Ejemplo n.º 1
def _validate_minimum_fraction(min_frac):
    """Sanity check min fraction."""
    if min_frac is None:
        raise cf.ConfigException('Minimum fraction is None')

    if min_frac < 0.0 or min_frac > 1.0:
        raise ValueError("Minimum fraction setting must be >= 0.0 and <= 1.0 ")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _validate_search_win(refnx, refny, chipsize, head):
    """Sanity check X|Y steps."""
    if refnx is None:
        raise cf.ConfigException('refnx is None')

    max_width = (head.ncols - (chipsize - 1))
    if refnx < 1 or refnx > max_width:
        msg = "Invalid refnx setting, must be > 0 and <= %s"
        raise ValueError(msg % max_width)

    if refny is None:
        raise cf.ConfigException('refny is None')

    max_rows = (head.nrows - (chipsize - 1))
    if refny < 1 or refny > max_rows:
        msg = "Invalid refny setting, must be > 0 and <= %s"
        raise ValueError(msg % max_rows)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _validate_chipsize(chipsize, head):
    """Sanity check min chipsize."""
    if chipsize is None:
        raise cf.ConfigException('Chipsize is None')

    if chipsize < 3 or chipsize > head.ncols or (chipsize % 2 == 0):
        msg = "Chipsize setting must be >=3 and at least <= grid width"
        raise ValueError(msg)
    log.info('Chipsize validation successful')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(params=None):
    :param params: Parameters dictionary read in from the config file
    :return xxxx
    # TODO: looks like base_ifg_paths are ordered according to ifg list
    # This probably won't be a problem because input list won't be reordered
    # and the original gamma generated list is ordered) this may not affect
    # the important pyrate stuff anyway, but might affect gen_thumbs.py.
    # Going to assume base_ifg_paths is ordered correcly

    usage = 'Usage: pyrate prepifg <config_file>'
    if mpiops.size > 1:  # Over-ride input options if this is an MPI job
        params[cf.LUIGI] = False
        params[cf.PARALLEL] = False

    if params:
        base_ifg_paths = cf.original_ifg_paths(params[cf.IFG_FILE_LIST])
        use_luigi = params[cf.LUIGI]  # luigi or no luigi
        if use_luigi:
            raise cf.ConfigException('params can not be provided with luigi')
    else:  # if params not provided read from config file
        if (not params) and (len(sys.argv) < 3):
        base_ifg_paths, _, params = cf.get_ifg_paths(sys.argv[2])
        use_luigi = params[cf.LUIGI]  # luigi or no luigi
        raw_config_file = sys.argv[2]

    processor = params[cf.PROCESSOR]  # roipac or gamma
    if processor == GAMMA:  # Incidence/elevation only supported for GAMMA
        if params[cf.APS_INCIDENCE_MAP]:
        if params[cf.APS_ELEVATION_MAP]:

    if use_luigi:
        log.info("Running prepifg using luigi")
        luigi.build([PrepareInterferograms()], local_scheduler=True)
        process_base_ifgs_paths = \
            np.array_split(base_ifg_paths, mpiops.size)[mpiops.rank]
        if processor == ROIPAC:
            roipac_prepifg(process_base_ifgs_paths, params)
        elif processor == GAMMA:
            gamma_prepifg(process_base_ifgs_paths, params)
            raise prepifg.PreprocessError('Processor must be ROI_PAC (0) or '
                                          'GAMMA (1)')
    log.info("Finished prepifg")