def gen_color_file(input_file): fp, temp_file = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt') dem = DEM(input_file) phase_data = dem.height_band.ReadAsArray() max_ph = np.nanmax(phase_data) min_ph = np.nanmin(phase_data) range_ph = max_ph-min_ph colors = ['black', 'blue', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'white'] with open(temp_file, 'w') as f: for i, c in enumerate(colors[:-1]): f.write(str(int(min_ph + (i + 1)*range_ph/len(colors))) + ' ' + c + '\n') f.write(str(int(max_ph - range_ph/len(colors))) + ' ' + colors[-1] + '\n') os.close(fp) return temp_file
def dem_or_ifg(data_path): """ Whether tif is a dem or an interferogram :param: data_path: xxxxx :return xxxx """ ds = gdal.Open(data_path) md = ds.GetMetadata() if 'DATE' in md: # ifg return Ifg(data_path) else: return DEM(data_path)
def dem_or_ifg(data_path): """ Returns an Ifg or DEM class object from input geotiff file. :param str data_path: file path name :return: Interferogram or DEM object from input file :rtype: Ifg or DEM class object """ ds = gdal.Open(data_path) md = ds.GetMetadata() if 'DATE' in md: # ifg return Ifg(data_path) else: return DEM(data_path)
def parse(self, string): """ override of :py:meth:`DictParam.parse`. """ dct = super(RasterParam, self).parse(string) raster_type = dct['type'] path = dct['path'] if raster_type == 'DEM': return DEM(path) elif raster_type == 'Ifg': return Ifg(path) elif raster_type == 'Incidence': return Incidence(path) else: # pragma: no cover raise luigi.parameter.UnknownParameterException( 'rasterBase must be an inscance DEM, ' 'Ifg or Incidence is valid')
def test_output_datatype(self): """Test resampling method using a scaling factor of 4""" scale = 4 # assumes square cells self.ifgs.append(DEM(SML_TEST_DEM_TIF)) self.ifg_paths = [i.data_path for i in self.ifgs] + [SML_TEST_DEM_TIF] cext = self._custom_extents_tuple() xlooks = ylooks = scale prepare_ifgs(self.ifg_paths, CUSTOM_CROP, xlooks, ylooks, thresh=1.0, user_exts=cext) for i in self.ifg_paths: mlooked_ifg = mlooked_path(i, xlooks, CUSTOM_CROP) ds1 = DEM(mlooked_ifg) ds2 = DEM(i) self.assertEqual( ds1.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType, ds2.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) ds1 = ds2 = None
class DEMTests(unittest.TestCase): 'Unit tests to verify operations on GeoTIFF format DEMs' def setUp(self): self.ras = DEM(SML_TEST_DEM_TIF) def test_create_raster(self): # validate header path self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.ras.data_path)) def test_headers_as_attr(self): attrs = ['ncols', 'nrows', 'x_first', 'x_step', 'y_first', 'y_step' ] # TODO: are 'projection' and 'datum' attrs needed? for a in attrs: self.assertTrue(getattr(self.ras, a) is not None) def test_is_dem(self): self.ras = DEM(join(SML_TEST_TIF, 'geo_060619-061002_unw.tif')) self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.ras, 'datum')) def test_open(self): self.assertTrue(self.ras.dataset is None) self.assertTrue(self.ras.dataset is not None) self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.ras.dataset, Dataset)) # ensure open cannot be called twice self.assertRaises(RasterException, def test_band(self): # test accessing bands with open and unopened datasets try: _ = self.ras.height_band"Should not be able to access band without open dataset") except RasterException: pass data = self.ras.height_band.ReadAsArray() self.assertEqual(data.shape, (72, 47))
def test_is_dem(self): self.ras = DEM(join(SML_TEST_TIF, 'geo_060619-061002_unw.tif')) self.assertFalse(hasattr(self.ras, 'datum'))
def setUp(self): self.ras = DEM(SML_TEST_DEM_TIF)
def test_multilook(self): """Test resampling method using a scaling factor of 4""" scale = 4 # assumes square cells self.ifgs.append(DEM(SML_TEST_DEM_TIF)) self.ifg_paths = [i.data_path for i in self.ifgs] cext = self._custom_extents_tuple() xlooks = ylooks = scale prepare_ifgs(self.ifg_paths, CUSTOM_CROP, xlooks, ylooks, thresh=1.0, user_exts=cext) for n, ipath in enumerate([self.exp_files[3], self.exp_files[7]]): i = Ifg(ipath) self.assertEqual(i.dataset.RasterXSize, 20 / scale) self.assertEqual(i.dataset.RasterYSize, 28 / scale) # verify resampling path = join(PREP_TEST_TIF, "%s.tif" % n) ds = gdal.Open(path) src_data = ds.GetRasterBand(2).ReadAsArray() exp_resample = multilooking(src_data, scale, scale, thresh=0) self.assertEqual(exp_resample.shape, (7, 5)) assert_array_almost_equal(exp_resample, i.phase_band.ReadAsArray()) ds = None i.close() os.remove(ipath) # verify DEM has been correctly processed # ignore output values as resampling has already been tested for phase exp_dem_path = join(SML_TEST_DEM_DIR, 'roipac_test_trimmed_4rlks_3cr.tif') self.assertTrue(exists(exp_dem_path)) orignal_dem = DEM(SML_TEST_DEM_TIF) dem_dtype = orignal_dem.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType orignal_dem.close() dem = DEM(exp_dem_path) # test multilooked dem is of the same datatype as the original dem tif self.assertEqual(dem_dtype, dem.dataset.GetRasterBand(1).DataType) self.assertEqual(dem.dataset.RasterXSize, 20 / scale) self.assertEqual(dem.dataset.RasterYSize, 28 / scale) data = dem.height_band.ReadAsArray() self.assertTrue(data.ptp() != 0) # close ifgs dem.close() for i in self.ifgs: i.close() os.remove(exp_dem_path)