Ejemplo n.º 1
class MyBot:
    def __init__(self):
        # You can set log_communication to False to disable logging.
        self.slow = False
        self.last = 0
        self.bot = IRCBot(log_communication=True)

    def start(self):

    async def start_async(self):
        await self.bot.connect("irc.supernets.org", 6667)
        await self.bot.register(NICK)
        await self.bot.join(CHAN)
        await self.bot.privmsg(CHAN, "A wild dewgong has appeared!")
        self.bot.schedule_coroutine(self.auto_time_loop(60 * 30))
        await self.bot.listen()

    async def on_privmsg(self, sender, channel, message):
        if time.time() - self.last < 3:
            if not self.slow:
                self.slow = True
                self.bot.privmsg(channel, sender + ":SLOW DOWN NERD")
                self.last = time.time()
            self.slow = False
            if message == "!kush":
                self.bot.privmsg(channel, "kush")
                self.last = time.time()

#                if message == "!time":
#                    cmd_time = str(datetime.utcnow())
#                    if channel is None:
#                        self.bot.privmsg(sender, cmd_time)
#                    else:
#                        self.bot.privmsg(channel, sender + ": " + cmd_time)
#                return
# Join the specified channel (channel ops only).
#        if message.startswith("!join ") and channel is not None:
#            # User must be an operator.
#            if not self.bot.users[channel][sender].has_prefix("@"):
#                return
#            try:
#                new_channel = message.split()[1]
#            except IndexError:
#                return
#            if new_channel in self.bot.channels:
#                response = "{}: Already in {}".format(sender, new_channel)
#                self.bot.privmsg(channel, response)
#                return
#            result = await self.bot.join(new_channel)
#            self.bot.privmsg(channel, "{}: {} {}.".format(
#                sender, "Joined" if result.success else "Could not join",
#                new_channel,
#            ))

    async def auto_time_loop(self, interval):
        # Say the time at specified intervals.
        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(interval)
            time = str(datetime.utcnow())
            for channel in self.bot.channels:
                self.bot.privmsg(channel, "DEWGONG GONG GONG")
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Nimbot:
    def __init__(self, check_id, force_id, channel, **kwargs):
        self.bot = IRCBot(**kwargs)

        self.channel = channel
        self.check_id = check_id or force_id
        self.force_id = force_id
        if check_id or force_id:
            self.bot.track_known_id_statuses = True

        self.msg_index = 0
        self.mail_users = mentions.MailUserDict()

        # If more than this number of messages are after
        # a given message, the message is considered old.
        self.old_message = 50
        # If fewer than this number of messages are after
        # a given message, the message is considered new.
        self.new_message = 40


    def deliver(self, nickname, mentions):
        for mention in mentions:
            message = "[{}] <{}> {}".format(
                naturaltime(mention.time), mention.sender, mention.message)
            if mention.private:
                message = "[private] " + message
            self.bot.privmsg(nickname, message)
            log("[deliver -> {}] {}".format(nickname, message))

    def on_cmd_help(self, user, message):
        response = HELP_MESSAGE.format(
            self.bot.nickname, "enabled" if user.enabled else "disabled",
        for line in response:
            self.bot.privmsg(user, line)

    def on_cmd_check(self, user, message):
        if user.mentions:
            self.deliver(user, user.mentions)
        elif user.enabled:
            self.bot.privmsg(user, "No new mail.")
                user, "No new mail. (Note: %s is disabled.)"
                % self.bot.nickname,

    def on_cmd_clear(self, user, message):
        self.bot.privmsg(user, "Mail cleared.")

    def on_cmd_enable(self, user, message):
        user.enabled = True
        self.bot.privmsg(user, "%s enabled." % self.bot.nickname)

    def on_cmd_disable(self, user, message):
        user.enabled = False
            user, "%s disabled. You'll still receive messages sent to you "
            "when you're offline." % self.bot.nickname,

    def on_cmd_send(self, user, message):
        args = message.split(None, 1)
        if len(args) < 2:
            self.on_cmd_other(user, message)
        target, msg = args
        if target not in self.mail_users:
                user, "You can send private messages only to users "
                "%s is aware of." % self.bot.nickname,
        elif target in self.bot.users[self.channel]:
                user, "%s is online. Send them a regular "
                "private message." % target,
            target_user = self.mail_users[target]
                msg, user, target_user, 0, datetime.now(), private=True))
            self.bot.privmsg(user, "Message sent.")

    def on_cmd_enabled(self, user, message):
        if " " in message:
            self.on_cmd_other(user, message)
        if not message:
            state = "enabled" if user.enabled else "disabled"
                user, "You have %s %s." % (self.bot.nickname, state))
        target = message
        if target not in self.mail_users:
                user, "%s is not aware of that user." % self.bot.nickname)
        target_user = self.mail_users[target]
        state = "enabled" if target_user.enabled else "disabled"
            user, "%s has %s %s." % (target, self.bot.nickname, state))

    def on_cmd_other(self, user, message):
        self.bot.privmsg(user, 'Type "help" for help.')

    async def on_privmsg(self, sender, channel, message):
        if channel is None:
            await self.on_query(sender, message)
        sender_user = self.mail_users[sender]
        self.msg_index += 1
        log("[{}] <{}> {}".format(channel, sender, message))

        mentioned_users = list(filter(None, (
            self.mail_users.get(n.strip(":,")) for n in
            re.match(r"([^:, ]+[:,] +)*", message).group(0).split())))

        for user in mentioned_users:
            if user.enabled and user != sender_user:
                    message, sender_user, user, self.msg_index,

        if mentioned_users:
            log("[mentioned] %s" % ", ".join(map(str, mentioned_users)))
        if not sender_user.enabled and sender in self.bot.users[self.channel]:

        identified = await self.identify_user(sender)
        mentions = []
        keep_mentions = []

        for mention in sender_user.mentions:
            access_allowed = identified or (
                not mention.private and
                mention.index > sender_user.identified_below)
            is_old = self.msg_index - mention.index > self.old_message
            has_reply = mention.sender in mentioned_users
            new_msg_exists = any(
                self.msg_index - m.index < self.new_message and
                m.sender == mention.sender for m in sender_user.mentions)
            if not access_allowed:
            elif is_old and (not has_reply or new_msg_exists):

        self.deliver(sender, mentions)
        sender_user.mentions = keep_mentions

    async def on_query(self, sender, message):
        log("[query] <{}> {}".format(sender, message))
        if sender not in self.mail_users:
                sender, "Please join the channel monitored by %s."
                % self.bot.nickname)
        identified = await self.identify_user(sender, communicate=True)
        if not identified:
        mail_user = self.mail_users[sender]
        mail_user.save = True

        command, message, *_ = message.split(None, 1) + ["", ""]
        event_id = ("query_command", command)
        if not self.bot.any_event_handlers(Event, event_id):
            event_id = ("query_command", "other")
        await self.bot.call(Event, event_id, mail_user, message)

    async def on_join(self, sender, channel):
        if sender == self.bot.nickname:
            for nickname in self.bot.users[channel]:
                if nickname != self.bot.nickname:
        await self.identify_user(sender)
        if not self.check_id:
            self.on_id_status_known(sender, Status.logged_in)

    async def on_nick(self, old_nickname, new_nickname):
        if new_nickname == self.bot.nickname:
        old_user = self.mail_users[old_nickname]
        if new_nickname not in self.mail_users:
            new_user = self.mail_users[new_nickname]
            new_user.enabled = old_user.enabled
        await self.identify_user(new_nickname)
        if not self.check_id:
            self.on_id_status_known(new_nickname, Status.logged_in)

    async def identify_user(self, nickname, communicate=False):
        def privmsg(*args, **kwargs):
            if not communicate:
            return self.bot.privmsg(*args, **kwargs)

        if not self.check_id:
            return True
        if not self.bot.is_id_status_synced(nickname):
            msg = "Checking your account; please wait..."
            if nickname not in self.bot.users[self.channel]:
                msg += " (Join the channel monitored by %s to prevent this.)"
                msg %= self.bot.nickname
            privmsg(nickname, msg)

        result = await self.bot.get_id_status(nickname)
        if not result.success:
            privmsg(nickname, "Error: Could not check your account.")
            return False

        id_status = result.value
        if id_status == Status.logged_in:
            return True
        if id_status != Status.no_account or self.force_id:
            privmsg(nickname, "Please log in with NickServ.")
            return False
        if self.bot.is_id_status_synced(nickname):
            return True
        if self.bot.is_tracking_known_id_statuses:
            privmsg(nickname, (
                "Please either join the channel monitored by %s, "
                "or log in with NickServ." % self.bot.nickname))
            return False
        privmsg(nickname, "Please log in with NickServ.")
        return False

    def on_id_status_known(self, nickname, status):
        user = self.mail_users[nickname]
        user.identified_below = self.msg_index
        if user.enabled and self.identified_with_status(status):
            self.deliver(user, user.mentions)

    def identified_with_status(self, status):
        if not self.check_id:
            return True
        if status == Status.logged_in:
            return True
        if status == Status.no_account and not self.force_id:
            return True
        return False

    def serialize_users(self):
        users = (u for u in self.mail_users.values() if u.save)
        for user in users:
            yield user.to_string()

    def serialize_mentions(self):
        users = (u for u in self.mail_users.values() if u.save)
        mentions = (m for u in users for m in u.mentions)
        for mention in mentions:
            offset = 0 if mention.private else self.msg_index
            yield mention.to_string(offset)

    def save_users(self):
        with open(USERS_PATH, "w") as f:
            print("# <nickname> <enabled (True/False)>", file=f)
            for line in self.serialize_users():
                print(line, file=f)

    def save_mentions(self):
        with open(MENTIONS_PATH, "w") as f:
            for line in self.serialize_mentions():
                print(line, file=f)

    def read_users(self):
        if not os.path.isfile(USERS_PATH):
        with open(USERS_PATH) as f:
            for line in f:
                if not line.startswith("#"):
                    user = MailUser.from_string(line.rstrip())
                    self.mail_users[user.nickname] = user

    def read_mentions(self):
        if not os.path.isfile(MENTIONS_PATH):
        with open(MENTIONS_PATH) as f:
            for line in f:
                mention = Mention.from_string(line, self.mail_users)

    async def command_loop(self):
        while True:
                command = await astdio.input()
            except EOFError:
            text = "Commands: users, mentions"
            if command == "users":
                text = "\n".join((
                    "<nickname> <enabled>",
            elif command == "mentions":
                text = "\n".join((
                    "<date> <offset> <private> <sender> <target> <message>",
            await stderr_async(text)

    async def start_async(self, hostname, port, ssl, nickname, password):
        await self.bot.connect(hostname, port, ssl=ssl)
        await self.bot.register(nickname, password=password)
        if self.check_id:
            if not self.bot.is_tracking_known_id_statuses:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "The IRC server must support account-notify "
                    "when using --check-id and --force-id.",
        await self.bot.listen()

    def start(self, hostname, port, ssl, nickname, password):
            self.start_async(hostname, port, ssl, nickname, password),