Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_pham_pos_weight(get_covmats):
    # Test that weight must be strictly positive
    n_trials, n_channels, w_val = 5, 3, 2
    covmats = get_covmats(n_trials, n_channels)
    w = w_val * np.ones(n_trials)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # not strictly positive weight
        w[0] = 0
        ajd_pham(covmats, sample_weight=w)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_pham(get_covmats):
    """Test pham's ajd"""
    n_trials, n_channels, w_val = 5, 3, 2
    covmats = get_covmats(n_trials, n_channels)
    V, D = ajd_pham(covmats)
    assert V.shape == (n_channels, n_channels)
    assert D.shape == (n_trials, n_channels, n_channels)

    Vw, Dw = ajd_pham(covmats, sample_weight=w_val * np.ones(n_trials))
    assert_array_equal(V, Vw)  # same result as ajd_pham without weight
    assert_array_equal(D, Dw)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_pham_zero_weight(get_covmats):
    # now test that setting one weight to almost zero it's almost
    # like not passing the matrix
    n_trials, n_channels, w_val = 5, 3, 2
    covmats = get_covmats(n_trials, n_channels)
    w = w_val * np.ones(n_trials)
    V, D = ajd_pham(covmats[1:], sample_weight=w[1:])
    w[0] = 1e-12

    Vw, Dw = ajd_pham(covmats, sample_weight=w)
    assert V == approx(Vw, rel=1e-4, abs=1e-8)
    assert D == approx(Dw[1:], rel=1e-4, abs=1e-8)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_pham():
    """Test pham's ajd"""
    Nt = 100
    covmats, diags, A = generate_cov(Nt, 3)
    V, D = ajd_pham(covmats)

    w = 5 * np.ones(Nt)
    Vw, Dw = ajd_pham(covmats, sample_weight=w)
    assert_array_equal(V, Vw)  # same result as ajd_pham without weight
    assert_array_equal(D, Dw)

    # Test that weight must be strictly positive
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # not strictly positive weight
        w[0] = 0
        ajd_pham(covmats, sample_weight=w)

    # now test that setting one weight to almost zero it's almost
    # like not passing the matrix
    V, D = ajd_pham(covmats[1:])
    w[0] = 1e-12

    Vw, Dw = ajd_pham(covmats, sample_weight=w)
    assert_allclose(V, Vw, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
    assert_allclose(D, Dw[1:], rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-8)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_pham():
    """Test pham's ajd"""
    covmats, diags, A = generate_cov(100, 3)
    V, D = ajd_pham(covmats)