Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_assert_two_trees_overlapping(self):
        overlapping = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17]

        ifgs_overlapping = [ifg for i, ifg in enumerate(self.ifgs) if (i + 1 in overlapping)]
        edges, is_tree, ntrees, _ = mst.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs_overlapping)
        self.assertEqual(2, ntrees)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_assert_two_trees_non_overlapping(self):
     non_overlapping = [2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 15]
     ifgs_non_overlapping = [
         ifg for i, ifg in enumerate(self.ifgs) if i + 1 in non_overlapping
     edges, is_tree, ntrees, _ = mst.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs_non_overlapping)
     self.assertEqual(2, ntrees)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _time_series_setup(ifgs, mst, params):
    Convenience function for setting up time series computation parameters
    if len(ifgs) < 1:
        msg = 'Time series requires 2+ interferograms'
        raise TimeSeriesError(msg)

    # if mst is not a single tree then do interpolation
    interp = 0 if mst_module.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs)[1] else 1

    # Parallel Processing parameters
    parallel = params[cf.PARALLEL]
    # Time Series parameters
    tsmethod = params[cf.TIME_SERIES_METHOD]

    pthresh, smfactor, smorder = _validate_params(params, tsmethod)

    epochlist = get_epochs(ifgs)[0]
    nrows = ifgs[0].nrows
    ncols = ifgs[0].ncols
    nifgs = len(ifgs)
    span = diff(epochlist.spans)
    nepoch = len(epochlist.dates)  # epoch number
    nvelpar = nepoch - 1  # velocity parameters number
    # nlap = nvelpar - smorder  # Laplacian observations number
    mast_slave_ids = master_slave_ids(epochlist.dates)
    imaster = [mast_slave_ids[ifg.master] for ifg in ifgs]
    islave = [mast_slave_ids[ifg.slave] for ifg in ifgs]
    imaster = min(imaster, islave)
    islave = max(imaster, islave)
    b0_mat = zeros((nifgs, nvelpar))
    for i in range(nifgs):
        b0_mat[i, imaster[i]:islave[i]] = span[imaster[i]:islave[i]]

    # change the sign if slave is earlier than master
    isign = where(np.atleast_1d(imaster) > np.atleast_1d(islave))
    b0_mat[isign[0], :] = -b0_mat[isign[0], :]
    tsvel_matrix = np.empty(shape=(nrows, ncols, nvelpar), dtype=float32)
    ifg_data = np.zeros((nifgs, nrows, ncols), dtype=float32)
    for ifg_num in range(nifgs):
        ifg_data[ifg_num] = ifgs[ifg_num].phase_data
    if mst is None:
        mst = ~isnan(ifg_data)
    return b0_mat, interp, pthresh, smfactor, smorder, tsmethod, ifg_data, \
        mst, ncols, nrows, nvelpar, parallel, span, tsvel_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_default_mst(self):
        # default MST from full set of Ifgs shouldn't drop any nodes
        ifgs = small5_mock_ifgs()
        dates = [(i.master, i.slave) for i in ifgs]

        res = mst.mst_from_ifgs(ifgs)[0]
        num_edges = len(res)
        self.assertEqual(num_edges, len(ifgs))

        # test edges, note node order can be reversed
        for edge in res:
            self.assertTrue(edge in dates or (edge[1], edge[0]) in dates)

        # check all nodes exist in this default tree
        mst_dates = set(res)
        mst_dates = list(sum(mst_dates, ()))
        for i in ifgs:
            for node in (i.master, i.slave):
                self.assertIn(node, mst_dates)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def network_orbital_correction(ifg_paths,
                               m_ifgs: Optional[List] = None):
    This algorithm implements a network inversion to determine orbital
    corrections for a set of interferograms forming a connected network.

    Warning: This will write orbital error corrected phase_data to the ifgs.

    :param list ifg_paths: List of Ifg class objects reduced to a minimum spanning
        tree network
    :param str degree: model to fit (PLANAR / QUADRATIC / PART_CUBIC)
    :param bool offset: True to calculate the model using offsets
    :param dict params: dictionary of configuration parameters
    :param list m_ifgs: list of multilooked Ifg class objects
        (sequence must be multilooked versions of 'ifgs' arg)
    :param dict preread_ifgs: Dictionary containing information specifically
        for MPI jobs (optional)

    :return: None - interferogram phase data is updated and saved to disk
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-arguments
    offset = params[cf.ORBFIT_OFFSET]
    degree = params[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_DEGREE]
    preread_ifgs = params[cf.PREREAD_IFGS]
    # all orbit corrections available?
    if isinstance(ifg_paths[0], str):
        if __check_and_apply_orberrors_found_on_disc(ifg_paths, params):
            log.warning("Reusing orbfit errors from previous run!!!")
        # all corrections are available in numpy files already saved - return
        ifgs = [shared.Ifg(i) for i in ifg_paths]
    else:  # alternate test paths # TODO: improve
        ifgs = ifg_paths

    src_ifgs = ifgs if m_ifgs is None else m_ifgs
    src_ifgs = mst.mst_from_ifgs(src_ifgs)[3]  # use networkx mst

    vphase = vstack([i.phase_data.reshape((i.num_cells, 1)) for i in src_ifgs])
    vphase = squeeze(vphase)

    B = get_network_design_matrix(src_ifgs, degree, offset)

    # filter NaNs out before getting model
    B = B[~isnan(vphase)]
    orbparams = dot(pinv(B, 1e-6), vphase[~isnan(vphase)])

    ncoef = _get_num_params(degree)
    if preread_ifgs:
        temp_ifgs = OrderedDict(sorted(preread_ifgs.items())).values()
        ids = first_second_ids(get_all_epochs(temp_ifgs))
        ids = first_second_ids(get_all_epochs(ifgs))
    coefs = [
        orbparams[i:i + ncoef] for i in range(0,
                                              len(set(ids)) * ncoef, ncoef)

    # create full res DM to expand determined coefficients into full res
    # orbital correction (eg. expand coarser model to full size)

    if preread_ifgs:
        temp_ifg = Ifg(ifg_paths[0])  # ifgs here are paths
        dm = get_design_matrix(temp_ifg, degree, offset=False)
        ifg = ifgs[0]
        dm = get_design_matrix(ifg, degree, offset=False)

    for i in ifg_paths:
        # open if not Ifg instance
        if isinstance(i, str):  # pragma: no cover
            # are paths
            i = Ifg(i)
            shared.nan_and_mm_convert(i, params)
        _remove_network_orb_error(coefs, dm, i, ids, offset, params)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def network_orbital_correction(ifg_paths,
                               m_ifgs: Optional[List] = None):
    This algorithm implements a network inversion to determine orbital
    corrections for a set of interferograms forming a connected network.

    Warning: This will write orbital error corrected phase_data to the ifgs.

    :param list ifg_paths: List of Ifg class objects reduced to a minimum spanning tree network
    :param dict params: dictionary of configuration parameters
    :param list m_ifgs: list of multilooked Ifg class objects (sequence must be multilooked versions of 'ifgs' arg)

    :return: None - interferogram phase data is updated and saved to disk
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-arguments
    offset = params[C.ORBFIT_OFFSET]
    degree = params[C.ORBITAL_FIT_DEGREE]
    preread_ifgs = params[C.PREREAD_IFGS]
    intercept = params[C.ORBFIT_INTERCEPT]
    scale = params[C.ORBFIT_SCALE]

    # all orbit corrections available?
    if isinstance(ifg_paths[0], str):
        if __check_and_apply_orberrors_found_on_disc(ifg_paths, params):
            log.warning("Reusing orbfit errors from previous run!!!")
        # all corrections are available in numpy files already saved - return
        ifgs = [shared.Ifg(i) for i in ifg_paths]
    else:  # alternate test paths # TODO: improve
        ifgs = ifg_paths
    src_ifgs = ifgs if m_ifgs is None else m_ifgs
    src_ifgs = mst.mst_from_ifgs(src_ifgs)[3]  # use networkx mst

    if preread_ifgs:
        temp_ifgs = OrderedDict(sorted(preread_ifgs.items())).values()
        ids = first_second_ids(get_all_epochs(temp_ifgs))
        ids = first_second_ids(get_all_epochs(ifgs))

    nepochs = len(set(ids))

    # call the actual inversion routine
    coefs = calc_network_orb_correction(src_ifgs,

    # create full res DM to expand determined coefficients into full res
    # orbital correction (eg. expand coarser model to full size)
    if preread_ifgs:
        temp_ifg = Ifg(ifg_paths[0])  # ifgs here are paths
        dm = get_design_matrix(temp_ifg,
        ifg = ifgs[0]
        dm = get_design_matrix(ifg, degree, intercept=intercept, scale=scale)

    for i in ifg_paths:
        # open if not Ifg instance
        if isinstance(i, str):  # pragma: no cover
            # are paths
            i = Ifg(i)
            shared.nan_and_mm_convert(i, params)
        _remove_network_orb_error(coefs, dm, i, ids, offset, params)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_small_data_tree(self):