def importOS(): IMAGE = pr.image_read('TomoData/PhantomData/sl.mat') counts = pr.image_read('TomoData/noisyphantom/nslcounts.mat', dtype=np.float32) print 'counts', counts.shape dark = pr.image_read('TomoData/noisyphantom/nsldark.mat', dtype=np.float32) print 'dark', dark.shape flat = pr.image_read('TomoData/noisyphantom/nslflat.mat', dtype=np.float32) print 'flat', flat.shape # flat = np.zeros(counts.shape) #pp.imshow( sino, cmap = 'gray_r', interpolation = 'nearest', #extent = ( sl.top_left[ 0 ], sl.bottom_right[ 0 ], sl.bottom_right[ 1 ], sl.top_left[ 1 ] )) fast_radon, fast_transp = fs.make_fourier_slice_radon_transp(counts) #pp.imshow( sino, cmap = 'gray_r', interpolation = 'nearest', #extent = ( sino.top_left[ 0 ], sino.bottom_right[ 0 ], sino.bottom_right[ 1 ], sino.top_left[ 1 ] )) return IMAGE, counts, dark, flat, fast_radon, fast_transp
def importSino(): sino = pr.image_read('egg_slice_1097.mat') #pp.imshow( sino, cmap = 'gray_r', interpolation = 'nearest', #extent = ( sl.top_left[ 0 ], sl.bottom_right[ 0 ], sl.bottom_right[ 1 ], sl.top_left[ 1 ] )) fast_radon, fast_transp = fs.make_fourier_slice_radon_transp(sino) #pp.imshow( sino, cmap = 'gray_r', interpolation = 'nearest', #extent = ( sino.top_left[ 0 ], sino.bottom_right[ 0 ], sino.bottom_right[ 1 ], sino.top_left[ 1 ] )) return sino, fast_radon, fast_transp
def importPhoto(): sl = pr.image_read('sl.mat') #pp.imshow( sl, cmap = 'gray_r', interpolation = 'nearest', #extent = ( sl.top_left[ 0 ], sl.bottom_right[ 0 ], sl.bottom_right[ 1 ], sl.top_left[ 1 ] )) sino = pr.image(np.zeros((1024, 1024)), top_left=(0, 1), bottom_right=(math.pi, -1)) fast_radon, fast_transp = fs.make_fourier_slice_radon_transp(sino) sino = fast_radon(sl) #pp.imshow( sino, cmap = 'gray_r', interpolation = 'nearest', #extent = ( sino.top_left[ 0 ], sino.bottom_right[ 0 ], sino.bottom_right[ 1 ], sino.top_left[ 1 ] )) return sino, fast_radon, fast_transp
def P_INTERP_PP(In1): #%===================================================================== #% This function performs interpolation from the Polar-Grid to the #% Pseudo-Polar domain for use in the adjoint. The interpolation is in #% two stages first along each ray to obtain non-equispaced points, then #% along each row to obtain non-equiangular rays on the concentric square #% grid. #% In - 2D-FFT on the Polar Grid (r, theta) #% Out- 2D-FFT on the Pseudo-Polar Grid (r, theta) #%===================================================================== if In1 is None: In1 = pr.image_read('TomoData/noisyphantom/nslcounts.mat',dtype=np.float32) OS1=1; OS2=1; K = np.shape(In1) In = In1 print('import done') N = min(np.shape(In)); #assuming square input # C. resampling the rays to the Pseudo-Polar locations F=In[:,0:N/2] Fout = np.zeros((OS2*N,N/2))*0j Xcor = np.arange(-2.0*np.pi,2.0*np.pi-np.pi/(N*OS2),2.0*np.pi/(N*OS2)) #these are the current locations Xcor1 = np.arange(-np.pi*1.0,np.pi-np.pi/(2*N*OS2),2.0*np.pi/(2.0*N*OS2)) print('initialization done') for k in range(1,N/2+1): Ray=np.transpose(F[:,k-1]) Factor=np.cos((k-N/4.0)*np.pi/(N)); # completion of current locations #f2 = interp1d(Xcor, Ray, kind='linear') f2 = CubicSpline(Xcor,Ray) Fout[:,k-1]=np.transpose(f2(Xcor1[0::2*OS2]/Factor)); # C. resampling the rays to the Pseudo-Polar locations G=In[:,N/2::]; Gout = np.zeros((N,N/2))*0j; Ycor = np.arange(-2.0*np.pi,2.0*np.pi-np.pi/(N*OS2),2.0*np.pi/(N*OS2)) #these are the current locations Ycor1 = np.arange(-np.pi*1.0,np.pi-np.pi/(2*N*OS2),2.0*np.pi/(2.0*N*OS2)) for k in range(1,N/2+1): Ray=G[:,k-1] Factor=np.cos((k-N/4.0 )*np.pi/(N)); # completion of current locations #f2 = interp1d(Xcor, Ray,kind='linear') f2 = CubicSpline(Ycor,Ray) Gout[:,k-1]=np.transpose(f2(Ycor1[0::2*OS2]/Factor)) # B. row/columnwise interpolation to obatain equi-distant slope Xcor1 = 2.0*np.pi/(N*OS2)*np.arange(-OS1*N/2.0,OS1*N/2.0-1,2)/OS1/N Xcor2 = 1.0*np.pi/(N*OS2)*np.tan(np.pi*np.arange(-N/2.0,N/2.0-1,2)/N/2.0) steps = range(-N/2*OS2,N/2*OS2) for ll in steps: Temp1=Fout[ll+OS2*N/2,:] if ll != 0: #f2 = interp1d(Xcor2*ll,Temp1,kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') if ll > 0: f2 = CubicSpline(Xcor2*ll,Temp1) Fout[ll+OS2*N/2,0:N/2]=f2(Xcor1*ll); else: f2 = CubicSpline(np.flip(Xcor2*ll,0),np.flip(Temp1,0)) Fout[ll+OS2*N/2,0:N/2]=f2(Xcor1*ll); else: Fout[ll+OS2*N/2,0:N/2]=Temp1[0::OS1]; # B. row/columnwise interpolation to obatain equi-distant slope Ycor1 = 2.0*np.pi/(N*OS2)*np.arange(-OS1*N/2.0,OS1*N/2.0-1,2)/OS1/N Ycor2 = 1.0*np.pi/(N*OS2)*np.tan(np.pi*np.arange(-N/2.0,N/2.0-1,2)/N/2.0) steps = range(-N/2*OS2,N/2*OS2) for ll in steps: Temp2=Gout[ll+OS2*N/2,:]; if ll !=0: #f2 = interp1d(Ycor2*ll,Temp1, kind='linear',fill_value='extrapolate') if ll > 0: f2 = CubicSpline(Ycor2*ll,Temp2) Gout[ll+OS2*N/2,0:N/2]= f2(Ycor1*ll) else: f2 = CubicSpline(np.flip(Ycor2*ll,0),np.flip(Temp2,0)) Gout[ll+OS2*N/2,0:N/2]=f2(Ycor1*ll); else: Gout[ll+OS2*N/2,0:N/2]= Temp2[0::OS1]; Out = np.concatenate(((Fout), Gout),1) return Out
import pyraft as pr import matplotlib.pyplot as pp import fourier_slice as fs import numpy as np import math # From Fullerton_Example # implementation of FISTA # uses actual data (seed data) yy = pr.image_read('counts.mat', dtype=np.float32) r = pr.image_read('dark.mat', dtype=np.float32) b = pr.image_read('flat.mat', dtype=np.float32) dim = 2048 # USE THIS TO CHANGE DIMENSIONS OF DATA sino = yy # given sinogram data fast_radon, fast_transp = fs.make_fourier_slice_radon_transp(sino) #pp.imshow(sino, interpolation = 'nearest', cmap = 'gray_r', extent = ( sino.top_left[ 0 ], sino.bottom_right[ 0 ], sino.bottom_right[ 1 ], sino.top_left[ 1 ] ) ) def gradient(xz): temp = (b * yy) / ( b + np.exp(fast_radon(xz)) * r) - b * np.exp(-fast_radon(xz)) return fast_transp(temp) told = 1 # initial t val data1 = sino # locate image
def pseudoimportSino(data_case): #You can custom import data by loading into directory and changing string #Sinogram must by NxN wher N is doubly even. It may be useful to develop #interpolation function in feature domain to create artificial oversampling #this way any data can be made NxN with N divisible by 4. if data_case ==0: sl = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/sl2.mat', dtype=np.float32) flat = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/slflat.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) dark = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/sldark.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) counts = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/slcount.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) elif data_case == 1: sl = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/sl2.mat', dtype=np.float32) flat = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/noisyphantom/nslflat.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) dark = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/noisyphantom/nsldark.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) counts = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/noisyphantom/nslcounts.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) elif data_case ==2: sl = pr.image(np.ones((1024,1024)), top_left =(-1,1), bottom_right = (1,-1)) flat = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/SeedData/flati.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) dark = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/SeedData/darki.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) counts = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/SeedData/countsi.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) else: print('not a valid data_case, you can insert custom data here') quit() #the lines below must always be performed regardless of data n,k = sl.shape #Form sino for interpolation step sino = np.log(flat/counts) #Pad Sino to eliminate need for extrapolation, oversample sino = PIPP.Pad2x(sino) print(np.max(sino)) #Convert to frequency domain fsino = np.fft.fftshift(sino, axes = 0) fsino = np.fft.fft( fsino, axis = 0 ) fsino = np.fft.fftshift(fsino) #Interpolate via 2 stage interpolation (reverse of averbuch et. al) fsino = PIPP.P_INTERP_PP(fsino) #Convert back to feature domain fsino = np.fft.fftshift(fsino ) fsino = np.fft.ifft( fsino, axis = 0 ) sino= (np.real(np.fft.ifftshift(fsino, axes=0))) sino= pr.image(np.concatenate((np.fliplr(np.flipud(sino[:,0:n])),np.fliplr(sino[:,n::])),1), top_left = (0,1), bottom_right = (np.pi,-1) ) print(np.min(counts)) #Reparse into counts,flat,dark counts = pr.image(flat/np.exp(sino), top_left = (0,1), bottom_right = (np.pi,-1) ) function = ppfs.make_fourier_slice_radon_transp fast_radon, fast_transp = function( sino ) return sl, sino, counts, dark, flat, fast_radon, fast_transp, function
def nonuimportSino(data_case): if data_case ==0: sl = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/sl.mat') flat = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/slflat.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) dark = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/sldark.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) counts = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/slcount.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) elif data_case ==1: sl = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/PhantomData/sl.mat') counts = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/noisyphantom/nslcounts.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) flat = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/noisyphantom/nslflat.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) dark = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/noisyphantom/nsldark.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) elif data_case ==2: sl = pr.image(np.ones((2048,2048)), top_left =(-1,1), bottom_right = (1,-1)) flat = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/SeedData/flati.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) dark = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/SeedData/darki.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) counts = pr.image_read( 'TomoData/SeedData/countsi.mat', dtype=np.float32 ) else: print('not a valid data_case, you can insert custom data here') quit() sino = pr.image(np.log(flat/counts), top_left = (0,1),bottom_right=(np.pi,-1)) function = fs.make_fourier_slice_radon_transp fast_radon, fast_transp = function( sino ) return sl, sino, counts, dark, flat, fast_radon, fast_transp, function