.1',star_positions,fmt='%10.3f %10.3f %10.3f') else: star_positions = all_template_stars[:,1:3] xx = (star_positions[:,0]-np.mean(new_stars[:,0]))/np.mean(new_stars[:,0]) yy = (star_positions[:,1]-np.mean(new_stars[:,1]))/np.mean(new_stars[:,1]) for m in range(params.star_file_transform_degree+1): for n in range(params.star_file_transform_degree+1-m): star_positions[:,0] += tx[m,n]* xx**m * yy**n star_positions[:,1] += ty[m,n]* xx**m * yy**n np.savetxt(fp+'temp.stars.1',star_positions,fmt='%10.3f %10.3f') all_template_stars[:,1] = star_positions[:,0] all_template_stars[:,2] = star_positions[:,1] else: als_recenter = 'yes' star_positions = np.genfromtxt(fp+'temp.stars') np.savetxt(fp+'temp.stars.1',star_positions[:,:2],fmt='%10.3f %10.3f') iraf.phot(image=f,output=fp+'temp.phot',coords=fp+'temp.stars.1',interactive='no', verify='no', sigma=params.star_detect_sigma,fwhmpsf=g.fw,apertures=g.fw, datamin=1, datamax=2*params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain,annulus=3*g.fw, dannulus=3.0, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') print 'fw = ',g.fw #fw = np.max([4.0,fw]) #print 'fw = ',fw # select PSF stars iraf.pstselect(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot',pstfile=fp+'temp.pst',maxnpsf=40, interactive='no',verify='no',datamin=1,fitrad=2.0, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain,psfrad=np.max([3.0,g.fw]), readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') if params.star_file and params.star_file_has_magnitudes: # We don't need to do the photometry - only make the PSF # Initial PSF estimate to generate PSF groups #psfrad=3*np.max([g.fw,1.8]) iraf.psf(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot',pstfile=fp+'temp.pst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf', function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0 ,psfrad=2*np.max([g.fw,1.8]), datamin=-10000,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) # construct a file of the psf neighbour stars slist = [] psf_stars = np.loadtxt(fp+'temp.opst',usecols=(0,1,2)) for star in range(psf_stars.shape[0]): xp = psf_stars[star,1] yp = psf_stars[star,2] xmin = np.max([*g.fw),0]) xmax = np.min([*g.fw),f_im.shape[0]]) ymin = np.max([*g.fw),0]) ymax = np.min([*g.fw),f_im.shape[1]]) p = star_positions[np.logical_and(np.logical_and(star_positions[:,0]>xmin, star_positions[:,0]<xmax), np.logical_and(star_positions[:,1]>ymin, star_positions[:,1]<ymax))] slist.append(p) group_stars = np.concatenate(slist) np.savetxt(fp+'temp.nst',group_stars,fmt='%10.3f %10.3f %10.3f') # subtract PSF star neighbours iraf.substar(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.nst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf', exfile=fp+'temp.opst',fitrad=2.0, subimage=fp+'temp.sub1',verify='no',datamin=1, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') # final PSF iraf.psf(image=fp+'temp.sub1',photfile=fp+'temp.phot',pstfile=fp+'temp.opst', psfimage=psf_image,psfrad=2*g.fw, function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst2', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg2', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0, datamin=1,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) np.savetxt(fp+'ref.mags',all_template_stars,fmt='%7d %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f') stars = all_template_stars else: # initial PSF estimate iraf.psf(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot',pstfile=fp+'temp.pst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf', function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg1', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0 ,psfrad=2*g.fw, datamin=1,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) # separation distance of near neighbours separation = np.max([rewrite_psg(fp+'temp.psg1',fp+'temp.psg2'),3]) print 'separation = ',separation # subtract all stars using truncated PSF iraf.allstar(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf', allstarfile=fp+'temp.als',rejfile='', subimage=fp+'temp.sub',verify='no',psfrad=2*g.fw,fitrad=2.0, recenter='yes',groupsky='yes',fitsky='yes',sannulus=7,wsannulus=10, datamin=1,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') if params.star_file: os.system('cp '+fp+'temp.phot '+fp+'temp.phot2') else: # locate new stars iraf.daofind(image=fp+'temp.sub',output=fp+'temp.stars1',interactive='no',verify='no', threshold=3,sigma=params.star_detect_sigma,fwhmpsf=2*g.fw, datamin=1,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') # magnitudes for new stars iraf.phot(image=fp+'temp.sub',output=fp+'temp.phot1',coords=fp+'temp.stars1', interactive='no', verify='no',sigma=params.star_detect_sigma, fwhmpsf=g.fw,datamin=1, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') # join star lists together iraf.pconcat(infiles=fp+'temp.phot,'+fp+'temp.phot1',outfile=fp+'temp.phot2') # new PSF estimate to generate PSF groups iraf.psf(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.phot2',pstfile=fp+'temp.pst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf2', function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst2', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg3', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0 ,psfrad=2*g.fw, datamin=-10000,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) # magnitudes for PSF group stars iraf.nstar(image=f,groupfile=fp+'temp.psg3',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf2', nstarfile=fp+'temp.nst', rejfile='',verify='no',psfrad=2*g.fw,fitrad=2.0, recenter='no', groupsky='yes',fitsky='yes',sannulus=7,wsannulus=10, datamin=1,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') # subtract PSF star neighbours iraf.substar(image=f,photfile=fp+'temp.nst',psfimage=fp+'temp.psf2', exfile=fp+'temp.opst2',fitrad=2.0, subimage=fp+'temp.sub1',verify='no',datamin=1, datamax=params.pixel_max,epadu=params.gain, readnoise=params.readnoise,noise='poisson') # final PSF iraf.psf(image=fp+'temp.sub1',photfile=fp+'temp.phot2', pstfile=fp+'temp.opst2', psfimage=psf_image,psfrad=2*g.fw, function=params.psf_profile_type,opstfile=fp+'temp.opst3', groupfile=fp+'temp.psg5', interactive='no', verify='no',varorder=0, datamin=1,datamax=0.95*params.pixel_max, scale=1.0) # final photometry iraf.allstar(image=g.fullname,photfile=fp+'temp.phot2',psfimage=psf_image, allstarfile=fp+'temp.als2',rejfile='', subimage=fp+'temp.sub2',verify='no',psfrad=2*g.fw, recenter=als_recenter,groupsky='yes',fitsky='yes',sannulus=7, wsannulus=10,fitrad=2.0, datamin=params.pixel_min,datamax=params.pixel_max, epadu=params.gain,readnoise=params.readnoise, noise='poisson') psfmag = 10.0 for line in open(fp+'temp.als2','r'): sline = line.split() if sline[1] == 'PSFMAG': psfmag = float(sline[3]) break if params.star_file: iraf.psort(infiles=fp+'temp.als2',field='ID') os.system('cp '+fp+'temp.als2 '+fp+'temp.als3') else: selection = 'XCE >= '+str(edge_dist)+' && XCE <= '+str(xmax)+' && YCE >= '+str(edge_dist)+' && YCE <= '+str(ymax)+' && MAG != INDEF' iraf.pselect(infiles=fp+'temp.als2',outfiles=fp+'temp.als3',expr=selection) iraf.psort(infiles=fp+'temp.als3',field='MAG') iraf.prenumber(infile=fp+'temp.als3') s = iraf.pdump(infiles=fp+'temp.als3',Stdout=1, fields='ID,XCENTER,YCENTER,MAG,MERR,MSKY,SHARPNESS,CHI',expr='yes') sf = [k.replace('INDEF','22.00') for k in s] stars = np.zeros([len(sf),5]) for i, line in enumerate(sf): stars[i,:] = np.array(map(float,sf[i].split()[1:6])) s = iraf.pdump(infiles=fp+'temp.als3',Stdout=1, fields='ID,XCENTER,YCENTER,MAG,MERR,SHARPNESS,CHI,MSKY',expr='yes') sf = [k.replace('INDEF','22.00') for k in s] with open(fp+'ref.mags','w') as fid: for s in sf: fid.write(s+'\n') return stars
def alignImages(imageName, imageName_Ha): #Read the fwhm and seeing from the image file imageHeader = + ".fits")[0] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] annul = 5.0 * fwhm aper = 3.0 * fwhm sigma = imageHeader.header['SKYSIGMA'] iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) #Do 'daofind' on the image to locate the stars print("1. Find stars using 'daofind'") #Configure 'datapars', 'findpars', and 'daofind' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma = sigma iraf.datapars.datamin = -10 iraf.datapars.ccdread = "RDNOISE" iraf.datapars.gain = "GAIN" iraf.datapars.exposure = "EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.airmass = "AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter = "FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime = "TIME-OBS" iraf.findpars.threshold = 20 * sigma iraf.findpars.sharplo = 0.2 iraf.findpars.sharphi = 1.0 iraf.findpars.roundlo = -1.0 iraf.findpars.roundhi = 1.0 iraf.daofind.verify = 'no' iraf.daofind.verbose = 'no' #Delete exisiting coordinate,output files of 'phot',file containg data of 'good' stars, old images for f in ("coord", "mag", "psel", "R_final.fits", "Ha_final.fits"): silentDelete(f) iraf.daofind(imageName, 'coord') print("File containing the coordinates of the stars is coord") print(" ") #Configure 'centerpars', 'fitskypars','photpars' iraf.datapars.datamax = 150000 iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = "centroid" iraf.centerpars.cbox = 16 iraf.centerpars.maxshift = 3 iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm = "mode" iraf.fitskypars.annulus = annul iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = 10 iraf.photpars.apertures = aper iraf.phot.verify = 'no' iraf.phot.verbose = 'no' print("2. Obtain data of stars using 'phot'") #Call 'phot' to get the data of the stars iraf.phot(imageName, 'coord', 'mag') #sort in order of increasing magnitude of stars iraf.psort('mag', "mag") boundsig = sigma + 2 boexpr = "CIER==0 && PIER==0 && STDEV <=" + str(boundsig) print( "File containing the data of the stars in order of decreasing brightness is mag" ) print(" ") print("3. Select stars with low error, no bad pixels") #Select stars that have no centering error, skyerror <sig+2 and no bad pixels iraf.pselect("mag", "psel", boexpr) print( "File containing stars with low sky error,low centering error is psel") print(" ") #Renumber the ID number of the stars in order of increasing magnitude iraf.prenumber("psel") #Delete existing files for f in ("pdump.file", "stars25", 'alR.fits', 'rIn.fits', 'haIn.fits'): silentDelete(f) print("4. Select the 25 brightest stars") iraf.pselect("psel", "stars25", "ID <=25") print("File containing the brightest 25 'good' stars is stars25") print(" ") #Pick out only the required data of stars from the .25 file sys.stdout = open("pdump.file", "w") iraf.pdump("stars25", "xcenter,ycenter,flux", "yes") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("The coordinates and flux are stored in pdump.file") #Align images iraf.imcopy(imageName, 'rIn') iraf.imcopy(imageName_Ha, 'haIn') print("Aligning images") #iraf.imalign.verbose='no' iraf.imalign("rIn,haIn", "rIn", "pdump.file", "R_final,Ha_final")
def maskStars(imageName): #read in the fits data and header imageHeader =".fits")[0] #Read in the skysigma, skyv, and seeing (fwhm) from the header and set up other relevant values sigma = imageHeader.header['SKYSIGMA'] threshold = 3.0 * sigma skyv = imageHeader.header['SKY'] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] aper = 3.0 * fwhm annul = 5 * fwhm #Read in the galcut file galcut = open("galcut.file") galcutString = galcut.close() #Parse the galcut file into its variables galList = galcutString.split(' ') xCenter = float(galList[0]) yCenter = float(galList[1]) a = float(galList[2]) #Semimajor Axis eccent = float(galList[3]) #Eccentricity posAngle = float(galList[4]) #Position angle posAngleRad = (posAngle+90)*3.14159/180 b = a * eccent #Semiminor Axis na = -1*a nb = -1*b #Create a version of the r image with the sky added back in for the daofind procedure iraf.imdelete("withsky") iraf.imarith(imageName,'+',skyv,"withsky") # Load daophot package iraf.digiphot() iraf.daophot() print("A. Find stars using daofind") #DAOFIND searches the IRAF images image for local density maxima, # with a full-width half-maxima of datapars.fwhmpsf, and a peak # amplitude greater than findpars.threshold * datapars.sigma above # the local background, and writes a list of detected objects in the # file output. # Here we set the fwhm and sigma equal to those listed in the header. # We set the datamin to -3*sigma = -1*threshold defined above # The findpars.threshold is set to 4.5*sigma by default. You may have # to alter this value for images where too few/many stars are found. #Configure 'datapars', 'findpars', and 'daofind' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf=fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma=sigma iraf.datapars.datamax='indef' iraf.datapars.datamin=(-1)*threshold iraf.datapars.ccdread='RDNOISE' iraf.datapars.gain="GAIN" iraf.datapars.exposure="EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.airmass="AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter="FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime="TIME-OBS" iraf.findpars.threshold=4.5 iraf.findpars.roundhi=3 iraf.findpars.roundlo=-3 iraf.daofind.verify='no' iraf.daofind.verbose='no' #create the variable for the coordinate file allStars = imageName+'.coo' #Remove a previous coordinate file if one exists silentDelete(imageName+'.coo') #Find the stars in the aligned R image iraf.daofind("withsky",allStars) print("The file containing the data of the stars in the aligned R-image is ",allStars) print(" ") if os.path.getsize(allStars) > 2239 : print("B. Separate stars inside and outside galaxy") #Delete existing files for f in ("temp.file","maskfile","maskfile.sat"): silentDelete(f) #Extract the coordinates from the allStars file, redirecting stdout to do so sys.stdout=open("temp.file","w") iraf.pdump(allStars,"xcenter,ycenter",'yes') sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ #Read the file to get the xy coordinate pairs in a list coords = open("temp.file") coordList = list(coords) countout=0 #Create strings of xy pairs to write to files outGalString = "" for pair in coordList: #for each entry in the list, parse it into xy value integer pairs values = pair.split(" ") x = float(values[0]) y = float(values[1]) #Determine if the star lies within the galaxy-centered ellipse inGalaxy = False deltaX = x - xCenter deltaY = y - yCenter cdx = abs(deltaX) cdy = abs(deltaY) if (cdx < a and cdy < a): xt=(deltaX*math.cos(posAngleRad))+(deltaY*math.sin(posAngleRad)) yt=(deltaY*math.cos(posAngleRad))-(deltaX*math.sin(posAngleRad)) if(xt <= a and xt >= na and yt <= b and yt >= nb): inGalaxy = True if (not inGalaxy): outGalString += str(x) + " " + str(y) + "\n" countout=countout+1 #Write the coordinate list to a file mask = open("maskfile","w") mask.write(outGalString) mask.close() print('') print(" ",countout," stars found outside galaxy") print('') if countout!=0 : print("C. Do photometry to find saturated stars") for f in ("maskfile.mag","maskfile.satmag","maskfile.sat"): silentDelete(f) #Configure 'centerpars', 'fitskypars','photpars' iraf.datapars.datamax=150000 iraf.datapars.datamin='indef' iraf.centerpars.calgorithm="none" iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm="mode" iraf.fitskypars.annulus=annul iraf.fitskypars.dannulus=10 iraf.photpars.apertures=fwhm iraf.phot.verify='no' iraf.phot.verbose='no' #Call 'phot' to get the data of the stars iraf.phot (imageName,"maskfile","maskfile.mag") boexpr="PIER==305" iraf.pselect("maskfile.mag","maskfile.satmag",boexpr) sys.stdout=open("maskfile.sat","w") iraf.pdump("maskfile.satmag","xcenter,ycenter","yes") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("D. Make mask of stars outside galaxy") #Delete the rmask if one exists silentDelete("rmask.fits") #Configure 'imedit' iraf.imedit.cursor="maskfile" iraf.imedit.display='no' iraf.imedit.autodisplay='no' iraf.imedit.aperture="circular" iraf.imedit.value=-1000 iraf.imedit.default="e" #Replace the pixel values near the star coordinates with value -1000 using imedit iraf.imedit(imageName,"redit",radius=aper) iraf.imcopy.verbose='no' #Do the same for the saturated stars, but with larger apertures satMaskSize = os.path.getsize("maskfile.sat") if satMaskSize < 1 : print(" No saturated stars found") if (satMaskSize!=0): iraf.imedit.cursor="maskfile.sat" iraf.imedit.radius=2*aper iraf.imedit("redit","rmask") else: iraf.imcopy("redit","rmask") #Replace good pixels with value 0 in 'rmask' iraf.imreplace.lower=-999 iraf.imreplace.upper='indef' iraf.imreplace("rmask",0) #Replace bad pixels with value 1 in 'rmask' iraf.imreplace.lower='indef' iraf.imreplace.upper=-1000 iraf.imreplace("rmask",1) #Remove the mask file if one already exists silentDelete(imageName+"mask.fits") iraf.imcopy("rmask",imageName+"mask") print(" ") print("The mask image is ",imageName+"mask") print("The masked image is ",imageName+"Masked") print(" ") else : print("No stars found outside galaxy, no mask created.") if os.path.getsize(allStars) < 2314 : print("No stars found, no mask created.") #Delete intermediate images for f in ("rmask.fits","redit.fits","maskimage.fits","maskfile.mag","maskfile.satmag","temp.file","withsky.fits","mask.fits"): silentDelete(f)
def build(f): ### is this an MEF file current_ext = 0 NEXTEND = 0 EXTEND = f[0].header["EXTEND"] if EXTEND == "T": NEXTEND = f[0].header["NEXTEND"] current_ext = 1 ### create the name of the output MEF psf file if not f[0].header.has_key("FILENAME"): os.unlink(opt.filename) sys.exit("The fits file " + opt.filename + " has no EXPNUM keyword\n") sexp = f[0].header["FILENAME"] mef_psf = sexp + "p_psf_iraf.fits" ### create an MEF file that will contian the PSF(s) import pyfits fitsobj = pyfits.HDUList() prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() import re prihdu.header.update("FILENAME", sexp, comment="CFHT Exposure Numebr") prihdu.header.update("NEXTEND", NEXTEND, comment="number of extensions") version = re.match(r"\$Rev.*: (\d*.\d*) \$", __Version__).group(1) prihdu.header.update("MKPSF_V", float(version), comment="Version number of mkpsf") fitsobj.append(prihdu) if os.access(mef_psf, os.F_OK): os.unlink(mef_psf) fitsobj.writeto(mef_psf) fitsobj.close() outfits =, "append") prihdr = outfits[0].header import jjkmode ### Get my python routines from pyraf import iraf from pyraf.irafpar import IrafParList ### keep all the parameters locally cached. iraf.set(uparm="./") ### Load the required IRAF packages iraf.digiphot() iraf.apphot() iraf.daophot() ### temp file name hash. tfile = {} while current_ext <= NEXTEND: ### this is a psf SCRIPT so the showplots and interactive are off by force print "Working on image section " + str(current_ext) iraf.findpars.sharplo = 0 iraf.findpars.sharphi = 0.7 iraf.findpars.roundlo = -0.7 iraf.findpars.roundhi = 0.7 iraf.datapars.datamax = 20000 iraf.datapars.airmass = "AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter = "FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime = "TIME-OBS" iraf.datapars.exposure = "EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.gain = "GAIN" iraf.datapars.ccdread = "RDNOISE" iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = opt.fwhm iraf.daopars.nclean = 2 iraf.daopars.psfrad = 5.0 * opt.fwhm iraf.daopars.fitrad = 0.85 * opt.fwhm iraf.daopars.function = "gauss" iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = "centroid" zero_mag = 26.19 iraf.photpars.zmag = zero_mag iraf.photpars.apertures = int(0.85 * opt.fwhm) iraf.fitskypars.annulus = 2 + int(opt.fwhm * 4.00) iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = int(opt.fwhm * 2.0) iraf.daophot.verbose = no iraf.daophot.verify = no iraf.daophot.update = no iraf.psf.interactive = no iraf.pstselect.interactive = no iraf.datapars.saveParList() iraf.fitskypars.saveParList() iraf.centerpars.saveParList() iraf.findpars.saveParList() iraf.photpars.saveParList() tfiles = [ "coo_bright", "coo_ok", "coo_faint", "mag_all", "mag_bright", "mag_ok", "mag_good", "mag_best", "pst_in", "pst_out", "pst_out2", "prf", "psg_org", "psg", "psf_1.fits", "psf_2.fits", "psf_final.fits", "psf_3.fits", "psf_4.fits", "mag_pst", "coo_pst", "nst", "nrj", "seepsf.fits", "sub.fits", "fwhm", "apcor", ] for file in tfiles: extname = "chip" + str(f[current_ext].header.get("IMAGEID", str(current_ext))).zfill(2) tfile[file] = sexp + "_" + extname + "." + file if os.access(tfile[file], os.F_OK): os.unlink(tfile[file]) if EXTEND == "T": this_image = opt.filename + "[" + extname + "]" else: this_image = opt.filename gain = f[current_ext].header.get("GAIN", 1.0) #### set sky/sigma parameters specific to this frame. (skyvalue, sigma) = jjkmode.stats(f[current_ext].data) import math sigma = math.sqrt(skyvalue / gain) datamin = float(skyvalue) - 8.0 * float(sigma) print "Determined sky level to be " + str(skyvalue) + " +/-" + str(sigma) iraf.datapars.datamin = datamin iraf.datapars.sigma = float(sigma) iraf.datapars.saveParList() iraf.fitskypars.skyvalue = skyvalue iraf.fitskypars.saveParList() ### find the bright stars in the image. print "sextracting for stars in " + this_image ###iraf.daophot.daofind(image=this_image, ### output=tfile['coo_bright'],threshold=4.0) os.system( "sex -c /home/cadc/kavelaar/12kproc/config/ -SATUR_LEVEL 25000 -CATALOG_NAME " + tfile["coo_bright"] + " " + this_image ) ### print "finding stellar locus in sround/ground space" print "clipping using star_class > 0.85 " fcoo = open(tfile["coo_bright"], "r") lines = fcoo.readlines() fcoo.close() import numarray, math fout = open(tfile["coo_ok"], "w") for line in lines: if re.match(r"^#", line) or"INDEF", line): continue values = line.split() star_class = float(values[2]) if star_class > 0.75: fout.write(line) fout.close() print "Measuring photometry for psf candidate stars in " + tfile["coo_ok"] iraf.daophot.phot(image=this_image, coords=tfile["coo_ok"], output=tfile["mag_bright"]) ### do this selection in 2 steps because of the way IRAF handles INDEFs print "Selecting stars that have good centroids and magnitudes " iraf.pselect( tfile["mag_bright"], tfile["mag_ok"], "(CIER==0)&&(PIER==0)&&(SIER==0)&&(MSKY>0)&&(MSKY<2e5)&&(MSKY!=INDEF)" ) print "Selecting stars that have normal sky levels" condition = "(abs(MSKY -" + str(skyvalue) + ") < 5.0*" + str(sigma) + ")" iraf.pselect(tfile["mag_ok"], tfile["mag_good"], condition) a = iraf.txdump(tfile["mag_good"], "SSKEW", iraf.yes, Stdout=1) aa = [] for v in a: aa.append(float(v)) a = numarray.array(aa) mean = a.mean() aa = a * a stddev = math.sqrt(aa.sum() / len(aa) - mean ** 2) limit = mean + 2 * stddev os.unlink(tfile["mag_good"]) condition = condition + " && SSKEW < " + str(limit) iraf.pselect(tfile["mag_ok"], tfile["mag_good"], condition) print "Choosing the psf stars" iraf.pstselect(image=this_image, photfile=tfile["mag_good"], pstfile=tfile["pst_in"], maxnpsf=25) ## construct an initial PSF image print "computing psf with neighbor stars based on complete star list" iraf.psf.mode = "a" iraf.psf( image=this_image, photfile=tfile["mag_bright"], pstfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_1.fits"], opstfile=tfile["pst_out"], groupfile=tfile["psg_org"], varorder=0, ) try: print "subtracting the psf neighbors and placing the results in " + tfile["sub.fits"] iraf.daophot.nstar( image=this_image, groupfile=tfile["psg_org"], psfimage=tfile["psf_1.fits"], nstarfile=tfile["nst"], rejfile=tfile["nrj"], ) iraf.daophot.substar( image=this_image, photfile=tfile["nst"], exfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_1.fits"], subimage=tfile["sub.fits"], ) a = iraf.daophot.txdump(tfile["nst"], "chi", "yes", Stdout=1) aa = [] for v in a: aa.append(float(v)) a = numarray.array(aa) mean = a.mean() aa = a * a stddev = math.sqrt(aa.sum() / len(aa) - mean ** 2) limit = mean + 2.5 * stddev print "Selecting those psf stars with CHI^2 <" + str(limit) + " after fitting with trial psf" iraf.pselect(tfile["nst"], tfile["mag_best"], "CHI < " + str(limit)) os.unlink(tfile["pst_out"]) ## os.unlink(tfile['psg']) ## rebuild the PSF file with the psf stars that fit well.. ## using the neighbor subtracted image print "Rebuilding the PSF" iraf.daophot.psf( image=tfile["sub.fits"], photfile=tfile["mag_best"], pstfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_2.fits"], opstfile=tfile["pst_out"], groupfile=tfile["psg"], varorder=0, ) print "re-subtracting with rebuilt psf" os.unlink(tfile["nst"]) os.unlink(tfile["nrj"]) iraf.daophot.nstar( image=this_image, groupfile=tfile["psg"], psfimage=tfile["psf_2.fits"], nstarfile=tfile["nst"], rejfile=tfile["nrj"], ) os.unlink(tfile["sub.fits"]) iraf.daophot.substar( image=this_image, photfile=tfile["nst"], exfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_2.fits"], subimage=tfile["sub.fits"], ) os.unlink(tfile["psg"]) os.unlink(tfile["pst_out"]) iraf.daophot.psf( image=tfile["sub.fits"], photfile=tfile["mag_best"], pstfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_3.fits"], opstfile=tfile["pst_out"], groupfile=tfile["psg"], varorder=0, ) os.unlink(tfile["nrj"]) os.unlink(tfile["nst"]) iraf.daophot.nstar( image=this_image, groupfile=tfile["psg"], psfimage=tfile["psf_3.fits"], nstarfile=tfile["nst"], rejfile=tfile["nrj"], ) a = iraf.daophot.txdump(tfile["nst"], "chi", "yes", Stdout=1) aa = [] for v in a: aa.append(float(v)) a = numarray.array(aa) mean = a.mean() aa = a * a stddev = math.sqrt(aa.sum() / len(aa) - mean ** 2) limit = mean + 2 * stddev limit = 2.0 # print "Selecting those psf stars with CHI^2 < "+str(limit)+" after fit with GOOD psf" os.unlink(tfile["mag_best"]) iraf.pselect(tfile["nst"], tfile["mag_best"], "CHI < " + str(limit)) print "Building final PSF.... " os.unlink(tfile["sub.fits"]) iraf.daophot.substar( image=this_image, photfile=tfile["nst"], exfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_3.fits"], subimage=tfile["sub.fits"], ) os.unlink(tfile["psg"]) os.unlink(tfile["pst_out"]) iraf.daophot.psf( image=tfile["sub.fits"], photfile=tfile["mag_best"], pstfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_final.fits"], opstfile=tfile["pst_out"], groupfile=tfile["psg"], varorder=0, ) print "building an analytic psf for the FWHM calculations" os.unlink(tfile["pst_out"]) os.unlink(tfile["psg"]) iraf.daophot.psf( image=tfile["sub.fits"], photfile=tfile["mag_best"], pstfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_4.fits"], opstfile=tfile["pst_out"], groupfile=tfile["psg"], varorder=-1, ) except: print sys.exc_info()[1] print "ERROR: Reverting to first pass psf" tfile["psf_final.fits"] = tfile["psf_1.fits"] iraf.daophot.psf( image=this_image, photfile=tfile["mag_best"], pstfile=tfile["pst_in"], psfimage=tfile["psf_4.fits"], opstfile=tfile["pst_out2"], groupfile=tfile["psg"], varorder=-1, ) psf_ap = iraf.photpars.apertures ap1 = int(psf_ap) ap2 = int(4.0 * opt.fwhm) apcor = "INDEF" aperr = "INDEF" if 0: # try ### now that we have the psf use the output list of psf stars ### to compute the aperature correction lines = iraf.txdump(tfile["pst_out"], "xcen,ycen,mag,id", iraf.yes, Stdout=tfile["coo_pst"]) ## set the lower ap value for the COG (normally set to 2) if ap1 < 3: smallap = 1 else: smallap = 2 - ap1 + 1 ap1 = 2 ap2 = int(math.floor(4.0 * opt.fwhm)) naperts = ap2 - ap1 + 1 iraf.photpars.apertures = str(ap1) + ":" + str(ap2) + ":1" iraf.photpars.saveParList() iraf.daophot.phot(image=this_image, coords=tfile["coo_pst"], output=tfile["mag_pst"]) iraf.photcal() iraf.photcal.mkapfile( tfile["mag_pst"], naperts=naperts, apercors=tfile["apcor"], smallap=smallap, verify="no", gcommands="", interactive=0, ) fin = open(tfile["apcor"], "r") lines = fin.readlines() values = lines[2].split() apcor = values[1] aperr = values[2] # except: ## compute the FWHM of the PSF image using the analytic PSF (VarOrd=-1) psf_file =["psf_4.fits"]) fwhm = psf_file[0].header.get("PAR1", 99.0) + psf_file[0].header.get("PAR2", 99.0) psf_file.close() # ## Open the psf.fits infits =["psf_final.fits"]) hdu = infits[0] inhdu = hdu.header inhdu.update("XTENSION", "IMAGE", before="SIMPLE") inhdu.update("PCOUNT", 0, after="NAXIS2") inhdu.update("GCOUNT", 1, after="PCOUNT") del hdu.header["SIMPLE"] del hdu.header["EXTEND"] inhdu.update("EXTNAME", extname, comment="image extension identifier") # inhdu.update("SLOW",slow,comment="SROUND low cutoff") # inhdu.update("SIGH",sigh,comment="SROUND high cutoff") inhdu.update("PFWHM", fwhm, comment="FWHM of stars based on PSF fitting") inhdu.update("ZMAG", zero_mag, comment="ZMAG of PSF ") inhdu.update("BCKG", skyvalue, comment="Mean sky level in counts") inhdu.update("BCKG_STD", sigma, comment="standard deviation of sky in counts") inhdu.update("AP1", psf_ap, comment="Apperture used for PSF flux") inhdu.update("AP2", ap2, comment="Full Flux aperture") inhdu.update("APCOR", apcor, comment="Apperture correction (ap1->ap2)") inhdu.update("APERR", apcor, comment="Uncertainty in APCOR") # ### append this psf to the output images.... print "Sticking this PSF onto the output file" f[current_ext].header.update("PFWHM", fwhm, comment="FWHM of stars based on PSF fitting") f[current_ext].header.update("BCKG", skyvalue, comment="Mean sky level in counts") f[current_ext].header.update("BCKG_STD", sigma, comment="Standard deviation of sky in counts") f.flush() outfits.append(hdu) outfits.flush() infits.close() ### remove the temp file we used for this computation. for tf in tfile.keys(): if os.access(tfile[tf], os.F_OK): os.unlink(tfile[tf]) current_ext = current_ext + 1 outfits.close() return mef_psf
def alignImages(imageName,imageName_Ha): #Read the fwhm and seeing from the image file imageHeader =".fits")[0] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] annul = 5.0 * fwhm aper=3.0 * fwhm sigma = imageHeader.header['SKYSIGMA'] iraf.daophot(_doprint=0) #Do 'daofind' on the image to locate the stars print("1. Find stars using 'daofind'") #Configure 'datapars', 'findpars', and 'daofind' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf=fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma=sigma iraf.datapars.datamin=-10 iraf.datapars.ccdread="RDNOISE" iraf.datapars.gain="GAIN" iraf.datapars.exposure="EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.airmass="AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter="FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime="TIME-OBS" iraf.findpars.threshold=20*sigma iraf.findpars.sharplo=0.2 iraf.findpars.sharphi=1.0 iraf.findpars.roundlo=-1.0 iraf.findpars.roundhi=1.0 iraf.daofind.verify='no' iraf.daofind.verbose='no' #Delete exisiting coordinate,output files of 'phot',file containg data of 'good' stars, old images for f in("coord","mag","psel","R_final.fits","Ha_final.fits"): silentDelete(f) iraf.daofind(imageName,'coord') print("File containing the coordinates of the stars is coord") print(" ") #Configure 'centerpars', 'fitskypars','photpars' iraf.datapars.datamax=150000 iraf.centerpars.calgorithm="centroid" iraf.centerpars.cbox=16 iraf.centerpars.maxshift=3 iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm="mode" iraf.fitskypars.annulus=annul iraf.fitskypars.dannulus=10 iraf.photpars.apertures=aper iraf.phot.verify='no' iraf.phot.verbose='no' print("2. Obtain data of stars using 'phot'") #Call 'phot' to get the data of the stars iraf.phot (imageName,'coord','mag') #sort in order of increasing magnitude of stars iraf.psort('mag',"mag") boundsig=sigma+2 boexpr="CIER==0 && PIER==0 && STDEV <="+str(boundsig) print("File containing the data of the stars in order of decreasing brightness is mag") print (" ") print("3. Select stars with low error, no bad pixels") #Select stars that have no centering error, skyerror <sig+2 and no bad pixels iraf.pselect ("mag" ,"psel" ,boexpr) print("File containing stars with low sky error,low centering error is psel") print(" ") #Renumber the ID number of the stars in order of increasing magnitude iraf.prenumber ("psel") #Delete existing files for f in ("pdump.file","stars25",'alR.fits','rIn.fits','haIn.fits'): silentDelete(f) print("4. Select the 25 brightest stars") iraf.pselect ("psel","stars25", "ID <=25") print("File containing the brightest 25 'good' stars is stars25") print(" ") #Pick out only the required data of stars from the .25 file sys.stdout=open("pdump.file","w") iraf.pdump ("stars25","xcenter,ycenter,flux","yes") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("The coordinates and flux are stored in pdump.file") #Align images iraf.imcopy(imageName,'rIn') iraf.imcopy(imageName_Ha,'haIn') print("Aligning images") #iraf.imalign.verbose='no' iraf.imalign("rIn,haIn", "rIn","pdump.file","R_final,Ha_final")
def build(f): ### is this an MEF file current_ext = 0 NEXTEND = 0 EXTEND = f[0].header['EXTEND'] if (EXTEND == "T"): NEXTEND = f[0].header['NEXTEND'] current_ext = 1 ### create the name of the output MEF psf file if not f[0].header.has_key('FILENAME'): os.unlink(opt.filename) sys.exit('The fits file ' + opt.filename + ' has no EXPNUM keyword\n') sexp = f[0].header['FILENAME'] mef_psf = sexp + "p_psf_iraf.fits" ### create an MEF file that will contian the PSF(s) import pyfits fitsobj = pyfits.HDUList() prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() import re prihdu.header.update('FILENAME', sexp, comment='CFHT Exposure Numebr') prihdu.header.update('NEXTEND', NEXTEND, comment='number of extensions') version = re.match(r'\$Rev.*: (\d*.\d*) \$', __Version__).group(1) prihdu.header.update('MKPSF_V', float(version), comment="Version number of mkpsf") fitsobj.append(prihdu) if os.access(mef_psf, os.F_OK): os.unlink(mef_psf) fitsobj.writeto(mef_psf) fitsobj.close() outfits =, "append") prihdr = outfits[0].header import jjkmode ### Get my python routines from pyraf import iraf from pyraf.irafpar import IrafParList ### keep all the parameters locally cached. iraf.set(uparm="./") ### Load the required IRAF packages iraf.digiphot() iraf.apphot() iraf.daophot() ### temp file name hash. tfile = {} while (current_ext <= NEXTEND): ### this is a psf SCRIPT so the showplots and interactive are off by force print "Working on image section " + str(current_ext) iraf.findpars.sharplo = 0 iraf.findpars.sharphi = 0.7 iraf.findpars.roundlo = -0.7 iraf.findpars.roundhi = 0.7 iraf.datapars.datamax = 20000 iraf.datapars.airmass = 'AIRMASS' iraf.datapars.filter = 'FILTER' iraf.datapars.obstime = 'TIME-OBS' iraf.datapars.exposure = 'EXPTIME' iraf.datapars.gain = 'GAIN' iraf.datapars.ccdread = 'RDNOISE' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = opt.fwhm iraf.daopars.nclean = 2 iraf.daopars.psfrad = 5.0 * opt.fwhm iraf.daopars.fitrad = 0.85 * opt.fwhm iraf.daopars.function = "gauss" iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = 'centroid' zero_mag = 26.19 iraf.photpars.zmag = zero_mag iraf.photpars.apertures = int(0.85 * opt.fwhm) iraf.fitskypars.annulus = 2 + int(opt.fwhm * 4.00) iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = int(opt.fwhm * 2.0) iraf.daophot.verbose = no iraf.daophot.verify = no iraf.daophot.update = no iraf.psf.interactive = no iraf.pstselect.interactive = no iraf.datapars.saveParList() iraf.fitskypars.saveParList() iraf.centerpars.saveParList() iraf.findpars.saveParList() iraf.photpars.saveParList() tfiles = [ 'coo_bright', 'coo_ok', 'coo_faint', 'mag_all', 'mag_bright', 'mag_ok', 'mag_good', 'mag_best', 'pst_in', 'pst_out', 'pst_out2', 'prf', 'psg_org', 'psg', 'psf_1.fits', 'psf_2.fits', 'psf_final.fits', 'psf_3.fits', 'psf_4.fits', 'mag_pst', 'coo_pst', 'nst', 'nrj', 'seepsf.fits', 'sub.fits', 'fwhm', 'apcor' ] for file in tfiles: extname = "chip" + str(f[current_ext].header.get( 'IMAGEID', str(current_ext))).zfill(2) tfile[file] = sexp + "_" + extname + "." + file if (os.access(tfile[file], os.F_OK)): os.unlink(tfile[file]) if (EXTEND == "T"): this_image = opt.filename + "[" + extname + "]" else: this_image = opt.filename gain = f[current_ext].header.get('GAIN', 1.0) #### set sky/sigma parameters specific to this frame. (skyvalue, sigma) = jjkmode.stats(f[current_ext].data) import math sigma = math.sqrt(skyvalue / gain) datamin = float(skyvalue) - 8.0 * float(sigma) print "Determined sky level to be " + str(skyvalue) + " +/-" + str( sigma) iraf.datapars.datamin = datamin iraf.datapars.sigma = float(sigma) iraf.datapars.saveParList() iraf.fitskypars.skyvalue = skyvalue iraf.fitskypars.saveParList() ### find the bright stars in the image. print "sextracting for stars in " + this_image ###iraf.daophot.daofind(image=this_image, ### output=tfile['coo_bright'],threshold=4.0) os.system( "sex -c /home/cadc/kavelaar/12kproc/config/ -SATUR_LEVEL 25000 -CATALOG_NAME " + tfile['coo_bright'] + " " + this_image) ### print "finding stellar locus in sround/ground space" print "clipping using star_class > 0.85 " fcoo = open(tfile['coo_bright'], 'r') lines = fcoo.readlines() fcoo.close() import numarray, math fout = open(tfile['coo_ok'], 'w') for line in lines: if re.match(r'^#', line) or'INDEF', line): continue values = line.split() star_class = float(values[2]) if star_class > 0.75: fout.write(line) fout.close() print "Measuring photometry for psf candidate stars in " + tfile[ 'coo_ok'] iraf.daophot.phot(image=this_image, coords=tfile['coo_ok'], output=tfile['mag_bright']) ### do this selection in 2 steps because of the way IRAF handles INDEFs print "Selecting stars that have good centroids and magnitudes " iraf.pselect( tfile['mag_bright'], tfile['mag_ok'], "(CIER==0)&&(PIER==0)&&(SIER==0)&&(MSKY>0)&&(MSKY<2e5)&&(MSKY!=INDEF)" ) print "Selecting stars that have normal sky levels" condition = "(abs(MSKY -" + str(skyvalue) + ") < 5.0*" + str( sigma) + ")" iraf.pselect(tfile['mag_ok'], tfile['mag_good'], condition) a = iraf.txdump(tfile['mag_good'], "SSKEW", iraf.yes, Stdout=1) aa = [] for v in a: aa.append(float(v)) a = numarray.array(aa) mean = a.mean() aa = a * a stddev = math.sqrt(aa.sum() / len(aa) - mean**2) limit = mean + 2 * stddev os.unlink(tfile['mag_good']) condition = condition + " && SSKEW < " + str(limit) iraf.pselect(tfile['mag_ok'], tfile['mag_good'], condition) print "Choosing the psf stars" iraf.pstselect(image=this_image, photfile=tfile['mag_good'], pstfile=tfile['pst_in'], maxnpsf=25) ## construct an initial PSF image print "computing psf with neighbor stars based on complete star list" iraf.psf.mode = 'a' iraf.psf(image=this_image, photfile=tfile['mag_bright'], pstfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_1.fits'], opstfile=tfile['pst_out'], groupfile=tfile['psg_org'], varorder=0) try: print "subtracting the psf neighbors and placing the results in " + tfile[ 'sub.fits'] iraf.daophot.nstar(image=this_image, groupfile=tfile['psg_org'], psfimage=tfile['psf_1.fits'], nstarfile=tfile['nst'], rejfile=tfile['nrj']) iraf.daophot.substar(image=this_image, photfile=tfile['nst'], exfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_1.fits'], subimage=tfile['sub.fits']) a = iraf.daophot.txdump(tfile['nst'], 'chi', 'yes', Stdout=1) aa = [] for v in a: aa.append(float(v)) a = numarray.array(aa) mean = a.mean() aa = a * a stddev = math.sqrt(aa.sum() / len(aa) - mean**2) limit = mean + 2.5 * stddev print "Selecting those psf stars with CHI^2 <" + str( limit) + " after fitting with trial psf" iraf.pselect(tfile['nst'], tfile['mag_best'], "CHI < " + str(limit)) os.unlink(tfile['pst_out']) ## os.unlink(tfile['psg']) ## rebuild the PSF file with the psf stars that fit well.. ## using the neighbor subtracted image print "Rebuilding the PSF" iraf.daophot.psf(image=tfile['sub.fits'], photfile=tfile['mag_best'], pstfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_2.fits'], opstfile=tfile['pst_out'], groupfile=tfile['psg'], varorder=0) print "re-subtracting with rebuilt psf" os.unlink(tfile['nst']) os.unlink(tfile['nrj']) iraf.daophot.nstar(image=this_image, groupfile=tfile['psg'], psfimage=tfile['psf_2.fits'], nstarfile=tfile['nst'], rejfile=tfile['nrj']) os.unlink(tfile['sub.fits']) iraf.daophot.substar(image=this_image, photfile=tfile['nst'], exfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_2.fits'], subimage=tfile['sub.fits']) os.unlink(tfile['psg']) os.unlink(tfile['pst_out']) iraf.daophot.psf(image=tfile['sub.fits'], photfile=tfile['mag_best'], pstfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_3.fits'], opstfile=tfile['pst_out'], groupfile=tfile['psg'], varorder=0) os.unlink(tfile['nrj']) os.unlink(tfile['nst']) iraf.daophot.nstar(image=this_image, groupfile=tfile['psg'], psfimage=tfile['psf_3.fits'], nstarfile=tfile['nst'], rejfile=tfile['nrj']) a = iraf.daophot.txdump(tfile['nst'], 'chi', 'yes', Stdout=1) aa = [] for v in a: aa.append(float(v)) a = numarray.array(aa) mean = a.mean() aa = a * a stddev = math.sqrt(aa.sum() / len(aa) - mean**2) limit = mean + 2 * stddev limit = 2.0 #print "Selecting those psf stars with CHI^2 < "+str(limit)+" after fit with GOOD psf" os.unlink(tfile['mag_best']) iraf.pselect(tfile['nst'], tfile['mag_best'], "CHI < " + str(limit)) print "Building final PSF.... " os.unlink(tfile['sub.fits']) iraf.daophot.substar(image=this_image, photfile=tfile['nst'], exfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_3.fits'], subimage=tfile['sub.fits']) os.unlink(tfile['psg']) os.unlink(tfile['pst_out']) iraf.daophot.psf(image=tfile['sub.fits'], photfile=tfile['mag_best'], pstfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_final.fits'], opstfile=tfile['pst_out'], groupfile=tfile['psg'], varorder=0) print "building an analytic psf for the FWHM calculations" os.unlink(tfile['pst_out']) os.unlink(tfile['psg']) iraf.daophot.psf(image=tfile['sub.fits'], photfile=tfile['mag_best'], pstfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_4.fits'], opstfile=tfile['pst_out'], groupfile=tfile['psg'], varorder=-1) except: print sys.exc_info()[1] print "ERROR: Reverting to first pass psf" tfile['psf_final.fits'] = tfile['psf_1.fits'] iraf.daophot.psf(image=this_image, photfile=tfile['mag_best'], pstfile=tfile['pst_in'], psfimage=tfile['psf_4.fits'], opstfile=tfile['pst_out2'], groupfile=tfile['psg'], varorder=-1) psf_ap = iraf.photpars.apertures ap1 = int(psf_ap) ap2 = int(4.0 * opt.fwhm) apcor = "INDEF" aperr = "INDEF" if (0): #try ### now that we have the psf use the output list of psf stars ### to compute the aperature correction lines = iraf.txdump(tfile['pst_out'], 'xcen,ycen,mag,id', iraf.yes, Stdout=tfile['coo_pst']) ## set the lower ap value for the COG (normally set to 2) if (ap1 < 3): smallap = 1 else: smallap = 2 - ap1 + 1 ap1 = 2 ap2 = int(math.floor(4.0 * opt.fwhm)) naperts = ap2 - ap1 + 1 iraf.photpars.apertures = str(ap1) + ":" + str(ap2) + ":1" iraf.photpars.saveParList() iraf.daophot.phot(image=this_image, coords=tfile['coo_pst'], output=tfile['mag_pst']) iraf.photcal() iraf.photcal.mkapfile(tfile['mag_pst'], naperts=naperts, apercors=tfile['apcor'], smallap=smallap, verify='no', gcommands='', interactive=0) fin = open(tfile['apcor'], 'r') lines = fin.readlines() values = lines[2].split() apcor = values[1] aperr = values[2] #except: ## compute the FWHM of the PSF image using the analytic PSF (VarOrd=-1) psf_file =['psf_4.fits']) fwhm = (psf_file[0].header.get('PAR1', 99.0) + psf_file[0].header.get('PAR2', 99.0)) psf_file.close() # ## Open the psf.fits infits =['psf_final.fits']) hdu = infits[0] inhdu = hdu.header inhdu.update('XTENSION', 'IMAGE', before='SIMPLE') inhdu.update('PCOUNT', 0, after='NAXIS2') inhdu.update('GCOUNT', 1, after='PCOUNT') del hdu.header['SIMPLE'] del hdu.header['EXTEND'] inhdu.update("EXTNAME", extname, comment="image extension identifier") #inhdu.update("SLOW",slow,comment="SROUND low cutoff") #inhdu.update("SIGH",sigh,comment="SROUND high cutoff") inhdu.update("PFWHM", fwhm, comment="FWHM of stars based on PSF fitting") inhdu.update("ZMAG", zero_mag, comment="ZMAG of PSF ") inhdu.update("BCKG", skyvalue, comment="Mean sky level in counts") inhdu.update("BCKG_STD", sigma, comment="standard deviation of sky in counts") inhdu.update("AP1", psf_ap, comment="Apperture used for PSF flux") inhdu.update("AP2", ap2, comment="Full Flux aperture") inhdu.update("APCOR", apcor, comment="Apperture correction (ap1->ap2)") inhdu.update("APERR", apcor, comment="Uncertainty in APCOR") # ### append this psf to the output images.... print "Sticking this PSF onto the output file" f[current_ext].header.update( "PFWHM", fwhm, comment="FWHM of stars based on PSF fitting") f[current_ext].header.update("BCKG", skyvalue, comment="Mean sky level in counts") f[current_ext].header.update( "BCKG_STD", sigma, comment="Standard deviation of sky in counts") f.flush() outfits.append(hdu) outfits.flush() infits.close() ### remove the temp file we used for this computation. for tf in tfile.keys(): if os.access(tfile[tf], os.F_OK): os.unlink(tfile[tf]) current_ext = current_ext + 1 outfits.close() return mef_psf
def maskStars(imageName): #read in the fits data and header imageHeader = + ".fits")[0] #Read in the skysigma, skyv, and seeing (fwhm) from the header and set up other relevant values sigma = imageHeader.header['SKYSIGMA'] threshold = 3.0 * sigma skyv = imageHeader.header['SKY'] fwhm = imageHeader.header['SEEING'] aper = 3.0 * fwhm annul = 5 * fwhm #Read in the galcut file galcut = open("galcut.file") galcutString = galcut.close() #Parse the galcut file into its variables galList = galcutString.split(' ') xCenter = float(galList[0]) yCenter = float(galList[1]) a = float(galList[2]) #Semimajor Axis eccent = float(galList[3]) #Eccentricity posAngle = float(galList[4]) #Position angle posAngleRad = (posAngle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180 b = a * eccent #Semiminor Axis na = -1 * a nb = -1 * b #Create a version of the r image with the sky added back in for the daofind procedure iraf.imdelete("withsky") iraf.imarith(imageName, '+', skyv, "withsky") # Load daophot package iraf.digiphot() iraf.daophot() print("A. Find stars using daofind") #DAOFIND searches the IRAF images image for local density maxima, # with a full-width half-maxima of datapars.fwhmpsf, and a peak # amplitude greater than findpars.threshold * datapars.sigma above # the local background, and writes a list of detected objects in the # file output. # Here we set the fwhm and sigma equal to those listed in the header. # We set the datamin to -3*sigma = -1*threshold defined above # The findpars.threshold is set to 4.5*sigma by default. You may have # to alter this value for images where too few/many stars are found. #Configure 'datapars', 'findpars', and 'daofind' iraf.datapars.fwhmpsf = fwhm iraf.datapars.sigma = sigma iraf.datapars.datamax = 'indef' iraf.datapars.datamin = (-1) * threshold iraf.datapars.ccdread = 'RDNOISE' iraf.datapars.gain = "GAIN" iraf.datapars.exposure = "EXPTIME" iraf.datapars.airmass = "AIRMASS" iraf.datapars.filter = "FILTER" iraf.datapars.obstime = "TIME-OBS" iraf.findpars.threshold = 4.5 iraf.findpars.roundhi = 3 iraf.findpars.roundlo = -3 iraf.daofind.verify = 'no' iraf.daofind.verbose = 'no' #create the variable for the coordinate file allStars = imageName + '.coo' #Remove a previous coordinate file if one exists silentDelete(imageName + '.coo') #Find the stars in the aligned R image iraf.daofind("withsky", allStars) print( "The file containing the data of the stars in the aligned R-image is ", allStars) print(" ") if os.path.getsize(allStars) > 2239: print("B. Separate stars inside and outside galaxy") #Delete existing files for f in ("temp.file", "maskfile", "maskfile.sat"): silentDelete(f) #Extract the coordinates from the allStars file, redirecting stdout to do so sys.stdout = open("temp.file", "w") iraf.pdump(allStars, "xcenter,ycenter", 'yes') sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ #Read the file to get the xy coordinate pairs in a list coords = open("temp.file") coordList = list(coords) countout = 0 #Create strings of xy pairs to write to files outGalString = "" for pair in coordList: #for each entry in the list, parse it into xy value integer pairs values = pair.split(" ") x = float(values[0]) y = float(values[1]) #Determine if the star lies within the galaxy-centered ellipse inGalaxy = False deltaX = x - xCenter deltaY = y - yCenter cdx = abs(deltaX) cdy = abs(deltaY) if (cdx < a and cdy < a): xt = (deltaX * math.cos(posAngleRad)) + (deltaY * math.sin(posAngleRad)) yt = (deltaY * math.cos(posAngleRad)) - (deltaX * math.sin(posAngleRad)) if (xt <= a and xt >= na and yt <= b and yt >= nb): inGalaxy = True if (not inGalaxy): outGalString += str(x) + " " + str(y) + "\n" countout = countout + 1 #Write the coordinate list to a file mask = open("maskfile", "w") mask.write(outGalString) mask.close() print('') print(" ", countout, " stars found outside galaxy") print('') if countout != 0: print("C. Do photometry to find saturated stars") for f in ("maskfile.mag", "maskfile.satmag", "maskfile.sat"): silentDelete(f) #Configure 'centerpars', 'fitskypars','photpars' iraf.datapars.datamax = 150000 iraf.datapars.datamin = 'indef' iraf.centerpars.calgorithm = "none" iraf.fitskypars.salgorithm = "mode" iraf.fitskypars.annulus = annul iraf.fitskypars.dannulus = 10 iraf.photpars.apertures = fwhm iraf.phot.verify = 'no' iraf.phot.verbose = 'no' #Call 'phot' to get the data of the stars iraf.phot(imageName, "maskfile", "maskfile.mag") boexpr = "PIER==305" iraf.pselect("maskfile.mag", "maskfile.satmag", boexpr) sys.stdout = open("maskfile.sat", "w") iraf.pdump("maskfile.satmag", "xcenter,ycenter", "yes") sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ print("D. Make mask of stars outside galaxy") #Delete the rmask if one exists silentDelete("rmask.fits") #Configure 'imedit' iraf.imedit.cursor = "maskfile" iraf.imedit.display = 'no' iraf.imedit.autodisplay = 'no' iraf.imedit.aperture = "circular" iraf.imedit.value = -1000 iraf.imedit.default = "e" #Replace the pixel values near the star coordinates with value -1000 using imedit iraf.imedit(imageName, "redit", radius=aper) iraf.imcopy.verbose = 'no' #Do the same for the saturated stars, but with larger apertures satMaskSize = os.path.getsize("maskfile.sat") if satMaskSize < 1: print(" No saturated stars found") if (satMaskSize != 0): iraf.imedit.cursor = "maskfile.sat" iraf.imedit.radius = 2 * aper iraf.imedit("redit", "rmask") else: iraf.imcopy("redit", "rmask") #Replace good pixels with value 0 in 'rmask' iraf.imreplace.lower = -999 iraf.imreplace.upper = 'indef' iraf.imreplace("rmask", 0) #Replace bad pixels with value 1 in 'rmask' iraf.imreplace.lower = 'indef' iraf.imreplace.upper = -1000 iraf.imreplace("rmask", 1) #Remove the mask file if one already exists silentDelete(imageName + "mask.fits") iraf.imcopy("rmask", imageName + "mask") print(" ") print("The mask image is ", imageName + "mask") print("The masked image is ", imageName + "Masked") print(" ") else: print("No stars found outside galaxy, no mask created.") if os.path.getsize(allStars) < 2314: print("No stars found, no mask created.") #Delete intermediate images for f in ("rmask.fits", "redit.fits", "maskimage.fits", "maskfile.mag", "maskfile.satmag", "temp.file", "withsky.fits", "mask.fits"): silentDelete(f)